Legislative History FAQs

What is the Index and Tables of Bills and Resolutions?

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What is the Index and Tables of Bills and Resolutions?

From Chapter 5 of the 2019 Legislative Manual:

The index and tables of Senate and Assembly bills and resolutions is a cumulative publication produced by the Legal Division, which is printed each week and uploaded daily on the legislative website during the legislative session. The index contains references to all bills and resolutions introduced during the session and includes references to material that is added to a bill or resolution by amendment.

The tables to Senate and Assembly bills are arranged by the section of NRS proposed to be amended or repealed; chapters of NRS that may be amended by the addition of new sections; and titles of NRS proposed to be amended by the addition of new chapters.

Special characters following a bill or resolution number in the index or tables indicate action taken by the Governor on measures that have been passed by both houses or certain actions taken by the Senate or Assembly:

  1. One asterisk (*) indicates that the bill was enrolled.
  2. One dagger (†) indicates that the material reflected by the index entry was deleted by amendment or that the section reflected in the table was deleted by amendment.
  3. Two daggers (††) indicate that the bill was vetoed.
  4. A double dagger (‡) indicates that the resolution was approved.
  5. A superscript "D" (D) indicates that the bill failed to meet deadline.

In the index, liberal use is made of "See" and "See also" references. For example, the heading "LAKE TAHOE (See TAHOE BASIN)" means that all information concerning Lake Tahoe is indexed under the heading "TAHOE BASIN." The heading "REGIONAL PLANNING (See also LAND USE PLANNING)" means that all specific references to regional planning are indexed under "REGIONAL PLANNING," but that the heading "LAND USE PLANNING" contains general information that may be pertinent.

General headings are used within the index to list every bill or resolution pertaining to certain general subjects. For example, the heading "APPROPRIATIONS" includes a reference for every bill that contains an appropriation. Resolutions concerning legislative matters (other than "LEGISLATIVE AND AGENCY STUDIES") are indexed under the heading "LEGISLATURE." In consulting the index on a given subject, the user should check first for the specific, then for the general, subject.

A final edition of the index and tables is printed after adjournment and may be used before the publication of the Advance Sheets to identify new laws or amendments to existing law.

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  Last updated 3/4/2019