[Rev. 11/3/2017 2:39:03 PM]

[NAC-571 Revised Date: 11-17]



571.002              Definitions.

571.0025            “Administrator” defined.

571.0029            “Approved laboratory” defined.

571.0033            “Breeding animal” defined.

571.004              “Department” defined.

571.007              “Director” defined.

571.008              “Entry permit” defined.

571.0082            “Exposed animal” defined.

571.0084            “Exposed flock” defined.

571.0086            “Flock” defined.

571.009              “Genetically less susceptible exposed sheep” defined.

571.0092            “Genetically resistant exposed sheep” defined.

571.0094            “Genetically susceptible exposed animal” defined.

571.010              “Health certificate” defined.

571.0104            “High-risk animal” defined.

571.0108            “Inconsistent state” defined.

571.011              “Infected flock” defined.

571.012              “Livestock” defined.

571.0124            “Low-risk commercial flock” defined.

571.0126            “Low-risk commercial goat” defined.

571.0128            “Low-risk commercial sheep” defined.

571.013              “Low-risk exposed animal” defined.

571.0135            “Noncompliant flock” defined.

571.014              “Official” defined.

571.0145            “Official scrapie identification” defined.

571.016              “Registered” defined.

571.0164            “Scrapie” defined.

571.0166            “Scrapie-positive animal” defined.

571.017              “Slaughter channels” defined.

571.0174            “Source flock” defined.

571.0178            “Suspect animal” defined.

571.018              “Swine” defined.

571.0185            “Test-positive animal” defined.

571.019              “Uniform Methods and Rules” defined.


571.020              Address for mailing copies of documents.

571.025              Performance or confirmation of required tests by official laboratory.

571.030              Horses, mules and asses.

571.035              Sheep.

571.040              Cattle and bison.

571.045              Permit to move cattle or bison.

571.050              Swine.

571.060              Goats.

571.065              Game, fur-bearing and wild animals.

571.070              Poultry and birds.

571.075              Foxes, skunks and raccoons.

571.080              Dogs and cats.

571.085              Other species.

571.090              Shipment of livestock through State; notice of delay in shipment.

571.095              Transportation of livestock: Stops for inspection; possession of health certificates; sanitation.

571.100              Livestock for use in rodeo.

571.105              Livestock for sale, show, fairs or other public exhibition.

571.110              Animals under quarantine.


571.150              Definitions.

571.160              Permit to operate facility for treatment of food waste.

571.170              Cooking requirements.

571.180              Inspections; sanitary requirements.

571.190              Disciplinary action.


571.200              Disposal of carcasses of diseased livestock.

571.210              Feeding of flesh or offal of unwholesome animal to animals or fowl.


571.300              Permit or license required for production of certain media used for diagnosis, prevention or treatment of disease.

571.310              Restricted vaccines and other products.

571.330              Restricted diagnostic agents.


571.340              Definitions.

571.342              “Adjacent herd” defined.

571.347              “Herd” defined.

571.351              “Originating herd” defined.

571.352              “Receiving herd” defined.

571.355              Vaccination of female cattle or bison before change of ownership.

571.360              Exemption from requirement for vaccination.

571.365              Procedure for observing and testing livestock after discovery of exposure to brucellosis.

571.370              Procedure for identification and disposal of livestock infected with brucellosis.


571.380              Definitions.

571.390              Official tests and procedures.

571.400              Quarantines.

571.410              Branding.


571.450              Veterinarians: Reporting results of test for pseudorabies; providing identification of herd of origin.

571.455              Isolation or slaughter of swine that does not react negatively to test for pseudorabies.

571.460              Isolation and identification of swine that reacts positively to test for pseudorabies.

571.465              Quarantine of herd: Imposition; period of effect.

571.470              Quarantine of herd: Development of plan for herd.

571.475              Use of pseudorabies vaccine.

571.480              Random testing of breeding swine; restriction on feed.

571.485              Testing of certain breeding swine upon change of ownership.

571.490              Swine offered for sale at livestock market.

571.495              Swine shown in exhibition, show or fair.

571.500              Exemption from testing for pseudorabies.

571.505              Swine submitted to slaughter plant.

571.510              Records of licensed swine dealer.

571.515              Disposal of carcass of swine.

571.550              Exhibition or transfer of ownership of goat or sheep; removal of goat or sheep from slaughter channels.

571.555              Death or destruction of certain goats or sheep.


571.600              Definitions.

571.602              “Accredited veterinarian” defined.

571.604              “Exposed to female cattle” defined.

571.606              “Herd” defined.

571.607              “Hold order” defined.

571.608              “Negative test result” defined.

571.610              “Neighboring herd” defined.

571.612              “Official laboratory” defined.

571.614              “Official protocol” defined.

571.616              “Official tag” defined.

571.618              “Official test for trichomonosis” defined.

571.620              “Positive test result” defined.

571.622              “Qualified feedlot” defined.

571.624              “Slaughter channel” defined.

571.626              “Slaughter facility” defined.

571.628              “Specimen” defined.

571.630              “Stockyard” defined.

571.632              “Test chart” defined.

571.633              “Test eligible bull” defined.

571.634              “Total confinement operation” defined.

571.636              “Trichomonosis” defined.

571.638              “Veterinary technician” defined.

571.640              Registration of accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician to perform official tests for trichomonosis.

571.642              Prerequisites to movement of test eligible bull into State; exemption from requirements.

571.644              Testing of commuter bull that is test eligible bull; application for commuter permit.

571.646              Testing of test eligible bull before sale or lease for reproductive purposes.

571.648              Written declaration required before sale of test eligible bull at stockyard; exceptions.

571.650              Testing of estray or stray test eligible bull.

571.652              Official tags: Use; designation of color.

571.654              Procedure upon receipt of positive test result to official test for trichomonosis.

571.656              Infected herd: Release from hold order; lease or transfer of ownership; release to slaughter channel.

571.658              Exposed herd: Classification; placement under and release from hold order; lease and transfer of ownership; release to slaughter channel.

571.660              Duties of owner of herd or qualified feedlot regarding bull receiving positive test result to official test for trichomonosis.

571.662              Additional testing after bull receives positive test result to official test for trichomonosis.

571.664              Handling of specimen collected from bull.

571.666              Official laboratory: Duties of operator; annual inspection.

571.668              Penalties.



     NAC 571.002  Definitions. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130, 571.135, 571.170, 571.200, 571.210)  As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 571.0025 to 571.019, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92; A by R060-06, 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0025  “Administrator” defined.  “Administrator” means the Administrator of the Division of Animal Industry of the Department.

     (Supplied in codification)

     NAC 571.0029  “Approved laboratory” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Approved laboratory” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0033  “Breeding animal” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Breeding animal” means any sexually intact goat or sheep that is not moving through slaughter channels to slaughter.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.004  “Department” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.130, 571.135, 571.170, 571.200, 571.210)  “Department” means the State Department of Agriculture.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.007  “Director” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Director” means the Director of the Department.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.008  “Entry permit” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)  “Entry permit” means a number issued by the Department to identify an animal before the entry of the animal into Nevada is allowed.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.0082  “Exposed animal” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Exposed animal” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0084  “Exposed flock” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Exposed flock” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0086  “Flock” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Flock” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.009  “Genetically less susceptible exposed sheep” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Genetically less susceptible exposed sheep” has the meaning ascribed to it in Part I of the Uniform Methods and Rules.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0092  “Genetically resistant exposed sheep” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Genetically resistant exposed sheep” has the meaning ascribed to it in Part I of the Uniform Methods and Rules.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0094  “Genetically susceptible exposed animal” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Genetically susceptible exposed animal” has the meaning ascribed to it in Part I of the Uniform Methods and Rules.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.010  “Health certificate” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)  “Health certificate” means a certificate concerning the health of an animal that is issued by a licensed veterinarian who is accredited by the Federal Government or a health authority of the State or Federal Government. The term includes, without limitation, a certificate of veterinary inspection.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture Reg., 55, eff. 9-1-64; A 7-15-71; 10-1-71; 4-1-77] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92; A by Dep’t of Agriculture by R019-15, 12-21-2016)

