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Minutes and Exhibits of Assembly Ways and Means - 55th (1969) Session
1969 Assembly Ways and Means Committee Page All 1969 Assembly Committees All Old Committees, Minutes and Exhibits

Index of Bills and Presentations Discussed in Assembly Ways and Means

Explanatory Note (July 2010)

Past Meetings

  Meeting Minutes  
  Appointment of special committees  
  Planning for Committee trips, including:
  • Nevada Girls Training Center
  • Lincoln County School District
  • Spring Mountain Youth Camp
  • Pahrump Research Station
3:00 PM Meeting Minutes  
  A.B. 13  
  A.B. 14  
3:00 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Mr. Hancock re proposed construction from the State Planning Board in Southern Nevada  
2:45 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Earl Oliver, Fiscal Analyst, re:
  • Cash flow
  • General Fund revenues and expenditures
  • Budgeting procedures
  Nevada Girls Training Center  
  Spring Mountain Youth Camp engineering study  
  Constructuion of new buildings on campus  
  Lincoln County School District  
  Index salary system  
  Mental Retardation Building  
  Length of stay at Nevada Girls Training Center and Nevada Youth Training Center  
  A.B. 71  
2:10 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Howard Barrett, Director, Department of Administration, re:
  • Organization of Budget Book
  • Projection of General Fund revenue
  • Appropriations for operating of government and capital improvements
  • Sales and Gaming Tax projection
  • List of Supplement Appropriations
  • Unclassified salaries
  State Planning Board and acquisition of property adjacent to University of Nevada,
Las Vegas (UNLV)
3:40 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Neil Humphrey re Regents' recommendation to acquire property adjacent to
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)
  University of Nevada System – Capital Improvement Program and method of financing  
  Proposal to visit University of Nevada on Feb. 4  
  Unclassified salaries  
              Miscellaneous Document 1
  Letters from various agencies to the Attorney General in regards to standard of work done
by some Deputy Attorneys General
1-30-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
9:04 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Judge A. Wartman, Juvenile Judge, Clark County, re Spring Mountain Youth Camp  
  Discussion of possibility of purchasing Camp Wokanda  
3:00 PM Meeting Minutes  
  John Koontz, Secretary of State (SOS), re SOS budget, including Archives Division  
  Harvey Dickerson, Attorney General  
  Mr. Phelps re Office of the Governor  
  Office of Extradition Clerk  
  Governor's Commission on the Status of Women  
2:10 PM Meeting Minutes  
  William Hancock, State Planning Board, re recommendations on Capital Improvement Program,
  • University of Nevada, Reno (UNR):
    • Land acquisition
    • Physical Sciences Building
    • Education Building
  • Nevada State Hospital
  • Mental Retard Cottages
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Motor Vehicles
  Unclassified salaries  
  Office of the Treasurer  
  Spring Mountain Youth Camp  
  A.B. 71  
  S.B. 55  
2:05 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Judge Jon Collins and Mr. Bob Davenport re courts, including:
  • District judges salaries
  • Supreme Court justices and widows pensions
  • District judges travel
  • Supreme Court
  • State Board of Pardons Commissioners
  • Capital Improvement Program
  • Supreme Court justices salaries
  Howard Barrett, Director, re Department of Administration, including:
  • Budget Division
  • Insurance Premium Revolving Fund
  • Merit Award Board
  • Buildings and Grounds Division
  • Motor Pool
  • Comparison of positions authorized by 1967 Legislature to 1969 Budget
  • Buildings and Grounds – Statewide Leases
  A.B. 71  
2:20 PM Meeting Minutes  
  John Dolan, Chief Assistant, Department of Administration, and Jac Shaw,
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds:
  • General Services Working Capital Fund
  • Buildings and Grounds Division
  • Marlette Lake
  Mrs. Hicks, Administrator, re Purchasing Division  
  Jim Wittenberg re Personnel Division and two new programs:
  • Contract Services – Pre Employment Medical Examination Program
  • Electronic Data Processing Expense
  Howard Barrett, Director, Department of Administration, re Records Services
and Accounting Division
1:55 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Jack McCarthy and Grant Anderson re State Printing Office  
  Mr. Tidvall re State Board of Finance  
