Minutes and Exhibits for Assembly Education - 57th (1973) Session

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Index of Bills Discussed in Assembly Education

Past Meetings

January 1973 Meetings


1:45 PM      Meeting Minutes


4:10 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 64
A.B. 192Discussed as BDR
A.B. 193Discussed as BDR
A.B. 194Discussed as BDR
A.B. 195Discussed as BDR

February 1973 Meetings


4:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 64

4:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 64
A.B. 192
A.B. 195
2-13-73      Joint Meeting with Senate Education

2:40 PM      No Meeting Minutes (See Senate Minutes of Joint Meeting)

S.C.R. 4

Meeting Minutes

A.B. 136
A.B. 193
A.B. 194
A.B. 351Discussed as BDR
S.B. 48
2-20-73      Joint Meeting with Senate Education

2:30 PM      No Meeting Minutes (See Senate Minutes of Joint Meeting)

Year-Round School (12-Month School)


4:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 192
A.B. 286
A.B. 351
A.B. 378Discussed as BDR
A.B. 379Discussed as BDR
A.B. 380Discussed as BDR
2-26-73      Joint Meeting with Senate Education

2:30 PM      Meeting Minutes (See also Senate Minutes of Joint Meeting)

Proposed Law School for the University of Nevada


Meeting Minutes

A.B. 356
A.B. 357
A.B. 371
A.B. 407
A.B. 411

March 1973 Meetings


4:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 136
A.B. 194
A.B. 356
A.B. 371
A.B. 537Discussed as BDR

4:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 195
A.B. 286
A.B. 351
A.B. 371
A.B. 411
S.B. 48
S.B. 170

4:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 192
A.B. 379
A.B. 411
A.B. 467
A.B. 468
A.B. 470
S.B. 316

3:30 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 380
A.B. 381
A.B. 385
A.B. 467
A.B. 469
A.B. 495
A.B. 518
A.B. 530
S.B. 134

4:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 378
A.B. 411
A.B. 509
A.B. 510
A.B. 534
A.B. 541
S.C.R. 15

4:10 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 257
A.B. 495
A.B. 541
S.B. 210
S.B. 211
S.B. 212
S.B. 213
S.B. 216
S.B. 217
S.B. 220
S.B. 311

4:15 PM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 537
A.B. 639
A.B. 640
A.B. 643
A.B. 648
A.B. 715
A.B. 737
S.B. 209
S.B. 215

4:15 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 379
A.B. 510
A.B. 637
A.B. 639
A.B. 815
S.B. 48

April 1973 Meetings


4:15 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 379
A.B. 510
A.B. 639
A.B. 815
A.B. 932
S.B. 214
S.B. 473
S.B. 474

4:15 PM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 796
A.B. 834
A.B. 856
A.J.R. 38
A.J.R. 42Discussed as BDR
S.B. 170
S.J.R. 7

4:20 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 467
A.B. 518
A.B. 796
A.B. 834
A.B. 856
A.B. 932
A.C.R. 48
A.J.R. 38
S.B. 170
S.J.R. 7

5:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 503
S.B. 509

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  Last updated 7/8/2015