[Rev. 9/25/2018 1:51:40 PM]

[NAC-426 Revised Date: 9-18]



General Provisions

426.010              Definitions.

426.015              “Accessories” defined.

426.017              “Administrator” defined.

426.025              “Bureau” defined.

426.028              “Department” defined.

426.029              “Division” defined.

426.030              “Equipment” defined.

426.035              “Gross income” defined.

426.040              “Net proceeds” defined.

426.042              “Net profit” defined.

426.045              “Operating agreement” defined.

426.050              “Operator” defined.

426.052              “Person who is blind” defined.

426.054              “Trainee” defined.

426.055              “Vending facility” defined.

426.060              Purposes of NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive.

426.065              Intention of Bureau to establish and expand vending facilities.

426.067              Operator or trainee deemed independent contractor.

426.070              Dissemination of copies of NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive, to certain persons.

Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind

426.080              Creation; election and term of members; adoption and contents of bylaws; meetings.

426.085              Duties.

426.095              Confidentiality of information.

Training and Licensing of Operators

426.100              Application for assessment.

426.105              Qualifications for enrollment in training program.

426.110              Qualifications for license.

426.115              Reports required for issuance of license.

426.120              Duration of license.

426.123              Bureau may require certain persons to complete continuing education or training or to receive counseling or vocational rehabilitation.

426.135              Termination of license.

426.140              Grounds for suspension or revocation of license.

426.145              Procedure for suspension or revocation of license; procedure for suspension or termination of operating agreement.

Selection of Operators for Particular Vending Facilities

426.150              Application to operate particular vending facility: Qualifications; waiver.

426.155              Notice of availability of location for vending facility.

426.160              Advisory committee for selection of operators.

426.165              Disqualification from selection; interim operator.

General Requirements for Operation

426.180              Operating agreement: Purpose; tender of agreement; signature; termination or suspension.

426.185              Operating agreement: Required contents; modification.

426.194              Procurement and display of licenses and permits.

426.196              Requirements of insurance.

426.201              Liability for willful or negligent acts.

Financial Operation; Records and Reports

426.215              Provision of bond or other security to Bureau.

426.220              Security for payment of sales taxes, workers’ compensation, security deposits or other payments.

426.222              Payments must be drawn on business account; recordation of personal expenses.

426.223              Submission of report or payment to Bureau.

426.224              Failure to make timely payment or report: Assessment, notice, payment and waiver of penalty; termination of operating agreement.

426.225              Assignment of revenue and commissions from vending machines.

426.230              Money to be set aside from net proceeds; waiver or reduction of required amount.

426.235              Advancement of money by Bureau: Purposes; repayment.

426.245              Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind: Accounting and use of money by Bureau.

426.250              Maintenance of books and records of account.

426.255              Submission of monthly report of business operations.

426.265              Records: Maintenance; availability to Bureau; audit; correction.

426.267              Biennial audits of certain facilities.

426.270              Business checking account: Establishment and maintenance; requirement of sufficient cash; effect of negative balance.

426.275              Business checking account: Deposit of income.

426.280              Business checking account: Payment of business expenses; reimbursement of expenses paid from personal money.

426.285              Ordinary and necessary expenses: Exclusions.

Equipment and Inventory

426.300              Equipment: Provision, repair and replacement; restrictions on operator or trainee.

426.305              Equipment: Responsibility for daily maintenance; payment for repairs resulting from neglect or abuse.

426.315              Equipment: Limitation on use.

426.320              Equipment: Retention of title by Bureau; surrender of possession.

426.326              Acquisition of merchandise, accessories and supplies necessary to begin and continue operation; requirements for conducting physical inventory.

426.330              Acknowledgment of receipt of equipment, accessories and initial stock of merchandise; record of changes to items.

426.335              Goods and services: Specification and approval; preparation and dispensation.

426.345              Conduct of physical inventory under certain circumstances; negotiation of value of equipment, accessories and merchandise.

426.355              Reservation and exercise by Bureau of option to purchase; reimbursement of operator upon withdrawal from program.

426.357              Surrender of premises and assets by operator.

426.360              Causing or allowing placement of lien, claim or other encumbrance prohibited.

Employees; Daily Operation and Management

426.365              General responsibilities of operators and trainees.

426.370              Responsibilities of Bureau regarding employment practices of operator.

426.383              Retirement income benefit for operators; policies and procedures.

426.387              Reimbursement of operators for health care costs; policies and procedures.

426.388              Reimbursement of operators for purchase of life insurance policies.

426.390              Leave of absence of operator.

426.395              Active involvement of operator in operation of facility.

426.400              Managerial services provided by Bureau; performance evaluations.

Resolution of Grievances

426.416              Request for administrative review of complaint.

426.420              Time and location of administrative review.

426.425              Procedure for administrative review.

426.430              Issuance and delivery of written decision.

426.450              Request for hearing after written decision.

426.455              Conduct of hearing by hearing officer; notice of time, date and place of hearing.

426.460              Representation of licensee at hearing.

426.465              Rules of evidence.

426.470              Rights of parties at hearing.

426.475              Methods of resolution.

426.480              Final decision; appeal.

426.485              Record of hearing.

426.490              Transcript of proceedings.

426.500              Judicial review or arbitration of final decision.


426.520              Definitions.

426.525              “Administrator” defined.

426.530              “Bureau” defined.

426.535              “Division” defined.

426.540              Request for hearing; request for resolution by alternate means; informal discussions.

426.545              Assignment of and conduct of hearing by hearing officer; continuance of hearing.

426.550              Submission of statements by parties before hearing.

426.555              Representation of aggrieved party at hearing.

426.560              Rules of evidence.

426.565              Rights of parties at hearing; order of presentation.

426.570              Decision of hearing officer: Issuance; appeal.

426.575              Transcript of proceedings.


426.600              “Department” defined.

426.610              Renewal of permit.

426.620              Duplicate permit.

426.630              Fees.



General Provisions

     NAC 426.010  Definitions. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  As used in NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 426.015 to 426.055, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Supplied in codification; A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.015  “Accessories” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Accessories” means items which:

     1.  Are suitable for use in the operation of a vending facility;

     2.  Are portable or subject to breakage or loss; and

     3.  Have a purchase price of less than $500.

Ê The term includes, but is not limited to, pots, pans, cooking utensils, dishware, flatware, cutlery, glassware, small appliances, signage, hand trucks and display racks.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 2 subsec. 1, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; A by Bur. of Services to Persons Who Are Blind or Vis. Impaired by R175-09, 6-30-2010)

     NAC 426.017  “Administrator” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Administrator” means the Administrator of the Division.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R091-00, eff. 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.025  “Bureau” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Bureau” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 426.045.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 2 subsec. 3, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.028  “Department” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Department” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 426.061.