     NAC 571.0104  “High-risk animal” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “High-risk animal” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0108  “Inconsistent state” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Inconsistent state” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.011  “Infected flock” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Infected flock” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.012  “Livestock” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.135, 571.170, 571.210)  “Livestock” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 571.022.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.0124  “Low-risk commercial flock” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Low-risk commercial flock” has the meaning ascribed to it in Part I of the Uniform Methods and Rules.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0126  “Low-risk commercial goat” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.130)  “Low-risk commercial goat” has the meaning ascribed to it in Part I of the Uniform Methods and Rules.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0128  “Low-risk commercial sheep” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Low-risk commercial sheep” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.013  “Low-risk exposed animal” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Low-risk exposed animal” has the meaning ascribed to it in Part I of the Uniform Methods and Rules.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0135  “Noncompliant flock” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Noncompliant flock” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.014  “Official” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.170, 571.210)  “Official” means approved by the Department or the United States Department of Agriculture.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.0145  “Official scrapie identification” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Official scrapie identification” means a method of identification approved by the United States Department of Agriculture as set forth in 9 C.F.R. § 79.2.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.016  “Registered” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)  “Registered” means a mark or number that identifies an animal which is recorded by an association of breeders of that animal.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.0164  “Scrapie” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Scrapie” means a nonfebrile, transmissible, insidious degenerative disease affecting the central nervous system of goats and sheep.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0166  “Scrapie-positive animal” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Scrapie-positive animal” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.017  “Slaughter channels” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Slaughter channels” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0174  “Source flock” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Source flock” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.0178  “Suspect animal” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Suspect animal” has the meaning ascribed to it in 9 C.F.R. § 79.1.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.018  “Swine” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.135, 571.170, 571.210)  “Swine” means a pig or hog of any age, breed or sex.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.0185  “Test-positive animal” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  “Test-positive animal” means a goat or sheep that tests positive to an official test for scrapie.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.019  Uniform Methods and Rules” defined. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.130)  Uniform Methods and Rules” means the Scrapie Eradication Uniform Methods and Rules, published by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture on June 1, 2005, which is hereby adopted by reference. A copy of this publication may be obtained free of charge at the Internet address http://aphisweb.aphis.usda.gov/vs/nahps/scrapie/umr.pdf.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)


     NAC 571.020  Address for mailing copies of documents. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)  All copies of health certificates, applications for permits and requests for additional information relative to the provisions for entry of foreign livestock should be addressed to the Administrator of the Division of Animal Industry, State Department of Agriculture, 350 Capitol Hill Avenue, Reno, Nevada 89502, telephone number (775) 688-1180.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture Reg., 55, eff. 9-1-64; A 7-15-71; 10-1-71; 4-1-77] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.025  Performance or confirmation of required tests by official laboratory. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)  All tests required for entry of an animal into Nevada must be performed or confirmed at an official laboratory before a health certificate or an entry permit is issued.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.030  Horses, mules and asses. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)

     1.  A person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move a horse, mule or ass into this State unless the horse, mule or ass:

     (a) Is accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection; and

     (b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, reacts negatively to a test for equine infectious anemia that was conducted within 1 year before the date of entry into this State.

     2.  The following horses, mules or asses are exempt from testing for equine infectious anemia:

     (a) A nursing foal which is less than 6 months of age and which is accompanied by its dam if its dam has reacted negatively to such a test.

     (b) Horses from Nevada that are used outside the State for seasonal ranching purposes only.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture Reg., 55, eff. 9-1-64; A 7-15-71; 10-1-71; 4-1-77] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92; A by Dep’t of Agriculture by R019-15, 12-21-2016)

     NAC 571.035  Sheep. (NRS 562.250, 571.120, 571.210)  A person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move sheep into Nevada unless:

     1.  Each sheep is:

     (a) Accompanied by an entry permit;

     (b) Individually identified using official scrapie identification; and

     (c) Specified on a health certificate that includes:

          (1) A statement by the issuing veterinarian that the sheep is not exhibiting clinical signs associated with scrapie at the time of examination;

          (2) A statement by the owner verifying that the sheep is not a scrapie-positive animal, suspect animal, high-risk animal or exposed animal and that the sheep did not originate from an infected flock, source flock, exposed flock or noncompliant flock;

          (3) For a breeding animal, the flock of birth of the sheep; and

          (4) A unique identifying number for the sheep that is consistent with official scrapie identification.

     2.  All breeding rams that are 6 months of age or older are tested for Brucella ovis on the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) test and react negatively to that test within 30 days before entry into this State.

     3.  The person complies with any additional rules and regulations governing the importation of sheep adopted by the State Quarantine Officer.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92; A by R060-06, 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.040  Cattle and bison. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move into Nevada any cattle or bison that do not react negatively to a test for brucellosis.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move cattle or bison into Nevada unless:

     (a) Each animal is accompanied by a health certificate and an entry permit.

     (b) All female cattle and bison that are 12 months of age or older bear a legible official tattoo as evidence of calfhood vaccination against brucellosis.

     (c) The following cattle and bison react negatively to a test for brucellosis within the 30 days before entry into Nevada:

          (1) All bulls that are 18 months of age or older;

          (2) Vaccinated female bison that are 24 months of age or older;

          (3) Vaccinated female dairy cattle that are 20 months of age or older; and

          (4) Other vaccinated female cattle that are 24 months of age or older.

     (d) All cattle and bison that are 12 months of age or older react negatively to a test for tuberculosis:

          (1) Within the 30 days before entry into Nevada;

          (2) Not earlier than 90 days after such entry but not later than 120 days after such entry; and

          (3) Not earlier than 180 days after such entry but not later than 210 days after such entry.

     (e) All steers originating from Mexico:

          (1) Are branded with the letter “M” on the right jaw; and

          (2) Have reacted negatively to a test for tuberculosis within the 12 months before entry into Nevada.

     3.  The Administrator may exempt a person who wishes to ship, transport or otherwise move into Nevada:

     (a) Cattle and bison from the requirements of testing for brucellosis if the cattle or bison enter Nevada from a herd, area or state that is recognized as free of brucellosis by the United States Department of Agriculture.

     (b) Cattle from the requirements of having a health certificate, an entry permit and a test for brucellosis before entry into Nevada if the cattle are moved from a farm of origin to a stockyard which is approved by the Administrator. A test for brucellosis is required when the cattle arrive at the stockyard and before the identity of the farm of origin is lost.

     (c) Cattle and bison from the requirement of testing for tuberculosis if the cattle or bison originate from a state that is recognized as free of tuberculosis by the United States Department of Agriculture.

     (d) Cattle from the requirement of calfhood vaccination against brucellosis if the cattle are shipped, transported or moved for seasonal grazing in Nevada from an area that is recognized as free of brucellosis by the United States Department of Agriculture and, within 30 days before entry into Nevada, test negative for the presence of brucellosis. During the period in which the cattle are located in Nevada, the ownership of the cattle must not change and the cattle must not commingle with any other cattle except for shipment, transport or movement directly to a location for slaughter.

     4.  A person shall not ship, transport or move into Nevada any sexually intact cattle originating from Mexico except under such conditions as are specified by the Administrator.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture Reg., 55, eff. 9-1-64; A 7-15-71; 10-1-71; 4-1-77] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92; R031-01, 4-2-2002)

     NAC 571.045  Permit to move cattle or bison. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)

     1.  An owner of native cattle or bison who has his or her principal place of operation in Nevada and who owns or controls property in an adjoining state may apply for a permit to move the native cattle or bison between the principal place of operation and the property without obtaining an entry permit or a health certificate. The officer who is responsible for managing livestock in each state where the cattle or bison graze must approve the permit. The permit is valid for 1 year and must be renewed annually. As used in this subsection, “native cattle or bison” means cattle or bison bearing a brand that is registered in Nevada.

