[Rev. 5/25/2022 11:15:34 AM]


[NAC-391 Revised Date: 8-20]



391.010        Definitions.

391.015        Location of state offices; acquisition of forms for licensure.

391.020        Validity of license not retroactively affected by amendment of regulations.

391.022        Assignment of unique identification number to each license.

391.023        Crimes and offenses involving moral turpitude for purposes of background investigation and suspension or revocation of license.

391.024        Conviction of applicant for licensure: Request for additional opinion whether conviction is related to employment position applicant seeks; final determination of Superintendent of Public Instruction or designee.

391.025        Responsibility for licensure; endorsement; substitution of certain requirements for experience.

391.028        Licensure of person who teaches program of education transmitted from another state through electronic medium.

391.036        Tests of competency required for initial license; exemptions; failure to comply.

391.040        Determination of qualifications of applicant for licensure or endorsement.

391.042        Initial license requiring student teaching experience: Conditions for substitution of teaching experience.

391.045        Application for license or endorsement: Required documentation; fee; applicability of academic credits.

391.050        Transcripts.

391.052        Criteria for approval of standards for licensing teachers of another state; credit for previous teaching service.

391.0535      Denial of license to certain persons licensed or certified in another state.

391.054        Licensure of person licensed or certified in another state; issuance of provisional license under certain circumstances.

391.0545      Licensure of person who holds National Board Certificate.

391.055        Provisional 1-year licensure or endorsement of person who holds renewable license issued in this State.

391.056        Provisional nonrenewable licensure: Qualifications; term of validity; addition of endorsements.

391.0565      Provisional nonrenewable licensure: Removal of provisions.

391.0568      Provisional licensure pending receipt of reports on criminal history of applicant.

391.057        Provisional licensure: Qualifications; authorized employment; term of validity; automatic invalidity; reinstatement.

391.0573      Provisional licensure: Areas of instruction to teach certain pupils; categories of instruction to teach special education to certain pupils.

391.0575      Provisional licensure: Requirements to apply for initial license to teach secondary education or to teach pupils enrolled in early childhood education or kindergarten and grades 1 through 12 in specific area.

391.0577      Provisional licensure: Requirements to apply for initial license to teach elementary education, to teach pupils in program of early childhood education or to teach special education to pupils in program of early childhood education or in kindergarten and grades 1 through 12 in certain categories.

391.0583      Special qualifications licensure: Qualifications; areas of endorsement; duties of employing school district or private school; requirements of licensee following issuance; validity.

391.059        Testing or assessment of teacher assigned to program of bilingual education; maintenance of records; annual report.

391.060        Expiration of licenses and endorsements.

391.063        Voluntary surrender and reinstatement of license or endorsement.

391.065        Renewal of license: Educational and professional requirements; exceptions. [Effective through June 25, 2029.]

391.065        Renewal of license: Educational and professional requirements; exceptions. [Effective June 26, 2029.]

391.067        Renewal of license: Additional requirement to complete course in multicultural education for teachers initially licensed on or after July 1, 2015; requirements of course; applicability of credits toward other requirements.

391.070        Renewal of license: General requirements; fee; delay of expiration date by Superintendent of Public Instruction.

391.073        Renewal of license: Requirements for persons who are retired and hold a valid license issued by Superintendent of Public Instruction; fee; term of validity; delay of expiration date by Superintendent; endorsement; renewal.

391.077        Extension of time prescribed for renewal of license or for validity of provisional license; time for filing request for extension; period of validity.

391.080        Approval of providers of continuing education.

391.082        Approval of courses completed by applicant at regionally accredited institution.

391.083        Limitation on employment of person who holds license to teach and certain special endorsements.

391.085        Emergency relief from regulations.


391.087        Requirements for teaching in program of early childhood education; exception.

391.089        Qualifications for license to teach pupils in program of early childhood education.


391.0896      Special license as emergency substitute teacher; authorized employment.

391.0897      Qualifications to serve as substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12; endorsement as substitute teacher on provisional or special license; period for which substitute teacher may be hired; provisional nonrenewable special license; renewal.


391.090        Authority conferred by elementary license.

391.095        Qualifications for elementary license.

391.096        Qualifications for elementary and middle school physical education license; authorized employment.

391.100        Qualifications for professional license as elementary teacher.

391.111        License to teach middle school or junior high school education: Qualifications; requirements and recognized subjects for endorsement; exception.

391.113        License to teach middle school or junior high school education: Endorsement for recognized field of teaching.


391.120        Qualifications for license; qualifications for license with endorsement in career and technical education.

391.125        Endorsement for recognized field of teaching, field of specialization or area of concentration.

391.130        Fields of specialization and areas of concentration for designation in endorsement.

391.1301      Comprehensive majors and minors recognized by Commission.

391.13015    Major or minor in art.

391.1302      Major or minor in biological science.

391.1303      Major or minor in English.

391.1304      Major or minor in general science.

391.13043    Major or minor in mathematics.

391.13045    Major or minor in instrumental music.

391.13046    Major or minor in instrumental and vocal music.

391.13047    Major or minor in vocal music.

391.13048    Major or minor in physical education.

391.1305      Major or minor in physical science.

391.1306      Major or minor in social studies.

391.13065    Endorsement to teach automotive service technology: Qualifications; provisional endorsement; credit toward renewal of license.

391.131        Single-subject majors and minors.

391.13105    Single-subject major involving music.

391.1312      Requirements and restrictions on hours of credit for certain subjects.

391.133        Instructor or coordinator for career and technical education: Qualifications.

391.134        Career and technical education secondary endorsement: Authorized activities of holder.

391.135        Professional secondary license: Qualifications.

391.136        Endorsement in mathematics and science: Conditions for substitution of course work.


391.146        “Exception” defined.

391.148        Applicability of provisions.

391.150        Submission of lists: List of teachers and teaching assignments; list of teachers teaching outside area of endorsement.

391.152        Request for exception: Submission; form and contents; objection.

391.154        Request for exception: Action by Superintendent of Public Instruction.

391.156        Period of exception; extension of period.

391.158        Limitation on teaching of courses related to area of endorsement.


391.160        Types of endorsements issued by Department; authorized employment.

391.170        License or endorsement as professional administrator of school; endorsement as professional administrator of program.

391.171        Conditional endorsement as professional administrator of school: Qualifications; authorized employment; term of validity; automatic invalidity; reinstatement; requirements to apply for unconditional endorsement.


391.179        Issuance or renewal of limited endorsement on or after July 1, 2002; duration of limited endorsement in effect on that date.

391.180        Endorsement as school counselor.

391.185        Qualifications for endorsement as school counselor.

391.187        Authorization to serve as school counselor without endorsement.

391.196        Endorsement to teach advanced computer science.

391.202        Endorsement to teach computer technology-based applications and computational thinking.

391.215        Endorsement to teach art.

391.220        Endorsement as professional teacher of art.

391.223        Endorsement to provide audiological services; exception.

391.225        Endorsement to teach drivers’ education.

391.229        Endorsements in cultural competency and specialist in cultural competency.

391.231        Endorsement to teach Navajo language and government of the Navajo Nation.

391.233        Endorsement to teach Great Basin Native American language; exception to teach without endorsement.

391.235        Endorsement to teach world language.

391.237        Endorsements to teach English language acquisition and development; endorsement as professional teacher of English as second language; endorsement as specialist in English language acquisition and development.

391.240        Endorsement as professional teacher of world language.

391.242        Endorsements to teach program of bilingual education; provisional endorsement.

391.243        Endorsement to teach American Sign Language.

391.245        Endorsement to teach industrial arts.

391.250        Endorsement as professional teacher of industrial arts.

391.252        Endorsement to teach Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Program.

391.253        Endorsement to teach pupils who are participating in the Jobs for America’s Graduates program: Authorized activities; qualifications.

391.255        Endorsement as school library media specialist.

391.265        Endorsement as professional school library media specialist.

391.270        Endorsement to teach music.

391.275        Endorsement as professional teacher of music.

391.276        Endorsement to serve as music therapist.

391.277        Endorsement to teach occupational therapy.

391.279        Endorsement to teach physical therapy.

391.280        Endorsement to teach physical education.

391.281        Endorsement to teach physical education and health.

391.282        Endorsement to teach dance education.

391.285        Endorsement to teach reading.

391.290        Endorsement as specialist in teaching reading.

391.305        Endorsement to serve as school nurse.

391.307        Authorization to serve as school nurse without endorsement.

391.310        Endorsement as professional nurse for schools.

391.312        Endorsement to serve as mental health professional in a school.

391.315        Endorsement to serve as school psychologist: General qualifications; renewal.

391.316        Endorsement to serve as school psychologist: Required areas of study.

391.317        Endorsement to serve as school psychologist: Optional areas of study.

391.318        Endorsement to serve as school psychologist: Requirements for practicum.

391.319        Endorsement to serve as school psychologist: Internship in psychology.

391.320        Endorsement to serve as social worker.

391.323        Endorsements as specialist or professional specialist in social, emotional and academic development.

391.325        Endorsement to serve as staff specialist.

391.330        Endorsement as emergency substitute teacher. [Replaced in revision by NAC 391.0896.]

391.332        Qualifications to serve as substitute teacher; endorsement as substitute teacher; period for which substitute teacher may be hired; provisional nonrenewable special license; renewal. [Replaced in revision by NAC 391.0897.]


391.3393      License to teach special education: Qualifications.

391.3395      Limitations on issuance and renewal of special license with endorsement in special education.

391.340        Qualifications for teaching pupils who have hearing impairments.

391.343        Qualifications for teaching pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries.

391.347        Limited endorsement to teach pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries.

391.360        Qualifications for teaching pupils who have intellectual disabilities and moderate to intense needs for assistance and intervention.

391.363        Qualifications for teaching pupils who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age in program of early childhood special education; endorsement to teach pupils in such program.

391.367        Qualifications for teaching adapted physical education to pupils who have disabilities.

391.370        Qualifications for teaching pupils who have speech and language impairments.

391.376        Endorsement as professional teacher of pupils who have disabilities.

391.378        Qualifications for teaching pupils who have autism; endorsement to teach such pupils.

391.386        Requirement for approval of field experience.

391.390        Qualifications for teaching pupils who have visual impairments.

391.391        Endorsement to teach pupils in program of orientation and mobility.

391.392        Endorsement to teach program of alternative education.

391.393        Limited endorsement to teach core academic subjects exclusively to pupils with disabilities.

391.394        Endorsement to teach in program for gifted and talented pupils.

391.398        Substitute teacher of special education: Application for additional extension of period of hire.


391.400        Types of endorsements.

391.420        Business and industry endorsement: Program areas for which endorsement may be issued.

391.425        Business and industry endorsement: Qualifications for receipt and first renewal.

391.430        Business and industry endorsement: Authorized activities of holder.

391.436        Endorsement as substitute teacher of business and industry: Issuance; qualifications for receipt and first renewal; period of hire.


391.461        Application for approval to become qualified provider; review; conditions of provisional approval; term of validity; renewal; approval to offer program for different area of licensure; annual evaluation.

391.463        Revocation of approval of qualified provider: Notification of intent; requirements of exit plan.

391.465        Approval and publication by Commission of programs offered in another state.

391.470        Qualifications for issuance of renewable teaching license to persons who complete program offered in another state.


391.480        Submission of notification of arrest to Department; form; requirements; updates or amendments to form; maintenance and monitoring of file; documents sent to licensed employee; exemption from notification.

391.485        Confidentiality of certain documents.


391.500        Recommendation to Board for suspension or revocation; findings of board of trustees to accept or reject hearing officer’s recommendation; complaint for failure to comply with contract.

391.503        Failure of holder of license to pay fee imposed by American Arbitration Association for hearing officer.

391.507        Answer; time to submit.

391.509        Modification of limitations of time.

391.513        Hearing: Communication of parties with hearing officer and staff of hearing officer.

391.515        Hearing: Location; notification of time and location.

391.520        Hearing: Purpose; presentation of evidence; recordings and transcripts; responsibility for expenses.

391.525        Hearing: Service of papers; proof of service.

391.530        Hearing: Postponement; failure to appear.

391.535        Hearing: Order of presentation of statements, evidence and arguments.

391.540        Hearing: Depositions of witnesses.

391.545        Hearing: Conduct of participants; rules of evidence; witnesses; affidavits; exhibits; stipulations; briefs.

391.550        Hearing: Continuances.

391.555        Option of holder to appear before Board.


391.556        Adoption by reference of Model Core Teaching Standards: A Resource for State Dialogue.

391.557        Requirements for application for approval of course; development and maintenance of manual by Department to provide assistance.

391.558        Procedure and requirements for review of applications and approval of courses; provisional and final approval; denial, expiration and renewal of approval; review of course; annual reports by school district; fee.

391.560        Annual reports by institution; survey.


391.565        Definitions.

391.566        “Performance evaluation of school-level administrator” defined.

391.567        “Performance evaluation of teacher” defined.

391.568        “Performance evaluation rating” defined.

391.569        “School-level administrator” defined.

391.570        “Statewide performance evaluation system” defined.

391.571        Performance evaluation of school-level and probationary administrators: Required domains.

391.572        Performance evaluation of school-level administrator in domain of instructional leadership practices.

391.573        Performance evaluation of school-level administrator in domain of professional responsibilities.

391.574        Performance evaluation of teacher: Required domains.

391.575        Performance evaluation of teacher in domain of instructional practices.

391.576        Performance evaluation of teacher in domain of professional responsibilities.

391.577        Performance evaluations of school-level administrators in domains of instructional leadership practices and professional responsibilities and of teachers in domains of instructional practices and professional responsibilities to be measured upon certain methods: Observations of performance; review of evidence; self-assessment; effectiveness in improving pupil performance.

391.579        Evaluation tools for conducting performance evaluations; application for flexibility to use different evaluation tools; access to evaluation tools by school level administrator and teacher.

391.580        Scoring matrix for performance evaluations of school-level administrators and teachers.

391.582        Selection of assessments to determine extent to which learning goals of pupils were achieved; monitoring of assessments; modifications.

391.583        Authorization to adopt policy to allow peer observations of teachers; requirements of policy; authorized actions of peer observers.

391.586        Qualifications for peer observers; certification of peer observers by school district; annual calibration exercise for peer observers.

391.589        Annual submission of data regarding school-level administrators and teachers employed by the district.


391.625        Adoption and use of Code.

391.627        Annual training on Code by school districts and charter schools.


391.700        Determination of eligibility of licensed teacher for benefit to purchase retirement credit.

391.710        “Licensed teacher” interpreted; satisfaction of requirement for employment of licensed teacher in school designated as demonstrating need for improvement.


391.750        “Paraprofessional” defined.

391.760        Qualifications; responsibility of school districts and charter schools.

391.770        Alternative assessment: Submission by school district or charter school; approval by Board; passing score.

391.780        Database of paraprofessionals; list of approved assessments.


391.800        Circumstances under which volunteer deemed to have regular contact with pupils for purposes of background investigation; exceptions.




      NAC 391.010  Definitions. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

     1.  “Board” means the State Board of Education.

     2.  “Commission” means the Commission on Professional Standards in Education.

     3.  “Department” means the Department of Education.

     4.  “Endorsement” means a specific area of preparation within a general license that is issued by the Department.

     5.  “Field experience” means supervised experience working in a placement in which a person:

     (a) Works with pupils with disabilities; and

     (b) Demonstrates competency in the assessment of such pupils, educational planning, curriculum, methods of instruction, management of the classroom, working with parents and collaborating with other professionals.

     6.  “Initial license” means an elementary, secondary, provisional or special license, a license to teach special education, a license to teach middle school or junior high school education or a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education issued to a teacher or other educational personnel:

     (a) For the first time; or

     (b) Who held a license that expired or was suspended or revoked by the Board.

     7.  “Qualified provider” means an institution of higher education or any other institution which operates independently of an institution of higher education which has been approved by the Commission to offer a program for an alternative route to licensure in this State pursuant to NAC 391.461.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.005, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 10-18-89, eff. 1-21-90; 11-4-91; 11-27-91; 1-24-92; 10-23-92; R094-99, 11-2-99; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R115-11, 10-4-2013; R114-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.015  Location of state offices; acquisition of forms for licensure. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  The state offices where administrative services are provided for persons desiring licensure are located at the:


     Department of Education, 700 East Fifth Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701-5096. (Mailing address: 700 East Fifth Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701-5096.)


     Department of Education, 9890 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 221, Las Vegas, Nevada 89183. (Mailing address: 9890 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 221, Las Vegas, Nevada 89183.)


     2.  All forms required for licensure may be obtained from one of those state offices.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.010 subsec. 3, eff. 10-23-81; + § 391.030 subsec. 2, eff. 10-23-81; A 3-26-82]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; R086-97, 1-9-98; R047-09, 10-27-2009)

      NAC 391.020  Validity of license not retroactively affected by amendment of regulations. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  If the Commission amends its regulations on the licensure of educational personnel, the Commission intends that such an amendment not retroactively affect the validity of any license issued by the Superintendent of Public Instruction before the amendment becomes effective.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.010 subsec. 2, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91)

      NAC 391.022  Assignment of unique identification number to each license. (NRS 391.019)  Any license issued or renewed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction must be assigned a unique identification number that is not based on the social security number of the licensee.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R114-04, eff. 8-25-2004)

      NAC 391.023  Crimes and offenses involving moral turpitude for purposes of background investigation and suspension or revocation of license. (NRS 385.200, 391.033, 391.104, 391.330)

     1.  As used in NRS 391.033, 391.104 and 391.330, the Superintendent of Public Instruction will consider a person to have been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or an offense involving moral turpitude, as applicable, if the person has been convicted of:

     (a) An offense of a sexual nature in violation of NRS 200.364 to 200.373, inclusive, 200.378, 200.700 to 200.790, inclusive, 201.160 to 201.190, inclusive, 201.210, 201.220, 201.230, 201.235 to 201.254, inclusive, 201.256 to 201.2655, inclusive, 201.295 to 201.450, inclusive, or 201.470 to 201.560, inclusive.

     (b) An offense involving involuntary servitude or trafficking in persons in violation of NRS 200.463 to 200.469, inclusive.

     (c) An offense of a violent nature in violation of NRS 200.010 to 200.300, inclusive, 200.380 to 200.450, inclusive, or 200.471 to 200.490, inclusive, but not including a first violation of NRS 200.481 or 200.485 if that violation is punishable as a misdemeanor.

     (d) Unlawful possession or use of a firearm, explosive or other weapon in violation of NRS 202.255 to 202.440, inclusive, or 202.750 to 202.840, inclusive.

     (e) Terrorism in violation of NRS 202.441 to 202.449, inclusive.

     (f) Abuse, neglect or endangerment of a child or abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of an older person or vulnerable person in violation of NRS 200.508 to 200.5085, inclusive, 200.5099, 200.50995 or 201.110.

     (g) Arson in violation of NRS 205.010 to 205.055, inclusive.

     (h) Burglary or receipt of stolen property in violation of NRS 205.060 to 205.080, inclusive, 205.273, 205.2745 or 205.275.

     (i) Kidnapping or false imprisonment in violation of NRS 200.310 to 200.359, inclusive, or 200.460.

     (j) Aiding another person in the commission of an offense punishable as a felony or gross misdemeanor or rescuing a prisoner from lawful custody in violation of NRS 195.030 or 199.100.

     (k) Identity theft in violation of NRS 205.461 to 205.4651, inclusive.

     (l) An offense committed under color of authority in violation of NRS 197.200.

     (m) Bribery, extortion or coercion in violation of NRS 197.010 to 197.110, inclusive, 201.570, 205.320, 205.322 or 207.190.

     (n) Manufacturing, cultivation or distribution of a controlled substance in violation of NRS 453.316 to 453.348, inclusive.

     (o) Cruelty to animals in violation of NRS 574.100 to 574.120, inclusive.  

     (p) Attempt, conspiracy or solicitation to commit any offense listed in paragraphs (a) to (o), inclusive.

     (q) Any offense that is substantially similar to an offense listed in paragraphs (a) to (o), inclusive, whether committed in this State or another jurisdiction.

     (r) If the person was convicted within the immediately preceding 10 years:

          (1) Possession of a controlled substance in violation of NRS 453.336 but excluding any conviction for possession of an amount of marijuana deemed to be for personal use in the jurisdiction where the conviction occurred.

          (2) Contributing to the delinquency of a minor in violation of NRS 201.110.

          (3) Fraud in violation of NRS 205.2747, 205.330 to 205.460, inclusive, 205.46513 to 205.4657, inclusive, 205.506, 205.520 to 205.810, inclusive, 205.880, 205.900, 205.920, 205.940, 205.950 or 205.960.

          (4) Embezzlement in violation of NRS 205.300 to 205.312, inclusive.

          (5) Forgery or counterfeiting in violation of NRS 205.085 to 205.217, inclusive, 205.2705, 205.481, 205.492 or 205.965.

          (6) Grand larceny in violation of NRS 205.220 to 205.230, inclusive.

          (7) Theft or facilitating theft in violation of NRS 205.0821 to 205.0835, inclusive, 205.267, 205.270, 205.2707, 205.2715, 205.860, 205.910, 205.930 or 205.970.

          (8) Driving under the influence of alcohol or a prohibited substance in violation of NRS 484C.110, 484C.120, 484C.130 or 488.400 to 488.520, inclusive, if the offense is a second or subsequent offense or is punishable as a felony.

          (9) Petit larceny in violation of NRS 205.240, if the offense is a second or subsequent offense.

          (10) Attempt, conspiracy or solicitation to commit any offense listed in subparagraphs (1) to (9), inclusive.

          (11) Any offense that is substantially similar to an offense listed in subparagraphs (1) to (9), inclusive, whether committed in this State or another jurisdiction.

     2.  A conviction of a crime punishable as a felony in this State that is not listed in subsection 1:

     (a) Will not be considered a conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude or an offense involving moral turpitude; and

     (b) May be deemed by the Superintendent to be related to a position within the county school district or charter school for which an applicant has applied, an employee is employed or a volunteer wishes to serve pursuant to NRS 391.033 or 391.104.

     (Added to NAC by Sup’t. of Public Instruction by R136-15, eff. 12-19-2017)

      NAC 391.024  Conviction of applicant for licensure: Request for additional opinion whether conviction is related to employment position applicant seeks; final determination of Superintendent of Public Instruction or designee. (NRS 385.200, 391.033, 391.104, 391.330)

     1.  If the Superintendent of Public Instruction or the Superintendent’s designee determines pursuant to NRS 391.033 that the conviction of an applicant for licensure is related to the position with the county school district or charter school for which the applicant has applied, the applicant may request the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee to seek an additional opinion from a person listed in subsection 2. Such a request must include, without limitation, written authorization pursuant to NRS 391.035 for the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee to disclose the information included in the application and associated documents submitted by the applicant to each person whose opinion is sought.

     2.  The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee may seek not more than three additional opinions pursuant to a request for an additional opinion submitted by the applicant pursuant to subsection 1. The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee may request such an opinion from:

     (a) A member of the Commission on Professional Standards in Education created by NRS 391.011;

     (b) An employee of the Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment created by NRS 388.1323;

     (c) Any person licensed pursuant to chapter 391 of NRS;

     (d) A parent or guardian of a pupil enrolled at a public school in this State; or

     (e) A peace officer as defined in NRS 289.010.

     3.  The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee may consider any opinion obtained pursuant to this section that is received within 30 days after the date on which the opinion was requested. After considering any such opinion, the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee will determine whether the conviction of the applicant is related to the position with the county school district or charter school for which the applicant has applied. If the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee determines that the conviction is not related to the position for which the applicant has applied and the applicant meets the other requirements for licensure set forth in NRS 391.033 and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto, the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee will issue a license to the applicant or renew the applicant’s license, as applicable.

     4.  An opinion provided pursuant to this section may be provided verbally or in writing. If such an opinion is provided in writing, the opinion must:

     (a) Be destroyed after the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee makes a final determination concerning whether the conviction is related to the position with the county school district or charter school for which the applicant has applied; and

     (b) Not be included in the application file of the applicant.

     5.  A determination of the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee pursuant to this section is final and is not subject to review.

     (Added to NAC by Sup’t. of Public Instruction by R136-15, eff. 12-19-2017)

      NAC 391.025  Responsibility for licensure; endorsement; substitution of certain requirements for experience. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  Each teacher or other educational employee who is required to hold a license is responsible for securing, maintaining and renewing his or her license.

     2.  A license must be endorsed in each field of specialization for which the applicant has applied and is deemed qualified.

     3.  Three years of verified experience in teaching or in school counseling may be accepted as a substitute for experience as a student teacher or for a school counseling practicum or internship, respectively, if the following conditions are met:

     (a) Each public or private school in which the teaching or school counseling experience occurred is licensed by the State or accredited or certified by a regional or national association for private schools;

     (b) The applicant held a:

          (1) Bachelor’s degree during the period of teaching experience; or

          (2) Master’s degree during the period of school counseling experience,

Ê from an accredited college or university;

     (c) The area of endorsement, degree level and grade level of the license being applied for are consistent with the teaching or school counseling experience submitted by the applicant;

     (d) The teaching or school counseling experience is verified by the school or agency of employment;

     (e) The applicant was eligible for reemployment in the school or agency in which the teaching or school counseling experience occurred; and

     (f) For each year of experience, the teaching or school counseling experience was at the appropriate grade level in a full-time capacity.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.020 subsecs. 1-3, eff. 10-23-81; A 3-26-82]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; 7-7-94; 2-24-95; 3-1-96)

      NAC 391.028  Licensure of person who teaches program of education transmitted from another state through electronic medium. (NRS 391.019)  If a program of education transmitted through an electronic medium is broadcast in another state to pupils in kindergarten through 12th grade who reside in this State, and the pupil and teacher are able to communicate with each other through the medium, each teacher employed to present the program must:

     1.  Hold a license from the state where the broadcast originates for the level of education at which the program is offered;

     2.  Hold an endorsement from the state where the broadcast originates for any area of study covered in the program; and

     3.  Have satisfied the requirements of NAC 391.036 or its equivalent in that state.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 7-23-92)

      NAC 391.036  Tests of competency required for initial license; exemptions; failure to comply. (NRS 391.019, 391.021, 391.031, 391.032)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, paragraph (h) of subsection 1 of NRS 391.019, NAC 391.0545, paragraph (a) of subsection 8 of NAC 391.0896, subsection 7 of NAC 391.0897, paragraph (b) of subsection 3 of NAC 391.233, subsection 3 of NAC 391.276, paragraph (b) of subsection 3 of NAC 391.425 and subsection 6 of NAC 391.436, an applicant who applies for:

     (a) A license must pass a competency test that has been approved by the Commission, at the level of competence specified by the Commission, in:

          (1) Basic reading, writing and mathematics;

          (2) The principles and methods of teaching; and

          (3) The subject matter of the area of endorsement on the license or the area of endorsement necessary for the applicant’s area of assignment.

     (b) An additional endorsement on a license held by the applicant must pass a competency test that has been approved by the Commission, at the level of competence specified by the Commission, in the subject matter of the area of endorsement for which the applicant is applying.

     2.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may exempt an applicant from any of the tests required by subsection 1 if the applicant:

     (a) Submits to the Department evidence that he or she:

          (1) Has retired from teaching in this State;

          (2) Held a special license, a license to teach elementary or secondary education, a license to teach special education, a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education or a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, which:

               (I) Has expired within the year immediately preceding the date on which his or her application was submitted;

               (II) Was free from any conditions that the applicant pass a competency test; and

               (III) Authorized the applicant to teach in the same grade level and subject area for which he or she is applying to receive a license;

          (3) Was required, for the issuance of the applicant’s expired license, to complete courses of study and experience which are substantially equivalent to the courses of study and experience required for the issuance of the license for which he or she is applying; and

          (4) Otherwise satisfies the requirements for the issuance of a license;

     (b) Submits to the Department evidence that the applicant has passed, as part of a teacher education program approved by a state and offered through a regionally accredited college or university, competency examinations equivalent to those required of the applicant by subsection 1, as determined by the Department; or

     (c) Submits to the Department evidence that the applicant holds a license to teach issued by another state which is acceptable to the Department for purposes of reciprocity.

     3.  An applicant is exempt from the requirement to pass a competency test in basic reading, writing and mathematics if the applicant submits to the Department:

     (a) Official documentation which indicates that he or she passed, within the 5 years immediately preceding the date on which his or her application was submitted and at the level of competency specified by the Commission:

          (1) The “Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators” in reading, mathematics and writing, prepared and administered by the Educational Testing Service; or

          (2) A test of basic skills that is determined by the Department to be equivalent to the test prescribed by subparagraph 1; or

     (b) Evidence that the applicant has:

          (1) Received a master’s or more advanced degree from a regionally accredited college or university; and

          (2) Completed, within the 5 years immediately preceding the date on which his or her application was submitted, the “Graduate Record Examinations,” prepared and administered by the Educational Testing Service, or its equivalent, and received a score which was at or above the midpoint of the score range in effect at the time the examination was administered.

     4.  An applicant is exempt from the requirement to pass a competency test in the principles and methods of teaching if he or she:

     (a) Submits to the Department official documentation which indicates that the applicant passed, at the level of competency specified by the Commission, the “Principles of Learning and Teaching Test” prepared and administered by the Educational Testing Service; or

     (b) Is applying for a license with an endorsement in an area for which training in the principles and methods of teaching is not required.

     5.  An applicant is exempt from the requirement to pass a competency test in the subject matter of the area of endorsement if he or she:

     (a) Submits to the Department official documentation which indicates that the applicant passed, within the 5 years immediately preceding the date on which his or her application was submitted and at the level of competency specified by the Commission, the competency test in that subject matter;

     (b) Is applying for a license or endorsement in an area for which no competency tests have been approved by the Commission;

     (c) Is applying for an endorsement to teach pupils who have speech and language impairments and submits to the Department official documentation which indicates that he or she has received a certificate of clinical competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; or

     (d) Is applying for an endorsement in family and consumer sciences and submits to the Department official documentation which indicates that the applicant satisfactorily completed the “Family and Consumer Sciences Composite Examination,” prepared and administered by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.

     6.  An applicant who fails to comply with the provisions of this section may not apply for a renewable license.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 9-11-89; A 11-22-91; 10-23-92; 12-15-94; 1-11-96; 12-13-96; R092-97, 1-14-98; R089-99, 10-25-99; R120-99, 3-13-2000; R210-01, 3-27-2002; R058-03, 8-29-2003; R005-05 & R038-05, 10-31-2005; R183-05, 12-29-2005; R223-05, 2-23-2006; R069-06, 6-1-2006; R026-07, 10-31-2007; R037-08, 6-17-2008; R046-10, 10-15-2010; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R020-11, 5-30-2012; R047-17, R048-17, R053-17, R102-17, R009-18 & R010-18, 6-26-2018; R004-18, R107-18, R114-18 & R118-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.040  Determination of qualifications of applicant for licensure or endorsement. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  The Department will:

     1.  Develop a test to determine the qualifications of an applicant for a license; and

     2.  In determining whether an applicant is qualified for:

     (a) Licensure, evaluate his or her official transcripts from accredited colleges or universities or consider proof that the applicant has earned a degree through a degree program approved by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation or its successor organization.

     (b) An endorsement for which the applicant is required to hold a degree, diploma or other credential or have completed course work, evaluate his or her official transcripts from the college, university or other institution that awarded the degree, diploma or credential or at which the course work was completed, as applicable.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.020 subsecs. 5, 7 & 11, eff. 10-23-81; A 3-26-82]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; 10-23-92; 1-24-96; R113-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.042  Initial license requiring student teaching experience: Conditions for substitution of teaching experience. (NRS 391.019, 391.032)  An applicant for an initial license for which student teaching experience is required may substitute in place of such experience:

     1.  Three years of teaching experience if:

     (a) Each public or private school in which the teaching experience occurred was licensed by the state or accredited or certified by a regional or national association for private schools;

     (b) For each year of teaching experience, the applicant taught at the appropriate grade level in a full-time capacity;

     (c) The applicant held a bachelor’s degree or higher during each year of teaching experience;

     (d) The applicant was eligible for reemployment in the school district or school in which the teaching experience occurred;

     (e) The area of endorsement, degree level and grade level of the license being applied for are consistent with the teaching experience completed by the applicant; and

     (f) The teaching experience completed by the applicant is verified by the superintendent of the school district or the principal of the school in which the experience occurred.

     2.  A paid or unpaid supervised internship if:

     (a) The internship was taken as part of a course of study at a regionally accredited college or university;

     (b) The applicant earned a number of semester hours of credit for completing the internship that is equivalent to the number of semester hours of student teaching required for the license; and

     (c) The internship was at a grade level appropriate to the license being sought.

     3.  A license or certificate to teach that was issued by another state if:

     (a) Student teaching was required as a condition of obtaining the license or certificate; and

     (b) The applicant fulfilled that requirement.

     4.  The supervised, school-based experience provided by a qualified provider for the completion of a program for an alternative route to licensure.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 3-27-92; A 3-1-96; R094-99, 11-2-99; R115-11, 10-4-2013)

      NAC 391.045  Application for license or endorsement: Required documentation; fee; applicability of academic credits. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.040)

     1.  An applicant for the initial issuance of a license as a teacher or other educational employee must submit with his or her application:

     (a) His or her official transcripts;

     (b) Evidence that the applicant has successfully completed:

          (1) At least 3 semester hours of credit in a course of study regarding education or curricular adaptation for pupils with disabilities; or

          (2) An in-service or continuing education course regarding education or curricular adaptation for pupils with disabilities that is approved by the Department; and

     (c) Except as otherwise provided in NAC 391.0565, a fee of $180, which includes the fees for processing the fingerprints of the applicant by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The fee does not include the cost of any examination required by NAC 391.036.

     2.  If the applicant is not eligible for licensure, the fee will not be returned. The applicant must pay another fee if he or she applies again.

     3.  An applicant for an endorsement to an existing license or for an additional license must submit with his or her application:

     (a) Current official transcripts; and

     (b) A fee of $50.

     4.  The academic credits required to obtain initial licensing or an endorsement to an existing license are not satisfiable by the completion of courses offered by a provider of continuing education, but those courses may be used for the renewal of a license.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.030 subsec. 1, eff. 10-23-81; A 3-26-82]—(NAC A 10-15-82; 11-19-85; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-11-89, 10-18-89, eff. 1-21-90; 4-18-90, eff. 9-4-90; R087-97 & R092-97, 1-14-98; R087-97, 1-14-98, eff. 10-17-98; R094-99, 11-2-99; R059-03, 8-29-2003, eff. 10-1-2003; R015-04, 5-7-2004; R068-06, 6-1-2006; R127-11, 9-14-2012; R034-15, 6-28-2016; R040-16, 6-21-2017)

      NAC 391.050  Transcripts. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  Transcripts must be evaluated in terms of semester hours. A quarter hour equals two-thirds of a semester hour.