     (Supplied in codification; A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.029  “Division” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Division” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 426.071.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.030  “Equipment” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Equipment” means items which have a purchase price of $500 or more and are approved by the Bureau as suitable for use in a vending facility. The term includes items which are owned by the Bureau or the operator.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 2 subsec. 4, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; A by Bur. of Services to Persons Who Are Blind or Vis. Impaired by R073-08, 12-17-2008)

     NAC 426.035  “Gross income” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Gross income” means all income which is earned from the operation of a vending facility.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 2 subsec. 5, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.040  “Net proceeds” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Net proceeds” means the amount of money which remains of the gross income after an operator or trainee has deducted the ordinary and necessary expenses of his or her business, excluding the money which the operator or trainee is required to set aside pursuant to NAC 426.230.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 2 subsec. 6, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.042  “Net profit” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Net profit” means the amount of money which remains in the net proceeds after an operator or trainee deducts the money which he or she is required to set aside pursuant to NAC 426.230.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.045  “Operating agreement” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Operating agreement” means an agreement between the Bureau and a person who is blind and who is licensed pursuant to the provisions of NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive, which sets forth the terms and conditions for the operation of a vending facility.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 2 subsec. 7, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.050  “Operator” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Operator” has the meaning ascribed to it in subsection 1 of NRS 426.630.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 2 subsec. 8, eff. 10-14-82]

     NAC 426.052  “Person who is blind” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Person who is blind” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 426.082.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 2 subsec. 2, eff. 10-14-82] — (Substituted in revision for NAC 426.020)

     NAC 426.054  “Trainee” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Trainee” means a person who is enrolled in the training program for operators offered by the Bureau pursuant to NAC 426.105.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R228-05, eff. 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.055  “Vending facility” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  “Vending facility” has the meaning ascribed to the term “vending stand” in subsection 3 of NRS 426.630.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 2 subsec. 9, eff. 10-14-82]

     NAC 426.060  Purposes of NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The purposes of NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive, are to establish standards and procedures for the administration of a comprehensive program which will provide to persons who are blind in this State opportunities to operate vending facilities as business enterprises and to provide to persons who are blind and other persons with disabilities opportunities for employment at vending facilities.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 3, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.065  Intention of Bureau to establish and expand vending facilities. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The Bureau intends, whenever feasible, to establish new vending facilities and to expand, remodel or refurnish existing facilities.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 5, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.067  Operator or trainee deemed independent contractor. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  For the purposes of NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive, an operator or trainee shall be deemed an independent contractor.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.070  Dissemination of copies of NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive, to certain persons. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The Bureau will furnish a copy of NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive, to each operator and trainee and to each person who is licensed to operate a vending facility in the medium of his or her choice.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 4, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind

     NAC 426.080  Creation; election and term of members; adoption and contents of bylaws; meetings. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  The Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind is hereby created. The Committee consists of operators who are in good standing with the Bureau and are elected in the manner prescribed in the bylaws of the Committee.

     2.  The operators in this State shall adopt bylaws to govern the Committee. The adoption must be by a majority of the operators who are present at the meeting to adopt the bylaws and vote upon the adoption. The bylaws are not effective until they are approved by the Administrator or his or her designee. The bylaws must prescribe:

     (a) The number of members on the Committee;

     (b) The method of electing the members;

     (c) The method of selection of the officers of the Committee;

     (d) Other matters essential to the proper functioning of the Committee; and

     (e) The procedure for the annual meeting of the Committee.

     3.  The members of the Committee are elected each even-numbered year by all the operators who are present at the meeting to elect members and vote upon the election of members. The members serve a term of 2 years, and until their successors have been elected and the Bureau determines that they are qualified to serve.

     4.  The Committee shall:

     (a) Hold a meeting annually or more frequently, if necessary.

     (b) Comply with the provisions of chapter 241 of NRS.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 68, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.085  Duties. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind shall:

     1.  Participate with the Bureau in the development of policy and make recommendations on issues which affect the program for vending facilities administered by the Bureau;

     2.  Receive grievances from operators and assist the operators in the presentation of those grievances to the Bureau;

     3.  Participate with the Bureau in a program which is designed to transfer and promote operators;

     4.  Participate in the development of training programs for operators and trainees;

     5.  Sponsor meetings to provide useful information to operators and trainees; and

     6.  Make recommendations to the Bureau concerning disciplinary actions against operators.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 69, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.095  Confidentiality of information. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  Information about a person which is furnished to the members of the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind to enable them to carry out their official responsibilities may be used only for that purpose. The members shall not disclose such information without the informed written consent of the person about whom the information is concerned.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 6, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97)

Training and Licensing of Operators

     NAC 426.100  Application for assessment. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  A person who is blind may apply to the Bureau for an assessment of his or her ability to operate a vending facility if:

     1.  The person is a client of the Bureau; and

     2.  The Bureau has determined the person is eligible for vocational rehabilitation services.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 8, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.105  Qualifications for enrollment in training program. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  A person who is blind may be enrolled in the training program for operators offered by the Bureau if the Administrator or his or her designee determines that the person:

     1.  Meets the requirements of age and citizenship for a license to operate a vending facility;

     2.  Is physically and emotionally qualified to operate a vending facility, based upon evaluations of the medical, psychological and vocational condition of the person which are on file with the Bureau or submitted to the Bureau for purposes of the assessment;

     3.  Possesses the skills in communications, mathematics, mobility, personal grooming and independent living which are necessary for the performance of the duties and responsibilities of an operator;

     4.  Possesses the ability for self-employment;

     5.  Possesses the ability to maintain good relations with customers, the Bureau and the agency which controls the premises where the vending facility is located;

     6.  Would benefit from and complete the program; and

     7.  Upon completion of the program, would be qualified to operate a vending facility.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 9, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.110  Qualifications for license. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  To be eligible for a license to operate a vending facility, a person who is blind must:

     1.  Be a citizen of the United States;

     2.  Be 18 years of age or older; and

     3.  Have successfully completed the Bureau’s requirements for training.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 10, eff. 10-14-82]

     NAC 426.115  Reports required for issuance of license. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The Bureau may issue to a person who is blind a license to operate a vending facility if the following documents have been submitted to the Bureau by or on behalf of the person:

     1.  A report of an ophthalmological or optometric examination which establishes that the person is legally blind. The report must have been obtained within 1 year before the proposed date for issuance of the license or must confirm the existence of permanent legal blindness regardless of the date of the report.

     2.  A report of a general medical examination which establishes that the person is physically capable of performing the duties required of an operator. The report must have been obtained within 1 year before the proposed date for issuance of the license.

     3.  A report of a psychological examination which establishes that the person is mentally and emotionally capable of performing the duties required of an operator. The report must have been obtained within 1 year before the proposed date for issuance of the license.

     4.  A report which establishes that the person is capable with regard to spatial orientation and mobility.

     5.  Proof of citizenship in the United States by submission of a birth certificate or certificate of naturalization.

     6.  A certificate by an authorized employee of the Bureau that the person has successfully completed the training required by the Bureau. Copies of the applicant’s reports of progress which were issued during such training must be attached to the certificate.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 11, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.120  Duration of license. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  A license to operate a vending facility is effective for an indefinite period, unless the license is terminated, suspended or revoked.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 12, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.123  Bureau may require certain persons to complete continuing education or training or to receive counseling or vocational rehabilitation. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  The Bureau may require a person who is licensed to operate a vending facility and who has not operated a vending facility within the previous year to complete a course of continuing education or training, or to receive counseling or vocational rehabilitation, as prescribed by the Bureau.

     2.  If the Bureau determines that an operator is not properly operating or managing his or her vending facility, the Bureau may require the operator to complete a course of continuing education or training, or to receive counseling or vocational rehabilitation, as prescribed by the Bureau.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.135  Termination of license. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  A license to operate a vending facility automatically terminates if the licensee:

     (a) Ceases to be a citizen of the United States;

     (b) Ceases to be a person who is blind; or

     (c) Surrenders his or her license to the Bureau.