  Bill Hancock and Joe Littlefield re State Planning Board and Urban Planning  
  Capital Improvement Program  
  Unclassified salaries  
2:10 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Roy Nickson, Secretary, and James Lien, Deputy Secretary, re Tax Commission  
2-10-69 Joint Meeting with Assembly Education
3:00 PM No Meeting Minutes   (See Assembly Education Minutes of Joint Meeting)  
  A.B. 130  
2:10 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Robert Johnson re Indian Affairs Commission  
  Judge Clark Guild re Nevada State Museum  
  Mrs. Heyer, State Director, re Nevada State Library, including:
  • Library Construction – Federal
  • State Institution of Library Service
  • Physically Handicapped Library Services
  • Library Cooperation
  • Library Service to the Aging
  Jac Shaw re Lost City Museum  
  A.B. 139  
  A.B. 140  
              Miscellaneous Document 2
  "Applicability of the Fair Labor Standards Act to Work Programs for Patients of Hospitals and Institutions Other Than Federal"
2:35 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Marion Welliver and Russ McDonald, Trustee, re Nevada Historical Society  
  Office of the Governor  
  Governor's Mansion Maintenance  
  Office of Extradition Clerk  
  Office of the Lieutenant Governor  
  Attorney General, including Special Fund  
  A.B. 130  
  A.J.R. 19  
2-13-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
9:07 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Clark Russell, Director, Department of Economic Development, re 1969-71 Annual Work Program  
  Roy Powers, Co-Chairman, and James Deitch, Governor's Tourism Advisory Committee  
  John Dermody, President, Western Industrial Nevada  
  Bill Laub, President, Southern Nevada Industrial Foundation  
  Gaylord Prather, President, Nevada State Chamber of Commerce  
  Preston Hale, President, Greater Reno Chamber of Commerce  
  Jack Oakes, President, Western Nevada Area Development Council  
  Frank Bender, Chairman, State Economic Development Advisory Board  
2:40 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Jim Wittenberg, Personnel Division, re average salary adjustment and range of adjustment  
  Howard Barrett, Director, Department of Administration, re Unclassified salaries  
  Office of the Governor  
  Follow-up letter to February 10th joint meeting with Assembly Education  
  A.B. 130 (Exhibit only)  
  A.B. 139  
  A.B. 140  
  S.B. 57  
  S.B. 157  
3:40 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Mr. Berg, Mr. Dressler, and Dr. O'Hara, State Department of Agriculture, re Hog Cholera
problem in Clark County
  John Gamble, Chairman; Hugh Smith, Director; and Allen Brinkerhauf, Member, re
Education Communications Commission
  S.C.R. 11  
11:17 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Secretary of State, including Archives Division  
  Office of the Treasurer  
  Budget Division  
  Merit Award Board  
  Insurance Premium Revolving Fund  
  Motor Pool  
  A.B. 163  
  A.B. 257  
  A.B. 310  
2-17-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance (beginning at 3:00 pm)
2:40 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Preston Price and Chet Oxborrow re Lincoln County School District  
  Neil Humphrey, Chancellor, re University of Nevada System  
2-18-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance (beginning at 3:00 pm)
2:10 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Mark Chilton, Stan Hosier, Jerry Purdy, and John Brown, re Department of Highways  
  Neil Humphrey, Chancellor; N. Edd Miller, President; Wendell Mordy, Director of
Desert Research Institute (DRI); Earl Price, Dean; Kenneth Jessup; Mark Dawson;
and Donald Baepler, Acting President, UNLV, re University of Nevada System
  Buildings and Grounds Division  
  Department of Administration (Exhibits only)  
  Report on the Central Services Concept: Services Provided by the Divisions of the
Department of Administration (Exhibits only)
10:20 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Motor Pool  
  General Services Working Capital Fund  
  Buildings and Grounds Division – Statewide Leases  
  Purchasing Division  
  Surplus Property Section  
  Personnel Division  
  Tom Kean, Bob Quinn, Jim Bailey, and John Carr, re Tax Commission  
  Jim Wittenberg, Personnel Division, re Contract Services and Central Data Processing  
2:10 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Jerry Furr, President; Paul Garwood, Vice President; and Tyrone Levi, Chairman, re
Commission on Equal Rights
  Burnell Larson, John Gamble, and Lincoln Liston, re Distributive School Fund  
2-24-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