     2.  Transcripts become a part of the applicant’s file when a license is issued and will not be returned.

     3.  Transcripts must have an original, official seal of the college or university and the signature of the registrar.

     4.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a transcript from a foreign country must be evaluated for the type of degree received by the teacher and level of course work taken by the teacher. Such evaluation must be based on a translation of the transcript from an agent of the Department who is approved by the Department to perform such a translation. A transcript from a Canadian college or university must be evaluated pursuant to this subsection only if the transcript is in a language other than English.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.020 subsecs. 8 & 9, eff. 10-23-81; A 3-26-82]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; R068-00, 6-20-2000)

      NAC 391.052  Criteria for approval of standards for licensing teachers of another state; credit for previous teaching service. (NRS 391.019, 391.167)

     1.  The Commission will approve the standards for licensing teachers of another state for the purposes of subsection 2 of NRS 391.167 if:

     (a) The state in which the teacher earned the previous teaching service is a signatory with this State on the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification Interstate Contract; or

     (b) The Department has determined that the state in which the teacher earned the previous teaching service has standards for licensing a teacher that are similar to the standards for licensing a teacher in this State.

     2.  The Commission will not give credit to a teacher pursuant to subsection 1 of NRS 391.167 for previous teaching service earned in a program of homeschooling.

     3.  As used in this section, “previous teaching service” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 391.167.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R198-99, 1-24-2000, eff. 7-1-2000)

      NAC 391.0535  Denial of license to certain persons licensed or certified in another state. (NRS 391.019, 391.032)  The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall not issue a license pursuant to this chapter to a person who holds a license or certificate to teach issued by another state that is suspended, revoked or otherwise restricted pursuant to a disciplinary action in the other state.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R030-01, eff. 10-22-2001)

      NAC 391.054  Licensure of person licensed or certified in another state; issuance of provisional license under certain circumstances. (NRS 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the Superintendent of Public Instruction may issue a license to teach special education to a person who is licensed and endorsed to teach special education in any other state and may issue a license with any other endorsement to a person who is licensed or certified in a state that has entered into an interstate certification contract with the State of Nevada through the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification if:

     (a) The applicant holds a license or certificate issued by the other state;

     (b) The applicant holds a bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association and has completed any postbaccalaureate studies required in this State for the issuance of a license;

     (c) The license or certificate issued by the other state is not:

          (1) A temporary permit, an emergency, alternative or provisional license or a credential to teach multiple subjects;

          (2) A license or certificate for which completion of a bachelor’s or higher degree is unnecessary;

          (3) A license or certificate for which completion of professional education course work through a college or university accredited by a regional accrediting association is unnecessary; or

          (4) A letter or other form of authorization from another state or a county, city, school district or department of education in another state which entitles the person to teach in the same capacity as a licensed teacher on a temporary basis;

     (d) The grade levels and subject areas covered by the license or certificate issued by the other state are the same as the grade levels and subject areas for which the applicant is seeking licensure in this State; and

     (e) The applicant has satisfactorily taught in the other state, in an assignment similar to the assignment for which licensure is sought in this State, during at least 3 out of the 5 years immediately preceding the application for licensure in Nevada.

     2.  If the applicant has not complied with the requirements of NAC 391.036 at the time he or she applies for a license pursuant to this section, the Superintendent of Public Instruction may only issue a provisional license to the applicant. The provisional license is not renewable.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 1-11-96; A by R092-97, 1-14-98; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R102-17 & R107-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.0545  Licensure of person who holds National Board Certificate. (NRS 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may issue a license and any endorsement to a person who holds a National Board Certificate issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards if:

     (a) The person holds a license or certificate from another state; and

     (b) The grade levels and subject areas for which the license or certificate issued by that state are the same as the grade levels and subjects areas for which the person requests a license in this State.

     2.  A person issued a license pursuant to this section is not required to comply with the provisions of NAC 391.036.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R089-99, eff. 10-25-99)

      NAC 391.055  Provisional 1-year licensure or endorsement of person who holds renewable license issued in this State. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.031, 391.032)

     1.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may issue a provisional 1-year license or endorsement to a person who holds a renewable license issued in this State if the person otherwise meets the requirements for licensure, but:

     (a) Has a deficiency in credits of 6 semester hours or less;

     (b) Is a teacher, licensed and practicing in this State, applying for an additional license, other than for the teaching of pupils with disabilities, outside his or her grade level of experience as a student teacher; or

     (c) Lacks confirmation from a college that the person has completed a school counseling practicum or internship if applying for a school counseling endorsement, but:

          (1) Has completed all the required course work for the school counseling endorsement;

          (2) Has completed 200 hours of the practicum or internship through a regionally accredited college or university, to include a minimum of 100 hours in a school setting at the time of application for licensure; and

          (3) Is currently and continuously enrolled in a regionally accredited college or university school counseling practicum or internship program.

     2.  Any experience as a teacher’s aide, a teacher’s assistant, an instructor of pupils in a Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps or Jobs for America’s Graduates program or a substitute teacher obtained by the holder of a provisional license, who is a teacher, licensed and practicing in this State, but who lacks student teaching experience at the proper grade level, will not be credited towards the requirement for teaching experience or student teaching necessary to qualify for the additional license or endorsement.

     3.  Any credits earned by the holder of a provisional license or endorsement to qualify for an elementary, secondary or special license, a license to teach special education, a license to teach middle school or junior high school education or a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education will not be counted as credits required to renew the elementary, secondary or special license, the license to teach special education, or the license to teach middle school or junior high school education.

     4.  If holding an elementary, secondary or special license, a license to teach special education, a license to teach middle school or junior high school education or a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education is a prerequisite to qualifying for a particular provisional endorsement, any credits earned by the holder of the applicable license to qualify for that provisional endorsement may be counted toward:

     (a) Removal of the provision under which the provisional endorsement was issued; and

     (b) Renewal of the applicable license.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.020 subsec. 4, eff. 10-23-81; A 3-26-82]—(NAC A 3-2-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; 9-11-89; 8-17-90; 11-22-91; 10-23-92; 10-14-93; 2-24-95; 1-11-96; 3-1-96; 6-19-96; 12-13-96; R092-97, 1-14-98; R056-98, 12-18-98; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R041-16, 6-21-2017; R114-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.056  Provisional nonrenewable licensure: Qualifications; term of validity; addition of endorsements. (NRS 391.019, 391.021, 391.032)

     1.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may issue a provisional nonrenewable license to an applicant applying for a license pursuant to NAC 391.045. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, a provisional nonrenewable license is valid for:

     (a) One year, if the applicant otherwise meets the requirements for a license pursuant to NAC 391.045, but:

          (1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (c), has a deficiency in credits of 6 semester hours or less for all areas of licensure or endorsement, unless the provision is for an endorsement as a substitute teacher; or

          (2) If the applicant is applying for a school counseling endorsement pursuant to NAC 391.185, lacks confirmation from a college that the applicant has completed a school counseling practicum or internship, but:

               (I) Has completed all necessary course-work requirements for the school counseling endorsement;

               (II) Has completed 200 hours of the practicum or internship through a regionally accredited college or university, including, without limitation, a minimum of 100 hours in a school setting at the time of his or her application for licensure; and

               (III) Is currently and continuously enrolled in a regionally accredited college or university school counseling practicum or internship program;

     (b) Two years, if the applicant has not passed the tests required by NAC 391.036 and is not exempt from taking such tests; or

     (c) Three years, if the applicant has not completed the course required by paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.045.

     2.  If each provision is removed on or before the date on which a license issued pursuant to this section is set to expire pursuant to subsection 1, the license expires 3 years after the date on which the license was issued.

     3.  The holder of a license issued pursuant to this section may add endorsements with provisions to the license during the first year in which the license is valid. Endorsements without provisions may be added to the license at any time during the period in which the license is valid. If an endorsement is added to the license, the endorsement does not affect the date on which the license becomes invalid.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R087-97, eff. 1-14-98; A by R087-97, 1-14-98, eff. 10-17-98; R210-01, 3-27-2002; R099-03, 9-24-2003; R057-03, 10-21-2003; R015-04, 5-7-2004; R003-05 & R006-05, 10-31-2005; R187-07, 4-17-2008; R086-09, 5-5-2011; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R127-11, 9-14-2012; R034-15 & R026-16, 6-28-2016; R102-17, 6-26-2018; R112-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.0565  Provisional nonrenewable licensure: Removal of provisions. (NRS 391.019, 391.032, 391.033, 391.0347, 391.040)

     1.  The holder of a provisional nonrenewable license issued pursuant to NAC 391.056 must remove all the provisions under which the license was issued before he or she may apply for a license pursuant to NAC 391.045. An application for a license issued pursuant to NAC 391.045 may be made at any time after the removal of all of the provisions under which the provisional nonrenewable license was issued.

     2.  The holder of a provisional nonrenewable license for which a provision has not been removed on the date on which the license expires may apply as a new applicant for a license pursuant to NAC 391.045 as soon as the provisions under which the expired provisional nonrenewable license was issued have been removed.

     3.  If an application is made for a license pursuant to NAC 391.045 by the holder of a provisional nonrenewable license before the provisional nonrenewable license expires, the applicant must:

     (a) Submit to the Department current official transcripts or verification of credits for the course in multicultural education required by NRS 391.0347 and NAC 391.067, if applicable; and

     (b) Pay an application fee of $150, which includes the fees for processing the fingerprints of the applicant by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R087-97, eff. 1-14-98; A by R094-99, 11-2-99; R127-11, 9-14-2012; R043-16, 6-21-2017; R112-18 & R130-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.0568  Provisional licensure pending receipt of reports on criminal history of applicant. (NRS 391.019, 391.032, 391.033)

     1.  A provisional license issued pursuant to NRS 391.033 pending receipt of the reports of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History is valid for a period not to exceed 120 days. The provisional license of an applicant is automatically revoked if the Superintendent of Public Instruction denies the application for a license. If an application for a license is denied and the applicant possesses such a provisional license, the notice of denial to the applicant must include a statement notifying the applicant that his or her provisional license is automatically revoked.

     2.  Before issuance of a provisional license pursuant to NRS 391.033, the applicant must submit a written statement to the Superintendent of Public Instruction indicating that he or she understands the conditions set forth in this section.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R004-05, eff. 10-31-2005)

      NAC 391.057  Provisional licensure: Qualifications; authorized employment; term of validity; automatic invalidity; reinstatement. (NRS 391.019, 391.021, 391.032)

     1.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall issue a provisional license to teach elementary education, a provisional license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education, a provisional license to teach secondary education, a provisional license to teach pupils enrolled in a program of early childhood education or in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, in a specific area described in subsection 1 of NAC 391.0573 or a provisional license to teach special education to pupils enrolled in a program of early childhood education or in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, in a category described in subsection 2 of NAC 391.0573 to a person who submits an application which is accompanied by proof satisfactory to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that the applicant:

     (a) Holds a bachelor’s degree from a postsecondary institution that is regionally accredited;

     (b) Passed the competency test in basic reading, writing and mathematics that is required by NAC 391.036 or is eligible for an exemption from that test;

     (c) Has been accepted by a qualified provider for enrollment in a program for an alternative route to licensure; and

     (d) Complies with the instructional and training policies and procedures of the qualified provider.

     2.  In addition to the requirements of subsection 1, an applicant for a provisional license to teach secondary education or to teach pupils enrolled in a program of early childhood education or in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, in a specific area described in subsection 1 of NAC 391.0573, other than an applicant to teach pupils special education in a category described in subsection 2 of NAC 391.0573, must:

     (a) Hold a major or minor in the applicant’s desired area of licensure; or

     (b) Pass a competency test required by the Commission in the subject matter of the area for which the applicant is seeking a provisional license or provide to the Department proof that he or she is eligible for an exemption from that test.

     3.  A provisional license issued pursuant to this section:

     (a) Authorizes the holder of the license to teach in a county school district, a charter school or a university school for profoundly gifted pupils;

     (b) Becomes valid on the date on which the holder of the license satisfies all the requirements of subsection 1 and, if applicable, the requirements of subsection 2;

     (c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, is valid for not more than 3 years;

     (d) Is not renewable; and

     (e) May be converted to an initial license after the completion of at least 2 full school years if the licensee has:

          (1) Received at least one evaluation rating designating his or her overall performance as highly effective or effective during each such school year; and

          (2) Completed all academic requirements prescribed by this chapter for the issuance of an initial license.

     4.  If the holder of a provisional license issued pursuant to this section withdraws from or is no longer enrolled in a program for an alternative route to licensure, the qualified provider of the program in which the holder was enrolled must, not later than 15 days after the holder withdraws or otherwise ceases to be enrolled, notify the Teacher Licensure Office of the Department of the name and license number of the holder, the date on which the holder withdrew or otherwise ceased to be enrolled in the program and the reason that the holder withdrew or ceased to be enrolled. The provisional license of the holder automatically becomes invalid immediately upon the receipt of such notification by the Teacher Licensure Office.

     5.  The holder of a provisional license that has become invalid pursuant to subsection 4 may apply to the Teacher Licensure Office of the Department for the reinstatement of his or her license before the expiration date of the license if he or she:

     (a) Has not previously applied for the reinstatement of the license after the date on which the license became invalid;

     (b) Is accepted by another program for an alternative route to licensure offered by a qualified provider; and

     (c) Pays the fee required by NAC 391.045.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 12-13-96, eff. 1-1-97; A by R089-99, 10-25-99; R150-99, 1-26-2000; R063-01, 10-22-2001; R015-04, 5-7-2004; R016-04, 8-25-2004; R070-06, 9-18-2006; R048-09, 11-25-2009; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R115-11, 10-4-2013; R133-13, 2-26-2014; R049-17 & R107-17, 6-26-2018)


      The regulation of the Commission on Professional Standards in Education filed with the Secretary of State on October 4, 2013 (LCB File No. R115-11), which amended this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

      “Notwithstanding the provisions of NAC 391.057, as amended by section 6 of this regulation, and the repeal of NAC 391.058, the former provisions of NAC 391.057 and 391.058 apply:

      1.  To a person who holds a valid conditional license issued before October 4, 2013, pursuant to the former provisions NAC 391.057 until the expiration of that conditional license unless otherwise revoked before its expiration.

      2.  To a school district, charter school or private school that has in its employ, pursuant to the former provisions of NAC 391.058 and before October 4, 2013, a person who holds a conditional license described in subsection 1.”


      NAC 391.0573  Provisional licensure: Areas of instruction to teach certain pupils; categories of instruction to teach special education to certain pupils. (NRS 391.019, 391.021, 391.032)

     1.  The specific areas for which the Superintendent of Public Instruction may issue a provisional license to teach pupils enrolled in a program of early childhood education or in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, pursuant to NAC 391.057 include, without limitation:

     (a) Music;

     (b) Art;

     (c) Physical education; and

     (d) Any other specific area approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

     2.  The categories for which the Superintendent of Public Instruction may issue a provisional license to teach special education to pupils enrolled in a program of early childhood education or in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, pursuant to NAC 391.057 are:

     (a) Hearing impairments;

     (b) Special education generalist;

     (c) Intellectual disabilities and moderate to intense needs for assistance and intervention;

     (d) Pupils who have disabilities and who are enrolled in a program of early childhood education;

     (e) Adapted physical education to pupils who have disabilities;

     (f) Speech and language impairments;

     (g) Autism; and

     (h) Visual impairments.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R133-13, eff. 2-26-2014; A by R107-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.0575  Provisional licensure: Requirements to apply for initial license to teach secondary education or to teach pupils enrolled in early childhood education or kindergarten and grades 1 through 12 in specific area. (NRS 391.019, 391.021, 391.032)  A person who is issued a provisional license pursuant to NAC 391.057 may apply for an initial license to teach secondary education or to teach pupils enrolled in a program of early childhood education or in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, in a specific area listed in subsection 1 of NAC 391.0573, as applicable, if the applicant:

     1.  Successfully completes at least 18 semester credits of course work in pedagogy provided by a qualified provider for a program for an alternative route to licensure, consisting of at least:

     (a) Three semester credits in a course of study regarding classroom management, which may include, without limitation, instruction concerning adolescent growth and development;

     (b) Three semester credits in a course of study regarding English as a second language, which may include, without limitation, instruction concerning methods and materials for teaching English as a second language, theories for the acquisition of a second language, testing and evaluation of pupils studying English as a second language and developing a curriculum for pupils studying English as a second language;

     (c) Three semester credits in a course of study regarding curriculum and instruction, which may include, without limitation, multicultural education and instruction concerning the use of technology in education, methods for teaching the integration of technology in secondary education, pedagogy and the teaching of literacy and language arts;

     (d) Three semester credits in a course of study regarding assessment, which may include, without limitation, instruction concerning educational psychology and tests and measurement;

     (e) Three semester credits in a course of study regarding education or curricular adaptation for pupils with disabilities; and

     (f) Three semester credits in the methods and materials:

          (1) For teaching in the applicant’s desired area of licensure at the secondary grade level; or

          (2) For teaching pupils enrolled in a program of early childhood education or in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, in a specific area listed in subsection 1 of NAC 391.0573;

     2.  Submits proof satisfactory to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that the applicant passed the competency test in basic reading, writing and mathematics that is required by NAC 391.036 or is eligible for an exemption from that test; and

     3.  Pays the required fee pursuant to NAC 391.045.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R133-13, eff. 2-26-2014; A by R107-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.0577  Provisional licensure: Requirements to apply for initial license to teach elementary education, to teach pupils in program of early childhood education or to teach special education to pupils in program of early childhood education or in kindergarten and grades 1 through 12 in certain categories. (NRS 391.019, 391.021, 391.032)  A person who is issued a provisional license pursuant to NAC 391.057 may apply for an initial license to teach elementary education, to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education or to teach special education to pupils enrolled in a program of early childhood education or in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, in a category listed in subsection 2 of NAC 391.0573, as applicable, if the applicant:

     1.  Successfully completes the education and training required by the qualified provider for the program for an alternative route to licensure, including, without limitation, the supervised, school-based experience provided by the qualified provider;

     2.  Submits proof satisfactory to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that the applicant passed the competency test in basic reading, writing and mathematics that is required by NAC 391.036 or is eligible for an exemption from that test; and

     3.  Pays the fee required pursuant to NAC 391.045.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R133-13, eff. 2-26-2014; A by R107-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.0583  Special qualifications licensure: Qualifications; areas of endorsement; duties of employing school district or private school; requirements of licensee following issuance; validity. (NRS 385.080, 385.110, 391.019)

     1.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall issue a special qualifications license to teach to a person who submits an application which is accompanied by proof satisfactory to the Superintendent that the applicant satisfies the requirements of:

     (a) Paragraph (g) or (j) of subsection 1 of NRS 391.019; and

     (b) Paragraph (h) of subsection 1 of NRS 391.019.

     2.  The Department shall develop and maintain a list of acceptable professional licensing boards for purposes of paragraph (h) of subsection 1 of NRS 391.019.

     3.  A special qualifications license must contain an endorsement for the subject area and grade level for which the licensee may teach that is based upon:

     (a) The field of study of the bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctoral degree held by the licensee; and

     (b) The relevant work experience of the licensee.

Ê The endorsement placed on a special qualifications license authorizes the licensee to teach only at the grade level and in the subject area designated on the license.

     4.  The subject areas for which an endorsement to the special qualifications license may be issued are:

     (a) English, including, without limitation, reading, composition and writing.

     (b) Mathematics.

     (c) Science.

     (d) Social studies, including, without limitation, history, geography, economics and government.

     (e) Arts and humanities, including, without limitation, music, theater and visual arts.

     (f) Computer education and technology.

     (g) Health.

     (h) Physical education, including, without limitation, dance.

     (i) World language.

     (j) Career and technical education.

     5.  If a school district or a private school that is licensed pursuant to chapter 394 of NRS employs a person who holds a special qualifications license, the school district or private school shall:

     (a) Provide the holder of the special qualifications license at least 120 hours of training and orientation before he or she begins teaching.

     (b) Assign a teacher who is unconditionally licensed to provide assistance, guidance and training to the holder of the special qualifications license during the first 2 years of employment as a teacher with a special qualifications license.

     (c) Assist the holder of the special qualifications license in the development of an individualized plan for professional development to be carried out during the first 3 years of teaching with a special qualifications license.

     6.  The holder of a special qualifications license issued pursuant to subsection 1 who holds a bachelor’s degree from an accredited postsecondary educational institution must, during the first 2 years for which the license is valid, complete 9 semester hours from a regionally accredited postsecondary educational institution with a teacher education program approved by the Department. The 9 semester hours must include:

     (a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b), if the endorsement on the license is in a subject area listed in paragraphs (a) to (i), inclusive, of subsection 4:

          (1) Three semester hours of teaching methods in the subject area of the endorsement; and

          (2) Six semester hours of professional course work in at least two of the following subjects:

               (I) Classroom management;

               (II) Instruction of pupils with disabilities;

               (III) English as a second language;

               (IV) Technology in the classroom;

               (V) Reading or writing in the licensee’s area of endorsement; or

               (VI) Instructional methods for pupils who are socially or economically disadvantaged.

     (b) If the endorsement on the license is in career and technical education:

          (1) Three semester hours in a course involving career and technical education teaching methodology; and

          (2) Six semester hours of professional course work in at least two of the following subjects:

               (I) Professional career and technical education;

               (II) Applied or work-based learning; or

               (III) Pupil organization and management in career and technical education.

     7.  A special qualifications license is valid for 3 years and may be renewed by showing evidence of professional growth in the area of endorsement during the term of the special qualifications license.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R183-05, eff. 12-29-2005; A by R066-10, 10-15-2010; A by Bd. of Education by R063-14, 10-24-2014)


      The regulation of the State Board of Education filed with the Secretary of State on October 24, 2014 (LCB File No. R063-14), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “A person who on October 24, 2014, holds:

      1.  A special qualifications license with an endorsement to teach a foreign language issued pursuant to NAC 391.0583;

      * * *

Ê shall be deemed to hold such license or endorsement in a world language on and after October 24, 2014.”


      NAC 391.059  Testing or assessment of teacher assigned to program of bilingual education; maintenance of records; annual report. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  A school district which has a program of bilingual education shall select or develop, and administer, an appropriate test or other means of assessment to ascertain that the language proficiency of each teacher assigned to teach pupils enrolled in a program of bilingual education in the school district is sufficient to provide instruction to those pupils in a language other than English.

     2.  Passage of a test or other means of assessment administered by a school district pursuant to this section does not exempt a teacher from any other requirement of title 34 of NRS and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto relating to licensure, endorsements or other required qualifications.

     3.  A school district that has a program of bilingual education shall:

     (a) Maintain records of the testing or assessment conducted pursuant to this section of teachers assigned to teach pupils enrolled in a program of bilingual education in the school district; and

     (b) Annually report to the Department the results of that testing or assessment conducted during the previous year.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R101-00, 1-22-2001)

      NAC 391.060  Expiration of licenses and endorsements. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  Upon application, the Department shall issue a license for the specified number of years to a person with:

     (a) A bachelor’s degree or less, for 5 years.

     (b) A master’s degree and 3 years of verified teaching experience, for 6 years.

     (c) A specialist’s degree and 3 years of verified teaching experience, for 8 years.

     (d) A doctoral degree and 3 years of verified teaching experience, for 10 years.

     (e) A National Board Certification issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, for the period of the certificate.

Ê A license specified in this subsection is renewable.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, NAC 391.056 and 391.057, a license expires on the holder’s date of birth in the year of expiration.

     3.  A provisional license that is renewable becomes invalid on the date of expiration of the provision. If the holder of such a license provides evidence to the Department of his or her completion of the course work required to satisfy the provision, the Department will remove the provision and the license remains valid until the date of expiration of the license.

     4.  An endorsement becomes invalid on the date that the license to which it is attached expires.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.020 subsecs. 6 & 10, eff. 10-23-81; A 3-26-82]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; 1-11-96; 12-13-96, eff. 1-1-97; R092-97, 1-14-98; R089-99, 10-25-99; R048-09, 11-25-2009; R115-11, 10-4-2013; R103-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.063  Voluntary surrender and reinstatement of license or endorsement. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  A person may voluntarily surrender his or her license or endorsement by submitting a notarized statement of surrender to the Department.

     2.  A person who has voluntarily surrendered his or her license or endorsement and wishes to reinstate it must reapply for the license or endorsement by following the procedures and meeting all requirements as if the person were applying for a new license or endorsement.

     3.  A fee will be charged for the issuance of the new license pursuant to NRS 391.040.

     4.  The voluntary surrender of a license or the failure to renew a license does not preclude the Board from hearing a complaint for disciplinary action made against the licensee.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 10-23-92)

      NAC 391.065  Renewal of license: Educational and professional requirements; exceptions. [Effective through June 25, 2029.] (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, subsection 7 of NAC 391.0897 and subsection 3 of NAC 391.276, a license issued before June 26, 2019, that is renewable may be renewed only one time after June 26, 2019, if its holder earns 6 semester hours of credit or the equivalent during the term of the license, in addition to those prescribed by NRS 391.0347, if applicable. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 4 and 5, each additional renewal of a license that has been renewed pursuant to this subsection must be made in accordance with subsection 2.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsections 1, 4 and 5 and subsection 3 of NAC 391.276, a license issued or renewed on or after June 26, 2019, that is renewable may be renewed if the licensee submits to the Department with the request for renewal, in addition to proof of completion prescribed by NRS 391.0347, if applicable, made pursuant to NAC 391.070 either:

     (a) Proof, which may include, without limitation, a certificate, transcript, letter from an employer or form verifying attendance, that, during each calendar year for which the license was valid, the licensee has:

          (1) Completed, designed or provided, in accordance with subsection 3, at least 15 hours of professional development or the equivalent amount of in-service training or 1 semester hour of credit of course work at a regionally accredited college or university in any subject;

          (2) If the licensee holds a master’s degree or more advanced degree, taught a course at a regionally accredited college or university that directly relates to the profession of education or the subject area of the endorsement held by the licensee; or

          (3) If the licensee holds an occupational license that directly relates to the subject area for which the licensee holds an educational license or endorsement, completed professional development or continuing education that is:

               (I) Required for the renewal of the occupational license by the professional licensing board or agency in this State that issued the occupational license; or

               (II) Directly related to the profession for which the licensee holds an occupational license and is offered by a nationally recognized organization that provides continuing education in the field of the occupational license; or

     (b) A copy of a certificate issued to the licensee by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards or its successor organization which evidences completion of the requirements for certification by that organization.

     3.  The professional development, in-service training or course work completed, designed or provided to fulfill the requirements of subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 must directly relate to the profession of education or the area for which the license is endorsed and may:

     (a) Include any professional development, in-service training or course work completed to fulfill another requirement prescribed by this chapter;

     (b) Be obtained at any time, including, without limitation, during the regular working hours of the licensee; and

     (c) Be provided by any person or entity including, without limitation, a college, university, school or school district, regional training program, as defined in NRS 391A.105, employee organization or educational conference.

     4.  If a licensee is not able to complete the requirements of subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 during any calendar year in which the license is valid, the licensee may complete the requirements, in addition to the requirements for the next calendar year, during the next calendar year. A licensee may only carry over requirements to the next calendar year one time during the period for which the license is valid unless the board of trustees of the school district or the governing body of the school, as applicable, or the designee thereof approves in writing another extension upon finding the extension is justified. A licensee who receives such approval must submit the written approval with his or her request to renew the license.

     5.  The provisions of this section do not apply to the renewal of a:

     (a) License pursuant to NAC 391.073.

     (b) Special license, if the only endorsement of the special license is an endorsement as a substitute teacher in kindergarten through grade 12 issued pursuant to NAC 391.0897.

     6.  The Department may request from any person or entity records necessary to confirm information submitted by a licensee pursuant to this section.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.050, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 10-26-83; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; 1-11-96; R089-99, 10-25-99; R167-08, 12-17-2008; R141-15, 6-21-2017; R047-17 & R053-17, 6-26-2018; R110-18 & R130-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.065  Renewal of license: Educational and professional requirements; exceptions. [Effective June 26, 2029.] (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsections 3 and 4 and subsection 3 of NAC 391.276, a license issued or renewed on or after June 26, 2019, that is renewable may be renewed if the licensee submits to the Department with the request for renewal, in addition to proof of completion prescribed by NRS 391.0347, if applicable, made pursuant to NAC 391.070 either:

     (a) Proof, which may include, without limitation, a certificate, transcript, letter from an employer or form verifying attendance, that, during each calendar year for which the license was valid, the licensee has:

          (1) Completed, designed or provided in accordance with subsection 2, at least 15 hours of professional development or the equivalent amount of in-service training or 1 semester hour of credit of course work at a regionally accredited college or university in any subject;

          (2) If the licensee holds a master’s degree or more advanced degree, taught a course at a regionally accredited college or university that directly relates to the profession of education or the subject area of the endorsement held by the licensee; or

          (3) If the licensee holds an occupational license that directly relates to the subject area for which the licensee holds an educational license or endorsement, completed professional development or continuing education that is:

               (I) Required for the renewal of the occupational license by the professional licensing board or agency in this State that issued the occupational license; or

               (II) Directly related to the profession for which the licensee holds an occupational license and is offered by a nationally recognized organization that provides continuing education in the field of the occupational license; or

     (b) A copy of a certificate issued to the licensee by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards or its successor organization which evidences completion of the requirements for certification by that organization.

     2.  The professional development, in-service training or course work completed, designed or provided to fulfill the requirements of subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) of subsection 1 must directly relate to the profession of education or the area for which the license is endorsed and may:

     (a) Include any professional development, in-service training or course work completed to fulfill another requirement prescribed by this chapter;

     (b) Be obtained at any time, including, without limitation, during the regular working hours of the licensee; and

     (c) Be provided by any person or entity including, without limitation, a college, university, school or school district, regional training program, as defined in NRS 391A.105, employee organization or educational conference.

     3.  If a licensee is not able to complete the requirements of subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) of subsection 1 during any calendar year in which the license is valid, the licensee may complete the requirements, in addition to the requirements for the next calendar year, during the next calendar year. A licensee may only carry over requirements to the next calendar year one time during the period for which the license is valid unless the board of trustees of the school district or the governing body of the school, as applicable, or the designee thereof approves in writing another extension upon finding the extension is justified. A licensee who receives such approval must submit the written approval with his or her request to renew the license.

     4.  The provisions of this section do not apply to the renewal of a:

     (a) License pursuant to NAC 391.073.

     (b) Special license, if the only endorsement of the special license is an endorsement as a substitute teacher in kindergarten through grade 12 issued pursuant to NAC 391.0897.

     5.  The Department may request from any person or entity records necessary to confirm information submitted by a licensee pursuant to this section.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.050, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 10-26-83; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; 1-11-96; R089-99, 10-25-99; R167-08, 12-17-2008; R141-15, 6-21-2017; R047-17 & R053-17, 6-26-2018; R110-18 & R130-18, 6-26-2019; R110-18, 6-26-2019, eff. 6-26-2029)

      NAC 391.067  Renewal of license: Additional requirement to complete course in multicultural education for teachers initially licensed on or after July 1, 2015; requirements of course; applicability of credits toward other requirements. (NRS 391.019, 391.033, 391.0347)

     1.  The course in multicultural education required by NRS 391.0347 must:

     (a) Be completed by a licensee for whom the course is required after the date on which his or her initial license was issued;

     (b) Be offered by:

          (1) An accredited college or university and consist of at least 3 semester hours of credit; or

          (2) A school district in this State, the State Public Charter School Authority or a regional training program and consist of at least 45 hours of in-service training;

     (c) Increase awareness and understanding of race and ethnicity and the interconnectedness of race and ethnicity with other aspects of diversity, including, without limitation, geographic origin, residency status, language, socioeconomic status, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, spirituality, age, physical appearance and disability;

     (d) Assess the capacity of the licensee for cultural competency, facilitate the development of knowledge and skills for cultural competency and build the capacity of the licensee for cultural competency;

     (e) Include:

          (1) A review of best practices in pedagogy and selection and use of instructional materials, curriculum and assessments to ensure that all pupils are treated equitably;

          (2) Instruction in skills for communicating and developing relationships with pupils, families, colleagues and members of the community; and

          (3) A field-based experience demonstrating the application of all course materials and topics in an educational setting;

     (f) Be aligned with the standards and indicators for instructional leadership practices and professional responsibilities prescribed by NAC 391.572, 391.573, 391.575 and 391.576, as applicable;

     (g) Use resources that are based on current scientific research and national best practices in the field of multicultural education; and

     (h) Address the roles and responsibilities of the licensees for whom the course is designed.

     2.  A course in multicultural education completed to satisfy the requirements of NRS 391.0347 may also be used to satisfy the requirements of paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.0575 or subparagraph 5 of paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.111 if it also meets the requirements of paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.0575 or subparagraph 5 of paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.111, as applicable.

     3.  As used in this section, “regional training program” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 391A.105.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R130-18, eff. 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.070  Renewal of license: General requirements; fee; delay of expiration date by Superintendent of Public Instruction. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.033, 391.0347, 391.040)

     1.  To renew a license, the holder must submit before it expires:

     (a) An application for renewal in the form prescribed by the Department;

     (b) Current official transcripts or verification of credits for in-service or continuing education courses, including, without limitation, the course in multicultural education required by NRS 391.0347 and NAC 391.067, if applicable; and

     (c) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, a renewal fee of $150. If the holder has been granted an extension of time pursuant to NAC 391.077, the applicant must instead submit a fee in an amount equal to the fee prescribed by NAC 391.045 for the initial issuance of a license. Any fee submitted pursuant to this paragraph includes the fees for processing the fingerprints of the licensee by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

     2.  An application for renewal may not be submitted more than 9 months before the expiration date of a license.

     3.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may delay the expiration date of a license:

     (a) For not more than 30 days if the licensee has completed the educational prerequisites prescribed in NAC 391.065 and the general prerequisites prescribed in subsection 1 in a timely manner, except:

          (1) Submission of the application for renewal or the renewal fee, or both; or

          (2) Submission of the current official transcript or verification of credits.

