(Listed in keyword order)
(I=Initial Agency Draft; IR=Revised Agency Draft; N=Notice of Workshop and/or Hearing;
P=LCB Proposed Draft; RP1=Revised Proposed LCB Draft; RP2=Second Revised Proposed LCB Draft;
A=Adopted; CA=Corrected Adopted, RA=Revised Adopted; W=Withdrawn; O=Other materials)
(The date for filing permanent regulations is July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016.
The date following the subject is the date the regulation was posted to the Internet.)
All of the information is provided in Adobe PDF format; you will need Acrobat Reader to view these files.
NO. |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of supported living arrangement services (04/30/18) |
244- |
Aging & Disability Services (435)
Revises provisions governing the provision of supported living arrangement services (Approved by Legislative Commission 05/16/18) Replacement pages filed (7/16/19) |
259 |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of supported living arrangement services (8/1/16) |
226-7 |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Informational Statement (04/30/2018) |
244- |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of supported living arrangement services (8/3/16) |
226-7 |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of supported living arrangement services (12/18/17) |
240- |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of supported living arrangement services (02/09/18) |
242- |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of jobs and day training services. (04/30/18) |
244- |
Aging & Disability Services (435)
Revises provisions governing the provision of jobs and day training services. (Approved by Legislative Commission 05/16/18) |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of jobs and day training services (8/1/16) |
226-7 |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Informational Statement (04/30/18) |
244- |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of jobs and day training services (8/3/16) |
226-7 |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of jobs and day training services. (12/15/17) |
240- |
Aging & Disability Services (435) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of jobs and day training services. (02/09/18) |
242- |
Agriculture (552) |
Establishes provisions governing the removal of diseased bees (10/18/17) |
238-1 |
Agriculture (552)
Establishes provisions governing the removal of diseased bees (Approved by Legislative Commission 10/31/17) |
Agriculture (552) |
Establishes provisions governing the removal of diseased bees (11/8/16) |
229-4 |
Agriculture (552) |
Informational Statement (10/23/17) |
238-1 |
Agriculture (552) |
Establishes provisions governing the removal of diseased bees (06/19/17) |
234-4 |
Agriculture (555) |
Makes various changes relating to pesticide use on crops grown for seed. (12/12/17) |
240- |
Agriculture (555)
Makes various changes relating to pesticide use on crops grown for seed. (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/19/17) |
Agriculture (555) |
Establishes provisions governing the use of pesticides on crops grown for seed (10/31/16) |
228-4 |
Agriculture (555) |
Informational Statement (12/19/17) |
240- |
Agriculture (555) |
Makes various changes relating to pesticide use on crops grown for seed. (09/11/17) |
237-3 |
Agriculture (557) |
Authorizes the amendment of an application for certification and registration of a site to be used for growing or cultivating industrial hemp. (01/31/18) |
241- |
Agriculture (557)
Authorizes the amendment of an application for certification and registration of a site to be used for growing or cultivating industrial hemp. (Approved by Legislative Commission 02/27/18) |
Agriculture (557) |
Revises provisions governing the cultivation of industrial hemp (10/31/16) |
228-4 |
Agriculture (557) |
Notice of hearing (10/19/17) |
238-1 |
Agriculture (557) |
Informational Statement (01/31/18) |
241- |
Agriculture (557) |
Authorizes the amendment of an application for certification and registration of a site to be used for growing or cultivating industrial hemp. (08/28/17) |
236-1 |
Agriculture (576) |
Revises provisions relating to issuing aquaculture products (1/28/17) |
231-3 |
Agriculture (576) |
Establishes provisions relating to aquaculture producers (8/1/16) |
226-7 |
Agriculture (576) |
Notice of hearing (9/16/16) |
227-7 |
Agriculture (576) |
Establishes provisions relating to aquaculture products (8/31/16) |
226-7 |
Agriculture (588) |
Revises provisions relating to commercial fertilizer and agricultural minerals (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Agriculture (588) |
Revises provisions relating to commercial fertilizer and agricultural minerals (8/1/16) |
226-7 |
Agriculture (588) |
Notice of hearing (9/16/16) |
227-7 |
Agriculture (588) |
Revises provisions relating to commercial fertilizer and agricultural minerals (8/23/16) |
226-7 |
Alcohol, Drugs & Gambling (641C) |
Revises various provisions governing the practice of alcohol and drug abuse counselors (5/2/16) |
223-4 |
Alcohol, Drugs & Gambling (641C) |
Defines the treatment agencies at which a person certified as an intern may provide certain services (6/1/16) |
224-6 |
R063-16W |
Alcohol, Drugs & Gambling (641C) |
Withdrawn by agency (8/17/2017) |
Architects (623) |
Revises various provisions relating to the issuance of a certificate of registration to practice as a registered interior designer (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Architects (623) |
Revises certain provisions relating to interior design (6/27/16) |
224-11 |
Architects (623) |
Notice of workshop (8/19/16) |
226-5 |
Architects (623) |
Notice of hearing (9/30/16) |
227-7 |
Architects (623) |
Revises various provisions relating to the issuance of a certificate of registration to practice as a registered interior designer (7/11/16) |
225-3 |
Architects (623) |
Revises various provisions relating to the issuance of a certificate of registration to practice as a registered interior designer (8/18/16) |
226-5 |
Athletics (467) |
Revises provisions governing athletics in this State (9/12/16) |
227-3 & 227-4 |
Athletics (467) |
Revises various provisions governing athletics in this State (4/21/16) |
222-5 |
Athletics (467) |
Notice of hearing (6/18/16) |
224-6 |
Athletics (467) |
Revises provisions governing athletics in this State (5/19/16) |
223-3 & 223-4 |
Benefits (287) |
Revises provisions relating to the Public Employees' Benefits Program (9/12/16) |
227-3 |
Benefits (287) |
Revises various provisions governing employee benefits (2/24/16) |
220-3 |
Benefits (287) |
Revises the date that certain participants are eligible to participate in the Public Employees’ Benefits Program (5/6/16) |
223-2 |
Children (424) |
Revises various provisions relating to foster homes (09/08/17) |
237-2 |
Children (424)
Revises various provisions relating to foster homes (Approved by Legislative Commission 9/21/2017) |
Children (424) |
Revises various provisions governing foster homes for children (6/30/16) |
224-12 |
Children (424) |
Revises various provisions relating to foster homes (8/20/16) |
226-6 |
Children (424) |
Revises various provisions relating to foster homes (10/31/16) |
228-4 |
Children (62B) |
Establishes provisions relating to training of employees of juvenile detention facilities (6/23/16) |
224-10 |
Children (62B) |
Establishes provisions relating to training of employees of juvenile detention facilities (7/20/16) |
225-3 |
Claims (590) |
Revises provisions relating to the Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Claims (590) |
Revises provisions relating to the Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum (1/27/16) |
219-3 |
Claims (590) |
Notice of workshop (2/23/16) |
220-3 |
Claims (590) |
Notice of hearing (4/21/16) |
222-4 |
Claims (590) |
Revises provisions relating to the cleaning up of petroleum discharges (3/16/16) |
221-3 |
Claims (590) |
Revises provisions relating to the cleaning up of petroleum discharges (3/24/16) |
221-3 |
CLGF (354)
Revises provisions relating to the amount of budgeted ending fund balance not subject to negotiations (Approved by Legislative Commission 9/21/2017) |
CLGF (354) |
Revises provisions relating to the amount of budgeted ending fund balance not subject to negotiations with other local governments or employee organizations (3/30/16) |
221-4 |
CLGF (354) |
Excludes certain money from collective bargaining negotiations and from consideration in determining the ability of local governments to pay compensation and monetary benefits (4/14/16) |
222-5 |
College Savings Plans (353B) |
Revises provisions governing qualified beneficiaries (6/27/16) Updated draft posted (8/12/16) |
226-5 |
College Savings Plans (353B) |
Makes various changes relating to the Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Program (8/19/16) |
226-5 |
College Savings Plans (353B) |
Makes various changes relating to the College Savings Plans of Nevada (8/30/16) |
226-5 |
Cosmetologists (644) |
Revises various provisions governing the practice of cosmetology (6/30/16) |
224-12 |
Cosmetologists (644) |
Makes various changes to provisions governing cosmetology (8/3/16) |
226-6 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Revises provisions governing court reporters and court reporting firms (06/21/17) |
234-2 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Revises provisions relating to the practice of court reporting (6/22/16) |
224-8 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Revises provisions relating to the practice of court reporting (9/19/16) |
227-5 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Revises provisions relating to the practice of court reporting (1/6/17) |
231-2 |
Dairy (584) |
Revises various provisions relating to dairy products and substitutes (9/12/16) |
227-3 |
Dairy (584)
Revises various provisions relating to dairy products and substitutes (10/02/17) |
Dairy (584) |
Revises various provisions relating to dairy products (2/19/16) |
220-3 |
Dairy (584) |
Notice of hearing (4/22/16) |
222-4 |
Dairy (584) |
Revises various provisions relating to dairy products and substitutes (4/19/16) |
222-4 |
Dentists (631) |
Establishes provisions governing the administration of facial injectables (6/15/16) |
224-7 |
Dentists (631) |
Establishes requirements governing the use of facial injectables (7/6/16) |
225-3 |
R086-16W |
Dentists (631) |
Withdrawn by the agency (06/19/17) |
Domestic Violence (228) |
Revises certain training requirements for supervisors and providers of treatment (6/27/16) |
