[Rev. 5/25/2022 11:30:52 AM]


[NAC-487 Revised Date: 1-14]



487.001        Definitions.

487.0064      “Private bidder” defined.

487.0065      “Private bidder identifying card” defined.


487.010        “Automobile wrecker” defined.

487.013        Application for license: Federal identification number and electronic mail address required.

487.015        Dismantling, scrapping or wrecking of vehicles.

487.021        Application for salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate.

487.025        Provision of certain documents to purchaser of salvage vehicle.

487.027        Disclosure of financial records: Form for authorization.

487.030        Fee for towing abandoned vehicle.


General Provisions

487.050        Application for license to operate: Federal identification number and electronic mail address required.

487.060        Disclosure of financial records: Form for authorization.


Private Bidders

487.070        Procedures for bidding and sale of vehicles; monthly report.

487.075        Department to create and maintain website to track bidders and identifying cards.

487.080        Limitation on use of identifying card.

487.085        Cancellation of identifying card for certain violations.


487.100        Definitions.

487.110        Application for license.

487.130        Separate license required for each shop; contents of license.

487.140        Coverage of bond.

487.150        Requirement to display outdoor sign created from template provided by Department; requirements for sign.

487.155        Disclosure of financial records: Form for authorization.

487.160        Restrictions on advertising.

487.170        Prerequisites to use of certain body parts or subcontracting of repairs.

487.180        Hearing on denial, suspension or revocation of license.


487.228        Application for registration to operate garage: Federal identification number and electronic mail address required.

487.250        Waiver of estimate of costs or notice of additional charges.

487.275        Books and records: Maintenance; inspection; production.

487.290        Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of registration to operate garage.


487.300        Replacement of conventional frame of vehicle.


487.360        Salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate: Submission of application, evidence of ownership and fee; issuance.

487.370        Transfer of ownership of salvage vehicle: Conditions requiring duplicate salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate.


487.900        Imposition and payment of fine; failure to pay fine.




      NAC 487.001  Definitions. (NRS 481.051)  As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 487.0064 and 487.0065 have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R038-04 & R146-04, eff. 10-14-2004; A by R133-06, 9-18-2006; R125-09, 6-30-2010; R065-12, 11-1-2012)

      NAC 487.0064  “Private bidder” defined. (NRS 487.505)  “Private bidder” means a person who holds a private bidder identifying card.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R125-09, eff. 6-30-2010)

      NAC 487.0065  “Private bidder identifying card” defined. (NRS 487.505)  “Private bidder identifying card” means an identifying card which is issued by the Department in accordance with NRS 487.477, and which authorizes a person other than an automobile wrecker, dealer or rebuilder to bid to purchase a vehicle other than a nonrepairable vehicle from an operator of a salvage pool.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R125-09, eff. 6-30-2010)


      NAC 487.010  “Automobile wrecker” defined. (NRS 481.051)  As used in NAC 487.010 to 487.030, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, “automobile wrecker” means any person licensed by the Department pursuant to NRS 487.047 to 487.200, inclusive, who dismantles, scraps, processes or wrecks vehicles that are subject to the registration laws of Nevada.

     [Dep’t of Motor Veh., Licensed Dismantlers Reg. § 1, eff. 2-5-68]—(NAC A by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, 2-27-89; 3-14-89; 6-15-90; R116-99, 12-13-99; A by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R146-04, 10-14-2004; R038-04, 11-2-2004; A by R133-06, 9-18-2006)

      NAC 487.013  Application for license: Federal identification number and electronic mail address required. (NRS 481.051, 487.050)  In addition to the requirements set forth in NRS 487.050 and 487.060, an application for a license or for the renewal of a license to operate as an automobile wrecker must include the federal identification number and electronic mail address of the applicant’s business.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R133-06, eff. 9-18-2006; A by R010-08, 6-17-2008)

      NAC 487.015  Dismantling, scrapping or wrecking of vehicles. (NRS 481.051)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 and NRS 487.260, an automobile wrecker shall not dismantle, scrap or wreck any vehicle:

     (a) If the automobile wrecker is notified by the state agency that the vehicle is not to be dismantled, scrapped or wrecked.

     (b) Unless the automobile wrecker possesses a salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate for the vehicle.

