SB/AB Senate/Assembly Bill
SJR/AJR Senate/Assembly Joint Resolution
SCR/ACR Senate/Assembly Concurrent Resolution
SR/AR Senate/Assembly Resolution
* Enrolled Bill
‡ Resolution Approved by Legislature
† Deleted by Amendment
COVID-19 exposure, immunity from liability for certain businesses, governmental entities and nonprofit organizations under certain circumstances, SB 4*
General Counsel of Legal Division, powers and duties, AB 2*
Peace officers, elimination of prohibition against use of officer's statement in civil case against officer without his or her consent, SB 2*
Health and Human Services, Department of, certain regulations exempt from provisions of Nevada Administrative Procedure Act, SB 4*
Eviction proceedings, authority of certain courts to stay, requirements, SB 1*
Voting in election adversely affected by emergency or disaster, authority to mark and sign ballot on behalf of voter, AB 4*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Eviction proceedings, authority of certain courts to stay, requirements, SB 1*
Eviction proceedings, authority of certain courts to stay, requirements, SB 1*
Legislative Fund, SB 4*
Peace officers, evidence obtained unlawfully during investigation, duties of arbitrator, SB 2*
Choke holds, use prohibited, AB 3*
Compression of airway or restriction on ability to breathe, prohibited acts, AB 3*
Fleeing or forcibly resisting arrest, officer to use only amount of reasonable force necessary to effect arrest, AB 3*
Monitoring of person in custody for signs of distress, duties of officer, AB 3*
Recording of law enforcement activity, authority and requirements, interference by officer prohibited, AB 3*
General Counsel of Legal Division, qualifications, AB 2*
Peace officers, conditions for review and copying of investigation file by officer's representative, SB 2*
Law enforcement activity, authority to record, interference with by peace officer prohibited, AB 3*
SARS-CoV-2 response plans, establishment of standards of cleaning and protocols designed to reduce transmission, duties, SB 4*
Elections adversely affected by emergency or disaster, duties, AB 4*
Southern Nevada Health District, transfer of money to enforce provisions and regulations related to prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission, SB 4*
Washoe County Health District, transfer of money to enforce provisions and regulations related to prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission, SB 4*
Health standards, suspension of license for noncompliance, SB 4*
SARS-CoV-2 response plans, establishment of standards of cleaning and protocols designed to reduce transmission, duties, SB 4*
Recording of law enforcement activity, authority and requirements, prohibited acts, AB 3*
Use by peace officers prohibited, AB 3*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of city from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Public accommodation facilities, duties, SB 4*
Gaming establishments, regulations adopted by Gaming Control Board concerning matters of public health, enforcement, SB 4*
Interference with legislative process, acts constituting, AB 2*
Remote-technology systems, use by certain interim and advisory committees, AB 2*
Traffic stops and other stops by peace officers, reports regarding software used to process identity or driver's license number, AB 3*
Public accommodation facilities, SARS-CoV-2 response plans, SB 4*
Publication of proposed amendments, requirements, AB 2*
Taxation of mines, mining claims and proceeds of minerals extracted, revision, use of certain proceeds, SJR 1‡, AJR 1‡, AJR 2‡
Legislative process, interference with, penalties, AB 2*
General Counsel of Legal Division, authority to secure copyrights in publications, AB 2*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of corporation from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of county from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Public accommodation facilities, duties, SB 4*
Voting, cancellation of registration of incarcerated convicted felon, duties, AB 1*
Civil actions related to COVID-19 exposure, immunity from liability for certain businesses, governmental entities and nonprofit organizations, SB 4*
Public accommodation facilities, testing and time off for employees who have experienced symptoms, regulations, SB 4*
Remote-technology systems, use by certain legislative and interim committees, AB 2*
SARS-CoV-2 response plans, establishment of standards of cleaning and protocols designed to reduce transmission, duties of certain businesses, SB 4*