224-11 |
Domestic Violence (228) |
Revises training requirements for providers and supervisors of treatment at programs for the treatment of persons who commit domestic violence (7/26/16) |
225-4 |
Domestic Violence (228) |
Revises training requirements for providers and supervisors of treatment at programs for the treatment of persons who commit domestic violence (06/29/17) |
234-4 |
R116-16W |
Domestic Violence (228) |
Withdrawn by agency (2/23/2018) |
Economic Development (231) |
Revises various provisions governing economic development in this State (06/20/18) |
236- |
Economic Development (231)
Revises various provisions governing economic development in this State (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/26/18) |
Economic Development (231) |
Revises various provisions governing economic development in this State (7/5/16) |
225-4 |
Economic Development (231) |
Informational Statement (06/20/18) |
246- |
Economic Development (231) |
Revises various provisions governing economic development in this State (1/3/17) |
231-2 |
Economic Development (231) |
Revises provisions governing economic development in this State (06/20/18) |
246- |
Economic Development (231)
Revises provisions governing economic development in this State (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/26/18) |
Economic Development (231) |
Revises various provisions governing economic development in this State (11/10/16) |
229-4 |
Economic Development (231) |
Informational Statement (06/20/18) |
246- |
Economic Development (231) |
Revises various provisions governing economic development in this State (1/3/17) |
231-3 |
Economic Development (360) |
Revises various provisions governing economic development in this State (7/5/16) |
225-4 |
Education (385 & 389) |
Revises the minimum passing score for certain high school equivalency assessments (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Education (385 & 389) |
Revises the minimum passing score for certain high school equivalency assessments (3/29/16) |
221-4 |
Education (385) |
Revises provisions governing the Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program (9/12/16) |
227-3 |
Education (385) |
Revises provisions governing the Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program (2/24/16) |
220-3 |
Education (385) |
Revises provisions governing the Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program (4/7/16) |
222-4 |
Education (385) |
Revises the minimum passing scores for the high school equivalency assessments (3/16/16) |
221-4 |
Education (386 & 387) |
Revises provisions relating to calculating pupil enrollment for the purpose of computing the basic support guarantee for each school district (6/15/16) |
224-6 |
Education (386 & 387)
Revises various provisions governing charter schools (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/19/17) |
Education (386 & 387) |
Revises various provisions governing charter schools (7/7/16) |
225-4 |
Education (386 & 387) |
Revises various provisions relating to charter schools (10/7/16) |
228-4 |
Education (386) |
Revises provisions relating to loans from the Account for Charter Schools (12/22/16) |
230-2 |
Education (386) |
Revises provisions governing applications for loans from the Account for Charter Schools (6/15/16) |
224-7 |
Education (386) |
Revises provisions relating to loans from the Account for Charter Schools (9/14/16) |
227-4 |
Education (386) |
Establishes provisions relating to the reporting of data to the State Public Charter School Authority (12/22/16) |
230-2 |
Education (386) |
Revises various provisions relating to charter schools and contracts (12/22/16) |
230-2 |
Education (386) |
Revises provisions relating to charter schools. (1/28/17) |
231-3 |
Education (386) |
Establishes certain provisions governing charter schools (7/7/16) |
225-4 |
Education (386) |
Revises provisions relating to charter schools (9/28/16) |
227-7 |
Education (386, 387) |
Revises various provisions relating to charter schools. (12/12/17) |
240- |
Education (386/387) |
Informational Statement (12/19/17) |
240- |
Education (387) |
Revises provisions relating to calculating pupil enrollment for the purpose of computing the basic support guarantee for each school district (11/10/16) |
229-2 |
Education (387) |
Revises provisions relating to reports of enrollment and attendance (5/6/16) |
223-4 |
Education (388) |
Establishes provisions governing the program to improve the reading proficiency of pupils in this State (9/12/16) |
227-3 |
Education (388)
Establishes provisions governing the program to improve the reading proficiency of pupils in this State (10/02/17) |
Education (388) |
Establishes provisions governing the program to improve the reading proficiency of pupils in this State (3/14/16) |
221-4 |
Education (388) |
Establishes provisions governing the program to improve the reading proficiency of pupils in this State (5/5/16) |
223-2 |
Education (388A) |
Establishes various provisions governing charter schools generally (6/15/16) |
224-8 |
Education (388A) |
Establishes provisions relating to the reporting of data to the State Public Charter School Authority (9/28/16) |
227-4 |
Education (388A) |
Establishes provisions relating to applications to form a charter school (6/15/16) |
224-8 |
Education (388A) |
Revises various provisions relating to charter schools and contracts (9/28/16) |
227-5 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes provisions governing the reorganization of the Clark County School District (9/12/16) |
227-7 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes provisions relating to the reorganization of the Clark County School District (7/26/16) |
225-4 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes provisions relating to the reorganization of the Clark County School District (7/27/16) |
225-4 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes provisions relating to the reorganization of the Clark County School District (8/19/16) |
226-6 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing domain weightings and student achievement (11/10/16) |
229-2 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing domain weightings and student achievement (2/19/16) |
220-3 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to domain weighting and student achievement (7/26/16) |
225-2 |
Education (391) |
Repeals the provision for determining whether a person has obtained “full state certification” for purposes of the No Child Left Behind Act (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to the No Child Left Behind Act (2/23/16) |
220-3 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to the No Child Left Behind Act (4/8/16) |
222-4 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing the issuance of a provisional nonrenewable license (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing nonrenewable provisional licensure (2/23/16) |
220-3 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing nonrenewable provisional licensure (4/8/16) |
222-4 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing the single-subject major or minor in world languages (06/21/17) |
234-1 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing single-subject majors and minors (3/14/16) |
221-4 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing single-subject majors and minors (4/18/16) |
222-5 |
Education (391) |
Revises the amount of the fee which must be submitted by an applicant for licensure as a teacher or other educational employee (06/21/17) |
234-1 |
Education (391) |
Revises the fee to be submitted with an application for license or endorsement (3/14/16) |
221-4 |
Education (391) |
Increases the application fee for licensure of a teacher or other educational personnel from $161 to $180 (4/18/16) |
222-5 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to the issuance by the Superintendent of Public Instruction of a provisional license or endorsement (06/21/17) |
234-1 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing provisional renewable licensure or endorsement (3/14/16) |
221-4 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to the issuance by the Superintendent of Public Instruction of a provisional license or endorsement (4/18/16) |
222-5 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing an endorsement as a professional administrator of a school or program (3/15/16) |
221-4 |
Education (391) |
Revises the requirements for receiving an endorsement as a professional administrator of a school (4/14/16) |
222-5 |
Education (391) |
Increases the fee for an application for a license made by the holder of a provisional nonrenewable license (06/21/17) |
234-1 |
Education (391) |
Revises the fee to be submitted with an application for a provisional nonrenewable license (3/15/16) |
221-4 |
Education (391) |
Increases the fee for an application for a license made by the holder of a provisional nonrenewable license (3/30/16) |
221-4 |
Education (391) |
Revises the requirements for the renewal of a license (06/21/17) |
234-1 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing the renewal of licenses (3/15/16) |
221-4 |
Education (391) |
Revises the requirements for the renewal of a license (3/30/16) |
221-4 |
Education (391) |
Revises the fee for the renewal of the license of a retired person (06/21/17) |
234-1 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing the renewal of licenses of retired persons (3/15/16) |
221-4 |
Education (391) |
Revises the fee for the renewal of the license of a retired person (4/7/16) |
222-5 |
Education (391) |
Establishes governing courses in multicultural education (3/15/16) |
221-4 |
R048-16W |
Education (391) |
Withdrawn by Agency. See R130-18 (6/4/2018) |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to the credits and courses that are required for the renewal of certain licenses (6/7/16) |
224-7 |
R082-16W |
Education (391) |
Withdrawn by the agency (7/18/16) |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to the approval of providers of continuing education (6/7/16) |
224-7 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to the approval of providers of continuing education (6/23/16) |
224-7 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to the approval of providers of continuing education (8/1/16) |
226-3 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions governing courses of study and training (6/30/16) |
224-12 |
R128-16W |
Education (391) |
Withdrawn by agency 1/9/2018 |
Education (391A) |
