[Rev. 6/29/2024 4:30:10 PM--2023]


NRS 549.005           State land grant institutions.

NRS 549.010           Cooperative agreements between boards of county commissioners and Nevada System of Higher Education.

NRS 549.020           Preparation and adoption of budget; levy of tax; disposition of proceeds; payment of claims; State’s cooperative share.

NRS 549.030           Filing of copy of budget with Nevada System of Higher Education; modification of budget.

NRS 549.040           Legislative appropriations.

NRS 549.050           Expenditure of State’s cooperative share.

NRS 549.060           Participation of counties in extension work.

NRS 549.070           Transitional provisions.



      NRS 549.005  State land grant institutions.  The state land grant institutions of the University of Nevada are the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the University of Nevada, Reno, and the Desert Research Institute.

      (Added to NRS by 2021, 2658)

      NRS 549.010  Cooperative agreements between boards of county commissioners and Nevada System of Higher Education.  To provide for continued educational, research, outreach and service programs pertaining to agriculture, community development, health and nutrition, horticulture, personal and family development, and natural resources in the rural and urban communities in the State of Nevada, the Director of the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education and the boards of county commissioners of any or all of the respective counties of the State of Nevada may enter into cooperative agreements and activities subject to the provisions of this chapter.

      [1:94:1947; 1943 NCL § 356.1]—(NRS A 1969, 1444; 1993, 413; 1999, 2550)

      NRS 549.020  Preparation and adoption of budget; levy of tax; disposition of proceeds; payment of claims; State’s cooperative share.

      1.  The Director of the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education shall prepare and submit to the board of county commissioners, for each county participating, an annual financial budget covering the county, state and federal funds cooperating in the cost of educational, research, outreach and service programs pertaining to agriculture, community development, health and nutrition, horticulture, personal and family development, and natural resources in the rural and urban communities in the State of Nevada.

      2.  The budget must be adopted by the board of county commissioners and certified as a part of the annual county budget, and the county tax levy provided for agricultural extension work in the annual county budget must include a levy of not less than 1 cent on each $100 of taxable property. If the proceeds of the county tax levy of 1 cent are insufficient to meet the county’s share of the cooperative agricultural extension work, as provided in the combined annual financial budget, the board of county commissioners may, by unanimous vote, levy an additional tax so that the total in no instance exceeds 5 cents on each $100 of the county tax rate.

      3.  The proceeds of such a tax must be placed in the agricultural extension fund in each county treasury and must be paid out on claims drawn by the agricultural extension agent of the county as designated by the Director of the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education, when approved by the Director and countersigned by the Treasurer of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

      4.  A record of all such claims approved and paid, segregated by counties, must be kept by the Treasurer of the Nevada System of Higher Education. The cost of maintaining the record must be paid from state funds provided for by this chapter.

      5.  The State’s cooperative share of the cost of such agricultural extension work, as entered in the budget described in this section, must not be more than a sum equal to the proceeds of 1 cent of such county tax rate; but when the proceeds of a 1-cent tax rate are insufficient to carry out the provisions of the budget previously adopted, the Director of the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education is authorized to supplement the State’s cooperative share from the funds as may be made available in the Public Service Division Fund of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

      [2:94:1947; 1943 NCL § 356.2]—(NRS A 1969, 1444; 1993, 413; 1999, 2550)

      NRS 549.030  Filing of copy of budget with Nevada System of Higher Education; modification of budget.

      1.  A certified copy of the county extension work budget as adopted and approved pursuant to NRS 549.020 must be filed with the Treasurer of the Nevada System of Higher Education within 10 days after its approval by the board of county commissioners.

      2.  Necessary modifications thereof, involving county and state funds, resulting from leaves of absence without pay, resignations, changes in salary, dismissals or employment of any cooperative agent, variations in expense accounts or otherwise, not involving an increase in the total expenditures provided to be paid from the funds and consistent with the purposes of this chapter, may be made by filing with the Treasurer of the Nevada System of Higher Education and the board of county commissioners a revised budget, approved by the Director of the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education and countersigned by the Treasurer of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

      [3:94:1947; 1943 NCL § 356.3]—(NRS A 1969, 1444; 1993, 414)

      NRS 549.040  Legislative appropriations.  Funds to carry out the provisions of this chapter shall be provided by direct legislative appropriation from the General Fund.

      [4:94:1947; 1943 NCL § 356.4]—(NRS A 1961, 513)

      NRS 549.050  Expenditure of State’s cooperative share.  All moneys appropriated pursuant to NRS 549.040 must be expended under the direction of the Director of the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education to the extent of the financial budget for cooperation between the State and the respective counties provided for in NRS 549.020.

      [5:94:1947; 1943 NCL § 356.5]—(NRS A 1969, 1445; 1993, 414)

      NRS 549.060  Participation of counties in extension work.  Any county in the state which has agreed or shall agree to participate in cooperative work in agricultural extension under the provisions of this chapter or acts previously passed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor shall, by the provisions hereof, come under this chapter.

      [6:94:1947; 1943 NCL § 356.6]

      NRS 549.070  Transitional provisions.

      1.  All supplies, materials, equipment, property or land acquired for the use of county agricultural extension offices under the provisions of chapter 213, Statutes of Nevada 1919, shall remain the property of the county extension offices set up under the provisions of this chapter.

      2.  Any and all contracts for the purchase of equipment, property or land of any type or description made under the provisions of chapter 213, Statutes of Nevada 1919, shall remain in full force and effect until the completion of such contracts.

      [7:94:1947; 1943 NCL § 356.7]