MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS Sixty-eighth Session July 2, 1995 The Committee on Ways and Means was called to order at 10:02 a.m., on Sunday, July 2, 1995, Chairman John Marvel, presiding in Room 352 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Morse Arberry, Jr., Chairman Mr. John W. Marvel, Chairman Mrs. Jan Evans, Vice Chairman Ms. Sandra Tiffany, Vice Chairman Mrs. Maureen E. Brower Mrs. Vonne Chowning Mr. Jack D. Close Mr. Joseph E. Dini, Jr. Mr. Lynn Hettrick Mr. Bob Price Mr. Larry L. Spitler COMMITTEE MEMBERS EXCUSED: Mr. Thomas A. Fettic STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Mark Stevens, Fiscal Analyst Mr. Gary Ghiggeri, Deputy Fiscal Analyst Chairman Marvel opened the meeting by asking for a moment of silence in memory of Mr. Fettic's mother. The committee and the audience complied. ********** SENATE BILL 204 Makes appropriation to department of education for development of statewide system of reports and analyses of information concerning pupils. Ms. Tiffany discussed the changing of the original definition for the proposed data processing system, which was intended to produce the data reports and data analysis for accountability and pupil information. After review by the Senate Finance Committee, the bill was intended to provide for the network and teleconferencing end of K-12. This is the education part versus the financial or data part of the system. Ms. Tiffany indicated she discussed this issue with Senator Rawson and together with Jan Needham it was decided to leave Internet and teleconferencing in and include the data reports, accountability and the analysis. The amount necessary for K-12 would need to be increased from $3 million to $5 million. Overall a total of $5 million was recommended for higher education for network and distance learning functions and $5 million for K-12 with the two functionalities included. Ms. Evans asked if Ms. Tiffany could handle the bill on the floor due to her expertise to avert confusion and misinformation. Chairman Marvel announced Ms. Tiffany would handle the bill on the floor and offer the amendment. Mr. Arberry asked if the amendment would be returned quickly. Ms. Tiffany said the change was simple. Chairman Marvel noted the amendment had been ordered. Mr. Dini asked if there was justification for increasing the fiscal note by $2 million. Ms. Tiffany said the bill originally provided $11.2 million for the "Smart" system. She described how the information on the system was obtained. Ms. Tiffany did not feel there was enough money to completely implement the "Smart" system but was a first step until the next biennium could provide additional funding. Mr. Marvel suggested a letter of intent stating the funds could not be used for ongoing personnel related expenses by higher education or K-12. The money must be used as designated for one time costs. Ms. Tiffany discussed a report done by Jeanne Botts, Fiscal Division, outlining the specifics of the details, processes and procedures. She suggested including it with the letter of intent. Mr. Marvel stated the letter should go to both K-12 and the university system. ********* SENATE BILL 210 Makes appropriation to department of human resources to finance state's share of business process re-engineering for certain division of department. Mr. Mark Stevens stated S.B. 210 would be referred to the Ways and Means Committee this morning. There were discussions the money should be reserved and released by the Interim Finance Committee once a plan on how the funds will be utilized is finalized. This bill could be used as a vehicle to add other BPR's into the budget. The Senate Finance Committee added the $350,000 required to do the Business and Industry BPR. The Assembly Ways and Means Committee also recommended $250,000, potentially from federal funding, to do a BPR for public safety and prisons. This amount was not included in S.B. 210 and it has been determined that federal funds are not available. The BPR will need to be done with state general funds. There is a strong feeling among some committee members the public safety and prisons BPR should be done. Mr. Stevens stated an amendment had been drawn up to add $250,000 in general funds for the BPR for public safety and prisons. Chairman Marvel stated the committee's intent was to offer the amendment. Ms. Tiffany said the desire was to have the data centers communicating with each other and to be able to share data for criminal justice. She wondered if the data center at the Attorney General's office was necessary. An interface between the Department of Motor