Establishes provisions relating to the Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Updated draft posted (9/21/2017) (09/21/17) |
237-1 |
Education (391A)
Establishes provisions relating to the Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Updated draft posted (Approved by Legislative Commission 9/21/2017) |
Education (391A) |
Establishes provisions governing the Teach Nevada Scholarship Program (3/7/16) |
221-4 |
Education (391A) |
Establishes provisions relating to the Teach Nevada Scholarship Program (5/16/16) |
223-2 |
Education (395) |
Establishes provisions relating to pupils with significant disabilities (9/12/16) |
227-3 |
Education (395) |
Establishes provisions relating to pupils with significant disabilities (3/7/16) |
221-4 |
Education (395) |
Establishes provisions relating to pupils with significant disabilities (4/12/16) |
222-4 |
Education (391) |
Establishes governing courses in multicultural education (04/03/18) |
244- |
Emergency Management (353) |
Revises provisions relating to the Disaster Relief Account (3/15/16) |
221-4 |
Emergency Management (353) |
Sets forth the requirements for a certain report of damages prepared by the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety (4/7/16) |
222-5 |
Emergency Management (414) |
Revises provisions relating to the Emergency Assistance Account (3/15/16) |
221-4 |
Emergency Management (414) |
Revises provisions relating to the Emergency Assistance Account administered by the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety (4/6/16) |
222-5 |
Employee-Management (288) |
Revises provisions governing practice before the local Government Employee-Management Relations Board (9/12/16) |
227-3 |
Employee-Management (288) |
Revises provisions governing practice before the Local Government Employee-Management Relations Board (3/10/16) |
221-4 |
Employee-Management (288) |
Revises provisions governing practice before the Local Government Employee-Management Relations Board (4/7/16) |
222-4 |
Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (612) |
Prescribing the contribution rate schedule for calendar year 2017 (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (612) |
Prescribes the unemployment contribution rate schedule for calendar year 2017 (10/5/16) |
228-4 |
Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (612) |
Prescribes the contribution rate schedule for calendar year 2017 (10/13/16) |
228-4 |
Environment (444) |
Revises provisions concerning certain federal regulations adopted by reference relating to hazardous waste (11/10/16) |
229-3 |
Environment (444) |
Revises provisions relating to the disposal of hazardous waste (6/15/16) |
224-8 |
Environment (444) |
Notice of hearing (9/6/16) |
227-5 |
Environment (444) |
Revises provisions concerning certain federal regulations adopted by reference relating to hazardous waste (7/13/16) |
225-3 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provisions relating to the use of reclaimed water (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provisions relating to the use of treated effluent (6/22/16) |
224-8 |
Environment (445A) |
Notice of hearing (10/7/16) |
228-3 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provisions relating to the use of reclaimed water (8/9/16) |
226-4 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provisions relating to the use of reclaimed water (8/31/16) |
226-4 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises the water quality standards relating to E. coli for certain bodies of water in this State (12/12/17) |
240- |
Environment (445A)
Revises the water quality standards relating to E. coli for certain bodies of water in this State (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/19/17) |
Environment (445A) |
Revises the standards for water quality (6/22/16) |
224-8 & 224-9 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises the water quality standards relating to E. coli for certain bodies of water in this State (8/22/16) |
226-4 & 226-5 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises the water quality standards relating to E. coli for certain bodies of water in this State (06/30/17) |
234-2 & 234-3 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises the water quality standards relating to E. coli for certain bodies of water in this State (11/28/17) |
239-2 |
Environment (445A) |
Makes various changes in the water quality standards for certain bodies of water in this State (12/12/17) |
240- |
Environment (445A)
Makes various changes in the water quality standards for certain bodies of water in this State (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/19/17) |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provisions governing the standards for water quality (6/23/16) |
224-10 & 224-11 |
Environment (445A) |
Makes various changes in the water quality standards for certain bodies of water in this State (9/22/16) |
227-5 & 227-6 |
Environment (445A) |
Makes various changes in the water quality standards for certain bodies of water in this State (11/28/17) |
239-3 |
Environment (445B) |
Existing law authorizes the State Environmental Commission to adopt regulations to prevent, abate and control air pollution and to establish standards for air quality. (NRS 445B.210) This regulation revises provisions governing the adoption by reference of certain provisions of federal regulations relating to air quality by the Commission. Replacement pages filed (3/5/2018) |
243- |
Environment (445B) |
Existing law authorizes the State Environmental Revises provisions governing the adoption by reference of certain provision of federal regulations relating to air quality (11/10/16) |
229-3 |
Environment (445B) |
Revises certain provisions governing ambient air quality standards (6/9/16) |
224-7 |
Environment (445B) |
Notice of hearing (9/6/16) |
227-4 |
Environment (445B) |
Revises provisions governing the adoption by reference of certain provisions of federal regulations relating to air quality (6/22/16) |
224-7 |
Environment (445B) |
Revises provisions governing permitting and reporting requirements regarding air pollution (11/10/16) |
229-3 |
Environment (445B) |
Revises provisions governing permitting and reporting requirements regarding air pollution (6/9/16) |
224-7 |
Environment (445B) |
Notice of hearing (9/6/16) |
227-4 |
Environment (445B) |
Revises provisions governing permitting and reporting requirements regarding air pollution (8/9/16) |
226-3 |
Environment (459 & 590) |
Revises various provisions relating to underground storage tanks (11/10/16) |
229-4 |
Environment (459 & 590) |
Notice of hearing (9/6/16) |
227-5 |
Environment (459 & 590) |
Revises various provisions relating to underground storage tanks (8/12/16) |
226-5 |
Environment (459) |
Revises provisions governing underground storage tanks (6/22/16) |
224-10 |
Environment (459) |
Revises provisions relating to certification of certain consultants and contractors (11/10/16) |
229-4 |
Environment (459) |
Revises provisions relating to certification of certain consultants and contractors (6/29/16) |
224-12 |
Environment (459) |
Notice of hearing (9/6/16) |
227-7 |
Environment (459) |
Revises provisions relating to certification of certain consultants and contractors (8/2/16) |
226-6 |
Environment (486A) |
Revises provisions relating to alternative fuels (11/10/16) |
229-4 |
Environment (486A) |
Revises provisions relating to alternative fuels (6/22/16) |
224-8 |
Environment (486A) |
Notice of hearing (9/6/16) |
227-5 |
Environment (486A) |
Revises provisions relating to alternative fuels (8/1/16) |
226-3 |
Environment (486A) |
Revises provisions relating to alternative fuels (8/23/16) |
226-3 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises the water quality standards relating to E. coli for certain bodies of water in this State (07/27/17) |
235-1 & 235-2 & 235-3 |
Environment (445A) |
Makes various changes in the water quality standards for certain bodies of water in this State (07/07/17) |
235-3 & 235-4 |
Environment (445A) |
Makes various changes in the water quality standards for certain bodies of water in this State (07/27/17) |
235-5 & 235-6 |
Environmental (445A) |
Informational Statement (12/19/17) |
240- |
Environmental (445A) |
Informational Statement (12/19/17) |
240- |
Environmental Health Specialists (425A) |
Revises various provisions relating to the practice of environmental health specialists (9/22/16) |
227-3 |
Environmental Health Specialists (625A) |
Revises provisions relating to environmental health specialists (06/21/17) |
234-2 |
Environmental Health Specialists (625A) |
Revises various provisions relating to the practice of environmental health specialists (3/15/16) |
221-4 |
Environmental Health Specialists (625A) |
Revises various provisions relating to the practice of environmental health specialists (4/14/16) |
222-5 |
Financial Institutions (604A, 649, 658, 669, 671, 673, 675, 676A, 677 & 678) |
Revises the fees the Commissioner may charge or collect for certain supervision, audits, examinations, investigations or hearings (9/12/16) |
227-3 |
Financial Institutions (604A, 649, 658, 669, 671, 673, 675, 676A, 677 & 678) |
Revises the fees the Commissioner may charge or collect for certain supervision, audits, examinations, investigations or hearings (3/30/16) |
221-4 |
Financial Institutions (604A, 649, 658, 669, 671, 673, 675, 676A, 677 & 678) |
Revises the fees the Commissioner may charge or collect for certain supervision, audits, examinations, investigations or hearings (5/4/16) |
223-3 |
Financial Institutions (628B) |
Establishes provisions governing private professional guardians (6/29/16) |
224-5 |
Financial Institutions (628B) |
Establishes provisions governing private professional guardians (1/11/16) |
219-3 |
Financial Institutions (628B) |
Establishes provisions governing private professional guardians (2/5/16) |
220-3 |
Financial Institutions (669A) |
Establishes provisions relating to periodic examinations of licensed family trust companies (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Financial Institutions (669A) |
Establishes provisions relating to periodic examinations of licensed family trust companies (3/16/16) |
221-4 |
Financial Institutions (669A) |
Establishes provisions relating to periodic examinations of licensed family trust companies (3/23/16) |
221-4 |
Health (392, 394 & 441A) |
Revises provisions governing immunizations required to attend public and private schools and universities in this State (11/10/16) |
229-2 |
Health (392, 394 & 441A) |
