MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Sixty-eighth Session June 21, 1995 The Committee on Education was called to order at 3:30 p.m., on Wednesday, June 21, 1995, Chairman Wendell P. Williams presiding in Room 330 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. William Z. (Bill) Harrington, Chairman Mr. Wendell P. Williams, Chairman Mrs. Gene Wines Segerblom, Vice Chairman Ms. Patricia A. Tripple, Vice Chairman Mr. Thomas Batten Mr. Max Bennett Mrs. Deanna Braunlin Mrs. Vonne Chowning Mrs. Marcia de Braga Mr. Mark Manendo Mr. P.M. Roy Neighbors Ms. Jeannine Stroth GUEST LEGISLATORS PRESENT: Senator Ernie Adler, Capitol Senate District STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: H. Pepper Sturm, Chief Principal Research Analyst OTHERS PRESENT: Myrna Matranga, Nevada Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, University of Nevada - Reno Jane Rohrer, Nevada Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Sierra Nevada College The hearing was opened on Senate Bill 431. SENATE BILL 431 - Makes various changes concerning education. Ms. Mary Peterson, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Nevada State Department of Education testified in support of S.B. 431 from prepared remarks (Exhibit C). She noted the State Board of Education has also taken a position of support. Dr. Myrna Matranga, Nevada Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, University of Nevada, expressed support for S.B. 431. She expressed support for reform in teacher training as it is a critical part of educational reform in general. Ms. Jane Rohrer, Director, Teacher Education, Sierra Nevada College, and Nevada Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, testified in support of S.B. 431. She submitted letters of support from members of a state wide task force which met to develop a plan establishing standards for all colleges offering course work leading to teacher licensure, endorsements or license renewal in Nevada (Exhibit D). Assemblyman Segerblom inquired if Dr. Matranga was with the College of Education at the University of Nevada - Reno. Chairman Harrington referred to Page 2, Line 1, and asked the amount of the fees discussed. Dr. Matranga explained the fees were for travel and lodging and would be in the amount needed to bring a visiting team to discuss course work certification. Chairman Harrington asked who would be paying the fees and how much they would be paying. Dr. Matranga said the institution seeking the approval would pay the fees. This is usual and customary in all accreditation. In state, the fees would include travel for those flying from Las Vegas, lodging and meals. She noted there would be no state impact. The hearing was closed on S.B. 431. The hearing was opened on Senate Bill 255. SENATE BILL 255 - Delays prospective expiration of authority of school districts to establish rules concerning school-based decision making. Senator Ernie Adler, Carson City Capitol Senatorial District, explained S.B. 255 was originally designed to remove the sunset, but has been amended to extend the sunset on site based decision making for schools. Washoe County currently has a system in place for site based decision making. Carson City just passed their plan, but has not yet totally implemented it. It was decided it would be appropriate to extend the sunset on it. He noted if the bill sunsets at a future date, he was unsure if it would remove the plan of those districts who have implemented one. The bill provides a statutory authority for schools to set up councils involving parents and teachers to make basic decisions concerning the school. Senator Adler noted most districts have not implemented or adopted a plan yet. Assemblyman Tripple asked what Clark County was doing regarding site based decision making. Senator Adler said he did not think Clark County had ever adgendized it on the school board agenda. He explained school boards have to adopt a plan for the schools to set up site based councils. Senator Adler discussed site based management and splitting of large districts. Assemblyman Chowning discussed legislation on site based management passed in the last legislative session. Jeanne Simons, parent, stated she was a strong supporter of site based management. She believed parental involvement in schools is very important. She noted the sunset clause was put in by the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) last session. Ms. Simons recommended completely removing the sunset clause. As a member of the site based decision making committee in Carson City, Ms. Simons stated she believed more teachers, administrators and parents were examining the concept. Literature regarding site based decision making was submitted for the record (Exhibits E and F). Ms. Elaine Lancaster, Nevada State Education Association, and outgoing President, Washoe County Teacher's Association, stated the legislation passed in 1993 was taken to the trustees who got the regulation and policy into effect by the end of that school year. Washoe County currently has six schools on site based decision making, with applications for five more. A committee of teachers and administrators exists on a county level to approve the plans. She agreed site based decision making was an excellent way to get parents and teachers involved in working in their schools and communities. Also, Ms. Lancaster stated it is believed much of the argument for charter schools can be solved by site based decision making. Support for removal of the sunset was given. Mrs. Segerblom asked if the request for site based decision making came from Carson City. Senator Adler stated Carson City has a plan but it has not yet been implemented by the schools. The plan was done by a consensus building process and took a year to create. Ms. Tripple asked what role students play in site based management. Senator Adler said the idea is to do what is best for the students. The Carson City site based plan for the high school included a student on the council. This was also done in Washoe County. Students were on the master plan committee to plan the district wide plan. He commended the high school students for their input. Ms. Tripple expressed her support for student involvement. Mrs. Chowning commended all involved for their efforts involving site based decision making. The hearing was closed on S.B. 255. The hearing was reopened on S.B. 431. ASSEMBLYMAN SEGERBLOM MOVED DO PASS ON S.B. 431. ASSEMBLYMAN TRIPPLE SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY BY THOSE PRESENT. The hearing was reopened on S.B. 255. ASSEMBLYMAN MANENDO MOVED DO PASS ON S.B. 255. ASSEMBLYMAN BENNETT SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY BY THOSE PRESENT. There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Barbara Prudic, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Assemblyman William Z. Harrington, Chairman Assemblyman Wendell P. Williams, Chairman Assembly Committee on Education June 21, 1995 Page