MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS Sixty-eighth Session April 13, 1995 The Committee on Ways and Means was called to order at 4:38 p.m., on Thursday, April 13, 1995, Chairman Marvel presiding, in Room 352 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John W. Marvel, Chairman Mrs. Jan Evans, Vice Chairman Ms. Sandra Tiffany, Vice Chairman Mr. Dennis L. Allard Mrs. Maureen E. Brower Mrs. Vonne Chowning Mr. Jack D. Close Mr. Joseph E. Dini, Jr. Mr. Thomas A. Fettic Ms. Chris Giunchigliani Mr. Lynn Hettrick Mr. Bob Price Mr. Larry L. Spitler COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Morse Arberry, Jr., Chairman (Excused) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Mark Stevens, Fiscal Analyst Mr. Gary Ghiggeri, Deputy Fiscal Analyst Mr. Larry Peri, Program Analyst BUDGET CLOSINGS PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM - PAGE 2043 Chairman Marvel asked Mr. Mark Stevens, Fiscal Analyst, to provide the committee with a brief overview of this account. Mr. Stevens explained recommended adjustments to the Executive Budget. He stated changes had been made to the Attorney General's cost allocation and the statewide cost allocation in conjunction with the Budget Division's revised figures. In addition, the budget would be increased $10,000 in the first year of the biennium and $14,000 in the second year to cover increases in the cost of the contract with the system's actuary. Mr. Stevens said the agency had requested an additional Auditor II position subsequent to submittal of the Executive Budget. He recommended adding the position and attendant personnel, training, and travel costs to the budget. Mr. Stevens recommended deleting approximately $4,500 in out-of-state travel expense each year. He explained the Governor had recommended funding travel for the members of the Retirement Board and the Police Fire Advisory Committee to travel to a national conference. Fiscal staff recommended eliminating funding for travel for two of the five members. Traditionally only three members have attended the national conference. Mr. Stevens noted the committee had received additional information regarding a position reclassification and unclassified pay increases requested for the Operations Office and Operations Officer. Mr. Stevens added the agency had requested additional funding for out-of-state travel expense so all seven members of the Retirement Board could attend a national education conference. Mr. Fettic disclosed for the record he receives benefits from the Public Employees Retirement System, but he would vote on this budget account since he derived no personal benefit from it. Mrs. Brower inquired about the unclassified salary increases. Mr. Stevens answered fiscal staff had recommended no action on the unclassified salary increases or the position reclassification included in the Executive Budget. The Governor recommended an 8.5 percent increase in the first year of the biennium and a 5.5 percent increase in the second year for the Operations Officer and a 6 percent increase in the first year and 3 percent increase in the second year for the Investment Officer. He noted the committee could take action on those items if it chose. He explained the Retirement Board made the recommendation for the salary level of the unclassified positions, but the recommendation required ratification by the Interim Retirement Committee composed of legislators. Chairman Marvel asked if the increase had been recommended by the Retirement Board. Mr. George Pyne, Executive Officer, Public Employees Retirement Board, answered affirmatively. Mr. Stevens said the committee could take any action it chose on this recommendation. Ms. Tiffany stated she did not want the committee to send the wrong message by voting salary increases greater than 4 percent in the first year of the biennium and 3 percent in the biennium recommended for classified employees. MS. TIFFANY MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND TO LIMIT UNCLASSIFIED PAY INCREASES TO 4 PERCENT IN THE FIRST YEAR OF THE BIENNIUM AND 3 PERCENT IN THE SECOND YEAR. Mr. Stevens noted the committee had not discussed the issue of reclassifying a classified Investment Analyst position to an unclassified Administrative Analyst position. Chairman Marvel asked Mr. Pyne to explain the request for the reclassification. Mr. Pyne answered traditionally the Investment Analyst position served a technical function in terms of performance measurement by monitoring and reconciling investment performance data. The agency wished to expand the duties of the position to include broader responsibility, including reviewing actuarial data, preparing fiscal notes, public relations, and operations oversight. MR. ALLARD SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BUDGET CLOSED. HISTORICAL PRESERVATION/ARCHEOLOGY - PAGE 431 Mr. Stevens reported the Executive Budget recommended funding decision unit M- 300 100 percent with General Fund dollars. The agency has indicated those expenses could be charged 60 percent to a federal grant and 40 percent to the General Fund, resulting in a reduction in the General Fund allocation of $9,931 in the first year of the biennium and $11,131 in the second year. Mr. Stevens noted