[Rev. 5/25/2022 11:14:32 AM]


[NAC-386 Revised Date: 12-18]



General Provisions

386.010        Definitions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.010.]

386.015        “Authorized insurer” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.015.]

386.020        “Charter school” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.020.]

386.030        “Department” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.025.]

386.037        “Fiscal year” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.030.]

386.040        “Governing body” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.035.]

386.050        “Written charter” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.040.]


386.090        Committee to form charter school and governing body: Interpretation of statutory qualification for membership. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.100.]

386.095        “First day of operation of the charter school after the charter contract has been executed” interpreted. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.105.]

386.100        Administrative head: Selection; qualifications and responsibilities; notification of selection or replacement. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.110.]

386.110        Appointment of liaison between committee to form charter school and proposed sponsor. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.115.]

386.120        Sponsorship of charter schools by board of trustees and Nevada System of Higher Education: Application for authorization. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.120.]

386.125        Submission and contents of letter of intent to form charter school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.125.]

386.130        Application to form charter school: Forms; restrictions on submission and acceptance. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.130.]

386.135        Application to form charter school: Proposed dates of enrollment for first year of operation; limits on acceptance of applications for enrollment. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.135.]

386.140        Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding facility and equipment. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.140.]

386.150        Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding educational program. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.145.]

386.160        Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding committee to form charter school, and governance and staffing. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.150.]

386.170        Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding issues of health and safety. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.155.]

386.180        Application to form charter school: Inclusion of certain miscellaneous information. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.160.]

386.202        Restrictions on application to form charter school submitted to State Public Charter School Authority after previous denials of application. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.165.]

386.2025      Public meeting required to consider certain resubmitted applications. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.170.]

386.204        Grounds for denial by proposed sponsor of application to form charter school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.175.]

386.205        Submission of certificate of occupancy for certain facilities. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.180.]

386.210        Duty of governing body to provide written notice of any change in mailing address of a charter school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.185.]

386.215        Provision and maintenance of industrial and general liability insurance coverage. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.190.]

386.217        Provision and maintenance of insurance coverage or reserve fund for certain compensatory damages and certain fees, costs and expenses. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.195.]

386.223        Advisory committee required to comply with Open Meeting Law. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.200.]

386.225        Department to conduct comprehensive review of sponsors every 3 years; determination to continue or revoke authorization of sponsor based on comprehensive review. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.205.]

Amendment, Revocation and Termination of Charters and Charter Contracts; Closure

386.323        Request for change in sponsorship of charter school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.300.]

386.325        Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Public meeting; approval of majority of members of governing board required; request; authority for approval by staff of sponsor. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.305.]

386.326        Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to expand instruction to grade levels of pupils other than those for which charter school is currently approved. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.310.]

386.3265      Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to occupy new or additional facility. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.315.]

386.3266      Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to acquire a new or additional facility. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.320.]

386.3267      Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to eliminate a grade level or other educational services. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.325.]

386.3268      Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Governing body must obtain approval from sponsor for certain amendments. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.330.]

386.3269      Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request for amendment not otherwise described in NAC 386.326 to 386.3268, inclusive. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.335.]

386.329        Governing body to notify sponsor of certain changes; changes must be approved in public meeting. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.340.]

386.330        Procedure for revocation of written charter or termination of charter contract. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.345.]

386.332        “Persistently underperformed” interpreted. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.350.]

386.335        Closure: Duties of governing body, sponsor and Department; failure of compliance by licensed teacher who is member of governing body. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.355.]

Operation and Finances

386.340        Location of facilities. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.500.]

386.341        Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Act. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.505.]

386.3415      Health and safety inspection of building or facility required for certain programs of distance education. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.510.]

386.342        Equipment and supplies: Removal from premises; disposition upon closure. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.515.]

386.343        Governing body: Interpretation of “parents” for purpose of membership. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.520.]

386.345        Governing body: Restrictions on membership; responsibilities; application for membership; submission of certain information to Department and sponsor; approval of minutes of public meetings. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.525.]

