MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND PROCEDURES Sixty-eighth Session June 30, 1995 The Committee on Elections and Procedures met in the Assembly Chambers behind the bar on Friday, June 30, 1995, at 9:45 p.m., for the purpose of taking action on A.B. 408, and considering the introduction of Bill Draft Requests R-2173 and R-2169. A two-thirds majority was present. ASSEMBLY BILL 408 - Makes various changes regarding access to public records. ASSEMBLYMAN DINI MOVED TO INDEFINITELY POSTPONE A.B. 408. ASSEMBLYWOMAN MONAGHAN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. ASSEMBLYWOMEN EVANS, FREEMAN AND LAMBERT WERE NOT PRESENT FOR THE VOTE. * * * * * * * * * BDR R-2173 - Commends certain attaches of Assembly for their dedicated service during 68th session of Nevada Legislatur e. ASSEMBLYWOMAN MONAGHAN MOVED FOR COMMITTEE INTRODUCTION OF BDR R-2173. ASSEMBLYMAN HUMKE SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. ASSEMBLYWOMEN EVANS, FREEMAN, AND LAMBERT WERE NOT PRESENT FOR THE VOTE. * * * * * * * * * BDR R-2169 - Limits number of requests that may be submitted to Legislative Counsel during interim for drafting and directs completion of 1,000 bill drafts before convening of 69th session of Nevada Legislature. ASSEMBLYWOMAN GIUNCHIGLIANI MOVED FOR COMMITTEE Assembly Committee on Elections and Procedures June 30, 1995 Page 2 INTRODUCTION OF BDR R-2169. ASSEMBLYMAN HUMKE SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. ASSEMBLYWOMEN EVANS, FREEMAN AND LAMBERT WERE NOT PRESENT FOR THE VOTE. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Bobbie Mikesell, Committee Secretary