the committee had previously discussed a one-time $20,000 appropriation to the historic marker program. No decision was reached on that discussion. Mrs. Evans stated part of the discussion had to do with the ability of the agency to recruit volunteer help to assist with the program. Mr. Ron James, State Historic Preservation Officer, stated Prison Industries' services were used to produce and rehabilitate the markers. He pointed out there was a cost for those services. Historically the agency had hired contractors to perform other work on the markers or to work with service clubs. Past experience has shown that volunteers from service clubs were more available in urban centers than in rural areas. He suggested the agency could be more aggressive in recruiting volunteers. Mr. Hettrick suggested establishing an "adopt a sign" program to encourage service clubs to purchase and maintain signs. Mr. James agreed this was an idea which was worth pursuing. He stated the most labor intensive and costly area of the program was creating the sign, which had to be done by Prison Industries. MS. GIUNCHIGLIANI MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. MS. TIFFANY SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * ASSEMBLY BILL 219 Makes an appropriation of $881,999 to the Department of Museums, Library and Arts for enhancement of computer system and improvement of various functions of the department. Mr. Stevens stated, as a follow up to the April 12, 1995, hearing, A.B. 219 included funding for both a fax machine and a camera for the Comstock Historical District. Therefore, those items would not be included in the Comstock Historical District budget. NEVADA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - PAGE 407 Mr. Stevens stated although this budget had been closed, some questions remained to be answered. He explained decision unit E-710 included $22,376 for equipment in the first year of the biennium and $11,188 for equipment in the second year. The committee questioned whether that funding was included in the budget and in A.B. 219. Mr. Stevens stated there was no duplication of funding. The equipment funded in the operating budget was not the same equipment funded by the one-time appropriation. MR. SPITLER MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. MR. HETTRICK SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * WICHE LOAN & STIPEND ACCOUNT - PAGE 385 Mr. Stevens explained the Executive Budget required an adjustment to include the optometry program. He noted decision unit E-275 of the Executive Budget included two new Physician Assistant slots which were not previously approved. Ms. Giunchigliani noted she had previously questioned whether openings could be moved from one category to another, i.e., move attorney openings to other areas. She asked if the budget could be held until that information was received. Chairman Marvel stated the budget could not be closed if questions remained unanswered. He asked fiscal staff to obtain the information. WICHE ADMINISTRATION - PAGE 390 Mr. Stevens stated he had no comments on this account. MR. CLOSE MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GOVERNOR'S RECOMMENDATION. MS. GIUNCHIGLIANI SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. MR. SPITLER VOTED NO. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL - PAGE 653 Mr. Stevens asked Mr. Larry Peri, Program Analyst, to explain changes in this account recommended by fiscal staff. Mr. Peri reported in reviewing revenues included in the Executive Budget it was found university funding for personnel assessments was not included in personnel assessment revenue authority and the payroll assessment was short by $52,000 each year. He recommended the committee consider augmenting the budget by $496,000 each year for personnel and payroll assessments to be placed into the reserve category. Ms. Giunchigliani asked why such a substantial reserve was needed. Mr. Peri responded there was a possibility the personnel assessment would have to be adjusted before the budget was closed in final. This adjustment to the reserve category, together with other recommended reductions in the budget, would increase the balance forward in the reserve by nearly $1.2 million, which was substantial for a budget of this size. He noted if the personnel assessment was lowered, all budgets which paid this account for personnel services would be lowered and the General Fund allocation would be reduced. Ms. Giunchigliani inquired whether there was any requirement in statute or regulations stating the percentage of the total budget to be kept in the reserve category. Mr. Peri said he was aware of no percentage requirements. He said a comfortable reserve could be calculated based on approximate salary increases, estimates of unforeseen expenditures, data processing expenditures, etc. Ms. Giunchigliani asked if this portion of the budget could be adjusted at a later time. Mr. Peri stated action could be taken on the budget and the adjustment to the personnel assessment could be made at a later time. Mr. Peri then reported the recommended adjustments to expenditures. Staff recommended moving travel and training costs out of the data processing category and placing those costs in