9:10 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Mr. Bawden, State Highway Engineer; Jim Bailey, Director, Department of Motor Vehicles;
Howard Barrett, Director, Department of Administration; and Wilson McGowan, State
Controller, re Data Processing Commission and combining data processing work of
Departments of Highways and Motor Vehicles with Central Data Processing Division
10:40 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Burnell Larson, Superintendent of Public Instruction; John Gamble, First Assistant
Superintendent; and Lincoln Liston, Assistant Superintendent, re:
  • Education Administration
  • Vocational Education
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
  • Teacher Training for Handicapped Children
  • Manpower Development and Training
  • Fleischmann Scholarships
  • National Defense Education Act
  • Indian Education
  • Western States Small Schools Project
  A.B. 408  
2-25-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
8:30 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Wilson McGowan, State Controller; Rudy Moreno, Deputy Controller; and Howard Barrett,
Director, Department of Administration, re Accounting System Project
  Capital Improvement Program (Exhibits only)  
  Data Processing Commission (Exhibits only)  
  S.B. 93  
2:40 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Karl Harris, Director, Department of Health, Welfare and Rehabilitation, re
Comprehensive Health Planning
  Lydia S. Piscevich re Comprehensive Health Planning Advisory Council  
  Jay Gardner, Superintendent, re Nevada Youth Training Center  
  Mervin Flander re Services to the Blind  
  Grant Harris re Alcoholism Division  
  John Aberasturi, Superintendent, re Nevada State Children's Home  
  Michael Guariglia, Administrator, re Vocational Rehabilitation  
2:25 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Russ Rorabaugh, Clark County Adult Group Care Operators, and Robert Alves, Golden Age
Gardens, re Old Age Assistance
  William Miller, Superintendent, re Nevada Girls Training Center  
  Walt Merrill and George Miller, Administrator, Welfare Division, re Medical Care Unit
and Title XIX (Medicare and Medicaid)
  Walt Merrill re Intermediate Care Facilities  
  John Duarte re Aid to the Blind  
  William Miller re Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) Program  
              Miscellaneous Document 3
  "Distribution of Class Size/Number of Classes--University of Nevada System -- Fall, 1968"
10:45 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Karl Harris and George Miller re Department of Health, Welfare and Rehabilitation  
  Aid to the Disabled Program  
  John Duarte re Child Welfare Services (CWS)  
  United States (U.S.) Indian Services  
  Federal Cuban Refugee Program  
  Food Stamp Program  
  Bureau of Aging Services  
  Work Incentive Program  
  Employment Security Department  
  Homemaking Services  
  Welfare Professional Education  
  State Advisory Committee on Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) and Child Welfare
Services (CWS) Programs
  Public Assistance and Child Welfare Administration  
  Dr. McAllister and Ted Reynolds re Mental Hygiene Division  
  Southern Nevada Comprehensive Mental Health Center  
  Nevada State Hospital  
  In-Service Education (Mentally Ill)  
  In-Service Training (Mentally Retarded)  
  Intensive Treatment and Follow-up Program  
  Bureau of Mental Retardation  
  Mental Retard Cottages  
  S.B. 6  
2:20 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Willie Wynn, Director, re Office of Economic Opportunity  
  Hugo Quilici, Director, re Department of Commerce  
  Mr. Arnold re Savings and Loan Division  
  Douglas Erickson, Chief Deputy, re Insurance Division  
  Richard Bast re State Fire Marshal  
  Don McNelley re Real Estate Division  
  Preston Tidvall re Banking Division  
  Director's Budget  
3:15 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Hugh Gallagher re Inspector of Mines  
  Stan Jones re State Labor Commission  
  Karl Harris and Miss Bergevin re Health Division  
  Lincoln County School District  
  A.B. 333  
11:10 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Ed Bowers re Gaming Commission  
  Frank Johnson and Mr. Pearson re Gaming Control Board  
  A.B. 31  
  A.B. 236  
  A.B. 260  
  A.B. 333  
  A.B. 445  
  A.B. 446  
  A.B. 464  
  S.B. 183  
2:30 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Elmo DeRico, Director, re Department of Conservation and Natural Resources  
  Dean Vernon Scheid, Director, and John Schilling, Executive Secretary, re Oil and Gas
Conservation Commission
  Roland Westergard re Division of Water Resources  