     2.  An automobile wrecker who submits an application pursuant to NAC 487.360 may dismantle, scrap or wreck the vehicle if 5 or more business days elapse after the submission of the application and he or she does not receive from the Department:

     (a) A salvage title;

     (b) A nonrepairable vehicle certificate; or

     (c) Notification that the vehicle is not to be dismantled, scrapped or wrecked.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 6-15-90; A by R116-99, 12-13-99; A by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R038-04, 11-2-2004)

      NAC 487.021  Application for salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate. (NRS 481.051)  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 487.810, an automobile wrecker who wishes to apply for a salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate must comply with the requirements set forth in NAC 487.360.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 6-15-90; A by R116-99, 12-13-99; A by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R038-04, 11-2-2004)

      NAC 487.025  Provision of certain documents to purchaser of salvage vehicle. (NRS 481.051)  An automobile wrecker who sells a salvage vehicle must provide the purchaser with:

     1.  A salvage title for the vehicle;

     2.  A nonrepairable vehicle certificate for the vehicle; or

     3.  If the vehicle has been acquired through the enforcement of a lien obtained pursuant to NRS 108.270 or 487.270:

     (a) A certificate of title issued by the Department; or

     (b) A certificate of ownership issued by the Manufactured Housing Division.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 6-15-90; A by R116-99, 12-13-99; A by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R038-04, 11-2-2004)

      NAC 487.027  Disclosure of financial records: Form for authorization. (NRS 481.051, 487.160)

     1.  An authorization for the disclosure of financial records required by the Department pursuant to subsection 7 of NRS 487.160 must be on a form provided by the Department.

     2.  In addition to the requirements of NRS 239A.090, the form must include, without limitation, a statement that the financial records and any information concerning the financial records:

     (a) Will only be used to assist the Division of Compliance Enforcement of the Department to determine the suitability of an applicant or licensee for initial or continued licensure pursuant to NRS 487.047 to 487.200, inclusive; and

     (b) Will not be disclosed or disseminated to any person other than an employee of the Department who is authorized to issue a license to an applicant pursuant to NRS 487.047 to 487.200, inclusive, or to determine the suitability of an applicant or a licensee for such licensure.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety by R116-99, eff. 12-13-99)

      NAC 487.030  Fee for towing abandoned vehicle. (NRS 481.051, 487.095)  An automobile wrecker may only charge $55 for towing an abandoned vehicle regardless of the time of day, the distance to the vehicle or the type of equipment used to tow the vehicle.

     (Added to NAC A by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 2-27-89)


General Provisions

      NAC 487.050  Application for license to operate: Federal identification number and electronic mail address required. (NRS 481.051, 487.410)  In addition to the requirements set forth in NRS 487.410 and 487.420, an application for a license or for the renewal of a license to operate a salvage pool must include the federal identification number and electronic mail address of the applicant’s business.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R133-06, eff. 9-18-2006; A by R010-08, 6-17-2008)

      NAC 487.060  Disclosure of financial records: Form for authorization. (NRS 481.051, 487.490)

     1.  An authorization for the disclosure of financial records required by the Department pursuant to subsection 6 of NRS 487.490 must be on a form provided by the Department.

     2.  In addition to the requirements of NRS 239A.090, the form must include, without limitation, a statement that the financial records and any information concerning the financial records:

     (a) Will only be used to assist the Division of Compliance Enforcement of the Department to determine the suitability of an applicant or licensee for initial or continued licensure pursuant to NRS 487.400 to 487.510, inclusive; and

     (b) Will not be disclosed or disseminated to any person other than an employee of the Department who is authorized to issue a license to an applicant pursuant to NRS 487.400 to 487.510, inclusive, or to determine the suitability of an applicant or a licensee for such licensure.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety by R116-99, eff. 12-13-99)

Private Bidders

      NAC 487.070  Procedures for bidding and sale of vehicles; monthly report. (NRS 487.505)

     1.  Before accepting a bid for the purchase of a vehicle from a private bidder:

     (a) The private bidder shall present to the operator of a salvage pool the private bidder’s private bidder identifying card; and

     (b) The operator shall consult the Internet website established by the Department pursuant to NAC 487.075 to determine the status of the private bidder’s private bidder identifying card.

     2.  If the status of the private bidder identifying card is invalid, the operator shall not accept a bid from the person for any vehicle until the person’s private bidder card status is listed as valid on the Internet website established by the Department pursuant to NAC 487.075.

     3.  If the status of the private bidder identifying card is valid, before completing the sale of the vehicle, the operator shall review the records maintained by the operator to ascertain the number of vehicles that the operator has sold to the private bidder within the current calendar year. If the operator has sold to the private bidder within the current calendar year:

     (a) Three vehicles, the operator shall not complete the sale of the vehicle.

