[Rev. 2/6/2019 2:39:19 PM]
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1597 (CHAPTER 344, AB 595)ê
3. A short-term lessor who disseminates an advertisement in the State of Nevada that contains a rate for the lease of a passenger car shall include in the advertisement a clearly readable statement of the charge for a waiver of damages and a statement that the waiver is optional.
4. A short-term lessor shall not engage in any unfair, deceptive or coercive conduct to induce a short-term lessee to purchase a waiver of damages, optional insurance or any other optional good or service, including, but not limited to, refusing to honor the lessee’s reservation, limiting the availability of cars, requiring a deposit or debiting or blocking the lessee’s credit card account for a sum equivalent to a deposit if the lessee declines to purchase a waiver, optional insurance or any other optional good or service.
Sec. 49.7. NRS 482.3158 is hereby amended to read as follows:
482.3158 1. The short-term lessor of a passenger car may impose an additional charge:
(a) Based on reasonable age criteria established by the lessor.
(b) For any item or a service provided if the short-term lessee could have avoided incurring the charge by choosing not to obtain or utilize the optional item or service.
(c) For insurance and accessories requested by the lessee.
(d) For service incident to the lessee’s optional return of the car to a location other than the location where the car was leased.
(e) For refueling the car at the conclusion of the lease if the lessee did not return the car with as much fuel as was in the fuel tank at the beginning of the lease.
(f) For any authorized driver in addition to the short-term lessee [and one other authorized driver] but shall not , except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, charge more than [$5] $10 per full or partial 24-hour period for such an additional authorized driver. The monetary amount set forth in this paragraph must be adjusted for each fiscal year that begins on or after July 1, 2008, by adding to that amount the product of that amount multiplied by the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index West Urban for All Urban Consumers (All Items) between the calendar year ending on December 31, 2005, and the calendar year immediately preceding the fiscal year for which the adjustment is made. The Department shall, on or before March 1 of each year, publish the adjusted amount for the next fiscal year on its website or otherwise make that information available to short-term lessors.
2. A short-term lessor shall not charge a short-term lessee, as a condition of leasing a passenger car, an additional fee for:
(a) Any surcharges required for fuel.
(b) Transporting the lessee to the location where the car will be delivered to the lessee.
[(c) One other authorized driver.]
3. If a short-term lessor:
(a) Delivers a passenger car to a short-term lessee at a location other than the location where the lessor normally carries on its business, the lessor shall not charge the lessee any amount for the period before the delivery of the car.
(b) Takes possession of a passenger car from a short-term lessee at a location other than the location where the lessor normally carries on its business, the lessor shall not charge the lessee any amount for the period after the lessee notifies the lessor to take possession of the car.
Secs. 50-54. (Deleted by amendment.)
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1598 (CHAPTER 344, AB 595)ê
Sec. 55. NRS 365.326, 365.328, 366.360 and 366.397 are hereby repealed.
Sec. 55.3. The Department of Transportation shall, not later than December 31 of each year:
1. Prepare an annual report on all the projects undertaken with the money deposited in the State Highway Fund pursuant to NRS 244A.637. The report must include:
(a) For each of those projects:
(1) The amount of that funding expended on the project.
(2) The amount of any other funding expended on the project.
(3) The timeline for the completion of the project.
(4) Specific information regarding any delays in the project as a result of any variances from the Department’s projections of scheduling and costs.
(5) The status of:
(I) The definition of the project.
(II) The preliminary engineering for the project.
(III) The environmental documentation for the project.
(IV) The acquisition of required rights-of-way for the project.
(V) The date of advertisement for bids on the project.
(VI) The date of operational completion of the project.
(b) The total number of those projects that have been completed and, for each completed project:
(1) Whether the project was completed early or on time.
(2) Whether the project remained within its planned scope.
(3) Whether the project was completed for less than or for the amount of its budgeted expenses.
(4) Any specific measures of transportation improvement resulting from the project.
2. Submit the annual report to:
(a) The Governor.
(b) The Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to the Interim Finance Committee.
Sec. 55.5. 1. The Director of the Department of Transportation shall, each calendar quarter, prepare a report to supplement the annual reports required pursuant to section 47.2 of this act, and submit the quarterly report to the Board of Directors of the Department of Transportation and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to the Interim Finance Committee. The quarterly report must contain the following information with respect to the highway projects that the Blue Ribbon Task Force, as created by the Board of Directors of the Nevada Department of Transportation, identified in its report dated December 5, 2006, and any proposed super and mega highway projects:
(a) For each of those projects:
(1) The amount of funding expended on the project.
(2) The timeline for the completion of the project.
(3) Specific information regarding any delays in the project as a result of any variances from the Department’s projections of scheduling and costs.
(4) The status of:
(I) The definition of the project.
(II) The preliminary engineering for the project.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1599 (CHAPTER 344, AB 595)ê
(III) The environmental documentation for the project.
(IV) The acquisition of required rights-of-way for the project.
(V) The date of advertisement for bids on the project.
(VI) The date of operational completion of the project.
(b) The total number of those projects that have been completed and, for each completed project:
(1) Whether the project was completed early or on time.
(2) Whether the project remained within its planned scope.
(3) Whether the project was completed for less than or for the amount of its budgeted expenses.
(4) Any specific measures of transportation improvement resulting from the project.
2. The Director shall cause a copy of each report prepared pursuant to this section to be posted on the Internet website of the Department when the report is submitted pursuant to subsection 1.
Sec. 56. 1. This act does not require the payment of any principal or interest on any bonds described in subsection 3 of NRS 244A.637, as amended by section 46.5 of this act, before July 1, 2008.
2. The amendatory provisions of section 47 of this act must not be applied to modify, directly or indirectly, any taxes levied or revenues pledged in such a manner as to impair adversely any outstanding obligations of any county, city or town, including, without limitation, bonds, medium-term financing, letters of credit and any other financial obligation, until all such obligations have been discharged in full or provision for their payment and redemption has been fully made.
3. The amendatory provisions of section 49 of this act do not apply to the lease of a passenger car before October 1, 2007.
Sec. 57. 1. This section and sections 1 to 46, inclusive, 49.5, 49.7, 55 and 56 of this act become effective upon passage and approval.
2. Sections 46.5, 47.1 to 47.4, inclusive, 55.3 and 55.5 of this act become effective on July 1, 2007.
3. Sections 47.5 and 49 of this act become effective on October 1, 2007.
4. Sections 47 and 47.6 of this act become effective on July 1, 2008.
5. Section 55.5 of this act expires by limitation on December 31, 2015.
Senate Bill No. 579–Committee on Finance
AN ACT relating to financial administration; making various appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
[Approved: June 13, 2007]
Section 1. 1. There is hereby created in the State General Fund a disbursement account to be administered by the Legislative Counsel Bureau.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1600 (CHAPTER 345, SB 579)ê
2. Money appropriated to the disbursement account for the use of a specific entity must be allocated to that entity from time to time upon the submittal to the Legislative Counsel Bureau of an appropriate request for an allocation that is based on costs incurred.
Sec. 2. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Anthony L. Pollard Foundation the sum of $500,000 for the design, planning and construction of the Carter G. Woodson Library to promote cultural awareness and appreciation in west Las Vegas.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Anthony L. Pollard Foundation shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Anthony L. Pollard Foundation through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2010, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Anthony L. Pollard Foundation through December 1, 2010;
(c) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 16, 2011, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Anthony L. Pollard Foundation through June 30, 2011; and
(d) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Anthony L. Pollard Foundation, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2011, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 16, 2011, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 16, 2011.
Sec. 3. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Family Development Foundation the sum of $200,000 for domestic violence prevention programs and services in southern Nevada.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Family Development Foundation shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Family Development Foundation through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Family Development Foundation through June 30, 2009; and
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1601 (CHAPTER 345, SB 579)ê
the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Family Development Foundation through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Family Development Foundation, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 4. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Interim Finance Committee for allocation to Truckee Meadows Community College the sum of $500,000 for the design and planning of the Spanish Springs Education Center. Funds appropriated pursuant to this section can only be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee upon submittal of a report that the developer has extended the deadline for title transfer and that the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada has provided equivalent matching funds.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 5. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the sum of $200,000 for special programs and fellowships sponsored by the Black Mountain Institute.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 6. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to Elko County the sum of $200,000 for the acquisition and maintenance of exhibits for the California Trail Interpretive Center.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1602 (CHAPTER 345, SB 579)ê
which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 7. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the City of Sparks the sum of $163,760 for the completion of the construction of the Larry D. Johnson Community Center.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the City of Sparks shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the City of Sparks through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2010, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the City of Sparks through December 1, 2010;
(c) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 16, 2011, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the City of Sparks through June 30, 2011; and
(d) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the City of Sparks, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2011, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 16, 2011, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 16, 2011.
Sec. 8. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act the sum of $35,000 to fund the Nevada Youth Legislative Issues Forum created by Senate Bill 247 of this session.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1603 (CHAPTER 345, SB 579)ê
Sec. 9. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Public Works Department for the City of Fernley, County of Lyon and State of Nevada, the sum of $86,240 for costs associated with the construction of a sound barrier wall along a residential property line behind the Desert Rose Recreational Vehicle Park in the City of Fernley.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 10. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the State Department of Agriculture the sum of $50,000 for the payment of expenses incurred by the Advisory Council for Organic Agricultural Products in carrying out its powers and duties pursuant to NRS 587.700 to 587.830, inclusive, including, but not limited to, the payment of expenses for:
(a) Compensation, per diem allowances and travel expenses of members of the Advisory Council; and
(b) Support of the activities of the Advisory Council, including meetings, workshops, promotion and public outreach.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 11. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the City of Caliente the sum of $300,000 for repair of the access road into the Caliente Youth Center which will require the construction of a single-span bridge over the Clover Creek Wash.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 12. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Rape Crisis Center in southern Nevada the sum of $250,000 to expand the Child Assault Prevention program.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Rape Crisis Center shall:
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1604 (CHAPTER 345, SB 579)ê
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Rape Crisis Center through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Rape Crisis Center through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Rape Crisis Center, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 13. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Commission on Tourism the sum of $500,000 to make grants to small airports located in this State for the purpose of recruiting, retaining, stabilizing and expanding regional commercial air service within the State.
2. The Commission on Tourism shall adopt such regulations as the Commission determines to be necessary or advisable for awarding the grants pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 14. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership the sum of $94,600 for support of their programs to promote knowledge of the history and heritage of the central area of the Great Basin.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership through December 1, 2008;
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(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 15. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Center for Health Disparities Research at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the sum of $100,000 to fund workshops for a 2-year health education and promotion pilot program.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 16. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Division of Forestry of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources the sum of $200,000 to match federal funding for support of the Urban and Community Forestry Program.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 17. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Legislative Fund created pursuant to NRS 218.085 the sum of $228,056 to enable the Research Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau to create an oral history of the Nevada Legislature.
Sec. 18. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Division of State Parks of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources the sum of $250,000 for the preparation of a comprehensive outdoor recreation plan pursuant to subsection 2.
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Natural Resources the sum of $250,000 for the preparation of a comprehensive outdoor recreation plan pursuant to subsection 2.
2. The Division of State Parks of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources shall prepare a comprehensive outdoor recreation plan. The Division:
(a) Shall designate an area located within the northeast portion of Clark County, Nevada, as the applicable area for the plan. The area for the plan may include any portion of Lincoln County, Nevada, that is contiguous to that portion of Clark County, Nevada. The plan must include, without limitation:
(1) All provisions of the comprehensive statewide outdoor recreation plan prepared and maintained by the Division pursuant to NRS 407.205 that are applicable or related to the designated area for the comprehensive outdoor recreation plan required pursuant to this subsection;
(2) A specific review, compilation and suggested revision, if any, of any existing outdoor recreation plan that is prepared for or is applicable to the designated area for the plan required pursuant to this subsection and any inventories of outdoor recreational facilities and existing or proposed development activities within or affecting the designated area for the plan;
(3) An analysis of any plans or other actions of a federal, state or local governmental agency relating to outdoor recreational activities, facilities and opportunities for members of the public to engage in outdoor recreational activities in the designated area for the plan;
(4) An evaluation of the possible integration of the activities, facilities and opportunities specified in subparagraph (3); and
(5) Any other information required by the Division relating to the plan.
(b) May:
(1) Cooperate with any person, including, without limitation, any nonprofit organization, any federal, state or local governmental agency or any other entity in preparing and revising the plan required pursuant to this subsection; and
(2) Apply for and accept any gift or grant of money from any source to assist the Division in preparing or carrying out the provisions of the plan, including, without limitation, the development or construction of any trails for hiking, biking or off-highway vehicles or any campgrounds or other facilities within the designated area for the plan.
(c) Shall:
(1) Upon request by the Legislative Committee on Public Lands, submit a report to the Committee concerning the progress of the Division in preparing the plan required pursuant to this subsection and any other actions of the Division in carrying out the provisions of this subsection, including, without limitation, a statement setting forth the availability and expenditure of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1; and
(2) On or before February 1, 2009, prepare and submit to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to the Legislature a written report setting forth:
(I) The provisions of the comprehensive outdoor recreation plan prepared pursuant to this subsection; and
(II) Any other activities of the Division in carrying out the provisions of this subsection.
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3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 19. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., the sum of $1,050,000 for the establishment and operation of Ready for Life through Project Learn programs in this State.
2. A Boys and Girls Club operating in this State may apply to the Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., for a grant of money from the appropriation made by subsection 1. The application must include proof satisfactory to the Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., that the applicant has obtained equal matching money, other than money from this State, for the establishment and operation of a Ready for Life through Project Learn program, including, without limitation, money from local governmental agencies, community organizations, the private sector and the Federal Government. Facilities and office space may not be used to satisfy the match required by this subsection. In-kind matches must account for not more than 25 percent of the match required by this subsection.
3. A Boys and Girls Club that receives a grant shall use the money to establish and operate a Ready for Life through Project Learn program that is designed to provide persons who are 6 to 18 years of age and who are from disadvantaged circumstances the education and skills necessary to show proficiency in basic academic skills at each grade level through graduation and the ability to make informed decisions about postsecondary education and training. In addition, the program must include:
(a) Homework help and tutoring to enable each young person to develop the daily habit of completing homework and class preparation, with staff and volunteer support for 5 to 6 hours weekly.
(b) Learning activities to help each young person apply what they have learned in the classroom to practical, real-life situations.
(c) Parental involvement to empower the adults in each young person’s life to support his academic development.
(d) Collaboration with schools enabling Boys and Girls Clubs to work with teachers to develop individualized plans for each young person to build competency in challenging subjects.
(e) Accountability measures to track each young person’s performance, such as school report cards or other appropriate measurements.
4. A Boys and Girls Club that receives a grant of money from the appropriation made by subsection 1 shall expend not more than 15 percent of the money for the costs of developing a Ready for Life through Project Learn program and other costs associated with the start-up of the program. Money provided for start-up costs must not be in addition to the total amount of a grant awarded to an applicant. After the development and start-up of a Ready for Life through Project Learn program, the Boys and Girls Club operating that program shall expend:
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(a) Not more than 10 percent of the money for the administrative costs associated with operating the program.
(b) At least 90 percent of the money for direct services to the young persons who participate in the program.
5. If required by law, all personnel and volunteers who assist with a Ready for Life through Project Learn program operated by a Boys and Girls Club shall undergo the appropriate health screening and submit fingerprints for criminal background checks.
6. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
7. The Department of Education shall approve the:
(a) Procedures for allocation of grants of money by the Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., including procedures for the reimbursement of start-up costs of a Ready for Life through Project Learn program.
(b) Requirements for evaluation and reporting by each Boys and Girls Club that receives a grant of money.
8. Any remaining balance of the appropriations made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which the money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 20. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Nevada Public Education Foundation the sum of $175,000 for the establishment and operation of Ready for Life through Project Learn programs in this State.
2. The Nevada Public Education Foundation may use the money appropriated by subsection 1 only if matching money is obtained by the Nevada Public Education Foundation, other than money from this State.
3. The Nevada Public Education Foundation will facilitate between local school districts and Boys and Girls Clubs to develop strong working relationships.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1609 (CHAPTER 345, SB 579)ê
4. A collaborating agency of the Nevada Public Education Foundation operating in this State may apply to the Nevada Public Education Foundation for a grant of money from the appropriation made by subsection 1.
5. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Nevada Public Education Foundation shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Public Education Foundation through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Public Education Foundation through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Nevada Public Education Foundation, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
6. The Department of Education shall approve the:
(a) Procedures for allocation of grants of money by the Nevada Public Education Foundation, including procedures for the reimbursement of start-up costs of a Ready for Life through Project Learn program.
(b) Requirements for evaluation and reporting by each collaborating agency of the Nevada Public Education Foundation that receives a grant of money.
7. Any remaining balance of the appropriations made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which the money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 21. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Division of State Parks of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources the sum of $225,000 for the development of a new group picnic area at Spring Mountain Ranch State Park.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 22. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Northern Nevada Development Authority the sum of $500,000 for the purposes set forth in subsections 2 and 3.
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Northern Nevada Development Authority the sum of $500,000 for the purposes set forth in subsections 2 and 3.
2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the money appropriated by subsection 1:
(a) Must be used for specific projects and programs relating to economic development in counties whose population is less than 100,000 that are within the service territory of the Northern Nevada Development Authority.
(b) Must not be used to hire additional staff.
3. With regard to the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Northern Nevada Development Authority:
(a) Is subject to review and oversight by the Commission on Economic Development;
(b) Shall not use the money appropriated by subsection 1 for a project or program if the Commission objects to its use for that purpose; and
(c) Shall make reports, at least quarterly, to the Commission, in the manner prescribed by the Commission, regarding its use of the money appropriated by subsection 1.
4. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Northern Nevada Development Authority shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Northern Nevada Development Authority through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Northern Nevada Development Authority through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Northern Nevada Development Authority, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
5. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 23. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of Nevada Arts Advocates the sum of $50,000 for projects and programs to promote, support and foster the arts.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, Nevada Arts Advocates shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Nevada Arts Advocates through December 1, 2008;
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money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Nevada Arts Advocates through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Nevada Arts Advocates through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of Nevada Arts Advocates, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 24. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Nevada Arts Council of the Department of Cultural Affairs, the sum of $425,000 to support the Nevada Arts Council.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 25. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Challenger Learning Center of Northern Nevada the sum of $100,000 for educational programs and equipment, staffing, facilities and a Challenger simulator contract.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Challenger Learning Center of Northern Nevada shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Challenger Learning Center of Northern Nevada through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Challenger Learning Center of Northern Nevada through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Challenger Learning Center of Northern Nevada, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
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other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Challenger Learning Center of Northern Nevada, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 26. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Chinese Workers’ Museum in Carson City the sum of $50,000 for costs associated with the planning and design, and the construction and operation, of the proposed Chinese Workers’ Museum of America.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Chinese Workers’ Museum shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Chinese Workers’ Museum through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2010, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Chinese Workers’ Museum through December 1, 2010;
(c) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 16, 2011, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Chinese Workers’ Museum through June 30, 2011; and
(d) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Chinese Workers’ Museum, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2011, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 16, 2011, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and reverts to the State General Fund on or before September 16, 2011.
Sec. 27. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Purchasing Division of the Department of Administration the sum of $200,000 to supplement distribution costs in northern Nevada for the federal Commodity Supplemental Food Program.
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2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 28. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Administrator of the Division of State Parks of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources the sum of $100,000 to fund the costs for the transfer of the following land:
The sections within Township 2 North, Range 38 East, M.D.B. & M., and Township 3 North, Range 38 East, M.D.B. & M., consisting of approximately 6,000 acres of land located in Esmeralda County, Nevada,
from the Bureau of Land Management to the Division for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a state park designated as Monte Cristo’s Castle.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 29. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to Clark County the sum of $225,000 for operating expenses to launch a demonstration project that will provide discounted medical services for uninsured working residents of Clark County.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, Clark County shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Clark County through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Clark County through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of Clark County, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
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3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 30. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of:
(a) The Center for Creative Therapeutic Arts, Las Vegas, the sum of $58,815 for the purchase of instruments, equipment, music, supplies and software for music therapy services.
(b) Esther Bennett Elementary School, Sun Valley, the sum of $6,705 for the purchase of instruments, equipment, music, supplies and software for music therapy services.
(c) Marvin Picollo School, Reno, the sum of $15,325 for the purchase of instruments, equipment, music, supplies and software for music therapy services.
(d) The Note-Ables, Reno, the sum of $28,745 for the purchase of instruments, equipment, music, supplies and software for music therapy services.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Center for Creative Therapeutic Arts and The Note-Ables, respectively, shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Center for Creative Therapeutic Arts and The Note-Ables, respectively, through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Center for Creative Therapeutic Arts and The Note-Ables, respectively, through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Center for Creative Therapeutic Arts and The Note-Ables, respectively, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriations made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
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Sec. 31. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Nevada Institute for Renewable Energy Commercialization the sum of $500,000, to provide initial funding for the planning, initial staffing and early implementation of the Institute, a public-private partnership with the goal of combining basic and applied research with innovative public and private organizations to advance the commercialization of cost-effective renewable energy.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Nevada Institute for Renewable Energy Commercialization shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Institute through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Institute through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Institute, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 32. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Keaton Raphael Memorial the sum of $60,000 to provide financial assistance to families who have children with cancer and to provide related material resources for grants.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Keaton Raphael Memorial shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Keaton Raphael Memorial through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Keaton Raphael Memorial through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Keaton Raphael Memorial, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
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Raphael Memorial, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 33. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Nevada Fire Safe Council the sum of $750,000 to fund a community-based wildfire threat reduction program.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Nevada Fire Safe Council shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Fire Safe Council through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Fire Safe Council through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Nevada Fire Safe Council, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 34. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Area Health Education Center of Southern Nevada the sum of $50,000 to fund projects and programs designed to promote and support child abuse prevention in Nevada.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Area Health Education Center of Southern Nevada shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Area Health Education Center of Southern Nevada through December 1, 2008;
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(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Area Health Education Center of Southern Nevada through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Area Health Education Center of Southern Nevada, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 35. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the account for the Advisory Council on the State Program for Fitness and Wellness, created pursuant to Senate Bill No. 197 of the 73rd Session of the Nevada Legislature, the sum of $100,000 for the operational costs of the Council.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 36. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of Opportunity Village the sum of $1,000,000 for vocational training, employment and social recreation services for persons with intellectual disabilities in southern Nevada.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, Opportunity Village shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Opportunity Village through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Opportunity Village through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of Opportunity Village, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1618 (CHAPTER 345, SB 579)ê
Village, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 37. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the City of Las Vegas the sum of $157,754 for use at Floyd Lamb State Park.
2. The money appropriated by subsection 1 must be divided as follows:
(a) For the Archeological Museum and Visitor Center, the sum of $78,877; and
(b) For the promotion and funding of educational and cultural events and festivals at the Park, the sum of $78,877.
3. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the City of Las Vegas shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the City of Las Vegas through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the City of Las Vegas through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the City of Las Vegas, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
4. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 38. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Department of Cultural Affairs the sum of $150,000 for expenses relating to the creation of the Online Nevada Encyclopedia.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Department of Cultural Affairs shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Department of Cultural Affairs through December 1, 2008;
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1619 (CHAPTER 345, SB 579)ê
money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Department of Cultural Affairs through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Department of Cultural Affairs through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Department of Cultural Affairs, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 39. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of the Nevada Women’s Fund the sum of $50,000 to assist with implementation of the Community Blueprint for Philanthropy’s plan in recognition of the Nevada Women’s Fund 25th Silver Anniversary, including costs for operation, organization and technical support for rural councils and for travel to rural communities and southern Nevada.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Nevada Women’s Fund shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Women’s Fund through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Women’s Fund through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Nevada Women’s Fund, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1620 (CHAPTER 345, SB 579)ê
was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 40. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Secretary of State for use by the Advisory Committee on Participatory Democracy, created pursuant to NRS 225.240, the sum of $15,000 to support travel and operating costs of the Committee.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Secretary of State shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Secretary of State through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Secretary of State through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Secretary of State, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 41. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Department of Education the sum of $50,000 for allocation to school districts for expenses relating to participation in the JASON Project, including, without limitation curriculum materials, professional development and transportation of pupils.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Department of Education shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Department of Education through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Department of Education through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Department of Education, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1621 (CHAPTER 345, SB 579)ê
Education, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 42. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 1 of this act for the use of Kids Voting Greater Las Vegas the sum of $50,000 for training for teachers concerning civics and democracy, for the creation of a KidsVention program to engage pupils in political debates and election activities, and for expansion of programs to various schools.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, Kids Voting Greater Las Vegas shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Kids Voting Greater Las Vegas through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Kids Voting Greater Las Vegas through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Kids Voting Greater Las Vegas, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 43. The appropriations made by the provisions of this act are not intended to finance ongoing expenditures of state agencies and the expenditures financed with those appropriations must not be included as base budget expenditures in the proposed budget for the Executive Branch of State Government for the 2009-2011 biennium.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1622 (CHAPTER 345, SB 579)ê
Sec. 44. 1. This section and sections 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25 to 28, inclusive, 30 to 34, inclusive, 37 and 43 of this act become effective upon passage and approval.
2. Sections 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 24, 29, 35, 36 and 38 to 42, inclusive, of this act become effective on July 1, 2007.
