[Rev. 8/3/2020 5:58:46 PM]

[NAC-643 Revised Date: 6-20]



Barbers and Apprentices

643.005              “Good cause” defined; written evidence required for documentation of good causes.

643.010              Apprentice: Qualifications for examination; effect of prior felony conviction.

643.020              Barber: Qualifications for examination.

643.025              Barber: Application and qualifications for license by endorsement.

643.030              Apprentice: Completion of apprenticeship required before taking examination for licensure as barber; revocation of license for failure to begin and complete apprenticeship within reasonable time.

643.040              Hearing for applicant convicted of crime involving moral turpitude.

643.050              Apprentice: Time limitation to take examination for licensure as barber; revocation of license for noncompliance; restoration of license.

643.060              Qualifications of barbers licensed in foreign countries.

643.070              Fee for examination.

643.080              Interpreters.

643.090              Limitation on number of examinations to practice as an apprentice.

643.100              Failure of examination for licensure as apprentice; failure to take scheduled examination.

643.110              Failure of examination for licensure as barber; limitation on number of times examination may be taken.

643.120              Apprentice: Requirements for education and experience.

643.130              Equivalency examination.

643.140              Licenses from barber schools in foreign countries not recognized.

643.150              Temporary permits.

643.160              Fees: Proration of initial fee; renewal or restoration of license.

643.170              Fees: Replacement of lost license or renewal application.

643.180              Apprentice: Restoration of revoked license.


643.190              Plan of barbershop to be submitted for approval.

643.195              Fee for inspection.

643.200              Fees for initial license, renewal of license and restoration of license.

643.210              Fee for replacement of license or renewal application.


643.220              Barbershops in which apprenticeships may be served.

643.230              Limitation on number of apprentices employed.

643.240              Agreement for leasing of barber’s chair.


General Provisions

643.250              Barbershops required to be separate entities.

643.260              Entrances and exits required to have doors.

643.270              Main entrance.

643.280              Minimum requirements for space.

643.290              Leasing and rental agreements.

643.300              Absence of barber from barbershop.

Sanitary Conditions

643.320              General requirements.

643.330              Sinks; connections for disposal of sewage.

643.350              Waste receptacles; disposal of single-use items.

643.355              Sterilization of implements.

643.360              Washing of hands.

643.370              Shaving mugs and brushes.

643.380              Towels.

643.400              Storage of linen and towels.

643.410              Toilets.

643.415              Prohibition against removal of warts, moles and blemishes and performance of service on skin with wounds.


General Provisions

643.420              Student’s license.

643.430              Student’s license: Qualifications of applicant; effect of prior felony conviction.

643.440              Prohibition on student receiving license or enrolling in school with certain diseases; physical examination of student before receipt of license.

643.450              Instructor’s license: Examination.

643.455              Fee for instructor’s license.

643.460              Instructor’s license: Renewal or restoration.

643.470              Minimum requirements for space.

643.480              Minimum number of barber’s chairs.

643.490              Location of school.

643.500              Schools required to be separate entities.

643.521              Disciplinary action.

643.525              Notice of violations and administrative fine; request for hearing; date fines are due.

Sanitary Conditions

643.530              Walls and floor coverings.

643.550              Waste receptacles; disposal of single-use items.

643.560              Washing of hands.

643.570              Sterilization of implements.

643.580              Towels.

643.600              Storage of linen and towels.

643.610              Restrooms and lavatories.

643.620              Minimum number of lathering machines; prohibition against use of shaving mugs and lathering brushes.

643.630              Neckbands.

643.640              Headrests.

643.645              Prohibition against removal of warts, moles and blemishes and performance of service on skin with wounds.

643.650              Prohibition against use of certain implements.

Administration of Students

643.660              Minimum number of hours of instruction.

643.670              Maximum hours of instruction allowed per day or week.

643.680              Rules governing conduct of students.

643.690              Suspension or expulsion of student.

643.700              Appeal of suspension or expulsion.

643.710              Records of students.

643.720              Letter of graduation.

643.730              Records of students in refresher courses and postgraduate students.

643.734              Courses for cosmetologists: Required instruction.

643.736              Courses for cosmetologists: Time for completion; hours of instruction.

643.740              Short courses.

643.750              Instruction in services for all patrons required.


643.760              Physical examinations.

643.770              Demonstrations, exhibitions and seminars.

643.780              Disciplinary action.




Barbers and Apprentices

     NAC 643.005  Good cause” defined; written evidence required for documentation of good causes. (NRS 643.105)  For the purposes of NRS 643.105 and NAC 643.010 to 643.180, inclusive, “good cause”:

     1.  Means:

     (a) A death or severe illness in the immediate family of an applicant for a license; or

     (b) An applicant’s:

          (1) Personal illness;

          (2) Motor vehicle accident; or

          (3) Other severe physical or emotional hardship.

     2.  Must be documented by written evidence that is satisfactory to the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd. by R084-99, eff. 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.010  Apprentice: Qualifications for examination; effect of prior felony conviction. (NRS 643.050, 643.080)

     1.  An applicant for examination for a license as an apprentice must:

     (a) Have a high school diploma or its equivalent;

     (b) Have completed 1,500 hours of instruction in a barber school approved by the Board; and

     (c) Be an American citizen or lawfully entitled to live and work in the United States.