     (b) For not more than 120 days pending receipt of the reports of the criminal history of the licensee by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.040 subsecs. 1 & 5, eff. 10-23-81; A 3-26-82]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 4-18-90, eff. 9-4-90; 11-4-91; 12-29-95, eff. 1-1-96; 1-11-96; R094-99, 11-2-99; R015-04, 5-7-2004; R114-11, 5-30-2012; R044-16, 6-21-2017; R130-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.073  Renewal of license: Requirements for persons who are retired and hold a valid license issued by Superintendent of Public Instruction; fee; term of validity; delay of expiration date by Superintendent; endorsement; renewal. (NRS 391.019, 391.033, 391.040)

     1.  A person who is retired and who holds a valid license issued by the Superintendent of Public Instruction may submit an application on a form prescribed by the Department for renewal of the license. The application must include:

     (a) Proof that the applicant has at least 15 years of verified employment experience as a teacher or administrator at a public or private school in this State; and

     (b) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, a renewal fee of $150. If the applicant has been granted an extension of time pursuant to NAC 391.077, the applicant must instead submit a fee in an amount equal to the fee prescribed by NAC 391.045 for the initial issuance of a license. Any fee submitted pursuant to this paragraph includes the fees for processing the fingerprints of the applicant by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Ê Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, the requirements for renewal set forth in NAC 391.065 do not apply.

     2.  An application for renewal pursuant to this section may not be submitted earlier than 9 months before the expiration date of the license.

     3.  Notwithstanding the provisions of NAC 391.060 to the contrary, the renewal of a license pursuant to this section is valid for 10 years. The Superintendent of Public Instruction may delay the expiration of a license for not more than 120 days pending receipt of the reports of the criminal history of the licensee by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A person may renew the license pursuant to this section if he or she satisfies the requirements of subsection 1.

     4.  If a person who holds a license that is renewed pursuant to this section accepts employment with a public employer and is retired under the Public Employees’ Retirement System, the person shall comply with the applicable provisions of chapter 286 of NRS and any other statutes and regulations applicable to retired public employees.

     5.  An applicant for renewal pursuant to this section who seeks to renew an endorsement in a field of specialization shall comply with the applicable requirements for the renewal of the endorsement.

     6.  As used in this section, “public employer” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 286.070.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R167-08, eff. 12-17-2008; A by R114-11, 5-30-2012; R143-15, 6-28-2016; R045-16, 6-21-2017)

      NAC 391.077  Extension of time prescribed for renewal of license or for validity of provisional license; time for filing request for extension; period of validity. (NRS 391.019, 391.023, 391.032)

     1.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may extend the time prescribed for renewal of a license or for the validity of a provisional license if:

     (a) The licensee provides proof that a course or test required for renewal of his or her license or removal of the provision under which his or her provisional license was issued was not available during the time his or her license was valid.

     (b) The licensee provides proof that:

          (1) The licensee was issued the provisional license while residing outside of this State; and

          (2) The test required for removal of the provision under which his or her provisional license was issued was not available to the licensee during the time his or her license was valid because the licensee was residing outside of this State on the date when the test was offered.

     (c) The Department’s file relating to the licensee contains adequate documentation that the licensee was misinformed about the requirements necessary to renew his or her license or remove the provision under which his or her provisional license was issued.

     (d) The licensee took the wrong test or course necessary to renew his or her license or remove the provision under which his or her provisional license was issued.

     (e) The licensee provides written proof from a representative of a religious denomination, sect or organization that a course or test necessary to renew his or her license or remove a provision under which his or her provisional license was issued was offered only during a time which conflicted with the religious beliefs of the licensee.

     (f) The unemployment of the licensee or personal medical expenses incurred by the licensee which were not covered under a plan of health insurance caused financial debts in excess of the personal income of the licensee and prevented the licensee from complying with the financial requirements for renewal of the license or removal of the provision under which his or her provisional license was issued.

     (g) The licensee suffered a medical condition which prevented the licensee from satisfying the requirements for renewal of his or her license or removal of the provision under which his or her provisional license was issued and the licensee provides written proof:

          (1) From a licensed physician that the licensee suffered from such a medical condition, including the duration of the medical condition; and

          (2) Of the number of days the licensee worked during the time that his or her license was valid.

     (h) The licensee suffered mental anxiety caused by a physical or mental condition which prevented the licensee from passing the test or course required for renewal of his or her license or removal of the provision under which his or her provisional license was issued. The licensee must provide written proof from a licensed physician that the licensee suffered such mental anxiety.

     (i) A medical condition or administrative problem prevented the licensee from complying with the requirements for renewal of his or her license or removal of the provision under which his or her provisional license was issued and the Superintendent of Public Instruction determines that the medical condition or administrative problem is adequate to justify the extension. Such an administrative problem may include, without limitation, the inability by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History to process the fingerprints of the licensee.

     (j) The provisional license of the licensee expires during a school year and the removal of the licensee from his or her position of employment would have a detrimental effect on the pupils who are taught by the licensee, as determined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. If an extension is granted pursuant to this paragraph, the extension expires on the last school day of the academic term for which the extension was granted or the time period prescribed in subsection 3, whichever occurs first.

     2.  A request for an extension pursuant to subsection 1 must be received by the Superintendent of Public Instruction at least 30 calendar days before the expiration of the license or provisional license. If such a request is received less than 30 calendar days before the expiration of the license or provisional license, the licensee is not guaranteed a decision on the request before the license becomes invalid or expires. A request for an extension which is postmarked or received after the date of expiration of the license or provisional license will not be considered by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

     3.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may grant an extension pursuant to subsection 1 for a period of not more than 6 months after the date on which a license or provisional license is set to expire. In no case may the Superintendent of Public Instruction grant more than one extension during the same period of licensure.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 6-19-96; A by R087-97, 1-14-98; R057-03, 10-21-2003; R142-15, 6-21-2017)

      NAC 391.080  Approval of providers of continuing education. (NRS 391.019)  The Commission will approve a provider of continuing education upon receipt of evidence acceptable to the Commission:

     1.  That the provider:

     (a) Is recognized locally, regionally or nationally as a professional organization that provides courses for continuing education and whose membership is composed primarily of teachers, administrators or other educational personnel; and

     (b) Is not a college or university;

     2.  That a written outline of each course to be offered by the provider will be submitted to the Commission for approval before the course is offered; and

     3.  That for each course presented the provider will certify to the Commission:

     (a) The name of each person who enrolls in the course and completes the required work;

     (b) That the topics included by the provider in the written outline which was approved by the Commission were presented during the course;

     (c) The number of clock hours completed by the person taking the course; and

     (d) The attendance record of each person taking the course.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 10-18-89, eff. 1-21-90)

      NAC 391.082  Approval of courses completed by applicant at regionally accredited institution. (NRS 385.080, 391.038)  Upon request by an applicant for a license, endorsement of a license, renewal of a license or removal of a provision under which a provisional license was issued, the Department will approve a course or courses completed by the applicant at a regionally accredited institution that meets the licensure requirements, whether or not the course or courses are part of a course of study and training approved by the board pursuant to NAC 391.557 and 391.558.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 7-19-96; A by R110-97, 12-10-97)

      NAC 391.083  Limitation on employment of person who holds license to teach and certain special endorsements. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, a person who holds a license to teach may be employed by a school district to teach only at the grade level for which the person is licensed regardless of whether the person holds an endorsement that is applicable to other grade levels.

     2.  If a person holds:

     (a) An endorsement as a professional administrator of a school or program;

     (b) An endorsement as a school library media specialist; or

     (c) An endorsement as a professional school library media specialist,

Ê the person may be employed by a school district to perform the duties related to that endorsement at any grade level regardless of the grade level for which he or she is licensed. A school district shall not employ such a person to teach unless the person holds a license for the appropriate grade level.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R028-00, 5-9-2000, eff. 7-1-2000; A by R021-01, 10-22-2001, eff. 7-1-2007)

      NAC 391.085  Emergency relief from regulations. (NRS 391.019, 391.023)

     1.  Except with regard to matters for which an extension may be granted pursuant to NAC 391.077, in an emergency, a person who has been issued a license or who has applied for a license pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may submit a written request for temporary relief from the regulations of the Commission relating to the licensure of teachers and other educational personnel if the person has a medical or administrative reason for requesting such relief.

     2.  A person who submits such a request must:

     (a) Submit the request on a form prescribed by the Department;

     (b) Identify the regulation from which he or she is requesting relief;

     (c) Set forth the reasons why he or she is unable to comply with the requirements of the regulation;

     (d) Include medical or other documentation which supports the request; and

     (e) Submit the request to the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

     3.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may grant relief pursuant to this section for a period of not more than 6 months from the date the relief is granted. In no case may the period of relief be extended.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 11-13-90; A 6-19-96)


      The regulation of the Commission on Professional Standards in Education filed with the Secretary of State on November 13, 1990, the source of this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

      “For the purposes of this regulation, any provision in chapter 391 of NAC which refers to the certification of teachers or other educational personnel shall be deemed a regulation of the Commission on Professional Standards in Education relating to the licensure of teachers and other educational personnel.”



      NAC 391.087  Requirements for teaching in program of early childhood education; exception. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person must hold a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education issued pursuant to NAC 391.089 before teaching in a program of instruction for prekindergarten pupils conducted by a public school or a private school licensed pursuant to chapter 394 of NRS.

     2.  The provisions of this section do not apply to a person who:

     (a) Holds an elementary license pursuant to the provisions of NAC 391.095;

     (b) On July 1, 2002, was employed full-time teaching pupils in such a program; and

     (c) After July 1, 2002, has been continuously employed full-time teaching pupils in such a program.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R120-99, 3-13-2000, eff. 7-1-2002; A by R020-11, 5-30-2012; R105-18 & R114-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.089  Qualifications for license to teach pupils in program of early childhood education. (NRS 391.019, 391.031, 391.032)  To receive a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree or graduate degree from an accredited college or university and must:

     1.  Have completed a program of preparation to teach such pupils that is approved by the Department;

     2.  Hold a license to teach such pupils that was issued by another state and approved by the Commission; or

     3.  Hold an elementary license and:

     (a) Have experience teaching pupils under 6 years of age that consists of:

          (1) Eight semester hours of student teaching;

          (2) One year of verifiable experience teaching pupils in a program of early childhood education conducted by a public school, a public agency or a private school licensed pursuant to chapter 394 of NRS at the conclusion of which the person was eligible for reemployment; or

          (3) An equivalent field experience or practicum conducted by an accredited college or university;

     (b) Have completed at least 6 semester hours of courses in early childhood education consisting of courses in any of the following subjects:

          (1) Early childhood curriculum;

          (2) Emergent language and literacy; or

          (3) Play theory and creativity; and

     (c) Have completed at least 6 additional semester hours of courses in any of the courses described in paragraph (b) or in any of the following subjects:

          (1) Child development from birth to 8 years of age;

          (2) Diversity in young children;

          (3) Introduction to early childhood education;

          (4) Positive discipline and guidance for young children; or

          (5) Working with families with young children; or

     4.  Have completed at least 35 semester hours of courses in early childhood education for children who are developing typically and atypically consisting of:

     (a) Six semester hours in child development and learning, with the content of the courses covering diversity in culture, language and ability;

     (b) Twelve semester hours in early childhood curriculum and program implementation that include at least one course in each of the following subjects:

          (1) Language and literacy;

          (2) Mathematics and science;

          (3) Social studies; and

          (4) Strategies for working with children with disabilities;

     (c) Three additional semester hours in early childhood curriculum and program implementation consisting of courses in any of the following subjects:

          (1) Curriculum for infants and toddlers;

          (2) Early childhood classroom management;

          (3) Integrated curriculum;

          (4) Play theory and creativity;

          (5) Positive discipline and guidance for young children; or

          (6) Technology;

     (d) Three semester hours in family and community relations, including working with families;

     (e) Three semester hours in assessment and evaluation for early childhood education; and

     (f) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, 8 semester hours of student teaching involving pupils in at least two different age groups, one of which must have included pupils in the first or second grade and one of which must have included pupils of any age from birth through kindergarten. At least one of the groups must have included pupils with and without disabilities. In lieu of completing 8 semester hours of student teaching, a person may have 1 year of verifiable experience teaching pupils under 6 years of age in a program of early childhood education conducted by a public school, a public agency or a private school licensed pursuant to chapter 394 of NRS at the conclusion of which the person was eligible for reemployment.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R120-99, eff. 3-13-2000; A by R005-05, 10-31-2005; R105-18 & R114-18, 6-26-2019)


      The regulation of the Commission on Professional Standards in Education filed with the Secretary of State on June 26, 2019 (LCB File No. R105-18), which amended this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

      “Sec. 3.  A person who, on the effective date of this regulation [June 26, 2019], holds a special license or endorsement to teach pupils from birth through the second grade as described in NAC 391.089 shall be deemed to hold a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education as described in NAC 391.089, as amended by section 2 of this regulation, on and after the effective date of this regulation [June 26, 2019].”


      The regulation of the Commission on Professional Standards in Education filed with the Secretary of State on June 26, 2019 (LCB File No. R114-18), which amended this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

      “Sec. 8.  A person who, on the effective date of this regulation [June 26, 2019], holds a special license or endorsement to teach pupils from birth through the second grade as described in NAC 391.089 shall be deemed to hold a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education as described in NAC 391.089, as amended by section 5 of this regulation, on and after the effective date of this regulation [June 26, 2019].”



      NAC 391.0896  Special license as emergency substitute teacher; authorized employment. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive a special license as an emergency substitute teacher, a person must earn a high school diploma or its equivalent.

     2.  A special license as an emergency substitute teacher is valid for 1 year after the date of issuance.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a person who holds or has held a special license as an emergency substitute teacher may apply for such a special license not more than two times after the expiration of his or her original special license as an emergency substitute teacher. The Superintendent of Public Instruction may authorize such a person to apply for a special license as an emergency substitute teacher more than two times after the expiration of his or her original special license as an emergency substitute teacher at the written request of the school district or charter school that employs the applicant.

     4.  A school district whose enrollment is less than 9,000 pupils or a charter school located within the geographic boundaries of such a school district may, in an emergency, hire an emergency substitute teacher to serve as a teacher in kindergarten through grade 12, as needed.

     5.  Upon the written request of a school district whose enrollment is 9,000 pupils or more, the Department may, in an emergency, authorize the school district to hire an emergency substitute teacher to serve as a teacher in kindergarten through grade 12 in a school that is located in a rural area of the school district.

     6.  Upon the written request of a charter school located in a rural area within the geographic boundaries of a school district whose enrollment is 9,000 pupils or more, the Department may, in an emergency, authorize the charter school to hire an emergency substitute teacher to serve as a teacher in kindergarten through grade 12 in the charter school.

     7.  A person employed pursuant to subsection 4, 5 or 6 may not serve as a teacher in one classroom for more than 5 days in any 20-day period. Except in an emergency, a school district or charter school shall not allow a person solely holding a special license as an emergency substitute teacher to serve as a teacher.

     8.  An applicant for a special license as an emergency substitute teacher is exempt from the provisions of:

     (a) NAC 391.036; and

     (b) NAC 391.065.

     9.  As used in this section, “in an emergency” means the occurrence of an unforeseen circumstance which requires immediate action, including any period during which a licensed teacher or substitute teacher, other than an emergency substitute teacher, is not immediately available.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 10-8-93; A 1-11-96; R092-97, 1-14-98; R183-97, 1-30-98; R022-01, 10-22-2001; R102-17 & R009-18, 6-26-2018)—(Substituted in revision for NAC 391.330)

      NAC 391.0897  Qualifications to serve as substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12; endorsement as substitute teacher on provisional or special license; period for which substitute teacher may be hired; provisional nonrenewable special license; renewal. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 391.0896 and 391.436, to serve as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12, a person must hold a valid:

     (a) Elementary or secondary license, a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education, a license to teach special education, or a license to teach middle school or junior high school education; or

     (b) Special license or provisional special license with an endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 issued pursuant to subsection 2.

     2.  To receive an endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 on a special license or a provisional special license, a person must:

     (a) Have completed at least 60 semester hours of credit from an accredited college or university; or

     (b) Possess an associate’s degree or higher degree from an accredited college or university.

     3.  A school district may hire a person to serve as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 for:

     (a) Unlimited days of service if filling the position of a licensed teacher who is under contract.

     (b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, 60 days of service if filling a teaching position for which a licensed teacher has not been hired under contract.

     4.  The Department may grant a school district one extension for 30 days with regard to a person who is hired pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 3 in an exceptional case upon request from the superintendent of schools of the county school district or from the administrator of a state-approved private school. Upon the expiration of such an extension, a school district may apply for an additional extension pursuant to NAC 391.398 if the school district is unable to hire a licensed special education teacher.

     5.  A person who holds a provisional nonrenewable special license with an endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 must remove all provisions under which the license was issued before the date on which the license expires pursuant to subsection 1 of NAC 391.065. If a person does not remove all provisions under which the license was issued before that date, the endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 expires on that date.

     6.  The Department shall not issue any other endorsements on a special license or a provisional nonrenewable special license with an endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12.

     7.  An applicant for the issuance or renewal of a special license with an endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 is exempt from the requirements of NAC 391.036 and 391.065 if he or she is not also applying for the issuance or renewal of another license or endorsement for which he or she is subject to those requirements.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 6-19-96; A by R219-97, 4-17-98; R017-11, 10-26-2011; R053-17, 6-26-2018; R112-18, 6-26-2019)—(Substituted in revision for NAC 391.332)


      NAC 391.090  Authority conferred by elementary license. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  An elementary license authorizes the holder to teach all subjects in elementary grades in any:

     1.  Public school; or

     2.  Private school licensed in this State.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.060, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-18-88, eff. 12-3-88; 10-18-89; 7-7-94; R005-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.095  Qualifications for elementary license. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive an elementary license, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and must have completed a program of preparation for teaching in elementary grades which is approved by the Board. The program must include, without limitation:

     1.  Thirty-two semester hours of credit in courses in elementary professional education consisting of:

     (a) Eight semester hours of credit in supervised student teaching in elementary grades;

     (b) Nine semester hours of credit in methods of teaching elementary subjects, including, but not limited to, mathematics, science and social studies;

     (c) Nine semester hours of credit in the teaching of literacy or language arts; and

     (d) Six semester hours of credit in professional education course work which must include course work in at least two of the following subjects:

          (1) Classroom management;

          (2) English as a second language;

          (3) Technology;

          (4) Evaluation of pupils;

          (5) Child development;

          (6) Special education; or

          (7) Social and cultural issues; and

     2.  Eighteen semester hours of credit which must include at least 6 semester hours of credit in each of the following subject areas:

     (a) Mathematics;

     (b) Science; and

     (c) Social studies.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.070, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-18-88; 9-13-91; R097-97, 2-26-98, eff. 12-12-98; R003-05, 10-31-2005; R086-09, 5-5-2011; R005-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.096  Qualifications for elementary and middle school physical education license; authorized employment. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive a license designated as an elementary and middle school physical education license, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and must have completed 58 semester hours of credit in courses in professional studies in physical education for pupils in elementary or middle school or junior high school grades, consisting of:

     (a) Eighteen semester hours of credit which includes course work in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) Anatomical kinesiology or mechanical kinesiology, or both;

          (2) The physiology of exercise;

          (3) The psychological aspects or social aspects of physical education, or both;

          (4) Motor development;

          (5) Testing and measuring skills and abilities in physical education; and

          (6) Advanced first aid or an equivalent course of study;

     (b) Eighteen semester hours of credit in teaching elementary physical education, including, without limitation, teaching:

          (1) Adapted physical education;

          (2) Rhythmic activities for pupils in elementary grades;

          (3) Movement experiences for pupils in preschool and primary grades; and

          (4) Movement experiences for pupils in intermediate grades; and

     (c) Twenty-two semester hours of credit in professional education including:

          (1) Foundations of education;

          (2) Methods of teaching in elementary physical education; and

          (3) Eight semester hours of credit in supervised student teaching of physical education for pupils in elementary or middle school or junior high school grades.

     2.  An elementary and middle school physical education license issued in accordance with this section authorizes the holder of the license to teach only physical education to pupils in elementary or middle school or junior high school grades.

     3.  A person is not required to hold an elementary and middle school physical education license to teach physical education to pupils in elementary or middle school or junior high school grades. The provisions of this subsection do not prohibit a school district from requiring an elementary and middle school physical education license as a requirement for employment to teach physical education in that school district.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R086-09, eff. 5-5-2011; A by R082-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.100  Qualifications for professional license as elementary teacher. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive a professional license as an elementary teacher, a person must:

     1.  Meet all requirements for an elementary license;

     2.  Hold a master’s degree in education; and

     3.  Have 3 years of verified experience as a teacher in elementary grades in schools approved by the Department.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.080, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-13-91; 11-4-91; R097-97, 2-26-98; R005-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.111  License to teach middle school or junior high school education: Qualifications; requirements and recognized subjects for endorsement; exception. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 6, to receive a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree from an accredited college or university and have completed:

     (a) A program of preparation for teaching middle school or junior high school education which is approved by the Board; or

     (b) Twenty-four semester credits of course work in professional education which must include:

          (1) Eight semester credits of supervised student teaching in a designated level of middle school or junior high school;

          (2) A course in the methods and materials for teaching the major or minor field of specialization at the middle school, junior high school or secondary grade level, or a course in integrated methods at the middle school or junior high school level;

          (3) Three semester credits in a course of study regarding education or curricular adaptation for pupils with disabilities;

          (4) Six semester credits of course work in at least two of the following areas:

               (I) The foundations, history, theory or philosophy of middle school;

               (II) The curriculum, pedagogy or assessment for middle school;

               (III) Adolescent growth and development;

               (IV) The nature and needs of the adolescent, including social, emotional and cultural concerns;

               (V) Classroom management strategies;

               (VI) School, family and community collaboration; or

               (VII) Supervision and evaluation of programs and pupils in a middle school; and

          (5) Six semester credits of course work in any of the following subjects:

               (I) English as a second language, bilingualism or biculturalism;

               (II) Educational technology;

               (III) Tests and measurement;

               (IV) Educational psychology;

               (V) Education of the exceptional child;

               (VI) Multicultural education; or

               (VII) Educational research.

     2.  In addition to the requirements set forth in subsection 1, an applicant for a license to teach middle school or junior high school education must have:

     (a) Passed, at the level of competence specified by the Department, a competency examination approved by the Department on the subject matter of a field of specialization or area of concentration; or

     (b) Completed 24 semester credits in a major field of endorsement or area of concentration. Subsequent minor fields of endorsement may be added to the license upon verification of 14 semester hours of credit.

     3.  The following subjects are recognized for an endorsement of a license to teach middle school or junior high school education:

     (a) Art;

     (b) English language arts;

     (c) Instrumental and vocal music;

     (d) Instrumental music;

     (e) Mathematics;

     (f) Science;

     (g) Social science;

     (h) Vocal music; and

     (i) World languages, in accordance with subsection 26 of NAC 391.131.

     4.  An endorsement for mathematics for a person who has not passed a competency examination as described in paragraph (a) of subsection 2 requires the completion of three semester credits in a course in college algebra or the concepts of calculus, including, without limitation, an introduction to limits, derivatives and integrals, precalculus or differential calculus.

     5.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, a major or minor field of endorsement or area of concentration identified in subsection 3 shall be deemed to be satisfied if the applicant holds a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree with a major, minor or area of concentration identified on the official transcript of record conferred by a regionally accredited college or university.

     6.  An applicant who holds a valid license to teach elementary education, early childhood education, special education or secondary education and who has previously satisfied the requirements of subsection 1 or has completed comparable course work, as determined by the Department, is not required to satisfy the requirements again to receive a license to teach middle school or junior high school education.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R005-05, eff. 10-31-2005; A by R027-07, 10-31-2007; R136-09, 1-28-2010; R109-11, 2-15-2012; A by Bd. of Education by R063-14, 10-24-2014; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R039-16, 6-21-2017; R050-17, 6-26-2018; R007-18, 6-26-2019)


      The regulation of the State Board of Education filed with the Secretary of State on October 24, 2014 (LCB File No. R063-14), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “A person who on October 24, 2014, holds:

      * * *

      2.  A license to teach middle school or junior high education with an endorsement to teach a foreign language as described in NAC 391.111;

      * * *

Ê shall be deemed to hold such license or endorsement in a world language on and after October 24, 2014.”


      NAC 391.113  License to teach middle school or junior high school education: Endorsement for recognized field of teaching. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  A license to teach middle school or junior high school education that is endorsed for a recognized field of teaching authorizes the holder to teach in the subject area of the endorsement in a middle school or junior high school.

     2.  The endorsement is based upon the field of specialization or area of concentration in which the applicant has demonstrated proficiency.

     3.  Fields of specialization or areas of concentration for an endorsement must be in subjects normally taught in middle schools or junior high schools.

     4.  The Commission will determine the acceptability of any field of specialization or area of concentration for designation in an endorsement.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R005-05, eff. 10-31-2005; A by R122-17, 6-26-2018)


      NAC 391.120  Qualifications for license; qualifications for license with endorsement in career and technical education. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5 or for a person who is applying for a secondary license pursuant to subsection 2, to receive a secondary license, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree and have completed:

     (a) A program of preparation for teaching in the secondary grades approved by the Board pursuant to NAC 391.557 and 391.558;

     (b) Courses approved by the Board pursuant to NAC 391.082; or

     (c) Twenty-two semester hours of courses in secondary education, as follows:

          (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, 8 semester hours of supervised teaching;

          (2) A course in the methods and materials of teaching a field of specialization; and

          (3) Any other courses in secondary education approved by the Commission.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, to receive a secondary license with an endorsement in career and technical education, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree in education with a major or minor in career and technical education or a bachelor’s degree that is aligned to a subject area for which the board of trustees of a school district may offer a program of career and technical education pursuant to NAC 389.803 and:

     (a) Have completed 23 semester hours of credit as follows:

          (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, 8 semester hours of supervised teaching;

          (2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, 3 semester hours in the methods of teaching career and technical education;

          (3) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, 3 semester hours in secondary curriculum and instruction;

          (4) Three semester hours in career development and work-based learning;

          (5) Three semester hours in management of pupil organization in career and technical education; and

          (6) Any other courses in secondary education approved by the Commission;

     (b) Complete 1 year of verifiable work experience, which may be paid or unpaid, in a business, industry or agency that is aligned to a subject area for which the board of trustees of a school district may offer a program of career and technical education pursuant to NAC 389.803; and

     (c) Hold a valid license issued by a licensing authority of this State in the area of career and technical education for which the person is applying for an endorsement if such a license is required by state law.

     3.  If a person who is licensed pursuant to this chapter is applying for an additional license pursuant to NRS 391.0315 and the person has 3 years of verified teaching experience, the person is not required to complete the 8 semester hours of supervised teaching required by subsection 1 or 2, as applicable, but must fulfill those 8 semester hours by completing additional courses in secondary education approved by the Commission.

     4.  An applicant for an endorsement in career and technical education who holds a valid secondary license is exempt from the requirements of subparagraphs (2) and (3) of paragraph (a) of subsection 2.

     5.  An applicant for a secondary license who holds a valid license to teach elementary education, early childhood education, special education or middle school or junior high school education and who has previously satisfied the requirements of subsection 1 or 2, as applicable, or has completed comparable course work as determined by the Department, is not required to satisfy the requirements again to receive a secondary license.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.130, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; 11-22-91; A by Bd. of Education, 7-19-96; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R181-97, 3-31-98; R223-05, 2-23-2006; R026-07, 10-31-2007; R018-11, 10-26-2011; R051-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.125  Endorsement for recognized field of teaching, field of specialization or area of concentration. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  A secondary license which is endorsed for a recognized field of teaching authorizes the holder to teach in the subject area of the endorsement in a high school.

     2.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may issue an endorsement on a secondary license in a field of specialization or area of concentration to an applicant who:

     (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 of NAC 391.120, has completed a major or minor in the field of specialization or area of concentration, as described in NAC 391.1301 to 391.1312, inclusive; or

     (b) Has passed, at the level of competence specified by the Department, a competency examination approved by the Department on the subject matter of the field of specialization or area of concentration.

     3.  The endorsement is based upon the field of specialization or area of concentration in which the applicant has demonstrated proficiency.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.110, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; R051-17 & R123-17, 6-26-2018)


      The regulation of the State Board of Education filed with the Secretary of State on October 24, 2014 (LCB File No. R063-14), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “A person who on October 24, 2014, holds:

      * * *

      3.  A secondary license with an endorsement to teach a foreign language as described in NAC 391.125 and 391.131;

      * * *

Ê shall be deemed to hold such license or endorsement in a world language on and after October 24, 2014.”


      NAC 391.130  Fields of specialization and areas of concentration for designation in endorsement. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  Fields of specialization or areas of concentration must be in subjects normally taught in high schools.

     2.  The Commission will determine the acceptability of any field of specialization or area of concentration for designation in an endorsement.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.120, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 10-26-83; 4-27-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; R123-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.1301  Comprehensive majors and minors recognized by Commission. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  The Commission recognizes the following fields as comprehensive majors or minors, which require 36 or 24 semester hours of credit respectively:

     1.  In academic education:

     (a) Art;

     (b) Biological science;

     (c) English as a second language;

     (d) English;

     (e) General science;

     (f) Instrumental and vocal music;

     (g) Instrumental music;

     (h) Mathematics;

     (i) Physical education;

     (j) Physical science;

     (k) Recreational physical education;

     (l) Social studies;

     (m) Speech and drama; and

     (n) Vocal music.

Ê For the comprehensive majors and minors identified in this subsection, a person who holds a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree with a major or minor conferred by a regionally accredited college or university shall be deemed to qualify for a comprehensive major or minor, as applicable, if he or she has satisfied the requirements of NAC 391.120.

     2.  In career and technical education:

     (a) Agricultural education;

     (b) Automotive service technology;

     (c) Business education;

     (d) Child care;

     (e) Communications and media;

     (f) Construction technology;

     (g) Drafting and design;

     (h) Electronic technology;

     (i) Family and consumer sciences;

     (j) Food services;

     (k) Health occupations;

     (l) Hospitality and recreation;

     (m) Human services;

     (n) Industrial arts;

     (o) Manufacturing technologies;

     (p) Marketing education;

     (q) Stage and theater technology; and

     (r) Technology education.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; 1-11-96; R182-97, 3-31-98; R075-00, 6-20-2000; R099-03, 9-24-2003; R223-05, 2-23-2006; R026-07 & R027-07, 10-31-2007; R018-11, 10-26-2011; R152-15, 6-28-2016; R077-17 & R079-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.13015  Major or minor in art. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  A comprehensive major in art consists of 36 semester hours as follows:

     (a) Twenty-four semester hours which must include at least 6 semester hours in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) History of art;

          (2) Drawing;

          (3) Painting; and

          (4) Ceramics or sculpture; and

     (b) Twelve semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) Design;

          (2) Digital or graphic arts;

          (3) Photography or printmaking; and

          (4) Working with a medium other than a medium that was used to satisfy the requirements set forth in:

               (I) Paragraph (a); or

               (II) Subparagraph (1), (2) or (3) of this paragraph.

     2.  A comprehensive minor in art consists of 24 semester hours as follows:

     (a) Fifteen semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) History of art;

          (2) Drawing;

          (3) Painting;

          (4) Ceramics or sculpture; and

          (5) Digital or graphic arts; and

     (b) Nine semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in at least three of the following areas of study:

          (1) Design;

          (2) Photography;

          (3) Printmaking; or

          (4) Working with a medium other than a medium that was used to satisfy the requirements set forth in:

               (I) Paragraph (a); or

               (II) Subparagraph (1), (2) or (3) of this paragraph.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 10-17-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R025-07, 10-31-2007)

      NAC 391.1302  Major or minor in biological science. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  The semester hours of credit required for a major in biological science must include at least 3 semester hours each in any four of the following areas of study:

     (a) Biology;

     (b) Botany;

     (c) Chemistry;

     (d) Environmental or ecological science;

     (e) Physiology; or

     (f) Zoology.

     2.  The semester hours of credit required for a minor in biological science must include at least 3 semester hours each in any three of the areas listed in subsection 1.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89)

      NAC 391.1303  Major or minor in English. (NRS 385.080)

     1.  The semester hours of credit required for a major in English must exclude any credit for freshman English and must include 15 semester hours for courses normally given to juniors or seniors. At least 3 semester hours must be in each of the following areas:

     (a) Courses in composition normally given to juniors or seniors.

     (b) Descriptive grammar.

     (c) Reading.

     (d) American literature.

     (e) English literature.

     (f) General survey of literature.

     (g) Journalism.

     (h) Speech or dramatic or theatrical art.

     (i) Linguistics or the history of language.

     2.  The semester hours of credit required for a minor in English must exclude any credit for freshman English and must include 10 semester hours for courses normally given to juniors or seniors. At least 3 semester hours must have been received in each of the areas listed in paragraphs (a) to (e), inclusive, of subsection 1 and at least 3 semester hours in journalism, speech or dramatic arts.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84; A 10-17-86)

      NAC 391.1304  Major or minor in general science. (NRS 385.080)

     1.  The semester hours of credit required for a major in general science must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas of study:

     (a) Biology;

     (b) Chemistry;

     (c) Physics; and

     (d) Earth science, space science, electronics or engineering.

     2.  The semester hours of credit required for a minor in general science must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas of study:

     (a) Chemistry;

     (b) Physics; and

     (c) Biology.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84)

      NAC 391.13043  Major or minor in mathematics. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  A comprehensive major in mathematics consists of 36 semester hours of credit which must include:

     (a) At least 9 semester hours of credit in calculus courses.

     (b) In addition to the semester hours required by paragraph (a), at least 27 semester hours of credit in courses involving:

          (1) Probability or statistics;

          (2) Number theory;

          (3) Linear algebra;

          (4) Abstract or modern algebra;

          (5) Finite mathematics or discrete processes; and

          (6) If necessary to complete 27 semester hours of credit:

               (I) The history of mathematics;

               (II) Euclidean geometry;

               (III) Non-Euclidean geometry;

               (IV) Mathematical computer applications, data structures or programming;

               (V) Differential equations;

               (VI) Real number analysis;

               (VII) Multivariate calculus;

               (VIII) Numerical analysis; and

               (IX) Logic or methods of mathematical proof.

     2.  A person who holds a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree with a major in mathematics that was conferred by a regionally accredited college or university shall be deemed to have qualified for a comprehensive major in mathematics if he or she has satisfied the requirements of NAC 391.120.

     3.  A recipient of a comprehensive major in mathematics may teach in grades 7 to 12, inclusive, any course in mathematics included in the course of study adopted by the Board.

     4.  A comprehensive minor in mathematics consists of 24 semester hours of credit which must include:

     (a) At least 6 semester hours of credit in calculus courses.

     (b) In addition to the semester hours required by paragraph (a), at least 18 semester hours of credit in courses involving:

          (1) Probability or statistics;

          (2) Finite mathematics, discrete mathematics or number theory;

          (3) Linear, abstract or modern algebra; and

          (4) If necessary to complete 18 semester hours of credit:

               (I) Multivariate calculus;

               (II) The history of mathematics;

               (III) Differential equations;

               (IV) Real number analysis;

               (V) Euclidean geometry;

               (VI) Non-Euclidean geometry;

               (VII) Mathematical computer applications, data structures or programming;

               (VIII) Numerical analysis; and

               (IX) Logic or methods of mathematical proof.

