MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON TAXATION Sixty-eighth Session July 1, 1995 The Committee on Taxation was called to order at 1:15 p.m., on Saturday, July 1, 1995, Chairman Stroth presiding in the Assembly Chambers of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. There was no prepared agenda. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Bob Price, Chairman Ms. Jeannine Stroth, Chairman Mr. Pete Ernaut, Vice Chairman Mr. Michael A. (Mike) Schneider, Vice Chairman Mr. Morse Arberry, Jr. Mrs. Maureen E. Brower Mrs. Joan A. Lambert Mr. Mark Manendo Mr. John W. Marvel Mr. P.M. Roy Neighbors Mr. Brian Sandoval Mr. Larry L. Spitler Chairman Stroth called the meeting to order to consider the following bills: SENATE BILL NUMBER 556: Provides additional circumstances for creating unincorporated towns and revises provisions governing establishment of basic ad valorem revenue for certain local governments. MOTION WAS MADE BY MR. ERNAUT, SECONDED BY MR. MARVEL THAT S.B. 556 BE GIVEN A `DO PASS' VOTE WITH RE-REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS. MOTION PASSED WITH A MAJORITY VOTE. ABSTAINING FROM THE VOTE WAS MR. ARBERRY, AND VOTING `NAY' MS. BROWER. MOTION PASSED. SENATE BILL NUMBER 578: Provides for sale of tax liens against parcels of real property. A MOTION WAS MADE FOR A `DO PASS' ON S.B. 556 BY MR. MARVEL, SECONDED BY MR. ERNAUT. Prior to the vote, Mr. Spitler stated he feels he is being rushed into making a decision on this legislation and that it has come entirely too late in the session. Mrs. Lambert concurred with Mr. Spitler's comment and stated she too feels it is inappropriate to be asked to consider a bill of this magnitude this late. She would like to have this submitted at the next session. THE MOTION FAILED BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. THE BILL WAS DEFEATED. SENATE BILL NUMBER 546: Imposes additional requirements for enactment of legislation that imposes or increases tax or assesssment. Brief discussion on this measure. Mr. Ernaut pointing out this question would have to appear on the ballot; Mrs. Lambert stated she could support this if it had an amendment just to clarify the ballot question and would be voting against any favorable consideration. A MOTION WAS INTRODUCED BY MR. ERNAUT TO `DO PASS'. SECONDED BY MR. MARVEL AND CARRIED BY A MAJORITY VOTE WITH MRS. LAMBERT VOTING `NAY'. Meeting adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Nykki Kinsley, Committee Secretary Assembly Committee on Taxation July 1, 1995 Page