Revises provisions governing immunizations required to attend public and private schools and universities in this State (3/23/16) |
221-4 |
Health (392, 394 & 441A) |
Revises provisions governing immunizations required to attend public and private schools and universities in this State (5/4/16) |
223-3 |
Health (432A) |
Revises provisions relating to the licensure of facilities for child care (09/08/17) |
237-1 |
Health (432A)
Revises provisions relating to the licensure of facilities for child care (Approved by Legislative Commission 9/21/2017) |
Health (432A) |
Revises provisions relating to the licensure of facilities for child care (6/16/16) |
224-8 |
Health (432A) |
Revises provisions relating to the licensure of facilities for child care (7/20/16) |
225-3 |
Health (432A) |
Revises provisions relating to the licensure of facilities for child care (1/6/17) |
231-2 |
Health (433) |
Establishes provisions governing community-based living arrangements (6/15/16) |
224-8 |
Health (433) |
Establishes provisions governing community-based living arrangements (8/3/16) |
226-3 |
Health (439) |
Establishes provisions governing the statewide health information exchange (4/6/16) |
222-5 |
Health (439) |
Notice of workshop (5/19/16) |
223-3 |
Health (439) |
Establishes provisions relating to health information exchanges (5/19/16) |
223-3 |
Health (439) |
Establishes provisions relating to health information exchanges (6/1/16) |
224-6 |
Health (439) |
Establishes provisions relating to health information exchanges (8/20/16) |
226-2 |
Health (439) |
Establishes provisions relating to health information exchanges (11/5/16) |
229-2 |
Health (440 & 442) |
Revises provisions relating to the required testing of infants born in this State for certain preventable or inheritable disorders. (11/10/16) |
229-2 |
Health (440 & 442)
Revises provisions relating to the required testing of infants born in this State for certain preventable or inheritable disorders. (10/02/17) |
Health (440) |
Revises provisions relating to homebirths (11/10/16) |
229-2 |
Health (440) |
Revises provisions relating to homebirths (5/12/16) Updated agency draft posted (5/27/16) |
223-4 |
Health (440) |
Revises provisions relating to homebirths (6/23/16) |
224-7 |
Health (440) |
Revises provisions relating to homebirths (7/26/16) |
225-2 |
Health (440) |
Revises the schedule of fees charged by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics (11/10/16) |
229-3 |
Health (440) |
Revises various fees to be submitted to the State Registrar of Vital Statistics (5/27/16) |
223-4 |
Health (440) |
Revises the schedule of fees charged by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics (6/9/16) |
224-7 |
Health (440) |
Revises the schedule of fees charged by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics (7/26/16) |
225-3 |
Health (440) |
Revises the schedule of fees charged by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics (8/8/16) |
226-2 |
Health (442) |
Revises provisions governing screenings of newborns (3/10/16) |
221-4 |
Health (442) |
Revises provisions relating to the required testing of infants born in this State for certain preventable or inheritable disorders (4/12/16) |
222-4 |
Health (444) |
Establishes provisions governing invasive body decoration (12/06/17) |
240- |
Health (444) |
Establishes provisions governing invasive body decoration (10/31/17) |
238-1 |
Health (444)
Establishes provisions governing invasive body decoration (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/19/17) |
Health (444) |
Establishes provisions governing invasive body decoration (6/27/16) |
224-11 |
Health (444) |
Informational Statement (12/19/17) |
240- |
Health (444) |
Establishes provisions governing invasive body decoration (06/19/17) |
234-4 |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions relating to obstetric centers (12/22/16) |
230-2 |
Health (449)
Revises provisions relating to obstetric centers (10/02/17) |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of obstetric care (4/11/16) |
222-5 |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions relating to obstetric centers (5/23/16) |
223-3 |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions relating to peer support recovery organizations. (09/14/17) |
237-1 |
Health (449)
Revises provisions relating to peer support recovery organizations. (Approved by Legislative Commission 9/21/2017) |
Health (449) |
Establishes provisions relating to peer support recovery organizations (6/29/16) |
224-11 |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions relating to peer support recovery organizations (8/3/16) |
226-6 |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions relating to recovery centers (09/14/17) |
237-2 |
Health (449)
Revises provisions relating to recovery centers (Approved by Legislative Commission 9/21/2017) |
Health (449) |
Establishes provisions relating to recovery centers (6/29/16) |
224-11 |
Health (449) |
Establishes provisions governing the licensing and operation of recovery centers (9/19/16) |
227-7 |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions relating to recovery centers (09/01/17) |
237-2 |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions governing the adoption by reference of standards relating to construction of certain facilities (09/14/17) |
237-2 |
Health (449)
Revises provisions governing the adoption by reference of standards relating to construction of certain facilities (Approved by Legislative Commission 9/21/2017) |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions governing the adoption by reference of standards relating to construction of certain facilities (6/29/16) |
224-12 |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions governing the adoption by reference of standards relating to construction of certain facilities (8/4/16) |
226-6 |
Health (450B) |
Revises various provisions governing emergency medical services (1/28/17) |
231-1 |
Health (450B) |
Revises various provisions governing emergency medical services (5/13/16) |
223-4 |
Health (450B) |
Revises various provisions governing emergency medical services (9/29/16) |
227-4 |
Health (457) |
Revises provisions relating to reporting information on cancer and other neoplasms. (04/26/18) |
244- |
Health (457)
Revises provisions relating to reporting information on cancer and other neoplasms. (Approved by Legislative Commission 05/16/18) |
Health (457) |
Revises provisions relating to cancer (4/7/16) |
222-5 |
Health (457) |
Informational Statement (04/26/18) |
244- |
Health (457) |
Revises provisions relating to cancer (7/8/16) |
225-2 |
Health (457) |
Revises provisions relating to reporting information on cancer and other neoplasms (8/4/16) |
226-2 |
Health (457) |
Revises provisions relating to reporting information on cancer and other neoplasms. (02/05/18) |
242- |
Health (458) |
Revises a limitation on the common ownership or operation of an evaluation center program and a treatment program in certain counties (09/08/17) |
237-3 |
Health (458)
Revises a limitation on the common ownership or operation of an evaluation center program and a treatment program in certain counties (Approved by Legislative Commission 9/21/2017) |
Health (458) |
Revises provisions governing evaluation center programs (7/7/16) |
225-4 |
Health (458) |
Revises a limitation on the common ownership or operation of an evaluation center program and a treatment program in certain counties (7/26/16) |
225-4 |
Health (629) |
Establishes provisions governing voluntary health care service (12/22/16) |
230-2 |
Health (629) |
Revises provisions governing voluntary health care services (5/12/16) |
223-4 |
Health (629) |
Revises provisions relating to the provision of voluntary health care service (6/7/16) |
224-7 |
Health (62B) |
Establishes provisions relating to training of employees of juvenile detention facilities (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Health & Human Services(439) |
Revises provisions relating to the health information exchange (7/24/17) |
235-1 |
Health & Human Services(439)
Revises provisions relating to the health information exchange (Approved by the Legislative Commission 9/21/2017) |
Health (433) |
Revises provisions relating to community-based living arrangement services (06/21/17) |
234-2 |
Insurance (616B) |
Revises various provisions relating to self-insured employers (11/10/16) |
229-3 |
Insurance (616B) |
Revises provisions relating to self-insured employers (5/20/16) |
223-4 |
Insurance (616B) |
Notice of workshop (7/7/16) |
225-2 |
Insurance (616B) |
Notice of hearing (8/3/16) |
226-2 |
Insurance (616B) |
Revises various provisions relating to self-insured employers (6/15/16) |
224-7 |
Insurance (616B) |
Revises provisions governing certain determinations of tangible net worth of self-insured employers (11/10/16) |
229-3 |
Insurance (616B) |
Revises provisions governing certain determinations of tangible net worth of self-insured employers (5/20/16) |
223-4 |
Insurance (616B) |
Notice of workshop (7/7/16) |
225-2 |
Insurance (616B) |
Notice of hearing (8/12/16) |
226-2 |
Insurance (616B) |
Revises provisions governing certain determinations of tangible net worth of self-insured employers (6/23/16) |
224-7 |
Insurance (616B) |
Revises provisions governing certain determinations of tangible net worth of self-insured employers (8/4/16) |
226-2 |
Insurance (679B & 380C) |
Revises provisions relating to certain initial and annual fees and assessments paid by certain insurers (6/29/16) |
224-5 |
Insurance (679B & 680C) |
Revises provisions relating to certain initial and annual fees paid by certain insurers (1/6/16) |
219-3 |
Insurance (679B & 680C) |
Notices of workshop and hearing (3/1/16) |
221-3 |
Insurance (679B & 680C) |
Revises provisions relating to certain initial and annual fees and assessments paid by certain insurers (2/3/16) |
220-3 |
Insurance (679B & 680C) |
Revises provisions relating to certain initial and annual fees and assessments paid by certain insurers (3/15/16) |
221-3 |
Insurance (679B & 692C) |
Amends the filing requirements for holding companies (12/22/16) |
230-2 |
Insurance (679B & 692C) |
Notices of workshop and hearing (9/16/16) |
227-4 |
Insurance (679B & 692C) |
Supplement to Notice of Hearing (10/7/16) |
228-3 |
Insurance (679B & 692C) |
Amends the filing requirements for holding companies to comply with certain regulations of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (9/14/16) |
227-4 |
Insurance (679B) |