386.350        Governing body: Miscellaneous duties. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.530.]

386.353        Restrictions on limitation of enrollment of pupils; establishment of waiting list and lottery system for enrollment; application to limit enrollment or for waiver to enroll from waiting list. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.535.]

386.357        Apportionment from State Distributive School Account: Submission of enrollment information before payment of first apportionment in first year of operation. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.545.]

386.360        Maintenance and forwarding of permanent records of pupils; failure of compliance by licensed teacher who is member of governing body. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.550.]

386.365        Reporting of data required for automated system of accountability information for Nevada. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.555.]

386.400        Contracts for services: Required provision; submission of copy of signed contract by governing body to sponsor. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.570.]

386.402        Requirements for entering into, amending, renewing or terminating a contract with an educational management organization. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.575.]

386.405        Contracts with educational management organizations: Initial term; renewal; prohibited provisions; approval of key personnel by governing body; annual performance review by governing body; submission of written report by educational management organization; effect of reference to a particular educational management organization in written charter or charter contract. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.580.]

386.407        Limitations on provision of teachers and other personnel by educational management organization. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.585.]

386.409        Calculation of ratio for employment of licensed teachers; exception for vocational charter school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.590.]

386.410        Performance audits: Report of compliance. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.595.]

386.415        Vocational school: Interpretation of term for certain purposes; requirements for course of study in career and technical education. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.600.]

Account for Charter Schools

386.420        Definitions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.650.]

386.425        “Account” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.655.]

386.430        “Operational charter school” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.660.]

386.435        Application for loan from Account; annual determination of balance of money in Account. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.665.]

386.440        Priority for loans; considerations for approval of loans. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.670.]

386.445        Repayment of loans. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.675.]

Charter School Financing Law

386.450        Definitions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.700.]

386.452        “Bond financing” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.705.]

386.454        “Charter school” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.710.]

386.460        Request for bond financing: Application. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.720.]

386.462        Projects: Compliance with certain statutes and regulations. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.725.]

386.464        Financing agreement. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.730.]

386.466        Bonds: Adoption of resolution setting forth final terms. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.735.]

386.468        Bonds: Approval of proposed costs of issuance. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.740.]

386.470        Bonds: Generally. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.745.]

386.472        Requests for information. [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.750.]


386.500        Training while bus unoccupied.

386.510        Written test for drivers.

386.520        Records concerning drivers.

386.530        Providers of training in operation of school buses.


386.550        Conformity with standards.

386.555        Adoption of standards by reference.


General Provisions

386.600        Definitions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.002.]

386.601        “Affiliate school” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.004.]

386.602        “All-star team” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.006.]

386.603        “Association” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.008.]

386.604        “Board” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.010.]

386.605        “Commissioner” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.014.]

386.606        “Complaint” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.016.]

386.607        “Executive Director” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.020.]

386.608        “Game, contest or meet” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.022.]

386.609        “Hardship” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.024.]

386.610        “Homeschooled child” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.026.]

386.611        “Legislative Commission” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.028.]

386.612        “Magnet school” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.030.]

386.613        “Member school” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.032.]

386.614        “Non-association official” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.034.]

386.615        “Participate” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.036.]

386.616        “Recruit” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.038.]

386.617        “Sanctioned sport” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.040.]

386.618        “School” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.042.]

386.619        “Season” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.044.]

386.6195      “Spirit squad” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.046.]

386.620        “Sports official” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.048.]

386.6203      “Tournament” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.050.]

386.6207      “Transfer” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.052.]

386.621        “Unit of credit” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.054.]

386.622        “Zone of attendance” defined. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.056.]


386.625        Association: Membership in National Federation of State High School Associations. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.100.]

386.626        Association: Purchasing of supplies, equipment and services. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.102.]

386.627        Association: Establishment of administrative regions; preparation of map of regions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.104.]

386.628        Board: Composition; role; nonvoting membership; terms of nonvoting members. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.106.]