     5.  A person who holds a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree with a minor in mathematics that was conferred by a regionally accredited college or university shall be deemed to have qualified for a comprehensive minor in mathematics if he or she has satisfied the requirements of NAC 391.120.

     6.  A recipient of a comprehensive minor in mathematics may teach in grades 7 to 12, inclusive, any course in mathematics included in the course of study adopted by the Board up to and including Algebra II and Geometry I.

     7.  A person who received an endorsement to teach mathematics before January 14, 1998, but who has not fulfilled the requirements for calculus, may teach in grades 7 to 12, inclusive, any course in mathematics included in the course of study adopted by the Board up to and including Algebra II and Geometry I.

     8.  A person who receives an endorsement to teach mathematics on or after January 14, 1998, must complete a course in the methods of teaching mathematics to renew the endorsement.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 1-11-96; A by R094-97, 1-14-98; R189-99, 3-13-2000; R093-02, 11-13-2002; R127-05, 12-29-2005; R153-15, 6-28-2016)

      NAC 391.13045  Major or minor in instrumental music. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  A comprehensive major in instrumental music consists of 36 semester hours of credit in a course of study as follows:

     (a) Twenty-four semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas:

          (1) Music theory;

          (2) The history or literature of music;

          (3) Applied music in instrumental music which must be in an area of specialization; and

          (4) Piano; and

     (b) Twelve semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas:

          (1) Conducting;

          (2) Music ensemble; and

          (3) Techniques and pedagogy for brass, woodwind, string and percussion instruments.

     2.  A comprehensive minor in instrumental music consists of 24 semester hours of credit in a course of study as follows:

     (a) Fifteen semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas:

          (1) Music theory;

          (2) The history or literature of music;

          (3) Applied music in instrumental music which must be in an area of specialization; and

          (4) Piano; and

     (b) Nine semester hours in the following areas:

          (1) Conducting;

          (2) Music ensemble; and

          (3) Techniques and pedagogy for brass, woodwind, string and percussion instruments.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R027-07, eff. 10-31-2007)

      NAC 391.13046  Major or minor in instrumental and vocal music. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  A comprehensive major in instrumental and vocal music consists of 36 semester hours in a course of study as follows:

     (a) Twenty-four semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas:

          (1) Music theory;

          (2) The history or literature of music;

          (3) Applied music, including training in instrumental and vocal music;

          (4) Piano; and

          (5) Techniques and pedagogy for brass, woodwind, string and percussion instruments; and

     (b) Twelve semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas:

          (1) Conducting;

          (2) Music ensemble; and

          (3) Choral literature, diction or vocal techniques and pedagogy.

     2.  A comprehensive minor in instrumental and vocal music consists of 24 semester hours of credit in a course of study as follows:

     (a) Fifteen semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas:

          (1) Music theory;

          (2) The history and literature of music;

          (3) Applied music in instrumental and vocal music; and

          (4) Piano; and

     (b) Nine semester hours in the following areas:

          (1) Conducting;

          (2) Music ensemble;

          (3) Techniques and pedagogy for brass, woodwind, string and percussion instruments; and

          (4) Choral literature, diction or vocal techniques and pedagogy.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 10-17-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; R027-07, 10-31-2007)

      NAC 391.13047  Major or minor in vocal music. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  A comprehensive major in vocal music consists of 36 semester hours of credit in a course of study as follows:

     (a) Twenty-four semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas:

          (1) Music theory;

          (2) The history or literature of music;

          (3) Applied music in vocal music; and

          (4) Piano; and

     (b) Twelve semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas:

          (1) Conducting;

          (2) Music ensemble; and

          (3) Choral literature, diction or vocal techniques and pedagogy.

     2.  A comprehensive minor in vocal music consists of 24 semester hours of credit in a course of study as follows:

     (a) Fifteen semester hours which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas:

          (1) Music theory;

          (2) The history or literature of music;

          (3) Applied music in vocal music; and

          (4) Piano; and

     (b) Nine semester hours in the following areas:

          (1) Conducting;

          (2) Music ensemble; and

          (3) Choral literature, diction or vocal techniques and pedagogy.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R027-07, eff. 10-31-2007)

      NAC 391.13048  Major or minor in physical education. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  A comprehensive major in physical education consists of 36 semester hours in a course of study which includes course work in each of the following areas of study:

     (a) Anatomical kinesiology or mechanical kinesiology, or both;

     (b) The physiology of exercise;

     (c) Testing and measurement of skills and ability in physical education;

     (d) The psychological or social aspects of physical education;

     (e) Methods and techniques of teaching sports for teams;

     (f) Adapted physical education;

     (g) Methods and techniques of teaching physical fitness;

     (h) Methods and techniques of teaching rhythm and dance;

     (i) Motor learning;

     (j) Methods and techniques of teaching individual sports and sports that can be participated in at any stage of life;

     (k) Methods of teaching secondary physical education; and

     (l) Advanced first aid or an equivalent course of study.

     2.  A comprehensive minor in physical education consists of 24 semester hours in a course of study which includes course work in each of the following areas of study:

     (a) Anatomical kinesiology or mechanical kinesiology, or both;

     (b) The physiology of exercise;

     (c) Methods and techniques of teaching physical fitness;

     (d) Methods and techniques of teaching individual sports and sports that can be participated in at any stage of life;

     (e) Methods and techniques of teaching sports for teams; and

     (f) Motor learning.

     3.  A 1-credit hour activity course in dance, weight training or a sport such as basketball, baseball, track or tennis is not acceptable in meeting the requirements for a comprehensive minor in physical education.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 10-17-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; 9-13-91)

      NAC 391.1305  Major or minor in physical science. (NRS 385.080)

     1.  The semester hours of credit required for a major in physical science must include at least:

     (a) Six semester hours in each of:

          (1) Chemistry; and

          (2) Physics; and

     (b) Three semester hours in each of:

          (1) Geology; and

          (2) Earth science, space science, electronics or engineering.

     2.  The semester hours required for a minor in physical science must include 3 semester hours in each of the following areas:

     (a) Chemistry;

     (b) Physics;

     (c) Geology; and

     (d) Earth science, space science, electronics or engineering.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84)

      NAC 391.1306  Major or minor in social studies. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  A comprehensive major in social studies consists of 36 semester hours of credit as follows:

     (a) Twenty-one semester hours of credit which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) Economics;

          (2) Geography;

          (3) History of the United States;

          (4) History of the world;

          (5) Political science;

          (6) Ethnic studies; and

          (7) Psychology or sociology; and

     (b) Fifteen semester hours of credit in any of the areas of study listed in subparagraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of paragraph (a).

     2.  A comprehensive minor in social studies consists of 24 semester hours of credit as follows:

     (a) Fifteen semester hours of credit which must include at least 3 semester hours in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) Economics;

          (2) Geography;

          (3) History of the United States;

          (4) History of the world; and

          (5) Political science;

     (b) Six semester hours of credit in any of the areas of study listed in subparagraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of paragraph (a); and

     (c) Three semester hours of credit in any of the following areas of study:

          (1) Ethnic studies; or

          (2) Psychology or sociology.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; R048-11, 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.13065  Endorsement to teach automotive service technology: Qualifications; provisional endorsement; credit toward renewal of license. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to teach automotive service technology, a person must:

     (a) Hold a secondary license;

     (b) Have satisfied the requirements for an endorsement in automotive service technology pursuant to subsection 2 of NAC 391.120; and

     (c) Be certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence as:

          (1) A master automobile technician; or

          (2) An auto maintenance and light repair technician and as an automobile and light truck technician in the following areas:

               (I) Brakes;

               (II) Electrical and electronic systems; and

               (III) Suspension and steering.

     2.  A person who has satisfied the requirements for an endorsement set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection 1 but not the requirement of certification by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence required by paragraph (c) of that subsection may receive a provisional endorsement to teach automotive service technology. A provisional endorsement issued pursuant to this subsection is valid for 3 years and is not renewable.

     3.  A person who holds an endorsement to teach automotive service technology is entitled to receive 3 semester hours of credit toward the renewal of his or her license pursuant to NAC 391.065 for each area set forth in paragraph (c) of subsection 1 in which he or she is certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence as an auto maintenance and light repair technician, automobile and light truck technician or master automobile technician during the term of the license.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R075-00, 6-20-2000, eff. 1-1-2001; A by R021-01, 10-22-2001, eff. 7-1-2002; R020-04, 5-7-2004; R069-18 & R071-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.131  Single-subject majors and minors. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  The Board recognizes the following single subjects in academic education as majors or minors, which require 30 or 16 semester hours of credit respectively:

     1.  Anthropology.

     2.  Biology.

     3.  Botany.

     4.  Chemistry.

     5.  Composition and rhetoric.

     6.  Computer science.

     7.  Dance.

     8.  Dramatic or theatrical arts.

     9.  Earth science.

     10.  Economics.

     11.  English or American literature.

     12.  Environmental science.

     13.  Geography.

     14.  Geology.

     15.  Health education.

     16.  History of the United States and the world.

     17.  Journalism and communication.

     18.  Linguistics.

     19.  Physics.

     20.  Physiology.

     21.  Political science.

     22.  Psychology.

     23.  Reading.

     24.  Sociology.

     25.  Speech.

     26.  World languages.

     27.  Zoology.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84; A 10-17-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; 1-11-96; R098-97, 1-9-98; R001-05, 10-31-2005; R222-05, 2-23-2006; R026-07 & R027-07, 10-31-2007; R136-09, 1-28-2010; R018-11, 10-26-2011; R109-11, 2-15-2012; A by Bd. of Education by R063-14, 10-24-2014; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R039-16, 6-21-2017; R007-18, 6-26-2019)


      The regulation of the State Board of Education filed with the Secretary of State on October 24, 2014 (LCB File No. R063-14), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “A person who on October 24, 2014, holds:

      * * *

      3.  A secondary license with an endorsement to teach a foreign language as described in NAC 391.125 and 391.131;

      * * *

Ê shall be deemed to hold such license or endorsement in a world language on and after October 24, 2014.”


      NAC 391.13105  Single-subject major involving music. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  A major in a single subject consists of 30 semester hours in courses of study involving:

     1.  Musical instruments, including courses in:

     (a) Basic music, including theory, harmony, singing by sight and developing a sensitivity to musical tone or pitch;

     (b) The history or literature of music;

     (c) Applied music;

     (d) Music ensemble, including band or orchestra;

     (e) Techniques for teaching and playing musical instruments; and

     (f) Methods for teaching and playing musical instruments; and

     2.  Choral and vocal music including courses in:

     (a) Basic music, including theory, harmony, singing by sight and developing a sensitivity to musical pitch and tone;

     (b) The history or literature of music;

     (c) Applied music in piano;

     (d) Choral ensemble;

     (e) Choral literature and methods for teaching chorus; and

     (f) Elementary methods of teaching music.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 10-17-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89)

      NAC 391.1312  Requirements and restrictions on hours of credit for certain subjects. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  The semester hours of credit required for a major listed in subsections 25 and 26 of NAC 391.131 must include 15 semester hours in courses normally given to juniors or seniors.

     2.  The semester hours of credit required for a minor listed in the paragraphs identified in subsection 1 must include 5 semester hours in courses normally given to juniors or seniors.

     3.  The semester hours of credit required for a major listed in subsections 19, 25 and 26 of NAC 391.131 must not include any semester hours in freshman English. Eighteen of the semester hours must be in courses normally given to juniors or seniors.

     4.  The semester hours of credit required for a minor in reading must not include any semester hours in freshman English. Nine of the semester hours of credit must be in courses normally given to juniors or seniors.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; R098-97, 1-9-98; R001-05, 10-31-2005; R222-05, 2-23-2006; R027-07, 10-31-2007; R136-09, 1-28-2010; R109-11, 2-15-2012; R039-16, 6-21-2017; R007-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.133  Instructor or coordinator for career and technical education: Qualifications. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To qualify as an instructor or coordinator for career and technical education, a person must hold a career and technical education endorsement.

     2.  One year of full-time employment is equal to 2,000 hours of part-time employment in meeting the work experience required for a career and technical education endorsement.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 9-1-89; A by R026-07, 10-31-2007)

      NAC 391.134  Career and technical education secondary endorsement: Authorized activities of holder. (NRS 391.019)  A person who holds a career and technical education secondary endorsement may:

     1.  Provide instruction in the areas of career and technical education included in the specific programs stated in the person’s endorsement; and

     2.  Teach an academic subject if it is:

     (a) Related to an area of career and technical education which the person’s endorsement allows him or her to teach; and

     (b) Necessary to achieve success in the instruction of that area of career and technical education.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 9-1-89; A by R026-07, 10-31-2007)

      NAC 391.135  Professional secondary license: Qualifications. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive a secondary license as a professional teacher, a person must:

     1.  Have met all the requirements for a secondary license;

     2.  Hold a master’s degree; and

     3.  Have 3 years of verified experience as a teacher in state-approved secondary schools.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.140, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89)

      NAC 391.136  Endorsement in mathematics and science: Conditions for substitution of course work. (NRS 391.019)  An applicant for a secondary license with an endorsement in biological science, general science, mathematics or physical science shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements for a major or minor in the field for which the applicant is seeking an endorsement if he or she provides evidence satisfactory to the superintendent of public instruction that he or she:

     1.  Has passed the competency test approved by the Commission pursuant to NAC 391.036 in that field and at the level of competence specified by the Commission for the endorsement;

     2.  Holds a bachelor’s or graduate degree from a regionally accredited college or university with a major in that field;

     3.  Has earned at least as many semester hours of credit in his or her major field as the number of semester hours of credit required for an endorsement; and

     4.  Meets all the requirements specified for secondary licensure pursuant to NAC 391.120.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R094-99, eff. 11-2-99)


      NAC 391.146  “Exception” defined. (NRS 391.019)  As used in NAC 391.146 to 391.158, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, “exception” means a waiver granted by the Superintendent of Public Instruction which permits the holder of a:

     1.  Secondary license; or

     2.  License to teach middle school or junior high school education,

Ê to teach outside his or her area of endorsement.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 1-11-91, eff. 1-1-92; A by R005-05, 10-31-2005)

      NAC 391.148  Applicability of provisions. (NRS 391.019)  NAC 391.146 to 391.158, inclusive, do not apply to any teacher who received a secondary license:

     1.  Before September 1, 1980, and is teaching outside his or her area of endorsement on January 1, 1992.

     2.  On or after September 1, 1980, and before January 1, 1992, if the teacher:

     (a) Submits a notarized affidavit stating that he or she has been teaching outside his or her area of endorsement for not less than 3 years before January 1, 1992; and

     (b) Has, as of January 1, 1992, completed in a manner satisfactory to the Superintendent of Public Instruction not less than the equivalent of 6 semester hours of credit in the subject he or she is teaching which is outside his or her area of endorsement.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 1-11-91, eff. 1-1-92)

      NAC 391.150  Submission of lists: List of teachers and teaching assignments; list of teachers teaching outside area of endorsement. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  On or before October 1 of each year, the superintendent of each school district shall submit to the Superintendent of Public Instruction a list of the district’s licensed teachers and their teaching assignments for the current school year.

     2.  On or before November 1 of each year, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall provide the superintendent of each school district with a list of the names of teachers in the school district who are teaching outside their area of endorsement.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 1-11-91, eff. 1-1-92)

      NAC 391.152  Request for exception: Submission; form and contents; objection. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  On or before November 15 of each year, the superintendent of a school district shall submit to the Superintendent of Public Instruction a written request for an exception for each teacher named in the list provided pursuant to subsection 2 of NAC 391.150. The request must be in the form prescribed by the Department.

     2.  A request for an exception must:

     (a) Be accompanied by evidence that the licensed teacher has been notified by the district that:

          (1) The request is being made; and

          (2) He or she has a right to object to the request.

     (b) Include a statement demonstrating that extenuating circumstances exist which justify an exception. These circumstances may include:

          (1) The number of pupils enrolled in the school;

          (2) The unavailability of teachers holding the required endorsement;

          (3) Unusual temporary conditions such as double sessions or problems with the facilities of a school; and

          (4) The unavailability of an endorsement for a teaching license in the area being taught.

     (c) Be accompanied by evidence that all reasonable alternatives have been explored.

     (d) Include a plan outlining how the district will eliminate future requests for the same exception.

     3.  A licensed teacher for whom an exception has been requested may submit a written objection to the Superintendent of Public Instruction within 60 days after receiving notice that the request for the exception is being made.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 1-11-91, eff. 1-1-92)

      NAC 391.154  Request for exception: Action by Superintendent of Public Instruction. (NRS 391.019)  Upon receiving a request for an exception, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall:

     1.  On or before December 15, give written notice of whether the request for an exception is granted or denied to the superintendent who requested the exception and the teacher for whom the request was made.

     2.  Present to the Commission, at its next regularly scheduled meeting after December 15, a report which sets forth:

     (a) The number of requests he or she has denied; and

     (b) The name of the school district and the subjects taught for which an exception was granted.

     3.  Report annually to each school district any exceptions granted for the district.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 1-11-91, eff. 1-1-92)

      NAC 391.156  Period of exception; extension of period. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, an exception may be granted for not longer than 2 school years. An exception granted pursuant to a request to which an objection is made by the licensed teacher affected may be granted for not longer than 1 school year.

     2.  If the request for an exception:

     (a) Relates to a course in the humanities, an elective course of study or a course that is supplemental to the basic curriculum prescribed by the Board; and

     (b) Is for a teacher who is assigned to teach outside his or her area of endorsement at a middle, junior high, secondary or combined school that has less than 300 pupils enrolled and is located at least 30 miles from a school where the subject is taught by persons who have received endorsements in that area,

Ê the Superintendent of Public Instruction may extend the exception for 2 years if the superintendent of the school district submits to the Superintendent of Public Instruction a plan by which the conditions that necessitated the request can be eliminated within the period of the extension.

     3.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may grant an exception for longer than 2 school years to a teacher of a program of alternative education who teaches outside his or her area of endorsement.

     4.  As used in this section:

     (a) A “combined school” means a school which has secondary school, middle school or junior high school, and elementary school pupils in attendance, or which mixes one grade level with another.

     (b) “Program of alternative education” has the meaning ascribed to it in subsection 5 of NAC 391.392.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 1-11-91, eff. 1-1-92; A by R093-97, 1-14-98; R099-03, 9-24-2003; R005-05, 10-31-2005)

      NAC 391.158  Limitation on teaching of courses related to area of endorsement. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  A teacher with a secondary license, or a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, may teach not more than two courses which are related to his or her area of endorsement during any school year.

     2.  As used in this section, a course is “related” to an area of endorsement if the Commission determines that it is within the same field of study as that of the major or minor area of the endorsement.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 1-11-91, eff. 1-1-92; A by R005-05, 10-31-2005)


      NAC 391.160  Types of endorsements issued by Department; authorized employment. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  The Department will issue the following types of administrative endorsements:

     (a) Professional administrator of a school; and

     (b) Professional administrator of a program.

     2.  A person who holds an endorsement as a professional administrator of a school may be employed by a school district as:

     (a) An assistant superintendent of schools;

     (b) A superintendent of schools;

     (c) An associate superintendent of schools;

     (d) A principal;

     (e) A vice principal;

     (f) A supervisor;

     (g) A dean; or

     (h) A supervisor or coordinator of:

          (1) A program of nursing;

          (2) A program of psychology as it is applied in a school;

          (3) A program of speech therapy;

          (4) A program of physical therapy;

          (5) A program of occupational therapy; or

          (6) Any other program area.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, a person must hold an endorsement as a professional administrator of a program if he or she supervises or coordinates a program of:

     (a) Nursing;

     (b) Psychology as it is applied in a school;

     (c) Speech therapy;

     (d) Physical therapy; or

     (e) Occupational therapy.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.170, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 12-15-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R021-01, 10-22-2001, eff. 7-1-2002; R021-01, 10-22-2001, eff. 7-1-2007; R104-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.170  License or endorsement as professional administrator of school; endorsement as professional administrator of program. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 391.171, to receive a license or endorsement as a professional administrator of a school, an applicant:

     (a) Must:

          (1) Hold a master’s degree or higher in educational administration from a regionally accredited college or university; and

          (2) Submit to the Department evidence of 5 years of teaching experience as a licensed teacher in a program of early childhood education, kindergarten or grades 1 through 12; or

     (b) Must:

          (1) Hold a master’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university;

          (2) Submit to the Department evidence of 5 years of teaching experience as a licensed teacher in a program of early childhood education, kindergarten or grades 1 through 12; and

          (3) Have completed at least 36 semester hours of graduate courses in the administration of a school, which must include course work in:

               (I) Administration and organization of a school;

               (II) Supervision and evaluation of instruction;

               (III) Development of personnel;

               (IV) Finances of a school;

               (V) The laws that apply to schools;

               (VI) Curriculum;

               (VII) Research; and

               (VIII) Internship or field experience.

     2.  To receive an endorsement as a professional administrator of a program, an applicant must:

     (a) Hold a master’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university;

     (b) Hold a valid special license in the program for which an endorsement is requested;

     (c) Have and submit to the Department evidence of 5 years of experience as a licensed employee in a program of early childhood education, kindergarten or grades 1 through 12; and

     (d) Have completed at least 27 semester hours in courses of study in administration, which must include course work in:

          (1) Administration and organization of a school or the role of an administrator of a program in the applicant’s area of endorsement;

          (2) General principles of supervision of personnel or supervision of personnel for a program in the applicant’s area of endorsement;

          (3) Finances of a school or finances of a program in the applicant’s area of endorsement;

          (4) The laws that apply to schools; and

          (5) The evaluation and development of personnel for a school or the evaluation and development of personnel for a program in the applicant’s area of endorsement.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.190, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 12-15-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; 7-7-94; 3-28-96, eff. 4-1-97; R021-01, 10-22-2001, eff. 7-1-2002; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R007-10, 5-7-2010; R047-10, 6-30-2010; R115-11, 10-4-2013; R052-17 & R080-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.171  Conditional endorsement as professional administrator of school: Qualifications; authorized employment; term of validity; automatic invalidity; reinstatement; requirements to apply for unconditional endorsement. (NRS 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall issue a conditional endorsement as a professional administrator of a school to a person who submits an application which is accompanied by proof satisfactory to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that the applicant:

     (a) Has been accepted for enrollment in an approved program for an alternative route to licensure:

          (1) By a qualified provider that is a regionally accredited institution able to confer a master’s degree and is employed by a school district or charter school in a county or city other than Clark County, Washoe County or Carson City; or

          (2) By any qualified provider and holds a master’s degree from a postsecondary institution that is regionally accredited;

     (b) Holds a valid renewable elementary, secondary or special license, a valid license to teach special education, a valid license to teach middle school or junior high school education or a valid renewable license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education;

     (c) Has completed at least 5 years of teaching experience in early childhood education, kindergarten or grades 1 through 12 in schools approved by the State; and

     (d) Complies with the instructional and training policies and procedures of the qualified provider relating to professional education administration.

     2.  A conditional endorsement as a professional administrator of a school issued pursuant to this section:

     (a) Authorizes the holder of the conditional endorsement to be employed as an administrator in a school district, a charter school or a private school;

     (b) Becomes valid on the date on which the holder of the conditional endorsement satisfies all the requirements of subsection 1;

     (c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, is valid for not more than 3 years; and

     (d) Is not renewable.

     3.  If the holder of a conditional endorsement issued pursuant to this section withdraws from or is no longer enrolled in a program for an alternative route to licensure, the qualified provider of the program in which the holder was enrolled must, not later than 15 days after the holder withdraws or otherwise ceases to be enrolled, notify the Teacher Licensure Office of the Department of the name and license number of the holder, the date on which the holder withdrew or otherwise ceased to be enrolled and the reason that the holder withdrew or ceased to be enrolled. The conditional endorsement automatically becomes invalid immediately upon the receipt of such notification by the Teacher Licensure Office.

     4.  The holder of a conditional endorsement as a professional administrator that has become invalid pursuant to subsection 3 may apply to the Department for the reinstatement of his or her endorsement before the expiration of the endorsement if he or she:

     (a) Has not previously applied for the reinstatement of the endorsement after the date on which the endorsement became invalid;

     (b) Is accepted by another program for an alternative route to licensure offered by a qualified provider; and

     (c) Pays the fee required by NAC 391.045.

     5.  A person who is issued a conditional endorsement as a professional administrator pursuant to this section may apply for an unconditional endorsement as a professional administrator if the applicant:

     (a) Successfully completes the education and training required by the qualified provider for the program for an alternative route to licensure, including, without limitation, the supervised, school-based experience provided by the qualified provider; and

     (b) Pays the appropriate fee.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R047-10, eff. 6-30-2010; A by R028-11, 10-26-2011; R115-11, 10-4-2013; R052-17, 6-26-2018; R114-18, 6-26-2019)


      The regulation of the Commission on Professional Standards in Education filed with the Secretary of State on October 4, 2013 (LCB File No. R115-11), which amended this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

      “Notwithstanding the provisions of NAC 391.171, as amended by section 9 of this regulation, and the repeal of NAC 391.172 and 391.173, the former provisions of NAC 391.171, 391.172 and 391.173 apply:

      1.  To a person who holds a valid conditional endorsement as a professional administrator of a school issued before October 4, 2013, pursuant to the former provisions of NAC 391.171 and 391.173 until the expiration of that conditional endorsement unless otherwise revoked before its expiration.

      2.  To a school district, charter school or private school that has in its employ, pursuant to the former provisions of NAC 391.172 and before October 4, 2013, a person who holds a conditional endorsement described in subsection 1.”



      NAC 391.179  Issuance or renewal of limited endorsement on or after July 1, 2002; duration of limited endorsement in effect on that date. (NRS 391.019, 391.032)  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 391.393, the Department will not issue or renew a limited endorsement on or after July 1, 2002. A limited endorsement in effect on July 1, 2002, remains valid for the term for which it was issued unless earlier revoked by the Department.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R021-01, eff. 10-22-2001; A by R039-05, 10-31-2005)—(Substituted in revision for NAC 391.162)

      NAC 391.180  Endorsement as school counselor. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  The Department will issue an endorsement as a school counselor to provide counseling to pupils enrolled in kindergarten through grade 12 to qualified applicants.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 391.187, a person must hold an endorsement as a school counselor before counseling pupils.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.210, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 1-19-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 6-29-90; 10-14-93; R066-01, 9-4-2001)

      NAC 391.185  Qualifications for endorsement as school counselor. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  To qualify for an endorsement to serve as a school counselor, a person:

     (a) Must hold a master’s degree or a more advanced degree in school counseling;

     (b) Must hold a specialty credential as a national certified school counselor issued by the National Board for Certified Counselors;

     (c) Must hold a master’s degree or a more advanced degree with a major in counseling conferred by a regionally accredited college or university and meet the requirements of subsection 2; or

     (d) Must:

          (1) Hold a master’s degree or a more advanced degree conferred by a regionally accredited college or university;

          (2) Have at least 2 years of teaching experience or at least 2 years of school counseling experience; and

          (3) Meet the requirements of subsection 2.

     2.  A person who desires to qualify for an endorsement pursuant to paragraph (c) or (d) of subsection 1 must have completed:

     (a) At least 600 hours of a practicum, internship or field experience in school counseling at any grade level in kindergarten through grade 12; and

     (b) At least 36 semester hours of graduate credits in school guidance and counseling in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) The process of individual counseling;

          (2) The process of group counseling;

          (3) Testing and educational assessments;

          (4) Legal and ethical issues in counseling;

          (5) Career counseling;

          (6) Organization and administration of school counseling programs;

          (7) Multicultural counseling;

          (8) Child and family counseling; and

          (9) Two of the following:

               (I) The use of technology in education.

               (II) Exceptional children.

               (III) Human growth and development.

               (IV) Substance abuse counseling.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.220 subsecs. 1-4, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 1-19-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 6-29-90; 11-27-91; R066-01, 9-4-2001; R094-02, 11-26-2002; R131-11, 5-30-2012)

      NAC 391.187  Authorization to serve as school counselor without endorsement. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may authorize a person who has not received an endorsement pursuant to NAC 391.185 to serve as a school counselor in a school district or charter school if the school district or charter school demonstrates that a person with an endorsement issued pursuant to NAC 391.185 is not available for employment. To receive an authorization pursuant to this subsection, a person must:

     (a) Hold a current license issued by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, excluding a business and industry endorsement;

     (b) Hold a master’s degree in a field related to school counseling or an advanced degree in a field related to school counseling;

     (c) Have completed at least:

          (1) Two years of teaching experience at any grade level in kindergarten through grade 12;

          (2) Two years of school counseling experience at any grade level in kindergarten through grade 12; or

          (3) A practicum, internship or field experience in school counseling at any grade level in kindergarten through grade 12 in addition to the practicum, internship or field experience that is completed pursuant to paragraph (e);

     (d) Be admitted into a regionally accredited graduate-level program in school counseling;

     (e) Complete at least 600 hours of an initial practicum, internship or field experience in school counseling at any grade level in kindergarten through grade 12; and

     (f) Have completed at least 24 graduate credits in the following areas of study:

          (1) The process of individual counseling;

          (2) The process of group counseling;

          (3) Testing and educational assessments, as applicable to a school setting at any grade level in kindergarten through grade 12;

          (4) Legal and ethical issues in counseling;

          (5) Developing careers and choosing occupations;

          (6) Organization and administration of school counseling programs;

          (7) Multicultural counseling;

          (8) Child and family counseling, as applicable to a school setting at any grade level in kindergarten through grade 12; and

          (9) One of the following:

               (I) The use of technology in education.

               (II) Exceptional children.

               (III) Human growth and development.

               (IV) Substance abuse counseling.

     2.  The Superintendent shall not authorize a person to serve as a school counselor pursuant to subsection 1 for more than 3 years. Such an authorization may be issued only once per person.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 10-14-93; A by R066-01, 9-4-2001; R131-11, 5-30-2012)

      NAC 391.196  Endorsement to teach advanced computer science. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive an endorsement to teach advanced computer science, a person must have a valid secondary license and must:

     1.  Successfully complete 12 semester hours of course work, consisting of:

     (a) Three semester hours of course work in a course of study that covers methods for teaching computer science;

     (b) Three semester hours of course work in a course of study that covers concepts in computer science; and

     (c) Six semester hours of course work in a course of study that covers instruction concerning programming in computer languages; or

     2.  Submit to the Department official documentation which indicates that the person passed, at the level of competency specified by the Commission, the “Praxis Computer Science Test” prepared and administered by the Educational Testing Service.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 10-17-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-11-89; R021-01, 10-22-2001, eff. 7-1-2007; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R005-05, 10-31-2005, eff. 7-1-2007; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R009-17, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.202  Endorsement to teach computer technology-based applications and computational thinking. (NRS 391.019)  To receive an endorsement to teach computer technology-based applications and computational thinking that includes issues relating to information technology, tools for productivity, communication and research and computational thinking, a person must have a valid secondary license or a valid license to teach middle school or junior high school education, and must have completed 9 semester hours of course work, consisting of:

     1.  Three semester hours of course work in a course of study that covers methods for teaching computer science;

     2.  Three semester hours of course work in a course of study that covers concepts in computer science; and

     3.  Three semester hours of course work in a course of study that covers methods for teaching computer applications which include, without limitation:

     (a) Word processing and the use of spreadsheets;

     (b) Communication and collaboration tools;

     (c) Internet research tools;

     (d) Internet safety; and

     (e) Proper keyboarding techniques.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 9-11-89; A by R119-99, 8-16-2000; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R009-17, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.215  Endorsement to teach art. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive an endorsement to teach art, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree and:

     1.  Have completed an approved program of preparation for teaching art; or

     2.  Have completed:

     (a) Thirty-six semester hours in the principles of fine and applied arts which included:

          (1) The history of art;

          (2) Design;

          (3) Drawing;

          (4) Painting;

          (5) Digital or graphic arts;

          (6) Ceramics or sculpture; and

          (7) Photography or printmaking; and

     (b) Twenty-two semester hours of professional education which included:

          (1) Foundations of education;

          (2) Methods of teaching art in elementary or secondary schools; and

          (3) Eight semester hours of supervised teaching.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.260, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R025-07, 10-31-2007)

      NAC 391.220  Endorsement as professional teacher of art. (NRS 385.080)  To receive an endorsement as a professional teacher of art, a person must:

     1.  Meet all the requirements for an endorsement to teach art;

     2.  Hold a master’s degree; and

     3.  Have 3 years of verified experience as an art teacher in state-approved schools.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.270, eff. 10-23-81]

      NAC 391.223  Endorsement to provide audiological services; exception. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to provide audiological services to pupils who are at least 3 years of age but less than 22 years of age, a person must hold a:

     (a) Certificate of Clinical Competence as an audiologist issued by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association;

     (b) Master’s degree in audiology from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association; or

     (c) Master’s degree in any subject from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association and have:

          (1) Successfully completed at least 300 hours of supervised clinical experience in audiology or speech-language pathology, or both; and

          (2) Earned at least 60 credits in courses related to the normal development, function and use of speech and language or hearing, including, but not limited to, the management of disorders of speech or hearing and the legal, professional and ethical practices of audiology or speech-language pathology. At least 24 credits, not including credits earned for a thesis or dissertation, must have been earned in courses directly relating to audiology or speech-language pathology.

     2.  A person is not required to have an endorsement issued pursuant to subsection 1 to provide audiological services to pupils who are at least 3 years of age but less than 22 years of age.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 1-24-96; A by R139-15, 6-28-2016)

      NAC 391.225  Endorsement to teach drivers’ education. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive an endorsement authorizing the teaching of a course in drivers’ education, a person must:

     1.  Hold a bachelor’s degree;

     2.  Hold a valid secondary or special license to teach, excluding a business and industry endorsement; and

     3.  Have completed 3 semester hours of credit in basic concepts of drivers’ education and traffic safety from an accredited college or university.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.280, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; R098-04, 8-25-2004; R024-07, 10-31-2007)

      NAC 391.229  Endorsements in cultural competency and specialist in cultural competency. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement in cultural competency, a person must:

     (a) Hold an elementary, secondary or special license, or a license to teach middle school or junior high education; and

     (b) Have completed 12 semester hours of course work, including course work in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) Three semester hours of course work in critical multicultural education, which must include:

               (I) Cultural competency identification and assessment, development of knowledge bases and skill sets and building capacity for cultural competency;

               (II) Awareness, knowledge and understanding of race and ethnicity, with the content of the course covering, without limitation, geographic origin, residency status, languages, socioeconomic status, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, spirituality, age, physical appearance and disability;

               (III) Equitable practice in pedagogy, selection and use of instructional materials and curriculum and assessments measuring student learning;

               (IV) Communication and developing relationships with pupils, families, colleagues and community members;

               (V) Alignment with the standards in the domain of instructional practices of the teacher in the classroom as prescribed by NAC 391.575 and the domain of professional responsibilities of the teacher to support learning and promote effectiveness of the school community as prescribed by NAC 391.576; and

               (VI) Course materials which reflect current and relevant educational research and evidence-based practices;

          (2) At least 2 semester hours of course work in culturally responsive engagement;

          (3) At least 1 semester hour of a practicum, which must:

               (I) Include, without limitation, at least 30 hours of culturally responsive community engagement work within an organization serving the community adjacent to a high-need school; and

               (II) Demonstrate a practical application of all course content required by subparagraph (1);

          (4) Three semester hours of course work driven by cultural assets in high-need school pedagogy, high-need school leadership or high-need school care or counseling; and

          (5) Three semester hours of course work in participatory action research which includes completion of a participatory action research project related to a sociopolitical issue in education.

