[Rev. 2/11/2020 10:39:06 AM]

[NAC-391A Revised Date: 2-20]



391A.010            “Teacher program provider” defined.

391A.030            Interpretation of term “veteran.”


391A.050            Award of grants of money from Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account; amount of scholarships; use of scholarship money; duties of grant recipients.

391A.060            Requirements for continued receipt of scholarship money; exemption from requirements.

391A.070            Conditions to receive amount held back from award by State Board.

391A.080            Requirements for teacher program provider to receive money to award scholarships.

391A.090            Return of certain amount of grant money if scholarship recipient does not complete program.


391A.300            Standards for development, implementation and evaluation of professional development training.





     NAC 391A.010  “Teacher program provider” defined. (NRS 391A.580)  As used in this chapter, “teacher program provider” means a public or private university, college or other provider of an alternative licensure program.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R031-16, eff. 9-21-2017)

     NAC 391A.030  Interpretation of term “veteran.” (NRS 391A.580)  The State Board interprets the term “veteran,” as used in NRS 391A.580 and 391A.585, to have the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 417.005.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R031-16, eff. 9-21-2017)


     NAC 391A.050  Award of grants of money from Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account; amount of scholarships; use of scholarship money; duties of grant recipients. (NRS 391A.580)

     1.  A teacher program provider annually may apply for a grant from the Account on a form prescribed by the Department. If a teacher program provider is awarded a grant of money from the Account, the teacher program provider shall use the money to award Teach Nevada Scholarships to students on a per semester basis.

     2.  Each Teach Nevada Scholarship must be awarded in an amount equal to the cost of tuition, books and fees, not to exceed the amount specified in subsection 2 of NRS 391A.585. If insufficient money is available to award to a student a Teach Nevada Scholarship in such an amount, a teacher program provider shall not award a Teach Nevada Scholarship to that student. The money received for a Teach Nevada Scholarship may be used only to pay the costs of tuition, books and fees, and must be awarded pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 391A.585.

     3.  Each semester, each teacher program provider that is awarded a grant of money pursuant to NRS 391A.580 shall:

     (a) On or before a date determined by the Department, submit to the Department, on a form prescribed by the Department, a list of current scholarship recipients. Such a list must include, without limitation, the following information for each scholarship recipient:

          (1) The first and last name of the scholarship recipient;

          (2) Whether the scholarship recipient seeks to obtain a license to teach:

               (I) Elementary education;

               (II) Secondary education;

               (III) Pupils in a program of early childhood education; or

               (IV) Special education to pupils in prekindergarten through grade 12;

          (3) If the scholarship recipient seeks to obtain a license to teach secondary education, the subject area in which he or she intends to teach;

          (4) The anticipated date on which the scholarship recipient will meet the requirements for the issuance of a conditional license pursuant to NAC 391.057;

          (5) The anticipated date on which the scholarship recipient will complete the program for which he or she was awarded the scholarship and will meet the requirements for the issuance of an initial license to teach pursuant to NAC 391.0575 or 391.0577; and

          (6) The amount of the scholarship awarded for the semester for which the list is issued and the total amount of scholarship money received by the scholarship recipient to date.

     (b) Notify the Department of any money that was received as a grant from the Account and was not used to award Teach Nevada Scholarships.

     (c) On or before a date determined by the Department, transfer to the State Board any money that was not used to award Teach Nevada Scholarships.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R031-16, eff. 9-21-2017)

     NAC 391A.060  Requirements for continued receipt of scholarship money; exemption from requirements. (NRS 391A.580)

     1.  To continue receiving scholarship money, except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, a scholarship recipient must make continuous progress toward completing the program offered by the teacher program provider on or before the date specified pursuant to subsection 4 of NRS 391A.580.

