[Rev. 9/23/2024 10:29:13 AM]

[NAC-564 Revised Date: 8-24]


564.010        Fees.




      NAC 564.010  Fees. (NRS 561.153, 564.025, 564.030, 564.040, 564.080)

     1.  To record the temporary use of a brand pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 564.025, the owner of animals must pay:

     (a) A nonrefundable application fee of $35; and

     (b) A recording fee of $50 for the period designated by the Department.

     2.  To record a brand, or brand and mark, or marks pursuant to NRS 564.040, the owner must pay:

     (a) A nonrefundable application fee of $35; and

     (b) A recording fee of $200 for each period for which the brand, or brand and mark, or marks are recorded. The recording fee must not be prorated for any unused portion of the period for which the brand, or brand and mark, or marks are recorded.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, to rerecord a brand, or brand and mark, or marks pursuant to NRS 564.120, the owner must pay a rerecording fee of $200 for each period for which the brand, or brand and mark, or marks are rerecorded. The rerecording fee must not be prorated for any unused portion of the period for which the brand, or brand and mark, or marks are rerecorded.

     4.  To rerecord a brand, or brand and mark, or marks that have been deemed abandoned pursuant to subsection 5 of NRS 564.120, the owner must pay the following not later than 1 year after the date of the abandonment:

     (a) A nonrefundable application fee of $35;

     (b) A late fee of $30; and

     (c) A rerecording fee of $200 for each period for which the brand, or brand and mark, or marks are rerecorded. The rerecording fee must not be prorated for any unused portion of the period for which the brand, or brand and mark, or marks are rerecorded.

     5.  To record an instrument transferring the ownership of a recorded brand, or brand and mark, or marks pursuant to NRS 564.110, the applicant must pay:

     (a) A nonrefundable application fee of $35; and

     (b) A recording fee of $200.

     6.  The fee for processing and continuing administration of a security agreement, provisional assignment or legal lien relating to a brand, or brand and mark, or marks of record for purposes of NRS 564.110 is $100 for each period beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of the following year. The fee must not be prorated for any unused portion of the period for which the processing and continuing administration of a security agreement, provisional assignment or legal lien relating to a brand, or brand and mark, or marks of record are required.

     (Added to NAC by Div. of Agriculture, eff. 11-3-97; A by Dep’t of Agriculture by R024-99, 11-18-99; R234-03, 8-16-2004; R142-10, 12-30-2011; R101-20, 12-22-2021)