MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY SUBCOMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Sixty-eighth Session May 23, 1995 The Subcommittee on Health and Human Services was called to order at 1:30 p.m., on Tuesday, May 23, 1995, Chairman Jan Monaghan presiding in Room 332 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Jan Monaghan, Chairman Mrs. Deanna Braunlin GUEST LEGISLATORS PRESENT: Mr. John C. Carpenter STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: H. Pepper Sturm, Chief Principal Research Analyst OTHERS PRESENT: Deanne Blazzard, Foster Parents of Southern Nevada Elaine Brooks, Foster Parents of Southern Nevada Garry Alsdorf, Foster Parent Association of Northeastern Nevada Lucille Lusk, Nevada Concerned Citizens John Sarb, Administrator, Division of Child and Family Services ASSEMBLY BILL 524 - Makes various changes to provisions governing family foster care for children. Subcommittee members reviewed various points of contention regarding A.B. 524 with those present and decided on a number of amendments. In addition, it was decided not to allow the liability insurance issue to stall passage of A.B. 524. The subcommittee voted to recommend amend and do pass to the full committee. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Terry Horgan, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Assemblywoman Jan Monaghan, Chairman Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services May 23, 1995 Page