Senate Bill No. 576–Committee on Finance
Joint Sponsor: Committee on Ways and Means
AN ACT relating to state financial administration; authorizing expenditures by various officers, departments, boards, agencies, commissions and institutions of the State Government for the fiscal years commencing on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008, and beginning on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009; authorizing the collection of certain amounts from the counties for the use of the services of the State Public Defender; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
[Approved: June 13, 2007]
Section 1. Expenditure of the following sums not appropriated from the State General Fund or the State Highway Fund is hereby authorized during the fiscal years beginning on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008, and beginning on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009, by the various officers, departments, boards, agencies, commissions and institutions of the State Government mentioned in this act:
2007-2008 2008-2009
Office of the Governor
Office of the Governor................................................................................................. $30,976 $95,108
Mansion maintenance...................................................................................................... 2,901 8,849
Washington office........................................................................................................ 267,079 267,079
High Level Nuclear Waste....................................................................................... 3,164,161 3,187,985
Homeland Security........................................................................................................... 5,789 12,163
Governor’s Office for Consumer Health Assistance.............................................. 521,831 443,728
Energy Conservation.................................................................................................... 572,775 582,083
Lieutenant Governor.......................................................................................................... $26,635 $43,057
Attorney General
Attorney General Administration Account...................................................... $13,283,279 $12,533,197
High Tech Crime........................................................................................................... 444,697 417,300
Special Fund.................................................................................................................. 234,918 234,918
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.................................................................................. 2,715,811 2,492,859
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1623 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
Fraud Control Unit - Workers’ Comp and Insurance....................................... $4,473,051 $4,515,037
Bureau of Consumer Protection............................................................................. 3,911,632 3,863,135
Crime Prevention Program............................................................................................ 54,671 64,452
Tort Claim Fund........................................................................................................ 8,105,373 8,560,284
Office of the Extradition Coordinator...................................................................... 101,316 107,425
Advisory Council for Prosecuting Attorneys............................................................ 300,102 285,678
Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence....................................................................... 289,687 295,517
Violence Against Women grants............................................................................. 1,614,635 1,614,635
Secretary of State.......................................................................................................... $5,546,626 $5,964,129
Secretary of State, Investigations and Enforcement............................................. 511,476 512,676
Secretary of State, HAVA Election Reform......................................................... 9,164,046 6,226,726
State Treasurer.................................................................................................................. $966,370 $1,030,783
Higher Education Tuition Administration............................................................. 2,641,127 1,614,462
Millennium Scholarship Administration................................................................... 441,272 436,165
Unclaimed Property.................................................................................................. 1,209,787 1,301,783
Nevada College Savings Trust................................................................................ 2,715,671 2,359,713
Municipal bond bank revenue.............................................................................. 64,210,006 69,568,807
Municipal bond bank debt service....................................................................... 64,335,876 69,692,190
State Controller’s Office.................................................................................................... $61,246 $187,145
Commission on Ethics..................................................................................................... $433,907 $483,929
Legislative Fund
Legislative Counsel Bureau................................................................................... $1,328,405 $492,405
Printing Office............................................................................................................ 3,722,197 3,890,715
Judicial Branch
Nevada Supreme Court......................................................................................... $8,562,900 $8,310,135
Specialty Court.......................................................................................................... 5,267,744 6,268,426
Administrative Office of the Courts....................................................................... 2,997,505 3,660,766
Division of Planning & Analysis................................................................................. 456,130 484,286
Uniform system of judicial records........................................................................ 2,439,027 2,479,905
Judicial education...................................................................................................... 1,767,107 1,897,579
Senior Justice and Senior Judge Program................................................................. 549,955 621,813
Judicial travel and support.......................................................................................... 381,379 390,972
Supreme Court Law Library......................................................................................... 13,702 32,581
Judicial Discipline.................................................................................................................. $5,120 $15,834
Department of Administration
Administrative Services Division.......................................................................... $1,891,413 $1,858,151
Budget and Planning Division.................................................................................... 426,169 534,314
Deferred Compensation Committee......................................................................... 432,526 399,783
Information Technology Division................................................................................ 29,067 41,114
Information Technology Projects................................................................................ 48,615 0
Insurance and Loss Prevention............................................................................ 30,477,157 30,434,933
Division of Internal Audits............................................................................................ 38,383 118,955
Motor Pool Division.................................................................................................. 5,489,122 5,890,709
Motor Pool vehicle purchase................................................................................... 2,547,689 2,158,406
Purchasing Division................................................................................................... 3,558,984 3,691,189
Commodity Food Program...................................................................................... 8,518,235 8,486,727
Buildings and Grounds Division........................................................................... 18,123,216 18,695,528
Mail room............................................................................................................. 7,510,667 7,516,370
Mail services equipment........................................................................................ 273,021 261,794
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1624 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
Clear Creek Youth Center....................................................................................... $1,200 $0
Marlette Lake Water System............................................................................ 1,066,179 1,246,195
State Public Works Administration.............................................................................. 14,252 44,349
State Public Works Board Inspection Account.................................................... 8,666,578 9,123,800
Hearings Division....................................................................................................... 4,654,493 4,914,960
Fund for Compensation of Victims of Crime...................................................... 9,548,375 10,246,776
Department of Taxation................................................................................................. $994,980 $1,779,429
Department of Information Technology
Director’s Office...................................................................................................... $1,939,007 $2,050,349
Security Division........................................................................................................ 1,190,473 1,231,026
Planning and Research Division............................................................................. 1,453,701 1,581,313
Application, Design and Development Unit......................................................... 2,591,329 2,673,828
Computing Division................................................................................................ 16,012,041 14,432,083
Communications and Network Engineering Unit................................................ 3,607,131 3,621,184
Telecommunications Unit........................................................................................ 4,765,117 4,404,347
Network Transport Services Unit............................................................................ 3,084,887 3,197,667
Department of Personnel........................................................................................... $14,856,021 $14,946,270
Unemployment Compensation Account.............................................................. 2,114,542 1,766,359
Department of Education
Education state programs......................................................................................... $182,855 $296,011
Education staffing services......................................................................................... 591,535 638,594
Education support services...................................................................................... 1,795,579 1,921,059
Proficiency testing............................................................................................................. 9,640 29,821
Teacher education and licensing............................................................................ 2,103,980 2,220,150
Drug abuse education............................................................................................... 1,345,228 1,345,228
School health education — AIDS................................................................................ 231,046 231,046
Gear Up....................................................................................................................... 1,500,000 1,500,000
Discretionary grants - Unrestricted......................................................................... 2,754,961 2,781,453
Discretionary grants - Restricted........................................................................... 15,045,479 15,045,499
Improve America’s Schools Title I...................................................................... 84,678,544 84,678,545
Improve America’s Schools Titles II, V and VI................................................ 23,248,894 23,248,895
Student incentive grants.............................................................................................. 150,771 151,957
Career and technical education.............................................................................. 8,874,537 8,889,312
Continuing education............................................................................................... 4,174,730 4,181,207
Nutrition education................................................................................................. 68,738,986 70,840,781
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act........................................................ 64,197,043 64,196,216
Commission on Postsecondary Education.................................................................. $104,290 $91,980
Nevada System of Higher Education
Nevada System of Higher Education administration.......................................... $190,653 $356,204
Special projects.................................................................................................................. 4,377 13,805
University Press................................................................................................................ 11,178 34,856
System Computing Center.......................................................................................... 218,320 676,061
University of Nevada, Reno.................................................................................. 50,756,053 59,921,586
Intercollegiate Athletics, UNR....................................................................................... 73,158 151,976
Statewide programs, UNR........................................................................................... 123,009 382,575
School of Medicine................................................................................................... 2,997,047 4,304,766
State Health Laboratory................................................................................................ 27,013 83,006
Agricultural Experiment Station............................................................................. 1,393,759 1,690,403
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1625 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
Cooperative Extension Services........................................................................... $2,020,232 $2,423,174
Business Center, North................................................................................................... 42,250 131,381
University of Nevada, Las Vegas......................................................................... 84,403,339 97,261,999
Intercollegiate Athletics, UNLV.................................................................................... 49,235 153,715
Statewide programs, UNLV........................................................................................... 21,966 68,716
William S. Boyd School of Law, UNLV................................................................ 3,618,871 4,040,965
Dental School, UNLV............................................................................................... 4,831,142 5,349,409
Business Center, South................................................................................................... 35,176 109,768
Desert Research Institute............................................................................................. 259,423 493,677
Great Basin College................................................................................................... 2,353,628 3,039,223
Western Nevada Community College................................................................... 3,437,559 4,422,710
Community College of Southern Nevada.......................................................... 29,464,876 34,803,084
Truckee Meadows Community College................................................................ 9,398,324 11,496,849
Nevada State College at Henderson...................................................................... 2,881,536 3,921,479
WICHE administration........................................................................................................ $3,787 $11,979
WICHE Loan and Stipend Fund............................................................................... 499,050 499,050
Department of Cultural Affairs
Department of Cultural Affairs administration...................................................... $22,320 $49,348
Comstock Historic District............................................................................................... 2,154 6,660
Office of Historic Preservation................................................................................... 775,261 832,870
State Library and Archives......................................................................................... 966,642 1,053,854
Archives and records...................................................................................................... 16,524 42,387
Records management and micrographics................................................................ 599,765 552,266
Council on Libraries and Literacy................................................................................ 39,360 44,394
Central libraries automated network......................................................................... 346,794 357,789
Nevada Arts Council.................................................................................................... 492,915 519,597
Museums and History.................................................................................................... 70,407 17,968
Lost City Museum.......................................................................................................... 88,437 105,520
Nevada Historical Society, Reno............................................................................... 214,715 92,516
Nevada State Museum, Carson City........................................................................ 413,356 425,445
Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas.............................................................................. 54,730 170,136
State Railroad Museums.......................................................................................... 1,527,642 485,232
State Department of Agriculture
State Department of Agriculture administration............................................... $1,095,683 $1,117,840
Gas pollution standards............................................................................................... 582,234 679,950
Plant Industry Program................................................................................................ 721,059 833,546
Grading and certification of agricultural products.................................................. 142,312 150,284
Agriculture Registration and Enforcement Account........................................... 2,614,257 2,812,652
Livestock Inspection Account................................................................................ 1,558,320 1,553,906
Veterinary medical services........................................................................................ 713,845 750,496
Weights and Measures Program............................................................................. 1,852,043 1,967,106
Noxious Weeds and Insect Pest Control Program.................................................. 867,442 874,838
Mormon cricket and grasshoppers......................................................................... 1,789,196 1,828,070
State Predatory Animal and Rodent Committee...................................................... 88,847 113,648
Junior Livestock Show Board............................................................................................. 175 356
Commission on Mineral Resources
Division of Minerals................................................................................................ $2,255,123 $2,386,164
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1626 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
State Gaming Control Board.................................................................................... $14,417,730 $16,370,815
Nevada Gaming Commission......................................................................................... 6,740 10,865
Gaming Control Board Investigation Fund........................................................ 13,785,983 14,338,134
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada................................................................... $12,873,469 $13,232,995
Department of Business and Industry
Department of Business and Industry administration..................................... $1,175,323 $1,238,485
Industrial Development Revenue Bond Program............................................... 1,451,130 1,513,574
Division of Insurance................................................................................................ 3,268,673 3,475,576
Insurance examiners.......................................................................................... 3,743,305 4,068,811
Captive insurers...................................................................................................... 992,719 1,067,522
Insurance Recovery Account............................................................................... 634,977 664,726
Insurance education and research................................................................... 1,476,226 1,423,828
National Association of Insurance Commissioners........................................... 58,059 55,844
Cost stabilization.................................................................................................... 334,179 321,483
Self-insurance — Workers’ compensation.......................................................... 613,313 638,842
Transportation Services Authority............................................................................. 276,559 356,304
Administrative fines............................................................................................... 338,950 327,745
Manufactured Housing Division............................................................................ 3,308,168 3,256,250
Lot Rent Subsidy Program.................................................................................... 441,160 428,104
Mobile home parks................................................................................................ 398,960 378,824
Manufactured housing education and recovery.............................................. 689,979 674,074
Consumer Affairs Division............................................................................................ 42,995 88,031
Consumer Affairs Recovery Fund...................................................................... 246,672 295,067
Real Estate Division.................................................................................................. 2,569,629 2,701,497
Real estate education and research................................................................. 1,916,540 2,313,441
Real estate recovery........................................................................................... 1,074,920 1,331,360
Common-interest communities........................................................................ 3,353,105 3,092,626
Division of Financial Institutions............................................................................ 4,407,996 4,953,316
Financial institutions investigations.................................................................... 749,786 843,537
Financial Institutions Audit Program.................................................................. 131,133 166,666
Housing Division..................................................................................................... 11,459,033 11,447,078
Low-Income Housing Trust Fund.................................................................. 44,258,188 47,753,377
Weatherization Program.................................................................................... 4,970,702 5,197,935
Division of Mortgage Lending.............................................................................. 10,076,727 10,961,614
Division of Industrial Relations.............................................................................. 7,427,530 7,483,332
Occupational safety and health enforcement............................................... 8,061,886 8,696,482
Safety consultation and training...................................................................... 2,878,827 3,043,399
Mine safety and training.................................................................................... 1,676,603 1,515,935
Office of Nevada Attorney for Injured Workers................................................. 3,434,841 3,613,730
State Dairy Commission.......................................................................................... 1,961,383 1,834,875
Nevada Athletic Commission..................................................................................... 133,645 140,026
Labor Commissioner...................................................................................................... 22,788 71,565
Employee-Management Relations Board.................................................................... 8,499 14,849
Taxicab Authority..................................................................................................... 7,948,679 7,899,835
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1627 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
Commission on Economic Development
Commission on Economic Development.............................................................. $325,544 $369,219
Nevada Film Office................................................................................................... 1,021,532 1,060,070
Rural community development.............................................................................. 2,856,171 2,869,330
Procurement outreach.................................................................................................. 439,309 456,034
Commission on Tourism
Division of Tourism.............................................................................................. $24,838,857 $24,838,404
Tourism development.................................................................................................. 230,530 30,530
Nevada Magazine..................................................................................................... 2,507,640 2,659,025
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration............................................................................................................ $904,914 $695,061
Developmental Disabilities.......................................................................................... 521,885 526,322
Community-based services..................................................................................... 4,662,282 4,041,823
Fund for a Healthy Nevada.................................................................................. 11,442,914 13,643,729
Grants Management Unit...................................................................................... 28,479,686 28,957,863
Children’s Trust Account......................................................................................... 1,004,244 1,073,939
Revolving Account to Support Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of Problem Gambling 1,673,280....................................................................................................... 1,730,257
Supplemental Account for Medical Assistance to Indigent Persons............. 25,445,609 28,528,952
State Public Defender............................................................................................... 1,370,181 1,441,756
Nevada Indian Commission........................................................................................... 2,122 6,709
Division of Health Care Financing and Policy
Division of Health Care Financing and Policy administration..................... $22,376,038 $22,738,724
Nevada Medicaid................................................................................................. 808,579,597 866,013,084
Nevada Check Up Program.................................................................................. 31,383,288 34,678,005
HIFA Medical.......................................................................................................... 13,992,466 23,256,881
HIFA Holding Account............................................................................................ 2,543,321 4,130,809
Increased Quality of Nursing Care....................................................................... 21,247,790 20,669,346
Intergovernmental Transfer Account.................................................................. 93,672,712 90,761,555
Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services
Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services administration..... $4,948,296 $5,205,984
Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services................................................. 5,548,711 6,485,971
Lakes Crossing Center................................................................................................. 555,523 819,205
Rural clinics................................................................................................................ 3,388,967 4,043,162
Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services.............................................. 18,020,686 20,127,267
Southern MH/DS food service................................................................................ 1,978,237 2,090,281
Sierra Regional Center............................................................................................ 14,385,669 15,673,534
Desert Regional Center........................................................................................... 31,680,213 36,794,095
Rural Regional Center.............................................................................................. 5,926,491 6,944,137
Mental health information system............................................................................ 228,540 267,230
Alcohol and drug rehabilitation............................................................................ 17,822,447 17,183,220
Alcohol tax program................................................................................................. 1,403,067 1,384,440
Health Division
Health Division administration............................................................................. $4,288,045 $4,511,556
Office of Minority Health........................................................................................... 155,925 155,917
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1628 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
Vital Statistics.............................................................................................................. $596,230 $622,283
Cancer control registry................................................................................................. 946,137 963,275
Consumer health protection.................................................................................... 1,652,312 1,812,435
Radiological health................................................................................................... 3,530,175 3,975,093
Radioactive and hazardous waste....................................................................... 12,465,131 12,618,038
Health Facilities Hospital Licensing..................................................................... 12,180,490 11,995,870
Community health services..................................................................................... 3,414,664 3,506,132
Communicable disease control............................................................................... 4,572,304 4,622,662
Sexually transmitted disease control................................................................... 11,113,416 11,217,304
Immunization program............................................................................................ 4,932,302 5,037,288
Maternal and Child Health Services...................................................................... 5,813,646 5,926,304
Early Intervention Services...................................................................................... 5,051,877 5,394,877
Women’s, Infants’ and Children’s food supplement....................................... 44,682,357 45,947,642
Emergency medical services......................................................................................... 69,965 88,522
Public Health Tobacco Fund...................................................................................... 990,210 990,086
Public health preparedness program.................................................................... 15,762,741 15,800,540
Division of Welfare and Supportive Services
Division of Welfare and Supportive Services administration....................... $20,801,356 $20,575,665
Welfare Field Services Account............................................................................ 41,165,182 44,344,779
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families......................................................... 19,767,474 21,370,063
Child support enforcement.................................................................................... 11,357,420 12,357,091
Child support federal reimbursement.................................................................. 25,054,455 27,039,442
Child Care and Development............................................................................... 42,670,192 40,776,097
Energy assistance.................................................................................................... 18,715,766 18,832,902
Aging Services Division
Aging Services Division grants.............................................................................. $5,856,472 $6,895,514
Older Americans Act............................................................................................... 11,687,849 11,788,657
Senior Services Program........................................................................................... 9,060,593 9,851,157
EPS/Homemaker programs..................................................................................... 3,296,592 3,374,781
Senior Citizens’ Property Tax Assistance................................................................. 337,180 6,817
Division of Child and Family Services
Child and Family Services administration....................................................... $13,330,947 $13,625,778
Juvenile justice programs......................................................................................... 2,043,510 2,070,251
Clark County Integration...................................................................................... 28,167,912 30,674,734
Washoe County Integration.................................................................................. 13,267,962 14,045,961
Rural Child Welfare................................................................................................ 12,284,386 12,982,766
UNITY/SACWIS....................................................................................................... 3,013,351 3,137,478
Child care services........................................................................................................ 959,918 1,014,280
Transition from foster care...................................................................................... 2,525,679 2,332,882
Child Deaths Review.................................................................................................... 272,437 270,377
Trust Fund for Child Welfare...................................................................................... 841,312 823,471
Victims of domestic violence.................................................................................. 3,480,137 3,436,478
Youth alternative placement................................................................................... 1,963,393 1,997,618
Juvenile Correctional Facility..................................................................................... 374,261 576,671
Caliente Youth Center ................................................................................................ 410,654 659,233
Nevada Youth Training Center ................................................................................. 664,936 1,004,510
Youth parole services................................................................................................... 177,087 287,589
Northern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services................................................ 4,853,870 5,097,896
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1629 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
Southern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services........................................... $13,868,597 $14,731,384
Wraparound in Nevada............................................................................................ 2,111,662 2,347,191
Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
Administrative services.......................................................................................... $4,221,680 $4,447,254
Information and development processing............................................................ 7,733,209 7,674,602
Research and analysis.............................................................................................. 3,400,912 3,529,761
Nevada Equal Rights Commission............................................................................ 503,355 573,361
Rehabilitation Division administration.................................................................. 1,022,797 1,075,120
Bureau of Disability Adjudication....................................................................... 12,905,463 13,694,115
Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation.................................................................. 13,713,367 13,961,190
Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired..................................... 3,713,552 3,822,535
Blind Business Enterprise Program......................................................................... 3,629,781 3,722,165
Client Assistance Program........................................................................................... 180,777 189,651
Employment Security Division............................................................................. 52,746,716 54,351,339
Career Enhancement Program............................................................................. 19,931,943 20,588,456
Employment Security Special Fund....................................................................... 9,872,818 10,034,540
Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission............................................ $3,647,796 $4,285,293
Department of Corrections
Office of the Director.............................................................................................. $1,488,253 $1,966,757
Medical care............................................................................................................... 3,073,957 4,215,939
Correctional programs.............................................................................................. 1,011,377 1,269,929
Ely State Prison............................................................................................................. 506,241 1,467,031
High Desert State Prison.............................................................................................. 719,449 1,733,296
Northern Nevada Correctional Center...................................................................... 982,669 1,710,985
Nevada State Prison..................................................................................................... 366,469 951,484
Southern Desert Correctional Center......................................................................... 618,952 1,255,638
Lovelock Correctional Center.................................................................................... 514,195 1,288,954
Southern Nevada Correctional Center...................................................................... 436,464 812,792
Warm Springs Correctional Center............................................................................ 180,521 387,789
Florence McClure Women’s Correctional Center................................................... 181,132 483,781
Casa Grande Transitional Housing........................................................................ 1,811,281 1,876,639
Northern Nevada Restitution Center......................................................................... 491,923 522,798
Stewart Conservation Camp......................................................................................... 84,424 122,917
Pioche Conservation Camp.......................................................................................... 41,548 84,143
Indian Springs Conservation Camp............................................................................ 45,202 108,556
Wells Conservation Camp............................................................................................. 37,434 72,922
Humboldt Conservation Camp.................................................................................... 33,888 70,420
Ely Conservation Camp................................................................................................ 34,101 69,323
Jean Conservation Camp............................................................................................ 116,507 149,592
Silver Springs Conservation Camp.............................................................................. 31,926 67,357
Carlin Conservation Camp........................................................................................... 36,029 71,905
Tonopah Conservation Camp...................................................................................... 32,226 63,294
Offenders’ Store Fund............................................................................................ 17,970,021 18,312,372
Inmate Welfare Account......................................................................................... 4,192,718 4,077,723
Prison industries......................................................................................................... 8,607,335 9,432,773
Prison dairy................................................................................................................. 1,631,667 1,780,951
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1630 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
Department of Motor Vehicles
Director’s office.......................................................................................................... $121,640 $168,011
Real ID............................................................................................................................ 100,000 200,000
Hearings............................................................................................................................ 22,580 62,506
Automation................................................................................................................ 5,753,861 6,137,641
Administrative Services Division............................................................................ 7,765,416 8,247,855
Division of Compliance Enforcement...................................................................... 749,364 449,367
Motor vehicle pollution control............................................................................ 10,921,456 12,106,013
Division of Central Services and Records............................................................. 7,039,747 7,650,047
Verification of insurance....................................................................................... 14,457,437 14,876,160
Records search......................................................................................................... 12,062,483 12,554,995
Division of Field Services....................................................................................... 28,296,052 32,044,000
Motor Carrier Division.............................................................................................. 1,529,386 1,718,326
Division of Management Services and Programs..................................................... 44,173 130,419
Department of Public Safety
Director’s office....................................................................................................... $1,394,080 $1,409,642
Administrative services............................................................................................. 2,079,279 2,214,773
Office of professional responsibility.......................................................................... 648,808 628,362
Technology Division................................................................................................. 8,560,108 6,577,235
Justice Assistance Act............................................................................................... 6,388,727 6,388,727
Public Safety Justice Grant Account......................................................................... 378,390 402,645
Division of Emergency Management........................................................................ $2,152,414 $2,238,774
Division of Emergency Management assistance.............................................. 26,782,871 26,782,877
Criminal History Repository................................................................................. 24,132,521 24,902,046
Dignitary protection.......................................................................................................... 7,961 24,957
Highway Patrol ......................................................................................................... 2,139,597 3,969,477
Highway safety.......................................................................................................... 1,511,438 1,478,965
Forfeitures — Law enforcement............................................................................... 1,568,375 1,895,353
Investigation Division.................................................................................................. 114,633 296,820
Narcotics control............................................................................................................. 57,111 101,814
Division of Parole and Probation............................................................................ 4,129,132 5,625,410
Capitol Police Division.............................................................................................. 3,008,535 3,321,600
Training Division............................................................................................................. 26,330 75,367
Traffic safety............................................................................................................. 2,877,210 2,877,210
Highway safety planning and administration...................................................... 1,661,278 1,709,687
Bicycle Safety Program............................................................................................... 254,367 288,374
Motorcycle Safety Program........................................................................................ 704,363 746,340
State Fire Marshal..................................................................................................... 2,479,796 2,543,262
State Emergency Response Commission.............................................................. 1,534,314 1,761,123
State Board of Parole Commissioners........................................................................ 24,596 77,034
Homeowner’s Disaster Assistance Program......................................................... 4,948,549 4,843,349
Colorado River Commission of Nevada................................................................... $9,068,071 $9,907,124
Fort Mohave Valley Development Fund.............................................................. 8,264,524 4,682,701
Research and development..................................................................................... 1,544,126 1,805,407
Power delivery system.......................................................................................... 198,024,180 208,228,340
Power Marketing Fund........................................................................................... 69,516,615 71,348,318
State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources administration.... $300,779 $355,175
Nevada Natural Heritage Program............................................................................ 698,530 762,525
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1631 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
Division of Conservation Districts............................................................................. $28,896 $37,525
Heil wild horse bequest................................................................................................ 358,777 212,764
Division of State Lands............................................................................................... 717,262 809,996
Division of State Parks............................................................................................. 6,715,810 6,958,919
Division of Water Resources....................................................................................... 679,828 897,460
Division of Environmental Protection administration...................................... $5,689,128 $5,725,626
Bureau of Air Quality......................................................................................... 6,589,598 6,813,144
Water pollution control...................................................................................... 6,816,158 7,414,032
Water quality planning....................................................................................... 5,275,908 5,463,205
Safe Drinking Water Regulatory Program...................................................... 2,592,383 2,516,020
Waste management and federal facilities.................................................... 14,368,335 13,984,077
Mining regulation and reclamation.................................................................. 4,592,030 4,369,775
Water planning capital improvements............................................................... 286,380 299,085
State Revolving Loan Program....................................................................... 2,820,263 2,852,077
State Environmental Commission......................................................................... 69,612 69,649
Division of Forestry................................................................................................... 4,685,853 4,900,181
Forest fire suppression/emergency response.................................................. 1,948,362 1,983,318
Forestry conservation camps............................................................................ 3,106,549 3,369,552
Forestry intergovernmental agreement........................................................... 1,931,638 1,979,471
Forestry nurseries.................................................................................................... 478,988 442,313
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.......................................................................... 8,764,183 8,802,520
Department of Wildlife.............................................................................................. $25,821,548 $26,060,322
Boating Program........................................................................................................ 5,173,805 5,815,584
Trout management................................................................................................... 5,925,623 5,546,083
Obligated reserve....................................................................................................... 2,740,018 2,502,848
Department of Transportation............................................................................... $529,270,613 $532,263,545
Department of Transportation Bond Construction........................................ 334,056,987 170,656,987
Public Employees’ Retirement System................................................................... $10,726,511 $10,562,224
Public Employees’ Benefits Program.................................................................... $360,230,334 $419,090,320
Retired Employees’ Group Insurance................................................................. 61,573,523 69,089,713
Active Employees’ Group Insurance................................................................ 172,651,589 224,920,970
Office of the Military.................................................................................................. $10,273,864 $12,464,144
Adjutant General’s Construction Fund....................................................................... 35,908 36,408
Patriot Relief Fund........................................................................................................ 613,675 198,675
Office of Veterans’ Services
Commissioner for Veterans’ Affairs....................................................................... $780,236 $858,141
Southern Nevada Veterans’ Home...................................................................... 14,441,766 15,278,413
Sec. 2. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the money:
(a) Received by the State of Nevada pursuant to any settlement entered into by the State of Nevada and a manufacturer of tobacco products; or
(b) Recovered by the State of Nevada from a judgment in a civil action against a manufacturer of tobacco products,
Ê the sum of $594,408 for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and the sum of $651,274 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to support the operation of the Attorney General Administrative Fund.
2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, upon receipt of sufficient money received by the State of Nevada pursuant to any settlement entered into by the State of Nevada and a manufacturer of tobacco products or recovered by the State of Nevada from a judgment in a civil action against a manufacturer of tobacco products, the State Controller shall:
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1632 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
products or recovered by the State of Nevada from a judgment in a civil action against a manufacturer of tobacco products, the State Controller shall:
(a) Disburse, on or after July 1, 2007, the money appropriated by subsection 1 in its entirety for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 before other disbursements required by law are made;
(b) Disburse, on or after July 1, 2008, the money appropriated by subsection 1 in its entirety for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 before other disbursements required by law are made; and
(c) Thereafter in each fiscal year, disburse all other money appropriated from this same source on a pro rata basis by percentage allocated by law.
3. There is hereby appropriated from the Fund for a Healthy Nevada:
(a) The sum of $192,166 for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and the sum of $192,166 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, to support the operation of the EPS/Homemaker programs.