     2.  If the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony, the applicant must appear before the Board for a hearing to determine whether he or she will be permitted to take the examination. A convicted felon has the burden of showing that a license should be issued. The Board will consider the date of conviction, the nature of the crime, the applicant’s record of rehabilitation, the applicant’s experience since conviction, personal and employment references and any other evidence which the Board deems relevant.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule 24, eff. 10-8-70; A 6-1-74; 7-16-77; 2-26-80] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000; R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.020  Barber: Qualifications for examination. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, an applicant for examination to become a licensed barber must:

     (a) Have completed a successful period of apprenticeship in this state or have at least 5 years of experience gained within the 10 years immediately preceding the date of application, as a licensed barber in another state and a current license from the other state.

     (b) Have completed the 10th grade in school or its equivalent.

     (c) Be a citizen of the United States or lawfully entitled to live and work in the United States.

     2.  A licensed cosmetologist who has completed 400 hours of special training in a barber school approved by the Board may apply for examination to become a licensed barber.

     3.  If the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony, he or she must appear before the Board for a hearing pursuant to NAC 643.010.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 29, eff. 10-8-70; A 10-6-78] — (NAC A 5-19-88; R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.025  Barber: Application and qualifications for license by endorsement. (NRS 622.530, 643.050, 643.120)

     1.  The Board may issue a license by endorsement to an applicant who:

     (a) Holds a corresponding, valid and unrestricted license as a barber in the District of Columbia or any state or territory of the United States;

     (b) Possesses qualifications that are substantially similar to the qualifications required for the issuance of a license to practice as a barber in this State; and

     (c) Attests that he or she meets the requirements prescribed in paragraphs (a) to (e), inclusive, of subsection 2 of NRS 622.530.

     2.  To apply for a license by endorsement as a barber, an applicant must submit with his or her application:

     (a) A copy of the current, valid and unrestricted license from the District of Columbia, state or territory of the United States;

     (b) The attestation required pursuant to subsection 1;

     (c) A copy of his or her high school diploma or general equivalency diploma;

     (d) A complete set of fingerprints and written permission authorizing the Board to forward the fingerprints to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History for submission to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for its report or proof that the applicant has previously passed a comparable criminal background check;

     (e) The statement required pursuant to NRS 425.520;

     (f) Proof satisfactory to the Board that the applicant:

          (1) Has achieved a passing score on a nationally recognized, nationally accredited or nationally certified examination or another examination approved by the Board;

          (2) Has completed the requirements of an appropriate school of barbering or other program of study for barbers approved by the Board;

          (3) Has practiced as a licensed barber for a period of 5 years preceding the date the applicant submits the application for licensure by endorsement to the Board; and

          (4) Possesses a sufficient degree of competency in barbering, which must include, without limitation, two affidavits from individuals who have previously worked with the applicant in his or her position as a licensed barber;

     (g) A certificate signed by a licensed physician certifying that the applicant is free from tuberculosis and other communicable diseases;

     (h) An affidavit stating that the information contained in the application and any accompanying material is true and complete; and

     (i) Any other information required by the Board.

     3.  Upon receiving an application for licensure by endorsement as a barber, the Board will comply with the requirements of subsection 4 of NRS 622.530.

     (Added to NAC by Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd. by R101-18, eff. 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.030  Apprentice: Completion of apprenticeship required before taking examination for licensure as barber; revocation of license for failure to begin and complete apprenticeship within reasonable time. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  An apprentice must complete 18 months of full-time apprenticeship under the direct supervision of a licensed barber before taking the examination for a license as a barber.

     2.  To receive credit for full-time work, the apprentice must work at least 40 hours per week. Twelve working days in the 18-month period will be allowed for vacation, sickness or emergencies.

     3.  The Board may revoke the license of a licensed apprentice who does not begin and complete the apprenticeship required by this section within a reasonable time after receiving his or her license.

     4.  As used in this section, “apprenticeship under the direct supervision” means work in a licensed barbershop with a licensed barber who is in direct charge and operation of the shop as defined in NAC 643.300.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule 26, eff. 10-8-70; A 2-26-80] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.040  Hearing for applicant convicted of crime involving moral turpitude. (NRS 643.050)  If a person who applies for examination as a licensed apprentice or a licensed barber has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, the Board may hold a hearing to determine whether he or she will be permitted to take the examination.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 42, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.050  Apprentice: Time limitation to take examination for licensure as barber; revocation of license for noncompliance; restoration of license. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  A licensed apprentice shall come before the Board for examination to receive his or her license to engage in the practice of barbering no later than the second regularly scheduled examination after the apprentice satisfies the requirements of NAC 643.030. The Board will revoke the license of a licensed apprentice who has not come before the Board for examination by that time.

     2.  A person whose license to engage in the practice of barbering as an apprentice is revoked by the Board pursuant to subsection 1 may have the license restored by passing the examination prescribed by the Board.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 27, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.060  Qualifications of barbers licensed in foreign countries. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  A barber who is licensed in a foreign country and not in any state may qualify for examination for a license as an apprentice by meeting those requirements listed in NAC 643.010.

     2.  If an applicant can show proof by at least two affidavits of at least 5 years’ experience as a licensed barber within the last 10 years, and if an applicant furnishes to the Board a current license from the country from which the experience is claimed, the requirement that the applicant complete 1,500 hours of instruction in a barber school may be waived if the applicant completes at least a 250-hour refresher course in a barber school approved by the Board.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 32, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.070  Fee for examination. (NRS 643.050, 643.090)  The fee for an examination is $100.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 30, eff. 10-8-70; A 7-10-72] — (NAC A 9-16-92; R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.080  Interpreters.