Adopts by reference the Valuation Manual published by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (5/5/16) |
223-4 |
Insurance (680A) |
Requires insurers and groups of insurers to engage in internal audits (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Insurance (680A) |
Amends requirements for reports prepared by certified public accountants (6/23/16) |
224-10 |
Insurance (680A) |
Notice of workshop (9/1/16) |
227-5 |
Insurance (680A) |
Notice of hearing (9/1/16) |
227-5 |
Insurance (680A) |
Notices of workshop and hearing (10/24/16) |
228-3 |
Insurance (680A) |
Requires insurers and groups of insurers to engage in internal audits (8/30/16) |
226-5 |
Insurance (680A) |
Requires insurers and groups of insurers to engage in internal audits (10/20/16) |
228-3 |
Insurance (681A) |
Revises provisions governing certified reinsurers (11/10/16) |
229-3 |
Insurance (681A) |
Adds requirements for certified insurers in compliance with certain regulations of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (6/7/16) |
224-7 |
Insurance (681A) |
Notice of workshop (8/23/16) |
226-2 |
Insurance (681A) |
Notice of hearing (8/23/16) |
226-3 |
Insurance (681A) |
Establishes various provisions relating to reinsurance (8/15/16) |
226-3 |
Insurance (681B) |
Adopts by reference the Valuation Manual published by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Insurance (681B) |
Notices of workshop and hearing (5/13/16) |
223-4 |
Insurance (681B) |
Adopts by reference the Valuation Manual published by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (5/13/16) |
223-4 |
Insurance (681B) |
Adopts by reference the Valuation Manual published by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (5/23/16) |
223-4 |
Insurance (683A) |
Makes various changes relating to the administration or sale of insurance (11/10/16) |
229-3 |
Insurance (683A) |
Amends certain filing requirements for third-party administrators (5/23/16) |
223-4 |
Insurance (683A) |
Notice of workshop (7/7/16) |
225-2 |
Insurance (683A) |
Notice of hearing (8/3/16) |
226-2 |
Insurance (683A) |
Makes various changes relating to the administration or sale of insurance (6/23/16) |
224-7 |
Insurance (686A) |
Revises provisions relating to forms which must be accepted by a payer for dental claims submitted under a policy of health insurance (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Insurance (686A) |
Revises provisions governing dental claims under policies of health insurance (6/28/16) |
224-11 |
Insurance (686A) |
Notice of workshop (8/31/16) |
226-5 |
Insurance (686A) |
Notice of hearing (8/31/16) |
226-5 |
Insurance (686A) |
Notice of hearing (12/5/16) |
230-3 |
Insurance (686A) |
Revises provisions relating to forms which must be accepted by a payer for dental claims submitted under a policy of health insurance (8/23/16) |
226-6 |
Insurance (686A) |
Revises provisions relating to the forms which must be accepted by a payer for dental claims submitted under a policy of health insurance (11/29/16) |
229-4 |
Insurance (686A, 687B, 395C & 695D) |
Revises the filing requirements for certain reports (11/10/16) |
229-3 |
Insurance (686A, 687B, 695C & 695D) |
Amends the filing requirements for certain reports (6/7/16) |
224-7 |
Insurance (686A, 687B, 695C & 695D) |
Notices of workshop and hearing (8/3/16) |
226-3 |
Insurance (686A, 687B, 695C & 695D) |
Revises the filing requirements for certain reports (7/6/16) |
225-3 |
Insurance (686B) |
Requires force-placed insurance rates and rules to be filed with the Commissioner of Insurance (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Insurance (686B) |
Requires the filing of force-placed insurance rates and rules (1/19/16) |
219-3 |
Insurance (686B) |
Notice of workshop (3/16/16) |
221-3 |
Insurance (686B) |
Notice of hearing (3/23/16) |
221-3 |
Insurance (686B) |
Requires force-placed insurance rates and rules to be filed with the Commissioner of Insurance (2/17/16) |
220-3 |
Insurance (690B) |
Revises various provisions relating to evidence of insurance (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Insurance (690B) |
Amends the requirements for evidence of automobile liability insurance to allow for electronic format (1/19/16) |
219-3 |
Insurance (690B) |
Notice of workshop (3/16/16) |
221-3 |
Insurance (690B) |
Notice of hearing (3/23/16) |
221-3 |
Insurance (690B) |
Amends certain requirements for evidence of auto liability insurance (2/23/16) |
220-3 |
Insurance (690B) |
Amends certain requirements for evidence of auto liability insurance (4/7/16) |
222-4 |
Insurance (690C) |
Defines the term “normal wear and tear” for the purpose of interpreting provisions of the Nevada Insurance Code relating to service contracts (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Insurance (690C) |
Revises provisions relating to service contracts (1/19/16) |
219-3 |
Insurance (690C) |
Notice of workshop (3/16/16) |
221-3 |
Insurance (690C) |
Notice of hearing (3/23/16) |
221-3 |
Insurance (690C) |
Defines the term “incidental payment of indemnity” for the purpose of interpreting provisions of the Nevada Insurance Code relating to service contracts (2/23/16) |
220-3 |
Insurance (691C) |
Repeals the requirement that credit personal property insurers submit an annual expense report (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Insurance (691C) |
Repeals the requirement to submit annual reports of experience data (1/19/16) |
219-3 |
Insurance (691C) |
Notice of workshop (3/16/16) |
221-3 |
Insurance (691C) |
Notice of hearing (3/23/16) |
221-3 |
Insurance (691C) |
Repeals the requirement that credit personal property insurers submit an annual expense report (2/17/16) |
220-3 |
Insurance (692C) |
Amends the filing requirements for holding companies to comply with certain regulations of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (6/7/16) |
224-7 |
Insurance (694C) |
Revises provision relating to captive insurers (11/10/16) |
229-3 |
Insurance (694C) |
Revise various provisions governing captive insurers (6/7/16) |
224-7 |
Insurance (694C) |
Notices of workshop and hearing (8/3/16) |
226-3 |
Insurance (694C) |
Revises various provisions relating to captive insurers (7/26/16) |
225-3 |
Libraries/Archives (239) |
Establishes provisions governing requests for public records (7/7/16) |
225-4 |
Libraries/Archives (378) |
Revises provisions relating to the submission of publications to the State Library, Archives and Public Records (11/10/16) |
229-4 |
Library/Archives |
Revises provisions relating to the submission of publications to the State Library, Archives and Public Records (6/22/16) |
224-10 |
Library/Archives (378) |
Revises provisions relating to the submission of publications to the State Library, Archives and Public Records (8/8/16) |
226-5 |
Long-Term Care Administrators (654) |
Revises provisions relating to licensure of long-term care administrators (9/12/16) |
227-3 |
Long-Term Care Administrators (654) |
Revises provisions relating to licensure of long-term care administrators (3/1/16) |
221-4 |
Long-Term Care Administrators (654) |
Notice of hearing (6/28/16) |
224-6 |
Long-Term Care Administrators (654) |
Revises provisions relating to licensure of long-term care administrators (4/18/16) |
222-4 |
Long-Term Care Administrators (654) |
Revises provisions relating to licensure of long-term care administrators (5/2/16) |
223-2 |
Manufactured Housing (489) |
Revises provisions relating to manufactured housing (06/21/17) |
234-4 |
Manufactured Housing (489) |
Establishes provisions relating to voluntary surrenders (6/27/16) |
224-11 |
Manufactured Housing (489) |
Notice of hearing (11/21/16) |
229-4 |
Manufactured Housing (489) |
Establishes provisions relating to voluntary surrenders (8/31/16) |
226-5 |
Manufactured Housing (489) |
Establishes provisions relating to voluntary surrenders (11/4/16) |
229-4 |
Mortgage Lending (645A) |
Revises certain provisions relating to escrow agencies and agents (1/28/17) |
231-2 |
Mortgage Lending (645A) |
Revises various provisions governing escrow agents and agencies (5/19/16) |
223-4 |
Mortgage Lending (645A) |
Notice of hearing (11/8/16) |
229-2 |
Mortgage Lending (645A) |
Revises certain provisions relating to escrow agencies and agents (6/29/16) |
224-7 |
Mortgage Lending (645B) |
Revises various provisions relating to mortgage brokers and mortgage agents (1/28/17) |
231-2 |
Mortgage Lending (645B) |
Revises provisions governing mortgage brokers and mortgage agents (6/30/16) |
224-12 |
Mortgage Lending (645B) |
Notice of hearing (11/8/16) |
229-4 |
Mortgage Lending (645B) |
Revises various provisions relating to mortgage brokers and mortgage agents (10/7/16) |
228-3 |
Mortgage Lending (645E) |
Revises various provisions relating to mortgage bankers (1/28/17) |
231-3 |
Mortgage Lending (645E) |
Revises provisions governing mortgage bankers (6/30/16) |
224-12 |
Mortgage Lending (645E) |
Notice of hearing (11/8/16) |
229-4 |
Mortgage Lending (645E) |
Revises various provisions relating to mortgage bankers (10/7/16) |
228-3 |
Motor Vehicles (445B) |
Revises provisions relating to the control of emissions from engines (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Motor Vehicles (445B) |
Revises provisions relating to the control of emissions from engines (1/29/16) |
219-3 |
Motor Vehicles (445B) |
Notice of workshop and hearing (2/17/16) |
220-3 |
Motor Vehicles (445B) |
Revises provisions relating to the control of emissions from engines (1/29/16) |
219-3 |
NIAA (386) |
Makes various changes to provisions governing interscholastic activities (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
NIAA (386) |
Revises various provisions governing interscholastic activities (3/2/16) |
221-4 |
NIAA (386) |
Makes various changes to provisions governing interscholastic activities (3/30/16) |
221-4 |
NIAA (386) |
Revises various provisions relating to interscholastic activities (7/11/16) |
225-4 |
R135-16W |
NIAA (386) |
Withdrawn by agency 12/27/18 |
NIAA (386) |
Revises provisions relating to the Board of Control of the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (11/21/16) |
229-4 |
NIAA (386) |
Revises provisions relating to the Board of Control of the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (11/13/17) |
239-4 |
NIAA (386) |
Amends the requirement for training regarding concussions for coaches (01/24/19) |
253 |
NIAA (386)
Amends the requirement for training regarding concussions for coaches (Approved by Legislative Commission 01/30/19) |
NIAA (386) |
Amends the requirement for training regarding concussions for coaches (11/21/16) |
229-4 |
