[Rev. 11/22/2013 9:05:32 AM--2013]

[NAC-454 Revised Date: 2-04]


454.010            “Board” defined.

454.030            Sale of nasal inhalers containing stimulants to the central nervous system.

454.040            Security of drugs, chemicals, poisons and restricted devices.

454.050            Records to be maintained by pharmacist.

454.060            Requirements for written prescriptions for dangerous drugs.




      NAC 454.010  “Board” defined.  As used in this chapter, “Board” means the State Board of Pharmacy.

     [Bd. of Pharmacy, § 454.010, eff. 6-26-80]

      NAC 454.030  Sale of nasal inhalers containing stimulants to the central nervous system.  Nasal inhalers and preparations designed and intended to be instilled or sprayed into the nostrils, which contain drugs capable of causing stimulation to the central nervous system, the sale of which is not restricted to prescription only, may be sold at retail only by a registered pharmacist when such sales are made in good faith for medicinal use in the treatment of human illness.

     [Bd. of Pharmacy, § 454.030, eff. 6-26-80]

      NAC 454.040  Security of drugs, chemicals, poisons and restricted devices.  Restricted or prescription drugs, chemicals and poisons and restricted devices must be stored within the pharmacy in such a manner and place as will make them inaccessible to the public. The self-service display of any such drug, chemical, poison or device is prohibited.

     [Bd. of Pharmacy, part § 453.220, eff. 6-26-80]

      NAC 454.050  Records to be maintained by pharmacist.

     1.  A pharmacist shall maintain, in connection with any sale of supplies of dangerous drugs to a practitioner, the order presented in connection with the purchase which contains the following information:

     (a) The name of the practitioner, and his address if it is not immediately available to the pharmacist.

     (b) The classification of the practitioner’s license.

     (c) The name, strength and quantity of the drug or drugs supplied.

     2.  A pharmacist shall maintain the following records in connection with any sale or replenishment of supplies of dangerous drugs to the holder of a permit for the operation of an ambulance, air ambulance or a vehicle of a fire-fighting agency at the scene of an emergency:

     (a) The purchase order, which must contain the following information:

          (1) The name of the patient.

          (2) The date of the order.

          (3) The name, strength and quantity of the drug.

          (4) The number of the run of the specific vehicle, which references the record of transport or treatment of the patient.

     (b) A certification, which may be placed on the purchase order or on a separate paper attached to the purchase order, signed by the pharmacist filling the order and the person receiving the order and specifying:

          (1) The date the order was filled by the pharmacy;

          (2) Any deletion or change in the dangerous drug furnished pursuant to the order; and

          (3) The number of the certificate or license of the practitioner, intermediate emergency medical technician, advanced emergency medical technician-ambulance or registered nurse in charge of the dangerous drug on the ambulance, air ambulance or vehicle of a fire-fighting agency, if the number is not on file in the pharmacy.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Pharmacy, eff. 10-17-86)

      NAC 454.060  Requirements for written prescriptions for dangerous drugs.  In addition to the requirements of NRS 454.223, each written prescription for a dangerous drug must:

     1.  Contain the handwritten signature of the prescribing practitioner in nonerasable ink; and

     2.  Be submitted to the pharmacist in its original form.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Pharmacy, eff. 1-10-94)