Minutes and Exhibits for Assembly Agriculture Committee - 61st (1981) Session

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Index of Bills Discussed in Assembly Agriculture

Past Meetings

January 1981 meetings

1-22-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Economic Development and Natural Resources and Senate Natural Resources

2:05 PM      Meeting Minutes

R. Gilbert Moore, General Manager, Thiokol Corp., re Reseeding Efforts on Rangelands in Connection with the Installation of MX Basing

1-26-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Economic Development and Natural Resources and Senate Natural Resources

2:06 PM      No Meeting Minutes (See Senate Minutes of Joint Meeting)

Robert E. Erickson, Senior Research Analyst, re Information on Selected Boards, Commissions, and Committees in Nevada dealing with Public Lands and Natural Resources Issues

Jac Shaw, Administrator, Division of State Lands, re the Sagebrush Rebellion Report to the Members of the 61st Session of the Nevada Legislature, December 1980


2:45 PM      Meeting Minutes

Drip Irrigation (Exhibit only)

February 1981 meetings


3:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 10
A.B. 80
A.B. 81
A.B. 82
A.B. 130
A.B. 176
A.J.R. 24*
S.B. 46
S.B. 47

March 1981 meetings

There are no March meetings

April 1981 meetings


3:05 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 10Indefinitely postpone
A.B. 80Do pass
A.B. 130Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 176Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 279Do pass
A.B. 479
A.J.R. 24*Do pass
S.B. 46Do pass
S.B. 288Do pass

May 1981 meetings


3:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 82Do pass
A.B. 603Do pass
A.B. 632
S.B. 503

3:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 479Amend, and do pass as amended
A.J.R. 47Discussed as BDR
S.B. 503Do pass
S.B. 504
S.B. 599

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  Last updated 1/14/2015