MINUTES OF THE ASSEMBLY SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Sixty-eighth Session April 19, 1995 The SubCommittee on Education was called to order at 6:30 p.m., on Wednesday, April 19, 1995, Chairman William Z. Harrington, M.D. presiding in Room 330 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. William Z. (Bill) Harrington, Chairman Mrs. Deanna Braunlin Mr. Mark Manendo STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: H. Pepper Sturm, Chief Principal Research Analyst OTHERS PRESENT: Doug Byington The subcommittee meeting on Assembly Bill 340 was opened. ASSEMBLY BILL 340 - Authorizes certain private schools to obtain payments from county school districts for educating certain pupils. Chairman Harrington explained many suggestions were made on A.B. 340 during the previous hearings. He distributed suggested amendments to the committee (Exhibit B). Assemblyman Braunlin distributed an amendment to A.B. 340 suggested by Mr. Doug Byington (Exhibit C). Chairman Harrington noted Mr. Byington's suggested amendments were also contained in (Exhibit C). Chairman Harrington discussed the proposed amendments individually as outlined in (Exhibit B). Mr. Doug Byington, Nevada Association of School Boards, expressed his concerns about the amendments and explained his proposed amendments as outlined in (Exhibit C). He discussed discipline rules and how the quarterly payments of funds from districts is illegal under Nevada statute. Chairman Harrington reassured Mr. Byington that the schools all have to follow the federal and state laws. Mr. Byington inquired about a conflict with districts having to follow federal and state laws but are under no regulation from the state superintendent or education department. Chairman Harrington stated the bill allows freedom. Mr. Byington said he felt an ambiguity existed. The laws of the state apply, state money is used for running private schools, state teacher licensing rules apply, yet no regulation from state officials would be allowed. Chairman Harrington announced all recommendations would be taken to the Education Committee for a final decision. Mr. Manendo, discussing Section 8 for clarification, asked if private schools could establish their own methods of curriculum, teaching methods and discipline. Chairman Harrington answered affirmatively. Mr. Manendo expressed concerns regarding public dollars in private schools with no accountability. He stated he felt another bureaucracy was being created. Stating private schools should be able to do their own things, Mr. Manendo stated his constituents fear when public monies are received, governmental regulations will follow. He is finding everyone from his district is opposed to the bill for varying reasons. Mr. Manendo suggested the possibility of indefinitely postponing the bill. Mrs. Braunlin stated she felt the amendments should be taken to the Education Committee without recommendation. The subcommittee agreed to Mrs. Braunlin's suggestion. The subcommittee adjourned at 6:40 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Barbara Prudic, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Assemblyman William Z. Harrington, Chairman Assembly SubCommittee on Education April 19, 1995 Page