State business license, suspension for noncompliance with controlling health standards, SB 4*
Systemic racism, action urged to address public health crisis caused by, SCR 1‡
Unemployment benefits, COVID-19 as good cause for person to refuse suitable work, justifications, SB 3*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Elections, prohibited acts, AB 4*
Interference with legislative process, acts constituting, AB 2*
Peace officer conduct resulting in death, drug and alcohol testing of officer, policy, AB 3*
Voting in election adversely affected by emergency or disaster, authority to mark and sign ballot on behalf of voter, AB 4*
Elections adversely affected by disasters or emergencies, procedures, AB 4*
Employment Security Division, authority to adopt emergency regulations, SB 3*
Remote-technology systems, use by legislative and other public committee meetings, procedures, AB 2*
Eviction proceedings, authority to grant stay, requirements, SB 1*
Traffic stops and other stops by peace officers, reports regarding software used to process driver's license number, AB 3*
Peace officers, when testing of officer required, AB 3*
Taxation of proceeds of minerals extracted, use of certain proceeds for educational purposes, constitutional amendment, AJR 1‡
Disasters or emergencies, elections adversely affected by
Absent ballots, use, requirements, AB 4*
Mail ballots, use, requirements, AB 4*
Return of ballot by person authorized by voter, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 4*
Canvass of returns, time for completion, AB 4*
Legislative findings and declaration, AB 4*
Polling places, establishment, AB 4*
Procedures for conducting elections, AB 4*
Voter registration, requirements, AB 4*
Mootness doctrine, applicability, AB 4*
Convicted felons not incarcerated, restoration of right to vote, AB 1*
Emergency or disaster, voting procedures for elections adversely affected by, AB 4*
Incarcerated convicted felons, cancellation of registration, AB 1*
Employment Security Division, electronic provision of certain documents or communications, authority, SB 3*
Elections adversely affected by emergencies, procedures, AB 4*
Employment Security Division, authority to adopt emergency regulations, SB 3*
Remote-technology systems, use by legislative and other public committee meetings, procedures, AB 2*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of employers and employees from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Public accommodation facilities, SARS-CoV-2 response plans
Requirements, duties of employers and employees, SB 4*
Retaliation against employee for participating in certain proceedings, regulations prohibiting, SB 4*
Disqualification for benefits, waiver or modification of period of disqualification, authority, SB 3*
Electronic provision of certain documents or communications, authority, SB 3*
Emergency regulations, authority to adopt, SB 3*
Suitable work, COVID-19 as good cause for person to refuse suitable work, regulations to establish justifications, SB 3*
Unemployment Compensation Law, authority to suspend, modify, amend or waive provisions for duration of emergency or disaster, SB 3*
Stay of certain evictions, authority of certain courts, requirements, SB 1*
Peace officers
Compelled statements, elimination of prohibition against use of officer's statement in civil case against officer without his or her consent, SB 2*
Investigations, evidence obtained unlawfully during, effect, SB 2*
Public accommodation facilities, violations, SB 4*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of district from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Shootings involving peace officer, drug and alcohol testing of officer, policy, AB 3*
District health departments, enforcement against gaming establishments of certain regulations concerning matters of public health, SB 4*
Public accommodation facilities, submission of copy of SARS-CoV-2 response plan, authority, SB 4*
Elections, authority to order an election to be affected by emergency or disaster, requirements, AB 4*
Employment Security Division, receipt of statement of emergency, duties, SB 3*
Unemployment compensation
Determination of availability of additional federal money for state compensation programs, issuance of proclamation, SB 3*
Laws, suspension, modification, amendment or waiver of provisions for duration of emergency or disaster, approval, SB 3*
SARS-CoV-2, reduction of transmission in public accommodation facilities in larger counties, duties, regulations, SB 4*
Gaming establishments, regulations adopted by Gaming Control Board concerning matters of public health, enforcement, SB 4*