NIAA (386) |
Informational Statement (01/24/19) |
253 |
NIAA (386) |
Amends the requirement for training regarding concussions for coaches (11/13/17) |
239-4 |
NIAA (386) |
Amends the requirement for training regarding concussions for coaches (12/03/18) |
252 |
NIAA (385B) |
Establishes provisions relating to flag football (04/30/18) |
244- |
NIAA (385B)
Establishes provisions relating to flag football (Approved by Legislative Commission 05/16/18) |
NIAA (385B) |
Establishes provisions relating to flag football (11/21/16) Updated agency draft posted (11/28/16) |
229-4 |
NIAA (385B) |
Informational Statement (04/30/18) |
244- |
NIAA (385B) |
Establishes provisions relating to flag football (11/16/17) |
239-4 |
Osteopaths (633) |
Revises provisions governing opioid therapy (5/16/16) |
223-4 |
Osteopaths (633) |
Prescribes requirements relating to the treatment of pain (6/6/16) |
224-7 |
Parole (213) |
Makes various changes to provisions governing parole and probation (6/30/16) |
224-12 |
Parole (213) |
Notices of workshop and hearing (11/8/16) |
229-4 |
Parole (213) |
Notice of cancellation of hearing (11/10/16) |
229-4 |
Parole (213) |
Revises provisions relating to the parole of prisoners (8/3/16) |
226-6 |
Parole (213) |
Revises provisions relating to the parole of prisoners (11/4/16) |
229-4 |
Parole/Probation (213) |
Revises provisions relating to the standards for recommendations regarding parole or probation (4/19/16) |
222-5 |
Parole/Probation (213) |
Revises provisions relating to standards for recommendations by the Chief Parole and Probation Officer regarding parole or probation (5/16/16) |
223-3 |
Parole/Probation (213) |
Revises provisions relating to standards for recommendations by the Chief Parole and Probation Officer regarding parole or probation (9/19/16) |
227-3 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises certain definitions for the purposes of the provisions governing attendance and leave of employees in the public service (11/10/16) |
229-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions relating to the use of family medical leave (2/8/16) |
220-3 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (5/11/16) |
223-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (8/31/16) |
226-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises the definition of "child" for the purposes of the Family and Medical Leave Act (3/1/16) |
221-3 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises certain definitions for the purposes of the provisions governing attendance and leave of employees in the public service (5/10/16) |
223-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises certain definitions for the purposes of the provisions governing attendance and leave of employees in the public service (6/16/16) |
224-6 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions governing credit for annual leave and sick leave given to certain former employees of the Nevada System of Higher Education (12/22/16) |
230-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes provisions governing administrative faculty (2/23/16) |
220-3 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (5/11/16) |
223-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (8/31/16) |
226-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (11/8/16) |
229-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions governing credit for annual and sick leave given to certain former employees of the Nevada System of Higher Education (5/10/16) |
223-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions governing credit for annual leave and sick leave given to certain former employees of the Nevada System of Higher Education (8/2/16) |
226-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions relating to the adjustment of steps within the same grade (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Personnel (284)
Revises provisions relating to the adjustment of steps within the same grade (10/02/17) |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions governing the adjustment of steps within the same grade (4/11/16) |
222-5 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (5/11/16) |
223-3 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions relating to the adjustment of steps within the same grade (5/10/16) |
223-3 |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes provisions governing internal administrative investigations and notice regarding disciplinary action (11/10/16) |
229-3 |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes provisions governing requests for an extension of time to notify an employee of a determination following an internal administrative investigation (5/27/16) |
223-4 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (8/31/16) |
226-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes provisions governing internal administrative investigations and notice regarding disciplinary action (6/16/16) |
224-7 |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes provisions governing internal administrative investigations and notice regarding disciplinary action (7/26/16) |
225-2 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions relating to reassignment of certain state employees (11/10/16) |
229-4 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions relating to reassignments (6/18/16) |
224-8 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (8/31/16) |
226-3 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions relating to the reassignment of certain state employees. (8/25/16) |
226-3 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions governing certain appeals to the Personnel Commission (11/10/16) |
229-4 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions relating to appeals to the Administrator of the Division of Human Resource Management of the Department of Administration (6/22/16) |
224-8 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (8/31/16) |
226-3 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions governing certain appeals to the Personnel Commission (8/19/16) |
226-3 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Adds brivaracetam to the controlled substances included in schedule V of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. (01/31/20) |
265 |
Pharmacists (453)
Adds brivaracetam to the controlled substances included in schedule V of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. (Approved by Legislative Commission 02/07/20) |
Pharmacists (453) |
Makes changes to Schedule V of controlled substances (9/23/16) |
227-7 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Informational Statement (01/31/20) |
265 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Adds brivaracetam to the controlled substances included in schedule V of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. (09/06/19) |
261 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Adds eluxadoline to the controlled substances listed in schedule IV of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. (01/31/20) |
265 |
Pharmacists (453)
Adds eluxadoline to the controlled substances listed in schedule IV of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. (Approved by Legislative Commission 02/07/20) |
Pharmacists (453) |
Makes changes to Schedule IV of controlled substances (9/23/16) |
227-7 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Informational Statement (01/31/20) |
265 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Adds eluxadoline to the controlled substances listed in schedule IV of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. (09/06/19) |
261 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Makes changes to Schedule I of controlled substances (9/23/16) |
227-7 |
R151-16W |
Pharmacists (453) |
Withdrawn by agency (4/20/2018) |
Pharmacists (453C) |
Establishes provisions governing the furnishing opioid antagonists (9/12/16) |
227-3 |
Pharmacists (453C) |
Revises provisions governing opioid antagonists (10/09/17) |
238-1 |
Pharmacists (453C)
Revises provisions governing opioid antagonists (Approved by Legislative Commission 10/31/17) |
Pharmacists (453C) |
Revises provisions governing opioid antagonists (10/31/16) |
228-4 |
Pharmacists (453C) |
Informational Statement (10/23/17) |
238-1 |
Pharmacists (453C) |
Revises provisions governing opioid antagonists (06/19/17) |
234-4 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions governing the sharing of information between computerized systems (3/14/16) |
221-4 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions governing the sharing of information between computerized systems (4/7/16) |
222-5 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Provides a penalty for the failure to transmit to the Board of Pharmacy certain information concerning the dispensing of certain controlled substances (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions governing the distribution of controlled substances (3/14/16) |
221-4 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Provides a penalty for the failure to transmit to the State Board of Pharmacy certain information concerning the dispensing of certain controlled substances (4/7/16) |
222-5 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions governing opioid antagonists (4/11/16) |
222-5 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions governing opioid antagonists (5/4/16) |
223-3 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to the electronic transmission of a prescription to a pharmacy (10/20/17) |
238-1 |
Pharmacists (639)
Revises provisions relating to the electronic transmission of a prescription to a pharmacy (Approved by Legislative Commission 10/31/17) |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions governing the electronic transmission of prescriptions (10/31/16) |
228-4 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Informational Statement (10/23/17) |
238-1 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to the electronic transmission of a prescription to a pharmacy (06/30/17) |
234-4 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to the electronic transmission of a prescription to a pharmacy (09/06/17) |
237-3 |
Physicians (630(
Establishes provisions governing the requirement for certain persons to complete training concerning the misuse and abuse of controlled substances (Approved by Legislative Commission 08/30/18) |
Physicians (630( |
Establishes provisions governing the requirement for certain persons to complete training concerning the misuse and abuse of controlled substances (1/1/17) |
