MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Sixty-eighth Session April 20, 1995 The Subcommittee on Education was called to order at 1:30 p.m., on Thursday, May 20, 1995, Chairman Max Bennett presiding in Room 330 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Max Bennett, Chairman Mrs. Gene Wines Segerblom STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: H. Pepper Sturm, Chief Principal Research Analyst OTHERS PRESENT: Henry Etchemendy, Nevada Association of School Boards Janine Hansen, Nevada Eagle Forum Kevin Crowe, Nevada Department of Education Mary L. Peterson, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Nevada Department of Education The Education Subcommittee meeting on Assembly Bill 197 was held on this date. ASSEMBLY BILL 197 - Makes various changes to provisions governing program for accountability of school districts. After discussion most interested parties were in agreement concerning the need to consolidate all the provisions contained in the separate accountability bills which are A.B. 124, A.B. 196, A.B. 197 and S.B. 27. The following amendments for A.B. 197 were proposed: 1. Amend Section 1, Page 1, Lines 8 and 9, by deleting "during March" and inserting: "on or before March 31". 2. Amend Section 1, Page 1, Line 20, by deleting "in each grade level". 3. Amend Section 1, Page 2, Lines 1 and 2, by deleting ", set forth individually for each source of funding" 4. Amend Section 1, Page 2, by deleting Lines 13 and 14 and inserting: (I) Each source of funding for the school district; (j) All incidents of violence as defined in NRS 392.466 on school property for each school and the district as a whole; (k) Expenditures made for books, instructional supplies and computers for each school in the district; and (l) Such other information as is directed by the superintendent of public instruction. 5. Amend Section 1, Page 2, by deleting lines 34 and 35 and inserting: (b) A description of the efforts the district has made to [correct deficiencies identified in the report submitted pursuant to] improve its educational programs at the school and district level in response to the data contained in the report specified in paragraph (a). 6. Eliminate Section 2 of the bill by deleting the sunset clause imposed upon the current accountability program by S.B. 511 of the 1993 Legislative Session. The subcommittee will report to the Assembly Education Committee with the recommendation to consider a vote of "Amend, and Do Pass" on A.B. 197. The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Barbara Prudic, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Assemblyman Max Bennett, Chairman Assembly SubCommittee on Education April 20, 1995 Page