EnrollmentUnweighted student
enrollment using the official fall count day.
% Change in
percentage increase or decrease in total student enrollment from the year prior
to the school year reported.
Ratethe percentage
of students who are not enrolled in the school for the entire school year.
daily student attendance rate, the percent of enrollment in attendance on an
average school day
number of students per full-time equivalent counselor.
Level of Attendance at
Parent/Teacher Conferenceshigh, moderate, or low level of attendance at parent/teacher
conference based on the percentage of elementary school students whose
parents/guardians attended the first parent/teacher conference of the
previous school year. Less than 60
percent of students' parents/guardians attending the first parent/teacher
conference indicates low level of attendance.
The percentage of 60-85 indicates moderate level of attendance, and the
percentage of 86 or more indicates high level of attendance.
Per Pupil
Expenditure on Instruction, Administration, Operation, Staff Support, Student
Support, and Total Expenditure Per Pupil)dollar expenditures per student in the areas
of instruction, administration, building operation, staff support, and student
support. Total Expenditure Per Pupil is defined as the sum of per pupil
expenditures in the five areas noted previously.
funds that were expended for student remediation at the school/district level.
Remediation funds are categorized as the following: Title I, Comprehensive
School Reform Demonstration (CSRD) funds, State Remediation Funds, and/or other
funding sources.
Class Size
(Grades K-6)the
number of students per full-time equivalent licensed classroom teacher per
Class Size
(Grades 7-12)the
average class size across all 7-12 grade classes in each of the four subject
areas: English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Classes.
% Teachers in
percentage of teachers who possess a Nevada teaching license.
% Teachers
B.A. or Advanced Degreesthe percentage of teachers who have a Bachelors or Advanced Degree
(i.e., Masters or Doctorate).
% Classes
Taught out of License in English, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciencethe percentage of classes
at the school or district level that were taught by teachers who were not
licensed and endorsed to teach that particular subject in a specific grade.
% Teachers
New-2 Yrs, 3-10 Yrs, 11-20 Yrs, and Over 20 Yrsthe percentage of teachers
by years of teaching experience.
% Pupils
Retained (Grades K-8)the percentage of pupils held back in a grade.
% Pupils Credit Deficient (Grade 9)---the percentage of ninth
grade students who did not have sufficient credits to be considered as tenth
graders at the beginning of the following school year.
Dropout Ratethe percentage of fall
enrollment in grades 9-12 that dropped out of school during the school year.
in Special Programsthe percentage of student enrollment at the school participating in
the following programs for the previous school year:
% Special Educationthe percentage of student
enrollment participating in special education.
% ESLthe percentage of student
enrollment participating in English as a Second Language classes.
% Migrant Educationthe percentage of student
enrollment participating in migrant education classes.
% Gifted Programthe percentage of student
enrollment participating in a gifted/talented program.
% Free/Reduced Lunchthe percentage of student
enrollment that was eligible for free or reduced-priced school meals. This is an indicator of the socioeconomic
characteristic of students.
% After School Carethe percentage of student
enrollment participating in supervised childcare at the school after school
class hours.
% Musicthe percentage of student
enrollment participating in a music program.
% Artsthe percentage of student
enrollment participating in an arts program.
% Physical Educationthe percentage of student
enrollment participating in physical education classes.
% Computer Usethe percentage of student
enrollment participating in computer classes.
% Occupational Educationthe percentage of student
enrollment participating in an occupational program.
% Foreign Languagethe percentage of student
enrollment participating in foreign language classes.
% Advanced Placementthe percentage of student
enrollment participating in an advanced placement classes.
% Athleticsthe percentage of student
enrollment participating in an athletics program.
School Safetynumber of student
suspensions, expulsions, referral to alternative education or home bound at the
school or district level involving incidents such as Habitual Disciplinary
Problems, Threats/Extortion, Violence to Staff, Violence to Students, Drug
Possession, Alcohol Possession, and/or Weapon Possession.
% Bottom
Quarter (in Reading, Language, Mathematics, Science)the percentage of students
scoring in the national bottom quarter on the state mandated norm referenced
test, TerraNova; 25 percent would be the percentage expected from the national
comparison group, below 25 percent would be higher performance
than the comparison group, and above 25 percent would be lower
performance than the comparison group.
% Top Quarter
(in Reading, Language, Mathematics, Science)the percentage of students scoring in the
national top quarter on the state mandated norm referenced test, TerraNova; 25
percent would be the percentage expected from the national comparison group, above
25 percent would be higher performance than the comparison group, and below
25 percent would be lower performance than the comparison group.
Percentile Rank (in Reading, Language, Mathematics, Science)the national percentile
rank of the average performance on the state mandated norm referenced test,
TerraNova; a rank of 50 is performing at the same level as the national
comparison group, a rank over 50 is performing above the national comparison
group, and a rank under 50 is performing below the comparison group
Enrollment for
highest student enrollment in the grade tested during the time of administering
the state mandated norm referenced test, TerraNova.
# Students
Regular Testednumber
of students tested under regular conditions on the state mandated norm
referenced test, TerraNova.
# Students
Special Testedthe
number of students tested with special accommodations on the state mandated
norm referenced test, TerraNova, due to their Individualized Education Plan
(IEP) or to their performance in Language Assessment Scale (LAS). The testing results of students tested with
special accommodations are not comparable to the national norm group.
# Students IEP
of students exempt from testing for special education, as noted in # Students
Special Tested.
# Students LAS
of students exempt from testing for their performance in LAS.
Fourth Grade
Performance on Writing Examination (% Proficient in Ideas, Organization, Voice,
Conventions and All Four Writing Traits)the percentage of 4th graders proficient
in each of the four traits and the percentage of 4th graders
proficient in all of the four traits on a statewide writing performance test.
Eighth Grade
Performance on Writing Examination (% Proficient in Ideas, Organization, Voice,
Conventions and All Four Writing Traits)the percentage of 8th graders proficient
in each of the four traits and the percentage of 8th graders
proficient in all of the four traits on a statewide writing performance test.
High School
Proficiency Examination (% Proficient in Reading, Mathematics, Writing)the percentage of high
school students passing the Nevada High School Proficiency Examination (HSPE)
in the three areas needed to receive a regular high school diploma.
High School
Proficiency Examination (% Denied Diploma for Examination Failure)the percentage of a
schools/districts June seniors who were regular education students and credit
sufficient but did not receive their standard high school diploma because they
did not pass one or more portions of HSPE.
High School
Completion Indicatorsthe number and percentage of a schools/ districts June seniors who
received an advanced/standard diploma, an adjusted diploma, or a certificate of
attendance. The June senior count
included those who were credit deficient but wont enroll in the 12th
grade as fifth year seniors in the following school year.
% Seniors
Taking ACTthe
percentage of high school seniors took ACT College Entrance Examination.
ACT Composite
average composite score on the ACT College Entrance Examination.
% Seniors
Taking SATthe
percentage of high school seniors took SAT College Entrance Examination.
SAT Verbal
average verbal score of the high school seniors at a school or at a school
district who took the SAT College Entrance Examination.
SAT Verbal
average mathematics score of the high school seniors at a school or at a school
district who took the SAT College Entrance Examination.
Note: Information provided above is collected and
compiled as per the Handbook for
Implementation of NRS 385.347, School Accountability Legislation, October
2000, completed by Dr. David L. Smith, Nevada Department of Education. Please refer to the handbook for detailed
definitions and calculation methodologies of the data elements in the School Accountability Data Tables.