     2.  For the purpose of completing the requirements of subparagraph (3) of paragraph (b) of subsection 1, the 1 semester hour of practicum may be satisfied by the course in critical multicultural education pursuant to subparagraph (1) of paragraph (b) of subsection 1.

     3.  To receive an endorsement as a specialist in cultural competency, a person must:

     (a) Have completed the requirements for the endorsement in cultural competency pursuant to subsection 1 of this section;

     (b) Have at least 3 years of verified employment experience in this State in a position at a high-need school that requires licensure by the Superintendent of Public Instruction pursuant to chapter 391 of NRS; and

     (c) Have completed a minimum of 9 credits of course work encompassing at least three of the following areas:

          (1) Multicultural organizational development;

          (2) Culturally responsive educational leadership in diverse educational organizations;

          (3) Advanced course work in multicultural curriculum development;

          (4) Advanced course work in ethnic studies, cultural studies or United States racial formations-focused history;

          (5) Intergroup dialogue facilitation; or

          (6) Justice-focused advocacy or justice-focused conflict negotiation.

     4.  As used in this section, “high-need school” has the meaning ascribed to it in 20 U.S.C. § 1021(11).

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R160-18, eff. 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.231  Endorsement to teach Navajo language and government of the Navajo Nation. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To teach a course in Navajo language and government of the Navajo Nation, a person must:

     (a) Have a high school diploma or its equivalent;

     (b) Have completed 6 semester hours of course work that included, without limitation:

          (1) Professional education and teaching methodology; or

          (2) The study of the Navajo language and government of the Navajo Nation; and

     (c) Be certified as a fluent speaker of the Navajo language by:

          (1) A chapter of the Navajo Nation;

          (2) The Tribal Council of the Colorado River Indian Tribes; or

          (3) A qualified official of a university or college.

     2.  An endorsement issued pursuant to this section:

     (a) Is valid for 3 years.

     (b) Is renewable.

     (c) May be used only to teach Navajo language and government of the Navajo Nation.

     3.  An applicant for an endorsement issued pursuant to this section:

     (a) Must submit with his or her application:

          (1) The applicable documents and fees required for initial licensure pursuant to NAC 391.045; and

          (2) Written documentation verifying the applicant’s certification as a fluent speaker of the Navajo language, pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection 1.

     (b) Is not subject to the provisions of NAC 391.036.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R159-18, eff. 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.233  Endorsement to teach Great Basin Native American language; exception to teach without endorsement. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, to receive an endorsement to teach a course in a Great Basin Native American language, a person must:

     (a) Have a high school diploma or its equivalent;

     (b) Have completed 6 semester hours of course work that included, without limitation:

          (1) Professional education and teaching methodology; or

          (2) The study of Native American languages; and

     (c) Be certified as a fluent speaker of the language that the person proposes to teach by:

          (1) A council of a tribe of Native Americans who speak that language; or

          (2) A qualified official of a university or college.

     2.  An endorsement issued pursuant to this section:

     (a) Is valid for 3 years.

     (b) Is renewable.

     (c) May be used only to teach the language set forth on the endorsement.

     3.  An applicant for an endorsement issued pursuant to this section:

     (a) Must submit with his or her application:

          (1) The applicable documents and fees required for initial licensure pursuant to NAC 391.045; and

          (2) Written documentation verifying the applicant’s certification as a fluent speaker of the language he or she proposes to teach.

     (b) Is not subject to the provisions of NAC 391.036.

     4.  A person who does not possess the qualifications required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection 1, but does possess the qualifications required by paragraph (c) of subsection 1, may teach a course in a Great Basin Native American language without an endorsement issued pursuant to this section if a licensed teacher is present in the classroom during the instruction. Written documentation of the person’s certification as a fluent speaker of the language he or she proposes to teach must be provided to the Department before the person may begin teaching.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R085-97, eff. 1-9-98; A by R087-97, 1-14-98; R102-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.235  Endorsement to teach world language. (NRS 385.080, 385.110, 391.019)  To receive an endorsement to teach a world language, a person must hold:

     1.  An elementary or secondary license; or

     2.  A license to teach middle school or junior high school education,

Ê with a designated major or minor in the world language to be taught.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.300, eff. 10-23-81]—(A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R005-05, 10-31-2005; A by Bd. of Education by R063-14, 10-24-2014)


      The regulation of the State Board of Education filed with the Secretary of State on October 24, 2014 (LCB File No. R063-14), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “A person who on October 24, 2014, holds:

      * * *

      4.  An endorsement to teach a foreign language described in NAC 391.235; or

      * * *

Ê shall be deemed to hold such license or endorsement in a world language on and after October 24, 2014.”


      NAC 391.237  Endorsements to teach English language acquisition and development; endorsement as professional teacher of English as second language; endorsement as specialist in English language acquisition and development. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  To receive an English language acquisition and development endorsement, a person must have:

     (a) A valid elementary, secondary or special license, a valid license to teach special education, or a valid license to teach middle school or junior high school education;

     (b) Completed at least 3 semester hours of credit in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) Language acquisition theory and English language development practices;

          (2) Methods and curriculum for teaching English learners; and

          (3) Assessment and evaluation of English learners;

     (c) Completed at least 2 semester hours of credit in one of the following areas of study:

          (1) Policies, critical issues and best practices for English learners in prekindergarten and elementary school; or

          (2) Policies, critical issues and best practices for English learners in secondary school; and

     (d) Completed at least 1 semester hour of credit of practicum, which must include, without limitation, at least 25 hours of experience working in the classroom.

     2.  To receive an endorsement as a professional teacher of English as a second language, a person must have completed the requirements for an English language acquisition and development endorsement as described in subsection 1 and:

     (a) Hold a master’s degree; and

     (b) Have 3 years of experience as a teacher.

     3.  To receive an endorsement as a specialist in English language acquisition and development, a person must:

     (a) Have completed the requirements for an English language acquisition and development endorsement as described in subsection 1; and

     (b) Have completed at least 3 semester hours of credit in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) Foundations in education in cultural and linguistic diversity; and

          (2) Cultural and linguistic diversity program leadership.

     4.  Requirements for the successful completion of a course of study in which a person is enrolled are in addition to the requirements to receive an endorsement.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 12-15-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; R103-98, 12-18-98; R021-01, 10-22-2001, eff. 7-1-2002; R056-03, 10-21-2003; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R070-06, 9-18-2006; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R012-13, 10-23-2013; R140-15, 6-28-2016)


      The regulation of the Commission on Professional Standards in Education filed with the Secretary of State on June 28, 2016 (LCB File No. R140-15), which amended this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

      “Sec. 2.  A person who, on June 28, 2016, possesses a valid endorsement to teach English as a second language that was granted before June 28, 2016, by the Superintendent of Public Instruction:

      1.  Shall be deemed to hold an English language acquisition and development endorsement issued by the Superintendent pursuant to NAC 391.237, as amended by section 1 of this regulation; and

      2.  May continue to renew the endorsement as if the endorsement were an English language acquisition and development endorsement issued by the Superintendent pursuant to NAC 391.237, as amended by section 1 of this regulation.”


      NAC 391.240  Endorsement as professional teacher of world language. (NRS 385.080, 385.110)  To receive an endorsement as a professional teacher of a world language, a person must:

     1.  Have met all the requirements for an endorsement to teach a world language;

     2.  Hold a master’s degree; and

     3.  Have 3 years of verified experience as a teacher of a world language in state-approved schools.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.310, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by R063-14, 10-24-2014)


      The regulation of the State Board of Education filed with the Secretary of State on October 24, 2014 (LCB File No. R063-14), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “A person who on October 24, 2014, holds:

      * * *

      5.  An endorsement as a professional teacher of a foreign language received pursuant to NAC 391.240,

Ê shall be deemed to hold such license or endorsement in a world language on and after October 24, 2014.”


      NAC 391.242  Endorsements to teach program of bilingual education; provisional endorsement. (NRS 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  To teach pupils enrolled in a program of bilingual education, a person must:

     (a) Hold an endorsement issued pursuant to this section; and

     (b) Within 2 years after the issuance of an endorsement, pass an examination approved by the Commission which demonstrates the person’s oral and written proficiency in the native language, if such an examination is available.

     2.  To receive an endorsement to teach pupils in a program of bilingual education, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree with a major in bilingual education, an elementary, secondary or special license, a license to teach special education, or a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, and must have completed:

     (a) A bilingual program of preparation for teaching pupils who are identified as having limited proficiency in English which has been approved by the Board for this purpose; or

     (b) At least 12 semester hours of credit in a course of study which includes theories for the acquisition of a second language and at least three of the following other areas of study:

          (1) Methods of teaching language arts or reading in the native language;

          (2) Methods of teaching math, science and social studies in the native language;

          (3) Testing and evaluating pupils of a second language in English and the native language;

          (4) Development of curriculum, materials and teaching methods for bilingual education;

          (5) Native language and culture; or

          (6) Bilingual education, history, philosophy and theory.

     3.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may issue a provisional 1-year endorsement to teach a program of bilingual education to a person who has a deficiency in credits of more than 6 semester hours if the school district, charter school or private school that will employ the person provides a written assurance to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that the person will complete the courses of study necessary to ensure that he or she has a deficiency in credits of 6 semester hours or less by the end of the 1-year period for which the endorsement is valid. The written assurance must also identify the courses of study that will be completed.

     4.  Upon expiration of an endorsement issued pursuant to subsection 3, a person may apply for another provisional endorsement pursuant to NAC 391.055 if he or she satisfies the requirements of that section.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 3-18-94; A 1-10-96; 9-6-96; R021-01, 10-22-2001, eff. 7-1-2002; R056-03, 10-21-2003; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R070-06, 9-18-2006; R028-11, 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.243  Endorsement to teach American Sign Language. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  A person may receive an endorsement to teach American Sign Language in kindergarten through grade 12 if the person:

     (a) Holds a bachelor’s degree;

     (b) Has completed at least 12 semester hours of course work in professional education and the methods of teaching from a regionally accredited college or university of which at least 6 semester hours of credit must have been earned in the methods of teaching basic subjects, including, without limitation, literacy or language arts, mathematics, science and social studies; and

     (c) Has completed at least 24 semester hours of course work in American Sign Language from a regionally accredited college or university or holds:

          (1) An American Sign Language Teachers Association Certificate issued by the American Sign Language Teachers Association;

          (2) An Interpreting Certificate issued by the National Association of the Deaf that is at least a level 4 certificate;

          (3) A Certificate of Interpretation or Certificate of Transliteration issued by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf; or

          (4) A certificate as a certified deaf interpreter issued by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf.

     2.  The holder of an endorsement to teach American Sign Language may teach only the language set forth in the endorsement.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R089-99, eff. 10-25-99)

      NAC 391.245  Endorsement to teach industrial arts. (NRS 385.080)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to teach industrial arts, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree and have completed:

     (a) An approved program of preparation for teaching industrial arts; or

     (b) The following requirements:

          (1) Thirty-six semester hours in drafting, electricity, electronics, graphic arts, power, transportation, manufacturing and construction, including at least two of the following subjects:

               (I) Ceramics;

               (II) Crafts;

               (III) Metals;

               (IV) Plastics;

               (V) Textiles; or

               (VI) Wood; and

          (2) Twenty-two semester hours of credit in professional education including:

               (I) Historical development of technology;

               (II) Principles, methods and materials in the teaching of industrial arts;

               (III) Eight semester credits in supervised teaching; and

               (IV) Foundations of education.

     2.  Proof of work experience as a journeyman in a related field of instruction may be applied toward renewal of this endorsement at the rate of 200 hours for 1 semester hour of credit up to a maximum of 3 hours of credit.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.320, eff. 10-23-81]

      NAC 391.250  Endorsement as professional teacher of industrial arts. (NRS 385.080)

     1.  To receive an endorsement as a professional teacher of industrial arts, a person must:

     (a) Meet all requirements for an endorsement to teach industrial arts;

     (b) Hold a master’s degree; and

     (c) Have 3 years of verified experience as a teacher of industrial arts in state-approved schools;

     2.  Proof of work experience as a journeyman in a related field of instruction may be applied toward renewal of this endorsement at the rate of 200 hours for 1 semester hour of credit up to a maximum of 3 hours of credit.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.330, eff. 10-23-81]

      NAC 391.252  Endorsement to teach Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Program. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to teach pupils in the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Program developed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 2031, a person must have received, from the secretary of the military branch he or she serves in or has retired from, certification as an instructor in the Program.

     2.  The holder of an endorsement to teach pupils in the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Program may teach the course only in grades 7 to 12, inclusive.

     3.  An endorsement to teach pupils in the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Program is not required to teach the course.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 10-14-93; A by R021-01, 10-22-2001, eff. 7-1-2002; R116-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.253  Endorsement to teach pupils who are participating in the Jobs for America’s Graduates program: Authorized activities; qualifications. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  A person who holds an endorsement to teach pupils who are participating in the Jobs for America’s Graduates program in Nevada may teach pupils in grades 6 to 12, inclusive, who are enrolled in a course provided by Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates, Inc. Such a person shall not teach other pupils for whom a separate license or endorsement is required to teach unless he or she holds the required license or endorsement.

     2.  To receive an endorsement to teach pupils who are participating in the Jobs for America’s Graduates program in Nevada, a person must:

     (a) Hold a bachelor’s degree;

     (b) Successfully complete a training program approved by the Department; and

     (c) Secure an offer of employment from the Executive Director of Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates, Inc., the board of trustees of a school district, the governing body of a charter school or the principal of an achievement charter school.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R154-15, 6-28-2016)

      NAC 391.255  Endorsement as school library media specialist. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive an endorsement as a school library media specialist, a person must have a valid secondary teaching license, excluding a business and industry endorsement, a valid elementary or special teaching license, a valid license to teach special education, or a valid license to teach middle school or junior high school education, and must:

     1.  Have completed a program for school library media specialists which has been approved by the Board or a regional accrediting association;

     2.  Hold a master’s degree in library science, with specialization in school librarianship, from a school accredited by the American Library Association; or

     3.  Have completed 21 semester hours of course work in the following subjects:

     (a) Organization and administration of a school library.

     (b) The cataloging and classification of materials for a library.

     (c) Reference, bibliography and information skills.

     (d) The use and selection of educational media for a library.

     (e) Children’s and young adults’ literature.

     (f) Computers in the library.

     (g) A supervised practicum in an elementary, middle, junior high or secondary school library.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.340, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 10-17-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; R103-97, 1-8-98; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R008-18, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.265  Endorsement as professional school library media specialist. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive an endorsement as a professional school library media specialist, a person must:

     1.  Hold a master’s degree in any field;

     2.  Have met all the requirements for an endorsement as a school library media specialist, and have completed an additional 9 semester hours in curriculum and instruction, educational technology or information technology; and

     3.  Have 3 years of experience, in state-approved schools or accredited private schools, as a librarian or school library media specialist.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.360, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; R103-97, 1-8-98)

      NAC 391.270  Endorsement to teach music. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive an endorsement to teach music, a person must have a bachelor’s degree and:

     1.  Have completed an approved program of preparation for teaching music; or

     2.  Have completed:

     (a) Twenty-two semester hours of professional education which included:

          (1) Foundations of education;

          (2) Methods of teaching music in elementary or secondary grades; and

          (3) Eight semester hours of supervised teaching; and

     (b) Thirty-six semester hours in the foundations of music which included:

          (1) Music theory;

          (2) The history or literature of music;

          (3) Applied music, including an area of specialization in vocal or instrumental music;

          (4) Conducting;

          (5) Techniques for brass, woodwind, percussion, piano and string instruments;

          (6) Diction or vocal techniques and pedagogy; and

          (7) Music ensemble.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.370, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 10-17-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R027-07, 10-31-2007)

      NAC 391.275  Endorsement as professional teacher of music. (NRS 385.080)  To receive an endorsement as a professional teacher of music, a person must:

     1.  Meet all the requirements for an endorsement to teach music;

     2.  Hold a master’s degree; and

     3.  Have 3 years of verified experience as a music teacher in state-approved schools.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.380, eff. 10-23-81]

      NAC 391.276  Endorsement to serve as music therapist. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to serve as a music therapist, a person must hold a valid license to practice music therapy issued by the State Board of Health pursuant to NRS 640D.110.

     2.  An endorsement issued pursuant to this section:

     (a) Expires on the date on which the license to practice music therapy issued to the person by the State Board of Health pursuant to NRS 640D.110 expires; and

     (b) May be renewed by submitting to the Teacher Licensure Office of the Department:

          (1) A copy of a valid, unexpired license to practice music therapy issued to the person by the State Board of Health pursuant to NRS 640D.110; and

          (2) The fee prescribed by NAC 391.070 or 391.073, as applicable.

     3.  An applicant for the issuance or renewal of a special license with an endorsement to serve as a music therapist is exempt from the requirements of NAC 391.036 and 391.065 if he or she is not also applying for the issuance or renewal of another license or endorsement for which he or she is subject to those requirements.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R047-17, eff. 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.277  Endorsement to teach occupational therapy. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to teach pupils in a program of occupational therapy, a person must:

     (a) Hold a:

          (1) Bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy;

          (2) Master’s degree in occupational therapy; or

          (3) Bachelor’s or master’s degree in any other field of study and have successfully completed an educational program for occupational therapists which is accredited by the American Medical Association or its successor organization in collaboration with the American Occupational Therapy Association or its successor organization;

     (b) Hold a license as an occupational therapist issued by the Board of Occupational Therapy in this State; and

     (c) Hold a specialty certification in school systems issued by the American Occupational Therapy Association or its successor organization.

     2.  Such an endorsement is not required to teach pupils in a program of occupational therapy.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 12-20-93; A by R117-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.279  Endorsement to teach physical therapy. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to teach pupils in a program of physical therapy, a person must:

     (a) Hold a:

          (1) Bachelor’s degree in physical therapy;

          (2) Master’s degree in physical therapy; or

          (3) Bachelor’s or master’s degree in any other field of study and have successfully completed an educational program for physical therapists which is accredited by the American Physical Therapy Association; and

     (b) Hold a license as a physical therapist issued by the Nevada Physical Therapy Board.

     2.  Such an endorsement is not required to teach pupils in a program of physical therapy.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 12-20-93)

      NAC 391.280  Endorsement to teach physical education. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive an endorsement to teach physical education, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree and have completed:

     1.  An approved program of preparation for teaching physical education in kindergarten through grade 12; or

     2.  A course of study consisting of:

     (a) Forty-two semester hours of credit which includes course work in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) Anatomical kinesiology or mechanical kinesiology, or both;

          (2) The physiology of exercise;

          (3) Testing and measuring the skill and ability of a pupil in physical education;

          (4) The psychological or social aspects of physical education, or both;

          (5) Motor learning or motor development;

          (6) Adapted physical education;

          (7) Movement activities for pupils in preschool and primary grades;

          (8) Movement activities for pupils in intermediate grades;

          (9) Advanced first aid or an equivalent course of study; and

          (10) Methods and techniques of teaching:

               (I) Physical fitness;

               (II) Team sports;

               (III) Rhythms and dance or rhythmic activities for pupils in elementary school; and

               (IV) Individual sports; and

     (b) Twenty-two semester hours of credit in professional education which included:

          (1) Foundations of education;

          (2) Methods of teaching physical education in elementary and secondary grades; and

          (3) Eight semester hours of credit as a student teacher in a composite program in elementary school, middle school or junior high school, and high school grades which includes 4 semester hours of credit in elementary grades and 4 semester hours of credit in secondary grades.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.390, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-13-91; R005-05, 10-31-2005)

      NAC 391.281  Endorsement to teach physical education and health. (NRS 391.019)  To receive an endorsement to teach physical education and health, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree and have completed:

     1.  An approved program of preparation for teaching physical education and health to pupils in kindergarten through grade 12; or

     2.  A course of study consisting of:

     (a) Fifty-one semester hours of credit which includes course work in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) Anatomical kinesiology or mechanical kinesiology, or both;

          (2) The physiology of exercise;

          (3) Testing and measuring the skill and ability of a pupil in physical education;

          (4) The psychological or social aspects of physical education, or both;

          (5) Motor learning or motor development, or both;

          (6) Adapted physical education;

          (7) Movement activities for pupils in preschool and primary grades;

          (8) Movement activities for pupils in intermediate grades;

          (9) Advanced first aid or an equivalent course of study;

          (10) Sex education;

          (11) Nutrition;

          (12) Substance abuse;

          (13) Personal health or personal hygiene, or both; and

          (14) Methods and techniques of teaching:

               (I) Physical fitness;

               (II) Team sports;

               (III) Rhythms and dance or rhythmic activities for pupils in elementary school; and

               (IV) Individual sports; and

     (b) Twenty-two semester hours of credit in professional education which includes:

          (1) Foundations of education;

          (2) Methods of teaching physical education to pupils in elementary and secondary grades; and

          (3) Eight semester hours of credit as a student teacher in a composite program in elementary and secondary grades which includes 4 semester hours of credit in elementary grades and 4 semester hours of credit in secondary grades.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R077-17, eff. 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.282  Endorsement to teach dance education. (NRS 391.019)  On or after September 1, 1996, an applicant for an endorsement to teach dance education must:

     1.  Hold a bachelor’s degree;

     2.  Hold a secondary license, excluding a business and industry endorsement, an elementary or special license, a license to teach special education, or a license to teach middle school or junior high school education; and

     3.  Have completed:

     (a) A program for the teaching of dance education which has been approved by the Board; or

     (b) A combination of at least 16 semester hours of credit in any of the following areas of study:

          (1) At least 2 semester hours in the fundamentals of dance, including, but not limited to:

               (I) Awareness of the body;

               (II) The basic principles of dance; or

               (III) The improvisation of dance;

          (2) At least 3 semester hours in the history and development of dance, including, but not limited to:

               (I) The history of dance;

               (II) The styles and techniques of dance; or

               (III) A survey of dance forms, including, but not limited to, ballet, modern, jazz and tap;

          (3) At least 3 semester hours in the kinesiology relating to the performance of dance, including, but not limited to:

               (I) Anatomy and physiology;

               (II) The anatomy and physiology of exercise for the performance of dance; or

               (III) The care and prevention of injuries that occur during the performance of dance;

          (4) At least 3 semester hours in the composition of dance, including, but not limited to:

               (I) An analysis of the rhythms relating to dance;

               (II) The spatial relationships involved in the performance of dance; or

               (III) The choreography of dance;

          (5) At least 3 semester hours in the methods of teaching dance; or

          (6) At least 2 semester hours in the techniques of dance in at least two of the following dance forms:

               (I) Ballet;

               (II) Modern;

               (III) Jazz; or

               (IV) Tap.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 6-19-96; A by R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R008-18, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.285  Endorsement to teach reading. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive an endorsement to teach reading, a person must:

     1.  Hold a bachelor’s degree;

     2.  Hold a valid secondary license to teach, excluding a business and industry endorsement, a valid elementary or special license to teach, a valid license to teach special education, or a valid license to teach middle school or junior high school education; and

     3.  Have at least 16 semester hours of preparation in separate or integrated courses related to reading in each of the following subjects:

     (a) Foundations of reading;

     (b) Elementary methods and materials;

     (c) Secondary methods and materials;

     (d) Diagnosis of reading disabilities; and

     (e) Practical experience in reading remediation.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.450, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; 11-22-91; 1-27-93; R099-04, 8-25-2004; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R008-18, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.290  Endorsement as specialist in teaching reading. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive an endorsement as a specialist in teaching reading, a person must:

     1.  Hold a master’s degree;

     2.  Have 3 years of verified experience as a teacher in state-approved schools;

     3.  Hold a valid secondary license to teach, excluding a business and industry endorsement, a valid elementary or special license to teach, a valid license to teach special education, or a valid license to teach middle school or junior high school education; and

     4.  Have completed at least 16 graduate semester hours of courses in reading in each of the following subjects:

     (a) Foundations of reading;

     (b) Etiology and diagnosis of reading problems;

     (c) Clinical practice in correcting reading problems; and

     (d) Research in reading.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.460, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; R099-04, 8-25-2004; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R008-18, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.305  Endorsement to serve as school nurse. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 391.307 and this section, to receive an endorsement to serve as a school nurse, a person must hold a valid license issued by the State Board of Nursing to practice as a registered nurse and must:

     (a) Submit evidence of having received a baccalaureate degree and having completed an educational program that:

          (1) Grants postgraduate certificates in school nursing; and

          (2) Is under a regionally accredited institution of higher learning;

     (b) Hold a degree in nursing earned under a college or university baccalaureate program in nursing accredited by the National League for Nursing or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education;

     (c) Submit evidence of having received:

          (1) A baccalaureate degree; and

          (2) Certification as a school nurse from the National Board for Certification of School Nurses; or

     (d) Hold a baccalaureate degree and certification as a:

          (1) Family nursing practitioner;

          (2) Pediatric nursing practitioner;

          (3) School nursing practitioner; or

          (4) School nursing generalist,

Ê from the American Nurses Association or from the State Board of Nursing.

     2.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may grant an endorsement to a person who is a registered nurse and holds a baccalaureate degree from a program in nursing that is not accredited by the National League for Nursing or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education if, in his or her discretion, the courses offered and requirements for a diploma from the unaccredited program are comparable with an accredited program.

     3.  To renew an endorsement to serve as a school nurse, the holder must continue to hold a valid license issued by the State Board of Nursing.

     4.  A person who holds only a special license with an endorsement as a school nurse is exempt from the provisions of NAC 391.036.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.420, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 9-1-85; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-23-92, eff. 7-1-93; 3-18-94; 12-15-94; R101-99, 2-24-2000; R021-01, 10-22-2001, eff. 7-1-2002; R100-04, 8-25-2004; R158-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.307  Authorization to serve as school nurse without endorsement. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction may authorize a person who has not received an endorsement pursuant to NAC 391.305 to serve as a nurse in a school district whose enrollment is less than 5,000 pupils if the school district provides evidence to the Superintendent that a person who has received such an endorsement is not available for hire. The person must:

     (a) Hold a current license as a registered nurse from the State Board of Nursing and be supervised by a person who has been endorsed to serve as a school nurse pursuant to NAC 391.305; or

     (b) If the school district does not have in its employ a person to act as supervisor who has been endorsed to serve as a school nurse:

          (1) Hold a current license as a registered nurse from the State Board of Nursing; and

          (2) Submit evidence to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that he or she is in the process of satisfying the requirements found in NAC 391.305 to receive an endorsement as a school nurse.

     2.  The Superintendent shall not authorize a person to serve as a school nurse pursuant to subsection 1 for more than 5 years, unless the school district submits evidence that it was unable to employ a sufficient number of persons qualified to hold an endorsement to serve as a school nurse. The evidence must include:

     (a) Copies of advertisements placed in newspapers and journals of nursing that were circulated within this State;

     (b) Copies of letters advertising employment that were sent to institutions awarding baccalaureate degrees in nursing; and

     (c) A list of the persons who applied for the position of school nurse together with copies of their applications and any educational transcripts received by the school district.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-23-92, eff. 7-1-93)

      NAC 391.310  Endorsement as professional nurse for schools. (NRS 385.080)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to serve as a professional nurse for schools, a person must:

     (a) Have met all of the requirements for an endorsement as a school nurse with a bachelor’s degree;

     (b) Hold a master’s degree; and

     (c) Have 2 years of verified experience as a nurse.

     2.  To renew this endorsement, the holder must:

     (a) Have earned 6 semester hours of credit in education or nursing; and

     (b) Continue to hold a valid license issued by the State Board of Nursing.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.430, eff. 10-23-81]

      NAC 391.312  Endorsement to serve as mental health professional in a school. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to serve as a mental health professional in a school, a person must:

     (a) Hold:

          (1) A current license as a mental health professional issued by an agency or board of the State of Nevada which regulates mental health professionals; or

          (2) A current equivalent license issued by a similar agency or board in another state and agree to obtain a license issued by an agency or board of the State of Nevada within 1 year after the date on which the person applied for an endorsement; and

     (b) Have completed an educational program for mental health professionals in schools which includes a practicum in schools or the equivalent professional or practicum experience providing services directly to children of school age, both individually and in groups, and their families.

     2.  In addition to the requirements listed in subsection 1, a person who wishes to receive such an endorsement must:

     (a) Have completed a program to serve as a mental health professional in a school that is approved by the Commission;

     (b) Hold the credential issued by a national organization for mental health professionals certifying that the holder is a specialist in mental health in schools; or

     (c) Hold a master’s degree or more advanced degree from an accredited college or university in a field related to mental health in schools.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an endorsement to serve as a mental health professional in a school becomes invalid upon the expiration of the license described in paragraph (a) of subsection 1, unless before that date the holder renews the license and submits a copy of the renewed license to the Office of Educator Licensure within the Department. An endorsement to serve as a mental health professional in a school held by a person who is not licensed as a mental health professional in this State becomes invalid 1 year after the date on which the holder applied for the endorsement if the holder has not obtained a license issued by an agency or board of the State of Nevada which regulates mental health professionals by that date.

     4.  A licensee holding only a special license with an endorsement as a mental health professional in a school is exempt from the requirements of NAC 391.036 and 391.065.

     5.  As used in this section “mental health professional” means:

     (a) A psychologist licensed pursuant to chapter 641 of NRS;

     (b) A marriage and family therapist licensed pursuant to chapter 641A of NRS;

     (c) A clinical professional counselor licensed pursuant to chapter 641A of NRS; or

     (d) A practical nurse licensed pursuant to chapter 632 of NRS.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R078-17, eff. 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.315  Endorsement to serve as school psychologist: General qualifications; renewal. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  To qualify for an endorsement to serve as a school psychologist, a person must:

     (a) Have accomplished each of the following:

          (1) Hold a graduate degree from an accredited institution;

          (2) Have preparation in school psychology;

          (3) Have successfully completed the areas of study listed in NAC 391.316;

          (4) Have earned 60 semester hours of graduate credits in the areas of study listed in NAC 391.316 and 391.317; and

          (5) Have completed an internship in school psychology as provided in NAC 391.319;

     (b) Hold a certificate as a nationally certified school psychologist issued by the National School Psychology Certification System of the National Association of School Psychologists; or

     (c) Have completed a program approved by the Board which prepares a person to be a school psychologist.

     2.  To renew an endorsement to serve as a school psychologist, the holder of the endorsement must:

     (a) Comply with the provisions of NAC 391.065; or

     (b) Hold a certificate of renewal as a nationally certified school psychologist issued by the National School Psychology Certification System of the National Association of School Psychologists.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.440, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 4-27-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-27-91; 7-16-92; R089-99, 10-25-99)

      NAC 391.316  Endorsement to serve as school psychologist: Required areas of study. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  The required areas of study for an endorsement to serve as a school psychologist are as follows:

     1.  In the area of psychology and education of the normal child:

     (a) Child development;

     (b) Child and adolescent psychology; and

     (c) Theories of learning.

     2.  In the area of psychology and education of children with disabilities:

     (a) Abnormal psychology; or

     (b) The child who is emotionally disturbed or behaviorally disordered, or both.

     3.  In the area of psychoeducational assessment:

     (a) Assessment of individual intelligence;

     (b) Testing of individual personality or projective assessment, with a practicum;

     (c) Diagnosis and treatment of reading disabilities, with a practicum; and

     (d) Standardized appraisal.

     4.  In the area of techniques of intervention:

     (a) A practicum on individual counseling; and

     (b) The process of counseling.

     5.  In the area of experimental design:

     (a) Statistics; and

     (b) Methodology for research.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-27-91)

      NAC 391.317  Endorsement to serve as school psychologist: Optional areas of study. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  Credit earned by completing any of the following optional areas of study may be counted toward meeting the requirements for an endorsement as a school psychologist:

     1.  In the area of psychology and education of the normal child:

     (a) Educational psychology.

     (b) Development of a curriculum.

     (c) Foundations of education.

     (d) Theories of personality.

     (e) Affective education.

     2.  In the area of psychology and education of children with disabilities:

     (a) Theories of learning disabilities.

     (b) Psychology of persons with disabilities.

     (c) Etiology of reading disabilities.

     3.  In the area of characteristics of school systems:

     (a) Services of personnel for pupils.

     (b) Multicultural education.

     (c) School law.

     4.  In the area of psychoeducational assessment:

     (a) Assessments for careers or vocations.

     (b) Physiological assessment.

     (c) Neuropsychological assessment.

     (d) Assessment of the gifted and talented.

     5.  In the area of techniques of intervention:

     (a) Techniques for group counseling, with a practicum.

     (b) Techniques for consultation or clinical interviewing.

     (c) Family and marriage counseling, with a practicum.

     (d) Psychotherapy and advanced counseling.

     (e) Techniques for behavioral analysis and management.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-13-91; 11-27-91)

      NAC 391.318  Endorsement to serve as school psychologist: Requirements for practicum. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive credit for completing a practicum, an applicant seeking an endorsement to serve as a school psychologist must be able to show that the practicum:

     1.  Was taken concurrently with or after his or her last required areas of study in the applicable area of training; and

     2.  Was supervised by a representative of the educational institution which sponsored the practicum working with a person who holds an endorsement as a school psychologist and is employed by a school district.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-27-91)

      NAC 391.319  Endorsement to serve as school psychologist: Internship in psychology. (NRS 385.080)

     1.  The internship in psychology which is prerequisite to an endorsement as a school psychologist must meet the criteria set forth in this section.

     2.  The intern’s period of service must be started concurrently with or after the last required training in the program of school psychology provided by the educational institution. The period must consist of two full-time regular consecutive semesters or 1,000 hours of supervised and practical experience. The period must be completed within 3 years after it is started.

     3.  At least half of the period of internship must be served in an accredited school system or a school system which is approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The remaining part may be served in some other public agency which is approved by the Superintendent.