(b) The sum of $311,631 for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and the sum of $311,631 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, to support the operation of the Senior Services Program.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 6 of NRS 439.620 to the contrary, the State Controller shall, from the money reserved for allocation by the Aging Services Division of the Department of Health and Human Services pursuant to paragraph (d) of subsection 1 of NRS 439.630:
(a) Disburse, on or after July 1, 2007, the money appropriated by subsection 3 in its entirety for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 before other disbursements are made; and
(b) Disburse, on or after July 1, 2008, the money appropriated by subsection 3 in its entirety for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 before other disbursements are made.
5. Any balance of the sums appropriated by subsection 1 remaining at the end of the respective fiscal years reverts as soon as all payments of money committed have been made as follows: 10 percent to the Trust Fund for Public Health, 40 percent to the Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund and 50 percent to the Fund for a Healthy Nevada.
6. Any balance of the sums appropriated by subsection 3 remaining at the end of the respective fiscal years reverts to the Fund for a Healthy Nevada as soon as all payments of money committed have been made.
Sec. 3. 1. Expenditure of $30,598,039 by the State Gaming Control Board from the State General Fund pursuant to the provisions of NRS 463.330 is hereby authorized during the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008.
2. Expenditure of $31,344,886 by the State Gaming Control Board from the State General Fund pursuant to the provisions of NRS 463.330 is hereby authorized during the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009.
3. Any balance of the sums authorized by subsections 1 and 2 remaining at the end of the respective fiscal years must not be committed for expenditure after June 30 of the respective fiscal years by the Gaming Control Board or any entity to which money from the authorization is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the balance remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 19, 2008, and September 18, 2009, respectively, by either the Gaming Control Board or the entity to which money from the authorization was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 19, 2008, and September 18, 2009, respectively.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1633 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 19, 2008, and September 18, 2009, respectively.
Sec. 4. 1. Expenditure of $411,291 by the Nevada Gaming Commission from the State General Fund pursuant to the provisions of NRS 463.330 is hereby authorized during the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008.
2. Expenditure of $415,635 by the Nevada Gaming Commission from the State General Fund pursuant to the provisions of NRS 463.330 is hereby authorized during the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009.
3. Any balance of the sums authorized by subsections 1 and 2 remaining at the end of the respective fiscal years must not be committed for expenditure after June 30 of the respective fiscal years by the Nevada Gaming Commission or any entity to which money from the authorization is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the balance remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 19, 2008, and September 18, 2009, respectively, by either the Nevada Gaming Commission or the entity to which money from the authorization was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 19, 2008, and September 18, 2009, respectively.
Sec. 5. The money authorized to be expended by the provisions of sections 1 to 4, inclusive, of this act, except for expenditures from the Legislative Fund and by judicial agencies, must be expended in accordance with the allotment transfer, work program and budget provisions of NRS 353.150 to 353.245, inclusive, and transfers to and from salary allotments, travel allotments, operating expense allotments, equipment allotments and other allotments must be allowed and made in accordance with the provisions of NRS 353.215 to 353.225, inclusive, and after separate consideration of the merits of each request.
Sec. 6. 1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 and limited by section 7 of this act, and in accordance with the provisions of NRS 353.220, the Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration may, with the approval of the Governor, authorize the augmentation of the amounts authorized in sections 1 to 4, inclusive, of this act for expenditure by a given officer, department, board, agency, commission and institution from any other state agency, from any agency of local government or of the Federal Government, or from any other source which he determines is in excess of the amount so taken into consideration by this act. The Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration shall reduce any authorization whenever he determines that money to be received will be less than the amount so authorized in sections 1 to 4, inclusive, of this act.
2. The Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau may, with the approval of the Legislative Commission, authorize the augmentation of the amount authorized in section 1 of this act to the Legislative Fund for expenditure by the Legislative Counsel Bureau from any source which he determines is in excess of the amount so taken into consideration by this act. The Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau shall reduce the authorization whenever he determines that money to be received will be less than the amount so authorized in section 1 of this act.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1634 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
Sec. 7. Except as otherwise provided in section 8 and subsection 3 of section 10 of this act, where the operation of an office, department, board, agency, commission, institution or program is financed by an appropriation or appropriations from the State General Fund or the State Highway Fund as well as by money received from other sources, the portion provided by appropriation from the State General Fund or the State Highway Fund must be decreased to the extent that the receipts of the money from other sources is exceeded, but such a decrease must not jeopardize the receipts of such money as is to be received from other sources.
Sec. 8. 1. The Nevada System of Higher Education may expend the following fees collected from the registration of students, resident or nonresident:
2007-2008 2008-2009
University of Nevada, Reno............................. $38,769,234 $42,822,141
University of Nevada, Las Vegas.................... 75,329,014 81,291,898
Community College of Southern Nevada..... 27,271,483 29,042,954
Western Nevada Community College............ 2,985,396 3,218,802
Truckee Meadows Community College........ 8,526,884 9,163,318
Dental School, UNLV........................................ 4,633,952 4,733,510
Great Basin College........................................... 2,049,128 2,173,176
William S. Boyd School of Law, UNLV......... 3,455,015 3,529,221
School of Medicine, Reno................................ 2,490,116 2,725,004
Nevada State College at Henderson............... 2,676,567 3,390,598
2. The Nevada System of Higher Education may expend any additional registration fees collected from students for the purpose of meeting the salaries and related benefits for incremental instructional faculty necessary as a result of registering additional students beyond the budgeted enrollments. The Nevada System of Higher Education may also expend, with the approval of the Interim Finance Committee, any additional nonresident tuition fees and any additional registration fees not utilized for incremental instructional faculty costs in addition to the authorized amounts for the respective years.
Sec. 9. 1. Whenever claims which are payable and properly approved exceed the amount of cash in the Wildlife Account in the State General Fund, the State Controller may, with the approval of the Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration, transfer temporarily from the State General Fund to the Wildlife Account such an amount as may be required to pay the claims, but not to exceed 50 percent of the amount receivable from the Federal Government and estimated revenue from license fees receivable in the same fiscal year as authorized in section 1 of this act.
2. The Director of the Department of Administration shall provide written notification to the Senate and Assembly Fiscal Analysts of the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau if he approves a request made pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any money which is temporarily advanced from the State General Fund to the Wildlife Account pursuant to this section must be repaid on or before the last business day in August immediately following the end of the fiscal year.
Sec. 10. 1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 2 and 3, the State Public Defender shall collect not more than the following amounts from the counties for the use of his services:
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1635 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
For the fiscal For the fiscal
year ending on year ending on
June 30, 2008 June 30, 2009
Carson City......................................................... $772,786 $804,014
Eureka County................................................... 75,985 79,056
Lincoln County................................................... 125,493 130,565
Storey County..................................................... 33,316 34,662
White Pine County............................................. 355,273 369,630
Totals.................................................................... $1,362,853 $1,417,927
2. The State Public Defender may assess and collect, from the counties, their pro rata share of any salary benefit or cost of living increases approved by the 2007 Legislature for employees of the State Public Defender’s Office for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and Fiscal Year 2008-2009.
3. If any county chooses to contribute an additional amount, the State Public Defender may, with the approval of the Interim Finance Committee, accept it and apply it to augment his services.
Sec. 11. In Fiscal Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009, the State Treasurer shall allocate the amount of tax on motor vehicle fuel computed pursuant to NRS 365.535, to be paid on fuel used in watercraft for recreational purposes, equally between the Department of Wildlife and the Division of State Parks of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
Sec. 12. On and after July 1, 1995, money collected by the Department of Wildlife and designated by the Department as an obligated sum in the Wildlife Account to be used only for the purposes specified by the law pertaining to the money or by the donor of the money must be transferred to a separate account designated as the Department of Wildlife’s Obligated Reserve Account.
Sec. 13. Money authorized for expenditure in section 1 of this act for the Division of Tourism of the Commission on Tourism for support of the Reno-Tahoe Winter Games Coalition for the Fiscal Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30 of each fiscal year. Any such money remaining at the end of the respective fiscal years must not be spent for any purpose after September 19, 2008, and September 18, 2009, respectively, by either the Division of Tourism or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the Fund for Promotion of Tourism on or before September 19, 2008, and September 18, 2009, respectively.
Sec. 14. 1. Money authorized for expenditure in section 1 of this act for Real ID of the Department of Motor Vehicles must be expended only for the purposes of implementing the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-13).
2. The Department of Motor Vehicles may request an augmentation from the State Highway Fund of the amount authorized for Real ID in section 1 of this act if the Department determines that the amount authorized in section 1 is not sufficient to comply with the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-13) or any regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Any request for such an augmentation must be approved in accordance with the allotment transfer, work program and budget provisions of NRS 353.150 to 353.245, inclusive. Any additional money authorized for expenditure pursuant to this subsection must be expended solely for the purposes of implementing the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-13).
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1636 (CHAPTER 346, SB 576)ê
Sec. 15. Money authorized for expenditure in section 1 of this act for the Division of Forestry of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the special reserves for extraordinary costs of operation, repair and maintenance of fire-fighting vehicles may be expended for that purpose notwithstanding the provisions of section 7 of this act.
Sec. 16. Money authorized for expenditure in section 1 of this act for the State Fire Marshal of the Department of Public Safety from the Contingency Account for Hazardous Materials must be expended in its entirety to support eligible training programs before any State General Funds may be expended for such training programs.
Sec. 17. Money authorized for expenditure in section 1 of this act for the Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission for transfer to the State Public Works Board for the costs of the project numbered and described in the executive budget for the 2007-2009 biennium or otherwise described as CIP 07-C52 that remains unexpended on June 30, may be carried forward to the next fiscal year for that purpose and does not revert to the State General Fund.
Sec. 18. Money authorized for expenditure in section 1 of this act for the Division of Forestry of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for support of the central reporting unit that remains unexpended on June 30 may be carried forward to the next fiscal year for that purpose, notwithstanding the provisions of section 7 of this act.
Sec. 19. 1. This section and sections 17 and 18 of this act become effective upon passage and approval.
2. Sections 1 to 16, inclusive, of this act become effective on July 1, 2007.
Senate Bill No. 578–Committee on Finance
Joint Sponsor: Committee on Ways and Means
AN ACT relating to projects of capital improvement; authorizing certain expenditures by the State Public Works Board; levying a property tax to support the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund; making appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
[Approved: June 13, 2007]
Section 1. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the State Public Works Board the sum of $154,545,088 to support the Board in carrying out the program of capital improvements summarized in subsection 3.
2. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the State Public Works Board the sum of $37,846,973 to support the Board in carrying out the program of capital improvements summarized in subsection 4.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1637 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
carrying out the program of capital improvements summarized in subsection 4.
3. The amount appropriated pursuant to subsection 1 is allocated to projects numbered and described in the executive budget for the 2007-2009 biennium or otherwise described as follows:
Description Project No. Amount
(a) Capital improvements for the Department of Administration:
Demolition of the Kinkead Building..................................................................... 07-C35 $1,636,158
Grant Sawyer Building tile, concrete, fountain and flagpole....................... 07-M02b...................................................................................................................... $1,762,415
Caliente Youth Center – deferred maintenance and construction............... 07-M03...................................................................................................................... $3,230,135
Rip rap ditch at Sahara Complex....................................................................... 07-M22.......................................................................................................................... $511,043
Water tower seismic retrofit, Stewart Facility.................................................... 07-M45.......................................................................................................................... $482,100
(b) Capital improvements for the Department of Agriculture:
New headquarters and laboratory building........................................................ 07-C20...................................................................................................................... $5,955,911
(c) Capital improvements for the Department of Corrections:
SNWCC 400-bed expansion................................................................................. 07-C03...................................................................................................................... $7,047,535
Phase V housing units at HDSP............................................................................ 07-C04...................................................................................................................... $7,897,713
ISCC 384-bed expansion and 168-bed renovation.......................................... 07-C05...................................................................................................................... $6,858,683
Construction of housing unit and facility expansion at SDCC.................... 07-C07a...................................................................................................................... $4,555,184
Pre-engineered housing units............................................................................... 07-C86b.................................................................................................................... $29,294,434
Completion of phase IV housing units at HDSP............................................... 07-C87...................................................................................................................... $3,513,801
HVAC repairs to evaporative media at ESP................................................... 07-M01b.......................................................................................................................... $143,288
Electrical surge protection upgrade at HDSP.................................................... 07-M26.......................................................................................................................... $664,445
(d) Capital improvements for the Department of Cultural Affairs:
New State Museum in Las Vegas – deferred construction.............................. 07-C02...................................................................................................................... $3,207,842
(e) Capital improvements for the Department of Health and Human Services:
Desert Willow Treatment Center addition of 14 beds...................................... 07-C26...................................................................................................................... $1,500,000
Consolidated facility planning and building renovations for NNAMHS and NNCAS 07-C30............................................................................................................... $1,305,885
(f) Capital improvements for the Nevada System of Higher Education:
Furnishings and equipment for Science, Engineering and Technology Building, UNLV............................................................................................................................. 07-C09.................................................................................................................... $21,022,409
Furnishings and equipment for Knowledge Center, UNR................................ 07-C10.................................................................................................................... $18,950,552
Furnishings and equipment for classroom building on West Charleston Campus of CCSN.................................................................................................................. 07-C13...................................................................................................................... $1,249,678
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1638 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
Description Project No. Amount
Furnishings, equipment and additional construction for Greenspun College of Urban Affairs Building, UNLV................................................................................... 07-C16...................................................................................................................... $2,000,000
Cave Automated Virtual Environment Facility at DRI – construction completion 07-C17............................................................................................................... $2,226,562
Campus improvements - CCSN........................................................................ 07-M47a...................................................................................................................... $1,167,810
Campus improvements - DRI........................................................................... 07-M47b.......................................................................................................................... $229,635
Campus improvements - GBC.......................................................................... 07-M47c.......................................................................................................................... $494,050
Campus improvements - NSC........................................................................... 07-M47d.......................................................................................................................... $100,000
Campus improvements - TMCC....................................................................... 07-M47e.......................................................................................................................... $803,844
Campus improvements – NSHE System Administration............................. 07-M47f.......................................................................................................................... $100,000
Campus improvements - UNLV........................................................................ 07-M47g...................................................................................................................... $3,119,760
Campus improvements - UNR.......................................................................... 07-M47h...................................................................................................................... $3,181,062
Campus improvements - WNCC....................................................................... 07-M47i.......................................................................................................................... $803,839
Nevada State College nursing facility - planning............................................... 07-P33...................................................................................................................... $3,302,364
(g) Capital improvements for the Department of Public Safety:
Replace Campos Office Building and parking area......................................... 07-C22.................................................................................................................... $12,000,000
Southern Training Academy and Highway Patrol substation........................ 07-C29...................................................................................................................... $4,226,951
4. The amount appropriated pursuant to subsection 2 is allocated to projects numbered and described in the Executive Budget for the 2007-2009 biennium or otherwise described as follows:
(a) Capital improvements for the Department of Administration:
Description Project No. Amount
Demolition of the old National Guard Armory, Carson City.......................... 07-C33.......................................................................................................................... $236,281
Demolition of the old Northern Nevada Children’s Home.............................. 07-C34.......................................................................................................................... $225,505
HVAC upgrade at Belrose Building.................................................................... 07-M18.......................................................................................................................... $112,175
Upgrade electric power distribution, Stewart Facility....................................... 07-M44.......................................................................................................................... $352,305
Seismic retrofit and structural evaluations........................................................ 07-M46.......................................................................................................................... $181,882
Capitol Complex flood water abatement - planning........................................ 07-P01............................................................................................................................ $54,022
Statewide Roofing Program................................................................................... 07-S01...................................................................................................................... $1,421,357
Statewide ADA Program......................................................................................... 07-S02.......................................................................................................................... $823,931
Statewide Fire and Life Safety Program.............................................................. 07-S03.......................................................................................................................... $612,791
Statewide Advance Planning Program................................................................. 07-S04.......................................................................................................................... $198,052
Statewide Paving Program..................................................................................... 07-S05...................................................................................................................... $1,055,779
(b) Capital improvements for the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources:
Addition of traffic signals at Kyle Canyon Fire Station.................................. 07-M43............................................................................................................................ $86,904
Sierra Front Interagency Dispatch Center and hangar repairs....................... 07-M49.......................................................................................................................... $396,961
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1639 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
Description Project No. Amount
Elko Interagency Dispatch Center repairs......................................................... 07-M50.......................................................................................................................... $225,978
Natural Resources Facility, Las Vegas - planning.............................................. 07-P04............................................................................................................................ $22,640
(c) Capital improvements for the Department of Corrections:
Erosion remediation at HDSP.............................................................................. 07-M37...................................................................................................................... $1,000,000
18-inch water main replacement at HDSP........................................................ 07-M05...................................................................................................................... $1,000,000
Groundwater protection at CCC......................................................................... 07-M06.......................................................................................................................... $248,912
Wastewater improvements at WCC................................................................... 07-M07.......................................................................................................................... $279,836
Groundwater monitoring well and aeration at SNCC, JCC, HCC and ECC 07-M08.......................................................................................................................... $155,203
Replace air handler control valves at LCC....................................................... 07-M09.......................................................................................................................... $122,201
Templifier, heat pump and water heater replacement at SDCC................... 07-M10.......................................................................................................................... $873,911
Water heater, hydronic circulation pump and boiler replacements at NNCC 07-M14.......................................................................................................................... $249,139
HVAC equipment replacements at NNCC........................................................ 07-M15...................................................................................................................... $1,089,724
Water heater replacements at LCC.................................................................... 07-M16.......................................................................................................................... $204,977
Rooftop HVAC unit replacement at WSCC..................................................... 07-M17.......................................................................................................................... $157,654
Temperature controls upgrade at WSCC........................................................... 07-M19.......................................................................................................................... $134,013
Door control panels and fire door replacements at SNWCC......................... 07-M24.......................................................................................................................... $407,153
Door control panel replacement at WSCC........................................................ 07-M25.......................................................................................................................... $163,676
Window and security improvements at NNCC................................................ 07-M39...................................................................................................................... $1,154,576
Shower and bathroom renovation at NNCC.................................................... 07-M40...................................................................................................................... $1,336,847
Shower and bathroom renovation at JCC......................................................... 07-M41.......................................................................................................................... $378,924
Shower and bathroom renovation at SSCC...................................................... 07-M42.......................................................................................................................... $903,212
Surveillance cameras, NNCC and NSP.............................................................. 07-M48...................................................................................................................... $1,272,759
Arsenic reduction in domestic water at HCC and SSCC – planning.............. 07-P02............................................................................................................................ $39,643
Prison 8 - planning................................................................................................... 07-P03...................................................................................................................... $1,893,166
New conservation camp at Jean - advance planning....................................... 07-P29.......................................................................................................................... $199,197
One housing unit at NNCC – advance planning................................................ 07-P30.......................................................................................................................... $216,041
(d) Capital improvements for the Department of Cultural Affairs:
Department of Cultural Affairs Resource Center............................................. 07-C19.......................................................................................................................... $839,388
(e) Capital improvements for the Department of Information Technology:
Second UPS and generator systems at Computer Facility............................. 07-M35.......................................................................................................................... $354,199
(f) Capital improvements for the Department of Health and Human Services:
Surveillance cameras and recording devices at Summit View Youth Correctional Center............................................................................................................................ 07-M27.......................................................................................................................... $209,007
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1640 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
Description Project No. Amount
Door, security and key card entry at Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services............................................................................................................................ 07-M28.......................................................................................................................... $393,211
Door replacement at Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services........ 07-M29............................................................................................................................ $51,167
Hot water system rehabilitation at Desert Regional Center........................... 07-M13.......................................................................................................................... $158,763
Panic alarm system for Dini-Townsend Hospital............................................. 07-M34.......................................................................................................................... $123,273
(g) Capital improvements for the Office of the Military:
Acquire land for future state agency facilities and training sites.................... 07-C21............................................................................................................................ $43,140
National Guard Complex site entry and guard building in Carson City....... 07-C31............................................................................................................................ $87,692
Climate control upgrade at North Las Vegas Armory..................................... 07-M12............................................................................................................................ $79,597
Emergency generator for the Office of the Adjutant General....................... 07-M32............................................................................................................................ $69,844
Emergency generator for the North Las Vegas Armory.................................. 07-M33............................................................................................................................ $59,351
Elko Readiness Center - planning......................................................................... 07-P06............................................................................................................................ $75,820
(h) Capital improvements for the Nevada System of Higher Education:
Furnishings, equipment and additional construction for Math and Science Center, UNR............................................................................................................................. 07-C11...................................................................................................................... $3,732,121
Furnishings and equipment for Transportation Technology Building on Cheyenne Campus of CCSN............................................................................................. 07-C14.......................................................................................................................... $731,146
Furnishings and equipment for Electrical and Industrial Technology Building, GBC 07-C15.................................................................................................................. $491,248
Life safety improvements of Bristlecone Building at WNCC......................... 07-C24...................................................................................................................... $1,037,728
Shadow Lane Biomedical Research Building, UNHSS.................................... 07-C89...................................................................................................................... $2,272,350
Medical Education Learning Lab Building, UNHSS...................................... 07-C90a...................................................................................................................... $1,931,861
Renovation of Savitt Hall for School of Medicine, UNHSS......................... 07-C90b...................................................................................................................... $1,000,000
Renovation of Cain Hall for School of Nursing, UNHSS.............................. 07-C90c.......................................................................................................................... $500,000
Shadow Lane Advanced Clinical Training and Research Center, UNHSS 07-C91a...................................................................................................................... $2,991,657
Structural reinforcement of IGT Building, TMCC........................................... 07-M38.......................................................................................................................... $650,565
(i) Capital improvements for the Office of Veterans’ Services:
Southern Nevada Veterans’ Cemetery off-site street improvements............ 07-C23.......................................................................................................................... $346,409
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1641 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
Description Project No. Amount
HVAC replacement at Southern Nevada Veterans’ Cemetery Administration Building............................................................................................................................ 07-M11............................................................................................................................ $16,155
Southern Nevada Veterans’ Cemetery expansion - planning......................... 07-P05.......................................................................................................................... $113,954
Sec. 2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by section 1 of this act must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2011, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 16, 2011, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 16, 2011.
Sec. 3. The State Board of Finance shall issue general obligation bonds of the State of Nevada in the face amount of not more than $520,497,869 for the capital improvements summarized in this section. This amount is allocated to projects numbered and described in the Executive Budget for the 2007-2009 biennium or otherwise described as follows:
Description Project No. Amount
1. Capital improvements for the Department of Administration:
Demolition of the old National Guard Armory, Carson City.......................... 07-C33.......................................................................................................................... $610,990
Demolition of the old Northern Nevada Children’s Home.............................. 07-C34.......................................................................................................................... $583,124
HVAC upgrade at Belrose Building.................................................................... 07-M18.......................................................................................................................... $290,070
Upgrade electric power distribution, Stewart Facility....................................... 07-M44.......................................................................................................................... $911,012
Seismic retrofit and structural evaluations........................................................ 07-M46.......................................................................................................................... $470,322
Capitol Complex flood water abatement - planning........................................ 07-P01.......................................................................................................................... $139,693
Statewide Roofing Program................................................................................... 07-S01...................................................................................................................... $3,675,431
Statewide ADA Program......................................................................................... 07-S02...................................................................................................................... $2,130,571
Statewide Fire and Life Safety Program.............................................................. 07-S03...................................................................................................................... $1,584,591
Statewide Advance Planning Program................................................................. 07-S04.......................................................................................................................... $512,136
Statewide Paving Program..................................................................................... 07-S05...................................................................................................................... $2,730,097
2. Capital improvements for the Department of Agriculture:
New headquarters and laboratory building........................................................ 07-C20.................................................................................................................... $23,048,252
3. Capital improvements for the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources:
Addition of traffic signals at Kyle Canyon Fire Station.................................. 07-M43.......................................................................................................................... $224,722
Sierra Front Interagency Dispatch Center and hangar repairs....................... 07-M49...................................................................................................................... $1,026,484
Elko Interagency Dispatch Center repairs......................................................... 07-M50.......................................................................................................................... $584,346
Natural Resources Facility, Las Vegas - planning.............................................. 07-P04............................................................................................................................ $63,846
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1642 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
Description Project No. Amount
4. Capital improvements for the Department of Corrections:
Erosion remediation at HDSP.............................................................................. 07-M37...................................................................................................................... $1,737,564
SNWCC 400-bed expansion................................................................................. 07-C03.................................................................................................................... $59,175,674
Phase V housing units at HDSP............................................................................ 07-C04.................................................................................................................... $45,186,663
ISCC 384-bed expansion and 168-bed renovation.......................................... 07-C05.................................................................................................................... $49,927,635
Construction of housing unit and facility expansion at SDCC.................... 07-C07a.................................................................................................................... $60,982,113
Completion of phase IV housing units at HDSP............................................... 07-C87...................................................................................................................... $9,086,198
18-inch water main replacement at HDSP........................................................ 07-M05.......................................................................................................................... $776,278
Groundwater protection at CCC......................................................................... 07-M06.......................................................................................................................... $643,653
Wastewater improvements at WCC................................................................... 07-M07.......................................................................................................................... $723,616
Groundwater monitoring well and aeration at SNCC, JCC, HCC and ECC 07-M08.......................................................................................................................... $401,335
Replace air handler control valves at LCC....................................................... 07-M09.......................................................................................................................... $315,996
Templifier, heat pump and water heater replacement at SDCC................... 07-M10...................................................................................................................... $2,259,812
Water heater, hydronic circulation pump and boiler replacements at NNCC 07-M14.......................................................................................................................... $644,237
HVAC equipment replacements at NNCC........................................................ 07-M15...................................................................................................................... $2,817,876
Water heater replacements at LCC.................................................................... 07-M16.......................................................................................................................... $530,041
Rooftop HVAC unit replacement at WSCC..................................................... 07-M17.......................................................................................................................... $407,671
Temperature controls upgrade at WSCC........................................................... 07-M19.......................................................................................................................... $346,538
Door control panels and fire door replacements at SNWCC......................... 07-M24...................................................................................................................... $1,052,841
Door control panel replacement at WSCC........................................................ 07-M25.......................................................................................................................... $423,242
Window and security improvements at NNCC................................................ 07-M39...................................................................................................................... $2,985,572
Shower and bathroom renovation at NNCC.................................................... 07-M40...................................................................................................................... $3,456,898
Shower and bathroom renovation at JCC......................................................... 07-M41.......................................................................................................................... $979,843
Shower and bathroom renovation at SSCC...................................................... 07-M42...................................................................................................................... $1,821,809
Surveillance cameras, NNCC and NSP.............................................................. 07-M48...................................................................................................................... $3,291,176
Arsenic reduction in domestic water at HCC and SSCC – planning.............. 07-P02.......................................................................................................................... $102,512
Prison 8 - planning................................................................................................... 07-P03...................................................................................................................... $6,016,205
New conservation camp at Jean - advance planning....................................... 07-P29.......................................................................................................................... $618,631
One housing unit at NNCC – advance planning................................................ 07-P30.......................................................................................................................... $668,360
5. Capital improvements for the Department of Cultural Affairs:
ADA connecting structure at Nevada State Museum in Carson City........... 07-C01...................................................................................................................... $2,860,041
New State Museum in Las Vegas – deferred construction.............................. 07-C02...................................................................................................................... $8,295,033
Department of Cultural Affairs Resource Center............................................. 07-C19.......................................................................................................................... $741,227
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1643 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
Description Project No. Amount
6. Capital improvements for the Department of Information Technology:
Second UPS and generator systems at Computer Facility............................. 07-M35.......................................................................................................................... $915,910
7. Capital improvements for the Department of Health and Human Services:
Surveillance cameras and recording devices at Summit View Youth Correctional Center............................................................................................................................ 07-M27.......................................................................................................................... $540,464
Door, security and key card entry at Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services............................................................................................................................ 07-M28...................................................................................................................... $1,016,790
Door replacement at Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services........ 07-M29.......................................................................................................................... $132,310
Restroom renovation at Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services. 07-M31...................................................................................................................... $1,872,862
Desert Willow Treatment Center addition of 14 beds...................................... 07-C26.................................................................................................................... $10,108,378
Consolidated facility planning and building renovations for NNAMHS and NNCAS 07-C30............................................................................................................... $8,202,003
Hot water system rehabilitation at Desert Regional Center........................... 07-M13.......................................................................................................................... $410,539
Panic alarm system for Dini-Townsend Hospital............................................. 07-M34.......................................................................................................................... $318,767
Advance planning and land acquisition for 50-bed forensic treatment facility 07-P31...................................................................................................................... $9,054,858
8. Capital improvements for the Office of the Military:
Acquire land for future state agency facilities and training sites.................... 07-C21.......................................................................................................................... $111,555
Civil Support Team WMD facility in Las Vegas............................................... 07-C27...................................................................................................................... $6,546,936
National Guard Complex site entry and guard building in Carson City....... 07-C31.......................................................................................................................... $226,758
North Las Vegas Armory storage building.......................................................... 07-C32.......................................................................................................................... $135,297
Climate control upgrade at North Las Vegas Armory..................................... 07-M12.......................................................................................................................... $205,828
Emergency generator for the Office of the Adjutant General....................... 07-M32.......................................................................................................................... $180,606
Emergency generator for the North Las Vegas Armory.................................. 07-M33.......................................................................................................................... $153,472
Elko Readiness Center - planning......................................................................... 07-P06.......................................................................................................................... $371,072
9. Capital Improvements for the Nevada System of Higher Education:
Furnishings, equipment and additional construction for Math and Science Center, UNR............................................................................................................................. 07-C11.................................................................................................................... $13,291,948
Furnishings and equipment for classroom building on West Charleston Campus of CCSN.................................................................................................................. 07-C13...................................................................................................................... $3,231,491
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1644 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
Description Project No. Amount
Furnishings and equipment for Transportation Technology Building on Cheyenne Campus of CCSN............................................................................................. 07-C14...................................................................................................................... $1,890,643
Furnishings and equipment for Electrical and Industrial Technology Building, GBC 07-C15............................................................................................................... $1,270,298
Furnishings, equipment and additional construction for Greenspun College of Urban Affairs Building, UNLV................................................................................... 07-C16.................................................................................................................... $17,362,043
Cave Automated Virtual Environment facility at DRI - construction completion 07-C17...................................................................................................................... $5,757,579
Life safety improvements of Bristlecone Building at WNCC......................... 07-C24...................................................................................................................... $2,683,420
Shadow Lane Biomedical Research Building, UNHSS.................................... 07-C89...................................................................................................................... $3,734,348
Medical Education Learning Lab Building, UNHSS...................................... 07-C90a.................................................................................................................... $33,100,000
Renovation of Savitt Hall for School of Medicine, UNHSS......................... 07-C90b...................................................................................................................... $2,000,000
Renovation of Cain Hall for School of Nursing, UNHSS.............................. 07-C90c.......................................................................................................................... $500,000
Shadow Lane Advanced Clinical Training and Research Center, UNHSS 07-C91a.................................................................................................................... $30,900,002
TMCC Red Mountain Building fire code deficiencies.................................... 07-M04...................................................................................................................... $1,753,683
Structural reinforcement of IGT Building, TMCC........................................... 07-M38...................................................................................................................... $1,682,271
10. Capital improvements for the Department of Public Safety:
Replace Campos Office Building and parking area......................................... 07-C22.................................................................................................................... $50,904,393
11. Capital improvements for the Office of Veterans’ Services:
Southern Nevada Veterans’ Cemetery off-site street improvements............ 07-C23.......................................................................................................................... $895,764
Veterans’ Nursing Home central dining room.................................................... 07-C25.......................................................................................................................... $837,157
HVAC replacement at Southern Nevada Veterans’ Cemetery Administration Building............................................................................................................................ 07-M11............................................................................................................................ $41,776
Southern Nevada Veterans’ Cemetery expansion - planning......................... 07-P05.......................................................................................................................... $294,671
Sec. 4. Any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in section 3 of this act must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2011, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 16, 2011.
