Minutes and Exhibits for Senate Taxation Committee - 61st (1981) Session

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Index of Bills Discussed in Senate Taxation

An * next to a resolution indicates it is from the 60th (1979) Session

Past Meetings

January 1981 meetings


2:05 PM      Meeting Minutes

Discussion of "Statement of Projected Unappropriated General Fund Balances"


2:05 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 66Discussed as BDR
S.B. 68Discussed as BDR
S.B. 69Discussed as BDR
S.B. 70Discussed as BDR

2:01 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 114Discussed as BDR
S.B. 115Discussed as BDR
S.B. 116Discussed as BDR
S.B. 117DIscussed as BDR

2:18 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 9Approve
S.B. 48
S.B. 162Discussed as BDR
S.J.R. 3
S.J.R. 19*Approve

February 1981 meetings

2-3-81      Joint Meeting with Senate Taxation

2:00 PM     No Meeting Minutes (See Assembly Minutes of Joint Meeting)

Richard Bryan, Attorney General, re Taxation Problems Encountered by Attorney General's Office in 1979-1980


2:05 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 97
S.B. 15
S.B. 16Approve
S.J.R. 4Indefinitely postpone
S.J.R. 6
S.J.R. 6*Approve

2:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 9
S.B. 114Approve
S.B. 162
S.B. 217Discussed as BDR
S.B. 218Discussed as BDR
S.B. 219Discussed as BDR

2:05 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 9
S.B. 48
S.B. 194
S.B. 197Amend and pass
S.J.R. 21Discussed as BDR

2:10 PM      Meeting Minutes

Discussion re Background Information on Taxes Developed by Special Task Force


2:02 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.C.R. 1Approve
S.B. 69
S.B. 300Discussed as BDR
S.B. 301Discussed as BDR
S.B. 302Discussed as BDR
S.B. 303Discussed as BDR
S.J.R. 3

2:04 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 45Approve
A.B. 77Amend and approve
S.B. 69
S.B. 194Amend and approve

March 1981 meetings

3-3-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Taxation

2:02 PM     Meeting Minutes

Discussion of Actual Previous and Proposed Future Fiscal Needs of the 197 Local Political Subdivisions within the State of Nevada

Report, "Histories and Summary Presentations of Revenue, Expenditure and Debt Data for Nevada Local Governments from Fiscal Year 1976-77 Through 1980-81"


2:09 PM      Meeting Minutes

Discussion of Tax Reform Proposals

S.B. 69
S.B. 303
S.B. 373Discussed as BDR
S.B. 374Discussed as BDR
S.J.R. 27Discussed as BDR

2:10 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 45
A.B. 59Approve
A.B. 177Indefinitely postpone, failed
S.B. 70
S.B. 302

2:04 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 15
S.B. 244
S.B. 301Amend and approve
S.J.R. 6Approve
S.J.R. 21

2:02 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 219
S.B. 302
S.B. 428Discussed as BDR
S.B. 584Discussed as BDR
S.J.R. 6
S.J.R. 21
3-24-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Taxation

2:02 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 348(Exhibit only)
S.B. 69
S.B. 411

2:11 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 154
S.B. 262
S.B. 373
S.B. 374
S.J.R. 15
3-31-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Taxation

1:45 PM      No Meeting Minutes (See Assembly Minutes of Joint Meeting)

A.B. 369
S.B. 69
S.B. 411

5:40 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 154Do pass and amend
S.B. 162
S.B. 262Do pass and amend
S.B. 300Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 302Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 374Indefinitely postpone
S.J.R. 15Indefinitely postpone

April 1981 meetings


2:16 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 80
S.B. 154
S.B. 200Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 222
S.B. 326Approve
S.B. 373
S.B. 411
S.B. 499Discussed as BDR
4-6-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Taxation

1:18 PM      No Meeting Minutes (See Assembly Minutes of Joint Meeting)

A.B. 369
A.B. 430
S.B. 69
S.B. 411
4-7-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Taxation

1:12 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 369
S.B. 69
S.B. 411
4-8-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Taxation

1:25 PM      No Meeting Minutes (See Assembly Minutes of Joint Meeting)