     2.  An owner of cattle or bison who has his or her principal base of operation in another state may apply for a permit to move the cattle or bison into Nevada for grazing without obtaining an entry permit or a health certificate under such conditions as are specified by the Administrator. The permit is valid for not more than 12 months as determined by the Administrator and must be renewed upon expiration.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92; A by R031-01, 4-2-2002)

     NAC 571.050  Swine. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 6, a person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move swine into Nevada unless the swine are accompanied by a health certificate and an entry permit. If required pursuant to subsection 3, the health certificate must have the qualification number of the herd of origin and the date of the last test for pseudorabies.

     2.  The herd of origin of the swine must be identified by use of:

     (a) An official ear tag;

     (b) A registered tattoo; or

     (c) A registered ear notch.

     3.  Breeding or feeder swine that are 6 months of age or older or weigh 180 pounds or more and any swine entering the State for an exhibition, show or fair must:

     (a) Have reacted negatively to a test for pseudorabies conducted within the 30 days before entry;

     (b) Be from a herd qualified by the United States Department of Agriculture; or

     (c) Be from a state that is classified as stage IV or V by the United States Department of Agriculture.

     4.  Upon arrival in Nevada, breeding swine that are not from a state that is classified as stage IV or V by the United States Department of Agriculture must be isolated from other swine until they are tested for pseudorabies and negative results are received.

     5.  Feeder swine entering the State that are less than 6 months of age or weigh less than 180 pounds must:

     (a) Be from a herd that is:

          (1) Monitored for pseudorabies by the state of origin or qualified as free from pseudorabies by the United States Department of Agriculture; and

          (2) Validated free from brucellosis by the United States Department of Agriculture;

     (b) Be from a market that is approved by the State or Federal Government; or

     (c) Have reacted negatively to a test for brucellosis and pseudorabies that is conducted within the 30 days before entry.

     6.  Upon arrival in Nevada, feeder swine must be restricted to the premises of their destination in Nevada until they are moved directly to slaughter or to a market that is approved by the Administrator.

     7.  The following swine are not eligible for entry into Nevada:

     (a) Swine that have been fed untreated food waste;

     (b) Swine that have been exposed to swine fed untreated food waste; and

     (c) Swine that have been vaccinated for pseudorabies.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture Reg., 55, eff. 9-1-64; A 7-15-71; 10-1-71; 4-1-77] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.060  Goats. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)

     1.  A person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move goats into Nevada unless each goat is:

     (a) Accompanied by an entry permit;

     (b) Individually identified using official scrapie identification; and

     (c) Specified on a health certificate that includes:

          (1) A statement by the issuing veterinarian that the goat is not exhibiting clinical signs associated with scrapie at the time of examination;

          (2) A statement signed by the owner certifying that the goat is not a scrapie-positive animal, suspect animal, high-risk animal or exposed animal and that the goat did not originate from an infected flock, source flock, exposed flock or noncompliant flock; and

          (3) A unique identifying number for the goat that is consistent with official scrapie identification.

     2.  In addition to the requirements of subsection 1, a goat imported into Nevada for dairy or breeding purposes must have reacted negatively to tests for tuberculosis and brucellosis within the 30 days before the date of entry.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture Reg., 55, eff. 9-1-64; A 7-15-71; 10-1-71; 4-1-77] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92; R060-06, 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.065  Game, fur-bearing and wild animals. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)

     1.  In addition to the requirements of subsection 2, if applicable, a person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move game, fur-bearing or wild animals into Nevada unless he or she complies with any additional requirements of the Department for entry into this State for that animal.

     2.  A person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move into Nevada:

     (a) A North American elk unless it reacts negatively to a test for brucellosis within the 30 days before entry into Nevada; and

     (b) Any species of the family Cervidae that is domesticated unless it reacts negatively to tests for tuberculosis and brucellosis within the 30 days before entry into Nevada.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.070  Poultry and birds. (NRS 571.120, 571.130, 571.210)

     1.  A person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move chickens, turkeys, or other poultry or domesticated birds into Nevada unless each chicken, turkey, other poultry or bird is accompanied by a health certificate.

     2.  Poultry and game birds that have been reared in captivity and hatching eggs must be produced from flocks which meet the requirements concerning pullorum typhoid mycoplasma gallispeticum and mycoplasma synoviae set forth in the “National Poultry Improvement Plan” or the “National Turkey Improvement Plan” which are hereby adopted by reference. The health certificate must verify that the poultry, game birds or hatching eggs meet the requirements of the applicable plan. The plans are available without charge from the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Division, Federal Building, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782.

     3.  Permission for entry of an exotic or wild bird into this State must be obtained from the Department of Wildlife, P.O. Box 10678, Reno, Nevada 89510, telephone number (775) 688-1500.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture Reg., 55, eff. 9-1-64; A 7-15-71; 10-1-71; 4-1-77] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.075  Foxes, skunks and raccoons. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)  A person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move foxes, skunks or raccoons into Nevada.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.080  Dogs and cats. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)  A person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move a dog or cat into Nevada unless:

     1.  Each dog or cat is accompanied by a health certificate; and

     2.  A dog or cat that is 3 months of age or older is vaccinated against rabies pursuant to the Annual National Compendium of Animal Rabies Control which is hereby adopted by reference. The compendium is available without charge from the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Dr. Kathy Smith, Secretary, Ohio Department of Health, 246 North High Street, P.O. Box 118, Columbus, Ohio 43266-0118, telephone number (614) 466-0283.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture Reg., 55, eff. 9-1-64; A 7-15-71; 10-1-71; 4-1-77] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.085  Other species. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)  A person who wishes to ship, transport or otherwise move into Nevada a species not named in this chapter must comply with any requirements of the Department.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.090  Shipment of livestock through State; notice of delay in shipment. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)

     1.  Any class of livestock covered by the regulations on entry of foreign livestock may pass through the State in a railroad car or truck without restriction, if no part of the shipment is diverted within this State or unloaded for feed and rest for not more than 48 hours.

     2.  If the livestock is held at any point within this State for more than 48 hours, immediate notice must be sent to the Administrator.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture Reg., 55, eff. 9-1-64; A 7-15-71; 10-1-71; 4-1-77] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.095  Transportation of livestock: Stops for inspection; possession of health certificates; sanitation. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)

     1.  A person who is transporting livestock shall stop at a check point for inspection of the livestock if requested by an employee of the Department.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a person who is transporting livestock shall carry health certificates for the livestock. The health certificates must have been issued within the previous 30 days.

     3.  The following livestock are not required to have health certificates:

     (a) Livestock being transported only within Nevada.

     (b) Livestock being transported into Nevada for grazing if the driver has in his or her immediate possession a grazing permit issued by the Department.

     (c) Livestock being transported into Nevada only for slaughter.

     (d) Livestock being transported through Nevada if the state of destination for the livestock does not require a health certificate.

     4.  An owner or operator of a conveyance used for transporting livestock shall maintain the conveyance in a sanitary condition. If a conveyance is used to transport livestock infected with or exposed to an infectious disease, the owner or operator must have the conveyance cleaned and disinfected if so ordered by the Administrator.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92; A by R031-01, 4-2-2002)

     NAC 571.100  Livestock for use in rodeo. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)  A person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move livestock into Nevada for use in a rodeo unless:

     1.  Each animal is accompanied by a health certificate and an entry permit;

     2.  Cattle and bison react negatively to a test for brucellosis within the 12 months before the date of entry into Nevada; and

     3.  Roping steers and fighting cattle imported from Mexico react negatively to a test for tuberculosis within the 12 months before the date of entry into Nevada.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.105  Livestock for sale, show, fairs or other public exhibition. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)  A person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move livestock into Nevada for sale, show, fairs or other public exhibition unless the person complies with the applicable requirements for entry for that animal.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.110  Animals under quarantine. (NRS 571.120, 571.210)

     1.  A person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move into Nevada an animal that is under quarantine by any state or the Federal Government unless he or she:

     (a) Complies with the provisions of the quarantine; and

     (b) Receives prior approval of the Administrator.