     1.  An interpreter may be used by applicants for examinations.

     2.  Upon receiving a request for an interpreter from an applicant, the Board will appoint a qualified person.

     3.  The applicant must pay all costs incurred in the appointment of an interpreter.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 33, eff. 10-8-70; A 10-6-78]

     NAC 643.090  Limitation on number of examinations to practice as an apprentice.  An applicant who fails four examinations to practice as an apprentice will not be allowed to take any further examinations.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule 24, eff. 10-8-70; A 6-1-74; 7-16-77; 2-26-80]

     NAC 643.100  Failure of examination for licensure as apprentice; failure to take scheduled examination. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  If an applicant for a license as an apprentice fails the examination, the applicant may not take another examination until he or she has given proof to the Board that he or she has, before the examination, completed a 250-hour refresher course in a barber school approved by the Board, or, if licensed in another state, obtained 250 hours of experience pursuant to that license.

     2.  An applicant must take the first regularly scheduled examination after completing the requirements listed in subsection 1, unless prior approval to miss that examination is granted by the Board. The applicant has the burden of proving to the Board’s satisfaction that good cause prevents the applicant from taking that examination.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 25, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.110  Failure of examination for licensure as barber; limitation on number of times examination may be taken. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  Each apprentice who fails the examination for licensure as a barber must appear before the Board for examination at least once in each year thereafter until he or she has passed the examination.

     2.  An applicant who fails the examination four times loses his or her license as an apprentice and may not take any further examinations.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 28, eff. 10-8-70; A 2-26-80] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.120  Apprentice: Requirements for education and experience. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  An applicant for a license as an apprentice must have completed barber school within 1 year after the date of first entrance.

     2.  If more than 12 months have elapsed since the applicant completed barber school at the time of the application, the applicant must show proof of the completion of a 250-hour refresher course within the 12 months preceding the application in a barber school approved by the Board.

     3.  If the applicant had been working as an apprentice in another state pursuant to a valid license and can show proof by at least two affidavits of those having personal knowledge of the applicant’s work that at least 250 hours of employment were within the last year before the application, this employment may be substituted for the refresher course.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule 24, eff. 10-8-70; A 6-1-74; 7-16-77; 2-26-80] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.130  Equivalency examination. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  If an applicant for a license as a barber or an apprentice does not meet the educational requirements established by the Board, he or she may take an equivalency examination which must be administered by the testing department of a school district or an educational testing agency of this state which is approved by the Board.

     2.  A person administering an equivalency examination shall require the applicant to furnish one photograph of himself or herself which is 3 by 5 inches. The applicant shall sign the photograph in the presence of the person administering the examination.

     3.  The results of the examination and the signed photograph must be mailed to the Board by the person or the agency administering the examination.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 43, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.140  Licenses from barber schools in foreign countries not recognized. (NRS 643.050)Licenses from barber schools in foreign countries will not be recognized by the Board.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 31, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.150  Temporary permits.  Temporary permits to practice barbering in this state will not be issued.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 34, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.160  Fees: Proration of initial fee; renewal or restoration of license. (NRS 643.050, 643.140)

     1.  The initial fee paid by an apprentice or a barber for a license issued not more than 6 months before its renewal date may be prorated at the rate of $3 per month.

     2.  A licensed barber or apprentice may renew his or her license by paying a fee of $60.

     3.  A barber or an apprentice whose license has been expired for less than 2 years may restore it by paying the restoration fee of $120.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 35, eff. 10-8-70; A 1-6-72; 8-31-79; 10-20-81; + Rule 39, eff. 10-8-70; A 1-6-72; 11-9-79; 10-20-81] — (NAC A 5-19-88; 9-16-92; R084-99, 1-18-2000; R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.170  Fees: Replacement of lost license or renewal application. (NRS 643.050, 643.140)  The Board will replace a lost license or a renewal application issued with a license upon the receipt of a fee of $20.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 36, eff. 10-8-70; A 1-6-72; 10-6-78] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.180  Apprentice: Restoration of revoked license. (NRS 643.050)  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 643.050, an apprentice whose license has been revoked may have it restored by completing a 250-hour refresher course in a barber school approved by the Board and passing the examination prescribed by the Board.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule 26, eff. 10-8-70; A 2-26-80] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)


     NAC 643.190  Plan of barbershop to be submitted for approval.

     1.  Each application for a license to operate a barbershop must include a plan drawn to scale with the dimensions clearly shown.

     2.  If an area or the dimensions of a barbershop are changed, the licensee shall submit new plans reflecting the changes for the approval of the Board.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 41.5, eff. 8-31-79]

     NAC 643.195  Fee for inspection. (NRS 643.050)  The fee for an inspection of a barbershop is $50.

     (Added to NAC by Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., eff. 9-16-92; A by R057-01, 12-17-2001)

     NAC 643.200  Fees for initial license, renewal of license and restoration of license. (NRS 643.1714)

     1.  The fee for a license to operate a barbershop or to renew the license is $50 if the license is for 6 months or more. If the license is for less than 6 months, the fee is $15.

     2.  A licensee whose license has expired may restore it by paying the license fee and a restoration fee of $50.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 37, eff. 10-8-70; A 1-6-72; 8-31-79; 10-20-81] — (NAC A 9-16-92; R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.210  Fee for replacement of license or renewal application. (NRS 643.1714)  The Board will replace a license to operate a barbershop or a renewal application issued with a license upon the receipt of a fee of $20.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 38, eff. 10-8-70; A 1-6-72; 10-6-78] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)


     NAC 643.220  Barbershops in which apprenticeships may be served. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  A licensed apprentice shall not work as an apprentice or serve his or her apprenticeship or any part thereof in a barbershop of which:

     (a) The apprentice or the apprentice’s spouse is the owner or has any proprietary interest therein.

