Legislative History FAQs

What are the Histories?

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What are the Histories?

From Chapter 5 of the 2019 Legislative Manual:

The Nevada Legislature considered over 1,100 legislative measures during the 2017 Session. The progress of each of these bills and resolutions is summarized in the Senate History and the Assembly History.

The Histories list each bill and resolution introduced in the respective chamber for which they are reporting in numerical sequence by bill number or the number of the resolution. Following the bill number is the name of the sponsor (whether individual or committee), cosponsors or joint sponsors, and whether or not the legislation is by request. In the Senate, the date of introduction of the measure is also listed. Below this information there is a brief summary of the measure and the number of the bill draft request. Then, in chronological order, the measure's legislative history is traced up to the date of the History's publication. Thus, at a moment's glance, a legislator or other interested person can locate any bill or resolution in the legislative process and determine its status.

At the conclusion of each legislative session, final volumes of the Senate History and the Assembly History are printed and made available upon request. These volumes contain the legislative history of each measure. Measures enacted into law are traced through the date of the Governor's signature (or the date on which they became law without the Governor's signature), with notations citing their assigned chapter numbers in the Statutes of Nevada and their effective dates, unless vetoed, in which case the date of veto is noted. The final volumes include additional relevant information on the personnel of the session, committee assignments, and other items of general interest.

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  Last updated 3/4/2019