Public accommodation facilities
Inspections related to compliance with SARS-CoV-2 regulations, duties, SB 4*
Regulations adopted, amended or repealed by Department of Health and Human Services, duties, SB 4*
Drug and alcohol testing of peace officer following officer-involved shooting, adoption of policy, requirements, AB 3*
Recording of law enforcement activity, authority, interference with by peace officer prohibited, AB 3*
Unjustified physical force
Discipline or retaliation against peace officer observing and reporting other officer's use prohibited, AB 3*
Training of peace officers, duties, AB 3*
SARS-CoV-2 response plans, establishment of standards of cleaning and protocols designed to reduce transmission, duties, SB 4*
SARS-CoV-2 response plans, establishment of standards of cleaning and protocols designed to reduce transmission, duties, SB 4*
Traffic stops and other stops by peace officers, reports regarding software used to process identity of person, AB 3*
Legislative process, acts constituting interference with, AB 2*
Internet business lenders, definition, license for office or place of business located outside State to conduct business in State, requirements, AB 1*
Business lenders, license for office or place of business located outside State to conduct business in State, requirements, AB 1*
Employment Security Division, duties, SB 3*
Remote-technology systems, use by certain interim and advisory committees, AB 2*
Unemployment benefits, Board of Review decisions, time for filings, SB 3*
Eviction proceedings, authority to grant stay, requirements, SB 1*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of organization from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Notice to pay rent or surrender premises, time for tenant to act, AB 1*
Eviction proceedings, authority of certain courts to stay, requirements, SB 1*
Notice to pay rent or surrender premises, time for tenant to act, AB 1*
Drug and alcohol testing of certain officers, policy regarding, requirements, AB 3*
Recording of law enforcement activity, authority, interference with by peace officer prohibited, AB 3*
Traffic stops and other stops by peace officers, reports regarding software used to process identity or driver's license number, AB 3*
Unjustified physical force
Discipline or retaliation against peace officer observing and reporting other officer's use prohibited, AB 3*
Training of peace officers to intervene, duties, AB 3*
Employment Security Division, review of emergency regulations adopted by, SB 3*
Remote-technology systems, use, AB 2*
Administrative Division Chief, clarification of laws, appointment, AB 2*
Constitutional amendments, duties related to publication of certain proposed amendments, AB 2*
Employment Security Division, availability of certain resources, receipt of notification, SB 3*
Legal Division, appointment of person responsible for administration, AB 2*
Systemic racism, resolution addressing public health crisis caused by, receipt, transmittal to Legislature, SCR 1‡
Traffic stops and other stops by peace officers, receipt of reports, AB 3*
Fiscal Analysts, clarification of laws, AB 2*
Interim Finance Committee, use of remote-technology systems, AB 2*
Legal Division
Administration of Division, Director to appoint person responsible for, AB 2*
Chiefs of Division, clarification of law, AB 2*
General Counsel, establishment of position, qualifications, powers and duties, AB 2*
Legislative Counsel
Employment Security Division, receipt and transmission of emergency regulation to Legislative Commission, duties, SB 3*
Qualifications, powers and duties, AB 2*
Organizational structure, revision, AB 2*
Expression of appreciation by members of Assembly and Senate, SCR 2‡
Remote-technology systems, use by certain committees, duties of staff, AB 2*
Attaches, appointment, AR 2‡
Staff, expression of appreciation by members of Assembly, AR 4‡
Bill draft requests, authority of General Counsel of Legal Division, AB 2*
Committees, use of remote-technology systems by certain committees, procedures, AB 2*
Constitutional amendments, publication of proposed amendments, requirements, AB 2*
Interference with legislative process, acts constituting, penalties, AB 2*
Legislative Counsel Bureau staff
Appreciation expressed by members of Legislature, SCR 2‡
Remote-technology systems used by certain committees, duties of staff, AB 2*
Legislative Fund, appropriation for session expenses, SB 4*
Members, allowances prohibited, SR 2‡, AR 3‡
Senate staff
Appointment, SR 3‡