     (b) Any relative of the apprentice within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity is the owner or has any proprietary interest therein, unless the relative is a licensed barber in this state and is the owner and operator of the shop.

     2.  A licensed apprentice shall serve his or her apprenticeship in a barbershop which is licensed by the Board.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 23, eff. 10-8-70; A 7-21-71] — (NAC A 5-19-88; R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.230  Limitation on number of apprentices employed. (NRS 643.050)  Each barber may employ apprentices in the ratio of not more than two apprentices to each licensed barber working in the barbershop, but may not employ more than six apprentices in the barbershop.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 22, eff. 10-8-70; A 9-6-76] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000; R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.240  Agreement for leasing of barber’s chair. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  Each agreement for the leasing of a barber’s chair by an apprentice must be:

     (a) In writing;

     (b) Signed by the licensed barber who will control and supervise the apprentice and by the apprentice; and

     (c) Submitted to the Board for its approval.

     2.  An apprentice may work under an agreement which has been submitted to the Board before the Board approves it, but must cease to work under the agreement if the Board disapproves it.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 41, eff. 10-8-70; A 10-6-78; 2-26-80] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)


General Provisions

     NAC 643.250  Barbershops required to be separate entities.  No barbershop may be operated in connection with any business other than a stand for shining shoes or a manicurist’s stand, or both, unless a substantial partition extending 8 feet high or to the ceiling, if the ceiling is lower than 8 feet, separates it from any other residence or business.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule 1, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A 5-19-88)

     NAC 643.260  Entrances and exits required to have doors.  All entrances and exits of a barbershop must be provided with a door.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule 1, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.270  Main entrance.  The main entrance of a barbershop must lead directly to a public walkway, hallway or lobby.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 16, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.280  Minimum requirements for space.  A barbershop must have an area of at least 100 square feet for the first barber’s chair and 60 square feet for each additional chair in the main business area. The area in each shop must be of such proportions as to provide adequate working space for each chair and an adequate and uncongested waiting area.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 17, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.290  Leasing and rental agreements. (NRS 643.050)  If a barbershop is owned by a person other than a licensed barber or is owned by licensed barbers but is managed by another licensed barber, the owner of the shop shall furnish a leasing and rental agreement to the Board on a form furnished by the Board. The agreement must contain the name and signature of the licensed barber who will manage the shop, the signature of the owner and any other information required by the Board.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 40, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.300  Absence of barber from barbershop. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  A licensed barber may take normal lunch periods, break periods and may be absent from a barbershop for other emergency medical and dental reasons for reasonable amounts of time.

     2.  If illness prevents a licensed barber from being in attendance at the shop for substantial periods during each day, an apprentice may take direct charge and operation of the shop for a period not to exceed 3 days in any 30-day period. A licensed barber must supply a medical certificate in such a case if requested by the Board.

     3.  If the licensed barber’s illness is reasonably expected to exceed 3 days, the licensed barber or his or her representative must request the approval of the Board to leave an apprentice in charge for a longer period. If a Board member’s determination is adverse to the licensed barber, that barber may appeal the decision to the entire Board which will meet and consider the request at the earliest time the Board can reasonably convene.

     4.  In determining whether an apprentice may remain in direct charge for a period in excess of 3 days, the Board will consider:

     (a) The length of the apprenticeship and the experience of the apprentice left in charge.

     (b) The length of the expected absence of the licensed barber.

     (c) The availability of other licensed barbers to take charge.

     (d) Other factors which may affect the ability of an apprentice to function without supervision.

     5.  As used in this section, “direct charge and operation” means attendance at a barbershop substantially all of the working hours each day the shop is open.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule 1, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

Sanitary Conditions

     NAC 643.320  General requirements.

     1.  A barbershop must be well-lighted and well-ventilated.

     2.  The furniture, equipment, tools, utensils, floors, walls and ceilings of a barbershop must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. The floor of a barber’s station must be kept reasonably free of hair.

     3.  The walls of a barbershop must be nonporous and nonabsorbent and made of a washable material.

     4.  The walls, woodwork, ceilings, furnishings and fixtures of a barbershop must be kept in good repair.

     5.  The floor of a barbershop must be covered with linoleum, asphalt tile or some other washable and nonporous material other than paint. The Board may approve the installation of carpeting in the waiting area of a shop. The carpeting must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times and must be installed in such a manner that it does not come within 4 feet of a barber’s chair, washbasin, work cabinet or back bar.

     6.  The floors of a barbershop must be kept in good repair.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 3, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A 5-19-88)

     NAC 643.330  Sinks; connections for disposal of sewage. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  A barbershop must have at least one sink for every two work areas or barbers’ chairs. The sink may not be more than 3 feet from each work area or chair.

     2.  A barbershop must have suitable connections for the disposal of sewage.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 4, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.350  Waste receptacles; disposal of single-use items. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  At least one covered waste receptacle must be provided for each barber’s chair.