     (b) Less than three vehicles, the operator may complete the sale of the vehicle.

     4.  At the time of completing the sale of the vehicle, the operator shall collect from the private bidder the appropriate fee for issuance of a salvage title. Not later than 30 days after the date on which the sale is completed, the operator shall submit to the Department the fee collected from the private bidder for issuance of the salvage title, together with the application and other documents required for issuance of the salvage title in the name of the private bidder.

     5.  Each operator shall, not later than the 10th day of each month, submit to the Department a report, in electronic format and on a form approved by the Department, listing all sales of vehicles made to private bidders during the previous month.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R125-09, eff. 6-30-2010)

      NAC 487.075  Department to create and maintain website to track bidders and identifying cards. (NRS 487.505)

     1.  The Department will create and maintain a website on the Internet for the purpose of tracking private bidders and private bidder identifying cards.

     2.  The website must include, without limitation:

     (a) The name of each private bidder;

     (b) The identifying number of each private bidder’s private bidder identifying card; and

     (c) The current status of each private bidder identifying card.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R125-09, eff. 6-30-2010)

      NAC 487.080  Limitation on use of identifying card. (NRS 487.505)  If a private bidder purchases three vehicles using the private bidder’s private bidder identifying card within a calendar year, the private bidder identifying card shall be deemed to be invalid for the remainder of the calendar year.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R125-09, eff. 6-30-2010)

      NAC 487.085  Cancellation of identifying card for certain violations. (NRS 487.505)  The Department may cancel the private bidder identifying card of any private bidder who violates any provision of any statute or regulation governing the use of the private bidder identifying card. The Department may refuse to review a subsequent application for a private bidder identifying card submitted by any person whose private bidder identifying card was cancelled by the Department pursuant to this section.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R125-09, eff. 6-30-2010)


      NAC 487.100  Definitions. (NRS 481.051)  As used in NAC 487.100 to 487.180, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:

     1.  “After-market body part” means a sheet metal or plastic part which is used to replace a part on the exterior of a motor vehicle and which:

     (a) In nonmechanical; and

     (b) Has not been manufactured for or by the original manufacturer of the vehicle being repaired.

Ê The term includes the inner and outer body panels of a motor vehicle.

     2.  “Body shop” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 487.532.

     3.  “Used body part” means a sheet metal or plastic part which is used to replace a part on the exterior of a motor vehicle and which:

     (a) Has been previously used;

     (b) Is nonmechanical; and

     (c) Has been manufactured for or by the original manufacturer of the vehicle being repaired.

Ê The term includes the inner and outer body panels of a motor vehicle.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 3-14-89; A 8-19-92; R116-99, 12-13-99; A by Dept. of Motor Veh. by R038-04, 11-2-2004)

      NAC 487.110  Application for license. (NRS 481.051, 487.630, 487.640)  An application for a license to operate a body shop must include:

     1.  A completed DS-237 application form. The form may be obtained from the Department.

     2.  For each principal in the business:

     (a) A completed DS-242 personal history questionnaire. The questionnaire may be obtained from the Department.

     (b) A photograph of each principal.

     (c) A set of fingerprints.

     3.  A copy of a city or county business license.

     4.  Documents of incorporation for the business, if applicable.

     5.  The sales tax number of the business.

     6.  The federal identification number of the business.

     7.  The electronic mail address of the business.

Ê The application must be accompanied by the surety bond or deposit required by NRS 487.640.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 3-14-89; A by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R010-08, 6-17-2008)

      NAC 487.130  Separate license required for each shop; contents of license. (NRS 481.051, 487.610, 487.630)

     1.  If the operator of a body shop operates more than one body shop, a license must be obtained for each body shop in addition to the license issued for the operator’s principal place of business.

     2.  The Department will specify on each license it issues:

     (a) The name of the licensee;

     (b) The location for which the license is issued; and

     (c) The name under which the licensee does business at that location.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 3-14-89)

      NAC 487.140  Coverage of bond. (NRS 481.051, 487.640)  The bond or deposit required by NRS 487.640 covers an operator’s principal place of business and all body shops operated by him or her.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 3-14-89)

      NAC 487.150  Requirement to display outdoor sign created from template provided by Department; requirements for sign. (NRS 481.051)

     1.  At least one outdoor sign that is created from a template provided by the Department pursuant to subsection 2 must be displayed at a licensed body shop stating that the body shop is licensed by the Department. The sign must be posted so that it is visible from the center of the nearest roadway adjacent to the body shop.