Appreciation, expression by members of Senate, SR 4‡
Standing rules
Adoption, AR 1‡
Bills and resolutions, procedures (ASR 106-ASR 116), AR 1‡
Chamber, use (ASR 141), AR 1‡
Conduct of business (ASR 91-ASR 125), AR 1‡
Continuation of leadership and rules during Interim (ASR 2), AR 1‡
Convening between legislative sessions (ASR 12), AR 1‡
Decorum and debate (ASR 20-ASR 23, ASR 59-ASR 62, ASR 80-ASR 82), AR 1‡
Emergency rules (ASR 150, ASR 151), AR 1‡
Face covering and social distancing (ASR 150), AR 1‡
Health monitoring, responsibilities (ASR 151), AR 1‡
Legislative bodies (ASR 40-ASR 62), AR 1‡
Motions (ASR 64-ASR 67, ASR 115), AR 1‡
Officers and employees (ASR 1, ASR 3), AR 1‡
Order of business (ASR 120), AR 1‡
Quorum, voting and elections (ASR 30-ASR 33), AR 1‡
Remote-technology systems, use (ASR 121-ASR 125), AR 1‡
Sessions and meetings (ASR 10-ASR 12), AR 1‡
Special sessions (ASR 142), AR 1‡
Witnesses summoned to appear, compensation (ASR 140), AR 1‡
Adjournment (JSR 10), ACR 1‡
Adoption, ACR 1‡
Amendments (JSR 9), ACR 1‡
Anti-harassment policy (JSR 14), ACR 1‡
Bills and joint resolutions (JSR 5, JSR 6, JSR 8), ACR 1‡
Conference committees (JSR 2), ACR 1‡
Final action, notice (JSR 4), ACR 1‡
Legislative Fund, expenditures (JSR 11), ACR 1‡
Messages (JSR 3), ACR 1‡
Publications (JSR 7), ACR 1‡
Records of committee proceedings (JSR 12), ACR 1‡
Adoption, SR 1‡
Bills, procedures regarding (SSR 37- SSR 42.5), SR 1‡
Conduct of business, generally (SSR 29-SSR 36), SR 1‡
Decorum and debate (SSR 10, SSR 11, SSR 27, SSR 28), SR 1‡
Legislative bodies (SSR 16-SSR 18), SR 1‡
Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure, use (SSR 29), SR 1‡
Motions (SSR 60-SSR 69, SSR 115), SR 1‡
Officers and employees (SSR 1-SSR 6), SR 1‡
Order of business, special orders (SSR 45, SSR 48), SR 1‡
Preference to speak (SSR 47), SR 1‡
Privilege of Senators (SSR 46), SR 1‡
Quorum, voting, elections (SSR 12-SSR 15), SR 1‡
Resolutions, types and procedures regarding (SSR 43- SSR 44.5), SR 1‡
Sessions and meetings (SSR 7-SSR 9), SR 1‡
Suspension, rescission or change of rule (SSR 30), SR 1‡
Taxation of mines, mining claims and proceeds of minerals extracted, authority, procedure, constitutional amendment, SJR 1‡, AJR 1‡, AJR 2‡
Traffic stops and other stops by peace officers, receipt of reports, AB 3*
Internet business lenders, license for office or place of business located outside State to conduct business in State, requirements, AB 1*
Ballots, elections adversely affected by disaster or emergency, requirements, AB 4*
Taxation of mines, mining claims and proceeds of minerals extracted, revision, use of certain proceeds, constitutional amendment, SJR 1‡, AJR 1‡, AJR 2‡
Systemic racism, action urged to address public health crisis caused by, SCR 1‡
Eviction proceedings, authority of certain courts to stay, requirements, SB 1*
Notice to pay rent or surrender premises, time for tenant to act, AB 1*
Elections, applicability, AB 4*
SARS-CoV-2 response plans, establishment of standards of cleaning and protocols designed to reduce transmission, duties, SB 4*
Polling places, establishment for elections adversely affected by emergency or disaster, AB 4*
Technical corrections, AB 1*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of certain organizations from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Taxation of proceeds of minerals extracted, revision, constitutional amendment, SJR 1‡, AJR 1‡, AJR 2‡
Voting, release of convicted felon, restoration of right to vote, AB 1*
Voting, release of convicted felon, restoration of right to vote, AB 1*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of partnership from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Arrests (See ARRESTS)
Choke holds, use prohibited, AB 3*
Drug and alcohol testing of officer, when required, AB 3*
Medical aid to person injured by use of physical force, duties of officer, AB 3*
Recording of law enforcement activity, authority and requirements, interference with by officer prohibited, AB 3*
Rights of peace officers
Compelled statements, elimination of prohibition against use of peace officer's statement in civil case against peace officer without his or her consent, SB 2*
Evidence obtained unlawfully during investigation, effect, SB 2*
Investigation files, conditions for the review and copying of file by peace officer or representative, SB 2*
Misconduct investigations, procedures, SB 2*
Traffic stops and other stops by officers, reports to Legislature, AB 3*
Unjustified physical force, duties of officer observing other officer's use, reports, discipline or retaliation, training, AB 3*