     2.  If a licensee submits his or her resignation as an operator to the Bureau, the license terminates on the date established by the Administrator or the Administrator’s designee.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 13, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.140  Grounds for suspension or revocation of license. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Each of the following acts by an operator constitutes a ground for suspension or revocation of his or her license:

     (a) Abandonment of a vending facility. A vending facility shall be deemed to be abandoned if the operator has been absent from the vending facility without the authorization of the Bureau and the facility has been closed for 3 consecutive working days or more.

     (b) Failure to operate a vending facility in accordance with:

          (1) Any applicable law or regulation;

          (2) The operating agreement; or

          (3) The permit given by the public agency or private person who has control of the premises where the vending facility is located.

     (c) Failure to maintain the equipment that is located at the operator’s vending facility in good condition.

     (d) Misconduct, including, without limitation:

          (1) Fraud, misappropriation or conversion.

          (2) Use of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs while on duty.

          (3) Embezzlement.

          (4) Submission of a false report to the Bureau.

          (5) Failure to submit to a medical, psychological, ophthalmological or other examination when requested to do so by the Bureau. The Bureau will pay for the cost of such an examination.

          (6) Other behavior that seriously jeopardizes the operation of the vending facility.

     (e) Failure to pay obligations incurred in the operation of the vending facility when payments on those obligations are due.

     (f) Failure to pay to the Bureau when due the money that the operator is required to pay pursuant to NAC 426.230 or 426.235.

     (g) Failure to obtain the insurance required by the operating agreement, or to pay the insurance premiums when they become due.

     (h) Failure to be actively involved in the operation of the vending facility pursuant to NAC 426.395.

     (i) Failure to maintain the records of the business operations of the vending facility that the operator is required to maintain pursuant to NAC 426.250.

     (j) Refusal to permit the inspection, review or audit of the records of the business operations of the vending facility by authorized representatives of the Bureau.

     (k) Failure or refusal to comply with the requirements of continuing education or training, or to receive counseling or vocational rehabilitation pursuant to NAC 426.123.

     2.  The Administrator or his or her designee may suspend or revoke the license of an operator if the Administrator or the designee determines that the operator does not possess the personal attributes which were required for the operator’s enrollment in the training program for operators offered by the Bureau.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 15, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.145  Procedure for suspension or revocation of license; procedure for suspension or termination of operating agreement. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  If the Bureau determines that the conduct of an operator requires suspension or revocation of the operator’s license, or the suspension or termination of his or her operating agreement before the expiration of the period specified in the agreement, the Bureau will provide to the operator an opportunity to present evidence to the Bureau which tends to show that the operator is in compliance with all requirements for retention of his or her license or operating agreement through the process for review of administrative complaints set forth in NAC 426.416 to 426.500, inclusive. The Bureau will provide to the operator notice of that opportunity and will set forth in the notice the grounds for the suspension or revocation of the operator’s license, or the suspension or termination of his or her operating agreement.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 14, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

Selection of Operators for Particular Vending Facilities

     NAC 426.150  Application to operate particular vending facility: Qualifications; waiver. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, a person who is blind and who is licensed to operate a vending facility may apply to operate a particular vending facility.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a person who is blind and who is licensed to operate a vending facility may not apply to operate a particular vending facility if:

     (a) The person has managed or operated a facility for less than 6 months; or

     (b) The person fails to comply with the requirements for the operation of the vending facility that are set forth in the notice of vacancy for the facility.

     3.  The Administrator or his or her designee may waive the limitations set forth in subsection 2 if he or she determines that there is not a sufficient number of eligible applicants for the operation of the vending facility.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 20, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.155  Notice of availability of location for vending facility. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The Bureau will notify each person who is eligible to operate a vending facility whenever a location for such a facility is or is about to become available.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 18, eff. 10-14-82]

     NAC 426.160  Advisory committee for selection of operators. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  If two or more persons who are licensed to operate a vending facility have submitted an application to the Bureau, a person employed by the Bureau as an officer of field operations will appoint an advisory committee to select an operator. The committee must include:

     1.  To the extent possible, at least three persons representing the management of the building in which the vending facility is to be located; and

     2.  One person who is a member of the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind who serves only as an observer to the selection process.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 19, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.165  Disqualification from selection; interim operator. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  If a person who has been selected to operate a vending facility withdraws from consideration or refuses to execute, within a prescribed time, an operating agreement, the person is disqualified from selection as an operator of that facility. Upon such a disqualification, the Administrator or his or her designee may:

     1.  Offer the agreement to the applicant who received the next highest rank for selection.

     2.  Reinitiate the application process.

     3.  Select an interim operator for a specified period. The interim operator shall comply with the provisions of NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 23, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

General Requirements for Operation

     NAC 426.180  Operating agreement: Purpose; tender of agreement; signature; termination or suspension. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  An operating agreement grants to the operator, for a specified period, the right to use a vending facility and the equipment included with the vending facility.

     2.  The Bureau will offer an operating agreement and all documents relating to the agreement to a person who has been selected to operate a vending facility. The person who is selected must sign the operating agreement before taking possession of the vending facility.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an operating agreement terminates automatically upon expiration of the period specified in the agreement. The Bureau may, in accordance with NAC 426.145, terminate an operating agreement before the expiration of the specified period if the operator fails to comply with the provisions of the operating agreement, chapter 426 of NRS or NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive. In lieu of terminating an operating agreement, the Bureau may suspend an operating agreement for not more than 90 days. If the Bureau suspends an operating agreement, the operator may continue to operate his or her vending facility during the period in which the agreement is suspended if the operator agrees to cooperate with the Bureau to establish and carry out a corrective plan of action for the vending facility.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 44, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.185  Operating agreement: Required contents; modification. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  An operating agreement must include three parts as follows:

     (a) Part A must grant to the operator, for a specified period, the right to use a particular vending facility and any equipment included with the facility.

     (b) Part B must include the terms and conditions of operation that are required by NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive, including, but not limited to:

          (1) The days and hours of operation;

          (2) A description of the types of goods and services that may be offered at the vending facility pursuant to NAC 426.335;

          (3) The insurance coverage required pursuant to NAC 426.196;

          (4) The liability of the operator pursuant to NAC 426.201;

          (5) The option to purchase retained by the Bureau pursuant to NAC 426.355;

          (6) The procedure for administrative review set forth in NAC 426.416 to 426.500, inclusive; and

          (7) The employment status of the operator pursuant to NAC 426.067.

     (c) Part C must include any special agreements that relate to the terms and conditions of the operation of the vending facility, including, but not limited to, standards of operation and special approval required for the operation of the facility.

     2.  Any part of an operating agreement may be modified in a manner prescribed by the Bureau. If the entire operating agreement is not modified, the provisions that were not modified remain valid.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 45, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A 3-15-84; A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.194  Procurement and display of licenses and permits. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  An operator or trainee shall obtain all licenses and permits which are required for the operation of a vending facility, including, but not limited to, a sales tax permit and local business license. The operator or trainee shall pay all fees related to the issuance or renewal of each license or permit. The operator or trainee shall display each license or permit in a prominent location at the vending facility.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 60, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.196  Requirements of insurance. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The Bureau will:

     1.  Provide fire insurance and storekeeper’s liability insurance as may be necessary for all vending facilities;

     2.  Prescribe in each operating agreement the insurance that is required for the vending facility covered by the agreement, including the insurance that the operator is required to obtain;

     3.  Respond within 30 days to all written inquiries from an operator concerning the requirements of insurance for the vending facility; and

     4.  Ensure that each policy of insurance names the Bureau as an additional insured.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.201  Liability for willful or negligent acts. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  An operator or trainee shall, unless otherwise required by statute:

     1.  Assume liability for his or her willful or negligent acts, or the willful or negligent acts of his or her employees or agents, that cause injury or damage to persons or property; and

     2.  Hold the Bureau harmless for any such acts.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

Financial Operation; Records and Reports

     NAC 426.215  Provision of bond or other security to Bureau. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The Bureau may require the operator or trainee to provide to the Bureau a bond or other security of a type and amount determined by the Bureau.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 31, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.220  Security for payment of sales taxes, workers’ compensation, security deposits or other payments. (NRS 426.560, 426.670, 426.675)  The Bureau may:

     1.  Advance money to an operator for the purchase of a certificate of deposit to secure the payment of sales taxes, workers’ compensation or other payments required of the operator.

