[Rev. 1/21/2019 4:55:32 PM]

[NAC-414A Revised Date: 1-19]


414A.010           Definitions.

414A.020           “Committee” defined.

414A.030           “Emergency Management Assistance Compact” defined.

414A.040           Adoption of policies and procedures by Division.

414A.050           Annual duties of Division.

414A.060           Annual duties of Committee.



     NAC 414A.010  Definitions. (NRS 414A.100)  As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 414A.020 and 414A.030 have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Div. of Emergency Mgt. by R138-16, eff. 12-21-2016)

     NAC 414A.020  “Committee” defined. (NRS 414A.100)  “Committee” means the Intrastate Mutual Aid Committee created by NRS 414A.110.

     (Added to NAC by Div. of Emergency Mgt. by R138-16, eff. 12-21-2016)

     NAC 414A.030  “Emergency Management Assistance Compact” defined. (NRS 414A.100)  “Emergency Management Assistance Compact” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 415A.070.

     (Added to NAC by Div. of Emergency Mgt. by R138-16, eff. 12-21-2016)

     NAC 414A.040  Adoption of policies and procedures by Division. (NRS 414A.100)  The Division, with input from the Committee, shall adopt policies and procedures regarding the coordination of responses to requests from other states for mutual aid pursuant to the Emergency Management Assistance Compact. The policies and procedures must include, without limitation:

     1.  Receipt of requests for mutual aid;

     2.  Requirements for training and exercises for participants;

     3.  Deployment of resources in support of a request for mutual aid; and

     4.  Redeployment of resources to this State following the support of a request for mutual aid.

     (Added to NAC by Div. of Emergency Mgt. by R138-16, eff. 12-21-2016)

     NAC 414A.050  Annual duties of Division. (NRS 414A.100)

     1.  Not later than January 1 of each year, the Division shall:

     (a) Coordinate with county and tribal emergency managers to evaluate the status of participation in the System; and

     (b) Conduct outreach regarding updates to policies and procedures as recommended by the Committee pursuant to NAC 414A.060.

     2.  Not later than June 30 of each year, the Division shall submit to the Committee a report which includes, without limitation:

     (a) Information relating to declared emergencies and disasters in this State during that fiscal year;

     (b) Information relating to undeclared emergencies and disasters in this State that were monitored by the Division during that fiscal year;

     (c) Resources that were requested through the System and fulfilled within this State during that fiscal year and the status of those requests;

     (d) An update, in the form of a financial report, on the status of reimbursements of the costs of requests described in paragraph (c);

     (e) Resources that were requested through the System by other states and fulfilled through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact during that fiscal year and the status of those requests; and

     (f) Information relating to the status of this State’s inventory of resources for responses to emergencies.

     (Added to NAC by Div. of Emergency Mgt. by R138-16, eff. 12-21-2016)

     NAC 414A.060  Annual duties of Committee. (NRS 414A.100)  Not later than September 30 of each year, the Committee shall:

     1.  Review policies and procedures for the administration of the System; and

     2.  Make recommendations to the Chief of the Division for improvements in the administration of the System.

     (Added to NAC by Div. of Emergency Mgt. by R138-16, eff. 12-21-2016)