Sec. 5. 1. The State Board of Finance may issue the bonds authorized pursuant to section 3 of this act at the time deemed appropriate by the Board based on the schedule established for the completion of the projects described in that section.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1645 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
2. The State Controller may advance temporarily from the State General Fund, upon the approval of the Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration, to the State Public Works Board, until the date on which bonds authorized by section 3 of this act are sold, amounts necessary to facilitate the start of the projects enumerated in section 3 of this act. The State Controller shall not advance more than the face amount of the bonds authorized to be issued. The advanced amounts must be repaid immediately to the State General Fund upon the sale of the bonds or not later than the last business day in August immediately following the end of the fiscal year the advance is made.
3. The Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration shall notify the State Controller and the Senate and Assembly Fiscal Analysts of the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau of the approval of an advance from the State General Fund to the State Public Works Board pursuant to subsection 2.
Sec. 6. There is hereby appropriated from the State Highway Fund to the State Public Works Board the sum of $19,433,162 to support the Board in carrying out the program of capital improvements summarized in this section. This amount is allocated to projects numbered and described in the Executive Budget for the 2007-2009 biennium or otherwise described as follows:
Description Project No. Amount
1. Southern Training Academy and Highway Patrol substation....................... 07-C29.................................................................................................................... $16,907,804
2. Temperature controls upgrade at Sahara DMV Building............................. 07-M20.......................................................................................................................... $259,008
3. Window replacement at Carson City DMV Building..................................... 07-M23.......................................................................................................................... $503,594
4. Statewide Roofing Program................................................................................. 07-S01...................................................................................................................... $1,066,404
5. Statewide Paving Program.................................................................................... 07-S05.......................................................................................................................... $696,352
Sec. 7. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by section 6 of this act must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2011, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 16, 2011, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State Highway Fund on or before September 16, 2011.
Sec. 8. The amounts appropriated pursuant to section 6 of this act from the State Highway Fund must be allocated by the State Controller as the money is required for the projects and must not be transferred to the projects from the State Highway Fund until required to make contract payments.
Sec. 9. The University of Nevada School of Medicine shall transfer the sum of $3,386,574 from the amount appropriated pursuant to section 25 of chapter 538, Statutes of Nevada 1999, at page 2765, for the University of Nevada School of Medicine for capital improvements required to establish a program in Las Vegas that is designed to provide health care services to persons for whom health care is not readily accessible in this State, to the project as authorized in section 14 of this act.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1646 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
Sec. 10. The State Public Works Board shall transfer the sum of $1,375,218 from the amount appropriated pursuant to section 2 of chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, at pages 2993 to 2995, inclusive, for project 01-M5, Improvements to the Clear Creek Youth Center, to the project numbered and described in the Executive Budget for the 2007-2009 biennium or otherwise described as project 07-C85, Demolition of Clear Creek Youth Center.
Sec. 11. Any remaining balance of the amount transferred in section 10 of this act must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2011, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 16, 2011, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 16, 2011.
Sec. 12. The State Public Works Board shall transfer the sum of $1,081,077 from the amount allocated pursuant to section 1 of chapter 512, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at pages 3496 to 3500, inclusive, for project 03-C99L, Study and Design of Heart Transplant Facility and Construction of Embalming Facility and Plasticization Lab, UNR School of Medicine, to the project as authorized in section 14 of this act.
Sec. 13. The State Public Works Board shall transfer the sum of $1,275,651 from the amount appropriated pursuant to section 1 of chapter 398, Statutes of Nevada 2005, at pages 1543 to 1547, inclusive, for project 05-P29L, Advance planning of academic medical center for School of Medicine in Las Vegas, to the project as authorized in section 14 of this act.
Sec. 14. The State Public Works Board shall use the $5,743,302 transferred from the program and projects identified in sections 9, 12 and 13 of this act to support the Board in carrying out the program of capital improvements summarized in this section. This amount is allocated to the project numbered and described in the Executive Budget for the 2007-2009 biennium or otherwise described as project 07-C89, Shadow Lane Biomedical Research Building, UNHSS.
Sec. 15. Any remaining balance of the allocated amount in section 14 of this act must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2011, and reverts to the fund of origin on or before September 16, 2011.
Sec. 16. Expenditure of the following sums not appropriated from the State General Fund or the State Highway Fund is hereby authorized for the following projects numbered and described in the Executive Budget for the 2007-2009 biennium or otherwise described as follows:
Description Project No. Amount
1. Veterans’ Nursing Home central dining room.................................................. 07-C25.......................................................................................................................... $796,579
2. Civil Support Team WMD facility in Las Vegas............................................. 07-C27.................................................................................................................... $14,000,000
3. National Guard Complex site entry and guard building in Carson City...... 07-C31.......................................................................................................................... $247,500
4. North Las Vegas Armory storage building........................................................ 07-C32.......................................................................................................................... $405,893
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1647 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
Description Project No. Amount
5. Demolition of the old National Guard Armory, Carson City........................ 07-C33.......................................................................................................................... $861,470
6. Northern Nevada emergency vehicle operations course................................ 07-C52...................................................................................................................... $2,664,758
7. Medical Education Learning Lab Building, UNHSS.................................... 07-C90a.................................................................................................................... $12,900,000
8. Shadow Lane Advanced Clinical Training and Research Center, UNHSS 07-C91a.................................................................................................................... $25,800,000
9. Climate control upgrade at North Las Vegas Armory................................... 07-M12.......................................................................................................................... $285,425
10. Emergency generator for the Office of the Adjutant General................... 07-M32.......................................................................................................................... $250,449
11. Emergency generator for the North Las Vegas Armory.............................. 07-M33.......................................................................................................................... $212,824
12. Elko Readiness Center - planning..................................................................... 07-P06.......................................................................................................................... $495,000
13. Statewide Advance Planning Program............................................................. 07-S04............................................................................................................................ $42,000
14. Statewide Asbestos, IAQ, Mold, Lead Paint................................................... 07-S06.......................................................................................................................... $200,000
15. Statewide Building Official Project Program.................................................. 07-S09.......................................................................................................................... $943,661
Sec. 17. The State Public Works Board shall not execute a contract for the construction of the following projects until the Board has determined that the money authorized for those projects pursuant to section 16 of this act is available for expenditure for those projects and cannot be expended for other purposes:
Description Project No.
1. Medical Education Learning Lab Building, UNHSS.................................... 07-C90a
2. Shadow Lane Advanced Clinical Training and Research Center, UNHSS 07-C91a
Sec. 18. The amount of the allocation made by section 3 of this act for project 07-C25, Veterans’ Nursing Home central dining room, must be decreased to the extent that the receipt of money authorized for the project pursuant to section 16 of this act is exceeded, but such a decrease must not jeopardize the receipts of such money as is to be received from other sources, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 16, 2011.
Sec. 19. The State Public Works Board shall not execute a contract for the design or construction of project 07-C27, Civil Support Team WMD facility in Las Vegas, until the Board has determined that the money authorized for this project pursuant to section 16 of this act for the relevant budget item for the project is available for expenditure for this project and cannot be expended for other purposes.
Sec. 20. The project numbered and described in this act as project 07-C86b, Pre-engineered housing units, is exempt from the administrative regulations concerning consultant selection procedures and the provisions of NRS 338.1711 to 338.1727, inclusive, governing contracts involving design-build teams and the competitive bidding requirements of chapters 333 and 338 of NRS.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1648 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
NRS 338.1711 to 338.1727, inclusive, governing contracts involving design-build teams and the competitive bidding requirements of chapters 333 and 338 of NRS.
Sec. 21. Acquisition of the automated storage and retrieval system for the project numbered and described in this act as project 07-C10, Furnishings and equipment for Knowledge Center, UNR, is exempt from the competitive bidding requirements of chapter 338 of NRS.
Sec. 22. The following projects enumerated in this act are exempt from the competitive bidding requirements of chapter 338 of NRS:
Description Project No.
1. Phase V housing units at HDSP.......................................................................... 07-C04
2. Completion of phase IV housing units at HDSP............................................. 07-C87
Sec. 23. Notwithstanding the provisions of NRS 341.145, the State Public Works Board may authorize a change order exceeding 10 percent of any former contracts to include any of the following projects enumerated in this act if it determines that changing existing contracts is the most effective and efficient manner of carrying out any of these projects:
Description Project No.
1. Phase V housing units at HDSP.......................................................................... 07-C04
2. Completion of phase IV housing units at HDSP............................................. 07-C87
3. HVAC repairs to evaporative media at ESP................................................. 07-M01b
4. Grant Sawyer Building tile, concrete, fountain and flagpole..................... 07-M02b
Sec. 24. The State Public Works Board is authorized to use construction manager at risk services for the project numbered and described in this act as project 07-M04, TMCC Red Mountain Building fire code deficiencies.
Sec. 25. The State Public Works Board shall carry out the provisions of this act as provided in chapter 341 of NRS. The Board shall ensure that qualified persons are employed to accomplish the authorized work. Every contract pertaining to the work must be approved by the Attorney General.
Sec. 26. All state and local governmental agencies involved in the design and construction of the projects enumerated in this act shall cooperate with the State Public Works Board to expedite the completion of the project.
Sec. 27. 1. An ad valorem tax of 15.85 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property is hereby levied for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008, and an ad valorem tax of 15.85 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property is hereby levied for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009. The taxes levied must be collected in the manner provided in chapter 361 of NRS on all taxable property in this State including the net proceeds of minerals and excluding such property as is by law exempt from taxation. Notwithstanding the provisions of NRS 361.453 to the contrary, 0.85 cents of the levies imposed pursuant to this subsection must not be included in calculating the limitation set forth in subsection 1 of NRS 361.453 on the total ad valorem tax levied for all public purposes.
2. An ad valorem tax of 1.15 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property is hereby levied for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008, and an ad valorem tax of 1.15 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property is hereby levied for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1649 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008, and an ad valorem tax of 1.15 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property is hereby levied for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009. The taxes levied must be collected in the manner provided in chapter 361 of NRS on all taxable property in this State including the net proceeds of minerals and excluding such property as is by law exempt from taxation. The proceeds of the taxes levied pursuant to this subsection must be used exclusively for the repayment of bonded indebtedness issued pursuant to the provisions of chapter 6, Statutes of Nevada 2001 Special Session. Notwithstanding the provisions of NRS 361.453 to the contrary, the levies imposed pursuant to this subsection must not be included in calculating the limitation set forth in subsection 1 of NRS 361.453 on the total ad valorem tax levied for all public purposes.
3. The proceeds of the taxes levied by this section are hereby appropriated for each fiscal year to the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund to discharge the obligations of the State of Nevada as they are respectively due in that fiscal year. Any balance of the money appropriated by this section remaining at the end of the respective fiscal years does not revert to the State General Fund.
Sec. 28. 1. On or before July 1, 2007, and July 1, 2008, the State Controller shall estimate the amount of proceeds of the taxes levied by section 27 of this act. If the amount is less than the total obligation of the State of Nevada for payment of the interest on and principal of bonds which will become due in the fiscal year, he shall reserve in the State General Fund an amount which is sufficient to pay the remainder of the total obligation. The State Controller may revise the estimate and amount reserved.
2. If the money in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund is insufficient to pay those obligations as they become due, the State Controller shall cause the money in reserve to be transferred from the State General Fund to the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund. The amount reserved is hereby contingently appropriated for that purpose. Any balance of the sums appropriated by this subsection remaining at the end of the respective fiscal years must not be committed for expenditure after June 30 of the respective fiscal years and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 19, 2008, and September 18, 2009, respectively.
3. The State Controller shall report to the Legislature or, if the Legislature is not in session, to the Interim Finance Committee:
(a) The amount of any estimate made pursuant to subsection 1 and the amount of money reserved in the State General Fund based upon the estimate;
(b) The amount of money transferred from the State General Fund pursuant to subsection 2; and
(c) The amount of money which reverts to the State General Fund pursuant to subsection 2.
Sec. 29. The State Board of Finance, in its capacity as the State General Obligation Bond Commission and to the extent that money is available, shall pay the expenses related to the issuance of general obligation bonds approved by the 74th Session of the Nevada Legislature from the proceeds of those bonds.
Sec. 30. Expenditure of the following sums not appropriated from the State General Fund or the State Highway Fund is hereby authorized from the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund in the amount of $127,859,881 for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008, and in the amount of $132,536,696 for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009.
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Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund in the amount of $127,859,881 for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008, and in the amount of $132,536,696 for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009.
Sec. 31. 1. With the approval of the Interim Finance Committee, the State Public Works Board and the Nevada System of Higher Education may transfer appropriated, allocated and authorized money from one project to another within the same agency or within the Nevada System of Higher Education for those projects listed in sections 1, 3, 14, 16 and 32 of this act.
2. Transfers of money between the following projects enumerated in this act for the University of Nevada Health Sciences System, as authorized in subsection 1, shall maintain the overall ratio of appropriated, allocated and authorized money in total for these projects as provided for in sections 1, 3, 14, 16 and 40 of this act.
Description Project No.
1. Shadow Lane Biomedical Research Building, UNHSS.................................. 07-C89
2. Medical Education Learning Lab Building, UNHSS.................................... 07-C90a
3. Renovation of Savitt Hall for School of Medicine, UNHSS....................... 07-C90b
4. Renovation of Cain Hall for School of Nursing, UNHSS............................ 07-C90c
5. Shadow Lane Advanced Clinical Training and Research Center, UNHSS 07-C91a
Sec. 32. The money collected pursuant to the annual tax on slot machines imposed pursuant to NRS 463.385 that is distributed to the Special Capital Construction Fund for Higher Education, except any amount of that money which is needed to pay the principal and interest on bonds, is appropriated to the State Public Works Board for the following capital improvement projects for the Nevada System of Higher Education:
Description Project No. Amount
Campus Improvements-CCSN............................................................................... 07-M47a.......................................................................................................................... $492,190
Campus Improvements-DRI................................................................................... 07-M47b............................................................................................................................ $40,365
Campus Improvements-GBC.................................................................................. 07-M47c.............................................................................................................................. $5,950
Campus Improvements-TMCC.............................................................................. 07-M47e.......................................................................................................................... $276,156
Campus Improvements-UNLV............................................................................... 07-M47g...................................................................................................................... $1,920,240
Campus Improvements-UNR.................................................................................. 07-M47h...................................................................................................................... $2,098,938
Campus Improvements-WNCC............................................................................... 07-M47i.......................................................................................................................... $166,161
Sec. 33. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by section 32 of this act must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2011, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 16, 2011, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the fund of origin on or before September 16, 2011.
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Sec. 34. Section 11 of chapter 478, Statutes of Nevada 1997, as last amended by section 25 of chapter 398, Statutes of Nevada 2005, at page 1553, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 11. 1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in Section 10 of Chapter 478, Statutes of Nevada 1997, at page 1832, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2001, and must be reverted to the bond interest and redemption account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 21, 2001.
2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in Section 10 of Chapter 478, Statutes of Nevada 1997, at page 1832, for projects enumerated in Section 17 of Chapter 542, Statutes of Nevada 1999, at page 2830, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2003, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 19, 2003.
3. Any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in Section 10 of Chapter 478, Statutes of Nevada 1997, at page 1832, for projects enumerated in Section 19 of Chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, at page 3000, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2005, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 16, 2005.
4. Any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in Section 10 of Chapter 478, Statutes of Nevada 1997, at page 1832, for project 97-C15, Lied Library, UNLV, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, [2007,] 2009, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before [September 21, 2007.] September 18, 2009.
Sec. 35. Section 3 of chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, as last amended by section 27 of chapter 398, Statutes of Nevada 2005, at page 1556, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 3. 1. Except as otherwise provided in [subsection 2,] this section, any remaining balance of the appropriations made by Section 2 of Chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, at page 2993, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2005, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 16, 2005.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriations made by Section 2 of Chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, at page 2993, for the following projects, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2007, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 21, 2007:
Description Project No.
(a) Upgrade exercise areas of units 1-8 at ESP....................................... 01-M30
(b) Replace windows in housing units 1-4 at NNCC.............................. 01-M33
(c) Upgrade pedestrian entrance area at SDCC..................................... 01-M38
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1652 (CHAPTER 347, SB 578)ê
Description Project No.
(d) Advance planning for 2003 and future CIP Programs...................... 01-C5
(e) Capitol, capitol annex and Blasdel building renovations................ 01-C10
(f) Repairs and improvements to Grant Sawyer state office building.. 01-M4
(g) Improvements to the Clear Creek Youth Center................................ 01-M5
(h) [Replace door locks on housing units at Caliente Youth Center... 01-M13
(i)] Sewage treatment plant improvements at SNCC, LCC, PCC and ECC.......................................................................................................... 01-M40
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriations made by section 2 of chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, at page 2993, for project 01-M13, Replace door locks on housing units at Caliente Youth Center, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 36. Section 5 of chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, as last amended by section 28 of chapter 398, Statutes of Nevada 2005, at page 1556, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 5. 1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in Section 4 of Chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, at page 2995, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2005, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 16, 2005.
2. Any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in Section 4 of Chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, at page 2995, for project 01-C4, New State Motor Pool building, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2007, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 21, 2007.
3. Any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in Section 4 of Chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, at page 2995, for project 01-C16, furnishings and build-out, Redfield campus, phase I, UNR, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2006, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 15, 2006.
4. Any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in Section 4 of Chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, at page 2995, for the following projects, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2007, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 21, 2007:
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June 30, 2007, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 21, 2007:
Description Project No.
(a) Finalize southern Nevada veterans’ home........................................... 01-C8
(b) Special children’s clinic addition and remodel..................................... 01-C9
(c) Capitol, capitol annex and Blasdel building renovations................ 01-C10
(d) [National Guard Rural Armory renovations...................................... 01-C12
(e) Planning, design and utility infrastructure for science and engineering complex, UNLV.............................................................................. 01-C15
(f)] Furnishings and build-out of library and student center, WNCC.. 01-C18
[(g) Wright Hall addition and renovation, UNLV.................................... 01-C23
(h) New campus library, UNR..................................................................... 01-C24
(i) Academic and student services building, NSC.................................... 01-C25
(j)] (e) Telecommunications building on Cheyenne campus, CCSN 01-C29L
[(k)] (f) HVAC upgrades at computer facility, Carson City................ 01-M26
[(l)] (g) Replace boiler, pumps and piping at computer facility, Carson City.......................................................................................................... 01-M27
[(m)] (h) Statewide roofing program........................................................... 01-S1
[(n)] (i) Statewide ADA program.................................................................. 01-S2
[(o)] (j) Statewide fire sprinkler program.................................................... 01-S3
5. Any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in section 4 of chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, at page 2995, for the following projects, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 18, 2009:
Description Project No.
(a) National Guard Rural Armory renovations..................................... 01-C12
(b) Planning, design and utility infrastructure for science and engineering complex, UNLV.............................................................................. 01-C15
(c) Wright Hall addition and renovation, UNLV.................................. 01-C23
(d) New campus library, UNR.................................................................... 01-C24
(e) Academic and student services building, NSC................................. 01-C25
Sec. 37. Section 25 of chapter 585, Statutes of Nevada 2001, at page 3004, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 25. 1. The State Controller may advance temporarily from the state general fund, upon the approval of the Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration, to the State Public Works Board, until the date on which the sums not appropriated from the state general fund or the state highway fund for project 01-C7, veterans’ cemetery expansion, phase IV, are received, $300,000 .
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$300,000 . [to facilitate the start of the project.] The advanced amounts must be repaid immediately to the state general fund upon the receipt of the sums not appropriated from the state general fund or the state highway fund or not later than the last business day in August immediately following the end of the fiscal year the advance is made.
2. The Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration shall notify the State Controller and the Senate and Assembly Fiscal Analysts of the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau of the approval of an advance from the state general fund to the State Public Works Board pursuant to subsection 1.
Sec. 38. Section 2 of chapter 512, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 3500, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 2. [Any]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in section 1 of [this act] chapter 512, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 3496, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2007, and [reverts] must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund [as soon as all payments of money committed have been made.] on or before September 21, 2007.
2. Any remaining balance of the allocated amounts authorized in section 1 of chapter 512, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 3496, for the following projects, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, and must be reverted to the Bond Interest and Redemption Account in the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund on or before September 18, 2009:
Description Project No.
(a) New metal building for recreational use at Caliente Youth Center.... 03-C17
(b) UNLV science engineering and technology complex construction.... 03-C23
(c) Maxey Science Center, Building Renovations and Addition, DRI..... 03-C91L
(d) Repair exterior sidewalks at Grant Sawyer State Office Building 03-M2
(e) Renovate swimming pool at the Caliente Youth Center............... 03-M26
(f) Renovate heating systems in cottages at the Caliente Youth Center... 03-M27
(g) Renovate hot water tanks in cottages at the Caliente Youth Center.. 03-M27A
(h) Statewide Fire Sprinkler Program........................................................ 03-S3
(i) Statewide Asbestos, Lead, Mold, IAQ Program.................................. 03-S6
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Sec. 39. Section 7 of chapter 512, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 3502, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 7. [Any]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, any remaining balance of the appropriations made by section 6 of [this act] chapter 512, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 3501, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2007, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 21, 2007, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and [reverts] must be reverted to the State Highway Fund [as soon as all payments of money committed have been made.] on or before September 21, 2007.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriated amounts authorized in section 6 of chapter 512, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 3501, for project 03-C9, New DMV field services office in North Las Vegas, must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State Highway Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 40. Section 80 of chapter 482, Statutes of Nevada 2005, at page 2462, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 80. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the [Interim Finance Committee] State Public Works Board the sum of $4,000,000 [for allocation to the School of Medicine of the Nevada System of Higher Education for expenses relating to architectural design, engineering and construction of an academic Medical Center with an organ transplant center located in Clark County.] to support the Board in carrying out the program of capital improvements summarized in this section. This amount is allocated to the project numbered and described in the Executive Budget for the 2007-2009 biennium or otherwise described as project 07-C89, Shadow Lane Biomedical Research Building, UNHSS.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, [2009,] 2011, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 16, 2011, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before [September 18, 2009.] September 16, 2011.
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Sec. 41. 1. NRS 338.190 and 701.217 are hereby repealed.
2. Section 5 of chapter 512, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 3501, is hereby repealed.
3. Section 3 of chapter 2, Statutes of Nevada 2005, 22nd Special Session, at page 69, is hereby repealed.
Sec. 42. 1. This section, subsections 1 and 3 of section 1 of this act, and sections 2 to 41, inclusive, of this act become effective upon passage and approval.
2. Subsections 2 and 4 of section 1 of this act become effective on July 1, 2007.
Assembly Bill No. 629–Committee on Ways and Means
AN ACT relating to financial administration; making appropriations for various projects and programs that benefit the residents of this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
[Approved: June 13, 2007]
Section 1. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the City of Las Vegas for allocation to the New Ventures Capital Development Company the sum of $350,000 to capitalize a revolving loan fund to make Small Business Administration loans to minority businesses.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the New Ventures Capital Development Company shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the New Ventures Capital Development Company through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the New Ventures Capital Development Company through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the New Ventures Capital Development Company, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
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portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 2. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Interim Finance Committee the sum of $1,000,000 for allocation to local governments to provide alternatives for persons who are homeless.