  George Zappettini, re Division of Forestry, including:
  • Forest fire supression
  • Forest pest control
  • Forest and watershed rehabilitation
  • Nevada Conservation Honor Camp
  • Humboldt River Investigation
  • Soil Conservation Committee
  Tom Miller and Eric Cronkhite, Administrator, re Division of State Parks  
  State Committee on Federal Land Laws (Exhibit only)  
  Parks Capital Improvement (Exhibit only)  
  Statewide Park Plan (Exhibit only)  
  Marina Development (Exhibit only)  
  A.B. 320  
  S.B. 93  
10:50 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Tom Rice, Administrator, re Colorado River Commission, including Colorado River
Water Treatment Plant
  Gordon Harding re Central Data Processing  
  Jack Carver re Civil Defense and Disaster Agency  
  Radiological Defense (RADEF) Maintenance Shop  
  Frank Groves re Fish and Game Commission  
  Mrs. Calhoun and Mr. Clayborne re Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) Program  
  A.B. 479  
  A.B. 582  
  A.C.R. 31  
  S.B. 93  
  S.B. 142  
  S.B. 264  
              Miscellaneous Document 4
  Letter from Coates, Herfuth, & England to Kenneth Buck, Executive Secretary, Public Employees'
Retirement System (PERS), regarding the liability of PERS
10:40 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Office of the State Health Officer  
  Wilson McGowan and Rudy Moreno re Office of the Controller  
  Joe Miner re Predatory Animal and Rodent Control  
  Fish and Game Commission  
  Motor Pool  
  Records Services  
  Accounting Division  
  Department of Economic Development  
  State Board of Finance  
  Indian Affairs Commission  
  Teacher Training for Handicapped Children  
  Fleischmann Scholarships  
  National Defense Education Act  
  Indian Education  
  Western States Small Schools Project  
  Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965  
  Manpower Development and Training  
  Adult Basic Education  
  Automobile Driver Education  
  Education Commission of the States  
  Nevada Historical Society  
  Nevada State Library  
  Library Construction – Federal  
  State Institution of Library Service  
  Physically Handicapped Library Services  
  Library Cooperation  
  Library Cooperative Revolving Book Fund  
  Library Services to the Blind  
  Nevada State Museum  
  Lost City Museum  
  Nevada Heritage Association  
  A.B. 149  
2:40 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Judge Clark Guild and Bill Hancock re Capital Improvement Program  
  Eric Cronkhite, Administrator, re Parks Capital Improvement  
  Statewide Park Plan  
  S.B. 177  
10:55 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Jac Shaw re pension of Mr. McGovern, Watermaster at Marlette Lake  
  James Bailey re Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), including:
  • Highway Safety Program
  • Office of the Director
  • Administrative Services
  • Automation Division
  • Drivers License Division
  • Dealer Investigation
  • Nevada Highway Patrol
  • Motor Carrier Division
  • Registration Division
  John Bawden re Department of Highways  
  Robert Broadbent re Predatory Animal and Rodent Control  
  A.B. 86 (Exhibit only)  
  A.B. 205  
  A.B. 268 (Exhibit only)  
  A.B. 270 (Exhibit only)  
  A.B. 310  
  A.B. 473  
  A.B. 545 (Exhibit only)  
  A.B. 548 (Exhibit only)  
  A.B. 602 (Exhibit only)  
  A.B. 636 (Exhibit only)  
  S.B. 25 (Exhibit only)  
  S.B. 191 (Exhibit only)  
  S.B. 201  
  S.B. 250  
  S.B. 330  
3:15 PM Meeting Minutes  
  General Floyd Edsall, re Office of the Adjutant General and National Guard  
  Phil Hannifan re Parole and Probation  
  Jack Doyle, Atomic Energy Commission, re Centralized and De-Centralized System of
Data Processing
  A.B. 411  
11:10 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Unclassified salaries  
  Office of the Governor  
  Attorney General  
  Office of the Controller  
  Department of Economic Development  
  Planning Board  
  Tax Commission  
  Commissioner for Veterans Affairs  
  Commission on Equal Rights  
  Department of Education  
  Indian Affairs Commission  
  Education Communications Commission  
  Nevada Historical Society  
  Nevada State Museum  
  Lost City Museum  
  Real Estate Division  
  Nevada Racing Commission  
  State Labor Commission  
  Gaming Commission  
  Hoisting Engineers Licensing Fund  
  Private Detective – Motor Vehicles Department  
  Inspector of Mines  
  Department of Conservation and Natural Resources  
  California-Nevada Interstate Compact Commission  
  Oil and Gas Conservation Commission  
  State Committee on Federal Land Laws  
  Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA)  