     2.  All single-use items including, without limitation, neck strips, must be disposed of immediately in the waste receptacle after a single use.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 6, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.355  Sterilization of implements. (NRS 643.050, 643.200)

     1.  Before a barber or apprentice uses any implement, the implement must be:

     (a) Cleaned using:

          (1) Soap or detergent and rinsing with clean water; or

          (2) A blade wash;

     (b) Disinfected with a disinfectant that meets the requirements of subsection 4 by:

          (1) Immersing the implement, including, without limitation, any handles of the implement, in a disinfectant; or

          (2) If the implement is not an implement described in paragraph (f) of subsection 1 of NRS 643.200, using a disinfectant in spray or wipe form; and

     (c) Rinsed with clean water and dried with a clean towel or by allowing the implement to air dry.

     2.  An electric implement used by a barber or apprentice must be:

     (a) Cleaned by removing hair and other debris from the electric implement;

     (b) Disinfected with a disinfectant that meets the requirements of subsection 4 by:

          (1) If the implement is described in paragraph (f) of subsection 1 of NRS 643.200, immersing the implement, including, without limitation, any handles of the implement, in the disinfectant; or

          (2) If the implement is not an implement described in paragraph (f) of subsection 1 of NRS 643.200, using a disinfectant in spray or wipe form; and

     (c) Dried with a clean towel.

     3.  After an implement has been cleaned and disinfected pursuant to subsection 1 or 2, as applicable, the implement:

     (a) May not be carried in clothing, tool belts or pockets; and

     (b) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, must be stored in a clean, covered container or drawer until the implement is used. An electric implement that is not required to be kept in a closed compartment pursuant to NRS 643.200 may be stored on a hook or a stand.

     4.  Any disinfectant used to meet the requirements of this section must be:

     (a) Registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, 7 U.S.C. §§ 136 et seq.;

     (b) Bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal;

     (c) Used in accordance with the instructions on the manufacturer’s label, including, without limitation, the required contact time; and

     (d) If the disinfectant is used to disinfect an implement described in paragraph (f) of subsection 1 of NRS 643.200, boiling water or a solution of 2 percent carbolic acid, or its equivalent.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 13, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.360  Washing of hands.  Every barber or apprentice shall wash his or her hands with soap and water immediately before serving each patron.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 7, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.370  Shaving mugs and brushes.  Shaving mugs and brushes are prohibited.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 8, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A 5-19-88)

     NAC 643.380  Towels. (NRS 643.050, 643.200)

     1.  A clean and unused towel must be used for each patron and may not be used again on another patron until it has been relaundered.

     2.  A covered and vented receptacle must be available for depositing used towels.

     3.  A used towel which is left on or near any washbowl, basin, workstand or place other than in the proper receptacle will be considered prima facie evidence of an intent to use the towel without it being relaundered.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 9, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.400  Storage of linen and towels.  Clean linen and paper towels must be stored in closed cabinets.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 15, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.410  Toilets.  Adequate toilets must be in or immediately adjacent to a barbershop.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 20, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.415  Prohibition against removal of warts, moles and blemishes and performance of service on skin with wounds. (NRS 643.050, 643.200)  Barbers and apprentices may not:

     1.  Remove by any method, warts, moles or skin blemishes of any kind; or

     2.  Perform a service on a person when the area to be worked on has skin that is open, reddened, ulcerated or swollen.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 18, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R101-18, 9-27-2018)


General Provisions

     NAC 643.420  Student’s license.

     1.  No student may enroll in a barber school if the student has not been issued a student’s license by the Board.

     2.  A student’s license must be posted in a conspicuous place near his or her barber’s chair. A picture of the student must be posted with the license at all times.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-17, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.430  Student’s license: Qualifications of applicant; effect of prior felony conviction. (NRS 643.050, 643.176)

     1.  An applicant for a license as a student must:

     (a) Have a high school diploma or its equivalent; and

     (b) Be an American citizen or lawfully entitled to live and work in the United States.

     2.  If the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony, the applicant must appear before the Board for a hearing to determine whether he or she will be permitted to enroll in a barber school. A person who has been convicted of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude has the burden of showing that a student’s license should be issued. The Board will consider the date of conviction, the nature of the crime, the applicant’s record of rehabilitation, the applicant’s experience since conviction, personal and employment references and any other evidence which the Board deems relevant.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule S-18, eff. 10-8-70; A 2-26-80] — (NAC A by R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.440  Prohibition on student receiving license or enrolling in school with certain diseases; physical examination of student before receipt of license. (NRS 643.050, 643.176)

     1.  No student will receive a student’s license or be permitted to enroll in a barber school while he or she has an infectious, contagious or communicable disease.

     2.  Before a student’s license will be issued, each student must undergo a physical examination, including:

     (a) A one-step tuberculosis screening test or a chest X-ray;

     (b) A blood test; and

     (c) Any other test which the Board considers necessary.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule S-18, eff. 10-8-70; A 2-26-80] — (NAC A by R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.450  Instructor’s license: Examination. (NRS 643.050, 643.176, 643.1777)  An examination for an instructor’s license will be given not more than twice a year and will consist of written questions pertaining to all phases of the science of barbering, the management of a barbershop, ethics, salesmanship, applicable state laws and regulations, and any other questions the Board may deem required of instructors. Applicants will also be required to pass questions on teaching in the classroom and oral practical instruction on any or all phases of practical barbering services which the Board may prescribe.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule S-16, eff. 10-8-70; A 2-8-76] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000; R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.455  Fee for instructor’s license. (NRS 643.050, 643.176)  Each instructor in a barber school must pay:

     1.  A fee of $250 to be issued an instructor’s license.

     2.  A fee of $250 to renew an instructor’s license pursuant to NAC 643.460.

     (Added to NAC by Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd. by R057-01, eff. 12-17-2001)

     NAC 643.460  Instructor’s license: Renewal or restoration. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  An instructor’s license must be renewed on or before April 1 of each year. Any license which is not renewed during the month of April expires on May 1 in that year.