2. The Interim Finance Committee shall appoint a subcommittee to consider applications from local governments for an allocation from the money appropriated by subsection 1 and shall make recommendations to the Committee concerning each allocation.
3. The recommendations of the subcommittee and the allocations made by the Committee must encourage regional cooperation regarding alternatives for homelessness and must be focused on providing transitional housing and supportive services to persons who are homeless.
4. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 3. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry the sum of $1,000,000 to provide grants to encourage the creation of employer-assisted housing programs.
2. The Housing Division shall adopt regulations to govern the provision of grants pursuant to subsection 1, which must include, without limitation, criteria for determining eligibility for such programs.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
4. As used in this section, “employer-assisted housing program” means a program for the provision of down-payment assistance, closing-cost assistance, reduced-interest mortgages, mortgage guarantees, rental subsidies or individual development account savings plans, or any combination thereof, to assist employees in securing affordable housing in this State.
Sec. 4. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Secretary of State the sum of $200,000 to establish and maintain the Registry of Advance Directives for Health Care on his Internet website.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
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appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 5. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Legislative Fund created by NRS 218.085 the sum of $175,000 for the Legislative Auditor to enter into a contract with a qualified, independent consultant to conduct a performance audit of each agency which provides child welfare services.
2. The consultant shall perform random unannounced visits to the agencies which provide child welfare services. During those visits, the consultant shall review files of open and closed cases concerning children who have been abused or neglected. The consultant shall:
(a) Review the manner in which the agencies which provide child welfare services document, respond to and report cases of child abuse or neglect;
(b) Review the procedures used by the agencies which provide child welfare services to determine whether to close a case;
(c) Determine whether the agencies which provide child welfare services are complying with federal and state laws in the manner in which they carry out their responsibilities with respect to child abuse or neglect;
(d) Evaluate the effectiveness and availability of appropriate intervention services;
(e) Determine the frequency with which the agencies which provide child welfare services have direct contact with children placed in foster homes or emergency shelters;
(f) Determine whether the agencies which provide child welfare services have successfully incorporated the recommendations set forth in the Report of the Clark County Blue Ribbon Panel for the Review of Child Deaths and of the Northern Blue Ribbon Panel for the Review of Child Deaths, as applicable; and
(g) Evaluate the progress and efforts made towards meeting the requirements set forth in the federally approved Performance Improvement Plan and Corrective Action Plan.
3. The consultant shall, in determining the frequency with which the agencies which provide child welfare services have direct contact with children placed in foster homes or emergency shelters pursuant to paragraph (e) of subsection 2, determine whether:
(a) The frequency of visits is in accordance with the established policy of each agency which provides child welfare services concerning the frequency of visits to children placed in foster homes or emergency shelters; and
(b) The frequency of visits to each child is appropriate for that child.
4. In reviewing the files of open and closed cases concerning children who have been abused or neglected, the consultant:
(a) Shall, if he becomes aware of circumstances which he reasonably believes may cause a child to be in imminent danger of abuse or neglect, immediately report those circumstances to the appropriate agency which provides child welfare services; and
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1659 (CHAPTER 348, AB 629)ê
(b) May interview any relative, foster parent or any other person identified in a case file who may have additional information concerning the case.
5. Each agency which provides child welfare services shall:
(a) Cooperate with the consultant;
(b) Allow the consultant to inspect, review and copy any records, reports and other documents relevant to the duties of the consultant;
(c) Provide access to the consultant to any facility within its jurisdiction which has custody of children pursuant to court order; and
(d) Allow the consultant to interview members of the staff of those facilities and children who are in the custody of those facilities.
6. The independent consultant shall prepare and submit a report of the performance audit to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau not later than October 1, 2008.
7. Not later than October 1, 2007:
(a) The Legislative Auditor shall enter into a contract with an independent consultant pursuant to subsection 1; and
(b) The Legislative Commission shall review the contract.
8. The contract does not become effective unless approved by the Legislative Commission.
9. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
10. As used in this section, “agency which provides child welfare services” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 432B.030.
Sec. 6. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Legislative Fund created by NRS 218.085 the sum of $250,000 for the Legislative Auditor to employ or contract with an auditor to serve as the Child Welfare Specialist.
2. The Child Welfare Specialist shall:
(a) Conduct such performance audits of governmental facilities for children as assigned by the Legislative Auditor; and
(b) Inspect, review and survey other governmental and private facilities for children to determine whether such facilities adequately protect the health, safety and welfare of the children in the facilities and whether the facilities respect the civil and other rights of the children in their care.
3. In performing its duties pursuant to this section, the Child Welfare Specialist shall:
(a) Receive and review copies of all guidelines used by governmental and private facilities for children concerning the health, safety, welfare, and civil and other rights of children;
(b) Receive and review copies of each complaint that is filed by any child or other person on behalf of a child who is under the care of a governmental or private facility for children concerning the health, safety, welfare, and civil and other rights of the child;
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(c) Perform unannounced site visits and on-site inspections of governmental and private facilities for children;
(d) Review reports and other documents prepared by governmental and private facilities for children concerning the disposition of any complaint which was filed by a child or any other person on behalf of a child concerning the health, safety, welfare, and civil and other rights of the child;
(e) Review practices, policies and procedures of governmental and private facilities for children for filing and investigating complaints made by children under their care or by any other person on behalf of such children concerning the health, safety, welfare, and civil and other rights of the children;
(f) Receive, review and evaluate all information and reports from governmental and private facilities for children relating to a child who suffers a fatality or near fatality while under the care or custody of a governmental or private facility for children; and
(g) Perform such other duties as directed by the Legislative Auditor.
4. Each governmental and private facility for children shall:
(a) Cooperate fully with the Child Welfare Specialist;
(b) Allow the Child Welfare Specialist to enter the facility and any area within the facility with or without prior notice;
(c) Allow the Child Welfare Specialist to interview children and staff at the facility;
(d) Allow the Child Welfare Specialist to inspect, review and copy any records, reports and other documents relevant to the duties of the Child Welfare Specialist; and
(e) Forward to the Child Welfare Specialist copies of any complaint that is filed by a child under the care or custody of a governmental or private facility for children or by any other person on behalf of such a child concerning the health, safety, welfare, and civil and other rights of the child.
5. When conducting any performance audit pursuant to this section, the Child Welfare Specialist shall carry out his duties in accordance with the provisions of NRS 218.737 to 218.893, inclusive.
6. The Legislative Auditor and the Child Welfare Specialist shall keep or cause to be kept a complete file of copies of all reports of audits, examinations, investigations and all other reports or releases issued by him.
7. All working papers from an audit are confidential and may be destroyed by the Legislative Auditor or the Child Welfare Specialist 5 years after the report is issued, except that the Legislative Auditor or the Child Welfare Specialist:
(a) Shall release such working papers when subpoenaed by a court; and
(b) May make such working papers available for inspection by an authorized representative of any other governmental entity for a matter officially before him.
8. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1661 (CHAPTER 348, AB 629)ê
9. As used in this section:
(a) “Governmental facility for children” means any facility, detention center, treatment center, hospital, institution, group shelter or other establishment which is owned or operated by a governmental entity and which has physical custody of children pursuant to the order of a court.
(b) “Near fatality” means an act that places a child in serious or critical condition as verified orally or in writing by a physician, a registered nurse or other licensed provider of health care. Such verification may be given in person or by telephone, mail, electronic mail or facsimile.
(c) “Private facility for children” means any facility, detention center, treatment center, hospital, institution, group shelter or other establishment which is owned or operated by a person or entity which has physical custody of children pursuant to the order of a court.
Sec. 7. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Department of Health and Human Services the sum of $200,000 to provide funding for the continued operation of the statewide information and referral system implemented pursuant to NRS 232.359.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 8. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the sum of $400,000 to fund operational expenses for the Women’s Research Institute of Nevada and the National Education for Women’s Leadership Program which develops civic leaders among college women.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 9. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Department of Health and Human Services the sum of $250,000 to establish programs to increase public awareness of health care information concerning hospital and surgical centers for ambulatory patients and to establish and maintain an Internet website that includes such information.
2. The Department shall adopt regulations to implement the programs set forth in subsection 1, which must include, without limitation, the collection, maintenance and provision of the information.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
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portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 10. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Department of Health and Human Services the sum of $160,000 for creation of a website to provide information to consumers relating to pharmacies and the prices of commonly prescribed prescription drugs.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 11. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Consumer Affairs Division of the Department of Business and Industry the sum of $180,000 for costs relating to the creation of the Office of Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities.
2. The Office of Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities is hereby created within the Consumer Affairs Division of the Department of Business and Industry. The Ombudsman shall:
(a) Provide for continued educational, outreach and service programs for minority groups pertaining to consumer fraud; and
(b) Assist the Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs created by NRS 233J.020.
3. The Director of the Department shall appoint the Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities.
4. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 12. Section 22 of chapter 7, Statutes of Nevada 2003, 20th Special Session, at page 269, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 22. 1. This section and sections 1 to 10, inclusive, and 21 of this act become effective upon passage and approval . [, and expire by limitation on June 30, 2007.]
2. Sections 11 to 20, inclusive, of this act become effective on October 1, 2003.
Sec. 13. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Department of Health and Human Services the sum of $1,200,000 to establish a program that provides a monthly subsidy of up to $100 toward a policy of insurance purchased by an employee or the spouse of an employee:
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(a) Who does not have a child;
(b) Who works for an employer that employs at least 2 but not more than 50 employees;
(c) Whose household income is less than 200 percent of the federally designated level signifying poverty; and
(d) Who is otherwise ineligible for Medicaid.
Ê The program must be coordinated and operated in a manner similar to the program established pursuant to NRS 422.2727 for employees who have children. Expenditures for the program must not exceed the amount appropriated pursuant to this subsection.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 14. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Department of Health and Human Services the sum of $500,000 to develop an outreach plan to assist uninsured persons in enrolling in health insurance programs. A portion of the plan must be targeted at assisting employees of businesses with at least 2 but not more than 50 employees to enroll in programs that provide health insurance and health insurance subsidy programs administered by the Department. The plan must be developed in cooperation with the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, Latin Chamber of Commerce, Urban Chamber of Commerce, Asian Chamber of Commerce, Reno-Sparks Chamber of Commerce and Reno Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 15. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the William S. Boyd School of Law within the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the sum of $250,000 to support the expansion of the operations of the Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
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Sec. 16. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services the sum of $223,821 for the costs relating to the appointment of the Coordinator of Vascular Health.
2. The Administrator of the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services shall appoint a Coordinator for Vascular Health. The Coordinator shall perform such duties relating to vascular health as directed by the Administrator.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 17. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Department of Transportation the sum of $250,000 for rural transit operations for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Program.
2. The Department of Transportation shall seek matching federal funds available for rural transit for the money appropriated by subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 18. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the State Conservation Commission of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources the sum of $250,000 for equal distribution to conservation districts pursuant to NRS 548.178.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 19. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Pershing County Water Conservation District the sum of $100,000 for emergency repairs to Rodgers Dam.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
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purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 20. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services the sum of $300,000 to provide grants to volunteer organizations that provide emergency medical services in this State for training, equipment and supplies related to such services. The money appropriated pursuant to this subsection must be accounted for separately in an expenditure category in the Emergency Medical Services budget of the Health Division, entitled Grants for Volunteer Emergency Medical Services.
2. The Health Division, in consultation with the Committee on Emergency Medical Services created pursuant to NRS 450B.151, shall establish:
(a) The procedures by which a volunteer organization may apply for a grant; and
(b) The criteria for determining whether to award a grant.
3. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the Health Division shall not award a grant that exceeds $20,000. The Health Division may award a grant that does not exceed $50,000 for the purchase of an ambulance if the volunteer organization provides matching money in an amount equal to the amount of the grant.
4. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 21. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Division of State Lands of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources the sum of $20,000 for the preservation of historical buildings located on the real property described in section 3 of chapter 391, Statutes of Nevada 2003, commonly known as Floyd Lamb State Park.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 22. 1. The Commission on Tourism shall, as soon as practicable after July 1, 2007, without depleting the funds necessary for day-to-day operations, transfer $95,924 from the proceeds from the taxes imposed on the revenue from the rental of transient lodging which have been credited to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism, created by NRS 231.250, to Nevada
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Ballet Theatre, Inc., for expenses relating to a performing tour in northern and central Nevada during November 2007.
2. Upon acceptance of the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1, Nevada Ballet Theatre, Inc., shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Nevada Ballet Theatre, Inc., through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Nevada Ballet Theatre, Inc., through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of Nevada Ballet Theatre, Inc., regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any balance of the sums transferred pursuant to subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the transfer is made or any entity to which money from the transfer is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was transferred or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or provided, and must be reverted to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 23. 1. The Commission on Tourism shall, as soon as practicable after July 1, 2007, without depleting the funds necessary for day-to-day operations, transfer $100,000 from the proceeds from the taxes imposed on the revenue from the rental of transient lodging which have been credited to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism, created by NRS 231.250, to the Neon Museum for expenses relating to construction.
2. Upon acceptance of the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1, the Neon Museum shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Neon Museum through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Neon Museum through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Neon Museum, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any balance of the sums transferred pursuant to subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the transfer is made or any entity to which money from the transfer is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was transferred or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or provided, and must be reverted to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism on or before September 18, 2009.
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the transfer is made or any entity to which money from the transfer is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was transferred or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or provided, and must be reverted to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 24. 1. The Commission on Tourism shall, as soon as practicable after July 1, 2007, without depleting the funds necessary for day-to-day operations, transfer $100,000 from the proceeds from the taxes imposed on the revenue from the rental of transient lodging which have been credited to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism, created by NRS 231.250, to the Nevada Museum of Art for support of its Art + Environment exhibition series, including educational programs and collection development.
2. Upon acceptance of the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1, the Nevada Museum of Art shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Museum of Art through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Museum of Art through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Nevada Museum of Art, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any balance of the sums transferred pursuant to subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the transfer is made or any entity to which money from the transfer is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was transferred or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or provided, and must be reverted to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 25. 1. The Commission on Tourism shall, as soon as practicable after July 1, 2007, without depleting the funds necessary for day-to-day operations, transfer $15,000 from the proceeds from the taxes imposed on the revenue from the rental of transient lodging which have been credited to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism, created by NRS 231.250, to the State Department of Conservation of Natural Resources for expenses relating to conducting a study of the feasibility of establishing and developing a park in the Upper Las Vegas Wash.
2. Any balance of the sums transferred pursuant to subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the transfer is made or any entity to which money from the transfer is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was transferred or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or provided, and must be reverted to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism on or before September 18, 2009.
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either the entity to which the money was transferred or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or provided, and must be reverted to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 26. 1. The Commission on Tourism shall, as soon as practicable after July 1, 2007, without depleting the funds necessary for day-to-day operations, transfer $14,000 from the proceeds from the taxes imposed on the revenue from the rental of transient lodging which have been credited to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism, created by NRS 231.250, to the Brewery Arts Center for the renovation of historical buildings owned and operated by the Brewery Arts Center.
2. Upon acceptance of the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1, the Brewery Arts Center shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Brewery Arts Center through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Brewery Arts Center through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Brewery Arts Center, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any balance of the sums transferred pursuant to subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the transfer is made or any entity to which money from the transfer is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was transferred or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or provided, and must be reverted to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 27. 1. The Commission on Tourism shall, as soon as practicable after July 1, 2007, without depleting the funds necessary for day-to-day operations, transfer $75,000 from the proceeds from the taxes imposed on the revenue from the rental of transient lodging which have been credited to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism, created by NRS 231.250, to the Las Vegas Performing Arts Center Foundation for expenses relating to construction of the Fred W. and Mary B. Smith Center for the Performing Arts.
2. Upon acceptance of the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1, the Las Vegas Performing Arts Center Foundation shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Las Vegas Performing Arts Center Foundation through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Las Vegas Performing Arts Center Foundation through June 30, 2009; and
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the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Las Vegas Performing Arts Center Foundation through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Las Vegas Performing Arts Center Foundation, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money transferred pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any balance of the sums transferred pursuant to subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the transfer is made or any entity to which money from the transfer is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was transferred or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or provided, and must be reverted to the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 28. 1. There is hereby created in the State General Fund a disbursement account to be administered by the Legislative Counsel Bureau.
2. Money appropriated to the disbursement account for the use of a specific entity must be allocated to that entity from time to time upon the submittal to the Legislative Counsel Bureau of an appropriate request for an allocation that is based on costs incurred.
Sec. 29. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 28 of this act for the use of the M2 Foundation for Kids in this State the sum of $750,000 for community development activities and enhancement of educational programs for children.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the M2 Foundation for Kids shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the M2 Foundation for Kids through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the M2 Foundation for Kids through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the M2 Foundation for Kids, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
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was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 30. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 28 of this act for the use of Three Square the sum of $1,000,000 for the construction of a food production facility.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, Three Square shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Three Square through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2010, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Foundation through December 1, 2010;
(c) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 16, 2011, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by Three Square through June 30, 2011; and
(d) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of Three Square, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2011, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 16, 2011, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 16, 2011.
Sec. 31. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 28 of this act for the use of the Nevada’s Safe Place programs the sum of $300,000 for outreach and other supportive services.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the administrators of Nevada’s Safe Place programs shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada’s Safe Place programs through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada’s Safe Place programs through June 30, 2009; and
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(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Nevada’s Safe Place programs, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 32. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 28 of this act for the use of the Nevada Commission for National and Community Service the sum of $365,000 to match federal funding for continuation of its programs dedicated to promoting citizen volunteerism.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Nevada Commission for National and Community Service shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Commission for National and Community Service through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Nevada Commission for National and Community Service through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Nevada Commission for National and Community Service, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which the money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 33. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 28 of this act for the use of the Las Vegas-Clark County Urban League the sum of $300,000 to fund the Southern Nevada Prisoner Re-Entry Coalition, a community-based collaboration to develop and implement a demonstration project to provide alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent offenders and to reintegrate prisoners into community life.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1672 (CHAPTER 348, AB 629)ê
collaboration to develop and implement a demonstration project to provide alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent offenders and to reintegrate prisoners into community life.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Las Vegas-Clark County Urban League shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Las Vegas-Clark County Urban League through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Las Vegas-Clark County Urban League through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Las Vegas-Clark County Urban League, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which the money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 34. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 28 of this act for the use of the Clark County Medical Society the sum of $200,000 for a pilot program to establish a nonprofit clinic to provide medical care and treatment of persons in this State who are indigent, uninsured or unable to afford health care.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Clark County Medical Society shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Clark County Medical Society through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Clark County Medical Society through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Clark County Medical Society, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1673 (CHAPTER 348, AB 629)ê
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 35. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 28 of this act for the use of the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District Foundation, Inc., the sum of $75,000 for the purchase of books and materials for the West Las Vegas Public Library.
2. Upon acceptance of the money appropriated by subsection 1, the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District Foundation, Inc., shall:
(a) Prepare and transmit a report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before December 15, 2008, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Foundation through December 1, 2008;
(b) Prepare and transmit a final report to the Interim Finance Committee on or before September 18, 2009, that describes each expenditure made from the money appropriated by subsection 1 from the date on which the money was received by the Foundation through June 30, 2009; and
(c) Upon request of the Legislative Commission, make available to the Legislative Auditor any of the books, accounts, claims, reports, vouchers or other records of information, confidential or otherwise, of the Foundation, regardless of their form or location, that the Legislative Auditor deems necessary to conduct an audit of the use of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 36. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the disbursement account created by section 28 of this act for the Flight 93 National Memorial Fund the sum of $10,000 for a portion of the cost of the construction of the Flight 93 National Memorial in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, to honor the passengers and crew of Flight 93 that crashed on September 11, 2001.
Sec. 37. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services the sum of $203,250 for grants to non-profit agencies to provide direct services such as shelter, crisis phone access, emergency assistance, advocacy, hospital accompaniment and counseling to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1674 (CHAPTER 348, AB 629)ê
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 38. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services of the Department of Health and Human Services for Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services the sum of $916,050 for use by the Division to increase the support for the Mental Health Court in Clark County, including, without limitation, additional staff required to provide services and supported living arrangements.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 39. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services of the Department of Health and Human Services for Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services the sum of $610,700 for use by the Division to increase the support for the Mental Health Court in Washoe County, including, without limitation, additional staff required to provide services and supported living arrangements.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 40. 1. The Nevada Autism Task Force is hereby created to study and make recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature regarding the growing incidence of autism and ways to improve the delivery and coordination of autism services in the State.
2. The Task Force shall consist of 14 members who are appointed as follows:
(a) One member of the Senate appointed by the Majority Leader of the Senate;
(b) One member of the Senate appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate;
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1675 (CHAPTER 348, AB 629)ê
(c) One member of the Assembly appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly;
(d) One member of the Assembly appointed by the Minority Leader of the Assembly; and
(e) Ten members appointed by the Governor, who must include:
(1) Three parents of children with autism;
(2) Four representatives of the Autism Coalition of Nevada;
(3) The Director of the Department of Health and Human Services or his designee;
(4) The Superintendent of Public Instruction or his designee; and
(5) An expert in the field of early intervention services.
3. The Governor shall designate a Chairman and Vice Chairman for the Task Force from among the 14 members appointed.
4. The Task Force shall:
(a) Hold not more than six open meetings each year where parents, educators and experts in the field, among others, can present testimony and information to the Task Force;
(b) Review the available literature and consult with experts to gain an understanding of the causes of the disorder and its incidence in Nevada;
(c) Assess the availability of services currently provided for early screening, diagnosis and treatment of the disorder;
(d) Review the effectiveness of programs and services currently provided to individuals with autism and their families; and
(e) Review other issues and concerns that the Task Force believes would be helpful in arriving at sound policy recommendations.
5. The Nevada Autism Task Force shall complete its review and submit its findings and recommendations to the Governor and to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to the appropriate legislative committees on or before August 1, 2008.
6. The Director of the Department of Health and Human Services shall provide the personnel, facilities, equipment and supplies required by the Nevada Autism Task Force to carry out the provisions of this section. The Director may seek additional staff assistance from the Department of Education and the Legislative Counsel Bureau.
7. The members of the Nevada Autism Task Force serve without compensation. While engaged in the business of the Task Force, each member is entitled to receive the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.
Sec. 41. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Department of Health and Human Services the sum of $2,000,000 to:
(a) Provide for expenses of the Nevada Autism Task Force created pursuant to section 40 of this act, including, without limitation, travel and meeting costs;
(b) Assist parents and legal guardians in paying the costs for the treatment of children with autism; and
(c) Provide for reasonable administrative expenses incurred by the Department in carrying out the provisions of this section.
Ê Expenditures made pursuant to this subsection must not exceed the amount appropriated pursuant to this subsection.
2. The Department of Health and Human Services shall, as soon as practicable, develop a plan for establishing the eligibility requirements for receiving assistance with paying the costs for the treatment of children with autism pursuant to this section and for expending the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1676 (CHAPTER 348, AB 629)ê
autism pursuant to this section and for expending the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1. The Department must submit to the Interim Finance Committee the plan required pursuant to this subsection and the Interim Finance Committee must approve the plan prior to expending any of the money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 42. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Bureau of Family Health Services of the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services the sum of $101,169 to fund 25 diagnostic clinics for fetal alcohol syndrome in northern and southern Nevada as part of the Perinatal Substance Abuse Prevention Initiative.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 43. The appropriations made by the provisions of this act are not intended to finance ongoing expenditures of state agencies and the expenditures financed with those appropriations must not be included as base budget expenditures in the proposed budget for the Executive Branch of State Government for the 2009-2011 biennium.
Sec. 44. In the codification of the Nevada Revised Statutes after the 74th Legislative Session, the Legislative Counsel shall ensure that the Nevada Revised Statutes clearly indicates that the Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs, the expiration of which is removed pursuant to section 12 of this act, is part of the Department of Business and Industry.
Sec. 45. 1. This section and sections 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 15, 19, 28, 29, 30, 33, 43 and 44 of this act become effective upon passage and approval.
