[Rev. 6/29/2024 3:26:15 PM--2023]


NRS 255.010           Creation of office.

NRS 255.020           Appointment.

NRS 255.025           Qualifications.

NRS 255.030           Oath and bond.

NRS 255.040           Vacancy.

NRS 255.050           Office.

NRS 255.060           Salary; compensation in lieu of salary; mileage; filing of statement of account by certain surveyors.

NRS 255.070           Deputies: Appointment; oaths.

NRS 255.080           Certificate admissible in evidence.

NRS 255.090           Survey by disinterested person when county surveyor an interested party.

NRS 255.100           Survey ordered by court or board of county commissioners.

NRS 255.110           Records and maps: Duties; public inspection.

NRS 255.120           Survey: Courses; variation of meridian.

NRS 255.130           Certification of subdivision plat; fees.



      NRS 255.010  Creation of office.  The office of county surveyor is hereby created.

      [Part 1:64:1861; A 1862, 32; 1949, 144; 1943 NCL § 2164]

      NRS 255.020  Appointment.  The board of county commissioners may appoint a county surveyor who serves at the pleasure of the board to perform surveying and such other services for the county as the board determines appropriate.

      [Part 1:64:1861; A 1862, 32; 1949, 144; 1943 NCL § 2164] + [Part 1:108:1866; B § 2599; BH § 1636; C § 1782; RL § 2765; NCL § 4765] + [Part 9:108:1866; B § 2607; BH § 1644; C § 1790; RL § 2773; NCL § 4773]—(NRS A 1973, 317; 1997, 271)

      NRS 255.025  Qualifications.  No person may be appointed as a county surveyor unless the person is a professional land surveyor licensed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 625 of NRS.

      (Added to NRS by 1959, 85; A 1973, 317; 1989, 789; 1997, 271, 1062)

      NRS 255.030  Oath and bond.  Each county surveyor, before entering upon the duties of office, shall:

      1.  Take and subscribe to the oath of office.

      2.  Execute to the State of Nevada a bond in the penal sum of not less than $500 nor more than $5,000, the amount thereof to be determined by the board of county commissioners. The bond shall be supplied in accordance with the provisions of chapter 282 of NRS and shall be approved by the board of county commissioners.

      [Part 2:64:1861; A 1883, 45; 1949, 144; 1943 NCL § 2165]—(NRS A 1977, 150)

      NRS 255.040  Vacancy.  Vacancies in the office of county surveyor shall be filled as in the case of other county officers.

      [6:64:1861; A 1949, 144; 1943 NCL § 2169]

      NRS 255.050  Office.  The county surveyor shall keep his or her office at the county seat.

      [Part 1:64:1861; A 1862, 32; 1949, 144; 1943 NCL § 2164]

      NRS 255.060  Salary; compensation in lieu of salary; mileage; filing of statement of account by certain surveyors.

      1.  The board of county commissioners shall pay to each county surveyor appointed pursuant to NRS 255.020:

      (a) A salary set by the board; or

      (b) In lieu of a salary, fair and reasonable compensation in connection with each survey ordered by the board, or for other services performed by the county surveyor for the county, when he or she has been authorized to perform the services.

      2.  The county surveyor is entitled to receive, in addition to the salary or compensation allowed by subsection 1, mileage for transportation necessary to fulfill his or her duties as determined by the board of county commissioners, at the rate for such mileage as is provided by law to be allowed to county officers.

      3.  Except when the county surveyor is paid a salary, the county surveyor shall file with the clerk of the board of county commissioners a proper statement of account for all services the county surveyor performs, and for all allowances claimed by him or her for mileage, duly acknowledged as provided by law for filing claims for payment of accounts due from the county.

      [13a:64:1861; added 1949, 144; 1943 NCL § 2174.02]—(NRS A 1997, 271)

      NRS 255.070  Deputies: Appointment; oaths.  The county surveyor may appoint deputy surveyors, who shall severally take and subscribe to the oath of office, and for the faithful performance of whose duties the county surveyor shall be responsible.

      [3:64:1861; B § 3058; BH § 2212; C § 2363; RL § 1666; NCL § 2166]

      NRS 255.080  Certificate admissible in evidence.  The certificate of the county surveyor, or any of the county surveyor’s deputies, shall be submitted as legal evidence in any court of this state, but the same may be subject to be rebutted by other evidence. Surveys made by the mutual consent of parties may also be admitted as legal evidence in any court of this state; but this section shall not be so construed as to exclude the testimony of other surveyors or engineers.

      [4:64:1861; B § 3059; BH § 2213; C § 2364; RL § 1667; NCL § 2167]

      NRS 255.090  Survey by disinterested person when county surveyor an interested party.  When it shall appear that the county surveyor is interested in any tract of land, the title of which is in dispute before any court, and a survey of which is necessary, the court shall direct the survey to be made by some capable and disinterested person, who shall return such survey on oath or affirmation, and shall receive for his or her services a fair and reasonable compensation.

      [5:64:1861; B § 3060; BH § 2214; C § 2365; RL § 1668; NCL § 2168]

      NRS 255.100  Survey ordered by court or board of county commissioners.  The county surveyor, either by himself or herself or one of the county surveyor’s deputies, shall execute any survey that may be required by order of any court, or upon the order or at the direction of the board of county commissioners.

      [7:64:1861; A 1949, 144; 1943 NCL § 2170]

      NRS 255.110  Records and maps: Duties; public inspection.

      1.  The county surveyor shall:

      (a) Keep a correct and fair record of all surveys made by him or her in his or her official capacity, or by the county surveyor’s deputies acting in his or her stead, in the form of original field notes in field books to be provided by the county for that purpose.

      (b) Number such surveys progressively.

      (c) Make and preserve a fair and accurate record map of each survey, drawn in waterproof ink on tracing cloth or produced by the use of other materials of a permanent nature generally used for that purpose in the engineering profession, endorsing thereon its proper number and his or her official certificate of survey.

      (d) Obtain maps of mining claims, mill sites and tunnel rights recorded with the county recorder and prepare a county mining claim map which must accurately reflect the location of all such claims. A county surveyor shall not refuse to accept a map submitted by the locator of the mine, nor shall the county surveyor prepare a map in lieu of one submitted by the locator, unless he or she can affirmatively show that the map submitted does not accurately reflect the location of all of the claims.

      2.  All records of surveys required by this chapter must be transmitted by the county surveyor to his or her successor in office.

      3.  Field notes and records maps must be available for copying to any person requiring a copy of the field notes or records maps.

      [8:64:1861; A 1949, 144; 1943 NCL § 2171]—(NRS A 1960, 136; 1971, 2196; 1973, 868; 2001, 1746)

      NRS 255.120  Survey: Courses; variation of meridian.  In all surveys:

      1.  The courses shall be expressed according to the true meridian.

      2.  The variation of the magnetic meridian from the true meridian shall be expressed on the plat with the year, month and day of the survey.

      [9:64:1861; B § 3064; BH § 2218; C § 2369; RL § 1672; NCL § 2172]

      NRS 255.130  Certification of subdivision plat; fees.

      1.  Before a subdivision plat is accepted by a board of county commissioners pursuant to law, the subdivision plat must be submitted to and certified as to its correctness and eligibility for recording by the county surveyor, or the county surveyor’s deputy, if there is one qualified to act in the county.

      2.  Reasonable fees based on work done by the county surveyor or the county surveyor’s deputy must be paid to the county by the subdivider.

      [13:64:1861; added 1949, 144; 1943 NCL § 2174.01]—(NRS A 1997, 272)