     2.  A teacher program provider may, on behalf of a scholarship recipient, request that the Department grant an exemption from the requirements of subsection 1. The Department will grant such an exemption if the Department determines that extenuating circumstances exist.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R031-16, eff. 9-21-2017)

     NAC 391A.070  Conditions to receive amount held back from award by State Board. (NRS 391A.580)

     1.  A scholarship recipient may only receive the money retained by the State Board pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NRS 391A.580 if the scholarship recipient meets the requirements prescribed in subsection 4 of NRS 391A.585 and, within 1 year after the 5-year anniversary of the date on which the scholarship recipient completed the program for which he or she was awarded the scholarship, submits to the teacher program provider proof that he or she:

     (a) Holds a valid license to teach:

          (1) Elementary education;

          (2) Secondary education;

          (3) Pupils in a program of early childhood education; or

          (4) Special education to pupils in prekindergarten through grade 12;

     (b) Has not been the subject of any disciplinary action taken by any school district by which he or she was employed;

     (c) Is not currently the subject of an investigation that could result in the imposition of disciplinary action against him or her;

     (d) Has maintained employment as a teacher at a public school in this State for 5 consecutive school years and received a performance evaluation rating designating him or her as “highly effective” or “effective” during each of the 5 school years; and

     (e) Was employed for at least 3 years as a teacher at a public school in this State that:

          (1) Was a Title I school, as defined in NRS 385A.040, for the year immediately preceding the year in which he or she began employment as a teacher at the school;

          (2) Received an annual rating established as one of the two lowest ratings possible indicating underperformance of a public school, as determined by the Department pursuant to the statewide system of accountability for public schools for the year immediately preceding the year in which he or she began employment as a teacher at the school; or

          (3) Had a teacher vacancy rate that was higher than the statewide average teacher vacancy rate as determined by the Department and published on the website maintained by the Department for the year immediately preceding the year in which he or she began employment as a teacher at the school.

     2.  A scholarship recipient who transfers employment between schools that satisfy the requirements specified in paragraph (e) of subsection 1 satisfies the requirements of that paragraph.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R031-16, eff. 9-21-2017)

     NAC 391A.080  Requirements for teacher program provider to receive money to award scholarships. (NRS 391A.580)  To receive the money authorized to be paid by the State Board to a teacher program provider pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 391A.590, the teacher program provider must, after the last day of a semester in which a scholarship recipient completes on schedule the program for which he or she was awarded a scholarship, submit to the Department:

     1.  On a form prescribed by the Department, a request for the payment of the money by the State Board; and

     2.  A list of scholarship recipients who have completed the program for which the recipients were awarded a scholarship. The list must include, without limitation, the date on which each scholarship recipient enrolled in a teaching program offered by the teacher program provider and the date on which each scholarship recipient completed the program for which he or she was awarded a scholarship.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R031-16, eff. 9-21-2017)

     NAC 391A.090  Return of certain amount of grant money if scholarship recipient does not complete program. (NRS 391A.580)  If a scholarship recipient does not complete the program for which he or she received a Teach Nevada Scholarship for any reason, the teacher program provider that awarded the scholarship must, after the last day of the semester in which the scholarship recipient exits the program, pay to the State Board for credit to the Account the amount of money prescribed by subsection 1 of NRS 391A.590.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R031-16, eff. 9-21-2017)


     NAC 391A.300  Standards for development, implementation and evaluation of professional development training. (NRS 385.080, 391A.190, 391A.370)

     1.  In developing, implementing and evaluating professional development training for teachers and administrators, a regional training program for the professional development of teachers and administrators, a school district or a charter school of this State, as applicable, must use the standards prescribed in subsection 2.

     2.  Professional development training for teachers and administrators employed by a school district or a charter school must:

     (a) Provide learning experiences for teachers and administrators that increase the effectiveness of teachers and administrators and improve the results for all pupils;

     (b) Occur within learning communities committed to continuous improvement, collective responsibility and alignment with goals;

     (c) Be provided by skillful leaders who develop capacity within, advocate for and create systems of support for learning by teachers and administrators;

     (d) Prioritize, monitor and coordinate resources for teacher or administrator learning;

     (e) Use a variety of sources and types of pupil data, teacher or administrator data and other data deemed appropriate to plan, assess and evaluate learning by teachers and administrators;

     (f) Integrate theories, research and models of human learning to achieve the outcome intended;

     (g) Apply research on change and sustain support for implementation of learning by teachers and administrators for long-term change;

     (h) Align outcomes with the performance of a teacher or administrator and curriculum standards required for a pupil;

     (i) Focus on equitable access, opportunities and outcomes with an emphasis on achievement and disparity of opportunities between groups of pupils; and

     (j) Facilitate self-examination by a teacher or administrator of his or her awareness, knowledge, skills and actions that pertain to culture and how he or she can develop culturally responsive strategies to enrich educational experiences for all pupils.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R093-18, eff. 9-27-2018)