     2.  The Department will maintain and make available upon request a template to be used to create the outdoor sign required pursuant to subsection 1.

     3.  The outdoor sign required pursuant to subsection 1 must:

     (a) Be at least 23 inches in width and 30 inches in height;

     (b) Have dark royal blue as the background color;

     (c) Contain white letters displaying the words:

          (1) “Nevada Licensed Body Shop” in print which is at least 2 1/8 inches in height; and

          (2) “Department of Motor Vehicles” in print which is at least 1 1/8 inches in height; and

     (d) Be made of either:

          (1) Aluminum that is at least 0.063 inch in thickness; or

          (2) Twelve-gauge steel.

     4.  The outdoor sign required pursuant to subsection 1 may be single-sided with all of the information included on one side of the sign or double-sided with all of the information included on both sides of the sign.

     5.  The licensed body shop shall pay the costs of producing and maintaining all such signs which are in its control.

     6.  A business that has ceased to operate as a licensed body shop shall remove and return to the Department all such signs within 2 business days after ceasing to operate.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 3-14-89; A by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R010-08, 6-17-2008; R134-09, 1-28-2010)

      NAC 487.155  Disclosure of financial records: Form for authorization. (NRS 481.051, 487.650)

     1.  An authorization for the disclosure of financial records required by the Department pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 487.650 must be on a form provided by the Department.

     2.  In addition to the requirements of NRS 239A.090, the form must include, without limitation, a statement that the financial records and any information concerning the financial records:

     (a) Will only be used to assist the Division of Compliance Enforcement of the Department to determine the suitability of an applicant or licensee for initial or continued licensure pursuant to NRS 487.600 to 487.690, inclusive; and

     (b) Will not be disclosed or disseminated to any person other than an employee of the Department who is authorized to issue a license to an applicant pursuant to NRS 487.600 to 487.690, inclusive, or to determine the suitability of an applicant or a licensee for such licensure.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety by R116-99, eff. 12-13-99)

      NAC 487.160  Restrictions on advertising. (NRS 481.051)  The operator of a licensed body shop may not publish, display or circulate advertising which is misleading, inaccurate or misrepresents any of the services rendered, or products sold, manufactured, handled or furnished to the public.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 3-14-89)

      NAC 487.170  Prerequisites to use of certain body parts or subcontracting of repairs. (NRS 481.051)

     1.  A person engaged in the business of a body shop shall not use an after-market body part in the repair of a motor vehicle unless the person first:

     (a) Provides to the owner of the motor vehicle a statement in writing identifying each after-market body part and the origin of that part;

     (b) Informs the owner of the motor vehicle in writing that any warranties applicable to the after-market body parts are provided by the manufacturer or distributor of the parts rather than the manufacturer of the vehicle; and

     (c) Obtains the written consent of the owner of the motor vehicle to the installation of the after-market body parts.

     2.  A person engaged in the business of a body shop shall not use a used body part in the repair of a motor vehicle unless the person first:

     (a) Provides to the owner of the motor vehicle a statement in writing identifying each used body part; and

     (b) Obtains the written consent of the owner of the motor vehicle to the installation of the used body part.

     3.  A body shop may subcontract with a licensed body shop, garage or other business for the performance of specialized repairs if the body shop first obtains the written consent of the owner.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 3-14-89; A 8-19-92)

      NAC 487.180  Hearing on denial, suspension or revocation of license. (NRS 481.051, 487.650)

     1.  An applicant for a license or a licensee may, within 30 days after receipt of a notice of the denial, suspension or revocation of a license, petition the Director in writing for a hearing.

     2.  Hearings conducted pursuant to this section must be conducted in the manner prescribed in NRS 482.353 and 482.354.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 3-14-89)


      NAC 487.228  Application for registration to operate garage: Federal identification number and electronic mail address required. (NRS 481.051, 487.560)  In addition to the requirements set forth in NRS 487.560 and 487.563, an application for registration or for the renewal of registration to operate a garage must include the federal identification number and electronic mail address of the applicant’s business.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R133-06, eff. 9-18-2006; A by R010-08, 6-17-2008)

      NAC 487.250  Waiver of estimate of costs or notice of additional charges. (NRS 481.051)

     1.  The person requesting or authorizing repairs may waive the estimate or statement required pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.6875 or the notification required pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.6877 by executing a written waiver of the estimate, statement or notification. The waiver must be executed by the person requesting or authorizing the repairs at the time the person requests or authorizes those repairs.