     4.  The internship must be supervised jointly by:

     (a) A representative of the graduate program of the educational institution where the intern earned his or her degree; and

     (b) A person who holds an endorsement as a school psychologist and who is employed in that capacity by a school district, or by a person of equivalent education and training if the internship is in some other public agency.

     5.  In lieu of an internship consisting of two full-time regular semesters or 1,000 hours, the Superintendent of Public Instruction may accept a partial internship and 3 years of experience as a school psychologist in another jurisdiction if the experience is verified as having been successful.

     6.  The Department will issue a provisional endorsement to serve as a school psychologist to an intern who has completed one full-time regular semester or 500 hours of supervised, practical experience in an accredited school system or an approved public agency if at least half the experience has been in the school system and the intern has fulfilled all the other requirements for a regular endorsement. A provisional endorsement to serve as a school psychologist is effective for 2 years but may not be renewed.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 4-27-84)

      NAC 391.320  Endorsement to serve as social worker. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to serve as a social worker, a person must:

     (a) Hold a current license issued by the Board of Examiners for Social Workers or hold a current equivalent license issued by a similar agency in another state and agree to obtain a license issued by the Board of Examiners for Social Workers within 1 year after the date on which the person applied for an endorsement; and

     (b) Have completed an educational program for social workers in schools which includes a practicum in schools or the equivalent professional or practicum experience providing services directly to children of school age, both individually and in groups, and to their families.

     2.  In addition to the requirements listed in subsection 1, a person who wishes to receive such an endorsement must:

     (a) Have completed a program to serve as a social worker in schools that is approved by the Board;

     (b) Hold the credential issued by the National Association of Social Workers certifying that the holder is a specialist in social work in schools; or

     (c) Hold a master’s degree in social work from a college or university that has been accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.

     3.  An endorsement to serve as a social worker held by a person who is not licensed in this State expires 1 year after the date on which the holder applied for the endorsement if the holder has not obtained a license issued by the Board of Examiners for Social Workers by that date.

     4.  To renew the endorsement, the holder must:

     (a) Continue to hold a valid license issued by the Board of Examiners for Social Workers; and

     (b) Each time that the license is renewed by the Board of Examiners for Social Workers, deliver a copy of the license to the Office of Educator Licensure within the Department.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.470, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-27-91; R051-13, 10-23-2013; R138-15, 6-28-2016)

      NAC 391.323  Endorsements as specialist or professional specialist in social, emotional and academic development. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement as a specialist in social, emotional and academic development, a person must:

     (a) Hold a valid elementary, secondary or special license to teach, a valid license to teach special education, a valid license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education or a valid license to teach middle school or junior high school education; and

     (b) Have completed at least 3 semester hours of credit in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) Introduction to social, emotional and academic development;

          (2) Curriculum and methods for modeling, teaching and implementing social, emotional and academic development;

          (3) Assessment, evaluation, monitoring and plan improvement of social, emotional and academic development; and

          (4) Best practices which support policies, equity and critical issues for social, emotional and academic improvement.

     2.  To receive an endorsement as a professional specialist in social, emotional and academic development, a person must:

     (a) Have completed the requirements for an endorsement as a specialist in social, emotional and academic development pursuant to subsection 1;

     (b) Have completed at least 3 semester hours of credit in at least one of the following areas of study:

          (1) Foundations in cultural and linguistic diversity;

          (2) Cultural and linguistic diversity program leadership; or

          (3) Equity in education; and

     (c) Have completed, in a school setting, at least 25 hours of practicum, or work experience determined to be equivalent by the Department, in social, emotional and academic development supports for all pupils and all educational personnel.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R154-18, eff. 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.325  Endorsement to serve as staff specialist. (NRS 385.080)

     1.  The Department will, in an appropriate case, issue an endorsement authorizing a person to serve as a staff specialist. The holder of the endorsement is entitled to perform technical, nonteaching or nonsupervisory services, including services:

     (a) In research and development;

     (b) As a consultant;

     (c) In educational data processing; and

     (d) Concerning educational media, including television.

     2.  To receive this endorsement, a person must:

     (a) Hold a bachelor’s degree; and

     (b) Have 3 years of verified experience in the area of the services in which he or she seeks to specialize.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.480, eff. 10-23-81]

      NAC 391.330  Endorsement as emergency substitute teacher. (NRS 391.019)  [Replaced in revision by NAC 391.0896.]


      NAC 391.332  Qualifications to serve as substitute teacher; endorsement as substitute teacher; period for which substitute teacher may be hired; provisional nonrenewable special license; renewal. (NRS 391.019)  [Replaced in revision by NAC 391.0897.]



      NAC 391.3393  License to teach special education: Qualifications. (NRS 391.019)  To receive a license to teach special education, a person must hold a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree from an accredited college or university and must satisfy the requirements for any endorsement that the applicant seeks for the license.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R028-11, eff. 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.3395  Limitations on issuance and renewal of special license with endorsement in special education. (NRS 391.019)  The Department will not issue or renew a special license with an endorsement in special education on or after November 1, 2011. A special license with an endorsement in special education in effect on November 1, 2011, remains valid for the term for which it was issued unless earlier revoked by the Department. Upon expiration of the special license with an endorsement in special education, the holder of the license must satisfy the requirements for the issuance of a license to teach special education.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R028-11, eff. 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.340  Qualifications for teaching pupils who have hearing impairments. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  Before teaching pupils, ages 3 to 21, inclusive, who have hearing impairments, a person must hold an endorsement issued pursuant to this section.

     2.  To receive the endorsement, the person must:

     (a) Have completed a program of preparation for teaching pupils who have hearing impairments, which has been approved by the Board;

     (b) Hold a license or certificate, issued by another state, with an endorsement to teach pupils who have hearing impairments;

     (c) Hold a certificate from the Council for Education of the Deaf;

     (d) Hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the education of pupils who have hearing impairments and have completed 8 semester hours of student teaching, equivalent field experience or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience in special education; or

     (e) Hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree and:

          (1) Have completed 8 semester hours of student teaching of pupils who have hearing impairments, equivalent field experience with such pupils or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience with such pupils; and

          (2) Have completed 18 semester hours of course work in any of the following areas:

               (I) Characteristics of pupils who have hearing impairments;

               (II) Methods of communication for pupils who have hearing impairments;

               (III) Anatomy and physiology of the ear and the mechanisms of speech;

               (IV) Audiology;

               (V) Hearing aids and auditory training;

               (VI) Development of the curriculum and methods of teaching pupils who have hearing impairments;

               (VII) Parental involvement in programs for pupils who have disabilities;

               (VIII) Linguistics, speech and language for pupils who have hearing impairments;

               (IX) Introduction to special education or education of pupils who have disabilities; and

               (X) Education or planning for the transition of pupils who have disabilities from their current placement to placement in additional educational programs, employment and living independently as an adult.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.530, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 12-15-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-18-88; 11-27-91, eff. 1-11-91; 1-10-96)

      NAC 391.343  Qualifications for teaching pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  Before teaching pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries, a person must:

     (a) Hold an endorsement to perform the duties of a generalist in special education issued pursuant to this section; or

     (b) Hold a teacher’s elementary or secondary license, a license to teach special education, a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, or a bachelor’s or master’s degree with a major or minor in special education, must have completed at least 6 semester hours from the courses prescribed in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (d) of subsection 2 and must complete a program of preparation leading to licensing in this field within 3 years after beginning to teach such pupils.

     2.  To receive the endorsement to perform the duties of a generalist in special education, the person must:

     (a) Have completed a program of preparation for teaching pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries which has been approved by the Board;

     (b) Hold a license or certificate, issued by another state, with an endorsement to teach pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries;

     (c) Hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the education of pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries and have completed 8 semester hours of student teaching, equivalent field experience or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience in special education; or

     (d) Hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree and:

          (1) Have completed 8 semester hours of student teaching of pupils who have learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries, equivalent field experience with such pupils or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience with such pupils; and

          (2) Have completed 30 semester hours of course work, including course work in the following areas:

               (I) Human growth and development;

               (II) Educational psychology;

               (III) Methods and materials of teaching reading or mathematics;

               (IV) Additional studies in methods of teaching reading or mathematics;

               (V) Introduction to special education or the education of pupils who have disabilities;

               (VI) The characteristics of pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries;

               (VII) The assessment of pupils who have disabilities;

               (VIII) Behavior management;

               (IX) Parental involvement in programs for pupils who have disabilities;

               (X) Curriculum development or methods and strategies for teaching pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries; and

               (XI) Education or planning for the transition of pupils who have disabilities from their current placement to placement in additional educational programs, employment and living independently as an adult.

Ê The requirement for course work in two of these areas may be satisfied by completing one course, of at least 3 semester hours, that encompasses both subject matters.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 3-7-84; A 11-25-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-18-88; 11-27-91, eff. 1-11-92; 1-10-96; R016-04, 8-25-2004; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.347  Limited endorsement to teach pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  To receive a limited endorsement to teach pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries, a person must hold a teacher’s elementary or secondary license, a license to teach special education, a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, or a bachelor’s or master’s degree with a major or minor in special education, and must have completed 20 of the 30 semester hours prescribed in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (d) of subsection 2 of NAC 391.343 and the student teaching, equivalent field experience, or verifiable teaching experience prescribed in subparagraph (1) of paragraph (d) of subsection 2 of NAC 391.343.

     2.  The term of a limited endorsement is 3 years and the endorsement is not renewable. To continue teaching pupils who have specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, health impairments, orthopedic impairments or traumatic brain injuries, the holder must complete, during the term of his or her limited endorsement, the requirements for the general endorsement prescribed in subsection 2 of NAC 391.343.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 3-7-84; A 11-25-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-18-88; 11-27-91, eff. 1-11-92; 1-10-96; R016-04, 8-25-2004; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.360  Qualifications for teaching pupils who have intellectual disabilities and moderate to intense needs for assistance and intervention. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  Before teaching pupils who have intellectual disabilities and have moderate to intense needs for assistance and intervention in their educational processes, a person must:

     (a) Hold an endorsement issued pursuant to this section; or

     (b) Hold a teacher’s elementary or secondary license, a license to teach special education, a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, or a bachelor’s or master’s degree with a major or minor in special education, must have completed 6 semester hours from the courses prescribed in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (e) of subsection 2 and must complete a program of preparation leading to licensing in this field within 3 years after beginning to teach such pupils.

     2.  To receive the endorsement, the person must:

     (a) Have completed a program of preparation for teaching pupils who have intellectual disabilities which has been approved by the Board;

     (b) Hold a license or certificate, issued by another state, with an endorsement to teach pupils who have intellectual disabilities;

     (c) Hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in special education in the area of intellectual disabilities and have completed 8 semester hours of student teaching, equivalent field experience or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience in special education;

     (d) Have:

          (1) Met the requirements for an endorsement prescribed in NAC 391.343 or 391.370;

          (2) One year of verifiable teaching experience with pupils who have intellectual disabilities and moderate to intense needs of assistance and intervention in their educational processes; and

          (3) Completed 12 semester hours of the course work prescribed in sub-subparagraphs (IV) to (IX), inclusive, of subparagraph (2) of paragraph (e); or

     (e) Hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree and:

          (1) Have completed 8 semester hours of student teaching of pupils who have intellectual disabilities, equivalent field experience with such pupils or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience with such pupils; and

          (2) Have completed 30 semester hours of course work, including course work in the following areas:

               (I) Educational psychology;

               (II) Human growth and development;

               (III) Introduction to special education or the education of pupils who have disabilities;

               (IV) The assessment of pupils who have disabilities;

               (V) Characteristics of pupils who have intellectual disabilities;

               (VI) Curriculum development or methods and strategies for teaching pupils who have intellectual disabilities;

               (VII) Behavior management;

               (VIII) Communication programming for pupils who have intellectual disabilities;

               (IX) Medical aspects of pupils who have disabilities;

               (X) Education or planning for the transition of pupils who have disabilities from their current placement to additional educational programs, employment and living as an adult; and

               (XI) Parental involvement in programs for pupils who have disabilities.

Ê The requirement for course work in two of these areas may be satisfied by completing one course, of at least 3 semester hours, that encompasses both subject matters.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.590, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 3-7-84; 11-25-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-18-88; 11-27-91, eff. 1-11-92; 1-10-96; R103-03, 9-24-2003; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.363  Qualifications for teaching pupils who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age in program of early childhood special education; endorsement to teach pupils in such program. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, before teaching pupils who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age in a program of early childhood special education, a person must:

     (a) Hold an endorsement issued pursuant to this section; or

     (b) Hold a teacher’s elementary or secondary license, a license to teach special education, or a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, complete 6 semester hours from the courses prescribed in paragraph (a) of subsection 3 within 1 year after beginning that teaching and complete a program of preparation leading to licensing in early childhood special education within 3 years after beginning that teaching.

     2.  To receive an endorsement to teach pupils who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age in a program of early childhood special education, a person must:

     (a) Have completed a program of special education, approved by the Department, for children who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age;

     (b) Hold a current license or certificate with a similar endorsement issued by another state;

     (c) Hold a bachelor’s or a more advanced degree in early childhood special education and have completed 8 semester hours of student teaching, equivalent field experience or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience in early childhood special education; or

     (d) Satisfy the requirements of subsection 3.

     3.  A person may also receive the endorsement if he or she:

     (a) Has completed at least 18 semester hours which included a course in each subject listed in subparagraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, with any remaining hours completed by courses in any of the subjects listed in subparagraphs (6) to (9), inclusive:

          (1) Foundations or overview of early childhood special education;

          (2) Typical and atypical development of children who are under 8 years of age;

          (3) Assessment of children who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age;

          (4) Strategies for intervention or development of curriculum for children who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age;

          (5) Working with families of children who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age;

          (6) Issues regarding physical and medical management of children who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age;

          (7) Development of language and strategies for intervention for children who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age;

          (8) Social and emotional development and strategies for intervention for children who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age; and

          (9) Coordination and collaboration of services among other agencies and disciplines which serve children who have disabilities and who are under 8 years of age; and

     (b) Has completed a minimum of 8 semester hours of credit through a regionally accredited college or university in student teaching of pupils who have disabilities or developmental delays and who are under 8 years of age or has 1 year of verifiable experience, at the conclusion of which the person is eligible for reemployment, working as a teacher in a program of early childhood special education in a public or private agency that is licensed by the State or that has been approved by a national organization and which serves such pupils and their families or has completed equivalent field experience with such pupils through a regionally accredited college or university.

     4.  For the purpose of completing the requirements for the subjects listed in subparagraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, a single course of 3 semester hours may be applied to satisfy the required course work in no more than two of those subjects.

     5.  A person may teach in a class in which the majority of the children have developmental delays and are the age of pupils in kindergarten if the person:

     (a) On or before September 1, 1994, has at least 3 years of experience teaching pupils who have developmental delays and are the age of pupils in kindergarten in a program of early childhood special education at a public or private agency that is licensed by the State or that has been approved by a national organization; and

     (b) Holds a license to teach special education for kindergarten through grade 12 with an endorsement issued pursuant to NAC 391.343, 391.347, 391.360, 391.370 or 391.376.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 3-7-84; A 11-25-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-18-88; 10-18-89; 11-27-91, eff. 1-11-92; 3-18-94; 2-24-95; 1-10-96; R122-99, 12-13-99; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R048-17, 6-26-2018; R118-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.367  Qualifications for teaching adapted physical education to pupils who have disabilities. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  Before teaching adapted physical education to pupils, ages 3 to 21, inclusive, who have disabilities in a setting other than the regular classroom, a person must:

     (a) Hold an endorsement issued pursuant to this section; or

     (b) Hold a teacher’s elementary or secondary license, a license to teach special education, a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, or a bachelor’s or master’s degree with a major or minor in special education, must have completed 6 semester hours from the course work prescribed in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (d) of subsection 2 and must complete a program of preparation leading to licensing in this field within 3 years after beginning to teach such pupils.

     2.  To receive the endorsement, the person must:

     (a) Have completed a program of preparation for teaching adapted physical education which has been approved by the Board;

     (b) Hold a license or certificate, issued by another state, with an endorsement to teach adapted physical education to pupils who have disabilities;

     (c) Hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in adapted physical education and have completed a practicum, student teaching, equivalent field experience or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience in adapted physical education; or

     (d) Have completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree in physical education or special education and:

          (1) Have completed a practicum, student teaching, equivalent field experience or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience in adapted physical education; and

          (2) Have completed 12 semester hours of course work, including course work in the following areas:

               (I) Introduction to adapted physical education;

               (II) Assessment of pupils for adapted physical education;

               (III) Methods and strategies in adapted physical education;

               (IV) Introduction to special education or the education of pupils who have disabilities; and

               (V) Parental involvement in programs for pupils who have disabilities.

Ê The requirement for course work in two of these areas may be satisfied by completing one course, of at least 3 semester hours, that encompasses both subject matters.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 3-7-84; A 11-25-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-18-88; 11-27-91, eff. 1-11-92; 1-10-96; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.370  Qualifications for teaching pupils who have speech and language impairments. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  Before teaching pupils, ages 3 to 21, inclusive, who have speech and language impairments, a person must hold an endorsement issued pursuant to this section.

     2.  To receive the endorsement, the person must:

     (a) Have completed a program of preparation for teaching pupils who have speech and language impairments, which has been approved by the Board;

     (b) Hold a certificate of clinical competence in speech from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association or an equivalent license from the Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board;

     (c) Hold a license or certificate, issued by another state, with an endorsement to teach pupils who have speech and language impairments;

     (d) Hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the area of speech and language impairments, and have 8 semester hours of student teaching, a clinical practicum, equivalent field experience or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience with pupils who have speech and language impairments; or

     (e) Have completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree and:

          (1) Have completed 8 semester hours in student teaching of pupils who have speech and language impairments, a clinical practicum with those pupils, equivalent field experience with those pupils or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience with those pupils; and

          (2) Have completed at least 28 semester hours of course work, including course work in the following areas:

               (I) Audiology;

               (II) Methods for the assessment and treatment of the disorders of articulation, fluency, voice and language;

               (III) The development of normal speech and language;

               (IV) Science of speech and voice;

               (V) Phonetics;

               (VI) Introduction to special education or the education of pupils who have disabilities; and

               (VII) Parental involvement in programs for pupils who have disabilities.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.610, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 3-7-84; 11-25-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-18-88; 11-27-91, eff. 1-11-92; 1-10-96; R089-99, 10-25-99)

      NAC 391.376  Endorsement as professional teacher of pupils who have disabilities. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)  To receive an endorsement as a professional teacher of pupils who have disabilities, a person must:

     1.  Hold one of the endorsements described in NAC 391.340, 391.343, 391.360, 391.363, 391.367, 391.370 or 391.390;

     2.  Hold a master’s degree; and

     3.  Have 3 years of verified experience in public or licensed private schools at the elementary, middle, junior high or high school grade level as a teacher of pupils who have disabilities in the specific area for which the endorsement is requested.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 3-7-84; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-27-91, eff. 1-11-92; 1-10-96; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R028-11, 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.378  Qualifications for teaching pupils who have autism; endorsement to teach such pupils. (NRS 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  Before teaching pupils, ages 3 to 21, inclusive, who have autism, a person must:

     (a) Hold an endorsement issued pursuant to this section; or

     (b) Hold a teacher’s elementary or secondary license, a license to teach special education, a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, or a bachelor’s or a more advanced degree with a major or minor in special education, must have completed 6 semester hours from course work prescribed in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (e) of subsection 2 and must complete a program of preparation leading to licensing in this field within 3 years after beginning to teach such pupils.

     2.  To receive the endorsement, the person must:

     (a) Have completed a program of preparation for teaching pupils who have autism, which has been approved by the Department;

     (b) Hold a license or certificate, issued by another state, with an endorsement to teach pupils who have autism;

     (c) Hold a bachelor’s or a more advanced degree in the education of pupils who have autism and have completed 8 semester hours of student teaching, equivalent field experience or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience in special education;

     (d) Hold a license to teach special education with an endorsement to perform the duties of a generalist in special education issued pursuant to NAC 391.343 and have completed 12 semester hours of course work through a regionally accredited college or university, including course work in each of the following areas:

          (1) Speech and language development;

          (2) Assistive technology, or alternative or augmentative communication;

          (3) Characteristics of pupils who have autism; and

          (4) Curriculum development or methods and strategies for teaching pupils who have autism; or

     (e) Hold a bachelor’s or a more advanced degree and have completed:

          (1) Eight semester hours of student teaching with pupils who have autism, equivalent field experience with such pupils or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience with such pupils; and

          (2) Thirty semester hours of course work, including course work in the following areas:

               (I) Behavior management;

               (II) Speech and language development;

               (III) Assistive technology, or alternative or augmentative communication;

               (IV) Characteristics of pupils who have autism;

               (V) Curriculum development or methods and strategies for teaching pupils who have autism;

               (VI) Introduction to special education or the education of pupils who have disabilities;

               (VII) The assessment of pupils who have disabilities;

               (VIII) Parental involvement in programs for pupils who have disabilities;

               (IX) Education or planning for the transition of pupils who have disabilities from their current placement to placement in additional educational programs, employment and living independently as an adult;

               (X) Methods of teaching mathematics; and

               (XI) Methods of teaching literacy.

Ê The requirement for course work in two of these areas may be satisfied by completing one course, of at least 3 semester hours, that encompasses both subject matters.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 1-10-96, eff. 9-1-97; A by R103-03, 9-24-2003; R007-05, 10-31-2005; R038-08, 6-17-2008; R028-11, 10-26-2011; R106-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.386  Requirement for approval of field experience. (NRS 391.019)  The field experience of a person must be approved by the appropriate department of the college or university that the person is attending.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 1-24-92)

      NAC 391.390  Qualifications for teaching pupils who have visual impairments. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  Before teaching pupils, ages 3 to 21, inclusive, who have visual impairments, a person must hold an endorsement issued pursuant to this section.

     2.  To receive the endorsement, the person must:

     (a) Have completed a program of preparation for teaching pupils who have visual impairments, which has been approved by the Board;

     (b) Hold a license or certificate, issued by another state, with an endorsement to teach pupils who have visual impairments;

     (c) Hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the education of pupils who have visual impairments and have completed 8 semester hours of student teaching, equivalent field experience or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience in special education;

     (d) Hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree and:

          (1) Have completed 8 semester hours of student teaching of pupils who have visual impairments, equivalent field experience with such pupils or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience with such pupils; and

          (2) Have completed 18 semester hours of course work in any of the following areas:

               (I) Introduction to special education or the education of pupils who have disabilities;

               (II) Development of the curriculum and methods for assessing and teaching pupils who are blind or have visual impairments;

               (III) Beginning braille;

               (IV) Advanced braille;

               (V) Parental involvement in programs for pupils who have disabilities;

               (VI) Rehabilitative services, education or planning for the transition of pupils who have disabilities from their current placement to placement in additional educational programs, employment and living independently as an adult;

               (VII) Psychological and social aspects of blindness;

               (VIII) Physiological aspects of blindness; and

               (IX) Orientation and mobility or low vision.

Ê The requirement for course work in two of these areas may be satisfied by completing one course, of at least 3 semester hours, that encompasses both subject matters.

     [Bd. of Education, Certification Reg. § 391.650, eff. 10-23-81]—(NAC A 11-25-86; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 7-18-88; 11-27-91, eff. 1-11-92; 1-10-96)

      NAC 391.391  Endorsement to teach pupils in program of orientation and mobility. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to teach pupils in a program of orientation and mobility, a person must hold a:

     (a) Bachelor’s or graduate degree in:

          (1) Orientation and mobility; or

          (2) Any other field of study and have successfully completed an orientation and mobility program at a university approved by the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired or its successor organization; or

     (b) Specialty credential as a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist from the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals or its successor organization.

     2.  Such an endorsement is not required to teach pupils in a program of orientation and mobility.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R094-99, eff. 11-2-99; A by R113-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.392  Endorsement to teach program of alternative education. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)

     1.  To receive an endorsement to teach a program of alternative education, a person must:

     (a) Hold a valid:

          (1) Elementary license;

          (2) License to teach middle school or junior high school education;

          (3) Secondary license;

          (4) License to teach special education; or

          (5) Special license that is endorsed for a recognized field of teaching other than business and industry;

     (b) Have 3 years of verified experience in teaching a program of alternative education; or

     (c) Have completed at least 3 semester hours of course work in one or more of the following areas of study:

          (1) Behavior management;

          (2) Methods of teaching pupils who have specific learning disabilities;

          (3) Parental involvement in programs of alternative education; or

          (4) Methods of teaching pupils in a program of alternative education or pupils who are at risk of dropping out of school.

     2.  Except as limited by subsection 3, a person who holds an endorsement to teach a program of alternative education may:

     (a) Provide instruction in any recognized field of teaching for which he or she holds a valid endorsement; and

     (b) Teach courses outside his or her area of endorsement.

     3.  A person who holds an endorsement to teach a program of alternative education initially issued on or after July 1, 2005, may use that endorsement to provide instruction and teach as authorized by subsection 2 only:

     (a) In an adult high school program as defined in subsection 2 of NAC 390.480; or

     (b) To act as a teacher of record for a pupil who is enrolled in a course of distance education which has been approved by the Department pursuant to NRS 388.834 and NAC 388.825.

     4.  An endorsement to teach a program of alternative education is not required to teach a program of alternative education.

     5.  As used in this section:

     (a) “Course of distance education” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 388.823.

     (b) “Program of alternative education” means:

          (1) An alternative program as defined in NAC 388.500; or

          (2) An adult high school program as defined in subsection 2 of NAC 390.480.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R093-97, eff. 1-14-98; A by R094-99, 11-2-99; R099-03, 9-24-2003; R005-05, 10-31-2005; A by Bd. of Education by R134-07, 6-17-2008; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R028-11, 10-26-2011; R008-13, 10-23-2013)

      NAC 391.393  Limited endorsement to teach core academic subjects exclusively to pupils with disabilities. (NRS 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  A special education teacher, whether new or not new to the profession, providing instruction at an elementary, middle, junior high or high school may be granted a limited endorsement to teach one or more core academic subjects exclusively to pupils with disabilities.

     2.  To receive the limited endorsement, a special education teacher must:

     (a) Hold a valid license to teach special education;

     (b) Receive, before and during the term of his or her limited endorsement, high-quality professional development that is sustained, intensive and focused on instruction in the classroom to ensure a positive and lasting impact on the teacher’s instruction in the classroom; and

     (c) Demonstrate satisfactory progress toward achieving competence in each applicable core academic subject as prescribed by the Department.

     3.  The term of a limited endorsement issued pursuant to this section is 3 years and the endorsement is not renewable. To continue teaching one or more core academic subjects exclusively to pupils with disabilities, the holder must, during the term of his or her limited endorsement, complete the requirements for designation as a highly qualified teacher by demonstrating competence in each applicable core academic subject in accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 20 U.S.C. § 7801(23), and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1401(10).

     4.  As used in this section, “core academic subject” has the meaning ascribed to it in 20 U.S.C. § 7801(11).

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R039-05, eff. 10-31-2005; A by R028-11, 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.394  Endorsement to teach in program for gifted and talented pupils. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  Beginning September 1, 1995, to receive an endorsement to teach in a program for gifted and talented pupils, a teacher or other educational personnel must:

     (a) Hold a license for the level of education for which the program is offered; and

     (b) Have 2 years of verified experience as a teacher in schools approved by the Department.

     2.  In addition to the requirements listed in subsection 1, a person who wishes to receive such an endorsement must have completed:

     (a) A program of preparation for teaching pupils who have been determined to be gifted and talented that is approved by the Board; or

     (b) At least 3 semester hours of credit from an accredited college or university in each of the following areas of study:

          (1) Characteristics and needs of gifted and talented pupils;

          (2) Assessment of gifted and talented pupils and programs for such pupils;

          (3) Curriculum in content areas for gifted and talented pupils; and

          (4) Methodology and strategies for teaching gifted and talented pupils.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 11-27-91; A by R013-13, 10-23-2013)

      NAC 391.398  Substitute teacher of special education: Application for additional extension of period of hire. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  If a school district is unable to hire a licensed special education teacher at the expiration of an extension granted pursuant to subsection 4 of NAC 391.0897, it may apply to the Department for an additional extension for the remainder of the school year. The application must be in writing and include:

     (a) Evidence that the school district has advertised a position for a licensed special education teacher;

     (b) Evidence that the school district was unable to hire a licensed special education teacher;

     (c) Evidence that the school district was unable to hire a person who holds an elementary or secondary license, or a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, to fill the position of a special education teacher;

     (d) If a substitute teacher was hired rather than an applicant who holds an elementary or secondary license, a license to teach special education, or a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, the rationale for such a hiring; and

     (e) An assurance that the school district will continue its efforts to hire a licensed special education teacher for the remainder of the school year.

     2.  The Department shall report the application for an additional extension and the disposition of the application to the Commission at the next meeting of the Commission for which notice of the report may be given pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 241.020.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 9-24-92; A 6-19-96; R219-97, 4-17-98; R005-05, 10-31-2005; R017-11 & R028-11, 10-26-2011)


      NAC 391.400  Types of endorsements. (NRS 388.360, 391.019)  The types of career and technical education endorsements which the Superintendent of Public Instruction may issue to qualified applicants are:

     1.  A business and industry endorsement; and

     2.  An endorsement as a substitute teacher of business and industry.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. for Vocational Education, eff. 10-26-83; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; R026-07, 10-31-2007; R037-08, 6-17-2008)

      NAC 391.420  Business and industry endorsement: Program areas for which endorsement may be issued. (NRS 388.360, 391.019)  The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall issue to a qualified applicant a business and industry endorsement for a specific program area in:

     1.  Any program of career and technical education set forth in NAC 389.803.

     2.  Any of the following performing arts:

     (a) Ethnic music;

     (b) Ethnic dance; or

     (c) Dance performance.

     3.  Military science.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. for Vocational Education, eff. 10-26-83; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; R075-00, 6-20-2000; R023-01, 10-22-2001; R026-07, 10-31-2007; R006-13, 10-23-2013; R033-15, 4-4-2016)

      NAC 391.425  Business and industry endorsement: Qualifications for receipt and first renewal. (NRS 388.360, 391.019, 391.032)

     1.  To receive a business and industry endorsement, the applicant must:

     (a) Have earned a high school diploma or its equivalent;

     (b) Provide to the Department proof acceptable to the Department that the applicant has been employed:

          (1) Full time for at least 2 years after 18 years of age in a position which relates to the program for which he or she is applying for endorsement; or

          (2) For an aggregate total of 4,000 hours after 18 years of age in a position which relates to the program for which he or she is applying for endorsement; and

     (c) Hold the appropriate professional license if one is required by law for employment in an occupation which the person desires to teach.

     2.  To fulfill the requirement of work experience required by paragraph (b) of subsection 1, a person who wishes to receive a business and industry endorsement must, if the endorsement is for:

     (a) Agricultural and natural resources science, have industry experience in at least three of the following areas:

          (1) Agricultural business and marketing;

          (2) Animal science or veterinary medicine;

          (3) Forestry;

          (4) Horticulture;

          (5) Floriculture;

          (6) Landscaping;

          (7) Agricultural research; or

          (8) Food science, food manufacturing or a combination thereof.

     (b) Construction technology, have at least:

          (1) One year of industry experience in carpentry; and

          (2) At least 1 year or 2,000 total hours of industry experience in fields relating to construction, other than carpentry.

     3.  In addition to the requirements set forth in subsection 1, a person who wishes to receive or renew a business and industry endorsement must:

     (a) If the endorsement is for automotive service technology, be certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence as:

          (1) A master automobile technician; or

          (2) An automobile technician in the following areas:

               (I) Brakes;

               (II) Electrical and electronic systems;

               (III) Auto maintenance and light repair; and

               (IV) Suspension and steering.

     (b) If the endorsement is for military science, be certified by the secretary of the military branch in which the applicant serves or from which the applicant has retired to teach pupils in the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program developed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 2031. A person who meets the requirements of this paragraph and who teaches pupils in the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program is exempt from the:

          (1) Provisions of subsection 4; and

          (2) Provisions of NAC 391.036.

     4.  Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of subsection 3 and subsections 5, 6 and 7, a person who desires to renew for the first time an endorsement issued pursuant to this section must provide proof that he or she has received, from a regionally accredited postsecondary institution or an approved program in professional development for educators, credit for 12 semester hours or the equivalent number of hours of professional development as follows:

     (a) Three semester hours or the equivalent number of hours of professional development in curriculum and instruction for career and technical education or secondary education;

     (b) Three semester hours or the equivalent number of hours of professional development in a course involving teaching methodology for career and technical education or secondary education;

     (c) Three semester hours or the equivalent number of hours of professional development in a course on career development and work-based learning; and

     (d) Three semester hours or the equivalent number of hours of professional development in a course on career and technical student organization and management.

     5.  A person who holds a master’s degree or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university in his or her area of endorsement is exempt from the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection 4.

     6.  A person who desires to renew for the first time a business and industry endorsement for ethnic music issued pursuant to this section is exempt from the requirements of subsection 4 if the person provides proof that he or she has received, from an accredited postsecondary institution, credit for 12 semester hours as follows:

     (a) Three semester hours of course work that includes classroom management or music methodology, or both; and

     (b) Nine semester hours in the subject area of music.

     7.  A person who desires to renew for the first time a business and industry endorsement for ethnic dance issued pursuant to this section is exempt from the requirements of subsection 4 if the person provides proof that he or she has received, from an accredited postsecondary institution, credit for 12 semester hours as follows:

     (a) Three semester hours of course work that includes classroom management or dance methodology, or both; and

     (b) Nine semester hours in the subject area of dance.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. for Vocational Education, eff. 10-26-83; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; R075-00, 6-20-2000; R023-01, 10-22-2001; R055-03, 10-21-2003; R026-07, 10-31-2007; R018-09, 10-27-2009; R032-15, 4-4-2016; R034-15, 6-28-2016; R102-17 & R010-18, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.430  Business and industry endorsement: Authorized activities of holder. (NRS 388.360, 391.019)  A person who holds a business and industry endorsement may:

     1.  Provide instruction to pupils enrolled in a program of career and technical education in middle school, junior high school or high school; and

     2.  Teach an academic subject if it is:

     (a) Related to an area of career and technical education which the person’s endorsement allows him or her to teach; and

     (b) Necessary to the success of the instruction of that area of career and technical education.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. for Vocational Education, eff. 10-26-83; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 9-1-89; R055-03, 10-21-2003; R026-07, 10-31-2007)

      NAC 391.436  Endorsement as substitute teacher of business and industry: Issuance; qualifications for receipt and first renewal; period of hire. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall issue to a qualified applicant an endorsement as a substitute teacher of business and industry for a specific course of study included in a program area for a program of career and technical education group set forth in NAC 389.803.