  Division of Water Resources  
  Division of Forestry, inlcuding:
  • Forest Fire Suppression
  • Forest Pest Control
  • Forest and Watershed Rehabilitation
  • Nevada Conservation Honor Camp
  • Humboldt River Investigation
  A.B. 149  
  A.B. 242  
  A.B. 582  
  S.B. 112  
11:10 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Unclassified salaries  
  Department of Health, Welfare and Rehabilitation  
  Office of the Director of Economic Opportunity  
  Mental Hygiene Division  
  Nevada Youth Training Center  
  Nevada Girls Training Center  
  Nevada State Children's Home  
  Civil Defense and Disaster Agency  
  Nevada State Prison  
  Parole and Probation  
  Department of Commerce  
  Banking Division  
  Insurance Division  
  Savings and Loan Division  
  Real Estate Division  
  State Labor Commission  
  Athletic Commission  
  Proposal to amend the Unclassified Salary Act  
  Gaming Commission  
  Gaming Control Board  
  Vocational Rehabilitation  
  A.B. 200  
  A.B. 236  
  A.B. 636  
  S.B. 25  
3:30 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Shirlee Wedow re White House Conference on Children and Youth  
  Department of Conservation and Natural Resources  
  Division of Water Resources  
  Division of Forestry  
  Division of State Parks  
  Fish and Game Commission  
  Colorado River Commission  
  Department of Highways  
  Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), including Office of the Director  
  Employment Security Department  
  Public Employees' Retirement Board  
  Nevada Industrial Commission  
  Inspector of Mines  
  Western States Small Schools Project  
  Soil Conservation Committee  
  Marina Development  
  Predatory Animal and Rodent Control  
  Dairy Commission  
  A.B. 582  
  S.B. 264  
10:30 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Carrol Nevin and Phil Hannifan re Law Enforcement Assistance Bureau  
  Colorado River Commission  
  Southern Nevada Water Project – Federal  
  Water Treatment Facilities – State  
  Plant Industry Fund  
  Livestock Disease Control Fund  
  Animal Disease Laboratory Fund  
  Noxious Weed and Insect Pest Control Fund  
  Agriculture Registration and Enforcement Fund  
  Livestock Inspection Fund  
  Apiary Inspection  
  Predatory Animal and Rodent Control  
  Sheep Commission  
  Woolgrowers Predatory Animal Control  
  Nevada Junior Livestock Show Board  
  Advisory Mining Board  
  State Bureau of Mines – Mine Cooperative Fund  
  A.B. 703  
  S.B. 300  
  S.B. 370  
              Miscellaneous Document 5
  Letter from Louis Mastos, Commissioner of Insurance, to Assemblyman Roy Young, Chairman, Assembly Ways and Means, regarding request for additional clerical help
3-20-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
9:40 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Unclassified salaries  
  Office of the Governor  
  Governor's Mansion Maintenance  
  Attorney General  
  Secretary of State  
  Office of the Treasurer  
  Office of the Controller  
  State Printing Office  
  Department of Administration  
  Buildings and Grounds Division  
  Purchasing Division  
  Central Data Processing  
  Marlette Lake  
  Department of Economic Development  
  Planning Board  
  Tax Commission  
  Commissioner for Veterans Affairs  
  Commission on Equal Rights  
  Indian Affairs Commission  
  Department of Education  
  Nevada Historical Society  
  Nevada State Museum  
  Lost City Museum  
  Department of Health, Welfare and Rehabilitation  
  Office of the Director of Economic Opportunity  
  Mental Hygiene Division  
  Vocational Rehabilitation  
  Alcoholism Division  
  Nevada Youth Training Center  
  Nevada State Children's Home  
  Office of the Adjutant General and National Guard  
  Civil Defense and Disaster Agency  
  Nevada State Prison  
  Parole and Probation  
  Department of Commerce  
  Banking Division  
  Insurance Division  
  Savings and Loan Division  
  Real Estate Division  
  State Labor Commission  
  Public Service Commission  
  Gaming Commission  
  Gaming Control Board  
  Inspector of Mines  
  Department of Conservation and Natural Resources  
  Division of Water Resources  
  Division of Forestry  
  Fish and Game Commission  
  State Highway Engineer  
  Department of Highways  
  Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Safety Program  
  Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Office of Director  
  Employment Security Department  
  Public Employees' Retirement Board  
  Nevada Industrial Commission  
  Classified salaries  
3:25 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Carl Hocker, Warden; Mr. Haas, Food Manager; and Reverand Bloomquest,