     2.  Enter into a cooperative agreement with another agency of the State by which the Bureau pledges money from the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind to secure the payment of sales taxes, workers’ compensation or security deposits required of the operator by the agency. If an operator fails to make a payment to the agency, the Bureau will notify the operator and require him or her to pay the delinquent obligation.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 54, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.222  Payments must be drawn on business account; recordation of personal expenses. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  A payment required by NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive, must be drawn on the business account of an operator or trainee. A payment that is made, other than a payment for a business deduction, must be recorded as a personal expense on the monthly balance sheet maintained by the operator or trainee.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.223  Submission of report or payment to Bureau. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  A report or payment required by NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive, must be submitted to the Bureau not later than 20 days after the close of business on the last day of the calendar month covered by the payment or report. A report or payment must be submitted to the Bureau.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.224  Failure to make timely payment or report: Assessment, notice, payment and waiver of penalty; termination of operating agreement. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, if a payment or report required by NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive, is not received by the Bureau on the date it is due, the Bureau will assess a penalty of $50 or 15 percent of the amount due, whichever is greater. The Bureau will determine whether a payment or report is received by the Bureau on the date that it is due in accordance with NRS 238.100.

     2.  The Bureau will mail to the last known address of the operator or trainee by certified mail, return receipt requested, or personally deliver to the operator or trainee, notice that a penalty has been assessed.

     3.  A penalty must be paid not more than 30 days after the operator or trainee receives notice of the penalty. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, if a penalty is not paid, the Bureau will assess an additional penalty of $50 or 15 percent of the amount due, whichever is less, excluding the amount due for the first penalty.

     4.  If, in a 1-year period, three reports, payments or penalties are not submitted to the Bureau when they are due, the Bureau may terminate the operating agreement between the Bureau and the operator without prior notice to the operator.

     5.  The Administrator or his or her designee may waive the assessment of a penalty pursuant to this section if the operator or trainee submits a request for a waiver which includes the reasons for the late payment, report or penalty.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind, eff. 3-15-84; A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.225  Assignment of revenue and commissions from vending machines. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  The Administrator or his or her designee shall assign to an operator or trainee revenue which is accrued from vending machines that are in direct competition with the vending facility of the operator or trainee.

     2.  The Administrator or his or her designee may assign to an operator or trainee commissions which are accrued from vending machines that are not in direct competition with the vending facility of the operator or trainee to supplement the income of the operator or trainee for not more than 6 months. The Bureau will develop and publish a policy for determining the amount of commissions that may be assigned pursuant to this subsection.

     3.  For the purpose of this section, if vending machines are not easily accessible to the employees in the building occupied by the vending facility of the operator or trainee, the machines are not considered to be in direct competition with the vending facility of the operator or trainee.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 43, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.230  Money to be set aside from net proceeds; waiver or reduction of required amount. (NRS 426.560, 426.670, 426.675)

     1.  To provide the money that is necessary for the administration of the program for vending facilities, each operator or trainee shall set aside money, to be deposited by the Bureau in the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind, from the monthly net proceeds of his or her business in accordance with the following table:


     Net Proceeds of Business                 Amount to Be Set Aside




     $999........................ 1 percent of net proceeds



    1,499................... $15 plus 2 percent of net proceeds over $999



    2,099................... $25 plus 5 percent of net proceeds over $1,499



    2,799................... $55 plus 10 percent of net proceeds over $2,099



    3,399................... $125 plus 15 percent of net proceeds over $2,799



    4,499................... $215 plus 20 percent of net proceeds over $3,399



    5,699................... $435 plus 25 percent of net proceeds over $4,499



    6,899................... $735 plus 30 percent of net proceeds over $5,699



    8,999................... $1,095 plus 35 percent of net proceeds over $6,899



  13,999................... $2,000 plus 40 percent of net proceeds over $8,999



  19,999................... $4,000 plus 45 percent of net proceeds over $13,999


$20,000................... $7,000 plus 50 percent of net proceeds over $20,000


     2.  The Administrator or his or her designee, after consultation with the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind, shall periodically review the table in subsection 1.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, if the monthly net proceeds of the business of an operator or trainee are less than zero, the amount by which expenses exceed income may be carried forward for not more than 2 months and deducted from the net proceeds for those months to determine the amount of money required to be set aside pursuant to subsection 1 for those months. The operator or trainee may carry forward that amount for more than 2 months if the operator or trainee obtains prior written approval from the Bureau.

     4.  The Administrator or his or her designee, after consultation with the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind, may waive or reduce the amount of money required to be set aside pursuant to subsection 1 for a time prescribed by the Administrator or the designee. If the Administrator or the designee, after consultation with the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind, decides to waive or reduce this amount of money, the Administrator or the designee shall notify each operator or trainee for whom the amount is being waived or reduced on or before the last day of the month for which the amount is waived or reduced.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 32, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006; A by Bur. of Services to Persons Who Are Blind or Vis. Impaired by R175-09, 6-30-2010)

     NAC 426.235  Advancement of money by Bureau: Purposes; repayment. (NRS 426.560, 426.670, 426.675)

     1.  The Bureau may advance money to an operator or trainee from the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind to purchase initial stock of merchandise, supplies and equipment that are necessary to begin the operation of a vending facility. The operator or trainee shall execute a promissory note for the amount to be repaid to the Bureau. The repayment must be made in monthly installments, based upon the adjusted net proceeds of the business of the operator or trainee in accordance with the following table:


  Adjusted Net Proceeds         Installment Required




$1,100               10 percent of the amount



   2,000            $100 plus 15 percent of the adjusted net proceeds over $1,000



   3,000            $250 plus 20 percent of the adjusted net proceeds over $2,000



   4,000            $450 plus 30 percent of the adjusted net proceeds over $3,000



   5,000            $750 plus 40 percent of the adjusted net proceeds over $4,000


$5,000            $1,150 plus 50 percent of the adjusted net proceeds over $5,000


     2.  The Bureau may advance money to an operator or trainee from the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind in exchange for a promissory note to ensure the continued operation of an existing vending facility. The advance must be repaid by the operator or trainee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the promissory note.

     3.  As used in this section, “adjusted net proceeds” means the amount of money that remains of the gross income after an operator or trainee has deducted the ordinary and necessary expenses of his or her business and includes, without limitation, the amount of money set aside pursuant to NAC 426.230.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 34, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.245  Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind: Accounting and use of money by Bureau. (NRS 426.560, 426.670, 426.675)

     1.  The Bureau will account for the money set aside and collected by the Bureau from the operators and trainees in accordance with generally accepted principles of accounting.

     2.  In addition to the purposes authorized by NRS 426.675, the Bureau will use money from the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind for:

     (a) Payment of the costs incurred for management of the program for vending facilities administered by the Bureau, including the expenses of the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind.