386.629        Board: Voting membership. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.108.]

386.630        Board: Selection of members; vacancies in membership; terms of voting members. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.110.]

386.631        Board: President and Vice President. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.112.]

386.632        Board: Duties. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.114.]

386.633        Board: Regular and special meetings. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.116.]

386.634        Meetings of Board: Quorum. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.120.]

386.635        Meetings of Board: Procedure. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.122.]

386.636        Meetings of Board: Submission by member school of item for inclusion on agenda. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.124.]

386.637        Meetings of Board: Submission by member of Board or Legislative Commission of item for inclusion on agenda; consideration of other items. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.126.]

386.638        Meetings of Association or Board: Rules of conduct; motions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.128.]

386.639        Board: Emergency action by telephone. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.130.]

386.640        Board: Selection of members to attend certain national meetings. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.132.]

386.641        Legislative Commission: Composition; voting; adoption of policies; meetings. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.140.]

386.642        Legislative Commission: Restrictions on authority to amend policies. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.142.]

386.643        Compensation of members or employees of Board or Legislative Commission while engaged in business of Association. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.144.]

386.644        Executive Director: Employment; duties; bond; annual financial statement. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.150.]

386.645        Executive Director: General duties. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.152.]

386.646        Executive Director: Interpretation of policies and regulations of Association; attendance of meetings of Legislative Commission; program to educate general public; newsletter. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.154.]

386.647        Executive Director: Fiscal duties. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.156.]

386.648        Executive Director: Duties regarding employees of Association. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.158.]

386.649        Executive Director: Legislative and other duties. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.160.]

386.650        Executive Director: Duties regarding play-offs and tournaments; program to encourage awareness and attendance; monitoring of travel. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.162.]

386.651        Executive Director: Establishment of procedures regarding inventory of tickets for events. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.164.]

386.652        Membership in Association: Nevada high school or affiliate school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.200.]

386.653        Membership in Association: Private high school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.202.]

386.654        Membership in Association: Provisional membership. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.204.]

386.6543      Membership in Association: Application for associate membership. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.206.]

386.6546      Membership in Association: Associate membership. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.208.]

386.6549      Membership in Association: Limited membership. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.210.]

386.655        Membership in Association: Amount and payment of annual dues; imposition and amount of special assessment. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.212.]

386.656        Membership in Association: Withdrawal and reinstatement. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.214.]

386.657        Membership in Association: Revocation of membership of affiliate school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.216.]

386.658        Principal of member school: Responsibility to Association; delegation of authority; approval of interscholastic activity. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.220.]

386.659        Principal of member school: Registration of participants in sanctioned sports. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.222.]

386.660        Principal of member school: Submission of information required to publish directory of schools. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.224.]

386.661        Member school: Supervision of team or group. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.226.]

386.662        Administrative organization: Appointment of members; election of officers. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.230.]

386.663        Administrative organization: Powers and duties. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.232.]

386.664        Administrative organization: Regular and special meetings. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.234.]

386.665        Private schools: Selection and duties of liaison for Board; annual meetings. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.240.]

386.666        Association and member schools: Responsibility for uniformity and coordination of interscholastic activities. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.058.]

386.667        Classification and alignment of schools: General requirements; effective period; considerations; request for pupil or team to participate in another classification, league or region. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.250.]

386.668        Classification and alignment of schools: Submission by school of recommendation for alignment. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.252.]

386.6685      Classification and alignment of schools: Appeal by school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.254.]

386.669        Sanctioned sports: Designation; amendment of list; insufficient participation; prohibition. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.390.]

386.670        Regulations of Association: Submission and notification of proposed amendment. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.170.]

386.671        Regulations of Association: Amendment by Board; submission of amendment to Legislative Counsel. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.172.]

Scheduling and Conducting Activities

386.675        Scheduling of events in manner that results in minimum loss of school time. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.300.]

386.676        Establishment and submission of schedules of events; penalty. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.302.]