     2.  A written waiver of the estimate or statement required pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.6875 must be:

     (a) On a form other than the statement of charges presented pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.6893 to the person requesting or authorizing the repairs; and

     (b) Printed in at least 10-point font.

     3.  A written waiver of the notification required pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.6877:

     (a) May be on the original estimate or statement required to be furnished pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.6875; and

     (b) Must be:

          (1) On a form other than the statement of charges presented pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.6893 to the person requesting or authorizing the repairs;

          (2) Printed in at least 10-point font; and

          (3) Received by the garage operator before he or she undertakes any repair which would involve additional charges to perform the repair described in the estimate or statement required to be furnished pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.6875.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R146-04, eff. 10-14-2004; A by R065-12, 11-1-2012)

      NAC 487.275  Books and records: Maintenance; inspection; production. (NRS 481.051)

     1.  Each garage operator shall keep his or her books and records for all locations at which the garage operator does business within a county at his or her principal place of business in that county for at least 1 year after the completion of any work to which the books and records relate.

     2.  Each garage operator shall permit any authorized agent of the Director or the State of Nevada to inspect and copy his or her books and records during usual business hours.

     3.  Each garage operator shall, not later than 3 business days after receiving a request from any authorized agent of the Director or the State of Nevada to produce books, records or any other information, provide the requested books, records or information to the person at the location specified in the request.

     4.  Each garage operator shall retain his or her books and records for not less than 1 year after the garage operator ceases to be registered to operate a garage.

     5.  As used in this section, “books and records” means any documentation related to the repair of a motor vehicle which is used in the normal course of business of a garage operator, including, without limitation:

     (a) A work order;

     (b) An estimate or statement of charges required pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.6875;

     (c) A written notification required pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.6877;

     (d) A waiver authorized and executed pursuant to the provisions of NAC 487.250;

     (e) A receipt;

     (f) A statement of charges presented pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.6893 to a person requesting or authorizing repairs; and

     (g) An invoice.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R146-04, eff. 10-14-2004; A by R065-12, 11-1-2012)

      NAC 487.290  Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of registration to operate garage. (NRS 481.051, 487.564)

     1.  The Department may refuse to issue a registration or, after notice and hearing, may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a registration to operate a garage upon any of the following grounds:

     (a) Failure of the applicant to have an established place of business in this State.

     (b) Any material misstatement in the application for the certificate of registration.

     (c) Conviction of the applicant or registrant or an employee of the applicant or registrant of a felony, or of a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor for a violation of a provision of this chapter or chapter 487 of NRS.

     (d) Willful failure of the applicant or registrant to comply with a provision of the motor vehicle laws of this State, including, without limitation, NRS 487.530 to 487.567, inclusive, or 487.600 to 487.687, inclusive.

     (e) Willful failure of the applicant or registrant to comply with a directive of the Director. For the purpose of this paragraph, failure to comply with a directive of the Director advising the registrant of his or her noncompliance with a provision of the motor vehicle laws of this State or a regulation of the Department, within 10 days after the receipt of the directive, is prima facie evidence of willful failure to comply with the directive.

     (f) Failure on the part of the registrant to maintain a fixed place of business in this State.

     (g) Failure or refusal by the registrant to pay or otherwise discharge any final judgment against the registrant rendered and entered against him or her, arising out of the repair of a motor vehicle or the operation of a garage.

     (h) Failure of the registrant to maintain any other license, registration or bond required by a political subdivision of this State.

     (i) An improper, careless or negligent inspection of a salvage vehicle pursuant to NRS 487.800 by the applicant or registrant or an employee of the applicant or registrant.

     (j) A false statement of material fact in a certification of a salvage vehicle pursuant to NRS 487.800 or a record regarding a salvage vehicle by the applicant or registrant or an employee of the applicant or registrant.

     (k) After the Department has determined that a registrant has failed to comply with a requirement of NRS 487.6875, 487.6877, 487.6881, 487.6883 or 487.6893 or NAC 487.250, and the Department has notified the registrant in writing of such noncompliance, failure or refusal by the registrant to release or return a motor vehicle held by the registrant for payment of repairs to the person requesting or authorizing such repairs if the cost of the repairs are in dispute.

     2.  The Director may deny the issuance of a registration to an applicant or may revoke a registration already issued if the Department is satisfied that the applicant or registrant is not entitled thereto.

