MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES, AGRICULTURE AND MINING Sixty-eighth Session June 30, 1995 The Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining was called to order at 11:15 a.m., on Friday, June 30, 1995, Chairman Marcia de Braga presiding in Assembly Chambers of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John C. Carpenter, Chairman Mrs. Marcia de Braga, Chairman Mr. Max Bennett, Vice Chairman Mr. Douglas A. Bache Mr. Thomas A. Fettic Mr. P.M. Roy Neighbors Mr. Brian Sandoval Mrs. Gene Wines Segerblom STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: David S. Ziegler, Senior Research Analyst Chairman de Braga asked the committee for an introduction of BDR 32-2164. Repeals provisions which exempt from taxation possessory interests in or beneficial uses of property made available for grazing by certain federal agencies. ASSEMBLYMAN FETTIC MOVED TO INTRODUCE BAR 32-2164. ASSEMBLYMAN SANDOVAL SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (ASSEMBLYMEN HUMKE, OHRENSCHALL WERE ABSENT AT THE TIME OF THE VOTE.) The meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Pat Menath, Committee Secretary Assembly Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining June 30, 1995 Page