[Rev. 6/29/2024 4:30:13 PM--2023]


NRS 550.010           Definitions.

NRS 550.020           Continuation of Camp as part of cooperative extension work of Nevada System of Higher Education.

NRS 550.030           Purpose.

NRS 550.035           State 4-H Camp Advisory Council: Creation; number, terms and selection of members.

NRS 550.050           Powers and duties of Director.

NRS 550.055           Donations and gifts for development and operation of property of Camp.

NRS 550.060           Use of Camp by public and private organizations; disposition of rents and charges.

NRS 550.070           Lease, exchange or sale of real property of Camp by Board of Regents; conditions; disposition of proceeds.

NRS 550.080           Acquisition or granting of rights-of-way; utilities; adjustment of boundaries.

NRS 550.090           Erection of buildings on Camp property by counties.

NRS 550.100           Title vested in Board of Regents.



      NRS 550.010  Definitions.  As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

      1.  “Board of Regents” means the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada.

      2.  “Director” means the Director of the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

      3.  “State 4-H Camp” means the State 4-H Camp Institute and Exhibit.

      [Part 1:117:1947; 1943 NCL § 363.01]—(NRS A 1965, 258; 1969, 1445; 1993, 414)

      NRS 550.020  Continuation of Camp as part of cooperative extension work of Nevada System of Higher Education.  The State 4-H Camp Institute and Exhibit located in Douglas County, Nevada, is hereby continued and established with branches, as or when located, in the respective counties of this State, as a part of the cooperative extension work undertaken by the State of Nevada pursuant to NRS 396.690, and for other purposes.

      [Part 1:117:1947; 1943 NCL § 363.01]—(NRS A 1965, 259)

      NRS 550.030  Purpose.  The purpose of the State 4-H Camp is to provide a living environment to members of 4-H clubs and other youth groups which is conducive to stimulating the development of youth to a high standard of useful and productive citizenship. The State 4-H Camp shall render assistance and conduct such programs as will develop leadership aptitudes, skills and other attributes necessary for the intellectual and physical development of the youth to be served and thus perpetuate the work embodied in the creed of the 4-H clubs of the United States.

      [2:117:1947; 1943 NCL § 363.02]—(NRS A 1965, 259)

      NRS 550.035  State 4-H Camp Advisory Council: Creation; number, terms and selection of members.  The State 4-H Camp Advisory Council is hereby created, to consist of 12 members chosen for terms of 3 years as follows:

      1.  Four members from the leaders of 4-H clubs in this State, elected by the leaders.

      2.  Two members appointed by the President of the University of Nevada, Reno.

      3.  Four members designated from among its members by the Nevada Farm Bureau.

      4.  Two members from the Agricultural Extension Service, elected by the county agents.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 261; A 1969, 1445)

      NRS 550.050  Powers and duties of Director.

      1.  The Director, under the supervision and control of the Board of Regents, is authorized and directed:

      (a) To care for, manage and develop all property, lands, buildings and equipment of the State 4-H Camp.

      (b) To make uniform regulations for the use and occupancy thereof, not contrary to the provisions of this chapter, giving priority of use first to Nevada 4-H club members and second to other youth groups of the State.

      (c) To attend to the entire business and financial affairs of the State 4-H Camp, including submission of a specific budget to the Board of Regents for the development, operation and management of the property.

      2.  To that end, the Director shall cooperate with the State 4-H Camp Advisory Council, the State 4-H Leaders’ Council, youth organizations, farm organizations, counties and cities in this State, and other private or government organizations or individuals deemed advisable in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

      [Part 4:117:1947; 1943 NCL § 363.04]—(NRS A 1965, 259)

      NRS 550.055  Donations and gifts for development and operation of property of Camp.  The Board of Regents may receive donations or gifts from private or public organizations specifically for the development and operation of the State 4-H Camp property, subject to the overall development plans prescribed by the Director and approved by the Board of Regents and the 4-H Camp Advisory Council.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 261)

      NRS 550.060  Use of Camp by public and private organizations; disposition of rents and charges.

      1.  The lands, premises and property of the State 4-H Camp, or any part thereof, may, when not required for immediate use or occupancy by 4-H members or youth organizations, be made available, under regulations prescribed by the Director with the approval of the Board of Regents, for occupancy and use by other public or private organizations, for educational purposes, for conventions or other noncommercial and nonprofit purposes, at such charge or rental as shall be compensatory, but not primarily for profit.

      2.  All moneys received in payment of such rents or charges shall be credited to the Account of the State 4-H Camp. All disbursements for the State 4-H Camp shall be made on claims against the Account, which shall be established specifically for the State 4-H Camp and its activities.

      [Part 4:117:1947; 1943 NCL § 363.04]—(NRS A 1965, 260)

      NRS 550.070  Lease, exchange or sale of real property of Camp by Board of Regents; conditions; disposition of proceeds.  The Board of Regents, upon the recommendation of the Director and the State 4-H Camp Advisory Council, and with the approval of the Governor, may lease, exchange or sell any parcel or parcels of real property composing the State 4-H Camp when such land can no longer serve the purpose and intent of this chapter. When any such land is so leased or sold, the proceeds shall be credited to the Account of the State 4-H Camp and used, consistently with the purpose and intent of this chapter, only for:

      1.  Further development and operations of the present State 4-H Camp;

      2.  Re-establishment and development of the State 4-H Camp on a new site; or

      3.  Establishment and development of branches.

      [Part 4:117:1947; 1943 NCL § 363.04]—(NRS A 1965, 260)

      NRS 550.080  Acquisition or granting of rights-of-way; utilities; adjustment of boundaries.

      1.  With the approval of the Board of Regents and the 4-H Camp Advisory Council, the Director is authorized to conduct negotiations with public or private agencies for:

      (a) The acquisition or granting of rights-of-way.

      (b) The adjustment of boundaries.

      (c) Adequate highways and means of ingress and egress to and from the site of the State 4-H Camp.

      (d) Adequate fire and other protection.

      (e) Necessary water, sewer and utility services.

      2.  No such negotiations shall bind the Board of Regents or require the conveyance by it of any lands or rights in or to lands, unless or until the same shall be ratified and specifically authorized by the Board of Regents.

      [7:117:1947; 1943 NCL § 363.07]—(NRS A 1965, 260)

      NRS 550.090  Erection of buildings on Camp property by counties.

      1.  Any county in which is maintained an active 4-H club program as disclosed by the records of the Director may erect a building on the lands occupied by the State 4-H Camp and its branches, subject to uniform regulations prescribed by the Director and approved by the Board of Regents. The building may be reserved and devoted in whole or in part for the use of the county and the benefit of the 4-H clubs of the county, subject to approved occupancy and use regulations. Funds for such a building may be appropriated by the board of county commissioners from the county general fund of the county affected.

      2.  Any such building previously so erected may be subject to continued use and occupancy, with the right to improve or enlarge the same, consistently with the intent and purpose of this chapter.

      [5:117:1947; 1943 NCL § 363.05]—(NRS A 1965, 261)

      NRS 550.100  Title vested in Board of Regents.  The title to the site of the State 4-H Camp in Douglas County, Nevada, as existing on January 1, 1965, is hereby vested in the Board of Regents, who are hereby authorized and directed to take possession of the State 4-H Camp property.

      [3:117:1947; 1943 NCL § 363.03]—(NRS A 1965, 261)