     3.  As used in this section, “salvage vehicle” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 487.770.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R146-04, eff. 10-14-2004; A by R065-12, 11-1-2012)


      NAC 487.300  Replacement of conventional frame of vehicle. (NRS 481.051)

     1.  A person licensed by the Department pursuant to chapter 482 or 487 of NRS who replaces the conventional frame of a vehicle shall:

     (a) Provide written disclosure that the frame has been replaced to the person who authorized the replacement. The written disclosure must clearly state whether the replacement frame is:

          (1) New or used; and

          (2) Manufactured for or by the original manufacturer of that vehicle or is an after-market part.

     (b) Provide notice to the owner of the vehicle that he or she may have a duty to obtain a unique vehicle identification number pursuant to NAC 482.505.

     2.  The owner of the vehicle from which the replacement frame is removed shall obtain a nonrepairable vehicle certificate for that vehicle.

     3.  A frame that is removed from a vehicle because it is damaged must not be used as a replacement frame in any other vehicle. The person who removes such a frame shall:

     (a) Destroy the frame; or

     (b) If the person obtains written authorization from the Department pursuant to NRS 482.553, destroy the vehicle identification number stamped on or attached to the frame.

     4.  As used in this section, “conventional frame” means the main longitudinal structural members of the chassis of a vehicle used as the major support in the construction of the vehicle.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R038-04, eff. 11-2-2004)


      NAC 487.360  Salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate: Submission of application, evidence of ownership and fee; issuance. (NRS 481.051, 487.810, 487.880)

     1.  A person who wishes to obtain a salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate from the Department must submit:

     (a) A completed application, including a description of the vehicle, on the form provided by the Department;

     (b) Evidence of the ownership of the vehicle, consisting of any of the following:

          (1) A certificate of title issued by the Department, or a comparable document of title issued by a public authority of another state, territory or country;

          (2) A salvage title;

          (3) Unless the application is for a salvage title, a nonrepairable vehicle certificate;

          (4) Proof of compliance with the provisions of NRS 108.265 to 108.367, inclusive, in the form required by the Department, if the vehicle has been acquired through the enforcement of a lien obtained pursuant to NRS 108.270; or

          (5) Such other evidence as the Department requires to establish ownership of the vehicle; and

     (c) The fee set forth in NRS 487.810, if applicable.

     2.  The materials required by this section must be submitted to the Department of Motor Vehicles, Central Services and Records Division, Salvage Unit Office, 555 Wright Way, Carson City, Nevada 89711-0750.

     3.  If an applicant strictly complies with all the requirements of this section, the Department will issue a salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate within 2 business days after all the materials are received by the Salvage Unit.

     4.  The Director interprets “days,” as that term is used in NRS 487.810, to mean business days.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R038-04, eff. 11-2-2004)

      NAC 487.370  Transfer of ownership of salvage vehicle: Conditions requiring duplicate salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate. (NRS 481.051)  If a person transfers the ownership of a salvage vehicle by properly endorsing a salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate, as a result of which all the spaces on the reverse side of the title or certificate are filled in or struck through, the new owner may not transfer ownership of the vehicle until after he or she obtains a duplicate salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R038-04, eff. 11-2-2004)


      NAC 487.900  Imposition and payment of fine; failure to pay fine. (NRS 481.051, 487.990)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 or 3, if the Department imposes administrative fines pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.990, it will impose such fines for violations occurring within the 3-year period immediately preceding the most recent offense according to the following schedule:

     (a) For a first offense, a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $500.

     (b) For a second offense, a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000.

     (c) For a third offense, a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $1,500.

     (d) For a fourth or subsequent offense, a fine of not less than $1,500 and not more than $2,500.

Ê For the purposes of paragraphs (b), (c) and (d), a cease and desist order issued by the Department shall be deemed to be a first offense.

     2.  The Department will impose an administrative fine pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.990 of not less than $100 and not more than $500 for a first offense involving a violation of NRS 487.035 or 487.530 to 487.567, inclusive, which results in substantial harm to a consumer.

     3.  The Department may impose an administrative fine pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.990 of not less than $1,500 and not more than $2,500 for any violation of NRS 487.050, 487.410, 487.560 or 487.610.

     4.  Any person who has been fined pursuant to the provisions of NRS 487.990 shall make payment to the Department not later than the date specified in the notice of the violation, unless the person has requested a hearing pursuant to subsection 1 of that section.

     5.  Upon the failure of a person to pay a fine imposed pursuant to the provisions of this section when it becomes due, the Director may suspend, revoke or refuse to issue any license or registration obtained pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, eff. 11-23-92; A by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R146-04, 10-14-2004; R038-04, 11-2-2004)—(Substituted in revision for NAC 487.200)