     2.  An instructor’s license which has expired may be restored within 2 years after its expiration date.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule S-16, eff. 10-8-70; A 2-8-76] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.470  Minimum requirements for space.

     1.  A barber school must have an area of at least 120 square feet for the first barber’s chair and 80 square feet for each additional chair.

     2.  A classroom must have an area of at least 300 square feet.

     3.  A locker room and storage area must have an area of at least 200 square feet.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule S-2, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.480  Minimum number of barber’s chairs.  A barber school must have at least 10 barber’s chairs.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule S-2, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.490  Location of school.  A barber school must be located in an area which is approved by the Board.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule S-1, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.500  Schools required to be separate entities.  A barber school may not be operated in connection with any other type of business or in a building that has living, sleeping or residential quarters.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule S-1, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.521  Disciplinary action.

     1.  Any barber school licensed pursuant to chapter 643 of NRS and found to be in violation of:

     (a) Any provision of NRS 643.177 may be fined:

          (1) For the first offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $100;

          (2) For the second offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $250; and

          (3) For the third offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $500.

     (b) Any provision of NAC 643.530 to 643.650, inclusive, may be fined:

          (1) For the first offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $75;

          (2) For the second offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $150; and

          (3) For the third offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $300.

     2.  Each violation discovered upon inspection constitutes a separate count for the purposes of imposing the fines set forth in this section.

     (Added to NAC by Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., eff. 5-19-88)

     NAC 643.525  Notice of violations and administrative fine; request for hearing; date fines are due.

     1.  At the time of an inspection, the board member or agent of the Board conducting the inspection, shall present to the barber or owner of the barber school under inspection a list of violations discovered and the fine imposed for those violations.

     2.  If the barber or owner chooses to contest the imposition of the fine, he or she may, within 15 days after the date of inspection, request a hearing before the Board. The Board will place this matter on the agenda for its next regularly scheduled meeting.

     3.  All fines imposed by the Board are due to the Board 30 days after the date of inspection, if no hearing is requested.

     (Added to NAC by Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., eff. 5-19-88)

Sanitary Conditions

     NAC 643.530  Walls and floor coverings.

     1.  A barber school must be well-lighted and well-ventilated.

     2.  The furniture, equipment, tools, utensils, floors, walls, ceilings, windows and restrooms of a barber school must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times.

     3.  The walls of a barber school must be nonporous and nonabsorbent and made of a washable material.

     4.  The walls, woodwork, ceilings, furnishings and fixtures of a barber school must be kept in good repair.

     5.  The floor of a barber school must be covered with linoleum, asphalt tile or some other washable and nonporous material other than paint. The Board may approve the installation of carpeting in the waiting area of the school. The carpeting must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times and must be installed in such a manner that it does not come within 6 feet of a barber’s chair, washbasin, work cabinet or back bar.

     6.  The floors of a barber school must be kept in good repair.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-3, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.550  Waste receptacles; disposal of single-use items. (NRS 643.050, 643.200)

     1.  At least one covered waste receptacle must be provided for each workstand.

     2.  All single-use items including, without limitation, neck strips, must be disposed of immediately in the waste receptacle after a single use.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule S-7, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.560  Washing of hands.  Every student and instructor shall wash his or her hands with soap and water immediately before serving each patron.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-15, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.570  Sterilization of implements. (NRS 643.050, 643.200)  All implements used by a student or instructor must be cleaned, disinfected and stored in the same manner required pursuant to NAC 643.355.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-9, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.580  Towels. (NRS 643.050, 643.200)

     1.  A clean and unused towel must be used for each patron and may not be used again on another patron until it has been relaundered.

     2.  A covered and vented receptacle must be available for depositing used towels.

     3.  A used towel which is left on or near any washbowl, basin, workstand or place other than in the proper receptacle will be considered prima facie evidence of an intent to use the towel without it being relaundered.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-11, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.600  Storage of linen and towels.  Clean linen and paper towels must be stored in closed cabinets.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule S-7, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.610  Restrooms and lavatories.  A barber school must have a restroom for men, a restroom for women and one lavatory for every two barber’s chairs with continuous hot and cold running water and suitable connections for the disposal of sewage.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., part Rule S-2, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.620  Minimum number of lathering machines; prohibition against use of shaving mugs and lathering brushes.

     1.  One lathering machine for every two barber’s chairs must be provided in a barber school.

     2.  Shaving mugs and lathering brushes may not be used in a barber school.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-10, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.630  Neckbands.  A strip of cotton, a towel or a neckband made of paper must be placed around a patron’s neck so that the haircloth does not come in contact with the patron’s skin.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-12, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.640  Headrests.  The headrest on each barber’s chair must be provided with a clean towel or sheet of clean paper for each patron.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-13, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.645  Prohibition against removal of warts, moles and blemishes and performance of service on skin with wounds. (NRS 643.050, 643.200)  A student or an instructor may not:

     1.  Remove by any method, warts, moles or skin blemishes of any kind; or

     2.  Perform a service on a person when the area to be worked on has skin that is open, reddened, ulcerated or swollen.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-21, eff. 10-8-70] — (NAC A by R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.650  Prohibition against use of certain implements.  The use of powder puffs, finger bowls, sponges, styptic pencils and lump alum is prohibited.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-14, eff. 10-8-70]

Administration of Students

     NAC 643.660  Minimum number of hours of instruction.