2. Sections 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20 to 27, inclusive, 31, 32 and 34 to 42, inclusive, of this act become effective on July 1, 2007.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1677ê
Senate Bill No. 575–Committee on Finance
Joint Sponsor: Committee on Ways and Means
AN ACT relating to state employees; establishing the maximum allowed salaries for certain employees in the classified and unclassified service of the State; making appropriations from the State General Fund and State Highway Fund for increases in the salaries of certain employees of the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
[Approved: June 13, 2007]
Section 1. The following state officers, employees, and medical and related positions in the unclassified service of the State of Nevada are entitled to receive approximate annual salaries of not more than the maximum amounts set forth following their specified titles or positions:
Title or Position Salary
1. Governor’s Office for Consumer Health Assistance:
Chief Ombudsman for Consumer Health Assistance.............................................................. $92,290
Ombudsman for Consumer Health Assistance (each)............................................................... 73,595
2. State Office of Energy:
Director, Office of Energy.............................................................................................................. $93,700
Deputy Director, Office of Energy.................................................................................................. 63,648
3. Office of the Lieutenant Governor:
Chief of Staff................................................................................................................................... $70,105
Assistant to the Lieutenant Governor (each)................................................................................ 66,767
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 55,639
Administrative Secretary (each)...................................................................................................... 45,067
4. Office of the Secretary of State:
Chief Deputy.................................................................................................................................. $110,323
Deputy Secretary of State, Commercial Recordings................................................................... 92,290
Deputy Secretary of State, Southern Nevada.............................................................................. 92,290
Deputy Secretary of State, Elections........................................................................................... 101,306
Deputy Secretary of State, Operations.......................................................................................... 92,290
Securities Administrator…............................................................................................................... 96,382
Chief, Registration............................................................................................................................. 83,854
Chief, Enforcement........................................................................................................................... 91,997
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
5. Office of the State Treasurer:
Chief Deputy State Treasurer..................................................................................................... $110,323
Senior Deputy State Treasurer (each).......................................................................................... 101,306
Chief of Staff................................................................................................................................... 110,323
Deputy State Treasurer, Debt Service............................................................................................ 92,290
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1678 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
Title or Position Salary
Deputy State Treasurer, Investments.......................................................................................... $92,290
Deputy State Treasurer, Cash Management................................................................................ 92,290
Executive Director, Millennium Scholarship................................................................................. 92,290
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Deputy State Treasurer, Unclaimed Property............................................................................... 92,290
6. Office of Controller:
Chief Deputy Controller............................................................................................................... $101,306
Assistant Controller........................................................................................................................... 82,742
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
7. Office of the Attorney General:
(a) Attorney General’s Office:
Assistant Attorney General................................................................................................... $132,600
Attorney General Counsel for Prosecuting Attorneys, Executive Director....................... 96,399
Ombudsman for Victims of Domestic Violence.................................................................... 56,216
Chief Deputy Attorney General (each)................................................................................. 111,384
Chief of Staff ........................................................................................................................... 132,600
Solicitor General........................................................................................................................ 125,000
Senior Deputy Attorney General (each)................................................................................ 100,776
Deputy Attorney General (each).............................................................................................. 90,168
Public Information Officer........................................................................................................ 66,830
Chief Investigator....................................................................................................................... 76,908
Deputy Chief Investigator......................................................................................................... 66,830
Senior Investigator (each).......................................................................................................... 65,544
Investigator (each)...................................................................................................................... 62,171
Division Administrator, Personnel Services............................................................................ 76,908
Executive Assistant .................................................................................................................... 53,040
Chief Financial Officer............................................................................................................... 96,382
Legal Researcher (each)............................................................................................................. 43,460
Supervising Legal Researcher (each)....................................................................................... 53,040
Construction Law Counsel...................................................................................................... 125,000
Executive Director, Technological Crimes.............................................................................. 66,830
Administrative Assistant, Technological Crimes................................................................... 44,537
Program Specialist, Technological Crimes.............................................................................. 53,040
Investigator, Technological Crimes......................................................................................... 62,171
Computer Forensic Examiner, Technological Crimes (each).............................................. 76,908
Supervising Insurance Fraud Investigator.............................................................................. 65,544
Insurance Investigator (each)................................................................................................... 62,171
Deputy Chief Workers’ Compensation Fraud Investigator................................................ 68,714
Senior Workers’ Compensation Fraud Investigator (each)................................................. 65,544
(b) Bureau of Consumer Protection:
Senior Economist...................................................................................................................... $96,399
Senior Investigator ..................................................................................................................... 65,544
Senior Engineer............................................................................................................................ 86,086
Senior Legal Researcher............................................................................................................. 51,218
Legal Researcher......................................................................................................................... 43,460
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1679 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
Title or Position Salary
Senior Regulatory Analyst...................................................................................................... $80,446
Investigator (each)...................................................................................................................... 62,171
Chief Deputy Attorney General (each)................................................................................. 111,384
Regulatory Manager................................................................................................................... 86,161
Technical Staff Manager........................................................................................................... 86,161
Deputy Attorney General (each).............................................................................................. 90,168
Engineer........................................................................................................................................ 77,620
Administrative Services Officer................................................................................................ 69,844
Senior Deputy Attorney General (each)................................................................................ 100,776
8. Commission on Ethics:
Executive Director........................................................................................................................... $92,290
Counsel, Ethics Commission........................................................................................................... 90,168
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Investigator......................................................................................................................................... 62,171
9. Supreme Court:
Supervisory Staff Attorney (each)............................................................................................. $100,776
Supervisory Staff Attorney, Settlement...................................................................................... 100,776
Reporter of Judicial Decisions....................................................................................................... 111,384
Legal Counsel, Criminal................................................................................................................. 121,992
Legal Counsel, Civil........................................................................................................................ 121,992
Chief Assistant Clerk...................................................................................................................... 111,384
Chief Clerk........................................................................................................................................ 132,600
Chief Deputy Clerk............................................................................................................................ 68,421
Court Administrator........................................................................................................................ 116,688
Deputy Court Administrator (each)............................................................................................. 100,776
Staff Attorney (each)........................................................................................................................ 90,168
Law Librarian..................................................................................................................................... 95,472
Senior Law Clerk (each)................................................................................................................... 58,622
10. Commission on Judicial Discipline:
General Counsel............................................................................................................................ $132,600
11. Department of Administration:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $120,401
Deputy Director................................................................................................................................ 110,323
Information Systems Specialist...................................................................................................... 55,826
Division Administrator, Internal Audits....................................................................................... 101,306
Manager, Internal Controls.............................................................................................................. 86,161
Chief Assistant Budget Administrator........................................................................................... 83,854
Senior Appeals Officer.................................................................................................................... 111,384
Appeals Officer, Hearings (each).................................................................................................. 100,776
Hearing Officer (each)...................................................................................................................... 66,830
Deferred Compensation Executive Officer................................................................................... 92,290
Chief Assistant, Planning.................................................................................................................. 76,892
Division Administrator, State Motor Pool..................................................................................... 76,908
Division Administrator, Administrative Services.......................................................................... 92,290
Division Administrator, Risk Management................................................................................... 82,742
Division Administrator, Purchasing................................................................................................ 92,290
Division Administrator, Information Technology....................................................................... 92,290
Division Administrator, Buildings and Grounds........................................................................... 82,742
Manager, State Public Works Board............................................................................................ 116,688
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1680 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
Title or Position Salary
Deputy Manager, Professional Services, State Public Works Board................................... $110,323
Deputy Manager, Code Compliance and Enforcement, State Public Works Board.......... 110,323
Deputy Manager, Administrative and Fiscal Services, State Public Works Board................ 92,290
Public Works Board, Project Manager III (each)...................................................................... 100,776
Public Works Board, Project Manager II (each).......................................................................... 92,290
12. Department of Information Technology:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $116,688
Deputy Director................................................................................................................................ 101,306
Chief of Administration................................................................................................................. 101,306
13. Department of Personnel:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $101,306
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Director, Equal Employment Opportunity.................................................................................... 76,908
Division Administrator, Personnel (each)...................................................................................... 82,742
14. Department of Taxation:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $120,401
Deputy Director (each)................................................................................................................... 101,306
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Administrative Law Judge (licensed attorney)........................................................................... 100,776
Administrative Law Judge (other than licensed attorney).......................................................... 90,168
Chief Administrative Law Judge (licensed attorney)................................................................ 111,384
Chief Administrative Law Judge (other than licensed attorney)............................................ 100,776
15. Department of Education:
Superintendent of Public Instruction......................................................................................... $117,749
Deputy Superintendent of Instruction, Research and Evaluative Services.......................... 101,306
Deputy Superintendent for Administrative and Fiscal Services.............................................. 100,776
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
16. Department of Cultural Affairs:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $110,323
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Division Administrator, Museums and History............................................................................ 92,290
Division Administrator, Historic Preservation............................................................................... 92,290
Division Administrator, State Arts Council................................................................................... 92,290
Division Administrator, State Library and Archives.................................................................... 92,290
17. WICHE:
Director.............................................................................................................................................. $76,908
18. Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation:
Director, Employment, Training and Rehabilitation.............................................................. $120,401
Chief, Office of Disability Employment Policy............................................................................ 66,830
Division Administrator, Rehabilitation........................................................................................ 101,306
Chief Auditor...................................................................................................................................... 84,864
Deputy Director................................................................................................................................ 110,323
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1681 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
Title or Position Salary
Division Administrator, Employment Security........................................................................ $110,323
Division Administrator, Equal Rights Commission..................................................................... 82,742
Division Administrator, Information Development and Processing...................................... 101,306
Hearing Officer (each)...................................................................................................................... 66,830
19. Department of Health and Human Services:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $120,401
Deputy Director, Programs............................................................................................................. 101,306
Deputy Director, Fiscal Services.................................................................................................... 101,306
Deputy Director, Administrative Services...................................................................................... 92,290
Executive Assistant (each)............................................................................................................... 53,040
Division Administrator, Health Care Financing and Policy..................................................... 110,323
Deputy Division Administrator, Health Care Financing and Policy....................................... 101,306
Division Administrator, Health..................................................................................................... 110,323
State Health Officer........................................................................................................................ 152,216
Chief Biostatistician.......................................................................................................................... 92,290
State Epidemiologist.......................................................................................................................... 92,290
Medical Program Coordinator, Mental Health Program (each)............................................. 178,734
Medical Program Coordinator, Statewide Mental Health Services........................................ 192,007
Division Administrator, Mental Health and Developmental Services................................... 116,688
Deputy Division Administrator, Mental Health and Developmental Services..................... 101,306
Division Administrator, Welfare and Supportive Services....................................................... 110,323
Division Administrator, Child and Family Services................................................................... 110,323
Deputy Division Administrator, Child and Family Services (each)........................................ 101,306
Deputy Division Administrator, Administrative Services, Child and Family Services........ 100,776
Division Administrator, Aging Services ....................................................................................... 101,306
Deputy Division Administrator, Aging Services (each)............................................................... 92,290
Statewide Suicide Prevention Coordinator.................................................................................... 66,830
Statewide Suicide Prevention Trainer/Networking Facilitator................................................... 63,648
Chief, Elder Rights............................................................................................................................. 82,742
Superintendent, Nevada Youth Training Center.......................................................................... 92,290
Superintendent, Caliente Youth Center......................................................................................... 92,290
Superintendent, Summit View Youth Correctional Center........................................................ 92,290
Bureau Chief, Youth Parole Bureau….......................................................................................... 92,290
Executive Director, Nevada Indian Commission........................................................................ 66,830
20. Office of the State Public Defender:
State Public Defender................................................................................................................... $111,384
Supervising Public Defender (office)............................................................................................ 100,776
Supervising Public Defender (trial)............................................................................................... 100,776
Supervising Public Defender (appeals)........................................................................................ 100,776
Deputy Public Defender (each)....................................................................................................... 90,168
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1682 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
Title or Position Salary
Deputy Public Defender, Appellate (each).................................................................................. $90,168
Investigator (each)............................................................................................................................. 62,171
21. Department of Business and Industry:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $120,401
Deputy Director, Administration..................................................................................................... 76,908
Deputy Director, Programs............................................................................................................. 101,306
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Division Administrator, Financial Institutions.............................................................................. 92,290
Deputy Division Administrator, Financial Institutions................................................................ 76,908
Ombudsman, Real Estate................................................................................................................ 66,830
Certified Public Accountant, Financial Institutions..................................................................... 63,824
Certified Public Accountant, Mortgage Lending.......................................................................... 63,824
Division Administrator, Manufactured Housing.......................................................................... 82,742
Division Administrator, Real Estate............................................................................................... 92,290
Deputy Division Administrator, Real Estate................................................................................. 76,908
Division Administrator, Consumer Affairs.................................................................................... 92,290
Division Administrator, Housing..................................................................................................... 92,290
Deputy Division Administrator, Housing....................................................................................... 76,908
Chief Assistant, Housing.................................................................................................................. 63,648
Chief Financial Officer, Housing.................................................................................................... 90,168
Division Administrator, Insurance................................................................................................ 110,323
Deputy Division Administrator, Insurance (each)....................................................................... 92,290
Deputy Division Administrator, Insurance, Captive Insurers ................................................... 90,168
Lead Actuary, Insurance (each)................................................................................................... 118,855
Insurance Counsel/Hearing Officer (each)................................................................................... 92,290
Division Administrator, Taxicab Authority................................................................................... 92,290
Division Administrator, Transportation Services Authority..................................................... 107,701
Chief Transportation Inspector....................................................................................................... 72,979
Commissioner, Transportation Services Authority (each)....................................................... 100,987
Financial Analyst (each)................................................................................................................... 76,998
Manager, Transportation................................................................................................................. 90,168
Deputy Division Administrator, Transportation Services Authority......................................... 83,425
Attorney, Transportation Services Authority................................................................................ 90,168
Division Administrator, Mortgage Lending................................................................................... 92,290
Deputy Division Administrator, Mortgage Lending..................................................................... 76,908
Division Administrator, Industrial Relations.............................................................................. 101,306
Deputy Division Administrator, Industrial Relations (each)...................................................... 82,742
Attorney, Industrial Relations (each)............................................................................................. 90,168
Senior Attorney, Industrial Relations........................................................................................... 100,776
Deputy Division Administrator, Safety Consultation................................................................. 76,908
Deputy Division Administrator, Mine Safety............................................................................... 76,908
Division Administrator, Attorney for Injured Workers............................................................. 111,384
Deputy Attorney for Injured Workers (each)............................................................................... 90,168
Senior Deputy Attorney for Injured Workers (each)................................................................. 100,776
Division Administrator, Employee-Management Relations Board.......................................... 82,742
Executive Assistant, Employee-Management Relations Board............................................... 53,040
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1683 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
Title or Position Salary
Division Administrator, Dairy Commission................................................................................ $82,742
Division Administrator, Office of Labor Commissioner............................................................. 92,290
Deputy Division Administrator, Office of Labor Commissioner.............................................. 76,908
Chief Assistant, Office of Labor Commissioner.......................................................................... 49,495
Division Administrator, Athletic Commission.............................................................................. 92,290
22. State Department of Agriculture:
Director, Agriculture...................................................................................................................... $101,306
Agriculture, Deputy Director............................................................................................................ 82,742
Division Administrator, Livestock Inspection.............................................................................. 76,908
Division Administrator, Veterinary Medical Services .............................................................. 103,394
Senior Veterinary Diagnostician (each)......................................................................................... 88,005
Supervisor, Animal Disease Laboratory........................................................................................ 91,453
Division Administrator, Measurement Standards........................................................................ 76,908
Division Administrator, Plant Industry.......................................................................................... 76,908
23. Commission on Mineral Resources:
Administrator, Minerals.................................................................................................................. $98,941
Deputy Administrator, Minerals...................................................................................................... 79,152
Chief for Dangerous Mines.............................................................................................................. 64,208
Chief for Mine Regulation............................................................................................................... 71,189
Field Specialist, Minerals (each)...................................................................................................... 54,884
Program Manager, Oil, Gas and Geothermal................................................................................ 91,103
24. Commission on Economic Development:
Executive Director......................................................................................................................... $110,323
Deputy Director.................................................................................................................................. 92,290
Senior Associate, Industrial Development (each)........................................................................ 76,908
Associate, Industrial Development (each).................................................................................... 60,687
Grants Project Analyst (each).......................................................................................................... 52,690
Director, Film...................................................................................................................................... 82,742
Associate, Film (each)....................................................................................................................... 60,687
Program Specialist............................................................................................................................. 53,425
25. Commission on Tourism:
Director, Tourism........................................................................................................................... $110,323
Chief Deputy, Administration......................................................................................................... 92,290
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Public Information Officer............................................................................................................... 75,391
Deputy Director, Sales and Industry Partners .............................................................................. 73,152
Deputy Director, Marketing and Advertising................................................................................ 73,152
Development Specialist II, Tourism (each)….............................................................................. 73,152
Development Specialist, Tourism (each)....................................................................................... 68,684
Project Analyst II (each).................................................................................................................. 61,436
Project Analyst (each)....................................................................................................................... 52,690
Development Specialist, Nevada Magazine (each)..................................................................... 60,844
Editor Publisher, Nevada Magazine............................................................................................... 83,112
Associate Editor................................................................................................................................. 45,629
Managing Editor, Publications........................................................................................................ 63,887
Market and Promotion Manager, Publications (each)................................................................ 45,629
Production Manager.......................................................................................................................... 51,499
Art Director (each)............................................................................................................................. 54,415
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1684 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
Title or Position Salary
Advertising Sales Representative …............................................................................................ $55,819
Operations and Finance Manager.................................................................................................. 73,116
26. State Gaming Control Board:
Chairman, Gaming Control Board............................................................................................ $141,147
Member, Gaming Control Board (each)..................................................................................... 131,242
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 55,639
Chief, Investigation......................................................................................................................... 100,749
Chief, Enforcement......................................................................................................................... 100,749
Chief, Audit...................................................................................................................................... 100,749
Chief, Corporate Securities............................................................................................................ 100,749
Chief, Tax and License.................................................................................................................. 100,749
Chief, Administration..................................................................................................................... 100,749
Chief Deputy, Administration ........................................................................................................ 91,590
Executive Secretary, Gaming Control Board............................................................................... 91,590
Manager, Electronics Lab................................................................................................................ 98,389
Chief, Technology........................................................................................................................... 107,618
Senior Lab Engineer (each).............................................................................................................. 93,703
Electronic Lab Engineer (each)....................................................................................................... 89,241
Coordinator, Applicant Services..................................................................................................... 89,094
Chief Deputy, Enforcement (each)................................................................................................ 91,590
Information Service Manager......................................................................................................... 93,703
Senior Network Specialist................................................................................................................. 80,381
Network Specialist II......................................................................................................................... 74,073
Network Specialist I (each).............................................................................................................. 67,084
Data Management Analyst............................................................................................................. 79,270
System Manager................................................................................................................................ 88,196
Programming Manager..................................................................................................................... 88,196
Programming Supervisor.................................................................................................................. 83,075
Chief Deputy, Audit (each).............................................................................................................. 91,590
Chief Deputy, Investigations (each)............................................................................................... 91,590
Chief Deputy, Corporate Securities................................................................................................ 91,590
Chief Deputy, Tax and License...................................................................................................... 91,590
Hearings Officer................................................................................................................................. 88,227
Administrative Coordinator............................................................................................................. 79,270
Financial Officer................................................................................................................................ 79,270
Supervisor, Investigations (each).................................................................................................... 83,264
Supervisor, Enforcement (each)...................................................................................................... 83,264
Supervisor, Corporate Securities (each)......................................................................................... 83,264
Supervisor, Audit (each)................................................................................................................... 83,264
Supervisor, Tax and License (each)............................................................................................... 83,264
Supervisor (each) .............................................................................................................................. 83,264
District Office Manager.................................................................................................................... 89,094
Senior Agent, Corporate Securities (each)..................................................................................... 72,091
Senior Agent, Investigations (each)................................................................................................ 72,091
Training Officer.................................................................................................................................. 79,270
Senior Agent, Audit (each)............................................................................................................... 72,091
Senior Agent, Tax and License (each)........................................................................................... 72,091
Senior Research Specialist (each)................................................................................................... 88,196
Senior Agent, Enforcement (each).................................................................................................. 72,091
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1685 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
Title or Position Salary
Senior Agent, Technology (each).................................................................................................. $72,091
Agent, Corporate Securities (each)................................................................................................. 65,538
Agent, Audit (each)............................................................................................................................ 65,538
Agent, Investigations (each)............................................................................................................ 65,538
Agent, Enforcement (each).............................................................................................................. 65,538
Agent, Tax and License (each)........................................................................................................ 65,538
Agent, Technology (each)................................................................................................................ 65,538
Electronics Technician (each).......................................................................................................... 58,402
Senior Program Analyst (each)........................................................................................................ 74,679
Special Agent (each).......................................................................................................................... 75,695
27. Public Utilities Commission of Nevada:
Chairman........................................................................................................................................ $116,688
Public Utilities Commissioner (each)............................................................................................ 110,323
Executive Assistant (each)............................................................................................................... 53,040
Financial Analyst (each)................................................................................................................... 76,998
Chief Attorney (each)..................................................................................................................... 111,384
Senior Attorney (each).................................................................................................................... 100,776
Supervisor, Consumer Complaint Resolution.............................................................................. 76,908
Manager, Safety and Quality Assurance...................................................................................... 92,290
Manager, Systems Operation.......................................................................................................... 82,742
Public Education and Statistical Analysis Officer (each)........................................................... 63,648
Administrative Attorney (each)....................................................................................................... 66,830
Manager, Resource and Market Analysis..................................................................................... 92,290
Engineer, Water.................................................................................................................................. 76,998
Engineer, Electric (each)................................................................................................................... 80,917
Senior Gas Pipeline Engineer............................................................................................................ 81,231
Engineer, Gas Pipeline (each)........................................................................................................... 76,998
Senior Engineering Analyst ............................................................................................................. 68,999
Manager, Policy Analysis................................................................................................................. 92,290
Director, Regulatory Operations................................................................................................... 110,323
Manager, Consumer Complaint Resolution................................................................................. 92,290
Senior Analyst ................................................................................................................................... 68,999
Rural Consumer Representative..................................................................................................... 62,254
Manager, Tariffs and Compliance................................................................................................. 92,290
Commission Secretary...................................................................................................................... 92,290
Assistant Commission Secretary..................................................................................................... 82,742
Senior Regulatory Economist.......................................................................................................... 82,642
Regulatory Economist (each).......................................................................................................... 82,642
Commission Policy Advisory (each).............................................................................................. 84,962
Senior Utility Analyst (each)............................................................................................................ 68,999
Resource Planning Engineer............................................................................................................. 76,998
Legal Case Manager......................................................................................................................... 53,850
28. Department of Motor Vehicles:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $120,401
Deputy Director, Motor Vehicles.................................................................................................. 116,688
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Division Administrator, DMV Motor Carrier................................................................................ 92,290
Division Administrator, DMV Management Services................................................................. 92,290
Division Administrator, DMV Automation................................................................................... 92,290
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1686 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
Title or Position Salary
Division Administrator, DMV Field Services............................................................................ $101,306
Division Administrator, DMV Compliance Enforcement........................................................ 101,306
Division Administrator, DMV Central Services............................................................................ 92,290
Division Administrator, DMV Administrative Services............................................................... 92,290
Chief Administrative Law Judge, DMV (licensed attorney).................................................... 111,384
Chief Administrative Law Judge, DMV (other than licensed attorney)................................ 100,776
DMV Administrative Law Judge (licensed attorney) (each).................................................... 100,776
DMV Administrative Law Judge (other than licensed attorney) (each).................................. 90,168
29. Department of Public Safety:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $120,401
Deputy Director, Public Safety...................................................................................................... 116,688
Executive Officer to the Director.................................................................................................. 100,776
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Division Administrator, Parole and Probation............................................................................ 116,688
Chairman, State Board of Parole Commissioners.................................................................... 101,306
Parole Board Member (each).......................................................................................................... 82,742
Executive Assistant, Parole Board.................................................................................................. 53,040
Division Administrator, Emergency Management...................................................................... 90,168
Division Administrator, Records and Technology..................................................................... 105,841
Division Administrator, State Fire Marshal................................................................................. 101,306
Division Administrator, Administrative Services.......................................................................... 92,290
Division Administrator, Capitol Police .......................................................................................... 92,290
Division Administrator, Homeland Security............................................................................... 110,323
Division Administrator, Investigations........................................................................................ 110,323
Division Administrator, Highway Safety Planning and Administration.................................. 76,908
Division Administrator, Training................................................................................................... 101,306
Chief, Nevada Highway Patrol..................................................................................................... 116,688
30. Department of Corrections:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $120,401
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Medical Director.............................................................................................................................. 180,410
Deputy Director, Operations, Northern Region.......................................................................... 110,323
Deputy Director, Industrial Programs.......................................................................................... 110,323
Deputy Director, Operations, Southern Region.......................................................................... 110,323
Deputy Director, Support Services................................................................................................ 110,323
Division Administrator, EEO and Training.................................................................................... 82,742
31. Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission:
Director.............................................................................................................................................. $92,290
Deputy Director.................................................................................................................................. 82,742
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
32. State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $120,401
Deputy Director................................................................................................................................ 100,776
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Division Administrator, Environmental Protection................................................................... 116,688
Division Administrator, Water Resources................................................................................... 116,688
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1687 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
Title or Position Salary
Division Administrator, Forestry................................................................................................. $101,306
Division Administrator, State Parks............................................................................................. 101,306
Division Administrator, State Lands.............................................................................................. 92,290
District Supervisor, Water Commissioner, Water Resources...................................................... 66,830
Division Administrator, Wild Horse Commission........................................................................ 66,830
Division Administrator, Natural Heritage...................................................................................... 76,908
33. Department of Wildlife
Director............................................................................................................................................ $110,323
Deputy Director................................................................................................................................ 101,306
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Chief Game Warden......................................................................................................................... 92,290
Division Administrator, Conservation Education........................................................................ 82,742
Division Administrator, Fisheries..................................................................................................... 82,742
Division Administrator, Game Management................................................................................ 82,742
Division Administrator, Habitat...................................................................................................... 82,742
Division Administrator, Wildlife Administration.......................................................................... 82,742
Division Administrator, Wildlife Diversity..................................................................................... 82,742
34. Department of Transportation:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $120,401
Deputy Director (each)................................................................................................................... 117,749
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Division Administrator, Administrative Services....................................................................... 101,306
Division Administrator, Planning and Program Development................................................ 101,306
Division Administrator, Engineering............................................................................................. 116,688
Division Administrator, Operations.............................................................................................. 116,688
Hearings Officer................................................................................................................................. 66,830
35. Colorado River Commission of Nevada:
Director............................................................................................................................................ $124,271
Deputy Director................................................................................................................................ 118,156
Special Assistant ............................................................................................................................... 82,956
Division Head, Power...................................................................................................................... 112,599
Division Head, Water...................................................................................................................... 112,599
Administrative Services Officer.................................................................................................... 112,599
Office Manager.................................................................................................................................. 61,891
Senior Energy Accountant (each)................................................................................................... 84,397
Natural Resource Specialist (each)................................................................................................. 97,901
Environmental Program Manager................................................................................................ 101,276
Network Administrator (each)......................................................................................................... 73,144
Power Supply Manager.................................................................................................................. 103,873
Assistant Director Engineering and Operations.......................................................................... 112,530
Assistant Director Energy Information Systems........................................................................ 101,276
Power Facilities Manager............................................................................................................... 101,276
Power Facilities Communication Technician (each)................................................................... 78,771
Senior Power Facilities Electrician (each)...................................................................................... 78,771
Senior Power Facilities Engineer ..................................................................................................... 97,381
Power Facilities Engineer ................................................................................................................. 90,023
Power Facilities Electrician............................................................................................................... 73,144
Hydropower Program Manager.................................................................................................... 106,904
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1688 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
Title or Position Salary
Assistant Hydropower Program Manager................................................................................... $95,650
Natural Resource Technician (each).............................................................................................. 70,331
Manager, Power Planner................................................................................................................ 100,776
Power Supply Planner..................................................................................................................... 101,306
Assistant Power Supply Planner...................................................................................................... 87,845
Manager, Power Accounting......................................................................................................... 100,776
Energy Accountant (each)............................................................................................................... 74,256
Energy Supply Manager (each)....................................................................................................... 74,256
Manager, Regulatory Affairs........................................................................................................ 100,776
36. Office of the Military:
Adjutant General........................................................................................................................... $110,323
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
37. Public Employees’ Benefits Program:
Executive Officer.......................................................................................................................... $116,688
Executive Assistant........................................................................................................................... 53,040
Quality Control Officer..................................................................................................................... 90,168
Operations Officer............................................................................................................................. 99,185
Chief Financial Officer..................................................................................................................... 90,168
Information Technology Systems Officer.................................................................................... 90,168
Financial Analyst............................................................................................................................... 75,847
38. Veterans’ Services:
Executive Director, Veterans’ Services........................................................................................ $90,168
Deputy Director, Veterans’ Services .............................................................................................. 76,908
Administrator, Veterans’ Home.................................................................................................... 101,306
39. Medical and Related Positions:
Senior Physician (Range C) (each)............................................................................................. $146,704
Senior Psychiatrist (Range C) (each)............................................................................................ 166,763
Senior Institutional Dentist (Range A) (each)............................................................................. 115,680
Senior Institutional Dentist (Range B) (each)............................................................................. 130,520
Pharmacist 3 (each)........................................................................................................................ 113,566
Pharmacist 2 (each)........................................................................................................................ 103,241
Pharmacist 1 (each)........................................................................................................................... 93,857
A Senior Psychiatrist (Range C) is a psychiatrist certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.
Sec. 2. 1. If any unclassified position is omitted from this act for the Fiscal Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009, the Department of Personnel shall examine the duties and responsibilities of the position and submit to the Interim Finance Committee a list of those duties and responsibilities and a recommended salary for the position. The Interim Finance Committee shall review the duties and responsibilities of the position and establish the salary for the position.