386.677        Postponement of game, contest or meet. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.304.]

386.678        Cancellation of game, contest or meet; participation in game, contest or meet after withdrawal of school from Association; penalty. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.306.]

386.679        Competition with certain out-of-state schools prohibited. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.308.]

386.680        Competition with certain schools prohibited without approval of Executive Director. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.310.]

386.681        Provision of sufficient physical training and suitable protective clothing to participants. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.312.]

386.682        Use of equipment provided by private company that sponsors participant. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.314.]

386.683        Security of field of play; encouragement of sportsmanlike behavior. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.316.]

386.684        Conduct of participants and spectators: Responsibility of school; authority of sports official. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.318.]

386.685        Use of cameras and other recording equipment. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.320.]

386.686        Possession, sale or use of alcoholic beverages prohibited; enforcement. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.322.]

All-Star Competition

386.690        Participation by team that participates in sanctioned sport prohibited; approval of Board regarding preseason and postseason competition; penalty. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.350.]

386.691        Approval by Association of competition; imposition of certain restrictions and requirements; submission of injury report and written summary of competition. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.352.]

386.694        Conditions under which pupil may participate in competition. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.354.]

Limitations on Participation

386.695        Period of season and first day of practice for sanctioned sport; prohibited and authorized out-of-season activities relating to sanctioned sport. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.370.]

386.696        Restrictions on participation in out-of-season activities relating to sanctioned sport. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.372.]

386.697        Participation of pupil as amateur in sanctioned sport. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.374.]

386.698        Participation by member of team or spirit squad in certain activities other than as such member; establishment of requirements for eligibility of pupil to participate in postseason competition. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.376.]

386.699        Maximum number of games, contests or meets during seasons for sanctioned sports. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.378.]

386.700        Forfeiture of game, contest or meet if pupil exceeds maximum allowed for sanctioned sport. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.380.]

386.701        Treatment of game not completed because of unforeseeable and unavoidable cause. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.382.]

386.702        Tournaments; wrestling; swimming and diving, substitutions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.384.]

386.703        Miscellaneous limitations. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.386.]

Rules Regarding Specific Sports

386.705        Baseball: Date for beginning practice; end of season. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.400.]

386.706        Baseball: Interschool scrimmages. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.402.]

386.707        Baseball: Protest of game. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.404.]

386.708        Baseball: Replay of suspended game. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.406.]

386.709        Baseball: Determination of championship team. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.408.]

386.710        Baseball: Determination of home team and choice of dugout for games of tournament. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.410.]

386.711        Baseball: Procedure when tournament is cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.412.]

386.712        Baseball: Use of coaching boxes and head protection. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.414.]

386.713        Baseball: Limitations on participation by pitcher; penalty. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.416.]

386.714        Baseball: Rules of conduct; 10-run rule; period for junior varsity games. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.418.]

386.715        Basketball: Date for beginning practice; end of season; activities between seasons; interschool scrimmages. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.420.]

386.716        Basketball: Manual of alignment of schools; determination of championship team. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.422.]

386.717        Basketball: Jerseys. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.424.]

386.718        Basketball: Class 1A teams. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.426.]

386.719        Cross-country: Generally. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.430.]

386.720        Football: Date for beginning practice; end of season; games. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.434.]

386.721        Football: Required practice; interschool scrimmages. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.436.]

386.722        Football: Noncontact practice. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.438.]

386.723        Football: Manual of alignment of schools; determination of championship team; play-offs; 45-point mercy rule. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.440.]

386.724        Football: Jerseys. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.442.]

386.725        Football: Limitations on participation by pupil. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.444.]

386.726        Football: Provision of adequate facilities for participants in play-off. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.446.]

386.727        Boys’ golf: Date for beginning practice; end of season; time, date and location of state tournament. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.450.]

386.728        Boys’ golf: Tournaments. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.452.]

386.729        Girls’ golf: Date for beginning practice; end of season; time, date and location of state tournament. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.454.]