A.B. 369
S.B. 69
S.B. 411
4-9-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Taxation

1:40 PM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 369
S.B. 69
S.B. 411

3:50 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 430Approve
4-11-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Taxation

10:05 AM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 167
A.B. 369
S.B. 69
S.B. 154
S.B. 222
S.B. 411
4-13-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Taxation

1:20 PM      No Meeting Minutes (See Assembly Minutes of Joint Meeting)

A.B. 369
A.B. 430
S.B. 69
S.B. 411

3:20 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.J.R. 27
S.J.R. 6
4-14-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Taxation

2:25 PM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 369
S.B. 69
S.B. 411

12:07 PM     Meeting Minutes

A.J.R. 27Amend and approve
S.B. 154
S.J.R. 6

1:35 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 411

10:35 AM     Meeting Minutes

S.B. 411

2:02 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 162Approve
S.B. 69
S.B. 154
S.B. 162
S.B. 411
S.B. 428
S.B. 430Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 499
S.B. 582Discussed as BDR
S.B. 583Discussed as BDR
S.B. 584Discussed as BDR
S.J.R. 21
S.J.R. 27Indefinitely postpone

2:11 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 275
A.B. 369Amend
A.J.R. 27
S.B. 69
S.B. 411

2:02 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 438Approve
A.J.R. 27
S.B. 9Approve
S.B. 15
S.B. 68Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 69
S.B. 70Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 116Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 154
S.B. 217Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 218Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 219Indeifnitely postpone
S.B. 244
4-30-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Taxation

2:11 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 134
S.B. 69
S.B. 411

May 1981 meetings


2:13 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 369
S.B. 69Amend and approve
S.B. 80
S.B. 297
S.B. 411
S.B. 582Amend and approve
S.B. 584Amend and approve
S.B. 593Approve
S.B. 595Approve
S.B. 596Amend and approve

2:05 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 134Amend and approve
A.B. 177Amend and approve
A.J.R. 27
S.B. 15Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 17Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 66Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 69
S.B. 80Amend and approve
S.B. 115Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 117Indfeinitely postpone
S.B. 154
S.B. 162Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 222Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 244Approve
S.B. 275Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 289Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 292
S.B. 303Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 373Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 428Indefinitely postpone
S.J.R. 8Indefinitely postpone
S.J.R. 21Amend and approve

8:38 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 134
S.B. 58
S.B. 314Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 362Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 411
S.B. 456Approve
S.B. 486Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 517Approve
S.C.R. 63Discussed as BDR
S.C.R. 64Discussed as BDR

2:07 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 116
A.B. 134Amend
A.B. 298
A.B. 384
A.B. 523Approve
A.J.R. 21Approve, failed
A.J.R. 34Approve
S.B. 69
S.B. 411
S.B. 502
S.B. 632Approve

10:03 AM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 134Reconsider
S.B. 411
S.B. 678Discussed as BDR

2:06 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 20
A.B. 43
A.B. 116
A.B. 134Rescind previous action; Approve without amendments
A.B. 298
A.B. 492Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 69
S.B. 325Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 328
S.B. 360Amend and approve, failed
S.B. 411

2:08 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 20
A.B. 116
A.B. 275
A.B. 369
S.B. 69
S.B. 154
S.B. 411
S.B. 677Approve
S.B. 678Amend and approve
S.B. 687
S.B. 689Amend and approve
S.B. 690

11:50 AM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 20Approve
A.B. 116
A.B. 298Amend and approve
A.J.R. 21
S.B. 69
S.B. 328Amend and approve
S.B. 687Amend and re-refer
S.B. 690Indefinitely postpone

2:17 PM      Meeting Minutes

Frank Daykin, Legislative Counsel, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Paying Sales Tax on the Purchase of Coal by Power-Generating Plants


12:54 PM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 116
S.B. 69
S.B. 687

2:09 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 116Approve
A.B. 598
S.B. 69

2:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 97Indefinitely postpone
A.B. 637Indefinitely postpone
A.B. 680Approve
A.J.R. 44Approve
S.J.R. 40Indefinitely postpone

June 1981 meetings


12:30 PM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 338Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 665Approve

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  Last updated 1/13/2015