     2.  To receive an endorsement as a substitute teacher of business and industry pursuant to subsection 1, the applicant must:

     (a) Have earned a high school diploma or its equivalent;

     (b) Provide to the Department proof acceptable to the Department that the applicant has:

          (1) Two years of full-time employment, after 18 years of age, in a position which relates to the course of study for which he or she is applying for the endorsement; or

          (2) An aggregate total of 4,000 hours of employment, after 18 years of age, in a position which relates to the course of study for which he or she is applying for the endorsement; and

     (c) Hold the appropriate license if one is required by law for employment in an occupation which the person desires to teach.

     3.  A person who desires to renew for the first time an endorsement issued pursuant to this section must provide proof that he or she has completed 3 semester hours of credit from an accredited postsecondary institution, or an equivalent number of hours of professional development, in a course or program of professional development that is approved by the Department and that involves teaching methodology for career and technical education or secondary education.

     4.  A school district may hire a person who has an endorsement as a substitute teacher of business and industry in kindergarten through grade 12 for:

     (a) Unlimited days of service if filling the position of a licensed teacher who is under contract.

     (b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, 60 days of service if filling a teaching position for which a licensed teacher has not been hired under contract.

     5.  The Department may grant a school district one extension for 30 days with regard to a person who is hired pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 4 in an exceptional case upon request from the superintendent of schools of the school district.

     6.  An endorsement issued pursuant to this section is not subject to the provisions of NAC 391.036 and 391.065.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R037-08, eff. 6-17-2008; A by R033-15, 4-4-2016; R102-17, 6-26-2018; R107-18, 6-26-2019)


      NAC 391.461  Application for approval to become qualified provider; review; conditions of provisional approval; term of validity; renewal; approval to offer program for different area of licensure; annual evaluation. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  An institution of higher education or any other provider that operates independently of an institution of higher education which wishes to offer a program for an alternative route for the licensure of teachers and administrators in this State must apply to the Commission on a form prescribed by the Department for approval to become a qualified provider of such a program. The application must include, without limitation:

     (a) The name and location of the applicant;

     (b) The name of the program;

     (c) If the applicant is accredited, the name of the regional accrediting body and the accreditation status of the applicant;

     (d) If the applicant is a private postsecondary educational institution, as defined in NRS 394.099, evidence that the applicant is licensed to operate by the Commission pursuant to chapter 394 of NRS;

     (e) A description of the budget of the program;

     (f) The areas of licensure for which the applicant will offer the program;

     (g) A description of the program, which must include, without limitation:

          (1) The way in which the elements of the program will comply with the requirements of this chapter and chapter 391 of NRS;

          (2) The application and review process for persons to enroll in the program, including, without limitation, a copy of all forms that will be used in the process; and

          (3) The supervised, school-based experiences the applicant will provide as required by NRS 391.019, including, without limitation:

               (I) The name of each school and school district that will participate in the supervised, school-based experience;

               (II) The length of time for which a student will be required to participate in the supervised, school-based experience, including, without limitation, any orientation that the student must complete;

               (III) The manner by which students will be mentored by a postprobationary teacher and evaluated during the supervised, school-based experience;

               (IV) How the supervised, school-based experience will promote the effectiveness of teachers; and

               (V) A copy of all forms that will be used for the supervised, school-based experience process;

     (h) A list of all staff members for the program, the roles and responsibilities of each person and his or her credentials;

     (i) A statement of the estimated time it will take a student enrolled in the program to complete the program, which must allow for completion of the program within 2 years but not more than 3 years;

     (j) A description of the manner by which the applicant will evaluate the success or failure of each student enrolled in the program and track the progress of each such student, including a copy of all forms that will be used for the evaluation and tracking;

     (k) A description of how the applicant will evaluate the success of the program, which must include the information required for the evaluation pursuant to NRS 391.039; and

     (l) Any other information required by the Department or the Commission.

     2.  Upon receipt of an application for approval as a qualified provider pursuant to subsection 1, the Commission will appoint a review team to review the application consisting of:

     (a) Two members of the Commission selected by the Commission;

     (b) The Secretary to the Commission; and

     (c) Two employees of the Department selected by the Secretary to the Commission.

     3.  The review team shall:

     (a) Examine the application;

     (b) Determine whether to recommend that the Commission grant its approval of the application; and

     (c) Submit its recommendation to the Commission.

     4.  The Commission will review the recommendation of the review team submitted pursuant to subsection 3 and provide to the applicant written notice of its approval or denial. The Commission may grant provisional approval to an applicant pursuant to subsection 5. If the Commission denies an application, the applicant may correct any deficiencies identified in the notice of denial and resubmit the application for review by the Commission.

     5.  If the Commission grants an applicant provisional approval, the applicant may offer the program for an alternative route to licensure described in the application for the period prescribed by the Commission. The applicant must remove all the provisions under which the approval was issued before the expiration of the provisional approval. If the applicant removes the provisions within the prescribed time, the Commission will grant nonprovisional approval to the applicant as a qualified provider. Provisional approval is valid for 2 years after the date on which the Commission granted provisional approval. If an applicant does not remove all the provisions within the prescribed time, the provisional approval is automatically revoked.

     6.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, if an applicant is approved as a qualified provider pursuant to this section, the approval is valid for 2 years after the date of approval. To continue the approval, the qualified provider must submit an application for renewal before the expiration of the approval to the Commission on a form prescribed by the Department. If the application for renewal is approved by the Commission, the renewal is valid for 2 years after the date of the approval.

     7.  If a qualified provider intends to offer a program for an alternative route to licensure for an area of licensure that is different from the area of licensure for which the qualified provider has been approved, the qualified provider must submit a new application pursuant to subsection 1 to offer a program for an alternative route to licensure for that area of licensure.

     8.  Each qualified provider must be evaluated on an annual basis pursuant to NRS 391.039. The Department shall:

     (a) Present the results of the evaluation to the Commission; and

     (b) After the results have been presented to the Commission, post the evaluation on the Department’s Internet website.

     9.  Each qualified provider shall cooperate with the Commission and the Department in the evaluation of the effectiveness of this section and NAC 391.057.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R115-11, eff. 10-4-2013; A by R124-17, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.463  Revocation of approval of qualified provider: Notification of intent; requirements of exit plan. (NRS 391.019)

     1.  The Commission may revoke its approval of a qualified provider if the Commission determines that the program for an alternative route to licensure offered by the qualified provider does not meet the applicable requirements of this chapter or chapter 391 of NRS.

     2.  Before the Commission revokes its approval of a qualified provider, the Commission will notify the qualified provider of its intent to revoke approval. The notice must include the specific reasons upon which the Commission is basing its decision. Not later than 30 days after the date on which the qualified provider receives the notice, the qualified provider may submit a written response to the Commission which sets forth the reasons why approval should not be revoked. The Commission will review the notice and any response submitted by the qualified provider and will determine whether to:

     (a) Revoke the approval of the qualified provider;

     (b) Allow the qualified provider to continue providing the program for an alternative route to licensure if certain enumerated conditions are met; or

     (c) Allow the continued approval of the qualified provider without conditions.

     3.  If the Commission revokes its approval of a qualified provider, the qualified provider must provide an exit plan which includes, without limitation, a description of how the qualified provider will assist students enrolled in the program for an alternative route to licensure in completing another program with a different qualified provider at no cost to the student.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R115-11, eff. 10-4-2013)

      NAC 391.465  Approval and publication by Commission of programs offered in another state. (NRS 391.019, 391.021, 391.032)  The Commission will prepare and publish a list of programs for an alternative route to licensure offered in another state that have been approved by the Commission for the purposes of issuing a renewable license pursuant to NAC 391.470.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R048-09, eff. 11-25-2009; A by R115-11, 10-4-2013)

      NAC 391.470  Qualifications for issuance of renewable teaching license to persons who complete program offered in another state. (NRS 391.019, 391.021, 391.032)  The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall issue a renewable license to teach pupils in prekindergarten through grade 12 to a person who submits an application which is accompanied by proof satisfactory to the Superintendent that the applicant:

     1.  Holds a bachelor’s degree from a postsecondary institution that is regionally accredited;

     2.  Passed the competency test in basic reading, writing and mathematics that is required by NAC 391.036 or is eligible for an exemption from that test;

     3.  Passed the competency test in the principles and methods of teaching that is required by NAC 391.036 or is eligible for an exemption from that test;

     4.  Passed the competency test in the subject matter of the initial area of endorsement on the license or the area of endorsement necessary for the applicant’s area of assignment that is required by NAC 391.036 or is eligible for an exemption from that test;

     5.  Successfully completed, in another state, a program for an alternative route to licensure that has been approved by the Commission pursuant to NAC 391.465; and

     6.  Holds a renewable license in good standing to teach in the state in which the program for an alternative route to licensure was completed or previously held a renewable license in good standing to teach in that state.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R048-09, eff. 11-25-2009; A by R115-11, 10-4-2013)


      NAC 391.480  Submission of notification of arrest to Department; form; requirements; updates or amendments to form; maintenance and monitoring of file; documents sent to licensed employee; exemption from notification. (NRS 391.055)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 6, not later than 15 calendar days after receiving notification or obtaining knowledge of the arrest of a licensed employee pursuant to the policy adopted by the board of trustees of the school district or the governing body of the charter school, as applicable, pursuant to NRS 391.056 the superintendent of schools of the school district or the administrative head of the charter school, as applicable, must submit notification of the arrest of the licensed employee to the Department on a form prescribed by the Department.

     2.  The form prescribed by the Department for notification pursuant to subsection 1 must require the superintendent of schools of a school district or the administrative head of a charter school, as applicable, to provide:

     (a) The act for which the licensed employee was arrested.

     (b) The date on which the licensed employee was arrested.

     (c) The alleged crime for which the licensed employee was arrested.

     (d) If a charge has been filed against the licensed employee, each charge against the licensed employee, the date on which the charging document was filed, the name and address of the court in which the charging document was filed and the case number assigned by the court.

     (e) Whether the alleged crime for which the licensed employee was arrested may be grounds for suspension or revocation of the license of the licensed employee pursuant to NRS 391.330 and, if so, the grounds for the suspension or revocation of the license.

     (f) Whether the board of trustees of the school district or the governing body of the charter school recommends the suspension or revocation of the license of the licensed employee.

     (g) Whether the victim of the alleged crime for which the licensed employee was arrested was a minor or a pupil enrolled at any public school or private school in this State.

     (h) Each action, if any, taken against the licensed employee by the school district or charter school after the arrest of the licensed employee.

     (i) If the licensed employee is convicted of a crime, the crime for which he or she was convicted.

     (j) If a charge against the licensed employee is resolved without a conviction, details of the resolution of the charge.

     3.  The superintendent of schools of a school district or the administrative head of a charter school, as applicable, must include in the initial form submitted pursuant to subsection 1 any information required by the form that is available to the superintendent or administrative head at the time the form is submitted. The superintendent or administrative head, as applicable:

     (a) May update or amend a form submitted pursuant to subsection 1 as necessary.

     (b) Not later than 15 calendar days after receiving notification or obtaining knowledge of any information required by subsection 2 that has not been submitted to the Department, shall update the form to include that information.

     4.  Upon receipt of an initial form pursuant to subsection 1, the Department will create, maintain and monitor a file concerning the licensed employee for whom the notification was received that is separate from the permanent license record of the licensed employee. Upon receipt of an update or amendment of the form pursuant to subsection 3, the Department will update the file maintained pursuant to this subsection.

     5.  Not later than 15 calendar days after receiving an initial form pursuant to subsection 1 or an update or amendment of the form pursuant to subsection 3, the Department will send by certified mail a copy of the form and any supporting documentation to the licensed employee named on the form. Not later than 15 calendar days after receiving a copy of the form and any supporting documentation pursuant to this subsection, the licensed employee may submit a written response to the information to the Department.

     6.  The superintendent of schools of a school district or the administrative head of a charter school, as applicable, is not required to submit the form required by subsection 1 if the violation or crime for which a licensed employee is arrested is:

     (a) A traffic violation punishable as a misdemeanor in this State, other than driving under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or controlled substance as provided in NRS 484C.110; or

     (b) Any other misdemeanor that does not involve a minor.

     7.  As used in this section:

     (a) “Arrest” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 391.053.

     (b) “License” means a license issued pursuant to chapter 391 of NRS.

     (c) “Licensed employee” means an employee of a school district or charter school who is licensed pursuant to chapter 391 of NRS.

     (d) “Minor” means a person who is under 18 years of age.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Education by R031-14, eff. 10-24-2014; A by R011-18, 6-26-2018)

      NAC 391.485  Confidentiality of certain documents. (NRS 391.055)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Department will keep confidential all information and documents maintained by the Department pursuant to NAC 391.480.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided by law, the Department will not keep confidential any information or documents maintained by the Department pursuant to NAC 391.480 if the information or documents are:

     (a) Court records deemed by law to be public records, including, without limitation, arrest reports, charging documents, plea agreements, judgments of conviction or any documentation of the final resolution of a case.

     (b) Documents that are presented to the Board in connection with the suspension or revocation of a license issued pursuant to chapter 391 of NRS.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Education by R031-14, eff. 10-24-2014)


      NAC 391.500  Recommendation to Board for suspension or revocation; findings of board of trustees to accept or reject hearing officer’s recommendation; complaint for failure to comply with contract. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.355)

     1.  Any recommendation for the suspension or revocation of the state license of a teacher, administrator or other holder and the charge which supports the recommendation must be made to the State Board of Education.

     2.  Such a charge and recommendation may be made by the board of trustees of a school district or, unless the case is governed by NRS 391.350, by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

     3.  The board of trustees of a school district may recommend the suspension or revocation of the license of a person who has been dismissed or refused reemployment as a teacher or administrator only after the person has been afforded an opportunity for a hearing before a hearing officer pursuant to NRS 391.650 to 391.820, inclusive.

     4.  At any meeting in which a board of trustees of a school district decides to accept or reject a hearing officer’s recommendation to dismiss or not reemploy the holder of a license, the board shall enter its findings regarding the existence of any cause for revocation or suspension of the holder’s license and shall decide whether to recommend suspension or revocation of the license to the State Board of Education.

     5.  The board of trustees of a school district may make a formal complaint to the State Board of Education concerning a teacher, administrator or other holder of a license who has failed to comply with his or her contract and may recommend the suspension or revocation of his or her license even though the board of trustees has not conducted a proceeding to dismiss him or her from employment or prevent his or her reemployment.

     [Bd. of Education, Certificate Reg. §§ 2 & 3, eff. 10-16-80]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91)

      NAC 391.503  Failure of holder of license to pay fee imposed by American Arbitration Association for hearing officer. (NRS 385.080, 391.355)  If the holder of a license who requests a hearing before a hearing officer pursuant to NRS 391.322 does not pay the fee imposed by the American Arbitration Association within 45 days after requesting the hearing, his or her request for a hearing shall be deemed withdrawn.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 11-17-95)

      NAC 391.507  Answer; time to submit. (NRS 385.080, 391.355)  Not later than 10 days after a hearing officer is selected pursuant to NRS 391.322, the holder of the license shall submit to the hearing officer an answer to the allegations set forth in the recommendation for the suspension or revocation of his or her license which was submitted to the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 11-17-95)

      NAC 391.509  Modification of limitations of time. (NRS 385.080, 391.355)

     1.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction and the holder of a license may agree to modify any limitation of time imposed pursuant to NAC 391.500 to 391.555, inclusive.

     2.  A hearing officer may extend any limitation of time imposed pursuant to NAC 391.500 to 391.555, inclusive, if he or she determines that the extension is appropriate. As soon as practicable after the hearing officer extends a limitation of time pursuant to this subsection, the hearing officer shall notify the parties, in writing, of the extension and the reason therefor.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 11-17-95)

      NAC 391.513  Hearing: Communication of parties with hearing officer and staff of hearing officer. (NRS 385.080, 391.355)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, each party to a hearing before a hearing officer on the suspension or revocation of a license shall not communicate with the hearing officer, except during the hearing, without the approval of the hearing officer and all other parties.

     2.  Any communication which is approved pursuant to subsection 1 must be submitted to the American Arbitration Association for transmittal to the hearing officer.

     3.  A party may communicate with a member of the staff of the hearing officer concerning any limitation of time applicable to the hearing.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 11-17-95)

      NAC 391.515  Hearing: Location; notification of time and location. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.355)

     1.  A hearing before a hearing officer on the suspension or revocation of a license must be held:

     (a) At a location agreed upon by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the holder of the license; or

     (b) At a convenient location determined by the hearing officer if the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the holder of the license are unable to agree on a location for the hearing.

     2.  The hearing officer shall notify the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the holder of the license, in writing, of the time and location of the hearing not less than 10 days before the hearing.

     [Bd. of Education, Certificate Reg. § 7, eff. 10-16-80]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; A by Bd. of Education, 11-17-95)

      NAC 391.520  Hearing: Purpose; presentation of evidence; recordings and transcripts; responsibility for expenses. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.355)

     1.  The hearing before the hearing officer is held to determine whether a cause for the suspension or revocation of the license exists.

     2.  The holder of the license and the Superintendent of Public Instruction are entitled to be heard, to be represented by counsel and to call witnesses in their behalf. The parties may offer any evidence which is relevant and material to the matter and shall produce such additional evidence as the hearing officer may require for a determination of the matter.

     3.  The hearing must be recorded on audiotape or any other means of sound reproduction. If requested by the hearing officer or any party, an official transcript must be made. If a transcript is requested by a party, the party shall ensure that the transcript is prepared and pay the cost of preparing the transcript. Any other party is entitled to a copy of the transcript upon the payment of a fee which is not more than the cost of preparing the transcript. The hearing officer is entitled to receive a copy of the transcript at no charge. If the transcript is requested by the hearing officer, the parties are equally responsible for the cost of preparing the transcript.

     4.  Unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties, the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the holder of the license are equally responsible for the expense and salary of the hearing officer.

     5.  The expenses of a witness who testifies at the hearing must be paid by the party who requested the witness to testify at the hearing.

     [Bd. of Education, Certificate Reg. § 8, eff. 10-16-80]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; A by Bd. of Education, 11-17-95)

      NAC 391.525  Hearing: Service of papers; proof of service. (NRS 385.080, 391.355)  All papers submitted by a party to the hearing officer must have been served on all other parties and proof of that service must be filed with the hearing officer.

     [Bd. of Education, Certificate Reg. § 19, eff. 10-16-80]

      NAC 391.530  Hearing: Postponement; failure to appear. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.355)

     1.  The hearing officer may, upon his or her own motion or at the request of any party to the hearing, postpone the hearing until a date which is not later than the date on which the hearing must be held pursuant to NRS 391.323. If the parties agree to postpone the hearing, the hearing officer shall postpone the hearing until the date prescribed by the parties except that the hearing must be held not later than the date required pursuant to NRS 391.323.

     2.  If the holder of the license fails to appear at the scheduled hearing and has not provided a valid excuse for the failure, the hearing officer shall vacate the hearing with prejudice. The hearing officer shall note the failure to appear in the record and in his or her report to the State Board of Education.

     [Bd. of Education, Certificate Reg. § 9, eff. 10-16-80]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91; A by Bd. of Education, 11-17-95)

      NAC 391.535  Hearing: Order of presentation of statements, evidence and arguments. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.355)  Statements, evidence and arguments are normally received in the following order, but the hearing officer may modify the order:

     1.  Opening statement by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

     2.  Opening statement by the holder of the license.

     3.  Evidence by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

     4.  Evidence by the holder of the license.

     5.  Rebuttal evidence by the Superintendent.

     6.  Surrebuttal evidence by the holder.

     7.  Closing argument by the Superintendent.

     8.  Closing argument by the holder.

     9.  Rebuttal argument by the Superintendent.

     [Bd. of Education, Certificate Reg. § 12, eff. 10-16-80]—(NAC A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education, 11-4-91)

      NAC 391.540  Hearing: Depositions of witnesses. (NRS 385.080, 391.355)  The hearing officer or any party to the proceeding may take depositions of witnesses in any manner prescribed by part V of the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure.

     [Bd. of Education, Certificate Reg. § 16, eff. 10-16-80]

      NAC 391.545  Hearing: Conduct of participants; rules of evidence; witnesses; affidavits; exhibits; stipulations; briefs. (NRS 385.080, 391.355)

     1.  All participants in the hearing shall conduct themselves in a respectful manner.

     2.  Before the hearing, the parties must exchange copies of any evidence that will be submitted as exhibits during the hearing. Not less than 5 days before the hearing, each party shall provide to the hearing officer and all other parties the name of each witness who will testify at the hearing and a summary of his or her anticipated testimony.

     3.  The technical rules of evidence do not apply and formal exceptions to the hearing officer’s rulings are not necessary. The ground on which a party relies for an objection to or an exclusion of evidence must be briefly stated. Any offer of proof for the record must include a statement of the substance of the evidence to which objection has been sustained. The decision by the hearing officer on the admissibility of evidence is a final administrative action.

     4.  An affidavit may be admitted as evidence in lieu of oral testimony if the information contained in the affidavit is admissible.

     5.  Exhibits introduced into evidence by the Superintendent of Public Instruction must be identified numerically in the order in which the exhibits are entered into evidence. The exhibits introduced into evidence by the holder of the license must be identified alphabetically in the order in which they are introduced into evidence.

     6.  The hearing officer may, upon the motion of a party, order a witness, other than a party to the hearing, to be excluded from the hearing to prevent that witness from hearing the testimony of another witness at the hearing.

     7.  The hearing officer may approve or reject any stipulation of fact offered by the parties at the hearing, including any written stipulation introduced into evidence as an exhibit or any stipulation in the form of an oral statement. A stipulation is binding on all parties to it and may be regarded by the hearing officer as evidence. The hearing officer may require additional proof by evidence of the facts stipulated.

     8.  The hearing officer may require the parties to submit briefs on any contested issues of law or fact. If the hearing officer requires the parties to submit briefs, he or she shall not conclude the hearing until after the briefs are required to be submitted.

     [Bd. of Education, Certificate Reg. §§ 10 & 11, 13-15 & 18, eff. 10-16-80]—(NAC A 11-17-95)

      NAC 391.550  Hearing: Continuances. (NRS 385.080, 391.355)  Upon a proper showing made before or during a hearing, the hearing officer may grant a continuance of the hearing to enable a party to submit additional proof of any fact.

     [Bd. of Education, Certificate Reg. § 17, eff. 10-16-80]

      NAC 391.555  Option of holder to appear before Board. (NRS 385.080, 391.355)  Whether or not the holder of the certificate chooses to participate in a hearing before a hearing officer, as provided for in NAC 391.500 to 391.555, inclusive, the holder may appear before the State Board of Education at the time and place scheduled for action on his or her certificate. The holder may then present and argue any facts which would mitigate or excuse him or her from the penalty the Board might impose.

     [Bd. of Education, Certificate Reg. § 20, eff. 10-16-80]


      NAC 391.556  Adoption by reference of Model Core Teaching Standards: A Resource for State Dialogue. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.037, 391.038)

     1.  The Model Core Teaching Standards: A Resource for State Dialogue developed by the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium are hereby adopted by reference.

     2.  A copy of the Model Core Teaching Standards: A Resource for State Dialogue may be obtained free of charge from the Council of Chief State School Officers, One Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20001-1431.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R008-03, eff. 10-30-2003; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R028-11, 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.557  Requirements for application for approval of course; development and maintenance of manual by Department to provide assistance. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.037, 391.038)

     1.  An institution which wishes to offer a course of study and training for the education of teachers or other educational personnel which is designed to provide the education required for the issuance of an elementary, secondary or special license, a license to teach special education or a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education, renewal of such a license or an endorsement in a field of specialization must file with the Superintendent of Public Instruction, at least 180 calendar days before the first date of instruction, an application for approval of the course of study and training. The application must include:

     (a) The name and location of the institution;

     (b) A copy of the articles of incorporation or charter for the institution;

     (c) Proof of the financial solvency of the institution, including financial resources available to the institution in this State;

     (d) If the institution is accredited, as that term is defined in NRS 394.006, information concerning the accreditation;

     (e) The proposed operating budget for the course of study and training;

     (f) A description of the governance of the institution, including the name of the chief administrative officer of the institution, and the system established for accountability of the course of study and training at the institution;

     (g) A description of the course of study and training, including:

          (1) If the course is designed for teachers:

               (I) A description of the course’s compliance with the standards for new teachers developed by the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium, as set forth in the Model Core Teaching Standards: A Resource for State Dialogue adopted pursuant to NAC 391.556; and

               (II) Documentation which verifies that the course uses a performance-based assessment of its candidates;

          (2) If the course is designed for educational personnel other than teachers, a description of the course’s compliance with the standards established by a nationally recognized association for the professional specialization for which the applicant seeks the approval of the Board; and

          (3) If applicable, a description of the course’s compliance with subsection 9 of NAC 391.558;

     (h) The qualifications a person must hold to provide instruction for the course of study and training;

     (i) The proposed course work for the course of study and training;

     (j) A written statement that describes the manner in which the course of study and training addresses the standards of content and performance established by the Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools pursuant to NRS 389.520; and

     (k) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, a written assessment plan that describes the:

          (1) Conceptual framework for the course of study and training;

          (2) Knowledge and skills that a student who is enrolled in the course of study and training must demonstrate;

          (3) Manner by which the course of study and training will be assessed and evaluated;

          (4) Field experience and clinical practice offered by the course of study and training;

          (5) Diversity of the population of students who participate in the course of study and training; and

          (6) Performance and development of the faculty who provide instruction for the course of study and training.

Ê If an institution is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, the institution may submit written proof of such accreditation in lieu of the written assessment plan required by this paragraph.

     2.  Upon receipt of an application for approval of a course of study and training which is designed to provide the education required for issuance of an elementary, secondary or special license, a license to teach special education or a license to teach pupils in a program of childhood education, renewal of such a license or an endorsement in a field of specialization, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall notify the Board that an application has been received.

     3.  The Department shall develop a manual that:

     (a) Assists in the development of a written assessment plan required by paragraph (k) of subsection 1;

     (b) Describes the process for approval of a course of study and training; and

     (c) Includes:

          (1) The procedures acceptable to the Department to assess the results of students in a course of study and training based upon the standards developed by the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium, as set forth in the Model Core Teaching Standards: A Resource for State Dialogue adopted pursuant to NAC 391.556;

          (2) The standards of nationally recognized professional associations of educational personnel other than teachers, as applicable; and

          (3) The program standards adopted by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.

Ê The Department shall maintain a copy of the manual and, upon the request of an institution, the Department shall provide a copy of the manual to the institution.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 7-19-96; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R023-00, 6-20-2000, eff. 7-1-2000; A by Bd. of Education by R008-03, 10-30-2003; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R028-11, 10-26-2011; R114-18, 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.558  Procedure and requirements for review of applications and approval of courses; provisional and final approval; denial, expiration and renewal of approval; review of course; annual reports by school district; fee. (NRS 385.080, 391.019, 391.037, 391.038)

     1.  The Board will appoint a review team to review each application received by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall submit to the Board a list of persons whom he or she recommends for membership on the review team. At least 2 months before the date of the visit required by subsection 5, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall send a list of his or her recommendations to the chief administrative officer of the institution that submitted the application. The list must include a description of the professional position, experience and areas of expertise of each person recommended by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. If the chief administrative officer has concerns about any of the persons recommended by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, he or she shall, within 30 days after receipt of the list, provide to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for transmittal to the Board a written response which describes the concerns. The Board will address the concerns of the chief administrative officer before it appoints members to the review team. Employees or other members of the institution shall not contact the persons recommended for membership on the review team before the Board formally appoints members to the team.

     2.  Upon receipt of the recommendations and a written response, if one has been provided by the chief administrative officer, the Board will appoint no more than seven members to the review team. The Board may, for good cause, refuse to appoint any of the persons recommended by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. If possible, members of the review team must reside in the area where the institution that submitted the application is located. The review team must include, but is not limited to:

     (a) One representative from a public educational institution in this State, other than the applicant, which offers a course of study and training for the education of teachers or other educational personnel;

     (b) One representative from a private educational institution in this State, other than the applicant, which offers a course of study and training for the education of teachers or other educational personnel;

     (c) At least one licensed teacher who has expertise in the course of study and training offered by the applicant;

     (d) At least one representative of a local school district;

     (e) One member of the Board; and

     (f) One member of the general public.

     3.  The review team shall:

     (a) Examine the application submitted; and

     (b) Decide whether to recommend that the Board grant provisional approval of the course of study and training.

     4.  If the Board grants provisional approval of a course of study and training, the applicant may offer the course of study and training to students pending final approval by the Board. Members of the general public who inquire about the status of the course of study and training must be informed that it has been provisionally approved and that final approval is pending.

     5.  If the Board grants provisional approval of a course of study and training, the review team shall, within 12 months after provisional approval has been granted, visit the site of instruction to verify the information provided by the institution pursuant to subsection 1 of NAC 391.557. The visit must not exceed 5 days.

     6.  Within 30 days after the visit, the chair of the review team shall send to the applicant a draft report which summarizes the results of the review conducted by the review team. Within 30 days after receipt of the draft report by the applicant, the applicant may file a reply to the draft report with the Superintendent of Public Instruction for transmittal to the Board and the review team which describes the resolution of any deficiencies in the application that were addressed in the draft report. If the applicant files a reply, the review team shall consider the reply in deciding whether to recommend approval of the course of study and training.

     7.  Within 60 days after the visit, the review team shall decide whether to recommend approval of the course of study and training and shall submit a final report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for transmittal to the Board. The final report must state whether the review team recommends approval of the course of study and training. Upon transmittal of the final report to the Board, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall inform the applicant of the recommendation of the review team. The review team shall recommend approval of the course of study and training if the applicant complies with the:

     (a) Requirements of NAC 391.557;

     (b) Standards developed by the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium, as set forth in the Model Core Teaching Standards: A Resource for State Dialogue adopted pursuant to NAC 391.556 and, as applicable, the standards developed by nationally recognized professional associations of educational personnel other than teachers; or

     (c) Program standards approved by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, if applicable.

     8.  Upon receipt of the final report, the Board will grant approval of the course of study and training if the applicant complies with the:

     (a) Requirements of NAC 391.557;

     (b) Standards developed by the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium, as set forth in the Model Core Teaching Standards: A Resource for State Dialogue adopted pursuant to NAC 391.556 and, as applicable, the standards developed by nationally recognized professional associations of educational personnel other than teachers; or

     (c) Program standards approved by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, if applicable.

Ê If the Board denies approval, the applicant may appear before the Board, and is entitled to a hearing and judicial review pursuant to subsection 5 of NRS 391.038.

     9.  In addition to the standards of approval set forth in subsections 7 and 8, the review team shall recommend approval of, and the Board will approve, a course of study and training for the education of teachers and other educational personnel for teaching in the secondary grades if:

     (a) Enrollment in the course of study and training is restricted to persons who hold a bachelor’s degree in a field recognized by the Commission pursuant to NAC 391.1301; and

     (b) The course of study and training includes course work described in paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.120 or subsection 2 of NAC 391.120.

     10.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 11, approval of a course of study and training pursuant to this section is valid for 7 years. During the 7-year period of approval, the institution shall, within 90 days, notify the Superintendent of Public Instruction of any changes in the information that it provided in its application pursuant to subsection 1 of NAC 391.557, except for a change in the information required by paragraph (e) of that subsection. Upon expiration of each 7-year period of approval, or during a regularly scheduled review of the institution by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction may recommend to the Board that approval of the course of study and training be renewed for an additional 7 years.

     11.  The Board may require a review of a course of study and training before the expiration of the 7-year period of approval if:

     (a) During 1 year, 10 or more students who are enrolled in the course of study and training take specialty or pedagogy competency tests, or both, that are required by this State and the percentage of those students who pass the tests on or after January 1, 2009, is less than 80 percent;

     (b) Pursuant to the information collected by the Department pursuant to subsection 12, the percentage of probationary licensed educational personnel employed by school districts in this State who completed the course of study and training and who are terminated from employment or who are not reemployed:

          (1) Before January 1, 2004, is 10 percent or greater for 1 year; and

          (2) On or after January 1, 2004, is 5 percent or greater for 1 year; or

     (c) The Board requests a review.

Ê Based upon a review conducted pursuant to this subsection, the Board may renew the approval of a course of study and training or revoke the approval of a course of study and training.

     12.  On or before July 1 of each year, each school district in this State shall report to the Department:

     (a) The number of probationary licensed educational personnel that the school district terminated from employment or did not reemploy for another school year; and

     (b) For each licensee who is reported pursuant to paragraph (a), the:

          (1) Subject area taught by the licensee, if applicable;

          (2) Educational institution that the licensee attended;

          (3) Course of study and training completed by the licensee; and

          (4) Reason that the school district terminated the licensee from employment or did not reemploy the licensee.

Ê Each school district shall report the information required by this subsection without disclosing the identity of an individual licensee or otherwise violating the confidentiality of a licensee.

     13.  The applicant shall pay to the Board a fee equal to:

     (a) The expenses incurred on behalf of the review team for preparation of the documentation required by this section; and

     (b) The travel expenses and per diem allowances to which the review team is entitled which are related to the visit of the site of instruction.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 7-19-96; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R023-00, 6-20-2000, eff. 7-1-2000; A by Bd. of Education by R008-03, 10-30-2003; R097-04, 8-25-2004; R012-09, 10-27-2009; A by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R018-11 & R028-11, 10-26-2011)

      NAC 391.560  Annual reports by institution; survey. (NRS 385.080, 391.037, 391.038)

     1.  On or before May 31 of each year, an institution that is approved pursuant to NAC 391.558 to offer a course of study and training for the education of teachers and other educational personnel shall submit an annual report to the Department that includes:

     (a) The annual institutional report submitted by the institution pursuant to Title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1021 et seq., if the institution is required to submit such a report pursuant to that federal law;

     (b) Information on the type of employment obtained by persons who have completed the course of study and training at the institution;

     (c) The results of the survey submitted by the institution pursuant to subsection 2; and

     (d) A plan for improvement of the institution based upon a review of the information contained in the annual institutional report submitted pursuant to paragraph (a), if applicable, and the results of the survey submitted pursuant to subsection 2.

     2.  The Department shall prescribe a form for a survey that includes an evaluation of a course of study and training for the education of teachers and other educational personnel. Each institution that is approved pursuant to NAC 391.558 to offer a course of study and training shall submit the survey prescribed by the Department to:

     (a) Persons who have completed the course of study and training upon their completion of the course of study and training; and

     (b) School districts, charter schools and private schools within this State that employ persons who have completed the course of study and training at the institution.