386.730        Girls’ golf: Tournaments. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.456.]

386.731        Soccer: Date for beginning practice; end of season; games. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.458.]

386.732        Soccer: Required practice; interschool scrimmages. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.460.]

386.733        Soccer: Manual of alignment of schools; tournaments; determination of championship team. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.462.]

386.735        Soccer: Availability of persons to provide soccer balls during game. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.464.]

386.736        Softball: Date for beginning practice; end of season. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.470.]

386.737        Softball: Interschool scrimmages. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.472.]

386.738        Softball: Protest of game. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.474.]

386.739        Softball: Replay of suspended game. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.476.]

386.740        Softball: Determination of championship team. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.478.]

386.741        Softball: Determination of home team and choice of dugout for games of tournament. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.480.]

386.742        Softball: Procedure when tournament is cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.482.]

386.743        Softball: Minimum length of official game. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.484.]

386.744        Softball: Use of coaching boxes. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.486.]

386.745        Softball: Rules of conduct; 10-run rule; period for junior varsity games. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.488.]

386.746        Swimming: Generally. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.500.]

386.747        Tennis: Generally. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.510.]

386.748        Track and field: Generally. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.515.]

386.749        Volleyball: Date for beginning practice; end of season; activities between seasons; interschool scrimmages; conduct of games and matches. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.520.]

386.750        Volleyball: Format of games and matches; winner of match in which junior varsity or freshman team participates. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.522.]

386.751        Volleyball: Class 1A teams with fewer than 15 members. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.524.]

386.752        Wrestling: Date for beginning practice; end of season; rules and regulations; headgear. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.530.]

386.753        Wrestling: Tournaments. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.532.]

Spirit Squads

386.754        Compliance with Spirit Rules Book and applicable regulations; establishment of requirements for eligibility; sanctioning and nature of activities. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.550.]

386.7541      Responsibilities of coach; duration of season; tryouts and selection for membership; activities between seasons. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.552.]

386.7542      Number and membership of squads: Restrictions; authority of coach and school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.554.]

386.7543      Separate tryouts for fall and winter seasons; separate squad to perform stunts. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.556.]

386.7544      Members of squads: Participation in sanctioned sports; participation in activities not sponsored by school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.558.]

386.7545      Attendance of and participation in certain competitions and events prohibited unless sanctioned by Association. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.560.]

386.7546      Conduct of and reference to competitions and events. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.562.]

386.7547      Application for sanctioning of competition or event: Requirements for submission; action on application; penalty for late submission. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.564.]

386.7548      Attendance of or participation in competition or event: Ascertainment of sanctioning; penalty if not sanctioned; approval required; position of Association; prohibition; duty of coach. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.566.]

Championships and Awards

386.755        Determination of championship: Participation by school in only one series of play-off games, tournaments or elimination meets; declaration based on percentage rating for regular season. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.600.]

386.756        Tournaments: Determination of events for inclusion; location of events within State. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.610.]

386.757        Tournaments: Conduct at location other than school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.612.]

386.758        Tournaments: Representation of participating school by band or other group. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.614.]

386.759        Tournaments: Manual of formats; establishment and approval of formats. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.616.]

386.760        Tournaments: Submission by class or league of proposed change in format. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.618.]

386.761        Tournaments: Establishment of price of admission; disposition of proceeds. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.620.]

386.762        Tournaments: Retention of proceeds by Association. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.622.]

386.763        Solicitation of spectator for purpose other than admission or related services. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.624.]

386.764        Director of regional or state tournament: Appointment; compensation. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.626.]

386.765        Sports officials for tournaments: Assignment; compensation. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.628.]

386.766        Prerequisites to scheduling or conducting state tournament for Class 1A or 2A region or regional tournament for Class 1A or 2A league; number of participants required for certain sanctioned sports. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.630.]

386.767        Prerequisites to scheduling or conducting state tournament for Class 3A or 4A region or regional tournament for Class 3A or 4A league; number of participants required for certain sanctioned sports. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.632.]

