MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES, AGRICULTURE AND MINING Sixty-eighth Session June 29, 1995 The Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining was called to order at 10:45 a.m., on Thursday, June 29, 1995, Chairman John C. Carpenter presiding in Assembly Chambers of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John C. Carpenter, Chairman Mrs. Marcia de Braga, Chairman Mr. Max Bennett, Vice Chairman Mrs. Genie Ohrenschall, Vice Chairman Mr. Douglas A. Bache Mr. Thomas A. Fettic Mr. David E. Humke Mr. P.M. Roy Neighbors Mr. Brian Sandoval Mrs. Gene Wines Segerblom STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. David S. Ziegler, Senior Researh Analyst OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Peter Krueger, Nevda Petroleum Marketers Assn.; Allen Biaggi, NDEP; Joe Johnson, Sierra Club. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Carpenter. SENATE BILL 121: Increases fees for certain petroleum products and storage tanks. There was much discussion between the various members of the committee and others present regarding admendments to S.B. 121. A fee of $0.75 for fuel would generate $2 million to the fund. They also talked of a 10 percent copayment , exempt the home heating cleanups and leave their liability to a $250 deductible charge. Local government would be required to hold a public hearing on initiation of the clean-up and one public hearing every three months thereafter until the clean-up is completed to ensure the celan-up complies with requirements and was cost- effective. There was a need to train the owners and consultants to be cost effective. Exempt all public agencies except for copayment same as now. ASSEMBLYMAN BENNETT MOVED TO AMEND AND DO PASS S.B. 121. ASSEMBLYMAN SEGERBLOM SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY BY ALL THOSE PRESENT. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Pat Menath, Committee Secretary Assembly Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining June 29, 1995 Page