2. If the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau determines that the title or maximum salary for a position set forth in section 1 of this act contains a typographical or other error that misrepresents the maximum salary intended to be set forth in section 1 of this act, the Interim Finance Committee may review the duties and responsibilities of the position and establish the appropriate title and maximum salary for the position pursuant to the intent of the 74th Session of the Nevada Legislature.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1689 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
3. An employee occupying a position that is currently in the classified service that is moved into the unclassified service pursuant to this act has the option to remain in the classified service at his current grade, with all rights afforded classified employees, or move into the unclassified service. If the employee chooses to move into the unclassified service, the employee cannot at a later date choose to return to the classified service while occupying this position.
4. Once an employee vacates the position moved into the unclassified service pursuant to this act, the employee who is the replacement in the position will be in the unclassified service.
5. If the salary for a position that is currently in the classified service that is moved into the unclassified service is reduced pursuant to this act, the salary for the employee currently serving in the position will be retained at its current level and the employee will remain eligible for future cost of living adjustments and, in the case of employees who elect to remain in the classified service, merit salary adjustments. Once the employee serving in the position vacates the position, the unclassified salary is established at the level in section 1 of this act, as adjusted pursuant to section 3 of this act.
6. If the salary for an employee occupying a position in the unclassified service on June 30, 2007, is more than the maximum salary for that position as set forth in section 1 of this act, the salary for that employee must be retained at the level in effect on June 30, 2007. Such an employee is eligible for the cost of living adjustments approved for other positions in the unclassified service based on the salary in effect on June 30, 2007. Once an employee vacates a position for which the previous salary is retained pursuant to this section, the maximum salary for that position must be reduced to the amount set forth in section 1 of this act, as adjusted pursuant to section 3 of this act.
Sec. 3. The approximate maximum salaries as set forth in section 1 of this act must be increased by 2 percent effective on July 1, 2007, and 4 percent effective on July 1, 2008.
Sec. 4. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the State Board of Examiners for reimbursement to any department, commission or agency of the State of Nevada, including the Judicial Branch of Government, which receives part or all of its funding from the State General Fund, for the difference between the maximum amount allowed in sections 1, 2 and 3 of this act and the amount budgeted for that purpose and to provide salary increases as provided in section 3 of this act:
For the Fiscal Year 2007-2008................................................. $1,467,407
For the Fiscal Year 2008-2009................................................. $4,431,237
2. There is hereby appropriated from the State Highway Fund to the State Board of Examiners for reimbursement to a state agency which receives part or all of its funding from the State Highway Fund, for the difference between the maximum amount allowed in sections 1, 2 and 3 of this act and the amount budgeted for that purpose and to provide salary increases as provided in section 3 of this act:
For the Fiscal Year 2007-2008....................................................... $46,018
For the Fiscal Year 2008-2009.................................................... $140,336
3. The State Board of Examiners, upon the recommendation of the Director of the Department of Administration, may allocate and disburse from the appropriate fund to various departments, commissions and agencies of the State of Nevada, out of the money appropriated by this section such sums of money as may from time to time be required, which, when added to the money otherwise appropriated or available, equal the amount of money required to pay the salaries of the unclassified employees of the respective departments, commissions and agencies under the adjusted pay plan.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1690 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
sums of money as may from time to time be required, which, when added to the money otherwise appropriated or available, equal the amount of money required to pay the salaries of the unclassified employees of the respective departments, commissions and agencies under the adjusted pay plan.
Sec. 5. 1. The State Gaming Control Board may adopt a plan to authorize additional payments of up to $5,000 annually for unclassified employees who possess a current Nevada certified public accountant certificate, a license to practice law in the State of Nevada or any other state, or are in a qualifying position as an electronic laboratory engineer and possess a bachelor of science or higher degree in engineering, electronic engineering or computer science and utilize, in the opinion of the Board, the skills evidenced by these qualifications to further enhance the performance of their job duties and responsibilities.
2. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the State Board of Examiners the sum of $394,659 for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $415,159 for the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 for the additional cost of subsection 1.
Sec. 6. 1. Except as otherwise provided in this act, to effect increases in salaries of approximately 2 percent, effective on July 1, 2007, and 4 percent effective on July 1, 2008, there is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the State Board of Examiners for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008, the sum of $7,545,453 and for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009, the sum of $23,534,501, for the purpose of meeting any deficiencies which may be created between the appropriated money of the respective departments, commissions and agencies of the State of Nevada, as fixed by the 74th Session of the Legislature and the requirements for salaries of the classified personnel of those departments, commissions and agencies, including the Judicial Branch of Government, necessary under an adjusted pay plan, except those employees whose salaries have been retained, to become effective on July 1, 2007.
2. The State Board of Examiners, upon the recommendation of the Director of the Department of Administration, may allocate and disburse to various departments, commissions and agencies of the State of Nevada, out of the money appropriated by this section such sums of money as may from time to time be required, which when added to the money otherwise appropriated or available equal the amount of money required to pay the salaries of the classified employees of the respective departments, commissions and agencies under the adjusted pay plan.
Sec. 7. 1. To effect increases in salaries of approximately 2 percent effective on July 1, 2007, and 4 percent effective on July 1, 2008, there is hereby appropriated from the State Highway Fund to the State Board of Examiners for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008, the sum of $1,622,768 and for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009, the sum of $5,078,250, for the purpose of meeting any deficiencies which may exist between the appropriated money of the Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Public Safety and Transportation Services Authority as fixed by the 74th Session of the Legislature and the requirements for salaries of classified personnel of the Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Public Safety and Transportation Services Authority necessary under an adjusted pay plan, except those employees whose salaries have been retained, to become effective on July 1, 2007.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1691 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
and Transportation Services Authority necessary under an adjusted pay plan, except those employees whose salaries have been retained, to become effective on July 1, 2007.
2. The State Board of Examiners, upon the recommendation of the Director of the Department of Administration, may allocate and disburse to the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Public Safety and the Transportation Services Authority out of the money appropriated by this section such sums of money as may from time to time be required, which when added to the money otherwise appropriated or available equal the amount of money required to meet and pay the salaries of the classified employees of the Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Public Safety and Transportation Services Authority under the adjusted pay plan.
Sec. 8. 1. To effect increases in salaries of approximately 2 percent effective on July 1, 2007, and 4 percent effective on July 1, 2008, there is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the State Board of Examiners for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008, the sum of $2,019,769 and for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009, the sum of $6,387,485, for the purpose of meeting any deficiencies which may be created between the appropriated money of the Nevada System of Higher Education as fixed by the 74th Session of the Legislature and the requirements for salaries of the classified personnel of the Nevada System of Higher Education necessary under the adjusted pay plan, except those employees whose salaries have been retained, to become effective on July 1, 2007.
2. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the State Board of Examiners for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2008, the sum of $6,631,606 and for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2008, and ending on June 30, 2009, the sum of $20,509,025, for the purpose of increasing the salaries of the professional employees of the Nevada System of Higher Education, to become effective on July 1, 2007.
3. The State Board of Examiners, upon the recommendation of the Director of the Department of Administration, may allocate and disburse to the Nevada System of Higher Education out of the money appropriated by subsections 1 and 2, such sums of money as may from time to time be required, which when added to the money otherwise appropriated or available equal the amount of money required to pay the salaries of the classified and professional employees of the Nevada System of Higher Education under the adjusted pay plan.
Sec. 9. The salaries of the employees of the Legislative Counsel Bureau and of interim legislative operations shall be increased by approximately 2 percent effective on July 1, 2007, and 4 percent effective on July 1, 2008.
Sec. 10. 1. To effect a two-grade pay increase on the classified employee compensation plan for nurses, health counselors, psychologists, clinical social workers, construction inspectors and other related positions as defined in The Executive Budget, the following amounts are hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the State Board of Examiners for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and the Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the sums of $5,180,667 and $5,506,656, respectively, for the purpose of meeting any deficiencies which may be created between the appropriated money of the respective departments, commissions and agencies of the State of Nevada and the requirements for salaries of such personnel.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1692 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
respective departments, commissions and agencies of the State of Nevada and the requirements for salaries of such personnel.
2. To effect a two-grade pay increase on the classified employee compensation plan for nurses, health counselors, psychologists, clinical social workers, construction inspectors and other related positions as defined in The Executive Budget, the following amounts are hereby appropriated from the State Highway Fund to the State Board of Examiners for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and the Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the sums of $6,401 and $6,644, respectively, for the purpose of meeting any deficiencies which may be created between the appropriated money of the respective departments, commissions and agencies of the State of Nevada and the requirements for salaries of such personnel.
3. The Department of Personnel shall designate those nursing, health counselor, psychologist, clinical social worker, construction inspector and other related personnel classes eligible for the two-grade pay increases pursuant to this section.
Sec. 11. 1. To effect increases of approximately 4.9 percent that are included in the salaries for the positions of the Gaming Control Board and the Office of the Lieutenant Governor identified in section 1 of this act, effective on July 1, 2007, the following amounts are hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the State Board of Examiners for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and the Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the sums of $905,167 and $944,340, respectively, for the purpose of meeting any deficiencies which may be created between the appropriated money of the respective departments, commissions and agencies of the State of Nevada and the requirements for salaries of such personnel.
2. The State Board of Examiners, upon the recommendation of the Director of the Department of Administration, may allocate and disburse to various departments, commissions and agencies of the State of Nevada, out of the money appropriated by this section such sums of money as may from time to time be required, which when added to the money otherwise appropriated or available equal the amount of money required to pay the salaries of the unclassified employees of the respective departments, commissions and agencies under the adjusted pay plan.
Sec. 12. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by sections 4 to 8 inclusive, and sections 10 and 11 of this act must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the fund from which it was appropriated on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 13. The State Board of Examiners shall allocate from the amounts appropriated by section 6 of this act to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency to provide for Nevada’s share of a 2 percent salary increase which takes effect on July 1, 2007, and a 4 percent salary increase which takes effect on July 1, 2008, the sum of not more than $27,022 for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008, and the sum of not more than $83,500 for the Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The amounts transferred must not be utilized to increase an employee’s base salary unless the State of California provides the required 2 for 1 matching funds.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1693 (CHAPTER 349, SB 575)ê
funds. Any amounts provided to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency should California not provide matching funds must be used as a one-time salary bonus.
Sec. 14. 1. Money in subsection 1 of section 4, sections 6 and 8, subsection 1 of section 10 and subsection 1 of section 11 of this act can be transferred among each section to finance the 2 percent salary increase authorized on July 1, 2007, the 4 percent salary increase authorized on July 1, 2008, and to provide for the costs of the pay increases identified in subsection 1 of section 10 and subsection 1 of section 11 of this act.
2. Money in subsection 2 of section 4, section 7, and subsection 2 of section 10 of this act can be transferred among each section to finance the 2 percent salary increase authorized on July 1, 2007, the 4 percent salary increase authorized on July 1, 2008, and to provide for the costs of the pay increases identified in subsection 2 of section 10 of this act.
3. When determining the allocations of the money appropriated in sections 4 to 8, inclusive, and sections 10, 11 and 14 of this act, the Board of Examiners must not distribute money to an account beyond the maximum salary need amount determined for the account. Appropriations established for an account within a department, agency or commission must not be distributed to another account within the department, agency or commission if that action results in the distribution of money beyond the maximum salary need amount determined for the account.
Sec. 15. This act becomes effective on July 1, 2007.
Assembly Bill No. 628–Committee on Ways and Means
Joint Sponsor: Committee on Finance
AN ACT relating to state financial administration; making appropriations from the State General Fund and the State Highway Fund for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2007, and ending June 30, 2008, and beginning July 1, 2008, and ending June 30, 2009; providing for the use of the money so appropriated; making various other changes relating to the financial administration of the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
[Approved: June 13, 2007]
Section 1. The following sums are hereby appropriated from the State General Fund for the purposes expressed in sections 2 to 31, inclusive, of this act and for the support of the government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2007, and ending June 30, 2008, and beginning July 1, 2008, and ending June 30, 2009.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1694 (CHAPTER 350, AB 628)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
Sec. 2. The Office and Mansion of the Governor.
For the support of the:
Office of the Governor.............................................................................. $2,500,842 $2,540,415
Governor’s Mansion........................................................................................ 349,077 416,456
Governor’s Office for Consumer Health Assistance................................. 407,537 538,859
Nuclear Waste Project Office..................................................................... 1,986,782 1,973,667
Energy Conservation....................................................................................... 348,561 414,925
Office of Homeland Security........................................................................ 424,697 439,798
Sec. 3. The Office of Lieutenant Governor.
For the support of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor........................... $614,135 $653,473
Sec. 4. The Office of Attorney General.
For the support of the:
Attorney General Administration Account......................................... $10,998,638 $13,164,060
Special Litigation Account.......................................................................... 1,579,023 669,104
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit................................................................................. 100 100
Crime Prevention Program............................................................................. 220,444 227,604
Office of the Extradition Coordinator......................................................... 670,906 678,283
Bureau of Consumer Protection................................................................ 1,514,928 1,528,250
Advisory Council for Prosecuting Attorneys....................................................... 100 100
High Tech Crime.............................................................................................. 384,942 476,052
Sec. 5. The Office of Secretary of State.
For the support of the Office of the Secretary of State............................. $4,691,108 $4,827,583
Investigations and Enforcements.................................................................... 2,221,520 2,363,684
Sec. 6. The Office of State Treasurer.
For the support of the Office of the State Treasurer.................................. $1,570,713 $1,526,987
Sec. 7. The Office of State Controller.
For the support of the Office of the State Controller................................. $4,635,179 $4,514,770
Sec. 8. Department of Administration.
For the support of the:
Budget Division.......................................................................................... $3,185,221 $3,636,631
Division of Internal Audits.......................................................................... 2,197,451 2,266,857
Clear Creek Youth Center................................................................................ 18,388 6,007
State Public Works Board........................................................................... 1,039,458 1,056,365
Information Technology Division............................................................. 1,007,022 1,000,744
Merit Award Board.............................................................................................. 5,000 5,000
National Judicial College and National College of Juvenile & Family Justice 375,000...................................................................................................................... 375,000
Sec. 9. Department of Taxation.
For the support of the Department of Taxation....................................... $30,589,146 $30,175,197
Sec. 10. Legislative Fund.
For the support of the:
Legislative Commission............................................................................ $1,378,741 $866,517
Audit Division................................................................................................ 3,803,570 3,973,475
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2007-2008 2008-2009
Administrative Division.......................................................................... $10,639,963 $11,193,463
Legal Division................................................................................................ 8,636,384 9,117,876
Research Division......................................................................................... 4,784,879 5,052,627
Fiscal Analysis Division............................................................................... 3,851,120 3,755,386
Interim legislative operations......................................................................... 622,462 651,325
Sec. 11. Supreme Court of Nevada.
For the support of the:
Supreme Court of Nevada....................................................................... $5,304,702 $5,779,228
Supreme Court Law Library....................................................................... 1,680,176 1,742,377
Division of Planning and Analysis................................................................ 778,797 818,770
Judicial Retirement System........................................................................ 1,666,900 1,726,900
Retired Justice Duty Fund........................................................................... 1,066,483 1,069,848
Judicial Selection................................................................................................ 18,216 18,216
Sec. 12. Commission on Judicial Discipline.
For the support of the Commission on Judicial Discipline............................ $495,225 $506,481
Sec. 13. District Judges’ Salaries.
For the support of the District Judges’ salaries.......................................... $12,262,451 $12,529,335
Sec. 14. Commission on Economic Development.
For the support of:
Economic development............................................................................ $6,076,293 $6,104,352
Rural community development.................................................................... 252,097 257,681
Procurement outreach program.................................................................... 110,851 119,105
Sec. 15. Department of Education.
For the support of:
Education, state programs........................................................................ $3,046,782 $3,188,144
Career and Technical Education.................................................................. 379,612 392,500
Teacher education and licensing........................................................................... 100 100
Nutrition education programs........................................................................ 305,075 315,286
Continuing education...................................................................................... 614,015 617,430
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act................................................... 96,609 99,359
Proficiency testing........................................................................................ 5,001,991 5,345,708
Education support services......................................................................... 1,167,308 1,223,825
Student incentive grants................................................................................. 380,789 382,876
Sec. 16. Nevada System of Higher Education.
For the support of:
System administration.............................................................................. $5,466,936 $5,622,271
University Press................................................................................................ 875,630 916,397
Statewide programs — UNR........................................................................ 8,282,094 8,509,466
Intercollegiate athletics — UNR.................................................................. 6,690,710 6,902,237
Statewide programs — UNLV...................................................................... 1,410,413 1,458,566
Intercollegiate athletics — UNLV................................................................ 8,891,619 9,103,052
Agricultural Experiment Station................................................................ 8,991,117 9,249,670
Cooperative Extension Services................................................................ 9,062,442 9,410,306
Dental School — UNLV................................................................................ 8,105,386 8,431,499
System Computing Center....................................................................... 22,763,460 23,162,289
UNLV, William S. Boyd School of Law................................................... 8,853,595 9,126,630
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2007-2008 2008-2009
Desert Research Institute.......................................................................... $9,361,843 $9,795,172
National Direct Student Loan.......................................................................... 50,904 50,904
University of Nevada, Reno.................................................................. 132,264,763 136,590,971
University of Nevada, School of Medicine........................................... 33,883,844 34,753,277
Health Laboratory and Research.............................................................. 2,008,216 2,046,391
University of Nevada, Las Vegas......................................................... 168,614,876 172,988,843
Community College of Southern Nevada............................................. 95,156,439 97,672,554
Western Nevada Community College.................................................... 20,769,184 21,251,842
Truckee Meadows Community College................................................ 40,132,380 41,002,040
Great Basin College................................................................................... 16,363,069 16,997,300
Business Center, North................................................................................ 2,467,263 2,550,450
Business Center, South................................................................................ 2,096,071 2,171,463
Nevada State College at Henderson....................................................... 15,330,975 17,670,035
University system — special projects......................................................... 2,739,482 2,751,729
Sec. 17. Commission on Postsecondary Education.
For the support of the Commission on Postsecondary Education.............. $331,900 $386,721
Sec. 18. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.
For the administrative support of Nevada’s membership in the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education........................................................................................... $365,789 $422,146
For the support of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s Fund for Student Loans 703,450....................................................................................................... 700,048
Sec. 19. Department of Cultural Affairs.
For the support of the:
Department of Cultural Affairs administration....................................... $931,180 $954,381
Division of Museums and History................................................................ 374,331 393,660
Nevada Historical Society, Reno.................................................................. 774,098 832,094
Nevada State Museum, Carson City........................................................ 1,542,803 1,604,455
Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas........................................................... 1,062,317 1,661,662
Lost City Museum........................................................................................... 373,637 389,141
Nevada State Railroad Museums............................................................. 1,196,320 1,237,452
Nevada Arts Council.................................................................................... 1,800,122 1,841,608
Division of State Library and Archives.................................................... 4,530,131 4,610,707
State Council on Libraries and Literacy...................................................... 146,606 153,373
Archives and Records..................................................................................... 851,903 1,166,137
Office of Historic Preservation...................................................................... 356,627 367,728
Comstock Historic District............................................................................. 163,845 170,157
Nevada Humanities Committee................................................................... 100,000 100,000
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2007-2008 2008-2009
Sec. 20. Department of Health and Human Services.
For the support of the:
Department of Health and Human Services administration............. $1,457,123 $1,478,574
Nevada Indian Commission.......................................................................... 190,583 191,225
State Council on Developmental Disabilities.............................................. 171,409 172,068
Community-based services........................................................................ 6,550,389 7,080,067
Grants Management Unit........................................................................... 3,244,142 3,902,285
Fund for a Healthy Nevada........................................................................... 383,319 388,726
Office of the State Public Defender.......................................................... 1,221,617 1,223,260
Division of Health Care Financing and Policy:
Nevada Medicaid.............................................................................. 428,004,223 480,536,607
Health Care Financing and Policy...................................................... 1,299,069 1,502,672
Nevada Check Up Program............................................................... 10,889,033 12,585,449
HIFA Holding Account......................................................................... 2,543,319 4,130,803
Aging Services Division:
Aging Services Division......................................................................... 3,422,727 3,629,400
Senior Services Program........................................................................ 1,807,068 1,927,999
Senior citizens’ property tax assistance............................................. 4,861,484 5,412,531
EPS/Homemaker programs..................................................................... 285,541 400,181
Division of Child and Family Services:
Juvenile justice programs......................................................................... 729,205 729,205
UNITY/SACWIS.................................................................................... 3,329,902 3,341,037
Child and family administration......................................................... 4,979,171 5,178,985
Nevada Youth Training Center........................................................... 9,982,182 10,308,059
Caliente Youth Center........................................................................... 7,655,209 7,994,790
Rural Child Welfare............................................................................... 6,106,651 6,994,552
Youth alternative placement............................................................... 1,685,050 1,704,979
Youth parole services............................................................................ 5,417,077 5,569,561
Northern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services............................ 3,452,345 3,517,412
Clark County Integration................................................................... 33,373,591 38,870,325
Washoe County Integration.............................................................. 12,636,969 14,503,827
Southern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services.......................... 10,489,192 10,854,527
Summit View Youth Correctional Center.......................................... 7,321,260 7,643,558
Wraparound in Nevada........................................................................ 2,956,974 3,146,056
Child Care Services...................................................................................... 59,090 67,037
Health Division:
Office of Health Administration......................................................... 1,039,815 1,092,261
Vital statistics............................................................................................. 855,943 967,157
Maternal child health services............................................................. 1,272,963 1,287,690
Early Intervention Services ............................................................... 14,584,903 15,315,094
Community health services..................................................................... 683,116 714,539
Consumer health protection................................................................. 1,002,060 1,036,963
Sexually transmitted disease control.................................................. 1,790,254 1,805,620
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2007-2008 2008-2009
Communicable disease control............................................................ $801,168 $805,030
Emergency medical services.................................................................... 917,930 948,548
Immunization program......................................................................... 1,042,378 1,074,408
Office of Minority Health........................................................................ 121,490 128,870
Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services:
Division administration......................................................................... 3,483,928 3,546,681
Mental health information system..................................................... 1,475,959 1,517,461
Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services........................... 89,477,646 94,971,557
Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services........................... 33,223,654 36,657,399
Lakes Crossing Center........................................................................... 9,464,589 9,980,530
Rural clinics........................................................................................... 13,371,579 13,976,717
Desert Regional Center....................................................................... 43,985,851 53,153,934
Sierra Regional Center........................................................................ 20,479,394 22,422,315
Rural Regional Center........................................................................... 9,769,786 10,963,863
Family Preservation Program............................................................... 2,135,672 2,319,305
Alcohol and drug rehabilitation........................................................... 9,566,312 12,048,716
Division of Welfare and Supportive Services:
Welfare administration......................................................................... 7,656,057 7,656,457
Welfare Field Services Account......................................................... 23,514,422 25,049,481
Assistance to aged and blind................................................................ 6,898,497 7,115,004
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families..................................... 24,607,852 24,607,852
Program for Child Care and Development........................................ 9,033,701 9,033,701
Sec. 21. Office of the Military:
For the support of the:
Nevada National Guard............................................................................ $3,458,386 $4,049,011
National Guard benefits.................................................................................... 25,250 25,250
Patriot Relief Fund....................................................................................................... 0 316,325
Sec. 22. Office of Veterans’ Services:
For the support of the:
Commissioner for Veterans’ Affairs....................................................... $1,797,191 $1,941,521
Southern Nevada Veterans’ Home........................................................... 1,086,821 1,346,953
Sec. 23. Department of Corrections.
For the support of the:
Office of the Director.............................................................................. $17,808,041 $18,201,969
Medical care................................................................................................ 40,512,728 43,242,510
Correctional Programs................................................................................. 6,254,419 6,441,088
Southern Nevada Correctional Center................................................... 11,870,326 12,303,433
Southern Desert Correctional Center...................................................... 19,576,481 21,303,579
Nevada State Prison.................................................................................. 18,224,728 18,356,455
Northern Nevada Correctional Center................................................... 22,716,645 23,900,692
Warm Springs Correctional Center............................................................ 6,984,009 6,927,129
Ely State Prison........................................................................................... 27,739,091 28,822,859
Lovelock Correctional Center.................................................................. 23,971,928 24,693,154
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1699 (CHAPTER 350, AB 628)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
Florence McClure Women’s Correctional Center.............................. $12,038,812 $14,702,506
Stewart Conservation Camp...................................................................... 1,646,139 1,646,886
Ely Conservation Camp.............................................................................. 1,277,058 1,287,028
Humboldt Conservation Camp................................................................. 1,895,889 1,349,939
Indian Springs Conservation Camp.......................................................... 2,129,796 2,435,959
Jean Conservation Camp........................................................................... 1,539,751 1,581,160
Pioche Conservation Camp........................................................................ 1,580,805 1,613,388
Carlin Conservation Camp......................................................................... 1,369,016 1,286,090
Wells Conservation Camp.......................................................................... 1,211,061 1,260,021
Silver Springs Conservation Camp............................................................ 1,291,247 1,319,219
Tonopah Conservation Camp................................................................... 1,231,978 1,171,674
Northern Nevada Restitution Center............................................................ 580,845 614,429
High Desert State Prison............................................................................ 31,611,682 43,652,764
Casa Grande Transitional Housing........................................................... 2,785,299 2,883,523
Sec. 24. Department of Business and Industry.
For the support of the:
Department of Business and Industry administration.............................. $79,382 $87,523
Division of Financial Institutions.......................................................................... 100 100
Consumer Affairs Division......................................................................... 1,453,547 1,497,871
Real Estate Division..................................................................................... 1,446,869 1,488,941
Division of Insurance................................................................................... 3,856,640 3,995,820
Employee-Management Relations Board.................................................. 218,464 221,888
Office of Labor Commissioner.................................................................. 1,530,764 1,579,590
Nevada Athletic Commission........................................................................ 717,814 732,597
Sec. 25. State Department of Agriculture.
For the support of the:
State Department of Agriculture administration..................................... $682,534 $686,224
Plant Industry Program............................................................................... 1,619,674 1,486,136
Veterinary medical services........................................................................... 878,707 899,855
Junior Livestock Show Board.......................................................................... 35,824 35,831
State Predatory Animal and Rodent Committee....................................... 797,975 824,681
Sec. 26. State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
For the support of the:
State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources administration $939,203 $931,744
Division of State Parks................................................................................ 7,500,993 7,081,097
Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency...................................................... 1,796 1,796
Nevada Natural Heritage Program............................................................... 162,762 175,919
Division of Forestry...................................................................................... 4,782,947 4,685,769
Forest fire suppression/emergency response............................................ 2,500,000 2,500,000
Forestry honor camps.................................................................................. 8,151,232 6,242,577
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency............................................................. 1,625,683 1,625,683
Water Quality Planning................................................................................... 379,858 388,832
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2007-2008 2008-2009
Safe Drinking Water Regulatory Program................................................ $180,744 $180,744
Division of Water Resources...................................................................... 6,357,014 6,466,283
Division of State Lands............................................................................... 1,527,518 1,382,110
Division of Conservation Districts................................................................ 400,968 411,918
Sec. 27. Department of Wildlife.
For the support of the Department of Wildlife............................................ $1,338,699 $1,354,572
Sec. 28. Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation.
For the support of the:
Nevada Equal Rights Commission......................................................... $1,227,539 $1,269,311
Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation....................................................... 3,273,713 3,324,848
Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired........................ 1,212,454 1,229,817
Rehabilitation Administration......................................................................... 23,301 24,213
Sec. 29. Department of Motor Vehicles.
