MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Sixty-eighth Session March 23, 1995 The Committee on Government Affairs was called to order at 8:00 a.m., on Thursday, March 23, 1995, Chairman Lambert presiding in Room 330 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Douglas A. Bache, Chairman Mrs. Joan A. Lambert, Chairman Mrs. Deanna Braunlin, Vice Chairman Mr. P.M. Roy Neighbors, Vice Chairman Mr. Max Bennett Mrs. Marcia de Braga Mr. Pete Ernaut Mrs. Vivian L. Freeman Mr. William Z. (Bill) Harrington Ms. Saundra (Sandi) Krenzer Mr. Dennis Nolan Mrs. Gene Wines Segerblom Mrs. Patricia A. Tripple Mr. Wendell P. Williams COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: None GUEST LEGISLATORS PRESENT: Senator Bernice Mathews STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Denice Miller, Senior Research Analyst OTHERS PRESENT: Dean Heller, Secretary of State Dale Erquiaga, Chief Deputy Secretary of State Bru Ethridge/Secretary of State, Notary Division John Sande/Nevada Bankers Association Harold Willard Linda Slater, Douglas County Recorder Barbara McKenzie/City of Reno Senator Bernice Mathews ASSEMBLY BILL 280 - Makes various changes to provisions governing notaries public. Dean Heller, Secretary of State, stated Chapter 240 of NRS charged the Secretary of State with the responsibility of appointing notaries public and regulating their conduct. He indicated A.B. 280 was designed not only to assist notaries and their customers but to help in the regulation of notaries and to prevent fraud. He added many notaries were unaware of the total responsibility involved and a notary handbook was devised by his predecessor for education purposes. Mr. Neighbors indicated a law was on the books in one of the rural areas since 1911 specifying a person could not be a notary if their income exceeded $500 per year. Mr. Dale Erquiaga, Chief Deputy Secretary of State, stated the problem Mr. Neighbors referred to was probably an Attorney General's opinion relating to postmasters and notaries, not to be enforced by the Secretary of State. Mr. Erquiaga explained laws in Chapter 240 had been on the books since 1865 and by comparison with other statutes had been altered very little. He subsequently took the committee through A.B. 280, section by section as explained in (Exhibit C). Answering questions from committee members, Mr. Erquiaga clarified a notary appointment is good for four years after which he or she must re-apply; a fee of $50 to a surety company translates into $l0,000 worth of bonded coverage for a notary. Ms. Bru Ethridge, a Secretary of State representative of the Notary Division, responed to a question from Ms. de Braga concerning childrens' signatures. She explained if a notary was uncomfortable in notarizing a child's signature by utilizing a child's ID card, a credible witness would be sufficient. Mr. Erquiaga stated he would contact Mr. Neighbors for the purpose of discussing his amendment. Mr. John Sande, attorney representing Nevada Bankers Association, stated he was in agreement with Section 20 of A.B. 280 changing the word "shall" to "may" to conform with a recent AGO. Mr. Harold Willard stated he was appearing in an advisory capacity only and would like to suggest some changes in A.B. 280. His testimony regarding notary stamps and seals is shown as (Exhibit D). Ms. Linda Slater, Douglas County Recorder, questioned the legality concerning acceptance of a pre-printed notary seal. Mr. Erquiaga offered to seek clarification from the recorder. Since there was no further testimony, Mrs. Lambert closed the hearing on A.B. 280. ASSEMBLY BILL 294 - Increases number of members of Reno civil service commission. Barbara McKenzie, representing the City of Reno, stated A.B. 294 was a piece of legislation proposed and approved by the Reno City Council. She introduced former Councilwoman, Senator Bernice Mathews for clarification of what the council is doing regarding A.B. 294. Senator Bernice Mathews stated the Council had discussed at length increasing the membership of the Reno Civil Service Commission from five members to seven members in order to achieve better representation. See (Exhibit E) for intent of the bill. Mrs. Lambert asked for committee action on the following bill draft requests: BDR 23-325 - Increases amount of longevity payments to state employees and requires state agencies to pay fees for issuance or renewal of certain licenses required of certain state employees. ASSEMBLYMAN BACHE MOVED TO INTRODUCE BDR 23-325. ASSEMBLYMAN ERNAUT SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. *********** BDR 21-363 - Makes various changes to provisions governing local improvement districts. ASSEMBLYMAN ERNAUT MOVED TO INTRODUCE BDR 21-363. ASSEMBLYMAN BACHE SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. *********** BDR 58-413 - Requires that portion of electrical generating capacity of certain utilities be provided by use of renewable energy resources. ASSEMBLYMAN FREEMAN MOVED TO INTRODUCE BDR 58-413. ASSEMBLYMAN DE BRAGA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED; MRS. LAMBERT ABSTAINED FROM THE VOTE. ********** BDR S-423 - Provides for use by state agencies of money attributable to energy savings. ASSEMBLYMAN FREEMAN MOVED TO INTRODUCE BDR S-423. ASSEMBLYMAN BRAUNLIN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED; MRS. LAMBERT ABSTAINED FROM THE VOTE. Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 a.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Christine Shaw, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Assemblyman Lambert, Chairman Assemblyman Bache, Chairman Assembly Committee on Government Affairs March 23, 1995 Page