386.768        State tournament: Submission of schedule to member schools. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.602.]

386.769        State tournament: Procedure when cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and unavoidable cause. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.604.]

386.770        State tournament: Replacement of qualifying participant; notice of intention to use alternate member of team. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.606.]

386.771        Presumption regarding game, contest or meet for varsity players; determination of standings for play-offs. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.640.]

386.772        Play-off games: Determinations by Executive Director. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.642.]

386.773        Awards: Determination of number; awarding of league and regional trophies and medals. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.650.]

386.774        Awards: Awarding of state trophies and medals; purchase of additional medals. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.652.]

386.775        Awards: Limitation on retail value. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.654.]

Eligibility of Pupils and Coaches

386.776        Registration of pupils: Applicability of certain provisions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.700.]

386.777        Registration of pupils: Duties of school and pupil; rosters; scheduling of first game, contest or meet of season; penalty. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.702.]

386.778        Registration of pupils: Adoption by school district of additional requirements for eligibility. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.704.]

386.779        General requirements for eligibility of pupil; exception. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.706.]

386.780        Maximum allowable participation by pupil. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.708.]

386.781        Limitation on and record of age of pupil. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.710.]

386.782        Residency of pupil: General requirements. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.712.]

386.783        Residency of pupil: Burden of proof; establishment of new residence; reestablishment of former residence. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.714.]

386.784        Presumption of ineligibility of pupil who transfers to another school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.716.]

386.785        Rebuttal of presumption of ineligibility of pupil who transfers to another school; period of ineligibility of pupil who returns to former residence; deviation from certain provisions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.718.]

386.786        Pupil who transfers to another school within same zone of attendance or after change in zone of attendance. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.720.]

386.787        Pupil who is approved to attend magnet school or vocational or technical school that offers sanctioned sport. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.722.]

386.788        Pupil who attends magnet school or vocational or technical school that does not offer sanctioned sport. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.724.]

386.789        Pupil who attends charter school; requirements of charter school relating to eligibility. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.726.]

386.790        Pupil assigned to option-zoned school; effect of rezoning of boundaries of certain school districts during school year. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.728.]

386.791        Pupil enrolled in high school located within community college; pupil who attends high school pursuant to certain alternative program. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.730.]

386.792        Pupil who attends private school that does not offer sanctioned sport. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.732.]

386.793        Homeschooled children. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.734.]

386.794        Siblings enrolled in high school and assigned to school pursuant to zoning regulations of school district. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.736.]

386.795        Foreign exchange students and international students; penalty. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.738.]

386.796        Practice or participation by pupil in any sanctioned sport for more than one school during season prohibited; waiver of prohibition. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.740.]

386.797        Reestablishment of eligibility of pupil after transfer. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.742.]

386.798        Waiver of requirements upon application of pupil transferring to another school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.744.]

386.799        Transfer of pupil from school that ceases to offer or does not offer sanctioned sport. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.746.]

386.800        Academic eligibility: Requirements for pupils; imposition of stricter requirements by school. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.750.]

386.801        Academic eligibility: Enrollment in ninth grade. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.752.]

386.802        Academic eligibility: Courses and units of credit. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.754.]

386.803        Academic eligibility: Adoption of certain alternative requirements by school district; continual review of academic progress. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.756.]

386.804        Academic eligibility: Passing grades during season; periodic reviews of pupil’s progress. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.758.]

386.805        Academic eligibility: Minimum grade point average. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.760.]

386.806        Academic eligibility: Passing grades during season and minimum grade point average. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.762.]

386.808        Academic eligibility: Change in recorded grade for pupil; completion of extra work to improve pupil’s grade. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.764.]

386.809        Academic eligibility: Pupil who qualifies for special education services. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.766.]

386.810        Academic eligibility: Homeschooled children. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.768.]

386.811        Academic eligibility: Incorrect determination of grade of pupil; date of eligibility of ineligible pupil who is allowed to practice with team. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.770.]

