MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND MANAGEMENT Sixty-eighth Session January 19, 1995 The Committee on Labor and Management was called to order at 3:30 p.m., on Thursday, January 19, 1995, Chairman Nolan presiding in Room 321 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Saundra (Sandi) Krenzer, Chairman Mr. Dennis Nolan, Chairman Mr. David Goldwater, Vice Chairman Mr. Bernie Anderson Mr. Douglas A. Bache Mr. John C. Carpenter Mr. Pete Ernaut Mr. Mark Manendo Mr. Brian Sandoval COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Lynn Hettrick, Vice Chairman GUEST LEGISLATORS PRESENT: None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Vance A Hughey, LCB Senior Research Analyst Mr. Fred W. Welden, LCB Chief Deputy Research Director OTHERS PRESENT: Eric S. Cooper, Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Jerry Lusk Lucille Lusk, Nevada Concerned Citizens Rick Johnson, Nevada Association of Employers Co-Chairman Krenzer expressed appreciation for Chairman Nolan and the committee members and asked that all members would work together harmoniously and objectively in this session. After roll was called, Chairman Nolan's opening remarks reflected his feeling that this would be a productive committee based on the combined seniority and talent of the committee members. Each member then gave a brief statement of his background and agenda for the forthcoming session. Chairman Nolan asked the committee to review the proposed standing rules. A general discussion followed with changes being proposed for item's 5, 6, 8 and 12. ASSEMBLYMAN BACHE MOVED TO POSTPONE ACTION ON THE STANDING RULES OF THE COMMITTEE UNTIL JANUARY 24, AFTER THE ASSEMBLY RULES AND JOINT RULES ARE HELD. THERE WAS NO SECOND TO THE MOTION. Discussion continued on the standing rules until Chairman Nolan asked they be continued to the next meetings agenda. He then introduced the research staff, Mr. Fred Welden and Mr. Vance Hughey. Following the introduction, Mr. Welden indicated that his would be more of an administrative position to the committee while Mr.Hughey would be the industrial insurance specialist. Mr. Hughey proceeded with a review of his Issue Brief (Exhibit C). In closing, Mr. Welden indicated he had left copies of a comprehensive study on Workers' Compensation (Exhibit D) to be distributed to the committee members and encouraged the committee to call upon the research staff for their help at anytime. Assemblyman Anderson requested a flow chart indexing the various background papers referencing workers' compensation. Ms. Krenzer asked for the K.P.G.M. Peat Marwick Audit of SIIS Financial Records for 1994 and the Medical and Compensation Loss Runs for 1992-1994 (paid and reserves). Mr. Welden indicated these would be made available to the committee. Chairman Nolan inquired if there were any comments or questions from the audience. There were none. He then gave each committee member a copy of the most recent financial statement from SIIS (Exhibit E) to review and informed the committee that there was a possibility of holding a joint session with Senator Townsend's committee in Las Vegas. There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairman Nolan adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Susanne Mund, Committee Secretary Assembly Committee on Labor and Management January 19, 1995 Page