231-3 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions governing the delegation of tasks to medical assistants (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions governing the delegation of tasks to medical assistants (6/18/16) |
224-8 |
Physicians (630) |
Notice of workshop (6/28/16) |
224-8 |
Physicians (630) |
Notice of hearing (9/9/16) |
227-5 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions governing the delegation of tasks to medical assistants (7/8/16) |
225-3 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions governing the delegation of tasks to medical assistants (7/12/16) |
225-3 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions governing the delegation of tasks to medical assistants (8/23/16) |
226-3 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions governing the delegation of tasks to medical assistants (8/30/16) |
226-3 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions relating to credits received by holders of certain licenses for continuing medical education relating to the misuse and abuse of controlled substances (08/22/18) |
248 |
Physicians (630) |
Informational Statement (08/23/18) |
248 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions relating to credits received by holders of certain licenses for continuing medical education relating to the misuse and abuse of controlled substances (06/19/17) |
234-4 |
Psychologists (641) |
Revises provisions relating to educational requirements and supervised experience required for licensure as a psychologist (12/22/16) |
230-2 |
Psychologists (641) |
Revises various provisions governing the practice of psychology (3/14/16) |
221-4 |
Psychologists (641) |
Revises provisions relating to educational requirements and supervised experience required for licensure as a psychologist (5/2/16) |
223-2 |
Psychologists (641) |
Revises provisions relating to educational requirements and supervised experience required for licensure as a psychologist (8/8/16) |
226-2 |
Psychologists (641) |
Revises provisions relating to educational requirements and supervised experience required for licensure as a psychologist (10/7/16) |
228-3 |
Public Investments (355) |
Amends certain provisions to allow for other fixed income investments (6/27/16) |
224-11 |
Public Safety (179A) |
Provides that records of criminal history include records of biometric identifiers (12/22/16) |
230-1 |
Public Safety (179A) |
Revises provisions relating to biometric identifiers and background checks (1/29/16) Updated draft posted (2/24/16) |
220-3 |
Public Safety (179A) |
Provides that records of criminal history include records of biometric identifiers (2/24/16) |
220-3 |
Public Safety (179A) |
Revises provisions relating to records of criminal history (12/22/16) |
230-2 |
Public Safety (179A) |
Revises provisions relating to background checks (2/24/16) |
220-3 |
Public Safety (179A) |
Revises provisions relating to records of criminal history (2/24/16) |
220-3 |
Public Safety (179A) |
Revises provisions relating to records of criminal history (4/6/16) |
222-4 |
Public Safety (179A) |
Revises provisions relating to records of criminal history (7/8/16) |
225-2 |
Public Safety (213) |
Revises provisions relating to standards for recommendations by the Chief Parole and Probation Officer regarding parole or probation (12/22/16) |
230-2 |
Public Safety (353) |
Sets forth the requirements for a certain report of damages prepared by the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Public Safety (414) |
Revises provisions relating to the Emergency Assistance Account administered by the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Public Safety (414A) |
Establishes certain duties relating to the Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Public Safety (414A) |
Establishes provisions relating to the Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System (7/18/16) |
225-4 |
Public Safety (414A) |
Establishes certain duties relating to the Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System (8/17/16) |
226-6 |
Public Safety (459 & 706) |
Revises provisions governing motor carrier safety (2/19/16) |
220-3 |
Public Safety (459 & 706) |
Revises provisions relating to adoption by reference of certain federal regulations regarding transportation of hazardous materials and motor carrier safety (3/21/16) |
221-4 |
R022-16W |
Public Safety (459 & 706) |
Withdrawn by agency (2/27/2018) |
Public Safety (493) |
Prescribes the public purposes for which a public agency may operate an unmanned aerial vehicle that is registered with the Department of Public Safety (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Public Safety (493) |
Establishes provisions governing the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for public purposes (2/2/16) |
220-3 |
Public Safety (493) |
Prescribes the public purposes for which a public agency may operate an unmanned aerial vehicle that is registered with the Department of Public Safety (2/13/16) |
220-3 |
Public Works (338 & 341) |
Revises various provisions governing public works (4/6/16) |
222-5 |
Public Works (338 & 341) |
Revises various provisions relating to public works projects (5/10/16) |
223-3 |
R055-16W |
Public Works (338 & 341) |
Withdrawn by agency 4/13/2018 |
Real Estate (119A) |
Revises provisions relating to time shares (11/13/17) |
239-4 |
Real Estate (119A)
Revises provisions relating to time shares (Approved by Legislative Commission 08/30/18) |
Real Estate (119A) |
Revises provisions governing the sale of timeshares (7/7/16) |
225-4 |
Real Estate (119A) |
Informational Statement (08/22/18) |
248 |
Real Estate (119A) |
Revises provisions governing the sale of timeshares (8/8/16) |
226-6 |
Real Estate (119A) |
Revises provisions relating to time shares (08/22/18) |
248 |
Real Estate (119A) |
Revises provisions relating to time shares (06/29/17) |
234-4 |
Real Estate (119A) |
Establishes provisions governing the disclosures required for the resale of a timeshare (11/13/17) |
239-4 |
Real Estate (119A)
Establishes provisions governing the disclosures required for the resale of a timeshare (Approved by Legislative Commission 08/30/18) |
Real Estate (119A) |
Establishes provisions governing the disclosures required for the resale of a timeshare (8/1/16) |
226-7 |
Real Estate (119A) |
Informational Statement (08/21/18) |
248 |
Real Estate (119A) |
Establishes provisions governing the disclosures required for the resale of a timeshare (8/9/16) |
226-7 |
Real Estate (645) |
Revises provisions relating to licensing. (02/20/18) |
242- |
Real Estate (645)
Revises provisions relating to licensing. (Approved by Legislative Commission 02/27/18) |
Real Estate (645) |
Revises various provisions relating to licensure of certain persons (1/15/16) |
219-3 |
Real Estate (645) |
Informational Statement (02/20/18) |
242- |
Real Estate (645) |
Revises various provisions relating to the licensing of real estate brokers, real estate broker-salespersons and real estate salespersons (7/7/16) |
225-2 |
Real Estate (645) |
Revises various provisions relating to licensure of certain persons (11/03/17) |
239-1 |
Real Estate (645) |
Revises provisions relating to licensing. (2/6/2017) |
236-1 |
Social Workers (641B) |
Revises various provisions relating to the practice of social work (6/29/16) |
224-6 |
Social Workers (641B) |
Revises various provisions relating to the practice of social work (2/11/16) |
220-3 |
Social Workers (641B) |
Revises various provisions relating to the practice of social work (3/16/16) |
221-4 |
Social Workers (641B) |
Revises various provisions relating to the practice of social work (4/18/16) |
222-4 |
Tax (354) |
Revises provisions relating to the amount of budgeted ending fund balance not subject to negotiations (09/14/17) |
237-1 |
Tax (360) |
Establishes provisions governing credit against certain taxes if an employer matches the contribution of an employee to certain college savings plans (7/18/16) |
225-4 |
Tax (363A & 363B) |
Establishes requirements for an employer to claim a credit against certain taxes if the employer matches the contributions of an employee to certain college savings plans (1/28/17) |
231-3 |
Tax (363A & 363B) |
Establishes requirements for an employer to claim a credit against certain taxes if the employer matches the contributions of an employee to certain college savings plans (9/8/16) |
227-7 |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions governed by the streamlined sales and use tax (06/21/17) |
234-1 |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions governed by the streamlined sales and use tax (2/17/16) |
220-3 |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions governed by the streamlined sales and use tax (3/15/16) |
221-4 |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions governed by the streamlined sales and use tax (11/15/16) |
229-2 |
Taxicabs (706) |
Provides requirements and procedures authorizing certain taxicab certificate holder to lease a vehicle to an independent contractor (12/22/16) |
230-1 |
Taxicabs (706) |
Revises provisions governing the leasing of taxicabs in certain counties (1/12/16) |
219-3 |
Taxicabs (706) |
Notice of workshop (4/27/16) |
222-4 |
Taxicabs (706) |
Notice of hearing (6/21/16) |
224-5 |
Taxicabs (706) |
Notice of workshop (9/8/16) |
227-2 |
Taxicabs (706) |
Notice of hearing (9/23/16) |
227-2 |
Taxicabs (706) |
Establishes provisions governing the lease of taxicabs to independent contractors by certain certificate holders (3/11/16) |
221-3 |
Taxicabs (706) |
Provides requirements and procedures authorizing certain taxicab certificate holder to lease a vehicle to an independent contractor (4/21/16) |
222-4 |
Taxicabs (706) |
Provides requirements and procedures authorizing certain taxicab certificate holder to lease a vehicle to an independent contractor (6/10/16) |
224-5 |
Transportation (410) |
Provides restrictions for certain illuminated signs. (06/13/18) |
246 |
Transportation (410)
Provides restrictions for certain illuminated signs. (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/13/18) |
Transportation (410) |
Revises provisions relating to outdoor advertising (10/17/16) |
228-4 |
Transportation (410) |
Notice of hearing (12/26/2017) |
240- |
Transportation (410) |
Provides restrictions for certain illuminated signs. (08/08/17) |
236-1 |
Transportation (410) |
Provides restrictions for certain illuminated signs. (09/28/17) |
237-3 |
Transportation Authority (706A) |