the staff training category. The Department of Information Services recommended $2,000 in decision unit M-200 for the cost of local area network computer support. There was no justification for this expense. Staff recommended removal of that amount. Mr. Peri stated some of the more significant reductions recommended by staff included $8,390 from new furnishings expense in decision unit M-525. He reported $6,500 had been recommended by the Governor for remodeling the Blasdel Building reception area, the 1993 Legislature approved a Public Works Board project for statewide compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, and additional funding was recommended for that project in the Executive Budget. Fiscal staff was hopeful that funding could accommodate refurbishing and remodeling of public buildings. Similarly, funding was recommended in this account for furnishings in the Las Vegas office which was included in the Capital Improvement Program project for the new Sawyer Building. Mr. Peri said staff also recommended deleting $2,100 each year from decision unit E-125. He explained the Executive Budget recommended purchase of an optical disk system for records storage. Currently the department was using an acceptable microfilm system through the State Printer's Office. Purchase of the new system would require approval of the State Printer, who indicated he would not give that approval since he believed this type of technology should be a centralized function within the state. The $2,100 represented the annual cost of the maintenance contract on the equipment. The department had proposed to pay for the equipment in two installments ($10,562 each year) plus interest expense ($1,890). Fiscal staff recommended eliminating those costs from the budget as well as the cost of support items, for a total reduction of approximately $30,000. Mr. Peri reported the Governor recommended three new positions in decision unit E-175--two Training Officers and an Administrative Aid. Fiscal staff recommended funding for the Administrative Aid, effective July 1, 1995. The department indicated this position was essential. Fiscal staff also agreed with the recommendation to add two Training Officers, but suggested funding one of those positions in the first year of the biennium and one in the second year and delaying funding for three months to allow time for the recruitment process. Mr. Peri explained in Fiscal Year 1995 the department had entered into a contract with an individual to provide labor relations consultation, if needed, for $15,000. The Executive Budget recommended funding for this item of $30,000 in each year of the biennium. Projections of that expense based on annualization of expenditures to date for that contract totaled approximately $4,000 per year. Fiscal staff suggested a reduction of $26,000 per year. He noted the department was aware of its options to extend the contract if the $4,000 spending authority was exceeded. Mr. Peri recommended reducing rent expense of $1,514 each year associated with the Training Officer positions. He explained rent expense was already provided in the budget for office space in the Sawyer Building for the position in southern Nevada. It was believed the position designated for northern Nevada could be accommodated in the existing quarters in the Stewart facility. In addition, cost reductions were recommended for other expense categories directly related to the Training Officer positions (i.e., in-state travel, operating supplies, printing and copying). Mr. Peri called the committee's attention to decision unit E-125. He explained this decision unit contained a total of $300,000 over the biennium for business process reengineering (BPR). The department had provided fiscal staff with detailed information regarding anticipated costs associated with the BPR. He pointed out most recommendations for BPR in the Executive Budget were to examine the agencies' work processes to streamline those processes prior to automation. He said the Department of Personnel was currently automated. The current proposal included funding a study of civil service reform rather than a study of work processes. Mr. Stevens requested clarification from the committee regarding BPRs in the Executive Budget and adjustment of the reserve category or the personnel assessment rate. He said if the committee wished to adjust the personnel assessment he would suggest, in order to close the budget, the committee allow the assessment revenue to be placed in reserve. After closing the budget the committee would have a number of options for adjusting the assessment rate and the reserve category. Ms. Giunchigliani asked if the two Training Officer positions would be assigned to southern Nevada. Mr. Peri suggested the first position be dedicated to southern Nevada. The second position was scheduled to be assigned to northern Nevada. Ms. Giunchigliani requested information regarding where the majority of state employees to be trained were located. She said one additional position would not accommodate growth in southern Nevada. Chairman Marvel asked if this agency was a good candidate for BPR. Mr. Peri stated BPRs were included in a number of budget accounts. He explained this account was different