     (b) If money is available in the Account, reimbursement of an operator or trainee for the payment of a premium on a policy of insurance which the operator or trainee is required to maintain if, in the determination of the Administrator or his or her designee, the reimbursement is consistent with NRS 426.640.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 33, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.250  Maintenance of books and records of account. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  Each operator or trainee shall maintain complete books and records of account for his or her business on the basis of calendar years in accordance with generally accepted standards for business accounting. The books and records must accurately reflect all receipts and disbursements. The operator or trainee shall use the method of accounting approved by the Bureau.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 38, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.255  Submission of monthly report of business operations. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  Each operator or trainee shall submit to the Bureau, on a form prescribed by the Bureau, a monthly report of the business operations of his or her vending facility. The monthly report must be based on a calendar month.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 36, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.265  Records: Maintenance; availability to Bureau; audit; correction. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Each operator or trainee shall maintain the records, correspondence and other documents relating to his or her business operation at a location in this State and make the records available to an authorized representative of the Bureau, with or without notice, for inspection, audit or other purpose. Upon issuance of a receipt for records, the operator or trainee shall surrender the records to a representative of the Bureau for audit. The receipt must specify the date on which the records must be returned to the operator or trainee and include the signature of the representative of the Bureau who receives the records. After an audit by the Bureau, an operator or trainee shall, if requested by the Bureau, correct the records in accordance with the instructions of the Bureau. Each operator or trainee shall maintain the records of his or her business operation for 5 years after the end of the calendar year covered by the records.

     2.  The Bureau may request any records, correspondence or other documents of an operator or trainee that are necessary for the operation or management of the vending facility or the performance of the operator or trainee, including, without limitation, records of any business in which an operator or trainee or any member of the immediate family of the operator or trainee has a financial interest in the ownership of the business. As used in this subsection, “immediate family” has the meaning ascribed to it in NAC 284.5235.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 39, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.267  Biennial audits of certain facilities. (NRS 426.560, 426.670, 426.675)

     1.  The Bureau will:

     (a) Cause an audit to be conducted biennially for each vending facility with gross revenues of $150,000 or more; and

     (b) Enter into a contract with an accounting firm selected by the Bureau to perform the audits.

     2.  The Administrator or his or her designee, in consultation with the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind, shall develop policies and procedures for the conduct of the audit.

     3.  The Bureau will pay for the audit from money in the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R091-00, eff. 9-25-2000; A by R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.270  Business checking account: Establishment and maintenance; requirement of sufficient cash; effect of negative balance. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Each operator or trainee shall establish and maintain a checking account for his or her business. The account must be in a commercial bank which is authorized to do business in this State and offers electronic access to banking services. The operator or trainee shall not commingle his or her business and personal money in the business checking account.

     2.  Each operator or trainee shall maintain cash in an amount which is sufficient to pay all monthly obligations of his or her vending facility without diminishing the net worth of his or her business.

     3.  If an operator maintains a negative balance in the operator’s checking account or issues a check without sufficient money in the checking account, the Bureau may terminate his or her operating agreement.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 56, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.275  Business checking account: Deposit of income. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  All income which is earned from the operation of a vending facility must be deposited in the business checking account of the operator or trainee.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 57, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.280  Business checking account: Payment of business expenses; reimbursement of expenses paid from personal money. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The operator or trainee shall pay his or her business expenses and the money owed to the Bureau by a check drawn on his or her business checking account. The operator or trainee may use the money in the business checking account to reimburse himself or herself for any expenses of the business which the operator or trainee originally paid from his or her personal money if the operator or trainee maintains documents which relate to those payments, including, but not limited to, invoices and receipts, in accordance with the generally accepted standards for business accounting.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 59, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.285  Ordinary and necessary expenses: Exclusions. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  Unless the Administrator or his or her designee provides prior written approval to an operator or trainee, ordinary and necessary expenses of the business of an operator or trainee do not include:

     1.  Expenses for accounting services not related to the business.

     2.  Attorney’s fees and related expenses.

     3.  Charges for bank overdraft or return of checks.

     4.  Charges for the use of credit cards except as permitted by NAC 426.010 to 426.500, inclusive.

     5.  Costs of commuting to and from work, including parking fees, for the operator or trainee or his or her employees.

     6.  Contributions or gifts to organizations or customers.

     7.  Costs of aids, appliances or other equipment furnished to the operator or trainee through the program for vocational rehabilitation offered by the Bureau.

     8.  Costs of replacing merchandise which is destroyed because of spoilage, theft or other circumstances.

     9.  Costs of maintenance, replacement or repair of equipment which is owned by the Bureau.

     10.  Costs of maintenance, replacement or repair of equipment which is owned by the operator or trainee and used at the vending facility.

     11.  Costs of markup of an item of merchandise which is over the actual cost of the item, if the item was purchased from a firm and the markup directly or indirectly benefits the operator or trainee.

     12.  Allowances for employees’ meals.

     13.  Penalties paid to an agency which imposes taxes or issues a license.

     14.  Personal expenses, including, but not limited to:

     (a) Charges for personal clothing.

     (b) Premiums for health, medical or disability insurance for the operator or trainee or his or her family.

     (c) Payments for personal income tax, including payments for estimated taxes.

     (d) Premiums for life insurance or payments for a retirement program for the operator or trainee.

     (e) Any other expenses which are personal.

     15.  The purchase price of or rental payments for equipment which has not been authorized by the Bureau.

     16.  Payments to the Bureau pursuant to a promissory note for any money advanced to establish a vending facility.

     17.  Travel expenses.

     18.  Depreciation of the equipment owned by the operator or trainee.

     19.  Expenses for rent or utilities at a location other than the facility.

     20.  Losses incurred for an extension of credit that was not approved by the Bureau.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 58, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

Equipment and Inventory

     NAC 426.300  Equipment: Provision, repair and replacement; restrictions on operator or trainee. (NRS 426.560, 426.670, 426.675)

     1.  The Bureau will furnish to each vending facility equipment that is suitable for the facility. The Bureau will assume responsibility for all the normal repair and replacement of that equipment.

     2.  If the Bureau determines that it is necessary or appropriate, the Bureau will:

     (a) Replace equipment located at a vending facility, if money is available in the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind.

     (b) Provide additional equipment at a vending facility, if money is available in the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind.

     (c) Provide written authorization to an operator or trainee to purchase equipment specified in the authorization.

     3.  An operator or trainee shall not add to, modify, remove or replace any equipment without the written consent of the Bureau.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 24, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.305  Equipment: Responsibility for daily maintenance; payment for repairs resulting from neglect or abuse. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  An operator or trainee shall assume responsibility for the daily maintenance of the equipment furnished by the Bureau. The operator or trainee shall pay for any repairs that result from his or her neglect or abuse of the equipment.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 27, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.315  Equipment: Limitation on use. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  Equipment that has been furnished by the Bureau or authorized for purchase must be used only for the business of the vending facility.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 26, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.320  Equipment: Retention of title by Bureau; surrender of possession. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Except for the right to use the equipment that is granted to the operator pursuant to NAC 426.180, the Bureau retains all right to, title to and interest in the equipment it furnishes for the operation of a vending facility.