     2.  As a condition of approving such a move, the Administrator may require:

     (a) That livestock be tested, treated or examined before entry into Nevada; and

     (b) A certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian who is accredited by the Federal Government or a state or federal animal health official as evidence of testing, treatment or examination.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)


     NAC 571.150  Definitions. (NRS 571.120, 571.135)  As used in NAC 571.150 to 571.190, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:

     1.  “Animal” means all domesticated and wild mammals, birds and fish.

     2.  “Food waste” means any waste, discarded or by-product material resulting from handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of foods, or the slaughtering and processing of animals for food, which contains or may contain, meat or meat scraps.

     3.  “Person” means the State, any municipality, political subdivision, institution, public or private corporation, natural person, partnership or other entity.

     4.  “Swine” means a pig or hog of any age or sex.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 57, eff. 5-11-69; A 6-1-72; 9-11-76] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 8-31-84)

     NAC 571.160  Permit to operate facility for treatment of food waste. (NRS 571.120, 571.135)

     1.  Any person desiring to operate a facility for the treatment of food waste to be fed to animals may apply for a permit on a form provided by the Department. A separate application must be submitted for each facility which will be operated by the applicant. A permit will be granted only on the presentation of satisfactory evidence that the applicant has equipment and facilities adequate to comply with the provisions of NAC 571.150 to 571.180, inclusive, and 9 C.F.R. Part 166.

     2.  Each person to whom a permit is granted shall comply with the provisions of NAC 571.150 to 571.180, inclusive, and 9 C.F.R. Part 166. A permit will be cancelled on the basis of satisfactory evidence of failure to comply with the provisions of NAC 571.150 to 571.180, inclusive, or 9 C.F.R. Part 166, on the part of the holder or the failure to maintain his or her equipment or premises in accord with the provisions of the permit.

     3.  The annual fee for a permit is $25 for each calendar year. The same fee is assessed for each new permit issued and shall be deemed as payment for the fee for the remainder of the year. The fee is required of all persons who process food waste except those specified in subsection 2 of NRS 571.135. The annual renewal fee is due on January 1 of each year.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 57, eff. 5-11-69; A 6-1-72; 9-11-76] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 8-31-84; 11-9-84; 7-2-85; 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.170  Cooking requirements. (NRS 571.120, 571.135)

     1.  All food waste must be cooked within 72 hours after arrival on the premises.

     2.  All cooking equipment and facilities for holding uncooked food waste must be so located that poultry, pets, livestock or other animals cannot gain access to them at any time. The area for processing food waste must be properly drained to allow rapid and thorough cleaning after every operation.

     3.  Adequate storage containers, feeding platforms and troughs for food waste must be provided and the equipment and premises maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 57, eff. 5-11-69; A 6-1-72; 9-11-76] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 8-31-84)

     NAC 571.180  Inspections; sanitary requirements. (NRS 571.120, 571.135)

     1.  Licensed facilities will be inspected at the minimum of once every 3 months. A reinspection will be performed regardless of the planned frequency of inspection.

     2.  All pen areas must be constructed so they may be thoroughly cleaned without interference of shades or structures within the pen.

     3.  All extraneous materials such as bones, bottles, cans and other inedible materials must be collected at frequent intervals, removed from the area and disposed of in a sanitary landfill or other acceptable manner.

     4.  Any dead animal, manure or other waste material must be disposed of in a sanitary landfill or other approved manner.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 57, eff. 5-11-69; A 6-1-72; 9-11-76] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 8-31-84)

     NAC 571.190  Disciplinary action. (NRS 571.120, 571.135, 571.170)

     1.  Any animal which is fed food waste in violation of NAC 571.150 to 571.180, inclusive, or 9 C.F.R. Part 166 and which develops any contagious or infectious disease as the result of such feeding, is subject to quarantine and treatment, at the owner’s expense, or slaughter and disposal without payment of any indemnity as otherwise provided by law.

     2.  Any person whose permit has been suspended for any reason shall not process food waste for 30 days during which time corrective action must be taken and none of the person’s employees will be licensed for the purposes of operating the facility owned or operated by him or her while the order of suspension is in effect.

     3.  Any person whose permit has been revoked is not eligible to apply for a new permit until 1 year after the effective date of the revocation.

     4.  Any person who desires the reinstatement of a license that has been revoked must apply for a new permit.

     5.  All premises at which food waste has been processed in violation of NAC 571.150 to 571.180, inclusive, or 9 C.F.R. Part 166 must be cleaned and disinfected under the supervision of an inspector or a licensed veterinarian who is accredited by the United States Department of Agriculture before any further use of those premises. All troughs and other feeding and watering appliances must be emptied. All litter, garbage, manure and other organic material must be removed from the floors, posts or other parts of the equipment. All litter, garbage, manure and other organic material must be handled in such manner as not to allow contact with any animals. All surfaces must be cleaned with water and detergent. The entire surface of the equipment, fencing, troughs, chutes, floors, walls and all other parts of the facilities must be saturated with an approved disinfectant.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 57, eff. 5-11-69; A 6-1-72; 9-11-76] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 8-31-84; 7-2-85)


     NAC 571.200  Disposal of carcasses of diseased livestock. (NRS 571.120, 571.200)

     1.  A person who is required to dispose of the carcass of an animal pursuant to NRS 571.200 may comply with the requirements of that section by:

     (a) Burying the carcass within 24 hours after death or discovery so that no part of the carcass remains within 3 feet of the surface at grade; or

     (b) Causing the carcass to be consumed by fire within 24 hours after death or discovery.

     2.  The Department will issue permits for the conveyance of carcasses subject to NRS 571.200 on public highways and roads. Each holder of a permit shall handle and dispose of carcasses in a manner prescribed by the Division of Animal Industry of the Department and set forth in the permit.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 49, eff. 6-1-62]

     NAC 571.210  Feeding of flesh or offal of unwholesome animal to animals or fowl. (NRS 571.120)  The flesh or offal of an animal that is unwholesome shall not be fed to animals or fowl except as follows:

     1.  Any person who feeds unwholesome flesh or offal to animals or fowl must first receive a permit from the Division of Animal Industry of the Department to do so. Before a permit is issued, the person must satisfy the Department that all such material will be exposed in a tank or digester to a minimum temperature of 225 degrees Fahrenheit for at least a 3-hour period for dry rendering or a minimum temperature of 240 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 hours for wet rendering, and that all such materials will be so processed before being fed to animals or fowl.

     2.  Failure to comply with this chapter or the terms set forth in the permit shall be sufficient cause for cancellation of the permit.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 49, eff. 6-1-62]


     NAC 571.300  Permit or license required for production of certain media used for diagnosis, prevention or treatment of disease. (NRS 571.120)  A person may not sell, use or distribute in this State a serum, vaccine, bacterin or biological product which is used as a diagnostic agent or used in the prevention or treatment of diseases of livestock unless it has been produced in accordance with a permit or license granted by:

     1.  The United States Department of Agriculture;

     2.  The Department;

     3.  The Agricultural Research Service; or

     4.  An agency authorized by the Department.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 48, eff. 6-1-62] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.310  Restricted vaccines and other products. (NRS 571.120)  A person shall not sell, use, distribute or possess any of the following products without the written permission of the Administrator:

     1.  Brucella abortus vaccine;

     2.  Pseudorabies vaccine;

     3.  Paratuberculosis vaccine;

     4.  Rabies vaccine; or

     5.  Any vaccine, bacteriological or biological product which is a hazard to the livestock industry of this State.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 48, eff. 6-1-62] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.330  Restricted diagnostic agents. (NRS 571.120)  A person shall not sell, use, distribute or possess any of the following diagnostic agents without the written permission of the Administrator:

     1.  Brucella abortus antigen;

     2.  Tuberculin or any biologic agent used for the diagnosis of bovine or avian tuberculosis or paratuberculosis; or

     3.  Any biological agent which is used for the diagnosis of any disease of animal under an eradication program entered into by the State or Federal Government.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 48, eff. 6-1-62] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92)


     NAC 571.340  Definitions.  As used in NAC 571.340 to 571.370, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 571.342 to 571.352, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Supplied in codification)

     NAC 571.342  “Adjacent herd” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Adjacent herd” means a herd:

     1.  Separated by a single fence from;

     2.  Sharing a common pasture or range with; or

     3.  Containing animals exchanged from,

Ê a herd infected with brucellosis.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Agriculture, eff. 9-17-82)

     NAC 571.347  “Herd” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Herd” means a herd of livestock which is:

     1.  Under common ownership or supervision; and

     2.  Grouped on one or more parts of any single parcel of land or on two or more parcels of land which are geographically separated but under common ownership or supervision.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Agriculture, eff. 9-17-82)

     NAC 571.351  “Originating herd” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Originating herd” means a herd determined through epidemiological tracing to have been the origin of some or all of the livestock in another herd which are found to be infected with brucellosis.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Agriculture, eff. 9-17-82)

     NAC 571.352  “Receiving herd” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Receiving herd” means a herd found by epidemiological tracing to have received livestock from another herd which was infected with brucellosis.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Agriculture, eff. 9-17-82)

     NAC 571.355  Vaccination of female cattle or bison before change of ownership. (NRS 561.105, 571.120, 571.150)

     1.  Female cattle or bison that are at least 4 months of age and not more than 12 months of age must be vaccinated for brucellosis before any change of ownership occurs in Nevada unless the cattle or bison are sold and immediately transported to a qualified feedlot.

     2.  Female cattle or bison that are more than 12 months of age must be vaccinated for brucellosis before any change of ownership occurs in Nevada unless the cattle or bison are:

     (a) Identified as spayed females in a manner approved by the Administrator;

     (b) Sold for slaughter directly to or through a sales yard that is approved by the Administrator;

     (c) Sold and immediately transported to a destination that is located outside Nevada; or

     (d) Consigned for finishing to a feedlot that is registered with the United States Department of Agriculture and, after finishing, are moved from the feedlot to a location for slaughter.

     3.  As used in this section, “qualified feedlot” has the meaning ascribed to it in NAC 571.622.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 61, eff. 10-1-80] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92; R031-01, 4-2-2002; A by Bd. of Agriculture by R015-15, 12-21-2016)

     NAC 571.360  Exemption from requirement for vaccination. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  The Administrator may grant a variance from the requirements of NAC 571.355 to a ranching operation if there are unique and extraordinary circumstances existing which justify a variance.

     [Dep’t. of Agriculture, part No. 61, eff. 10-1-80] — (NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.365  Procedure for observing and testing livestock after discovery of exposure to brucellosis. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)

     1.  Once brucellosis has been epidemiologically traced to a receiving or originating herd in Nevada, the Director will place that herd under a written hold order.

     2.  If the Director notifies the owner of a herd that his or her herd has been classified as an adjacent, originating or receiving herd, he or she shall, within 30 days after the notification, develop a written plan for observing and testing the herd. The development of the plan must be done in cooperation with the federal veterinarian for the area. The plan must include a schedule for testing the herd for brucellosis. If such a plan is not developed within the prescribed 30-day period, the owner of the herd shall confer with the federal veterinarian for the area and an epidemiologist to formulate a suitable plan. If the herd is pastured on public land, a representative of the agency administering that land must be asked to participate in the conference.

     3.  If all animals in an adjacent, originating or receiving herd react negatively, the entire herd must be given a second test for brucellosis. The second test must be completed from 6 months to 8 months after the herd which was originally infected is released from quarantine.

     4.  If the plan of testing requires testing of all the animals in an adjacent, originating or receiving herd, the testing must be accomplished at the earliest opportunity, but not later than 6 months after the date on which the development of the plan is completed.

     5.  An owner, or his or her representative, will be notified by the Director within 30 days after his or her herd had been shown by epidemiological tracing to have been associated with an infected herd. The notice will be given by personal service and by mail.

     6.  The owner, or his or her representative, of a herd which has been adjacent to, was originated from, or received infected cattle will be notified by the Director within 30 days after the herd which was originally infected is released from quarantine.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Agriculture, eff. 9-17-82)

     NAC 571.370  Procedure for identification and disposal of livestock infected with brucellosis. (NRS 571.120, 571.150, 571.170, 571.190)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, an animal which reacts positively to a test for brucellosis must be identified within 15 days after the test by:

     (a) Being branded with the letter “B” (at least 2 x 2 inches) with a hot iron on the left jaw; and

     (b) Having placed in its left ear a tag which indicates a positive reaction and which has been approved by the Director.

     2.  Swine are exempt from the branding requirement.

     3.  An animal which reacted positively must remain on the immediate premises where it was discovered until a state or federal permit has been obtained to move the animal to a location where it can be slaughtered.

     4.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, livestock which react positively to a test for brucellosis and which are already branded must be removed from the premises within 15 days after the identification and sold for immediate slaughter pursuant to a state or federal permit.

     5.  The cooperating state or federal officials in charge may extend the time limits on identification and removal for reasons which are mutually acceptable to the owner and the official.

     (Added to NAC by Dep’t of Agriculture, eff. 9-17-82; A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92)


     NAC 571.380  Definitions. (NRS 571.120)  As used in NAC 571.380 to 571.410, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:

     1.  “Equine infectious anemia” means a disease caused by virus of the horse, commonly known as swamp fever, which is infectious in nature and spreads by improper use of hypodermic needles or other instruments and by insects. The disease may be acute, subacute, chronic or inapparent.

     2.  “Horse” means any member of the equine family including any horse, mule or ass.

     3.  “Person” means the State, any municipality, political subdivision, institution, public or private corporation, natural person, partnership or other entity.

     4.  “Reactor” means a horse, over 9 months of age, that reacts positively to an approved serological test for equine infectious anemia performed by an approved laboratory.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 59, eff. 1-12-75] — (Substituted in revision for NAC 571.250)

     NAC 571.390  Official tests and procedures. (NRS 571.120)

     1.  Positive diagnosis is made by using the agar gel immuno diffusion test (Coggins Test) or other approved tests to be conducted at any laboratory approved and recognized as an official laboratory for the diagnosis of the equine disease, equine infectious anemia.

     2.  Blood samples collected for the purpose of testing for equine infectious anemia must be done by a practicing veterinarian at the owner’s request and expense, or by a veterinarian employed by the Federal Government or this State.

     3.  A complete, positive identification of the horse must be made by the veterinarian at the time of the blood sample collection.

     4.  An owner of a horse on which the approved test is to be conducted must be advised as to the agreed procedure that is to follow in the event the animal is positive to the official test and an agreement must be signed by the owner of the animal in which the owner agrees to the disposition of the horse as outlined.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 59, eff. 1-12-75]

     NAC 571.400  Quarantines. (NRS 571.120)

     1.  An equine found positive to the approved test must be quarantined to the premises of origin as provided by law.

     2.  Permission may be granted by the Department to move reactor animals, if such movement is in the best interest of all concerned.

     3.  A horse under quarantine will be released only upon the death of the reactor, or if it is legally removed from this State under permit, and such testing of all other horses on the premises shows they are negative to this disease as required.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 59, eff. 1-12-75]

     NAC 571.410  Branding. (NRS 571.120)

     1.  An equine positive to the approved test must be branded on the left side of the neck with a hot or cold brand with the number “88” followed by the letter “A.”

     2.  The brand must be not less than 2 inches high.

     3.  The branding and quarantining must be by or under the supervision of a veterinarian employed by this State or the Federal Government, when he or she is satisfied that the animal to be branded and quarantined is a positive reactor to the test.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, part No. 59, eff. 1-12-75]


     NAC 571.450  Veterinarians: Reporting results of test for pseudorabies; providing identification of herd of origin. (NRS 571.120, 571.150, 571.160)

     1.  A veterinarian who administers a test for pseudorabies on a swine shall report the results to the Administrator or an epidemiologist endorsed by the Administrator and federal animal health officials within 7 days after the test is administered. The report must be submitted on a form approved by the Administrator.