386.812        Assistance with interpretation of regulations relating to academic eligibility. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.772.]

386.813        Minimum amount of practice: Pupil. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.790.]

386.814        Minimum amount of practice: Team. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.792.]

386.815        Minimum amount of practice: Exceptions to requirements. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.794.]

386.816        Prohibition of activities on Sunday; exceptions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.330.]

386.817        Limitations on participation of pupil during season and school year; transfer of pupil to another sanctioned sport. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.332.]

386.818        Participation by girl on team for boys and by boy on team for girls. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.334.]

386.819        Physical examinations: Requirements for pupils; maintenance and review of records; exemption from requirements. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.336.]

386.820        Pupil injured in sanctioned sport and treated by provider of health care. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.338.]

386.821        Pupil soliciting or seeking enrollment in return for receiving favorable conditions or treatment. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.340.]

386.822        Recruiting of pupil to participate in sanctioned sport prohibited; penalties. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.342.]

386.823        Restrictions on solicitation or encouragement of prospective pupil to enroll in school; prohibited representation of athletic program; duty of coach upon receiving certain notification regarding prospective pupil. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.344.]

386.824        Restriction on offer or provision of compensation or other inducement to pupil. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.346.]

386.825        Attempts to circumvent requirements for eligibility of pupil. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.776.]

386.826        Ineligible pupil: Scope of ineligibility. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.778.]

386.827        Ineligible pupil: Participation in practice; participation in sanctioned sport. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.780.]

386.828        Ineligible pupil: Prohibition on participation in game, contest or meet. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.782.]

386.829        Penalties for participation of ineligible pupil; appeal of forfeiture or loss of position. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.784.]

386.830        Imposition of penalties after participation of disqualified or ineligible team or pupil pursuant to court order; postponement or cancellation of event. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.786.]

386.831        Coaches: Accompaniment of team or pupil representing school; effect of ejection from game, contest or meet. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.796.]

386.832        Coaches: Required certification and courses. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.798.]

Sportsmanship and Ethics

386.835        Standards of conduct: General requirements; penalties for violation. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.800.]

386.836        Standards of conduct: Applicability of certain provisions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.802.]

386.837        Standards of conduct: Pupils. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.804.]

386.838        Standards of conduct: Coaches. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.806.]

386.839        Standards of conduct: Sports officials. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.808.]

386.840        Standards of conduct: School administrators. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.810.]

386.841        Standards of conduct: Period of compliance; penalties for violation. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.812.]

386.842        Reports of violations and of violence against sports official; review of reports and imposition of penalties. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.820.]

386.843        Ejection of pupil or coach from game, contest or meet. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.822.]

386.844        Prevention and control of bench-clearing incidents and physical altercations; penalties. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.824.]

386.845        Defamatory statements to media or through social media prohibited; investigation and imposition of penalty. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.826.]

386.846        Imposition of penalties: Authority; report. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.828.]

386.847        Coaches, school administrators and faculty members: Prohibited conduct; duties; reports of violations. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.830.]

Appeal of Determinations; Enforcement

386.850        Appeal of certain determinations by aggrieved pupil or school; applicability of certain provisions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.900.]

386.851        Appeal of certain determinations imposing hardship on pupil. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.902.]

386.852        Appeals: Pupil who attends school in district of county whose population is 100,000 or more. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.904.]

386.853        Appeals: Pupil enrolled in private school or school in school district of county whose population is less than 100,000. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.906.]

386.854        Appeals: Pupil determined to be ineligible to participate in sanctioned sport. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.908.]

386.855        Appeals: Pupil adversely affected by determination made on appeal of determination of ineligibility. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.910.]

386.856        Complaints: Preparation and submission; response; action by Executive Director or designee; appeal of decision. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.920.]

386.857        Investigation of school: Cooperation required; penalty for failure to cooperate. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.922.]

386.858        Reporting of violations: Duties of principal of school or designee. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.924.]

386.859        Filing of complaint by person having knowledge of violation. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.926.]