re Nevada State Prison
  Judge Wartman and Jim Carmany re Spring Mountain Youth Camp  
10:55 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Mr. Collins, Employees Association, re Classified salaries  
  Spring Mountain Youth Camp  
  Clarence Cassady re Dairy Commission  
  Department of Highways  
  Highway Safety Program  
  Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), including:
  • Office of the Director
  • Administrative Services
  • Automation Division
  • Drivers License Division
  • Dealer Investigation
  • Nevada Highway Patrol
  A.B. 205  
  A.B. 680  
8:35 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), including:
  • Motor Carrier Division
  • Registration Division
  Office of the Adjutant General and National Guard  
  Civil Defense and Disaster Agency  
  Radiological Defense (RADEF) Maintenance Shop  
  Community Shelter Planning Program  
  Nevada State Prison  
  Parole and Probation  
  Office of the Director, Department of Health, Welfare and Rehabilitation  
  Office of the Director of Economic Opportunity  
  Mental Hygiene Division  
  Nevada State Hospital  
  In-Service Education (Mentally Ill)  
  Intensive Treatment and Follow-Up  
  Bureau of Mental Retardation  
  In-Service Training (Mentally Retarded)  
  Mental Retard Cottages  
  Southern Nevada Comprehensive Mental Health Center  
  Old Age Assistance  
  Aid to the Disabled Program  
  United States (U.S.) Indian Service  
  Federal Cuban Refugee Program  
  Bureau of Aging Services  
  Work Incentive Program  
  Employment Security Department – Work Incentive Program  
  Homemaking Services  
  Welfare Professional Education  
  State Advisory Committee on Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) and Child Welfare
Services (CWS) Programs
2:45 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Classified salaries  
  A.B. 13  
  A.B. 139  
  A.B. 140  
  A.B. 470  
3-24-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
3:00 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Spring Mountain Youth Camp  
  Vocational Rehabilitation  
  Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Disability Determinations  
  Services to the Blind  
  Alcoholism Division  
  Nevada Girls Training Center  
  Nevada State Children's Home  
  Office of Extradition Clerk  
  Office of the Controller  
  Education Communications Commission  
  Elko Community College  
  A.B. 189  
  A.B. 191  
  A.B. 242  
  A.B. 335  
  A.C.R. 25  
4:00 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) Program (Exhibit only)  
  A.B. 466  
  A.B. 470  
  A.B. 471  
  A.B. 477  
  A.B. 479  
  A.B. 541  
  A.B. 588  
  A.B. 591  
  A.B. 670  
  S.B. 234  
3:30 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Public Service Commission  
  Taxicab Regulation – Public Service Commission  
  A.B. 629  
  A.B. 630  
  A.B. 631  
  A.B. 700  
  A.B. 723  
  A.B. 731  
  A.B. 732  
  S.B. 155  
  S.B. 191  
11:17 AM Meeting Minutes  
  A.B. 140  
  A.B. 376  
  A.B. 411  
  A.B. 470  
  A.B. 683  
  S.B. 300  
  S.B. 333  
  S.B. 334  
4-2-69 (A) Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
8:45 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Unclassified salaries  
  Office of the Governor  
  Budget Division  
  Buildings and Grounds Division  
  Purchasing Division  
  Personnel Division  
  Department of Economic Development  
  Planning Board  
  Commisioner for Veterans Affairs  
  Indian Affairs Commission  
  Nevada State Library  
  Nevada State Museum  
  Lost City Museum  
  Elko Community College  
  Agriculture Experiment Station  
  Agriculture Extension Service  
  Office of the Director of Economic Opportunity  
  Bureau of Aging Services  
  Homemaking Services  
  State Advisory Committee on Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) and Child Welfare
Services (CWS) Programs
  Nevada Girls Training Center  
  Office of the Adjutant General and National Guard  
  Civil Defense and Disaster Agency  
  Nevada State Prison  
  Parole and Probation  
  Banking Division  
  Insurance Division  
  State Fire Marshal  
  Real Estate Division  
  Oil and Gas Conservation Commission  
  Division of Water Resources  
  Plant Industry Fund  
4-2-69 (B) am
11:45 AM Meeting Minutes  
  A.B. 600  
  A.B. 771   Discussed as BDR  
  S.B. 25  
  S.B. 80  
  S.B. 191  
4-2-69 (C) pm (1)
3:30 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Health Division  
  Office of the State Health Officer  
  Vital Statistics  
  Bureau of Environmental Health  
  Public Health Laboratory  
  Western Regional Higher Education Compact  