Ê The survey must be submitted annually at a time prescribed by the Department.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R097-04, eff. 8-25-2004)


      NAC 391.565  Definitions. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)  As used in NAC 391.565 to 391.589, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 391.566 to 391.570, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013)

      NAC 391.566  “Performance evaluation of school-level administrator” defined. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)  “Performance evaluation of school-level administrator” means the evaluation of the performance of a school-level administrator in accordance with NRS 391.700, 391.705, 391.710 and 391.715 to assign a performance evaluation rating of the school-level administrator.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013)

      NAC 391.567  “Performance evaluation of teacher” defined. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)  “Performance evaluation of teacher” means the evaluation of the performance of a teacher in accordance with NRS 391.680, 391.685, 391.690 and 391.695 to assign a performance evaluation rating of the teacher.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013)

      NAC 391.568  “Performance evaluation rating” defined. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)  “Performance evaluation rating” means the designation of the performance of a school-level administrator or teacher as “highly effective,” “effective,” “developing” or “ineffective” in accordance with the statewide performance evaluation system.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013; A by R037-18, 12-19-2018)

      NAC 391.569  “School-level administrator” defined. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)  “School-level administrator” means a person employed by a school district who provides primarily administrative services at the school level and who does not provide primarily direct instructional services to pupils, regardless of whether such a person is licensed as a teacher or administrator, including, without limitation, a principal and vice principal.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013)

      NAC 391.570  “Statewide performance evaluation system” defined. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)  “Statewide performance evaluation system” means the system for the performance evaluations of school-level administrators and the performance evaluations of teachers required by NRS 391.465.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013)

      NAC 391.571  Performance evaluation of school-level and probationary administrators: Required domains. (NRS 385.080, 391.465, 391.480)

     1.  The performance evaluation of each school-level administrator must include an evaluation of the school-level administrator in the following domains:

     (a) Instructional leadership practices of the administrator at the school, as prescribed by NAC 391.572, which, except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, must account for 45 percent of the performance evaluation;

     (b) Professional responsibilities of the administrator to support learning and promote the effectiveness of the school community, as prescribed by NAC 391.573, which, except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, must account for 15 percent of the performance evaluation; and

     (c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the extent to which the learning goals of pupils enrolled in the school were achieved based upon the assessments selected pursuant to NAC 391.582, which must account for 40 percent of the performance evaluation.

     2.  The performance evaluation of a probationary administrator, other than a postprobationary employee who is deemed a probationary employee pursuant to NRS 391.730, in his or her initial year of probationary employment must be based upon the domains of instructional leadership practices of the administrator at the school as prescribed by NAC 391.572 and professional responsibilities of the administrator to support learning and promote the effectiveness of the school community as prescribed by NAC 391.573, with the percentages and weights assigned to those domains in accordance with the scoring matrix prescribed by the Department pursuant to NAC 391.580.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013; A by R021-16, 11-2-2016, eff. 7-1-2017; R037-18, 12-19-2018)

      NAC 391.572  Performance evaluation of school-level administrator in domain of instructional leadership practices. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)  The performance evaluation of a school-level administrator in the domain of instructional leadership practices of the administrator at the school must include, without limitation, an evaluation of the school-level administrator in the following standards of performance, with each standard carrying the weight prescribed by the Department pursuant to NAC 391.580:

     1.  The school-level administrator creates and sustains a focus on learning at the school, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Engaging stakeholders in the development of a vision for obtaining high pupil achievement and college and career readiness for pupils and frequently reviewing and revising the vision when appropriate;

     (b) Holding teachers and pupils accountable for learning through regular monitoring of a range of performance data;

     (c) Structuring opportunities to engage teachers to reflect on their practice and take actions to improve pupil learning and support professional growth; and

     (d) Systematically supporting short-term and long-term planning for teachers to facilitate pupil learning through a variety of means.

     2.  The school-level administrator creates and sustains a culture of continuous improvement, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Setting clear expectations for the performance of teachers and pupils and creating a system for the consistent monitoring and follow-up of growth and development;

     (b) Supporting the development of teachers through quality observation, feedback, coaching and professional learning structures;

     (c) Gathering and analyzing data from multiple sources to monitor and evaluate the progress of the school toward established goals for learning that facilitate ongoing improvement; and

     (d) Operating with a belief that all children can achieve regardless of their race, perceived abilities or socioeconomic status.

     3.  The school-level administrator creates and sustains productive relationships, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Creating and maintaining a welcoming, respectful and caring environment that demonstrates an interest in the well-being of pupils, staff and the school community and creates a positive affective experience for such persons;

     (b) Providing opportunities for extended, productive discourse between the school-level administrator and teachers and among teachers to support the decision-making process at the school;

     (c) Structuring the school environment to facilitate collaboration between the school-level administrator and teachers and among teachers in a manner that supports the learning goals of the school; and

     (d) Creating and maintaining structures and processes to communicate and partner with teachers and the families of pupils in a manner that supports the learning goals of the school.

     4.  The school-level administrator creates and sustains structures to support an effective school, as demonstrated by the following indicators:  

     (a) Implementing systems and processes to align curriculum, instruction and assessment with state standards and standards for college and career readiness and frequently reviewing and revising those systems and processes when appropriate;

     (b) Developing systems and processes to implement a coherent and clearly articulated curriculum across the entire school and frequently reviewing and revising those systems and processes when appropriate; and

     (c) Allocating resources, including the organization of time, effectively to support and further the learning goals of the school.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013; A by R021-16, 11-2-2016)

      NAC 391.573  Performance evaluation of school-level administrator in domain of professional responsibilities. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)  The performance evaluation of a school-level administrator in the domain of professional responsibilities of the administrator to support learning and promote the effectiveness of the school community must include, without limitation, an evaluation of the school-level administrator in the following standards of performance, with each standard carrying the weight prescribed by the Department pursuant to NAC 391.580:

     1.  The school-level administrator effectively manages the personnel employed at the school, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Collecting high-quality observation data and other evidence of the practice of teachers in a fair and equitable manner and using the results of the performance evaluations of teachers to provide support to teachers and improve their performance;

     (b) Using available data, including the performance evaluations of teachers, to identify, recognize, support and retain teachers;

     (c) Supporting the development of leadership skills in teachers and providing leadership opportunities for teachers; and

     (d) Complying with the requirements of the statewide performance evaluation system and any expectations specified in policies adopted pursuant thereto.

     2.  The school-level administrator engages in self-reflection and professional growth, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Seeking feedback from colleagues and staff and using a variety of data and information to self-reflect upon his or her practice;

     (b) Seeking opportunities to increase his or her professional knowledge to remain current on educational research and evidence-based practices; and

     (c) Pursuing professional learning opportunities that are aligned with his or her professional responsibilities to improve his or her instructional leadership across the school community.

     3.  The school-level administrator meets professional obligations, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Modeling and advocating for fair, equitable and appropriate treatment of all personnel employed at the school, pupils and the families of pupils;

     (b) Modeling integrity in all interactions with colleagues and staff, pupils, the families of pupils and the community;

     (c) Respecting the rights of personnel employed at the school, pupils and the families of pupils with regard to confidentiality, when appropriate, and engaging in honest interaction with and treating such persons with dignity; and

     (d) Following policies, regulations and procedures applicable to his or her role and responsibilities as a school-level administrator.

     4.  The school-level administrator engages the families of pupils and the community, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Involving the families of pupils and the community in appropriate policy implementation, program planning and assessments;

     (b) Involving the families of pupils and the community in accomplishing the goals of the school set forth in the vision developed pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.572 and school improvement efforts; and

     (c) When appropriate, connecting pupils and the families of pupils with available educational, health and social services.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013; A by R021-16, 11-2-2016)

      NAC 391.574  Performance evaluation of teacher: Required domains. (NRS 385.080, 391.465, 391.480)

     1.  The performance evaluation of each teacher must include an evaluation of the teacher in the following domains:

     (a) Instructional practices of the teacher in the classroom, as prescribed by NAC 391.575, which, except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, must account for 45 percent of the performance evaluation;

     (b) Professional responsibilities of the teacher to support learning and promote the effectiveness of the school community, as prescribed by NAC 391.576, which, except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, must account for 15 percent of the performance evaluation; and

     (c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the extent to which the learning goals of pupils enrolled in the school were achieved based upon the assessments selected pursuant to NAC 391.582, which must account for 40 percent of the performance evaluation.

     2.  The performance evaluation of a probationary teacher, other than a postprobationary employee who is deemed a probationary employee pursuant to NRS 391.730, in his or her initial year of probationary employment must be based upon the domains of instructional practices of the teacher in the classroom as prescribed by NAC 391.575 and professional responsibilities of the teacher to support learning and promote the effectiveness of the school community as prescribed by NAC 391.576, with the percentages and weights assigned to those domains in accordance with the scoring matrix prescribed by the Department pursuant to NAC 391.580.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013; A by R021-16, 11-2-2016, eff. 7-1-2017; R037-18, 12-19-2018)

      NAC 391.575  Performance evaluation of teacher in domain of instructional practices. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)  The performance evaluation of a teacher in the domain of instructional practices of the teacher in the classroom must include, without limitation, an evaluation of the teacher in the following standards of performance, with each standard carrying the weight prescribed by the Department pursuant to NAC 391.580:

     1.  The teacher ensures that new learning is connected to the prior learning and experience of all pupils, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Activating the initial understanding of all pupils and applying that existing understanding to new concepts and skills;

     (b) Making explicit connections for all pupils between new concepts and skills and previously learned concepts and skills;

     (c) Making clear to all pupils the purpose and relevance of new concepts and skills; and

     (d) Providing all pupils with opportunities to build on or challenge their initial understanding of concepts and skills.

     2.  The teacher ensures that tasks are based upon high cognitive demands for pupils with diverse abilities, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Purposefully employing the cognitive abilities and skills of all pupils;

     (b) Placing appropriate demands on all pupils;

     (c) Progressively developing the cognitive abilities and skills of all pupils; and

     (d) Operating with a belief that all children can achieve regardless of their race, perceived abilities or socioeconomic status.

     3.  The teacher ensures that all pupils engage in the act of learning, constructing understandings for themselves, through discourse and other strategies, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Providing opportunities for extended, productive discourse between the teacher and all pupils and among pupils;

     (b) Providing opportunities for all pupils to create and interpret multiple representations;

     (c) Assisting all pupils to use existing knowledge and prior experience to make connections and recognize relationships among new concepts and skills; and

     (d) Structuring the classroom environment to enable collaboration among pupils and participation by all pupils, and to create a positive affective experience for all pupils.

     4.  The teacher ensures that all pupils engage in metacognitive activity to increase understanding of and accept responsibility for their own learning, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Imparting an understanding to pupils of the skills and concepts being taught, the reasons each skill or concept is being presented and the methods for a pupil to assess whether he or she has learned each skill or concept presented;

     (b) Structuring opportunities for self-monitored learning for all pupils; and

     (c) Supporting all pupils to take actions to improve their abilities based on the self-monitoring described in paragraph (b).

     5.  The teacher integrates assessment into instruction, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Planning ongoing learning opportunities for all pupils based upon evidence of their current learning status;

     (b) Aligning assessment opportunities with learning goals and performance criteria;

     (c) Structuring opportunities to generate evidence that all pupils are learning each skill and concept being presented during a lesson; and

     (d) Adapting his or her actions in the classroom based on the evidence described in paragraph (c).

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013; A by R021-16, 11-2-2016)

      NAC 391.576  Performance evaluation of teacher in domain of professional responsibilities. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)  The performance evaluation of a teacher in the domain of professional responsibilities of the teacher to support learning and promote the effectiveness of the school community must include, without limitation, an evaluation of the teacher in the following standards of performance, with each standard carrying the weight prescribed by the Department pursuant to NAC 391.580:

     1.  The teacher demonstrates commitment to the school community, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Taking an active role on his or her instructional team and collaborating with colleagues to improve the instruction of all pupils;

     (b) Taking an active role in developing a professional culture that supports the initiatives of the school and the initiatives of the school district; and

     (c) Taking an active role in cultivating a safe, learning-centered school culture and community that maintains high expectations for all pupils.

     2.  The teacher engages in self-reflection to foster professional growth and practice, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Seeking feedback from instructional leaders and colleagues and using a variety of data to reflect on his or her practice;

     (b) Pursuing professional learning opportunities that are aligned with his or her role and responsibilities as a teacher to support improved instructional practice across the school community; and

     (c) Taking an active role in mentoring colleagues and pursuing leadership opportunities.

     3.  The teacher meets professional obligations, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Modeling and advocating for fair, equitable and appropriate treatment of all pupils and the families of pupils;

     (b) Modeling integrity in interactions with colleagues, pupils, the families of pupils and the community; and

     (c) Following policies, regulations and procedures specific to his or her role and responsibilities as a teacher.

     4.  The teacher engages the families of pupils, as demonstrated by the following indicators:

     (a) Regularly facilitating two-way communication between the teacher and the families of pupils, including, without limitation:

          (1) Using available tools that are responsive to the language needs of the families of pupils;

          (2) Responding to requests for information made by the families of pupils; and

          (3) Providing information regarding the goals of instruction and the progress of a pupil toward meeting such goals upon request.

     (b) Valuing, respecting and welcoming pupils from diverse cultural backgrounds and the families of such pupils by treating them as valuable assets to pupil learning.

     (c) Informing pupils and the families of pupils of available educational, health and social services and connecting the pupils and families of pupils with those services in response to their needs.

     5.  The teacher assists pupils in learning, creates a safe and supportive learning environment and demonstrates that he or she cares about pupils and their goals and interests. The data for these indicators must be measured by the reports of the teacher’s pupils as demonstrated by pupils reporting that the teacher:

     (a) Helps them learn;

     (b) Creates a safe and supportive learning environment; and

     (c) Cares about them as individuals and their goals and interests.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013; A by R021-16, 11-2-2016)

      NAC 391.577  Performance evaluations of school-level administrators in domains of instructional leadership practices and professional responsibilities and of teachers in domains of instructional practices and professional responsibilities to be measured upon certain methods: Observations of performance; review of evidence; self-assessment; effectiveness in improving pupil performance. (NRS 385.080, 391.465, 391.480)

     1.  The performance evaluations of school-level administrators in the standards for the domain of instructional leadership practices and standards for the domain of professional responsibilities and the performance evaluations of teachers in the standards for the domain of instructional practices and the domain of professional responsibilities must be measured using the following methods:

     (a) Observations of performance in accordance with the scheduled observation cycles prescribed by NRS 391.685, 391.690, 391.705 or 391.710, as applicable.

     (b) Review of evidence applicable to the performance of the school-level administrator or teacher, which may include:

          (1) Documents;

          (2) Photographs;

          (3) Policies and procedures;

          (4) Certificates and transcripts;

          (5) Audio and video media;

          (6) Data, reports, plans, logs, evaluations, surveys, journals, portfolios and other examples of work, newsletters and written communications; or

          (7) Other tangible demonstrations of the performance of the school-level administrator or teacher, as applicable,

Ê or any combination thereof.

     (c) Self-assessment, which may include:

          (1) Guided reflection, which involves the school-level administrator or teacher, as applicable, engaging in dialogue with a supervisor or peers through facilitated and structured self-inquiry and critical analysis of the practice and experience of the school-level administrator or teacher, as applicable;

          (2) Self-assessment questionnaires;

          (3) Feedback from peers and pupils;

          (4) Journals; or

          (5) Media recordings of the school-level administrator or teacher, as applicable,

Ê or any combination thereof.

     (d) Evaluation of the effectiveness of the school-level administrator or teacher in improving the performance of pupils through the setting of goals in collaboration with the supervisor of the school-level administrator or teacher, which includes, without limitation:

          (1) Developing specific and measurable annual goals for improvement for the school-level administrator or teacher;

          (2) Monitoring the progress made toward each goal for improvement for the school-level administrator or teacher and assessing such progress for a specific period of time;

          (3) Creating, implementing and making adjustments to strategies for improvement for the school-level administrator or teacher based upon the progress made; and

          (4) Developing learning goals for pupils pursuant to NRS 391.480, which must include, without limitation, an identification of:

               (I) Each group of pupils for whom a learning goal is established;

               (II) The standards and content taught to each such group of pupils;

               (III) Each assessment used to determine the extent to which the learning goals of such pupils were achieved; and

               (IV) Targets for the performance of each group of pupils and a rationale for each target.

     2.  Each assessment identified pursuant to sub-subparagraph (III) of subparagraph (4) of paragraph (d) of subsection 1 must satisfy the requirements of NAC 391.582.

     3.  When developing the learning goals for pupils pursuant to subparagraph (4) of paragraph (d) of subsection 1, the characteristics and attributes of the pupils of the school-level administrator or teacher must be considered.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013; A by R088-18, 10-25-2018)

      NAC 391.579  Evaluation tools for conducting performance evaluations; application for flexibility to use different evaluation tools; access to evaluation tools by school level administrator and teacher. (NRS 385.080, 391.465, 391.480)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, each school district shall use the evaluation tools prescribed by the Department for conducting the performance evaluations of school-level administrators and the performance evaluations of teachers. The Department shall prescribe such evaluation tools, including, without limitation:

     (a) Rubrics for specifying expectations of performance which are measured during the observations of performance required by NRS 391.685, 391.690, 391.705 and 391.710, as applicable, and in the review of artifacts pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.577;

     (b) Protocols to guide and score each observation in accordance with the scheduled observation cycles required by NRS 391.685, 391.690, 391.705 and 391.710, as applicable;

     (c) Protocols to guide pre- and post-observation conferences;

     (d) Protocols to guide pre- and post-evaluation conferences;

     (e) Instruments and techniques to assist the person being evaluated with self-assessment as described in paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.577; and

     (f) Protocols to guide the person being evaluated with setting goals as described in paragraph (d) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.577.

     2.  A school district may apply to the Department for flexibility to use evaluation tools in conducting the performance evaluations of school-level administrators and the performance evaluations of teachers that are different than the evaluation tools prescribed by the Department pursuant to subsection 1. The application must be on a form prescribed by the Department and include, without limitation:

     (a) The evaluation tools proposed for use by the school district, which must align with the standards and indicators for each domain prescribed by NAC 391.571 and 391.574; and

     (b) The process that will be used to incorporate into the scoring matrix prescribed by the Department pursuant to NAC 391.580 the scores derived from the school district’s measures of standards and indicators for each domain prescribed by NAC 391.571 and 391.574.

     3.  A school district must obtain approval from the Department pursuant to subsection 2 before using any evaluation tools that are different from the evaluation tools prescribed by the Department pursuant to subsection 1.

     4.  A school district shall not conduct a performance evaluation of a school-level administrator or teacher until the school-level administrator or teacher has been provided with a written copy of or electronic access to all evaluation tools described in subsection 1 and any tools approved by the Department pursuant to subsection 2 and has verified in writing receipt of the written copy of or electronic access to all such evaluation tools.

     5.  Except as otherwise provided in subsections 2 and 3, when using the evaluation tool described in paragraph (f) of subsection 1, the person performing the performance evaluation of a school-level administrator or teacher shall discuss with the school-level administrator or teacher the learning goals for the pupils of the school-level administrator or teacher and, if necessary, review and revise the learning goals for such pupils.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013; A by R088-18, 10-25-2018)

      NAC 391.580  Scoring matrix for performance evaluations of school-level administrators and teachers. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)

     1.  Based upon the recommendations of the Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada created by NRS 391.455, the Department shall prescribe a scoring matrix to obtain a single score to assign a performance evaluation rating for each school-level administrator and teacher. In conducting performance evaluations, each school district shall use the scoring matrix prescribed by the Department.

     2.  The scoring matrix prescribed pursuant to subsection 1 must include the weights which must be assigned for the standards and indicators in each of the following domains:

     (a) Instructional leadership practices of the school-level administrator at the school prescribed by NAC 391.572;

     (b) Professional responsibilities of the school-level administrator to support learning and promote the effectiveness of the school community prescribed by NAC 391.573;

     (c) Instructional practices of the teacher in the classroom prescribed by NAC 391.575; and

     (d) Professional responsibilities of the teacher to support learning and promote the effectiveness of the school community prescribed by NAC 391.576.

     3.  The scoring matrix prescribed by the Department pursuant to subsection 1 must account for probationary school-level administrators and teachers in their initial year of probationary employment in which the domain of the performance of pupils is not used as part of the employee’s performance evaluation or performance evaluation rating.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R007-13, eff. 10-23-2013)

      NAC 391.582  Selection of assessments to determine extent to which learning goals of pupils were achieved; monitoring of assessments; modifications. (NRS 385.080, 391.465, 391.480)

     1.  The criteria for determining which assessments a school or school district may use to determine the extent to which the learning goals of pupils were achieved pursuant to subsection 5 of NRS 391.480 are:

     (a) The degree to which the assessment aligns with:

          (1) The standards of content and performance established by the Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools pursuant to NRS 389.520; and

          (2) Curriculum and instruction required for the standards adopted by the State Board;

     (b) Whether the assessment is appropriately rigorous to determine pupil achievement in the intended subject areas; and

     (c) The validity and reliability of the assessment.

     2.  A school or school district that uses an assessment to determine the extent to which the learning goals of pupils were achieved pursuant to subsection 5 of NRS 391.480 shall continually monitor the use of the assessment to ensure:

     (a) The reliability and validity of the assessment;

     (b) That the assessment is scored accurately in a manner that produces results that allow the comparison of pupils, classes or schools; and

     (c) The security of the assessment.

     3.  If practicable, a school or school district shall use an assessment that has previously been approved by the Department pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 391.480 to determine the extent to which the learning goals of pupils were achieved pursuant to subsection 5 of NRS 391.480.

     4.  If no assessment described in subsection 3 effectively determines the extent to which the learning goals of pupils were achieved:

     (a) If practicable, a school or school district shall use a modified version of an assessment described in subsection 3 to determine the extent to which the learning goals of pupils were achieved; and

     (b) If it is not practicable to use an assessment described in paragraph (a) to determine the extent to which the learning goals of pupils were achieved, a school or school district shall develop a new assessment to determine the extent to which the learning goals of pupils were achieved. Such an assessment must be:

          (1) Reviewed by experts to determine the validity of the assessment; and

          (2) Scored using a documented protocol that produces high reliability.

     5.  As used in this section:

     (a) “Reliability” means the degree to which the results of the assessment are reproducible in similar circumstances; and

     (b) “Validity” means the degree to which an assessment measures pupil achievement in the intended subject area.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R138-17, eff. 5-16-2018)

      NAC 391.583  Authorization to adopt policy to allow peer observations of teachers; requirements of policy; authorized actions of peer observers. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)

     1.  The board of trustees of a school district may adopt a policy to allow peer observations of teachers in the district to be conducted to assist teachers in meeting the standards of effective teaching.

     2.  A policy adopted pursuant to subsection 1 must provide for:

     (a) Regular monitoring of the peer observers; and

     (b) Annual calibration exercises as described in subsection 4 of NAC 391.586.

     3.  If a policy is adopted pursuant to subsection 1, a peer observer may:

     (a) Document evidence necessary to evaluate the instructional practice of a teacher in the classroom and to provide assistance to teachers in meeting the standards of effective teaching; and

     (b) Conduct at least one of the scheduled observation cycles required pursuant to NRS 391.685 or 391.690.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R021-16, eff. 11-2-2016; A by R037-18, 12-19-2018)

      NAC 391.586  Qualifications for peer observers; certification of peer observers by school district; annual calibration exercise for peer observers. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)

     1.  Before a person may be selected to be a peer observer, the person must receive training that includes, without limitation, instruction concerning:

     (a) The protocols and procedures associated with the statewide performance evaluation system, including, without limitation:

          (1) The evaluation tools prescribed by the Department for conducting performance evaluations of teachers, including, without limitation, rubrics for specifying expectations of performance that are measured during the observations of performance required by NRS 391.685 and 391.690;

          (2) Best practices for conducting observations in a manner that avoids personal bias; and

          (3) Best practices for guiding pre-observation and post-observation conferences, including, without limitation, best practices for leading discussions with teachers who have been observed during a peer observation in a manner that:

               (I) Engages the teacher in a collaborative discussion regarding his or her practices; and

               (II) Provides appropriate, quality feedback regarding teaching practices that will assist the teacher to improve his or her practices;

     (b) Writing observations in narrative form;

     (c) Confidentiality and data security;

     (d) Best practices for collecting data;

     (e) Standards of content and performance adopted by the State Board pursuant to NRS 389.520; and

     (f) The curriculum adopted by the school district in which the teacher is employed.

     2.  In addition to the training required pursuant to subsection 1, to qualify to be selected as a peer observer, a person must have at least 3 years of experience teaching and be certified by the school district pursuant to subsection 3.

     3.  A school district must certify a person as qualified to be a peer observer if the school district determines that the person:

     (a) Has successfully completed the training described in subsection 1;

     (b) Knows and understands the standards of content and performance adopted by the State Board pursuant to NRS 389.520;

     (c) Knows and understands the curriculum adopted by the school district;

     (d) Has received an evaluation designating his or her overall performance as highly effective; and

     (e) Demonstrates that he or she possesses knowledge and expertise regarding pedagogy.

     4.  A person selected to be a peer observer pursuant to this section must participate annually in an in-person calibration exercise, in which the person must conduct a peer observation at the same time as another peer observer who has demonstrated competency in conducting peer observations of teachers.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R021-16, eff. 11-2-2016; A by R037-18, 12-19-2018)

      NAC 391.589  Annual submission of data regarding school-level administrators and teachers employed by the district. (NRS 385.080, 391.465)

     1.  Each school year, the board of trustees of each school district shall submit to the Department data regarding school-level administrators and teachers employed by the district in the form and manner prescribed by the Department. The data submitted pursuant to this section must include, without limitation:

     (a) The number of school-level administrators who received a performance evaluation rating as ineffective, developing, effective or highly effective pursuant to NRS 391.705 or 391.710, as applicable, and the number of teachers who received a performance evaluation rating as ineffective, developing, effective or highly effective pursuant to NRS 391.685 or 391.690, as applicable;

     (b) Scores received by school-level administrators and teachers for each standard pursuant to NAC 391.572, 391.573, 391.575 and 391.576, as applicable, in accordance with the scoring matrix prescribed by the Department pursuant to NAC 391.580;

     (c) For each school-level administrator or teacher, the extent to which the learning goals of pupils enrolled in the school were achieved pursuant to NAC 391.571 and 391.574, as applicable; and

     (d) For each school-level administrator or teacher in his or her first year of employment with the school district, the name of the provider approved by the Commission to offer a course of study or training, including, without limitation, a qualified provider approved by the Commission pursuant to subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NRS 391.019 to offer an alternative route to licensure, from which the administrator or teacher received training or completed a course of study to qualify him or her as an administrator or teacher, as applicable.

     2.  Each school district shall report the information required by paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of subsection 1 without disclosing the identity of an individual licensee, any information from which the identity of an individual licensee could be determined or otherwise violating the confidentiality of the licensee.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R021-16, eff. 11-2-2016; A by R037-18, 12-19-2018)


      NAC 391.625  Adoption and use of Code. (NRS 391.019, 391.2056)

     1.  The Commission hereby adopts by reference the Model Code of Ethics for Educators, 2015 edition, and any subsequent edition published by the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, as the Nevada Model Code of Educator Ethics. A copy of the publication may be obtained from the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, 1629 K Street N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20006, or on the Internet website of the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification at https://www.nasdtec.net/page/MCEE_Doc.

     2.  The Commission will use the publication described in subsection 1 to:

     (a) Assist teachers, administrators and other persons employed by a school district or a charter school in making ethical decisions; and

     (b) Facilitate discussion among teachers, administrators and other persons employed by a school district or a charter school concerning issues related to ethical questions.

     3.  The publication described in subsection 1 must not be used to constitute standards of professional conduct for teachers, administrators and other persons employed by a school district or a charter school.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R161-18, eff. 6-26-2019)

      NAC 391.627  Annual training on Code by school districts and charter schools. (NRS 391.019, 391.2056)  The board of trustees of each school district and the governing body of each charter school must, on an annual basis, provide training on the Nevada Model Code of Educator Ethics adopted by the Commission by NAC 391.625 to teachers, administrators and other persons employed by the school district or charter school pursuant to NRS 391.2056.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Prof. Standards in Education by R161-18, eff. 6-26-2019)


      NAC 391.700  Determination of eligibility of licensed teacher for benefit to purchase retirement credit. (NRS 233B.050, 385.391)  To assist licensed teachers in making a determination regarding their eligibility for the benefit provided by NRS 391.165:

     1.  The Department will, on or before April 15 of each year, notify each school district of the schools in the school district that have been designated as demonstrating need for improvement pursuant to NRS 385.3623.

     2.  Each school district shall:

     (a) Notify all licensed teachers who are employed in that school district by a school that has been designated as demonstrating need for improvement pursuant to NRS 385.3623 of that designation; and

     (b) Upon request of any teacher licensed in this State, provide to that teacher a list of all schools within the school district that have been designated as demonstrating need for improvement pursuant to NRS 385.3623.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Education by R188-99, eff. 3-13-2000)

      NAC 391.710  “Licensed teacher” interpreted; satisfaction of requirement for employment of licensed teacher in school designated as demonstrating need for improvement. (NRS 233B.050, 385.391)

     1.  The Department interprets the term “licensed teacher,” as used in NRS 391.165, to include a licensed teacher who works at more than one school, but who spends at least 50 percent of all the hours he or she spends teaching in a school year at one or more schools that have been designated as demonstrating need for improvement pursuant to NRS 385.3623.

     2.  The requirement set forth in paragraph (d) of subsection 1 of NRS 391.165 is satisfied only if the school year during which the licensed teacher is to be employed by the school that has been designated as demonstrating need for improvement commences after the designation has been made by the Department pursuant to NRS 385.3623.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Education by R188-99, eff. 3-13-2000)


      NAC 391.750  “Paraprofessional” defined. (NRS 385.080, 391.094, 391.100)  As used in NAC 391.750 to 391.780, inclusive, “paraprofessional” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 391.008.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R049-03, eff. 10-30-2003)

      NAC 391.760  Qualifications; responsibility of school districts and charter schools. (NRS 385.080, 391.094, 391.100)

     1.  Each school district and charter school shall recognize that a paraprofessional has satisfied the qualifications prescribed by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 20 U.S.C. § 6319, if the paraprofessional possesses a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent and has:

     (a) Completed at least 48 semester hours of credit at an accredited college or university;

     (b) Obtained an associate’s degree or higher degree from an accredited college or university; or

     (c) Passed:

          (1) The ParaPro Assessment prepared and administered by the Educational Testing Service with a score of at least 460; or

          (2) An alternative assessment approved by the Board pursuant to NAC 391.770 with a score prescribed by the Board.

     2.  Each school district and charter school shall ensure that a paraprofessional who is:

     (a) Initially hired by the school district or charter school on or after January 8, 2002, to work in a program supported with Title I money satisfies the requirements of 20 U.S.C. § 6319 upon hire.

     (b) Hired by the school district or charter school before January 8, 2002, to work in a program supported with Title I money satisfies the requirements of 20 U.S.C. § 6319 on or before January 8, 2006.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R049-03, eff. 10-30-2003)

      NAC 391.770  Alternative assessment: Submission by school district or charter school; approval by Board; passing score. (NRS 385.080, 391.094, 391.100)

     1.  The board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of a charter school may submit to the Board an alternative assessment for consideration and approval by the Board for purposes of paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.760. The school district or charter school must submit information to demonstrate that:

     (a) The assessment may be used to measure a person’s competency in the knowledge of and the ability to assist with providing instruction in:

          (1) Reading or reading readiness;

          (2) Mathematics or mathematics readiness; and

          (3) Writing or writing readiness;

     (b) The assessment is valid and reliable;

     (c) The assessment produces a specific score related to the person’s performance on the assessment; and

     (d) The level of competence that each person must meet or exceed on the assessment may be determined in a reliable manner.

     2.  If the Board approves an alternative assessment submitted pursuant to subsection 1:

     (a) The Board shall prescribe the passing score that a person must achieve on the assessment to satisfy the requirements of paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.760; and

     (b) Each school district and charter school shall accept proof of passage of that assessment with the score prescribed by the Board as satisfaction of the requirements of paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.760.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R049-03, eff. 10-30-2003)

      NAC 391.780  Database of paraprofessionals; list of approved assessments. (NRS 385.080, 391.094, 391.100)  The Department shall establish and maintain:

     1.  A statewide database of paraprofessionals who satisfy the requirements of NAC 391.760 based upon information provided by the school districts and charter schools; and

     2.  A list of each assessment approved by the Board pursuant to NAC 391.770, if any, and the passing score that must be achieved to satisfy the requirements of paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NAC 391.760.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R049-03, eff. 10-30-2003)


      NAC 391.800  Circumstances under which volunteer deemed to have regular contact with pupils for purposes of background investigation; exceptions. (NRS 385.075, 385.080, 391.104)

     1.  For purposes of NRS 391.104:

     (a) A volunteer at a public school, including, without limitation, a parent or guardian of a pupil, student teacher, unpaid coach, adviser, tutor or mentor, shall be deemed to have regular contact with pupils if the volunteer interacts with pupils at the same public school:

          (1) At least four times in 1 month; or

          (2) At least once each week for 4 or more consecutive weeks.

     (b) A student who is enrolled at an institution of higher education shall not be deemed to be a volunteer if the student is:

          (1) Taking a course which requires the student to be present in the classroom of the public school on a limited basis to observe and to be observed in the classroom; and

          (2) Under direct supervision of a teacher or his or her professor at all times while in the classroom.

     2.  The board of trustees of a school district is not required to forward fingerprints submitted by a volunteer pursuant to NRS 391.104 to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History if the volunteer submits sufficient evidence to the board of trustees or the board of trustees otherwise determines that:

     (a) Not more than 6 months before the date on which the volunteer is required by NRS 391.104 to submit his or her fingerprints, a federal, state or local governmental entity or nonprofit entity conducted an investigation into the criminal background of the volunteer that included the submission of fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of interacting with pupils at school as a volunteer; and

     (b) The person was determined eligible to interact with pupils as a volunteer after the investigation.

     3.  In addition to the exception described in subsection 2, the board of trustees of a school district is not required to forward fingerprints submitted by a volunteer pursuant to NRS 391.104 to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History if the volunteer submits sufficient evidence or the board of trustees otherwise determines that:

     (a) The volunteer is employed by a federal, state or local governmental entity which conducted an investigation into the criminal background of the volunteer that included the submission of fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and

     (b) The employer subsequently determined that the person is eligible to have unrestricted interaction with pupils as part of his or her official duties, which may include an unsupervised meeting with a pupil at a school.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R016-18, eff. 10-25-2018)