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Legislative Counsel Bureau Publications

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What are some Legislative Counsel Bureau Publications that might be of help?

From Chapter 5 of the 2019 Legislative Manual:

The Legislative Counsel Bureau issues several reports and publications useful to legislators.

  1. Legislative Appropriations Report. Produced biennially by the Fiscal Analysis Division, this report details all the appropriations made by the Legislature for the operation of Nevada state government. It is distributed to all members of the Legislature as soon as possible after the adjournment of the legislative session.
  2. Summary of Legislation. Produced biennially by the Research Division, this report summarizes all legislation enacted during the most recent session.
  3. Legislative Counsel Bureau Bulletins. The Legislature has created statutory committees to study important topics, including education and health care, primarily during the interim period when the Legislature is not in session. In addition, the Legislative Commission, responding to directions contained in concurrent resolutions, normally assigns a number of interim studies on legislative problems to its subcommittees, the staff of the Legislative Counsel Bureau, or both. Upon their completion, these studies, together with recommendations for appropriate legislative action, are published in bulletins by the Legislative Counsel Bureau and distributed to the members at the next session of the Legislature. Each publication is given a bulletin number.
  4. A complete list of Legislative Counsel Bureau bulletins issued to date is included as Appendix E of this Nevada Legislative Manual. The numbering system for bulletins was changed in 1976 so that a bulletin now has a two-part number. The first part is the year of the regular session to which the report was made, and the second part is a sequence number for that session. Thus, the first bulletin to the 2019 Session is 19-01.

    Bulletins are available electronically on the Legislature's website, or copies of studies may be requested through the Publications Unit of the Legal Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau. While an attempt is made to maintain a sufficient supply of each bulletin to accommodate requests for additional copies, certain numbers are now out of print. Anyone wishing to review the contents of out-of-print bulletins may do so by consulting the editions retained by the Legislative Counsel Bureau in its Research Library.

  5. Guide to the Nevada Legislature. This guide contains maps to the Legislative Building, photos and contact information of legislators, an overview of the Legislature, a list of standing committees, and other information.
  6. Nevada Education Data Book. This book contains data and information pertaining to school finance, teachers and leaders, statewide student testing, and education programs designed to improve student academic achievement. There is also an extensive section in this book describing past, current, and projected demographic characteristics of the education system.
  7. Fact Sheets, Research Briefs, etc., which are produced by the Research Division as part of its requirements under NRS 218F.810, discuss subjects that may be of major interest during legislative sessions. The Division welcomes legislators' suggestions for topics to be covered in these reports.
  8. District Demographic Profiles. Using information from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, these documents report various data categories for each legislative district and compare that information to Nevada and the United States. The Research Division welcomes legislators' suggestions for categories to be covered in these reports.

If you have any questions about the Research Division's web pages, please contact us.
  Last updated 3/4/2019