     2.  The operator shall surrender possession of the equipment:

     (a) Upon termination, suspension or revocation of the operator’s license; or

     (b) If the operator is required to do so by the terms of the operating agreement.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 28, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.326  Acquisition of merchandise, accessories and supplies necessary to begin and continue operation; requirements for conducting physical inventory. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  An operator or trainee shall obtain the items of merchandise, accessories and supplies that are necessary to begin operation of his or her vending facility. An operator or trainee shall deduct the value of those items of merchandise, accessories and supplies as a business expense if the deduction will not result in a negative balance in his or her net proceeds. Any amount that is not deducted must be shown as an asset on the monthly balance sheet maintained by the operator or trainee until it is liquidated.

     2.  An operator or trainee shall obtain items of merchandise, accessories and supplies in quantities that are sufficient to ensure the continued operation of his or her vending facility.

     3.  On an annual basis and at any other time prescribed by the Administrator or his or her designee, an operator or trainee shall conduct a physical inventory of the items of merchandise, accessories and supplies that the operator or trainee has in his or her possession for resale, and record the results of the inventory in his or her books and records of account. A copy of the results of the inventory must be included with the monthly report that the operator or trainee is required to submit to the Bureau pursuant to NAC 426.255.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.330  Acknowledgment of receipt of equipment, accessories and initial stock of merchandise; record of changes to items. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  Each operator or trainee shall acknowledge the receipt of the equipment, accessories and initial stock of merchandise furnished by the Bureau. The Bureau will maintain a record of any changes to those items and will provide the operator or trainee with a copy of such a record. Each record must be signed and dated by an authorized representative of the Bureau.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 30, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.335  Goods and services: Specification and approval; preparation and dispensation. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Each operating agreement must specify the goods and services that may be sold at the vending facility covered by the agreement.

     2.  The goods and services offered at a vending facility may be dispensed automatically or manually and may be prepared on or off the premises.

     3.  Goods and services must not be sold, offered for sale or dispensed unless they have been approved in writing by the Administrator or his or her designee.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 50, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.345  Conduct of physical inventory under certain circumstances; negotiation of value of equipment, accessories and merchandise. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Each operator or trainee, or a person designated by the operator or trainee, and an authorized representative of the Bureau shall conduct a physical inventory of all equipment, accessories and merchandise of a vending facility if:

     (a) The operator or trainee is transferred or promoted to another location;

     (b) The operator or trainee resigns from the program for vending facilities administered by the Bureau;

     (c) The operator surrenders his or her license to the Bureau; or

     (d) The operating agreement expires and is not renewed, and a final settlement between the operator and the Bureau is necessary.

     2.  If an operator or trainee refuses to participate in the inventories required by subsection 1, or refuses to designate a representative for such purpose, the Bureau will appoint an independent person to represent the operator or trainee. All equipment and accessories furnished by the Bureau must be counted and reconciled with the master inventory maintained by the Bureau.

     3.  The former operator or trainee and the new operator or trainee or the Bureau shall negotiate, with the assistance of the staff of the Bureau, the value of the equipment, accessories and merchandise of a vending facility.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 51, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.355  Reservation and exercise by Bureau of option to purchase; reimbursement of operator upon withdrawal from program. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Each operating agreement must include a provision which reserves for the Bureau an option to purchase any equipment, accessories, supplies and merchandise owned by the operator for use in the vending facility and to assign this option to a succeeding operator of the vending facility. At the time the option is exercised, the merchandise, accessories and supplies must be inventoried and valued in the manner provided in NAC 426.345. Equipment owned by the operator may be purchased by the Bureau at its fair market value.

     2.  If an operator withdraws from the program for vending facilities administered by the Bureau and the Bureau purchases his or her equipment, accessories, supplies or merchandise, the Bureau will reimburse the operator for the equipment, accessories, supplies or merchandise not later than 60 days after the expiration of his or her operating agreement unless a purchase agreement has been executed and notarized between the operator and the Bureau which establishes an alternative payment schedule.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 53, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.357  Surrender of premises and assets by operator. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Upon the rescission or termination of an operating agreement, or the suspension, revocation or termination of a license, the operator shall vacate the premises of the vending facility and surrender possession of all equipment, accessories, merchandise, supplies and other assets which the Bureau owns or has an option to purchase.

     2.  If the operator fails to surrender the premises and assets, the Bureau will take such action as is necessary to obtain possession. The operator may enter the premises to remove his or her personal property or, upon the written request of the operator and at the operator’s expense, the Bureau will deliver the property to the operator or place it in storage.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 55, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.360  Causing or allowing placement of lien, claim or other encumbrance prohibited. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The operator or trainee shall not cause or allow a lien, a claim or any other encumbrance to be placed on his or her vending facility or any of its equipment, accessories, merchandise, supplies or other assets.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 63, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

Employees; Daily Operation and Management

     NAC 426.365  General responsibilities of operators and trainees. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  Each operator or trainee shall, subject to the approval of the Administrator or his or her designee:

     1.  Employ and compensate such employees as are necessary for the effective and efficient operation of the vending facility.

     2.  Employ and compensate a relief operator to ensure the continuous operation of the vending facility during an absence of the operator or trainee.

     3.  To avoid unnecessary and excessive costs, limit the number of persons that the operator or trainee employs and their hours of employment and compensation. Compensation of these employees must not exceed the prevailing wage which is paid to employees who have similar duties in the geographic area of the vending facility.

     4.  Terminate the employment of any person whose continued employment is detrimental to the operation of the business.

     5.  Upon request, provide to the Bureau a written description of the duties of each employee.

     6.  Conduct his or her business in a manner that satisfies his or her customers.

     7.  Avoid any practices that are inconsistent with this section.

     8.  Except for supervision or management that the Bureau is required to provide, make all decisions concerning the management and daily operations of his or her vending facility.

     9.  Maintain a clean appearance and ensure that his or her employees maintain a clean appearance.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 41, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.370  Responsibilities of Bureau regarding employment practices of operator. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The Bureau will:

     1.  Notify an operator of any employment practices of the operator which are detrimental to the operation of the business and which require prompt action by the operator; and

     2.  Require the termination of any employee if:

     (a) The Bureau has received a request for removal of the employee from the public agency or private person who gave permission to establish and operate the vending facility; or

     (b) The performance of the employee is detrimental to the operation of the vending facility and the operator has failed or refused to take appropriate action to correct the employee’s performance.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 42, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.383  Retirement income benefit for operators; policies and procedures. (NRS 426.560, 426.670, 426.675)

     1.  The Bureau will pay each licensed operator annually a retirement income benefit if:

     (a) A majority of the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind approves the payment;

     (b) A majority of the licensed operators approves the payment; and

     (c) The Bureau determines that money for the payment is available in the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind.

     2.  The Bureau, in consultation with the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind, will develop policies and procedures to determine:

     (a) The eligibility of an operator to receive the retirement income benefit pursuant to this section; and

     (b) The amount of money to be paid to an operator who is eligible to receive a retirement income benefit pursuant to this section.

     3.  In developing policies and procedures pursuant to subsection 2, the Bureau, in consultation with the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind, will give consideration to all relevant factors, including, without limitation:

     (a) The amount of money in the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind;

     (b) The current and projected expenses of the Bureau and other required uses of the money;

     (c) Any reserves which the Bureau determines it must maintain; and

     (d) The number of operators who are anticipated to be eligible to receive a retirement income benefit pursuant to this section.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R091-00, eff. 9-25-2000; A by R228-05, 5-4-2006; A by Bur. of Services to Persons Who Are Blind or Vis. Impaired by R175-09, 6-30-2010; R085-13, 6-26-2015)

     NAC 426.387  Reimbursement of operators for health care costs; policies and procedures. (NRS 426.560, 426.670, 426.675)

     1.  The Bureau will make available an amount of money annually for each operator of a vending facility for the purpose of reimbursing each operator for health care costs that are not paid by a third-party insurer if:

     (a) A majority of the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind approves the amount to be made available; and

     (b) The Bureau determines that the amount of money that is approved annually is available in the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind.