  National Defense Student Loans (NDSL)  
  University of Nevada System, including:
  • Summer School – Las Vegas and Reno
  • Agriculture Extension Service
  • Agriculture Experiment Station
  • Pahrump Valley Research
  • Nevada Southern Library books
  • Reno Campus Library books
  Parks Capital Improvement, including:
  • Lake Tahoe
  • Beaver Dam
  • Cathedral Gorge
  • Eagle Valley
  • Echo Canyon Reservoir
  • Fort Churchil
  • Valley of Fire
  • Ward Charcoal Ovens
  • Historic Markers
  Statewide Park Plan  
  A.B. 757  
  A.C.R. 25  
4-2-69 (D) pm (2)
3:30 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Predatory Animal and Rodent Control  
  Public Employees' Retirement Board  
  Fish and Game Commission  
  A.C.R. 37  
  A.C.R. 38  
  A.C.R. 42  
  S.B. 25  
  S.B. 62  
  S.B. 95  
  S.B. 250  
  S.B. 478  
  S.B. 479  
4-3-69 (E)  
3:30 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) Program  
  Legislative Fund  
  Capital Improvement Program, including:
  • University of Nevada System – Physical Science Building, Phase II, Reno
  • Women's Prison – Kitchen and Dining Wing
  • Nevada State Children's Home, Boulder City – two cottages, Multi-Purpose Building and furnishings
  • Nevada Girls Training Center – classroom addition and code corrections
  A.B. 541  
  S.B. 190  
4-7-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
8:35 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Capital Improvement Program, including:
  • Nevada Youth Training Center – Classroom Building
  • Women's Prison – Kitchen and Dining Wing
  • Nevada State Children's Home, Boulder City – two cottages, Phase I
  • Capitol Complex Land
  • University of Nevada System – Education Building, Reno
  Central Data Processing  
  Parks Capital Improvement, including:
  • Cathedral Gorge
  • Ichthyosaur
  • Kershaw-Ryan
  • Lake Tahoe
  • Valley of Fire
  • Historic Markers
              Miscellaneous Document 6
  Letter from Stanley Jones, Commissioner of Insurance, to Robert Bruce, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re request of additional support funds
11:55 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Central Data Processing  
  Marlette Lake  
  District Judges Pensions  
  Supreme Court Justices and Widows Pensions  
  District Judges Travel  
  Urban Planning  
  Bond and Investment Commission  
  Education Administration  
  Care of Deaf and Blind  
  Vocational Education  
  Vocational Special State Aid  
  University of Nevada System, including:
  • General Administration and Expense
  • Reno Campus Instruction
  • Las Vegas Campus Instruction
  • Computer Center
  • Statewide Services
  • Desert Research Institute (DRI
  • Technical Salary Adjustment
  A.B. 94  
  A.B. 235  
  A.B. 600  
  A.B. 626  
  A.B. 771  
  S.B. 80  
  S.B. 94  
  S.B. 279  
  S.B. 470  
  S.B. 476  
4-8-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
8:40 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Central Data Processing  
  District Judges Salaries  
  District Judges Pensions  
  Supreme Court Justices and Widows Pensions  
  District Judges Travel  
  State Board of Pardons Commissioners  
  Bond and Investment Commission  
  Urban Planning  
  Indian Affairs Commission  
  Education Administration  
  Vocational Special State Aid  
  University of Nevada System, including:
  • General Administration
  • Statewide Services
  • Desert Research Institute (DRI)
  Nevada State Hospital  
  Capital Improvement Program – Nevada State Children's Home, Boulder City – two cottages  
4:55 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Plant Industry Fund  
  Health Division, including:
  • Tuberculosis Care
  • Bureau of Community Health Services
  • Dental Health
  • Bureau of Maternal, Child, and School Health
  • Bureau of Health Facilities
  • Venereal Disease Special Project
  • Silicosis Fund
  Medical Care Unit – Title XIX (Medicaid)  
  Work Incentive Program  
  Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) Program  
  Aid to the Blind  
  Child Welfare Services (CWS)  
  Intermediate Care Facilities  
  Public Assistance and Child Welfare Administration  
  Nevada Youth Training Center  
  Nevada State Children's Home  
  Capital Improvement Program  
  Nevada Narcotics Bureau  
  A.B. 477  
  A.B. 516  
  S.B. 190  
  S.B. 306  
  S.B. 470  
              Miscellaneous Document 7
  "State of Nevada Estimated Funds Available and Funds to be Spent for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1969, 1970, and 1971"
              Miscellaneous Document 8
  "Assembly Ways and Means Committee: Changes in General Fund Appropriations From Recommendations by the Governor 1969-1971 Biennium"