in that the BPR would not be directed at automation. He suggested the committee may wish to look at BPRs separately or in the aggregate throughout the Executive Budget. Chairman Marvel stated it was the pleasure of the committee to be selective about funding BPRs. He asked Mr. Peri how the Senate Finance Committee closed this budget account. Mr. Peri responded the Senate Finance Committee deleted funding for the BPR in this account. MS. GIUNCHIGLIANI MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS, DELETING FUNDING FOR THE BPR, AND ADJUSTING THE RESERVE CATEGORY. Mr. Stevens asked if the motion would allow increasing the reserve category and adjusting the assessment rate and reserve balance after final budget closure. Ms. Giunchigliani responded affirmatively. MR. HETTRICK SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Fettic expressed disagreement with deleting the BPR funding. Mr. Close suggested removing BPRs from all budget accounts and acting on them jointly on a priority basis. Chairman Marvel asked Mr. Close to make a separate motion on this issue. Mr. Dini said he did not understand the rationale for deleting funding for the BPR. Chairman Marvel stated the committee could elect to add the funding back to the budget if it wished once the matter of the recommended funding for BPRs throughout the Executive Budget was resolved. He stated he was uncomfortable with the manner in which the BPRs had been presented to the committee and would like to be selective in funding BPRs. Ms. Giunchigliani suggested the department could appear before the committee to present its case for requesting a BPR to study something other than automation. THE MOTION CARRIED. MR. DINI AND MR. FETTIC VOTED NO. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * MR. CLOSE MOVED TO REMOVE FUNDING FOR BPRs FROM EACH BUDGET ACCOUNT IN THE EXECUTIVE BUDGET AND DIRECT FISCAL STAFF TO PROVIDE INFORMATION ON THE ACCUMULATED BPRs IN ORDER THAT THE COMMITTEE CAN ACT ON FUNDING FOR ALL BPRs IN THE AGGREGATE. MS. TIFFANY SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * CHILD CARE - PAGE 661 Mr. Stevens said there was no funding recommended in this account. MS. TIFFANY MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GOVERNOR'S RECOMMENDATION. MR. HETTRICK SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * OFFICE OF THE MILITARY - PAGE 2031 Mr. Stevens reported fiscal staff recommended adding General Fund revenue of $15,019 in each year of the biennium to cover the cost of State Industrial Insurance System (SIIS) payments for National Guard members called to active duty. He explained the Budget Director agreed with this recommendation. Next, it was recommended General Fund revenue be reduced by $500 each year and transfers to this account from the Adjutant General Construction Fund account be increased by $500 each year. Finally, based on prior committee actions, fiscal staff recommended delaying the start of new positions until October 1, 1995. Mr. Hettrick noted the committee had previously agreed to remove funding for computer maintenance. Mrs. Evans asked if computer maintenance expense would be deleted from each budget account. Mr. Hettrick commented in many cases computer maintenance fees of $400 per computer appeared to be unwarranted (e.g., for new computers which were already under warranty). He expressed the opinion computer maintenance expense should be deleted from every budget account. Mr. Stevens requested direction from the committee on how to deal with computer maintenance expense. He stated in some cases computer maintenance had been deleted for the first year after purchase of a computer which is already under warranty. Mrs. Evans inquired whether this issue had been discussed with the Department of Information Services to determine if there would be any repercussions from eliminating funding for computer maintenance. Ms. Tiffany expressed the opinion maintenance was necessary for computers not under warranty, but it was difficult for the committee to determine which computers were covered by warranties and which were not. Mr. Stevens said new computers had at least one-year warranties normally. Therefore, maintenance was not required for computers during the year of purchase. He requested direction on whether or not maintenance should be included in the second year. Mr. Dini suggested taking computer maintenance funding out of all budget accounts and creating a fund with 60 percent of that total from which the Interim Finance Committee could allocate money for payment of computer maintenance. Ms. Tiffany expressed support for Mr. Dini's suggestion. Mr. Allard said he agreed with Mr. Dini. He suggested the committee submit a letter to agencies encouraging them to obtain the best available warranties when purchasing computers. MS. GIUNCHIGLIANI MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION, DELETING FUNDING FOR COMPUTER MAINTENANCE. CHAIRMAN MARVEL SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * MR. DINI MOVED TO DELETE FUNDING FOR COMPUTER MAINTENANCE IN EACH BUDGET ACCOUNT AND CREATE A POOL COMPRISED OF 50 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL FUNDING FROM WHICH PAYMENTS FOR COMPUTER MAINTENANCE COULD BE MADE. MR. HETTRICK SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * Mr. Stevens stated fiscal staff would prepare information about the computer maintenance fund pool and report back to the committee. ADJUTANT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION FUND - PAGE 2039 Mr. Stevens stated the only recommended adjustment to this account was the transfer of $500 each year to the previous account. MS. TIFFANY MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. MR. HETTRICK SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * NATIONAL GUARD BENEFITS - PAGE 2041 Mr. Stevens indicated fiscal staff had no recommendations on this account. MS. TIFFANY MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GOVERNOR'S RECOMMENDATION. MS. GIUNCHIGLIANI SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * COMMISSION FOR WOMEN - PAGE 11 Chairman Marvel asked if there were any comments from fiscal staff. Mr. Stevens indicated there were no staff comments on this account. Ms. Tiffany objected to providing General Fund support for staffing in this budget before an attempt was made by the Women's Commission to obtain volunteer staffing. She added she did not want the committee to set a precedent for funding special interest groups. MS. TIFFANY MOVED TO ELIMINATE FUNDING FROM THIS BUDGET. Ms. Giunchigliani said she believed the Women's Commission had successfully argued their case for funding for travel, equipment, and some clerical support. She stated she did not view women as a special interest group. She pointed out the Legislature had created the Women's Commission without providing funding. She expressed the hope the committee would consider approving some funding for the commission. MRS. BROWER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION DID NOT RECEIVE A MAJORITY VOTE. MR. FETTIC WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. Chairman Marvel stated since the motion did not receive a majority vote, action would be held until a later time. SCIENCE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY - PAGE 17 Mr. Stevens stated staff had no comment on this budget. Ms. Giunchigliani said she objected to this budget residing in the Governor's Office. She suggested relocating it to the Commission on Economic Development and Tourism. Chairman Marvel stated relocating the account would require a statutory change to revise the government reorganization approved by the 1993 Legislature. MS. TIFFANY MOVED THAT ACTION ON THIS BUDGET BE HELD. MS. GIUNCHIGLIANI SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Spitler commented there was no reason to hold the budget. Legislation would have to be proposed to accomplish relocation of this account to a different budget. Chairman Marvel stated the legislation should be drafted prior to the committee taking action to fund this operation. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MR. FETTIC WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. * * * * * MR. CLOSE MOVED TO DRAFT LEGISLATION TO RELOCATE THE SCIENCE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ACCOUNT TO THE COMMISSION ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM. MS. TIFFANY SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. MR. DINI, MRS. EVANS, AND MR. SPITLER VOTED NO. MR. FETTIC WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. * * * * * CONTROLLER'S OFFICE - PAGE 73 Mr. Stevens reported the Controller requested that the committee review five budget items: 1) an increase in printing costs, 2) an increase in contract services cost, 3) elimination of vacancy savings, 4) $9,000 for additional equipment, and 5) transfer of the payroll system from the Department of Personnel to the Controller's Office. Mr. Stevens stated he had received correspondence from the Controller's Office on each of those items for the committee to review. STATE TREASURER - PAGE 91 Mr. Stevens noted there were some budget items which the Treasurer requested that the committee consider. One of those items was funding for one additional Bloomberg database investment system ($24,628 in the first year of the biennium and $22,705 in the second year). He noted funding for one system was recommended in the Executive Budget. The Treasurer was requesting two systems, one in Carson City and one in Las Vegas. Mr. Stevens stated the Treasurer was also requesting elimination of vacancy savings of $43,786 in the first year of the biennium and $44,425 in the second year. The Treasurer indicated positions in this account had been left vacant during the period of budget cuts. Vacancy savings could now be eliminated or reduced. Chairman Marvel stated action on the two previous accounts would be held until the committee had an opportunity to review information provided by the Controller and the Treasurer. Ms. Tiffany asked Mr. Stevens to explore whether a discount would be available on the purchase of the additional Bloomberg database investment system. Mr. Stevens agreed to do so. COMMISSION ON POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION - PAGE 279 Mr. Stevens reported fiscal staff recommended removing funding for computer maintenance ($1,600) in the first year of the biennium. Based on the earlier action of the committee, he recommended eliminating maintenance