     2.  The Bureau, in consultation with the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind, will establish policies and procedures relating to:

     (a) The eligibility of an operator to receive a reimbursement for health care costs pursuant to this section;

     (b) The process the Bureau and such an operator will follow for reimbursement of health care costs pursuant to this section; and

     (c) The amount of money to be made available annually for each operator as reimbursement of health care costs pursuant to this section.

     3.  In establishing policies and procedures pursuant to subsection 2, the Bureau, in consultation with the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind, will give consideration to all relevant factors, including, without limitation:

     (a) The amount of money which the Legislature appropriates for the purpose of reimbursing each operator for health care costs that are not paid by a third-party insurer;

     (b) The lawful uses of the money appropriated to the Bureau;

     (c) Any reserves which the Bureau determines it must maintain; and

     (d) The number of operators who are anticipated to be eligible to receive reimbursement for health care costs pursuant to this section.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R091-00, eff. 9-25-2000; A by R228-05, 5-4-2006; A by Bur. of Services to Persons Who Are Blind or Vis. Impaired by R175-09, 6-30-2010; R085-13, 6-26-2015)

     NAC 426.388  Reimbursement of operators for purchase of life insurance policies. (NRS 426.560, 426.670, 426.675)

     1.  The Bureau will make available not more than $1,000 annually for each operator of a vending facility to reimburse each operator for premiums that the operator paid for the purchase of a life insurance policy from an insurer licensed to do business in this State if:

     (a) A majority of the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind approves the amount to be made available; and

     (b) The Legislature authorizes the expenditure of money for such a purpose.

     2.  The Bureau will make available the money described in subsection 1 from revenue which is:

     (a) Accrued from vending machines that are not located on federal property; and

     (b) Not otherwise assigned pursuant to the provisions of NAC 426.225.

     3.  The Bureau, in consultation with the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind, will establish policies and procedures relating to:

     (a) The eligibility of an operator to receive reimbursement for premiums that the operator paid for the purchase of a life insurance policy pursuant to this section; and

     (b) The process the Bureau and such an operator will follow for the reimbursement of premiums that the operator paid for the purchase of a life insurance policy pursuant to this section.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to Persons Who Are Blind or Vis. Impaired by R175-09, eff. 6-30-2010)

     NAC 426.390  Leave of absence of operator. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, an operator may take not more than 30 calendar days of vacation each calendar year. The operator shall notify the Bureau and provide assurance that the operation of the vending facility will continue under the guidance of a qualified relief operator. The operator may report the wages which he or she pays to the relief operator as a business expense.

     2.  The Administrator or the Administrator’s designee may, if he or she determines that special circumstances exist, authorize additional leave of absence.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, §§ 76 & 77, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.395  Active involvement of operator in operation of facility. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  An operator must be actively involved in the operation of the vending facility as prescribed in the operating agreement for the vending facility.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 78, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.400  Managerial services provided by Bureau; performance evaluations. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  The Bureau will assist each operator in the efficient and effective management of each vending facility.

     2.  The Bureau will provide to each operator of a vending facility managerial services concerning marketing, merchandising, pricing, maintenance of records, preparing reports, supervising personnel and other business procedures.

     3.  The Bureau will:

     (a) Evaluate the performance of each operator annually or more frequently if necessary and determine whether any further business training is necessary;

     (b) Submit to the Administrator or his or her designee a report of the findings of each evaluation; and

     (c) Include in each report recommendations for additional business training or other necessary actions.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 67, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

Resolution of Grievances

     NAC 426.416  Request for administrative review of complaint. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  A person who is licensed to operate a vending facility may submit a written request to the Administrator or his or her designee for an administrative review of a complaint if the licensee:

     (a) Has a legitimate grievance with any action of the Bureau in the operation or administration of the program for vending facilities; and

     (b) Has not resolved the grievance through informal negotiations with an officer of the Bureau.

     2.  Not later than 30 days after the occurrence of the action that is the cause of the grievance of the licensee, a request for an administrative review must be mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Administrator or his or her designee.

     3.  A request for an administrative review must include:

     (a) The date of the occurrence of the action which is the cause of the grievance of the licensee;

     (b) A statement of the complaint, including each issue that the licensee considers relevant to the complaint;

     (c) A statement of each resolution of the complaint offered by the licensee;

     (d) Citations to the statutes or regulations, if any, which pertain to the complaint;

     (e) A statement which supports the position of the licensee;

     (f) The mailing address and telephone number of the licensee; and

     (g) The signature of the licensee and the date of the signature.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.420  Time and location of administrative review. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The Administrator or his or her designee shall conduct an administrative review at a time and place which is reasonable for the parties. Unless otherwise scheduled to accommodate the licensee, the Administrator or the designee shall conduct an administrative review within 10 days after the Administrator or the designee receives a request for an administrative review.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 73, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.425  Procedure for administrative review. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  An administrative review must be:

     1.  Conducted informally without attorneys or witnesses.

     2.  Based on the record available, except that the licensee may, upon his or her request, appear and present additional facts.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 74, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.430  Issuance and delivery of written decision. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Not later than 15 days after an administrative review, the Administrator or his or her designee shall issue a written decision, including his or her findings of fact and conclusions of law concerning the complaint and any appropriate orders.

     2.  The Bureau will mail the written decision to the licensee by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or a representative of the Bureau may personally deliver the decision to the licensee and read it to the licensee. If the decision is personally delivered to the licensee, the licensee shall date and sign a copy of the decision as an acknowledgment of the receipt.

     3.  The Administrator or his or her designee shall mail a copy of the decision to each member of the Nevada Committee of Vendors Who Are Blind.

     [Bur. of Services to the Blind, § 75, eff. 10-14-82] — (NAC A by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, 8-28-97; R091-00, 9-25-2000; R228-05, 5-4-2006)

     NAC 426.450  Request for hearing after written decision. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Not later than 15 days after receipt of a written decision on a complaint, a licensee may submit a written request to the Administrator for a hearing on the complaint. The request must be mailed to the Administrator by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested.

     2.  The written request for a hearing must include a copy of the original complaint filed by the licensee.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.455  Conduct of hearing by hearing officer; notice of time, date and place of hearing. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  Not later than 30 days after the Administrator receives a written request for a hearing, a hearing officer appointed by the senior hearings officer of the Hearings Division of the Department of Administration shall conduct a hearing at a time and location that is reasonable for the parties. The hearing officer must have no personal involvement in the complaint.

     2.  Not less than 10 days before the date of the hearing, the Bureau will, in accordance with NRS 233B.121, provide to all parties notice of the time, date and place of the hearing.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.460  Representation of licensee at hearing. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The licensee may be represented at the hearing by an attorney or another person designated by the licensee.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.465  Rules of evidence. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The hearing officer is not bound by the technical rules of evidence. Decisions concerning the admissibility of evidence must be made in accordance with NRS 233B.123.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.470  Rights of parties at hearing. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  Each party must be granted the opportunity to present his or her case, examine and cross-examine witnesses, and rebut evidence.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.475  Methods of resolution. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  Unless otherwise provided by statute, a complaint may be resolved by arbitration, mutual agreement of the parties, settlement, consent decree or default of a party.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R091-00, 9-25-2000)

     NAC 426.480  Final decision; appeal. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  A final decision by a hearing officer on a complaint must be in writing or stated in the record. A final decision must include findings of fact and conclusions of law. Findings of fact must include a statement of the facts which support the findings.

