MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION Sixty-eighth Session February 2, 1995 The Subcommittee on Transportation was called to order at 12:00 p.m., on Thursday, February 2, 1995, Chairman Genie Ohrenschall presiding, in Room 331 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Genie Ohrenschall, Chairman Mr. Bernie Anderson Ms. Patricia Tripple SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. John Carpenter Ms. de Braga Mr. Dennis Nolan STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Mouritsen, Research Analyst Iris Bellinger, Committee Secretary Following roll call, Chairman Ohrenschall reviewed previous progress on the bill, and opened the discussion on A.B.27. ASSEMBLY BILL 27 - Revises provisions relating to proof of identity required for issuance of instruction permit, driver's license or identification card. With no witnesses in attendance to testify regarding the provision shown on page 1, lines 19 and 20, regarding baptismal certificates, Chairman Ohrenschall asked for discussion by subcommittee members. Ms. Tripple wondered just how prevalent this problem was, and whether many individuals had only a baptismal certificate to offer for proof. However, she did acknowledge many people had no other means of identification than a baptismal certificate. Mrs. Ohrenschall opined this would probably be less of an issue in these more modern times, since there were less home births, and there was a greater demand for suitable identification for purposes of such things as Social Security cards. She suggested perhaps they should consider a cut-off date after which baptismal certificates would not be acceptable. This would then accommodate older people who, in fact, had no other proof of age. Of course, if the subcommittee considered a cut-off date favorably, they would then have to determine what that date should be. Indicating agreement with Ms. Tripple that this provision in the law did not impact a tremendously large number of people, Mr. Anderson said, however, the concerns raised by the Department were legitimate. Obviously, there were instances when the Department was asked to accept ornate certificates purchased for no other reason than display, but also, there were baptismal certificates prepared and produced by recognized religious denominations. Amendatory language was discussed between subcommittee members and Paul Mouritsen, the Research Analyst. It was pointed out by Ms. Tripple some of the suggested language could be construed as a religious issue. In response to Mr. Mouritsen's request for clarification, and after some discussion, Ms. Tripple suggested there be no change made to the proposed language of the bill, leaving it to read, "(a) If the applicant was born in the United States, a birth certificate issued by a state or the District of Columbia or other proof acceptable to the department ...". ASSEMBLYMAN TRIPPLE MADE A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE LANGUAGE PROPOSED IN A.B. 27. Mr. Anderson believed this did not show a responsiveness to those who had earlier testified they were distrustful of the state's motives. THE MOTION TO MAKE NO CHANGES TO A.B. 27, AS CURRENTLY PROPOSED, CARRIED. (ASSEMBLYMAN ANDERSON VOTED NO, MS. TRIPPLE AND MRS. OHRENSCHALL VOTED YES.) There being no further items to discuss, the subcommittee adjourned at 12:12 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ____________________________ Iris Bellinger, Committee Secretary APPROVED: ________________________________ Chairman, Genie Ohrenschall Assembly Subcommittee on Transportation February 2, 1995 Page