MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON TAXATION Sixty-eighth Session June 28, 1995 The Committee on Taxation was called to order at 1:15 p.m., on Wednesday, June 28, 1995, Chairman Stroth presiding in the Assembly Chambers of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. There was no prepared agenda. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Bob Price, Chairman Ms. Jeannine Stroth, Chairman Mr. Pete Ernaut, Vice Chairman Mr. Michael A. (Mike) Schneider, Vice Chairman Mr. Morse Arberry, Jr. Mrs. Maureen E. Brower Mrs. Joan A. Lambert Mr. Mark Manendo Mr. John W. Marvel Mr. Brian Sandoval Mr. Larry L. Spitler COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT/ EXCUSED: Mr. Roy Neighbors Chairman Jeannine Stroth called the meeting to order in Floor Session with the following action taken: SENATE BILL NUMBER 452: Authorizes local government to acquire property held in trust for use as open space without paying delinquent taxes. MOTION MADE BY MR. PRICE, SECONDED BY MR. ARBERRY TO INDEFINITELY POSTPONE S.B. 452. MOTION PASSED BY MAJORITY VOTE WITH MR., SCHNEIDER VOTING `NAY'. SENATE BILL NUMBER 572: Clarifies provisions concerning payment of insurance premium tax for 1995 calendar year. MOTION FOR `DO PASS' MADE BY MR. ERNAUT, SECONDED BY MRS. BROWER AND CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SENATE BILL NUMBER 546: Imposes additional requirements for enactment of legislation that imposes or increases tax or assessment.. NO ACTION TAKEN. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Nykki Kinsley, Committee Secretary Assembly Committee on Taxation June 28, 1995 Page