MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Sixty-eighth Session June 30, 1995 The Committee on Health and Human Services was called to order behind the bar by Chairman Vivian Freeman in the Assembly Chambers of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada on Friday, June 30 at 12:40 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Vivian L. Freeman, Chairman Mrs. Jan Monaghan, Chairman Mrs. Jan Evans, Vice Chairman Dr. William Z. (Bill) Harrington, Vice Chairman Mrs. Deanna Braunlin Ms. Barbara E. Buckley Mr. David Goldwater Ms. Saundra (Sandi) Krenzer Mr. Dennis Nolan Ms. Dianne Steel Ms. Patricia A. Tripple Mr. Wendell P. Williams STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: H. Pepper Sturm, Chief Principal Research Analyst Chairman Freeman directed committee members attention to their copies of a memorandum Mr. Sturm sent her regarding S.B. 550, (Exhibit A). SENATE BILL 550 - Revises provisions governing use of Uniform Plumbing Code and authorizes use of International Plumbing Code. ASSEMBLYWOMAN JAN EVANS MOVED TO RESCIND THE PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION ON S.B. 550. ASSEMBLYMAN WILLIAM HARRINGTON SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ********* ASSEMBLYWOMAN JAN MONAGHAN MOVED TO AMEND AND DO PASS S.B. 550. THE AMENDMENT WOULD RETURN THE BILL TO ITS ORIGINAL FORM BY DELETING ALL MENTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE. ASSEMBLYMAN WILLIAM HARRINGTON SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ********* SENATE BILL 430 - Revises provisions governing regulation of emergency medical services in certain counties. ASSEMBLYWOMAN SAUNDRA KRENZER MOVED TO RE-REFER S.B. 430 TO THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS WITH NO RECOMMENDATION. ASSEMBLYWOMAN JAN EVANS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Terry Horgan, Committee Secretary Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services June 30, 1995 Page