     2.  Not more than 30 days after a final decision is made, a party may appeal the decision in accordance with the provisions of NAC 426.500.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.485  Record of hearing. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  The record of the hearing must include:

     1.  The transcript of the oral testimony provided at the hearing;

     2.  All pleadings and motions filed by the parties;

     3.  Any rulings made by the hearing officer, including rulings on offers of proof;

     4.  Evidence that was admitted;

     5.  Facts which were officially noticed by the hearing officer; and

     6.  Any other decision, opinion or report of the hearing officer.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.490  Transcript of proceedings. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)  Upon request of a party, the Bureau will provide a transcript of the oral proceedings of the hearing. The Bureau may require payment of the cost incurred for providing the transcript.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97)

     NAC 426.500  Judicial review or arbitration of final decision. (NRS 426.560, 426.670)

     1.  A licensee or the Bureau may appeal the final decision of a hearing officer and request judicial review pursuant to NRS 233B.130 to 233B.150, inclusive.

     2.  A licensee may, in lieu of appealing the final decision of a hearing officer pursuant to NRS 233B.130 to 233B.150, inclusive, request arbitration pursuant to 34 C.F.R. § 395.13 not later than 20 days after service of the final decision of the hearing officer.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired, eff. 8-28-97; A by R228-05, 5-4-2006)


     NAC 426.520  Definitions. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)  As used in NAC 426.520 to 426.575, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 426.525, 426.530 and 426.535 have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 426.525  “Administrator” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)  “Administrator” means the Administrator of the Division.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 426.530  “Bureau” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)  “Bureau” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 426.045.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 426.535  “Division” defined. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)  “Division” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 426.071.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 426.540  Request for hearing; request for resolution by alternate means; informal discussions. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)

     1.  A person applying for or receiving services for persons who are blind who is aggrieved by a decision of the Bureau may, not later than 60 days after receiving notice of the decision of the Bureau, submit a written request to the Administrator or his or her designee for a hearing conducted pursuant to NRS 426.610. The Administrator or the designee may, upon good cause shown, allow a person to file a request for a hearing more than 60 days after receiving notice of the decision.

     2.  In addition to, or in lieu of, submitting a request for a hearing pursuant to subsection 1, a person who is aggrieved by a decision of the Bureau may, not later than 30 days after receiving notice of the decision of the Bureau, submit a written request to the Administrator or his or her designee to resolve the dispute by using alternate means of dispute resolution in accordance with the Client Assistance Program as specified in 29 U.S.C. § 732(g)(3)(A) or by mediation pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 722(c).

     3.  The provisions of this section do not prohibit a person applying for or receiving services for persons who are blind who is aggrieved by a decision of the Bureau from engaging in informal discussions with the Administrator or his or her designee concerning the dispute or reaching a settlement of the dispute.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 426.545  Assignment of and conduct of hearing by hearing officer; continuance of hearing. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)

     1.  The Administrator or his or her designee shall, after receiving a request for a hearing pursuant to subsection 1 of NAC 426.540, immediately submit the request to the Hearings Division of the Department of Administration for assignment of a hearing officer.

     2.  The hearing officer shall, not later than 60 days after the Administrator or his or her designee receives a request for a hearing pursuant to subsection 1 of NAC 426.540, conduct a hearing at a time and place that is acceptable to the parties.

     3.  With the approval of the hearing officer, the parties may agree in writing to continue the hearing.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 426.550  Submission of statements by parties before hearing. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)  The hearing officer may require each party to submit, at least 5 days before the hearing, a statement that includes:

     1.  The facts of the dispute;

     2.  The issues of law presented in the dispute;

     3.  A list of the names of the witnesses who may testify at the hearing; and

     4.  A list of exhibits that the party intends to use at the hearing.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 426.555  Representation of aggrieved party at hearing. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)  The aggrieved party may be represented at the hearing by an attorney or any other person designated by the aggrieved party.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 426.560  Rules of evidence. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)  The hearing officer is not bound by the technical rules of evidence. Decisions concerning the admissibility of evidence must be made in accordance with the provisions of NRS 233B.123.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 426.565  Rights of parties at hearing; order of presentation. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)  Each party may present his or her case, examine and cross-examine witnesses, and rebut evidence. The aggrieved party shall present his or her case first, followed by the case of the Bureau, followed by such rebuttal evidence as the hearing officer may allow.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 426.570  Decision of hearing officer: Issuance; appeal. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)

     1.  Not later than 30 days after the hearing, the hearing officer shall issue a written decision in accordance with the requirements of chapter 233B of NRS.

     2.  The decision of the hearing officer is a final decision for the purposes of judicial review, and any appeal of the decision must be filed within the period established by paragraph (d) of subsection 2 of NRS 233B.130.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 426.575  Transcript of proceedings. (NRS 426.560, 426.610)  Upon the request of a party, the Bureau will provide a transcript of the oral proceedings of the hearing. The Bureau may require payment of the cost to provide the transcript.

     (Added to NAC by Bur. of Services to the Blind & Vis. Impaired by R073-06, eff. 6-28-2006)


     NAC 426.600  “Department” defined. (NRS 426.441)  As used in NAC 426.600 to 426.630, inclusive, “Department” means the Department of Motor Vehicles.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R160-01, eff. 2-12-2002)

     NAC 426.610  Renewal of permit. (NRS 426.441)

     1.  The Department will, not less than 60 days before the expiration of an expedited service permit issued pursuant to NRS 426.441, mail a notice of renewal to the holder of the permit at his or her address on file with the Department.

     2.  The notice will include an application for renewal and will indicate whether the holder may renew the permit by mail. The Department will not allow the holder of a permit to renew the permit by mail if the most recent renewal of the permit was by mail.

     3.  If the holder wishes to renew the permit, the holder must submit to the Department:

     (a) A completed application, including the certification of a licensed physician that the holder is a person with a permanent disability as defined in NRS 426.431; and

     (b) The required fee for the issuance of the renewal of the permit.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R160-01, eff. 2-12-2002)

     NAC 426.620  Duplicate permit. (NRS 426.441)

     1.  The holder of an expedited service permit may apply to the Department for the issuance of a duplicate permit if:

     (a) The permit is lost, stolen or destroyed; or

     (b) The holder wishes to have a different photograph of himself or herself affixed to the permit or to change his or her address on the permit.

     2.  Application for a duplicate permit must be made in person and include the required fee for the issuance of the duplicate permit.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R160-01, eff. 2-12-2002)

     NAC 426.630  Fees. (NRS 426.441)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the Department will charge the following fees for the issuance of an expedited service permit:

     (a) For the issuance of a permit, a duplicate permit or the renewal of a permit to a person who is at least 65 years of age, a fee of $7.25.

     (b) For the issuance of a permit, a duplicate permit or the renewal of a permit to a person who is less than 18 years of age, a fee of $6.25.

     (c) For the issuance of a permit, a duplicate permit or the renewal of a permit to any other person, a fee of $12.25.

     2.  For the issuance of a duplicate permit to any person for the purpose of having a different photograph affixed to the permit or changing the address on the permit, or both, the Department will charge a fee of $7.25.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Motor Veh. by R160-01, eff. 2-12-2002; A by R049-15, 4-4-2016)