funding in the second year of the biennium as well. The second year funding would be incorporated in the maintenance fund pool. MS. TIFFANY MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. MR. SPITLER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MR. FETTIC WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * MUSEUM, LIBRARY AND ARTS ADMINISTRATION - PAGE 393 Mr. Stevens said fiscal staff recommended two small changes in this account. First, correct charges for liability and bond insurance charges for 3 employees rather than 2 ($108 in each year of the biennium). Secondly, staff recommended delaying the start date of a new position recommended in the Executive Budget to October 1, 1995. MS. TIFFANY MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. MRS. BROWER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MR. FETTIC WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * NEVADA STATE LIBRARY - PAGE 435 Mr. Stevens stated fiscal staff recommended restoring the State Librarian position and increasing vacancy savings in a like amount ($72,587 each year). He explained the State Librarian had been eliminated from this budget. Currently the Director of the Department of Museum, Library and Arts was also acting as the State Librarian. The Director indicated to the committee she would like to have the position retained in the budget, even if there was no funding available for it. The Budget Division was in agreement with that request. Mr. Stevens said staff also recommended reducing funding in the Bookmobile account by $3,200 each year based on information from the agency that only $95,953 was needed in each year. Mr. Stevens noted the books/publications budget for the State Library was not increased from Fiscal Year 1994 actual levels. Mrs. Evans expressed agreement with retaining the State Librarian position in the budget. She said hopefully the position could be funded in the future. MRS. EVANS MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. MS. TIFFANY SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MR. FETTIC WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * ARCHIVES - PAGE 441 Mr. Stevens reported fiscal staff had several recommendations in this account. It was recommended that the hiring of new positions in the Executive Budget be delayed until October 1, 1995. In addition, out-of-state travel expense should be reduced $700 to cover the travel costs of one staff member rather than two. Mr. Stevens noted there had been discussion in the committee about moving the State Micrographics operation into a separate budget account. Fiscal staff believed it would be easier to account for micrographics in a separate budget account. Mr. Stevens said, finally, staff recommended moving funding for equipment from the second year to the first year. The Director has agreed to this change. MS. TIFFANY MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. MR. CLOSE SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Price stated he supported funding travel for two staff members. MR. PRICE MOVED TO AMEND THE MOTION TO RETAIN OUT-OF- STATE TRAVEL FUNDING FOR TWO STAFF MEMBERS. MR. DINI SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MRS. EVANS AND MR. FETTIC WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. * * * * * Chairman Marvel called for a vote on the amended motion. THE MOTION, AS AMENDED, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MRS. EVANS AND MR. FETTIC WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * MICROGRAPHICS Mr. Stevens noted the action just taken eliminated micrographics from the Archives budget. Revenue and expenses for the micrographics operation would be placed into a new budget account. MRS. CHOWNING MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. MR. SPITLER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MRS. EVANS AND MR. FETTIC WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * STATE LIBRARY - LITERACY - PAGE 447 Mr. Stevens stated a technical adjustment was required to correct funding for liability and bond insurance ($108 each year) for two employees rather than three employees. MR. DINI MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. MR. SPITLER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MRS. EVANS AND MR. FETTIC WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * NEVADA STATE LIBRARY - CLAN - PAGE 451 Mr. Stevens said he had no comments on this account. MR. DINI MOVED TO CLOSE THE BUDGET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GOVERNOR'S RECOMMENDATION. MR. HETTRICK SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BUDGET CLOSED. * * * * * Mr. Stevens asked whether fiscal staff should remove computer maintenance funding not previously extracted, based on the committee's action at this hearing. Chairman Marvel asked for a motion. MS. TIFFANY MOVED TO DIRECT FISCAL STAFF TO ELIMINATE FUNDING FOR COMPUTER MAINTENANCE IN PREVIOUSLY CLOSED BUDGET ACCOUNTS. MR. DINI SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MRS. EVANS AND MR. FETTIC WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. * * * * * There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Dale Gray, Committee Secretary Assembly Committee on Ways and Means April 13, 1995 Page