[Rev. 6/29/2024 4:30:23 PM--2023]


NRS 553.010           “Demonstration farm” defined.

NRS 553.020           “Demonstration plot” defined.

NRS 553.030           Establishment by counties of agricultural demonstration farms and plots authorized; purposes.

NRS 553.040           Written project agreements.

NRS 553.050           Purposes of demonstration farms and plots.

NRS 553.060           Demonstration farms or plots to be marked and open to public inspection; liability of visitors.

NRS 553.070           Resolution to pay owner, lessee or manager of demonstration farm or plot; amount of payments.

NRS 553.080           State to pay one-half of subsidy for demonstration farms or plots; legislative appropriations.

NRS 553.090           Annual report of results of demonstration; distribution free of charge.



      NRS 553.010  “Demonstration farm” defined.  As used in this chapter, a demonstration farm is a farm unit of not less than 10 acres nor more than 80 acres.

      [Part 1:198:1917; 1919 RL p. 2629; NCL § 340]

      NRS 553.020  “Demonstration plot” defined.  As used in this chapter, a demonstration plot is a plot not less than 1 acre nor more than 10 acres.

      [Part 1:198:1917; 1919 RL p. 2629; NCL § 340]

      NRS 553.030  Establishment by counties of agricultural demonstration farms and plots authorized; purposes.  The boards of county commissioners are authorized to establish county agricultural demonstration farms and county agricultural demonstration plots, as provided in this chapter, for:

      1.  The purpose of demonstrating:

      (a) New or improved varieties of agricultural and horticultural crops.

      (b) The handling and management of soils.

      (c) The adaptability of certain soils to certain crops.

      (d) Improved cultural methods in the growing and harvesting of crops.

      (e) Improved methods in farm management and in farm accountancy.

      2.  Any other purpose incident to agricultural development or the reclamation of lands.

      [Part 1:198:1917; 1919 RL p. 2629; NCL § 340]

      NRS 553.040  Written project agreements.

      1.  Every agricultural demonstration farm or plot under the provisions of this chapter must be conducted by the owner, lessee or manager thereof under the supervision of the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education and in accordance with the terms of a written project agreement entered into with the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education and approved by the board of county commissioners of the county in which the agricultural farm or plot is located.

      2.  The agreement must include the keeping by the owner, lessee or manager of accurate and systematic records and accounts in the form prescribed by the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education. The records and accounts must be subject to inspection, use and publication in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter.

      [2:198:1917; 1919 RL p. 2629; NCL § 341]—(NRS A 1969, 1445; 1993, 414)

      NRS 553.050  Purposes of demonstration farms and plots.

      1.  The purpose of demonstration farms is to demonstrate the results of improved systems of farm management and accountancy as prescribed by the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education and applied to the farm units.

      2.  The purpose of demonstration plots is to demonstrate the value and importance of new or improved varieties of crops, soil management and soil and climate adaptability to certain crops.

      [3:198:1917; 1919 RL p. 2629; NCL § 342]—(NRS A 1969, 1448; 1993, 415)

      NRS 553.060  Demonstration farms or plots to be marked and open to public inspection; liability of visitors.

      1.  Every demonstration farm or plot conducted under the provisions of this chapter shall:

      (a) Be legibly marked for the information of visitors.

      (b) At all proper hours, be open to public inspection.

      2.  Visitors shall be held accountable for any injury done to growing crops or to the premises.

      [5:198:1917; 1919 RL p. 2630; NCL § 344]

      NRS 553.070  Resolution to pay owner, lessee or manager of demonstration farm or plot; amount of payments.

      1.  Any county desiring to avail itself of the provisions of this chapter shall, by resolution of its board of county commissioners, bind itself to pay to the owner, lessee or manager of the demonstration farm or plot as follows:

      (a) For each demonstration farm, the sum of $10 per acre, but not exceeding the sum of $100 for any such demonstration farm unit.

      (b) For any demonstration plot, a minimum of $25 if it is less than 3 acres, and $10 per acre if it contains 3 acres or more.

      2.  The sums must be paid annually for each year the demonstration is to be continued on the certification by the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education that the demonstration has been conducted in accordance with the agreement.

      3.  A county is not obligated under the provisions of this section, except with respect to demonstration farms and plots which have been approved by the board of county commissioners as provided in NRS 553.040.

      4.  The authority to provide for such expenditure in the county budget and to disburse the money is hereby granted to the board of county commissioners and the other officers of the several counties.

      [4:198:1917; 1919 RL p. 2629; NCL § 343]—(NRS A 1969, 1446; 1993, 415)

      NRS 553.080  State to pay one-half of subsidy for demonstration farms or plots; legislative appropriations.  Each county availing itself of the provisions of this chapter shall certify to the State Board of Examiners the sum expended by such county in the subsidy of farm demonstration as provided in this chapter. The State Board of Examiners shall approve all such claims to the extent of one-half the amount of money so expended by any county. Funds to carry out the provisions of this chapter shall be provided by direct legislative appropriation from the General Fund.

      [7:198:1917; 1919 RL p. 2630; NCL § 346]—(NRS A 1961, 515)

      NRS 553.090  Annual report of results of demonstration; distribution free of charge.  The Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education annually shall prepare the information resulting from the demonstration in a form serviceable to aid and advance agricultural welfare of the State. The Agricultural Extension Department shall cause to be printed a number of copies thereof as may be deemed necessary, not exceeding 10,000, and shall distribute the copies without charge.

      [6:198:1917; 1919 RL p. 2630; NCL § 345]—(NRS A 1969, 1446; 1973, 1475; 1985, 468; 1993, 415, 1709; 1995, 579; 1997, 22; 2005, 1093)