Vehicles, Public Safety and Prisons seemed to be what was necessary. Mr. Stevens stated the amendment could be changed if necessary. The amendment appropriates the funds to the Department of Administration to coordinate the effort. Ms. Tiffany agreed the Department of Administration was the perfect choice as the oversight agency. She suggested removing the data center in the Attorney General's office. Mr. Dini advised the committee to avoid an amendment if possible. A discussion ensued about whether the amendment was needed and why the attorney general's office was included. Mr. Stevens guessed the attorney general's office was included because they are heavily involved in prison litigation and are members of the prison board. Ms. Tiffany asked if there was anything which precluded the attorney general's office from accessing criminal record information. Mr. Gary Ghiggeri stated the attorney general's office was involved in litigation and criminal complaints filed against inmates in the Department of Prisons. MS. TIFFANY MOVED TO AMEND AND DO PASS S.B. 210. MS. BROWER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. MR. FETTIC, MRS. EVANS, MS. GIUNCHIGLIANI, MR. ALLARD AND MR. CLOSE WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. ********* SENATE BILL 405 Provides for the establishment of family resource centers in certain neighborhoods to provide and administer social services. Mr. Stevens stated S.B. 405 would be coming to the committee. The bill involved monies in the Executive Budget providing for $1,130,000 for family resource centers. Chairman Marvel discussed the possibility of a committee meeting on the floor to deal with the bill. SENATE BILL 581 - Makes appropriation to Gerlach General Improvement district for expenses relating to replacement of water tank. Mr. Stevens stated S.B. 581 provided $91,000 for a water tank at Gerlach and $75,000 a year ($150,000 total) for an at risk pre school program in Washoe County contained in Section 3. He noted the language concerning the pre school had been taken from A.B. 639. Senator Bernice Mathews, Senate District 1, discussed the need for the water tank at Gerlach. She explained the Health Department had condemned the water supply and due to the small tax base, no money exists to facilitate repairs. A tank has been secured but funding is required to hook it up. Chairman Marvel asked for a motion to amend the second portion of the bill out. MR. DINI MOVED TO AMEND OUT SECTION 3 OF S.B. 581 AND DO PASS. MS. BROWER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION PASSED. MR. FETTIC, MS. TIFFANY, MR. PRICE, MS. GIUNCHIGLIANI, MR. ALLARD AND MR. CLOSE WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. Mr. Stevens discussed concur/not concur notices on a number of bills, those being A.B. 210, which was still being discussed, A.B. 224, the $34,000,000 "one shot" appropriation for K-12, which had been amended by the Senate, A.B. 303, the occupational education bill, and A.B. 228, a "one shot" appropriation for the Governor's security equipment. Mr. Stevens stated A.B. 228 was the vehicle used by the Senate Finance Committee to place the appropriation for the climatologist which was not included in the Appropriations Act. Chairman Marvel asked for reconsideration on S.B. 210. He explained the Senate Finance Committee would not concur in the Assembly amendment and the risk would be to have the bill vetoed. Mr. Ghiggeri discussed the amendment to S.B. 210 which deals with the BPR. He had spoken to the Attorney General on the issue regarding the question of whether the Attorney General's office should be included with the public safety portion. The Attorney General indicated her office routinely conducts fraud investigations, investigations on missing children, telemarketing as well as prison inmate prosecution. She endorsed her office being included in the BPR process for data center linkage. Chairman Marvel suggested leaving the amendment alone. Chairman Marvel announced the committee would be in recess subject to the call of the chairs. He declared it had been a pleasure working with all involved this session. Appreciation was expressed for the hard work done by the staff. Chairman Marvel stated he had enjoyed working with Chairman Arberry. Assemblyman Spitler thanked Janet Johnson for her assistance. Assemblyman Evans requested the fiscal staff come to the chambers for a moment of recognition. The committee recessed at 10:28 a.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ___________________________ Barbara Prudic Committee Secretary Assembly Committee on Ways and Means July 2, 1995 Page