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 643.740, each student must receive 1,500 hours of instruction.

     2.  Of the 1,500 hours of instruction required by this section, 1,300 hours must be practical work on a patron in a barber’s chair and must include at least:

     (a) Seven hundred haircuts;

     (b) One hundred shaves;

     (c) Seventy-five shampoos;

     (d) Fifty scalp treatments;

     (e) Fifty facials;

     (f) Fifty tonic applications;

     (g) Fifteen hair colorings;

     (h) Fifteen hair straightenings;

     (i) Fifty stylings;

     (j) Fifteen hairpiece fittings; and

     (k) Any other practical instruction which the Board may prescribe.

     3.  The remaining 200 hours of instruction must consist of theory and work in the classroom pertaining to the science of barbering, the management of a barbershop, ethics, salesmanship, applicable state laws and regulations, and any other theoretical instruction which the Board may prescribe.

     4.  The 1,500 hours of instruction must be completed within 1 year after the first date of enrollment.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-19, eff. 10-8-70; A 6-1-74; 10-6-78; 1-19-79]

     NAC 643.670  Maximum hours of instruction allowed per day or week.  A student may not receive more than 8 hours of instruction in 1 day or more than 40 hours of instruction in 1 week.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-20, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.680  Rules governing conduct of students.

     1.  The operator of a barber school shall provide each student with a copy of the rules governing the conduct of students enrolled in the school and shall post a copy of them on a bulletin board in a conspicuous place on the premises of the school.

     2.  Before any rules governing the conduct of students are adopted, the operator of the school shall submit them to the Board for approval.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-31, eff. 1-19-79]

     NAC 643.690  Suspension or expulsion of student.

     1.  Each student who is suspended or expelled from a barber school must be given written notice of the student’s right to appeal the action pursuant to NAC 643.700.

     2.  Each student who is expelled from a barber school or who is suspended:

     (a) For more than 2 school days; or

     (b) For the third or a subsequent time during the school year,

Ê must be given written notice of that action, including a statement of the reasons for the action, the effective date of the action and the date on which the student may reenter the barber school if the action was a suspension.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-32, eff. 1-19-79]

     NAC 643.700  Appeal of suspension or expulsion.

     1.  A student who has been suspended or expelled from a barber school may appeal the action to the Board by requesting an appeal by a letter to the Secretary of the Board within 10 days after the effective date of the action.

     2.  The Board will schedule a hearing of an appeal within 30 days after receiving a request.

     3.  If the Board finds that the suspension or expulsion was not justified, it will order the action reversed and the student returned to his or her course of study without prejudice.

     4.  The operator of a barber school who takes any action in retaliation against a student who has been returned to his or her course of study pursuant to this section is guilty of unprofessional conduct.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-33, eff. 1-19-79]

     NAC 643.710  Records of students.

     1.  The operator of a barber school shall maintain adequate records of the performance of each student, including:

     (a) Dates and hours of attendance.

     (b) Hours devoted to instruction in the classroom.

     (c) Grades of all examinations.

     (d) Records of haircuts, shaves, scalp treatments, facials, shampoos, tonic applications, hair colorings, hair straightenings, hair stylings, hairpiece fittings and other procedures which the Board requires as part of the training of a barber.

     2.  Each student shall submit records of each of the procedures required by NAC 643.660 or 643.740, including his or her name, the procedure completed and the instructor’s name and comments or grade.

     3.  The Board may inspect the records of a student at any time during business hours.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-41, eff. 1-19-79]

     NAC 643.720  Letter of graduation.  A letter of graduation, certifying the number of hours completed by the student and that the student has completed the minimum number of procedures required, and attested to by an official of the barber school and the student, must be filed with the Board at the end of the student’s training.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-42, eff. 1-19-79]

     NAC 643.730  Records of students in refresher courses and postgraduate students.  The operator of a barber school shall keep a record as required by NAC 643.710 of each student in a refresher course and each postgraduate student.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-51, eff. 1-19-79]

     NAC 643.734  Courses for cosmetologists: Required instruction.

     1.  Each barber school in the State shall offer a course for cosmetologists wishing to become barbers consisting of 400 hours of instruction.

     2.  Of the 400 hours of instruction required by this section, 350 hours must be practical work on a patron in a barber’s chair and must include at least:

     (a) One hundred twenty-five haircuts;

     (b) Twenty-five shaves;

     (c) Twenty shampoos;

     (d) Ten scalp treatments;

     (e) Ten facials;

     (f) Ten tonic applications;

     (g) Five hair colorings;

     (h) Five hair straightenings;

     (i) Twenty hair stylings;

     (j) Seven hairpiece fittings;

     (k) A rolling cream massage;

     (l) A rest facial;

     (m) A scalp treatment; and

     (n) Any other practical instruction which the Board may prescribe.