Voting, release of convicted felon, restoration of right to vote, AB 1*
Maximum period of probation, reduction, effective date of laws, AB 3*
Voting, release of convicted felon, restoration of right to vote, AB 1*
Recording of law enforcement activity, authority, interference with by peace officer prohibited, AB 3*
Unjustified physical force
Discipline or retaliation against peace officer observing and reporting other officer's use prohibited, AB 3*
Training of peace officers, AB 3*
Systemic racism, action urged to address public health crisis caused by, SCR 1‡
Eviction proceedings, authority of certain courts to stay, requirements, SB 1*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of commission from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of organization from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Legislative committees, use, AB 2*
Legislature (See LEGISLATURE)
Systemic racism, action urged to address public health crisis caused by, SCR 1‡
Taxation of mines, mining claims and proceeds of minerals extracted, revision, use of certain proceeds, SJR 1‡, AJR 1‡, AJR 2‡
SARS-CoV-2 response plans, establishment of standards of cleaning and protocols designed to reduce transmission, duties, SB 4*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Taxation of proceeds of minerals extracted, use of certain proceeds for educational purposes, constitutional amendment, AJR 1‡
Employment Security Division, duties regarding emergency regulations, SB 3*
Recording of law enforcement activity, interference by officer prohibited, AB 3*
Suspension of sentence, reduction of maximum period, effective date of laws, AB 3*
Voting, release of convicted felon after completion of sentence, restoration of right to vote, AB 1*
Elections affected by emergency or disaster, requirements for voter signatures regarding ballots, AB 4*
Notice to pay rent or surrender commercial premises, time for tenant to act, AB 1*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of agency or department from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Remote-technology systems, use by certain committee meetings, procedures, AB 2*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of State Bar from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Legislative Fund, appropriation, SB 4*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of officers and employees from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Constitutional amendments, publication of proposed amendments, requirements, AB 2*
Technical corrections, AB 1*
Eviction proceedings, authority to grant stay, requirements, SB 1*
Legislative process, acts constituting tampering with, AB 2*
Mines, mining claims and proceeds of minerals extracted, revision of taxation, use of certain proceeds, constitutional amendment, SJR 1‡, AJR 1‡, AJR 2‡
Recording of law enforcement activity, interference by officer prohibited, AB 3*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of town from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Public accommodation facilities, duties, SB 4*
Traffic stops by peace officers, reports of certain information to Legislature, AB 3*
Claims for benefits, judicial review of Board of Review decisions, time for filings, SB 3*
Disqualification for benefits, waiver or modification of period of disqualification, SB 3*
Extended benefit amount, determination, SB 3*
"Nevada 'on' indicator" defined, SB 3*
Suitable work, COVID-19 as good cause for person to refuse suitable work, justifications, SB 3*
"Unemployed" defined, SB 3*
Elections adversely affected by emergency or disaster, requirements, AB 4*
SARS-CoV-2 regulations, enforcement by district health departments, SB 4*
Federal money, use to pay certain costs related to 2020 General Election, AB 4*
Notice to pay rent or surrender premises, time for tenant to act, AB 1*
COVID-19 exposure, immunity of veterans organizations from civil liability under certain circumstances, SB 4*
Recording of law enforcement activity, authority and requirements, prohibited acts, AB 3*
Remote-technology systems, use by certain interim and advisory committees, AB 2*
Convicted felons not incarcerated, restoration of right to vote, AB 1*
Elections adversely affected by emergencies or disasters, procedures, AB 4*
Incarcerated convicted felons, cancellation of registration, AB 1*
Gaming establishments, regulations adopted by Gaming Control Board concerning matters of public health, enforcement, SB 4*
Remote-technology systems, use by certain interim and advisory committees, AB 2*