MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Sixty-eighth Session February 21, 1995 The Committee on Government Affairs was called to order at 8:00 a.m., on Tuesday, February 21, 1995, Chairman Lambert presiding in Room 330 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Douglas A. Bache, Chairman Mrs. Joan A. Lambert, Chairman Mrs. Deanna Braunlin, Vice Chairman Mr. P.M. Roy Neighbors, Vice Chairman Mr. Max Bennett Mrs. Marcia de Braga Mr. Pete Ernaut Mrs. Vivian L. Freeman Mr. William Z. (Bill) Harrington Ms. Saundra (Sandi) Krenzer Mrs. Gene Wines Segerblom Mrs. Patricia A. Tripple MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Dennis Nolan Mr. Wendell P. Williams GUEST LEGISLATORS PRESENT: None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Denice Miller, Senior Research Analyst OTHERS PRESENT: Gale Fraser, Clark County Regional Flood Control District, Terry Lamuraglia, Clark County. Chairman Lambert called the meeting to order. The committee secretary was asked to take the roll call. ASSEMBLY BILL 49- Revises provisions relating to alteration of boundaries of certain districts for support of public parks. Mr. Paul Mouritsen, appearing on behalf of Commissioner Myrna Williams, discussed A.B. 49. The 1993 Session passed legislation allowing for the creation of districts for the support of public parks in counties with over four hundred thousand people. He stated that Ms. Vilardo, during the subcommittee's deliberation, pointed out an anomaly in this statute in that although the districts can be created by the Board of County Commissioners, it does require a vote of the voters living in the district to issue bonds. After the bonds are issued the Board of County Commissioners is still at liberty to change the boundaries of the district. In theory, it would be possible for bonds to be issued and the boundaries of the district changed and voters who had not voted on that issue be included in that district. He stated that Ms. Vilardo recommended that something be done about that, which in turn put A.B. 49 before the committee. Mr. Mouritsen said that this would require a vote of the people who would be included in the new boundaries of the district before that change in boundaries could take place. Chairman Lambert asked about the suggestion of an amendment to the bill in regard to a unanimous petition from Clark County property owners to petition the district in order to avoid an election. Mr. Mouritsen stated there was a recommendation to allow one landholder or developer who had a parcel of property which he wished to have included in that district that they did not want to go to a vote, to have to include that one parcel of property. He also stated that there were similar provisions. in the annexation laws There being no further testimony Chairman Lambert closed the hearing on A.B. 49. ASSEMBLY BILL 51- Revises provisions relating to districts for the control of floods. Chairman Lambert recognized Mr. Mouritsen. Mr. Mouritsen gave a summary of Clark County's method of organizing flood control districts. He stated in Clark County a flood control district consists of an entire county rather than certain portions of a county which is true elsewhere. He also stated there is a quarter percent sales tax which is levied for the support of flood control. He stated the recommendation from Washoe County was that other counties be allowed to organize flood control districts on the same basis as Clark County. A.B. 51 would allow this to take place. He felt there were two issues which needed to be addressed. One, that under the provisions of this bill, all the territory within a county would be included within the boundary of the flood control district. The second issue is that counties other than Clark County would be allowed to impose the quarter percent sales tax for the support of the flood control district. Ms. Tripple asked if Clark County could already do this then why can't other counties do it without having this bill. Mr. Mouritsen suggested Ms. Tripple look at the population clause in the law. Mr. Harrington asked which of the counties requested this bill, and do they anticipate it will impose a tax. Mr. Mouritsen replied he did not know the intention of the Board of County Commissioners. He said there was no further interest in this bill other than Washoe County. Mrs. Lambert stated that the quarter percent sales tax did not do well in Washoe County last November. There being no further testimony, Chairman Lambert closed the hearing on A.B. 51. ASSEMBLY BILL 145- Makes various changes relating to county and city parks. Terry Lamuraglia stated that Clark County proposed the three bill draft requests be combined into one. The Bill proposes to increase the dollar amount of authority of the Board of County Commissioners. This would delegate to the County Manager, as designee, to refund claims for registration fees or deposits paid to the department of parks or recreation. This bill would expand the definition of park projects for which the counties can bond as public improvements to include community centers, cultural facilities and joint use facilities for recreation and cultural purposes. This bill would increase by two, the number of parks and recreation advisory commission members. Mrs. Segerblom asked for an example. Mr. Lamuraglia used the Paradise township facility word change as an example. Mrs. Segerblom said it was for facilities used for more than just a band stand. Mr. Lamuraglia affirmed this. Mr. Bennett asked for a reason for an eleven member board. Mr. Lamuraglia answered, the reason was due to population increase in many of the districts, and requests for more representation by many groups. Mr. Bennett asked for an example of "huge increase". Mr. Lamuraglia said he did not know. Ms. Tripple asked why the increase in board members. Mr. Lamuraglia stated he did not have any further information. Mr. Bennett asked if the board was a voluntary position, or if tax money was involved. Mr. Lamuraglia replied he believed it was voluntary. There being no further testimony, Chairman Lambert closed the meeting on A.B. 145. ASSEMBLY BILL. 146- Facilitates amendment of master plan of district of control of floods. Gale Fraser, Chief Engineer of the Clark County Regional Flood District testified in support of A.B. 146. See (Exhibit C), Mr. Fraser's testimony. Mr. Bennett asked how many members were on the board and how many members compose a quorum. Mr. Fraser replied there were eight members on the board and five members compose a quorum. There being no further testimony, Chairman Lambert closed the meeting on A.B. 146. Chairman Lambert asked if there was any further business to be discussed. Chairman Lambert notified committee members of the Assembly Joint Resolutions to be heard on the Floor. Chairman Lambert presented Bill Draft 20-201. MOTION BY MR. BACHE TO INTRODUCE BILL DRAFT 20-201. MRS. SEGERBLOM SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Lambert presented Bill Draft 23-505. MOTION BY MR. BACHE TO INTRODUCE BILL DRAFT 23-505. MRS. KRENZER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Lambert brought forth Bill Draft 19-504. MOTION BY MR. BACHE TO INTRODUCE BILL DRAFT 19-504. MS. BRAUNLIN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Lambert recognized Mr. Bache. Mr. Bache restated the subcommittee for A.B. 52. He appointed Mr. Neighbors as Chairman,and Mrs. Lambert, Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Krenzer as members. There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairman Lambert adjourned the meeting. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Kelly Liston, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Assemblyman Douglas A. Bache, Chairman Assemblyman Joan A. Lambert, Chairman Assembly Committee on Government Affairs February 21, 1995 Page