     2.  If a swine is not individually identified by an official eartag, a registered tattoo or a registered ear notch that also identifies the herd of origin of the swine, the veterinarian who administers the test for pseudorabies must provide such identification.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.455  Isolation or slaughter of swine that does not react negatively to test for pseudorabies. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  A swine which does not react negatively to a test for pseudorabies:

     1.  Must be removed from the rest of the herd and kept isolated from other swine until it is retested and negative results are obtained; or

     2.  May be moved directly to immediate slaughter if written permission is received from the Administrator or his or her authorized representative.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.460  Isolation and identification of swine that reacts positively to test for pseudorabies. (NRS 571.120, 571.170)

     1.  A swine which reacts positively to a test for pseudorabies must be:

     (a) Removed from the rest of the herd and kept isolated from other swine; and

     (b) Identified by placement of an official reactor tag in the left ear of the swine.

     2.  A swine which reacts positively to a test for pseudorabies must not be returned to the herd.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.465  Quarantine of herd: Imposition; period of effect. (NRS 571.120, 571.170)

     1.  The Director will place a quarantine on a herd of swine if one swine in the herd reacts positively to a test for pseudorabies.

     2.  A quarantine imposed for pseudorabies will remain in effect until:

     (a) All swine on the premises identified in the quarantine have been moved to slaughter after receipt of permission by the Administrator; or

     (b) All swine which react positively to a test for pseudorabies have been moved to slaughter and a plan for the herd is established pursuant to NAC 571.470.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.470  Quarantine of herd: Development of plan for herd. (NRS 571.120, 571.130, 571.170)

     1.  The Department, in conjunction with the owner of a herd of swine that is quarantined for pseudorabies, shall develop a written plan for the herd within 30 days after the herd is quarantined. The plan must be signed by the owner of the herd and the Administrator or his or her authorized representative.

     2.  The plan must comply with the standards published in “The Pseudorabies Herd Plan Manual” and “Pseudorabies Eradication, State-Federal-Industry Program Standards” which are hereby adopted by reference. The manual is available without cost from the Livestock Conservation Institute, 6414 Copps Avenue, Suite 204, Madison, Wisconsin 53718, telephone number (608) 221-4848. The standards are available without cost from the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Division, Room 735, Federal Building, 6505 Belcrest Road, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782, telephone number (301) 436-7767.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.475  Use of pseudorabies vaccine. (NRS 571.120, 571.170)

     1.  The use of a pseudorabies vaccine:

     (a) Is restricted to state or federal animal health officials or their authorized representatives.

     (b) Must be by agreement between the owner of the herd and the Department.

     2.  The conditions for use of the vaccine must be included in the plan for the herd developed pursuant to NAC 571.470.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.480  Random testing of breeding swine; restriction on feed. (NRS 571.120, 571.135, 571.150)  The owner of swine shall:

     1.  Randomly test at least 10 percent of the breeding swine in the herd annually for pseudorabies.

     2.  Not feed uncooked dead poultry or any other uncooked domesticated or wild animal to the swine.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.485  Testing of certain breeding swine upon change of ownership. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, if the ownership of a breeding swine that is 6 months of age or older or weighs 180 pounds or more changes within the State, the swine must have a test for pseudorabies within the 30 days before or after the change of ownership.

     2.  The following swine are exempt from the requirements of subsection 1:

     (a) Swine from a herd that has been qualified by the United States Department of Agriculture as a herd that is free from pseudorabies; or

     (b) Swine that is sold from its premises of origin and removed directly to slaughter.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.490  Swine offered for sale at livestock market. (NRS 571.120, 571.150, 571.170)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 6, a swine that is 6 months of age or older or weighs 180 pounds or over, and offered for sale at a livestock market must be tested for pseudorabies.

     2.  The premises of origin of a swine that is offered for sale at a livestock market must be identified by:

     (a) An official eartag;

     (b) A registered tattoo; or

     (c) A registered ear notch.

     3.  At a livestock market, a swine that reacts positively to a test for pseudorabies or has been exposed to a swine that has reacted positively to such a test must be held separately and must not be allowed to come in contact with other swine.

     4.  Swine that react positively to a test for pseudorabies and swine that are part of the consignment from which a swine has reacted positively may be moved to slaughter by permission of the Administrator.

     5.  A breeding swine that has been exposed to a swine which has reacted positively to a test for pseudorabies may be consigned directly to slaughter.

     6.  The following swine are exempt from the requirements of subsection 1:

     (a) Swine from a herd that has been qualified by the United States Department of Agriculture as a herd free from pseudorabies; or

     (b) Swine from a state that is classified as stage IV or V by the United States Department of Agriculture.

     7.  If a swine has a positive result on a test for pseudorabies at a livestock market, all the swine from the same herd must be tested.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.495  Swine shown in exhibition, show or fair. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, a swine that is shown in an exhibition, show or fair must originate from a herd which has had no clinical evidence of pseudorabies in the previous 12 months and must be given a test for pseudorabies within the 30 days before the event.

     2.  A swine that originates from a herd that has been qualified by the United States Department of Agriculture as a herd free from pseudorabies is exempt from testing. The qualification number of the herd and the date of the last test must be recorded on a certificate of veterinary inspection.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.500  Exemption from testing for pseudorabies. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  A swine that is under 6 months of age or weighs less than 180 pounds and that originated within the State is exempt from testing for pseudorabies when it is moved to a feedlot in Nevada from which the swine are moved directly to immediate slaughter.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.505  Swine submitted to slaughter plant. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  If a swine that is 6 months of age or older or weighs 180 pounds or more is submitted to a slaughter plant:

     1.  The premises of origin must be identified; and

     2.  A blood sample must be collected at the time of slaughter.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.510  Records of licensed swine dealer. (NRS 571.120)

     1.  A licensed swine dealer must keep records of all swine purchased for resale.

     2.  The records must:

     (a) Include the herd of origin and the destination of the swine.

     (b) Be kept for 2 years.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.515  Disposal of carcass of swine. (NRS 571.120)  The owner of a domesticated or feral swine must dispose of the carcass of the animal in accordance with the provisions of NAC 571.200.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer, eff. 7-8-92)

     NAC 571.550  Exhibition or transfer of ownership of goat or sheep; removal of goat or sheep from slaughter channels. (NRS 562.250, 571.120)

     1.  A person who exhibits a goat or sheep at an exhibition, show or fair shall provide for the goat or sheep official scrapie identification to its flock of birth.

     2.  A person who transfers ownership of a goat or sheep within Nevada shall provide for the goat or sheep official scrapie identification to its flock of birth if the goat or sheep is:

     (a) A goat or sheep that is not in slaughter channels, excluding:

          (1) A low-risk commercial goat; or

          (2) A low-risk commercial sheep that is under 18 months of age from a low-risk commercial flock;

     (b) A sheep that is 18 months of age or older;

     (c) An exposed animal;

     (d) A suspect animal;

     (e) A test-positive animal;

     (f) A high-risk animal;

     (g) A low-risk exposed animal;

     (h) A genetically susceptible exposed animal;

     (i) A genetically less susceptible exposed sheep;

     (j) A genetically resistant exposed sheep; or

     (k) A goat or sheep from a noncompliant flock.