     3.  The remaining 50 hours of instruction must consist of theory and work in the classroom pertaining to:

     (a) Sanitation, antiseptics, sterilization, hygiene and bacteria;

     (b) Haircutting and shaving;

     (c) Massaging the scalp, face and neck;

     (d) Shampooing and the application of hair tonics, hairdressing preparation, and rinses;

     (e) Facials and scalp massages or treatments with cream, lotions, oils or other cosmetic preparations either by hand or mechanical appliances which are not galvanic nor faradic;

     (f) Shop management, ethics, salesmanship, the use of implements, and a brief study of the history of barbering;

     (g) The laws and regulations governing the practice of barbering;

     (h) Common hair and skin diseases of the scalp, face and neck;

     (i) The structure and functions of the scalp, face and neck;

     (j) Cosmetic preparations used in the practice of barbering;

     (k) Circulation, muscles, nerves, and cells of the scalp, face and neck only as they are related to massaging or other acts of barbering;

     (l) The fundamentals of hair coloring and bleaching;

     (m) The fundamentals of hair straightening or hair relaxing;

     (n) The measuring, fitting and servicing of hairpieces;

     (o) The waving of hair, other than permanent waving; and

     (p) The styling of all textures of hair including styling adaptation, razor hair styling and the use of the styling blower.

     (Added to NAC by Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., eff. 5-19-88)

     NAC 643.736  Courses for cosmetologists: Time for completion; hours of instruction. (NRS 643.050, 643.085, 643.176)

     1.  The 400 hours of instruction for cosmetologists must be completed within 75 days after the first date of enrollment in a barber school.

     2.  A student enrolled in such instruction may not receive more than 8 hours of instruction in 1 day or more than 40 hours of instruction in 1 week.

     (Added to NAC by Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., eff. 5-19-88) — (NAC A by R101-18, 9-27-2018)

     NAC 643.740  Short courses.

     1.  The operator of a barber school may offer a short course, lasting at least 250 hours, of which 225 hours must be practical instruction and 25 hours of instruction in the subjects listed in subsection 3 of NAC 643.660.

     2.  The 225-hour practical instruction offered as part of a short course must include at least:

     (a) One hundred and fifty haircuts;

     (b) Ten shaves;

     (c) Five scalp treatments;

     (d) Five facials;

     (e) Ten shampoos;

     (f) Five tonic applications;

     (g) Two hair colorings;

     (h) Two hair straightenings;

     (i) Ten hair stylings;

     (j) One hairpiece fitting; and

     (k) Any other instruction which the Board may prescribe.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rules S-52 & S-53, eff. 1-19-79]

     NAC 643.750  Instruction in services for all patrons required.  Each student in a barber school must be properly instructed and prepared to cut hair and render barbering services to all patrons regardless of race.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule S-61, eff. 1-19-79]


     NAC 643.760  Physical examinations.  The Board or any of its designated agents may require any person believed or suspected to be afflicted with any infectious, contagious or communicable disease to be physically examined and may designate one or more licensed physicians to conduct the examination.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 2, eff. 10-8-70]

     NAC 643.770  Demonstrations, exhibitions and seminars. (NRS 643.050)

     1.  Upon written request, the Board may grant a permit authorizing a demonstration, exhibition or seminar, temporarily and primarily for educational purposes, of advanced techniques of any phase of barbering, for the benefit of licensed barbers in this state.

     2.  A permit may be granted if:

     (a) The written request is submitted to the Board no later than 15 days before the date of the proposed demonstration and states the location, date, time, price of admission, name of the sponsor, names of the demonstrators, a description of the demonstration to be presented and whether any equipment or merchandise will be sold.

     (b) The demonstrators present to the Board photostatic copies of current licenses to practice as barbers issued to them by their respective states. Demonstrators who do not possess a license must present to the Board their qualifications which must be approved by the Board before they may participate in any demonstration, exhibition or seminar.

     3.  A permit is valid only for the demonstration, exhibition or seminar for which it is granted.

     4.  All demonstrations, exhibitions or seminars must be open to all barbers who are licensed in this state.

     5.  As used in this section, “demonstrator” means any person whose qualifications have been approved by the Board and who demonstrates any advanced techniques in any phase of barbering.

     [Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., Rule 44, eff. 10-8-70; A 2-8-76] — (NAC A by R084-99, 1-18-2000)

     NAC 643.780  Disciplinary action.

     1.  Any barber licensed pursuant to chapter 643 of NRS and found to be in violation of any provision of NRS 643.140 may be fined:

     (a) For the first offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $80; and

     (b) For the second offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $160.

Ê For the third offense, the barber will be brought before the Board for the revocation of his or her license.

     2.  Any person licensed pursuant to chapter 643 of NRS and found to be in violation of any provision of NRS 643.150 may be fined:

     (a) For the first offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $30;

     (b) For the second offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $100; and

     (c) For the third offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $500.

     3.  Any barber licensed pursuant to chapter 643 of NRS and found to be in violation of any provision of paragraph (e) of subsection 1 of NRS 643.185 may be fined:

     (a) For the first offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $250;

     (b) For the second offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $500; and

     (c) For the third offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $1,000.

     4.  Any person licensed pursuant to chapter 643 of NRS and found to be in violation of any provision of NRS 643.190 may be fined:

     (a) For the first offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $250;

     (b) For the second offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $500; and

     (c) For the third offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $1,000.

     5.  Any barber licensed pursuant to chapter 643 of NRS and found to be in violation of any provision of NRS 643.200 may be fined:

     (a) For the first offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $100;

     (b) For the second offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $250; and

     (c) For the third offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $500.

     6.  Any barber licensed pursuant to chapter 643 of NRS and found to be in violation of any provision of NAC 643.320 to 643.415, inclusive, may be fined:

     (a) For the first offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $75;

     (b) For the second offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $150; and

     (c) For the third offense in any licensing period, an amount not to exceed $300.

     7.  Each violation discovered upon inspection constitutes a separate count for the purposes of imposing the fines set forth in this section.

     (Added to NAC by Barbers’ Health & Sanitation Bd., eff. 5-19-88)