For the support of the Division of Field Services.............................................. $21,322 $21,322
Sec. 30. Department of Public Safety.
For the support of the:
Training Division............................................................................................ $657,971 $668,365
Justice grant...................................................................................................... 110,896 115,301
Nevada Highway Patrol (dignitary protection)............................................... 4,606 4,606
Dignitary protection..................................................................................... 1,121,542 1,115,158
Investigation Division.................................................................................. 5,736,977 5,868,191
Division of Emergency Management.......................................................... 705,799 719,096
State Board of Parole Commissioners...................................................... 1,794,720 1,848,512
Narcotics Control.......................................................................................... 3,708,140 3,340,386
Division of Parole and Probation............................................................ 42,983,701 45,908,710
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History......................... 100 100
Child Volunteer Background check................................................................ 25,000 25,000
State Fire Marshal........................................................................................ 1,077,330 1,283,666
Sec. 31. Commission on Ethics.
For the support of the Commission on Ethics................................................. $250,991 $256,570
Sec. 32. The following sums are hereby appropriated from the State Highway Fund for the purposes expressed in this section for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2007, and ending June 30, 2008, and beginning July 1, 2008, and ending June 30, 2009:
Department of Motor Vehicles:
Division of the Office of the Director..................................................... $5,588,546 $5,940,537
Administrative Services Division............................................................... 3,427,362 3,613,521
Hearings Office............................................................................................. 1,173,796 1,199,925
Automation................................................................................................... 5,677,466 5,104,470
Division of Field Services.......................................................................... 18,522,985 18,518,452
Division of Compliance Enforcement...................................................... 4,434,483 4,958,821
Division of Central Services and Records................................................ 7,933,210 8,185,111
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1701 (CHAPTER 350, AB 628)ê
2007-2008 2008-2009
Division of Management Services and Programs..................... $1,426,254.................................. $1,437,224
Motor Carrier Division...................................................................... 2,986,529.................................... 3,108,615
Department of Public Safety:
Training Division................................................................................ 1,001,966.................................... 1,017,461
Nevada Highway Patrol Division................................................. 62,676,359.................................. 70,540,494
Highway safety plan & administration............................................ 199,372....................................... 209,473
Investigation Division.......................................................................... 314,538....................................... 317,276
State Emergency Response Commission......................................... 379,858....................................... 355,014
Department of Business and Industry:
Transportation Services Authority................................................. 2,482,036.................................... 2,540,949
Legislative Fund, Legislative Commission.................................................. 7,500............................................ 7,500
Sec. 33. 1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the sums appropriated in this act must be:
(a) Expended in accordance with the allotment, transfer, work program and budget provisions of NRS 353.150 to 353.245, inclusive; and
(b) Work-programmed for the 2 separate Fiscal Years, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009, as required by NRS 353.215. Work programs may be revised with the approval of the Governor upon the recommendation of the Director of the Department of Administration and in accordance with the provisions of the State Budget Act.
2. Transfers to and from salary allotments, travel allotments, operating expense allotments, equipment allotments and other allotments must be allowed and made in accordance with the provisions of NRS 353.215 to 353.225, inclusive, and after separate consideration of the merits of each request.
3. Pursuant to law, sums appropriated for the support of the Supreme Court of Nevada and the Legislative Fund are excluded from the allotment, transfer, work program and budget provisions of NRS 353.150 to 353.245, inclusive.
Sec. 34. The sums appropriated to:
1. Senior citizens’ property tax assistance;
2. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act;
3. Forest fire suppression/emergency response;
4. National Guard benefits;
5. Communicable disease control;
6. Maternal child health services;
7. Immunization program;
8. Welfare administration;
9. Welfare Field Services Account;
10. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF);
11. Assistance to aged and blind;
12. Program for Child Care and Development;
13. Nevada Medicaid;
14. Division of Health Care Financing and Policy;
15. Nevada Check Up Program;
16. HIFA Holding Account;
17. Rural Child Welfare;
18. Attorney General’s Special Litigation Account;
19. Attorney General’s Extradition Coordinator;
20. Commission on Ethics;
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1702 (CHAPTER 350, AB 628)ê
21. Clark County Integration;
22. Washoe County Integration;
23. Child Volunteer Background Check; and
24. Nuclear Waste Project Office,
Ê are available for both Fiscal Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009, and may be transferred from one fiscal year to the other with the approval of the Interim Finance Committee upon the recommendation of the Governor.
Sec. 35. Amounts appropriated pursuant to sections 9, 14, 15, 20, and 26 of this act to finance specific programs as outlined in this section are available for both Fiscal Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 and may be transferred from one fiscal year to the other with the approval of the Interim Finance Committee upon the recommendation of the Governor as follows:
1. Of the amounts appropriated to the Commission on Economic Development pursuant to section 14 of this act, a total of $500,000 in both Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to support the Train Employees Now Program.
2. Of the amounts appropriated to the Department of Education, proficiency testing, pursuant to section 15 of this act:
(a) A total of $624,117 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $952,470 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 for the state norm-referenced examination.
(b) A total of $3,087,968 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $3,092,263 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 for the high school proficiency examination and the criterion-referenced examination.
(c) A total of $682,721 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $680,721 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 for the state writing proficiency examinations.
3. Of the amounts appropriated to the Health Division pursuant to section 20 of this act, a total of $1,777,236 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $1,827,721 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to support medication costs within the AIDS Drug Assistance Program.
4. Of the amounts appropriated to the Department of Taxation pursuant to section 9 of this act, a total of $4,400,000 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $2,528,764 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to support long term Unified Tax System production support.
5. Of the amounts appropriated to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency by section 26 of this act, a total of $133,000 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $133,000 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to support the Threshold Research/Pathway 2007 project.
6. Of the amounts appropriated to the Division of Forestry of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources pursuant to section 26 of this act, a total of $2,536,952 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 for equipment related to the expansion of the Indian Springs Conservation Camp.
Sec. 36. Of the amounts appropriated by sections 2 to 32, inclusive, of this act, amounts appropriated in both Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to finance deferred maintenance projects approved as maintenance decision units within agency budgets are available for both Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 and may be transferred within the same budget account from one year to the other with the approval of the Interim Finance Committee upon the recommendation of the Governor. Any amount so transferred must be used to complete the deferred maintenance as approved by the Legislature.
Sec. 37. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund the sum of $2,682,976 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $3,661,516 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to the Interim Finance Committee.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1703 (CHAPTER 350, AB 628)ê
Year 2008-2009 to the Interim Finance Committee. The appropriation pursuant to this section can be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee upon approval by the State Board of Examiners for:
(a) Costs associated with inmate housing expenses and the proportional increase in inmate driven expenditures that are incurred if the actual inmate population is greater than the projections used for the legislatively approved budgets for the Department of Corrections;
(b) Costs for additional staffing and support costs for the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety incurred for the supervision of probation and parole caseload that is greater than the projections used for the legislatively approved budget.
(c) Costs incurred by the State Board of Parole Commissioners for conducting inmate hearings that are greater than legislatively approved or to ensure hearings are conducted in a timely manner.
2. Any portion of the appropriation pursuant to this section that is not needed to meet expenditures incurred as set forth in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of subsection 1, as determined jointly by the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau and the Department of Administration, can be used for programming activities for offenders including mental health and substance abuse treatment for offenders in the custody of the Department of Corrections, under the supervision of the Division of Parole and Probation, or programs provided by speciality courts designed to divert or mitigate circumstances which otherwise would lead to incarceration of an individual.
3. The sums appropriated in subsection 1 are available for either fiscal year. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee after June 30, 2009. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining cannot be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 38. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund the sum of $135,000 to the Department of Administration to conduct, in consultation with the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety, a study of the presentence investigation report process and risk and needs assessment instruments used by the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety.
2. The Department of Administration may issue one or more contracts to conduct the study required pursuant to subsection 1 as it deems appropriate. The study must include a review of the validity of the current workload ratio for presentence investigation reports, a comparison of the presentence investigation report writing process in Nevada to the process used in other similar states, and an evaluation of the contents and quality of the presentence investigation reports prepared in Nevada as compared to other similar states. The study must also include an analysis of the instrument used by the Division to recommend the sentences that should be imposed by courts, an analysis of the instruments used by the Division to assess the risks and needs of offenders under the Division’s supervision and any recommendations for improving those instruments.
ê2007 Statutes of Nevada, Page 1704 (CHAPTER 350, AB 628)ê
and needs of offenders under the Division’s supervision and any recommendations for improving those instruments.
3. The Department of Administration, in consultation with the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety, shall submit to the Interim Finance Committee, not later than September 1, 2008, a report of the findings of the study required pursuant to subsection 1.
4. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 39. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund the sum of $532,380 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $442,503 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to the Interim Finance Committee for allocation to the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services for the placement and treatment services for paroled youth. Money appropriated pursuant to this section can only be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee upon demonstrated need by the Division of Child and Family Services and approved by the State Board of Examiners.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee after June 30, 2009. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, of each fiscal year, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining for each fiscal year must not be spent for any purpose after September 19, 2008, for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and September 18, 2009, for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 19, 2008, for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and September 18, 2009, for Fiscal Year 2008-2009.
Sec. 40. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund the sum of $116,555 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $114,997 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to the Interim Finance Committee for allocation to the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services to support the Interstate Compact on Juveniles.
2. Money appropriated pursuant to subsection 1 may only be allocated upon adoption of the Interstate Compact on Juveniles by 35 states and enactment into federal law.
3. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee after June 30, 2009. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, of each fiscal year, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining for each fiscal year cannot be spent for any purpose after September 19, 2008, for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and September 18, 2009, for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 19, 2008, for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and September 18, 2009, for Fiscal Year 2008-2009.
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and September 18, 2009, for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 19, 2008, for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and September 18, 2009, for Fiscal Year 2008-2009.
Sec. 41. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund the sum of $619,764 to the Interim Finance Committee for allocation to the Supreme Court for a new case management system. Money appropriated pursuant to this section can only be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee upon submittal of a detailed plan and budget developed by the Administrative Office of the Courts.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee after June 30, 2009. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining cannot be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 42. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund the sum of $333,269 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $318,224 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to the Interim Finance Committee for allocation to the Office of Homeland Security to support a state fusion process. Money appropriated pursuant to this section can only be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee upon presentation of a plan developed by the Office of Homeland Security with agreement from local law enforcement, including the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and the Washoe County Sheriff, and approved by the State Board of Examiners.
2. The sums appropriated by subsection 1 are available for either fiscal year. Any remaining balance of those sums must not be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee after June 30, 2009. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining must not be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 43. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund the sum of $3,970,461 to the Attorney General Tort Claim Fund.
Sec. 44. 1. The sums appropriated to the Legislative Fund by section 10 of this act for the support of the Legislative Commission, the various divisions of the Legislative Counsel Bureau and Interim Legislative Operations are available for both Fiscal Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009, and may be transferred among the Legislative Commission, the various divisions of the Legislative Counsel Bureau and the Interim Legislative Operations and from one fiscal year to another with the approval of the Legislative Commission upon the recommendation of the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau. The provisions of chapter 338 of NRS do not apply to projects undertaken pursuant to those appropriations, except that the Legislative Counsel Bureau shall comply with the provisions of NRS 338.010 to 338.090, inclusive, for those projects.
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apply to projects undertaken pursuant to those appropriations, except that the Legislative Counsel Bureau shall comply with the provisions of NRS 338.010 to 338.090, inclusive, for those projects.
2. The sums appropriated for the support of salaries and payroll costs must be applied pursuant to the budget approved by the Legislature notwithstanding the provisions of NRS 281.123.
Sec. 45. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the total amounts appropriated in section 20 of this act to each of the accounts of the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy and the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of the Department of Health and Human Services enumerated in section 34 of this act, except for the amounts appropriated for the Health Care Financing and Policy Account, the Assistance to the Aged and Blind Program, the Welfare Administration Account and the Welfare Field Services Account, are limits. The divisions shall not request additional money for these programs, except for:
1. Increased state costs in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 in the event that federal financial participation rates are less than legislatively approved effective on October 1, 2008;
2. Costs related to additional services mandated by the Federal Government on or after October 1, 2007, and not specifically funded in the Nevada Medicaid account in Fiscal Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009;
3. Costs related to an increase in the cost-per-eligible for the aged, blind and disabled population that is higher than the cost-per-eligible used to project Medicaid expenditures for this population in the legislatively approved budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and Fiscal Year 2008-2009; and
4. Increased state costs in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and Fiscal Year 2008-2009 in the event that the annual allocation of federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant funds is lower than the amounts approved by the Legislature for either fiscal year.
Sec. 46. The sums appropriated to the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of the Department of Health and Human Services by section 20 of this act may be transferred among the various budget accounts of the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services with the approval of the Interim Finance Committee upon the recommendation of the Governor.
Sec. 47. The sums appropriated to Nevada Medicaid and the Nevada Check Up Program by section 20 of this act may be transferred between each budget with the approval of the Interim Finance Committee upon the recommendation of the Governor.
Sec. 48. The sums appropriated to the Department of Corrections by section 23 of this act may be transferred among the various budget accounts of the Department of Corrections in the same manner and within the same limits as allowed for revisions of work programs in NRS 353.220.
Sec. 49. Of the amounts appropriated to the Department of Public Safety by sections 30 and 32 of this act, amounts appropriated to the various budget accounts enumerated in those sections for the support of payment to the Public Safety Information Services Section may be transferred among the various budgets of the Department of Public Safety as enumerated in sections 30 and 32 of this act for the support of payment to the Public Safety Information Services Section with the approval of the Interim Finance Committee upon the recommendation of the Governor. The amount transferred between accounts is limited to the total amount appropriated in the accounts for the support of payment to the Public Safety Information Services Section.
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transferred between accounts is limited to the total amount appropriated in the accounts for the support of payment to the Public Safety Information Services Section.
Sec. 50. Of the amounts appropriated from the State Highway Fund to the Department of Motor Vehicles, Director’s Office, pursuant to section 32 of this act:
1. A total of $2,337,933 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 for the expansion and continuation of kiosk technology; and
2. A total of $2,895,375 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 for the expansion and continuation of kiosk technology,
Ê may be transferred from one fiscal year to another with the approval of the Interim Finance Committee upon the recommendation of the Governor.
Sec. 51. The sums appropriated to any division, agency or section of any department of State Government for the support of salaries and payroll costs may be transferred to any other division, bureau, agency or section of the same department for the support of salaries and payroll costs with the approval of the Interim Finance Committee upon the recommendation of the Governor. The amount transferred into a budget account is limited to the amount budgeted for vacancy savings. Such transfers are also limited only to those activities which are supported by State General Fund or State Highway Fund appropriations.
Sec. 52. In addition to the requirements of NRS 353.225, for the Fiscal Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009, the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada shall comply with any request by the Governor to set aside money from the appropriations made by this act in any specified amount.
Sec. 53. 1. Of the sums appropriated by section 16 of this act, any amounts used to match documented research grants in the Nevada System of Higher Education which are not committed for expenditure by June 30 of each fiscal year may be carried forward for a maximum of 2 fiscal years after which time any unexpended amounts revert to the State General Fund.
2. All money appropriated by section 16 of this act other than the sums designated in subsection 1 to match documented research grants is subject to the provisions of section 58 of this act.
Sec. 54. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 54 of chapter 434, Statutes of Nevada 2005, at page 1948, any balance of the sum of $50,904 appropriated by section 16 of chapter 434, Statutes of Nevada 2005, at page 1938, in Fiscal Year 2006-2007 to the National Direct Student Loan Program must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining cannot be spent for any purpose after September 18, 2009, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 55. Sums appropriated by section 20 of this act to the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services for district attorneys and legal expenses incurred by Clark County and Washoe County for the integration of child welfare services must be used solely for legal representation of the child welfare agencies in Clark County and Washoe County.
Sec. 56. There is hereby appropriated $112,557 from the State General Fund to the Public Employees’ Retirement Board to be expended for the administration of the Legislators’ Retirement System for the period from July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.
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Sec. 57. The appropriations made to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency in section 26 of this act are available contingent upon the State of California providing its two-thirds share of funding.
Sec. 58. 1. Except as otherwise provided in sections 43, 53, 56, 62 and 69 of this act, any balances of the appropriations made in this act for the Fiscal Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30 of each fiscal year by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining cannot be spent for any purpose after September 19, 2008, and September 18, 2009, for each fiscal year respectively, by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred and, except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, must revert to the fund from which appropriated on or before September 19, 2008, and September 18, 2009, of each fiscal year respectively.
2. Any encumbered balance of the appropriations made to the Legislative Fund by section 10 of this act does not revert to the State General Fund but constitutes a balance carried forward.
Sec. 59. The State Controller shall provide for the payment of claims legally obligated in each fiscal year on behalf of state agencies until the last business day of the August immediately following the end of each fiscal year. The State Controller shall process any transactions requested by the Director of the Department of Administration from the prior fiscal period until the third Friday in September immediately following the end of the fiscal year.
Sec. 60. The State Controller shall transfer among the appropriate accounts and funds the amounts necessary to carry out the budget approved by the Legislature, and the amounts so transferred shall be deemed appropriated.
Sec. 61. The State Controller shall pay the annual salaries of Supreme Court Justices, District Court Judges, the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Secretary of State, the State Treasurer, the State Controller and the Attorney General in biweekly installments for each day worked up to and including the date of payment. The payment of a portion of the annual salaries of these officers at the end of a calendar year for the purpose of reconciling the amount of the salary paid during that calendar year with the amount of the salary set forth in statute for that office must not be made if it will result in the issuance of a separate check.
Sec. 62. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Legislative Fund, created pursuant to NRS 218.085, the sum of $3,000,000.
Sec. 63. 1. If the Attorney General determines that delays in the receipt of recovery revenue for the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit will result in insufficient revenues to pay authorized expenditures, he may submit a request for a temporary advance from the State General Fund to the Director of the Department of Administration to pay authorized expenditures to support the operations of the Unit.
2. The Director of the Department of Administration shall notify the State Controller and the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau if he approves a request made pursuant to subsection 1. The State Controller shall draw a warrant upon receipt of such a notification.
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3. An advance from the State General Fund approved by the Director of the Department of Administration as authorized pursuant to this section is limited to the total estimated amounts due from outstanding billings for recoveries and must not exceed the total authorized recoveries in the appropriate fiscal year.
4. Any money which is temporarily advanced from the State General Fund to the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit pursuant to this section must be repaid on or before the last business day in August immediately following the end of the fiscal year.
Sec. 64. 1. If the Executive Director for Veterans’ Services determines that delays in the receipt of federal reimbursement for services provided by the Veterans’ Home in Southern Nevada will result in insufficient revenues to pay authorized expenditures, he may submit a request for a temporary advance from the State General Fund to the Director of the Department of Administration to pay authorized expenditures to support operational costs of the Veterans’ Home.
2. The Director of the Department of Administration shall notify the State Controller and the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau if he approves a request made pursuant to subsection 1. The State Controller shall draw a warrant upon receipt of such a notification.
3. An advance for the State General Fund approved by the Director of the Department of Administration as authorized pursuant to this section is limited to the total estimated reimbursement due from the Federal Government for operational costs incurred by the Veterans’ Home in Southern Nevada.
4. Any money which is temporarily advanced from the State General Fund to the Veterans’ Home in Southern Nevada pursuant to this section must be repaid on or before the last business day in August immediately following the end of the fiscal year.
Sec. 65. 1. If the Director of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources determines that, because of delays in the receipt of revenue for services billed to the Federal Government, local governments and other state governments, the amount of current claims for expenses incurred in the suppression of fire or response to emergencies exceeds the amount of money available to pay such claims within 30 days, he may request from the Director of the Department of Administration a temporary advance from the State General Fund to pay authorized expenses.
2. The Director of the Department of Administration shall notify the State Controller and the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau if he approves a request made pursuant to subsection 1. The State Controller shall draw his warrant upon receipt of such a notification.
3. An advance from the State General Fund:
(a) May be approved by the Director of the Department of Administration only for expenses incurred in the suppression of fires or response to emergencies charged to the budget account for forest fire suppression/emergency response of the Division of Forestry of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Before approving the advance, the Director shall verify that billings for reimbursement have been sent to the agencies of the Federal Government, local governments or other state governments responsible for reimbursing the Division of Forestry for costs incurred in fire suppression or emergency response activities.
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(b) Is limited to the total due from outstanding billings for reimbursable expenses incurred in the suppression of fires or response to emergencies as approved for payment to the State by agencies of the Federal Government, local governments and other state governments.
4. Any money which is temporarily advanced from the State General Fund to the budget account for forest fire suppression/emergency response pursuant to this section must be repaid on or before the last business day in August immediately following the end of the fiscal year.
Sec. 66. 1. If the Governor orders the Nevada National Guard into active duty as described in NRS 412.122 for an emergency as described in NRS 353.263 and the Adjutant General of the Nevada National Guard determines expenditures will be required, the Adjutant General may request from the Director of the Department of Administration a temporary advance from the State General Fund for the payment of authorized expenses.
2. The Director of the Department of Administration shall notify the State Controller and the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau of the approval of a request made pursuant to subsection 1. The State Controller shall draw his warrant upon receipt of the approval by the Director of the Department of Administration.
3. An advance from the State General Fund:
(a) Must be approved by the Director of the Department of Administration for expenses incurred as a result of activation of the Nevada National Guard.
(b) Is limited to $25,000 per activation as described in subsection 1.
4. Any money which is temporarily advanced from the State General Fund to an account pursuant to subsection 3 must be repaid as soon as possible, and must come from the emergency account established under NRS 353.263.
Sec. 67. 1. If projections of the ending balance of the State General Fund fall below the amount estimated by the 2007 Legislature for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 or 2008-2009, the Director of the Department of Administration shall report this information to the State Board of Examiners.
2. If the State Board of Examiners determines that the ending balance of the State General Fund is projected to be less than $80,000,000 for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 or 2008-2009, the Governor, pursuant to NRS 353.225, may direct the Director of the Department of Administration to require the State Controller or the head of each department, institution or agency to set aside a reserve of not more than 15 percent of the total amount of operating expenses or other appropriations and money otherwise available to the department, institution or agency.
3. A reserve must not be set aside pursuant to this section unless:
(a) The Governor, on behalf of the State Board of Examiners, submits a report to the Legislature or, if the Legislature is not in session, to the Interim Finance Committee, stating the reasons why a reserve is needed and indicating each department, institution or agency that will be required to set aside a reserve; and
(b) The Legislature or Interim Finance Committee approves the setting aside of the reserve.
Sec. 68. If the State of Nevada is required to make payment to the United States Treasury under the provisions of Public Law 101-453, the Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990, the State Controller, upon approval of the State Board of Examiners, may make such payments from the interest earnings of the State General Fund or interest earnings in other funds when interest on federal money has been deposited in those funds.
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the interest earnings of the State General Fund or interest earnings in other funds when interest on federal money has been deposited in those funds.
Sec. 69. 1. Of the sums appropriated to the Nevada Arts Council by section 19 of this act, the following amounts must be used to support the Challenge Grant Program:
For the Fiscal Year 2007-2008.................................................... $123,046
For the Fiscal Year 2008-2009.................................................... $123,046
2. Any amounts provided to support the Challenge Grant Program as provided by this section which are not committed for expenditure by June 30 of each fiscal year may be carried forward for a maximum of 2 fiscal years after which time any unexpended amounts revert to the State General Fund. If a challenge grant project is completed in less than 3 fiscal years, any unexpended money must not be reallocated and reverts to the State General Fund at the close of the fiscal year.
3. All money appropriated by section 19 of this act other than the sums designated in subsection 1 to support the Challenge Grant Program is subject to the provisions of section 58 of this act.
Sec. 70. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Interim Finance Committee the sum of $1,267,526 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $2,655,717 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 and from the State Highway Fund to the Interim Finance Committee the sums of $125,134 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $257,410 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 for allocation to assist state agencies, including the Nevada System of Higher Education, in paying electricity, heating and cooling costs that exceed the amount that has otherwise been appropriated in sections 2 to 31, inclusive, of this act for that purpose.
2. Money allocated pursuant to subsection 1 may only be used if all other sources of funding for electricity, heating and cooling costs that have been appropriated in sections 2 to 31, inclusive, of this act have been exhausted by the requesting agency, including the Nevada System of Higher Education.
3. If a state agency, including the Nevada System of Higher Education, desires to request funding pursuant to subsection 1, such a request must be approved by the State Board of Examiners before it may be submitted to the Interim Finance Committee.
4. The Interim Finance Committee shall require such documentation and reporting by a requesting state agency, including the Nevada System of Higher Education, as it deems necessary to ensure the productive use of the money appropriated in subsection 1.
5. The sums appropriated by subsection 1 are available for either fiscal year. Any remaining balance of the sum appropriated by subsection 1 must not be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee after June 30, 2009. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted or otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining cannot be spent on electricity, heating and cooling costs after September 18, 2009 for the 2007-2009 biennium by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund, or the State Highway Fund, respectively, on or before September 18, 2009.
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Sec. 71. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Interim Finance Committee the sum of $2,475,570 in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and $5,160,590 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 for allocation to school districts in meeting electricity, heating and cooling costs which are greater than amounts budgeted for the 2007-2009 biennium.
2. The State Board of Examiners shall establish policies, procedures and criteria for the review of requests for funding pursuant to subsection 1. Upon adoption of such policies, procedures and criteria, the State Board of Examiners shall transmit a copy of the policies, procedures and criteria to the Interim Finance Committee for approval. Upon approval of the policies, procedures and criteria, the Interim Finance Committee shall transmit a copy of the policies, procedures and criteria to the Department of Education.
3. If a school district finds that its electricity, heating and cooling costs are greater than the amounts budgeted for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 or Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the school district may submit a request to the Department of Education for an allocation from the sums appropriated in subsection 1.
4. The Department of Education, the Budget Division of the Department of Administration and the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau shall jointly review a request submitted pursuant to subsection 3, using the policies, procedures and criteria approved by the Interim Finance Committee pursuant to subsection 2. Upon completion of the review, a recommendation for or against an allocation to the requesting school district must be submitted to the State Board of Examiners.
5. The State Board of Examiners shall consider each request and recommend the amount of the allocation, if any, to the Interim Finance Committee.
6. The Interim Finance Committee is not required to approve the entire recommendation of the allocation pursuant to subsection 5 or to allocate the entire amount appropriated pursuant to subsection 1.
7. The sum appropriated by subsection 1 is available for either fiscal year. Any remaining balance of the sum appropriated by subsection 1 must not be allocated by the Interim Finance Committee after June 30, 2009. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 2009, by the entity to which the appropriation is made or any entity to which money from the appropriation is granted otherwise transferred in any manner, and any portion of the appropriated money remaining cannot be spent on electricity, heating and cooling costs after September 18, 2009, for the 2007-2009 biennium by either the entity to which the money was appropriated or the entity to which the money was subsequently granted or transferred, and must be reverted to the State General Fund on or before September 18, 2009.
Sec. 72. Section 3 of chapter 451, Statutes of Nevada 2005, at page 2082, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 3. This act becomes effective on July 1, 2005.
Sec. 73. 1. This section and sections 43, 62 and 72 of this act become effective upon passage and approval.
2. Sections 1 to 42, inclusive, 44 to 61, inclusive, and 63 to 71, inclusive, of this act become effective on July 1, 2007.