     3.  A person shall not remove a goat or sheep from slaughter channels unless the animal:

     (a) Has official scrapie identification to its flock of birth;

     (b) Is not from an inconsistent state; and

     (c) Is not an:

          (1) Exposed animal;

          (2) Animal from an infected flock; or

          (3) Animal from a source flock.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)

     NAC 571.555  Death or destruction of certain goats or sheep. (NRS 562.250, 571.120)  The owner of a goat or sheep which is a high-risk animal and which is female and has given birth, a scrapie-positive animal or a suspect animal, upon the death or destruction of the animal, shall:

     1.  Submit tissue from the animal to an approved laboratory; and

     2.  If the animal is a scrapie-positive animal or suspect animal, dispose of the carcass of the animal in accordance with NRS 571.200.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R060-06, eff. 6-28-2006)


     NAC 571.600  Definitions. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  As used in NAC 571.600 to 571.668, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 571.602 to 571.638, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.602  “Accredited veterinarian” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.130, 571.150)  “Accredited veterinarian” means a licensed veterinarian approved by the Administrator and the Veterinary Services of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture in accordance with the provisions of 9 C.F.R. Part 161.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.604  “Exposed to female cattle” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Exposed to female cattle” means left sufficiently free from restraint such that breeding is a possibility.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.606  “Herd” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Herd” means a group of cattle that is:

     1.  Under common ownership or supervision; and

     2.  Grouped on one or more parts of any single parcel of land or on two or more parcels of land which are geographically separated but under common ownership or supervision.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.607  “Hold order” defined. (NRS 561.295, 571.120, 571.150, 571.170)  “Hold order” means an order issued pursuant to NRS 561.295 for infection with trichomonosis.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R208-08, eff. 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.608  “Negative test result” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Negative test result” means that a specimen taken from a bull by an accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician is determined not to contain trichomonas organisms.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.610  “Neighboring herd” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Neighboring herd” means a herd that:

     1.  Is separated by a single fence from another herd;

     2.  Shares a common pasture or range with another herd;

     3.  Contains cattle exchanged from another herd; or

     4.  Contains cattle that were found estray or stray, as defined in NAC 571.650.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.612  “Official laboratory” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Official laboratory” means a laboratory that is approved by the Department and follows official protocol:

     1.  To conduct a culture test on a specimen for the presence of trichomonas organisms; or   2.  To confirm by polymerase chain reaction testing whether a specimen is positive for Tritrichomonas foetus.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.614  “Official protocol” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Official protocol” means operating procedures set forth by the Administrator that a laboratory must follow to maintain its status as an official laboratory.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.616  “Official tag” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Official tag” means a tag authorized by the Department and approved by the Administrator that is usually placed in the right ear of a bull by an accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician to indicate the status of the bull with respect to trichomonosis.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.618  “Official test for trichomonosis” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Official test for trichomonosis” means a test for trichomonosis that is performed on a bull in this State where:

     1.  The test is performed by an accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician who is registered with the Department pursuant to NAC 571.640;

     2.  The specimen collected from the bull is tested in an official laboratory;

     3.  The testing complies with the provisions of NAC 571.664 and 571.666; and

     4.  The testing is performed in accordance with any testing procedures approved by the Administrator.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.620  “Positive test result” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Positive test result” means that a specimen collected from a bull by an accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician is determined to contain trichomonas organisms.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.622  “Qualified feedlot” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Qualified feedlot” means a feedlot that:

     1.  Is approved by the Administrator to house cattle temporarily for upgrade or finish feeding; and

     2.  Confines the cattle to the premises of a dry lot area.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.624  “Slaughter channel” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Slaughter channel” means the sale, transfer or direct movement of cattle to a:

     1.  Slaughter facility;

     2.  Qualified feedlot for direct movement to a slaughter facility; or

     3.  Stockyard that is approved by the Administrator for sale to a slaughter facility or a qualified feedlot.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.626  “Slaughter facility” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Slaughter facility” means a facility that is approved by the Administrator to slaughter cattle.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.628  “Specimen” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Specimen” means a sample taken from the preputial cavity of a bull by an accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.630  “Stockyard” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Stockyard” means a facility where an auction or similar trading in livestock is conducted and where:

     1.  Yarding, feeding and watering places are provided by the stockyard or a transportation company; or

     2.  Livestock associations or similar companies maintain corrals for feeding, shearing, dipping and separating animals.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.632  “Test chart” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Test chart” means an official document signed by an accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician which certifies that a bull has been subjected to an official test for trichomonosis and indicates the results of the test.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.633  “Test eligible bull” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Test eligible bull” means an intact male bovine that is 12 months of age or older.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R208-08, eff. 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.634  “Total confinement operation” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Total confinement operation” means a dry lot feeding operation where none of the sexually active cattle are allowed access to pasture or to mingle with other cattle outside the confines of the premises of the operation.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.636  “Trichomonosis” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Trichomonosis” means a sexually transmitted disease of cattle caused by the protozoan parasite Tritrichomonas foetus.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.638  “Veterinary technician” defined. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  “Veterinary technician” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 638.013.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.640  Registration of accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician to perform official tests for trichomonosis. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  An accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician may register with the Department to perform official tests for trichomonosis if he or she has completed a training program approved by the Department on trichomonosis and how properly to perform an official test for trichomonosis on a bull, or demonstrates adequate knowledge of such matters to the satisfaction of the Director.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.642  Prerequisites to movement of test eligible bull into State; exemption from requirements. (NRS 571.120, 571.150, 571.210)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 and NAC 571.644, a person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move into this State any test eligible bull unless the test eligible bull:

     (a) Has tested negative for trichomonosis, as evidenced by a test performed on a specimen taken from the test eligible bull by an accredited veterinarian within 60 days before entering this State; and

     (b) Is accompanied by a health certificate issued by the accredited veterinarian which specifies the date of the testing and collection of the specimen and which:

          (1) Verifies that the test eligible bull has tested negative for trichomonosis and that trichomonosis has not been diagnosed in the herd of origin of the test eligible bull during the previous 12 months; or

          (2) If the test eligible bull is from a herd that has tested positive for trichomonosis during the previous 12 months, verifies that the test eligible bull has tested negative for trichomonosis in each of its three most recent tests before entering this State and that each such test was performed at least 1 week apart and complied with the official program to test for trichomonosis in the state of origin of the test eligible bull.

     2.  The Administrator may exempt from the requirements of subsection 1 a person who wishes to ship, transport or otherwise move into this State:

     (a) A test eligible bull bearing a tag issued by an accredited veterinarian of another state that has an official program to test for trichomonosis;

     (b) A test eligible bull moving directly to slaughter or to a qualified feedlot;

     (c) A feeder bull;

     (d) A rodeo bull for the purpose of exhibition so long as the bull will not:

          (1) Have access to grazing;

          (2) Be exposed to female cattle; or

          (3) Be offered for sale or lease; or

     (e) A test eligible bull for the purpose of exhibition at a livestock show so long as the test eligible bull will be returned to its state of origin upon the completion of the exhibition and will not:

          (1) Have access to grazing;

          (2) Be exposed to female cattle; or

          (3) Be offered for sale or lease.

     3.  As used in this section, “feeder bull” means a test eligible bull that is:

     (a) Sufficiently restrained from female cattle such that breeding is not a possibility; and

     (b) Kept in a total confinement operation for the purpose of feeding and eventual slaughter.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.644  Testing of commuter bull that is test eligible bull; application for commuter permit. (NRS 571.120, 571.150, 571.210)

     1.  The owner or lessee of a commuter bull that is a test eligible bull shall ensure that the commuter bull has been tested for trichomonosis by an accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician:

     (a) Annually, between October 1 and the following May 31; and

     (b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, before it is exposed to female cattle.

     2.  If the commuter bull is from an infected herd, the owner or lessee of the commuter bull shall ensure that the commuter bull is not exposed to female cattle unless:

     (a) The commuter bull has received a negative test result in each of its three most recent tests for trichomonosis that were performed at least 7 days apart; and

     (b) The sample for each test was collected at least 7 days apart and tested for trichomonosis.

     3.  An application for a commuter permit must be accompanied by a copy of the results of the required testing with respect to each commuter bull covered by the permit.

     4.  As used in this section:

     (a) “Commuter bull” means a bull that is traveling across state lines for grazing purposes pursuant to a commuter permit.

     (b) “Commuter permit” means a permit that is issued pursuant to NAC 571.045.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.646  Testing of test eligible bull before sale or lease for reproductive purposes. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  No test eligible bull may be offered for sale or lease in this State for reproductive purposes unless the test eligible bull:

     1.  Tested negative for trichomonosis, as evidenced by an official test for trichomonosis on a specimen taken from the test eligible bull within 60 days before the sale or lease, except that a test eligible bull must be retested before the sale or lease if the test eligible bull is exposed to female cattle after the official test for trichomonosis; and

     2.  Bears an official tag.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.648  Written declaration required before sale of test eligible bull at stockyard; exceptions. (NRS 571.120)

     1.  Before a test eligible bull may be sold at a stockyard in this State, the owner or the owner’s agent must declare in writing whether or not the test eligible bull is positive for trichomonosis, except that if the test eligible bull is an untested bull it may be sold for slaughter or for direct movement to a qualified feedlot or total confinement operation without such a written declaration.