              Miscellaneous Document 9
  Copy of letter from James Lien, Assistant Secretary, Tax Commission, to Ron Sparks, Budget Analyst, Department of Administration
  S.B. 452  
11:25 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Division of State Parks  
  Employment Security Department  
  Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Administration  
  State Officers Bond Premium  
  Professional and Vocational Boards  
  Comprehensive Health Planning  
  Capital Improvement Program – University of Nevada System – Physical
Science Building, Reno, and Performing Arts Building, Las Vegas
  A.B. 200  
  A.B. 764  
  A.B. 784  
  A.C.R. 24  
  S.B. 80  
  S.B. 90  
  S.B. 191  
  S.B. 201  
  S.B. 278  
  S.B. 426  
  S.B. 469  
  S.B. 470  
  S.B. 471  
  S.B. 481  
  S.B. 485  
  S.B. 491  
3:30 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Nevada State Hospital  
  Gaming Commission  
  State Printing Office  
  A.B. 317  
  A.B. 470  
  A.B. 781  
  S.B. 90  
  S.B. 190  
  S.B. 277  
  S.B. 306  
  S.B. 352  
  S.B. 456  
  S.B. 475  
  S.B. 498  
  S.B. 501  
4-11-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
8:35 AM Meeting Minutes  
  Elected Officers Salaries  
  Budget Division  
  District Judges Salaries  
  Supreme Court  
  State Board of Pardons Commissioners  
  Tax Commission  
  Indian Affairs Commission  
  Public School Teachers Retirement  
  Office of the State Health Officer  
  Bureau of Environmental Health  
  Meat Inspection  
  Public Health  
  Child Welfare Services (CWS)  
  Title XIX (Medicaid)  
  Public Assistance And Child Welfare Administration  
  Nevada Youth Training Center  
  Nevada State Prison  
  Parole and Probation  
  Nevada Narcotics Bureau  
  Nevada Commission on Crime  
  Banking Division  
  State Labor Commission  
  Taxicab Regulation – Public Service Commission  
  Inspector of Mines  
  Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA)  
  Division of State Parks  
  Fish and Game Commission  
  Noxious Weed and Insect Pest Control Fund  
  Predatory Animal and Rodent Control  
  State Bureau of Mines  
  Department of Highways  
  Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)  
  Automation Division  
  Drivers License Division  
  Registration Division  
  Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS)  
  Gaming Commission  
  General Obligation Bonds  
  S.B. 155  
4-11-69 pm (1)
12:30 PM Meeting Minutes  
  A.B. 791   Discussed as BDR  
  S.B. 190  
4-11-69 pm (2)
4:11 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Commission on Equal Rights  
  Taxicab Regulation – Public Service Commission  
  A.B. 242  
  S.B. 147  
  S.B. 155  
  S.B. 174  
  S.B. 302  
  S.B. 306  
  S.B. 479  
  S.B. 520  
12:30 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Office of the Director of Economic Opportunity  
  Unclassified salaries  
  Public Service Commission  
  S.B. 191  
  S.B. 479  
11:16 AM Meeting Minutes  
  University of Nevada System – Nevada Southern Land Foundation  
  Office of the State Health Officer  
  Colorado River Commission  
  Consolidated Bond and Interest and Redemption Fund  
  A.B. 791  
4-14-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
3:30 PM Meeting Minutes  
  State Printing Office  
  Public Service Commission  
  A.B. 698  
  A.B. 760  
  A.B. 761  
  A.B. 799  
  S.B. 32  
  S.B. 186  
  S.B. 302  
  S.B. 479  
  S.B. 484  
  S.B. 487  
  S.B. 510  
              Miscellaneous Document 10
  "Additional Funds Needed in Excess of the Governor's Budget"
3:45 PM Meeting Minutes  
  University of Nevada System – Nevada Southern Land Foundation  
  A.B. 475  
  A.B. 700  
  A.B. 791  
  S.B. 25  
  S.B. 307  
3:25 PM Meeting Minutes  
  A.B. 698  
  S.B. 300  
  S.B. 528  
4-17-69 Joint Meeting with Senate Finance
  Meeting Minutes  
  Nevada State Prison – Milk processing  
  Legislative Counsel Bureau  
  Commission on Equal Rights  
5:00 PM Meeting Minutes  
  A.B. 202  
  S.B. 306  
3:15 PM Meeting Minutes  
  A.B. 764  
  S.B. 498  
  S.B. 528  
12:20 PM Meeting Minutes  
  Title XIX (Medicaid)  
  A.B. 797  
  A.B. 798  
  S.B. 534  
  S.B. 538  
  S.C.R. 31  
12:15 PM Meeting Minutes  
  A.B. 650  
  A.B. 661  
  A.B. 791  
  S.B. 532  
  S.B. 539  
  S.B. 546  
  S.B. 548  
              Miscellaneous Document 11
  "Bonded Indebtedness"
11:50 AM Meeting Minutes  
  S.B. 25  
  S.B. 538  
9:40 AM Meeting Minutes  
  S.B. 236  
  S.B. 365  
  S.B. 549  

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Last updated 1/11/2012

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