Revises provisions relating to the regulatory assessment charged to transportation network companies (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Transportation Authority (706A) |
Revises provisions governing the annual assessment to be paid by a transportation network company (7/12/16) |
225-4 |
Transportation Authority (706A) |
Notice of hearing (10/5/16) |
228-4 |
Transportation Authority (706A) |
Revises provisions relating to the regulatory assessment charged to transportation network companies (9/15/16) |
227-7 |
Treasurer (353B) |
Makes various changes relating to the College Savings Plans of Nevada. (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Treasurer (353B) |
Clarifies that an employer is authorized to make matching contributions to the saving trust account of an employee (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Treasurer (353B) |
Revises provisions governing the Nevada College Savings Program (8/12/16) |
226-7 |
Treasurer (353B) |
Revises provisions relating to the Nevada College Savings Program (8/19/16) |
226-7 |
Treasurer (355) |
Revises provisions which authorize the Nevada Capital Investment Corporation to place money in certain fixed income investments to defray certain administrative costs or management fees (7/20/16) |
225-4 |
R117-16W |
Treasurer (355) |
Withdrawn by the agency (12/20/16) |
Veterinarians (638) |
Revises various provisions relating to the practice of veterinary medicine (02/14/18) |
242- |
Veterinarians (638)
Revises various provisions relating to the practice of veterinary medicine (Approved by Legislative Commission 02/27/18) |
Veterinarians (638) |
Revises various provisions governing the practice of veterinary medicine (5/20/16) |
223-4 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Notice of workshop (9/23/16) |
227-4 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Notice of hearing (10/02/17) |
238-1 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Informational Statement (02/14/18) |
242- |
Veterinarians (638) |
Revising various provisions governing the practice of veterinary medicine (6/19/16) |
224-7 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Revises various provisions relating to the practice of veterinary medicine (06/19/17) |
234-2 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Establishes provisions governing the practice of equine dentistry (02/20/18) |
242- |
Veterinarians (638)
Establishes provisions governing the practice of equine dentistry (Approved by Legislative Commission 02/27/18) |
Veterinarians (638) |
Establishes provisions relating to the branch of dentistry in the practice of veterinary medicine (6/24/16) |
224-11 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Notice of workshop (9/23/16) |
227-7 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Notice of hearing (10/02/17) |
238-1 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Establishes provisions governing the practice of equine dentistry (7/21/16) |
225-3 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Revises provisions relating to veterinary medicine (07/05/17) |
235-6 |
Wildlife (488) |
Revises provisions relating to the assignment of hull numbers to vessels in this State (9/12/16) |
227-3 |
Wildlife (488) |
Revises provisions governing the issuance and verification of hull numbers on vessels (1/29/16) |
219-3 |
Wildlife (488) |
Revises provisions relating to the assignment of hull numbers to vessels in this State (4/22/16) |
222-4 |
Wildlife (488) |
Imposes certain requirements on the owner, operator or person in control of a vessel or conveyance that is launched on any body of water in this State (12/22/16) |
230-2 |
Wildlife (488) |
Requires the draining of all water when a vessel is removed from a body of water in this State (6/18/16) |
224-8 |
Wildlife (488) |
Imposes certain requirements on the owner, operator or person in control of a vessel or conveyance that is launched on any body of water in this State (7/20/16) |
225-3 |
Wildlife (488) |
Revises tackle restrictions on the section of the Truckee River below Derby Dam (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Wildlife (488) |
Revises provisions relating to the operation of certain watercraft on the waters of this State (09/14/17) |
237-3 |
Wildlife (488)
Revises provisions relating to the operation of certain watercraft on the waters of this State (Approved by Legislative Commission 9/21/2017) |
Wildlife (488) |
Prohibits the use of motorized vessels on the Truckee River (7/18/16) |
225-4 |
Wildlife (488) |
Revises provisions relating to the operation of certain watercraft on the waters of this State (8/10/16) |
226-6 |
Wildlife (501) |
Revises provisions relating to practice before the Board of Wildlife Commissioners (06/21/17) |
234-2 |
Wildlife (501) |
Revises provisions governing practice and procedure before the Board of Wildlife Commissioners (5/23/16) |
223-4 |
Wildlife (501) |
Revises provisions relating to practice before the Board of Wildlife Commissioners (6/13/16) |
224-7 |
Wildlife (501) |
Revises provisions relating to practice before the Board of Wildlife Commissioners (8/30/16) |
226-2 |
Wildlife (501) |
Makes various changes relating to petitions to adopt, file, amend or appeal a permanent regulation. (06/13/18) |
246- |
Wildlife (501)
Makes various changes relating to petitions to adopt, file, amend or appeal a permanent regulation. (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/26/18) |
Wildlife (501) |
Revises provisions governing the submission of petitions regarding regulations of the Board of Wildlife Commissioners (6/18/16) |
224-8 |
Wildlife (501) |
Informational Statement (06/13/18) |
246- |
Wildlife (501) |
Revises provisions relating to petitions submitted to the Board of Wildlife Commissioners to adopt, file, amend or repeal any permanent regulation (7/26/16) |
225-3 |
Wildlife (501) |
Makes various changes relating to petitions to adopt, file, amend or appeal a permanent regulation. (09/18/17) |
237-1 |
Wildlife (501) |
Makes various changes relating to petitions to adopt, file, amend or appeal a permanent regulation. (10/18/17) |
238-1 |
Wildlife (502 |
Revises provisions governing artificial industrial ponds (1/29/16) |
219-3 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises certain definitions relating to elk hunting (9/12/16) |
227-2 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises the term "spike elk" for the purpose of hunting a big game mammal (1/29/16) |
219-3 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises certain definitions relating to spike elk (2/23/16) |
220-3 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises certain definitions relating to spike elk (3/2/16) |
221-3 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises various provisions relating to facilities that maintain artificial or artificially created bodies of water that contain chemicals that can cause the death of any wildlife (9/12/16) |
227-2 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises various provisions relating to facilities that maintain artificial or artificially created bodies of water which contain chemicals that may cause the death of any wildlife (3/10/16) |
221-3 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises various provisions relating to facilities that maintain artificial or artificially created bodies of water that contain chemicals that can cause the death of any wildlife (4/26/16) |
222-4 |
Wildlife (502) |
Makes the transfer of bonus points automatic when a person changes his or her state of residence (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises provisions relating to the transfer of bonus points (6/22/16) |
224-10 |
Wildlife (502) |
Makes the transfer of bonus points automatic when a person changes his or her state of residence (7/6/16) |
225-3 |
Wildlife (502) |
Allows certain disabled hunters to request permission for another person to assist them in certain hunting tasks (06/21/17) |
234-4 |
Wildlife (502) |
Establishes provisions governing the issuance of special assistance permits to persons with permanent disabilities (6/22/16) |
224-10 |
Wildlife (502) |
Establishes provisions governing the issuance of special assistance permits to persons with permanent disabilities (7/20/16) |
225-3 |
Wildlife (502) |
Allows certain disabled hunters to request permission for another person to assist them in certain hunting tasks (10/19/16) |
228-3 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises provisions relating to partnership in the Wildlife Drawing and the Silver State Tag Drawing (08/25/17) |
236-1 |
Wildlife (502)
Revises provisions relating to partnership in the Wildlife Drawing and the Silver State Tag Drawing (Approved by Legislative Commission 9/21/2017) |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises provisions relating to the Partnership in Wildlife drawing (7/20/16) |
225-4 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises provisions relating to the Partnership in Wildlife drawing (9/22/16) |
227-7 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises provisions relating to drawings for wildlife tags (1/25/17) |
231-3 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises provisions relating to obtaining a tag to hunt antelope and elk (12/22/16) |
230-3 |
Wildlife (502) |
Amends the eligibility guidelines regarding the application and harvest waiting periods for certain big game tags (7/20/16) |
225-4 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises provisions relating to obtaining a tag to hunt antelope and elk (8/18/16) |
226-6 |
Wildlife (503) |
Establishes regulations relating to the use of trail cameras for the purpose of hunting big game mammals. (02/14/18) |
242- |
Wildlife (503) |
Establishes provisions relating to the use of trail cameras when hunting wildlife (1/29/16) |
219-3 |
Wildlife (503) |
Informational Statement (02/14/18) |
242- |
Wildlife (503) |
Adopts provisions prohibiting the use of trail cameras and certain other devices for the purpose of hunting big game mammals (3/2/16) |
221-3 |
Wildlife (503) |
Establishes provisions relating to the use of trail cameras for the purpose of hunting big game mammals (6/6/16) |
224-6 |
Wildlife (503) |
Establishes regulations relating to the use of trail cameras for the purpose of hunting big game mammals. (11/21/17) |
239-1 |
Wildlife (503) |
Adds special tackle restrictions for the lower Truckee River Basin (6/18/16) |
224-8 |
Wildlife (503) |
Revises tackle restrictions on the section of the Truckee River below Derby Dam. (7/20/16) |
225-3 |