     2.  As used in this section, “untested bull” means a test eligible bull that does not bear an official tag.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.650  Testing of estray or stray test eligible bull. (NRS 561.295, 571.120, 571.150, 571.170)

     1.  The Administrator may require:

     (a) A test eligible bull to receive an official test for trichomonosis if the test eligible bull is found estray or stray and is found commingling with a cow belonging to another person.

     (b) The owner of a test eligible bull described in subsection 1 to pay all costs associated with the official test for trichomonosis.

     2.  As used in this section:

     (a) “Estray” means any test eligible bull showing signs of domestication, running at large upon public or private lands in the State, whose owner is unknown in the section where the test eligible bull is found.

     (b) “Stray” means any test eligible bull showing signs of domestication, running at large upon public or private lands in the State, whose owner is known in the section where the test eligible bull is found.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.652  Official tags: Use; designation of color. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)

     1.  An accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician who performs an official test for trichomonosis on a bull in this State shall tag the bull in its right ear with an official tag.

     2.  An accredited veterinarian may tag a bull entering this State with an official tag if he or she receives a trichomonosis test chart for the bull from an accredited veterinarian who tested the bull for trichomonosis outside of this State.

     3.  The Administrator will designate a different color for official tags each year.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)

     NAC 571.654  Procedure upon receipt of positive test result to official test for trichomonosis. (NRS 561.295, 571.120, 571.150, 571.160, 571.170)

     1.  An accredited veterinarian who performs an official test for trichomonosis on a bull in this State shall, within 48 hours after his or her receipt of a positive test result with respect to the bull:

     (a) Report the result to the Administrator, the Director and the owner of the bull; and

     (b) Classify the bull as an infected bull and its herd as an infected herd.

     2.  The Director will immediately place an infected bull and its infected herd under a hold order and ensure that the Administrator or a federal animal health official conducts an epidemiological investigation of the infected herd.

     3.  As used in this section, “federal animal health official” means an employee of the Veterinary Services of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture who is authorized to perform animal health activities.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.656  Infected herd: Release from hold order; lease or transfer of ownership; release to slaughter channel. (NRS 561.295, 571.120, 571.150, 571.170)

     1.  Before the Director releases an infected herd from a hold order, an accredited veterinarian must ensure that:

     (a) Each test eligible bull in the infected herd receives the first of three official tests for trichomonosis within 8 months after the herd is placed under the hold order;

     (b) Each test eligible bull is certified to be clear of trichomonosis or is released to a slaughter channel;

     (c) Each test eligible bull receives and bears an official tag; and

     (d) The official tag number and classification of each test eligible bull is recorded on a test chart.

     2.  Before a test eligible bull may be certified to be clear of trichomonosis pursuant to subsection 1:

     (a) The test eligible bull must have received a negative test result in each of its three most recent official tests for trichomonosis, with each such test being performed at least 7 days apart; and

     (b) The sample for each test must have been collected at least 7 days apart and tested for trichomonosis.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, the owner or lessee of an infected herd shall not lease or transfer ownership of any bull or cow, or any heifer that is 20 months of age or older, from the herd during a period in which the herd is under a hold order.

     4.  The owner or lessee of an infected herd may release any cattle from the herd to a slaughter channel. If an owner or lessee releases any cattle from the herd to a slaughter channel, the owner or lessee must provide documentation, on a form approved by the Administrator, to the Department that the cattle arrived at the slaughter channel.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009; A by Dep’t of Agriculture by R017-15, 12-21-2016)

     NAC 571.658  Exposed herd: Classification; placement under and release from hold order; lease and transfer of ownership; release to slaughter channel. (NRS 561.295, 571.120, 571.150, 571.170)

     1.  If, through an epidemiological investigation, a trichomonosis epidemiologist determines that a neighboring herd has had contact with an infected bull, the Director will classify the herd as an exposed herd and place it under a hold order.

     2.  Before the Director releases an exposed herd from a hold order, an accredited veterinarian must ensure that:

     (a) Each test eligible bull in the exposed herd receives an official test for trichomonosis within 8 months after the herd was placed under a hold order;

     (b) Each test eligible bull is determined to be clear of trichomonosis or is released to a slaughter channel;

     (c) Each test eligible bull receives and bears an official tag; and

     (d) The official tag number and classification of each test eligible bull is recorded on a test chart.

     3.  Before a test eligible bull may be certified to be clear of trichomonosis pursuant to subsection 2, the test eligible bull must have received a negative test result in its most recent official test for trichomonosis.

     4.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, the owner or lessee of an exposed herd shall not lease or transfer ownership of any bull or cow, or any heifer that is 20 months of age or older, from the herd during a period in which the herd is under a hold order.

     5.  The owner or lessee of an exposed herd may release any cattle from the herd to a slaughter channel. If an owner or lessee releases any cattle from the herd to a slaughter channel, the owner or lessee must provide documentation, on a form approved by the Administrator, to the Department that the cattle arrived at the slaughter channel.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009; A by Dep’t of Agriculture by R017-15, 12-21-2016)

     NAC 571.660  Duties of owner of herd or qualified feedlot regarding bull receiving positive test result to official test for trichomonosis. (NRS 561.295, 571.120, 571.150, 571.170)  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 571.662:

     1.  The owner of a herd shall ensure that each bull from the herd that receives a positive test result to an official test for trichomonosis:

     (a) Is branded with a hot iron to the left of its tail with the letter “V” in a size not less than 2 inches by 3 inches to signify that it is infected with trichomonosis; and

     (b) Is sent by direct movement within 30 days after the owner receives the positive test result to a slaughter channel. The owner shall provide documentation, on a form approved by the Administrator, to the Department that the cattle arrived at the slaughter channel.

     2.  The owner of a qualified feedlot which has a bull that has received a positive test result to an official test for trichomonosis shall:

     (a) Segregate the bull from every breeding cow and heifer housed at the qualified feedlot; and

     (b) Confine the bull to a dry lot area that is used to upgrade or finish feed the bull before it goes to slaughter.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.662  Additional testing after bull receives positive test result to official test for trichomonosis. (NRS 561.295, 571.120, 571.150, 571.170)

     1.  The owner or lessee of a bull that receives a positive test result to an official test for trichomonosis may request the accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician who performed the test to submit the specimen of the bull which was found to contain trichomonas organisms to an official laboratory to confirm the presence of trichomonas organisms by polymerase chain reaction testing. As a prerequisite to exercising this option, the specimen must arrive at the laboratory within 48 hours after being found to contain trichomonas organisms.

     2.  If polymerase chain reaction testing determines that the specimen of the bull:

     (a) Is positive or inconclusive for Tritrichomonas foetus, the bull will be considered positive for trichomonosis.

     (b) Is negative for Tritrichomonas foetus, the bull will be considered negative for trichomonosis.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.664  Handling of specimen collected from bull. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)  An accredited veterinarian or veterinary technician shall:

     1.  Only use an official laboratory to test a specimen collected from a bull; and

     2.  Ensure that the specimen:

     (a) Arrives at an official laboratory for testing within 48 hours after it is collected; and

     (b) Is transported and maintained pursuant to official protocol.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.666  Official laboratory: Duties of operator; annual inspection. (NRS 571.120, 571.150)

     1.  The operator of an official laboratory shall ensure that the laboratory is administered in accordance with official protocol.

     2.  A laboratory must pass an annual inspection conducted by the Administrator to maintain its status as an official laboratory.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007; A by R208-08, 2-11-2009)

     NAC 571.668  Penalties. (NRS 571.120, 571.150, 571.170, 571.250)  A person who violates any provision of NAC 571.600 to 571.668, inclusive, is subject to the penalties set forth in NRS 571.250.

     (Added to NAC by St. Quarantine Officer by R135-06, eff. 3-23-2007)