386.860        Imposition of penalties by Executive Director; certain determinations and penalties not subject to appeal. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.950.]

386.861        Imposition of additional penalties by Association or Executive Director or during appeal; approval of suspension by Board. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.960.]

Sports Officials

386.865        Effect and protest of decisions. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.850.]

386.866        Registration, assignment and use of non-association officials. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.852.]


386.870        Issuance by Board of lifetime and courtesy passes. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.860.]

386.871        Lifetime pass: Prerequisites to issuance; use. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.862.]

386.872        Courtesy pass: Prerequisites to and restriction on issuance; use; duplicate pass; revocation. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.864.]

386.873        Courtesy pass: Member of Nevada State Officials’ Association. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.866.]

386.874        Issuance of pass by league or region; use of pass. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.868.]

386.875        Issuance of passes by director of tournament. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.870.]

Broadcasting of Games, Contests, Meets and Tournaments

386.880        Rights reserved by Association; authority of Board. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.874.]

386.881        Approval required to broadcast by television or radio or over Internet. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.876.]

386.882        Consideration of requests for permission to broadcast. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.878.]

386.883        Fees for approving requests to broadcast: Amount; obligations of person paying fee; waiver of fee. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.880.]

386.884        Approval required for agreement conferring exclusive right to broadcast. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.882.]

386.886        Issuance of passes to stations that broadcast by television. [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.884.]


NOTE:                    Section 1 of R132-16 has been codified as NAC 388A.565.

NOTE:                    Section 1 of R087-16 has been codified as NAC 388A.680.



General Provisions

      NAC 386.010  Definitions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.010.]


      NAC 386.015  “Authorized insurer” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.015.]


      NAC 386.020  “Charter school” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.020.]


      NAC 386.030  “Department” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.025.]


      NAC 386.037  “Fiscal year” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.030.]


      NAC 386.040  “Governing body” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.035.]


      NAC 386.050  “Written charter” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.040.]



      NAC 386.090  Committee to form charter school and governing body: Interpretation of statutory qualification for membership.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.100.]


      NAC 386.095  “First day of operation of the charter school after the charter contract has been executed” interpreted.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.105.]


      NAC 386.100  Administrative head: Selection; qualifications and responsibilities; notification of selection or replacement.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.110.]


      NAC 386.110  Appointment of liaison between committee to form charter school and proposed sponsor.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.115.]


      NAC 386.120  Sponsorship of charter schools by board of trustees and Nevada System of Higher Education: Application for authorization.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.120.]


      NAC 386.125  Submission and contents of letter of intent to form charter school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.125.]


      NAC 386.130  Application to form charter school: Forms; restrictions on submission and acceptance.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.130.]


      NAC 386.135  Application to form charter school: Proposed dates of enrollment for first year of operation; limits on acceptance of applications for enrollment.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.135.]


      NAC 386.140  Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding facility and equipment.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.140.]


      NAC 386.150  Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding educational program.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.145.]


      NAC 386.160  Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding committee to form charter school, and governance and staffing.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.150.]


      NAC 386.170  Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding issues of health and safety.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.155.]


      NAC 386.180  Application to form charter school: Inclusion of certain miscellaneous information.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.160.]


      NAC 386.202  Restrictions on application to form charter school submitted to State Public Charter School Authority after previous denials of application.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.165.]


      NAC 386.2025  Public meeting required to consider certain resubmitted applications.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.170.]


      NAC 386.204  Grounds for denial by proposed sponsor of application to form charter school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.175.]


      NAC 386.205  Submission of certificate of occupancy for certain facilities.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.180.]


      NAC 386.210  Duty of governing body to provide written notice of any change in mailing address of a charter school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.185.]


      NAC 386.215  Provision and maintenance of industrial and general liability insurance coverage.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.190.]


      NAC 386.217  Provision and maintenance of insurance coverage or reserve fund for certain compensatory damages and certain fees, costs and expenses.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.195.]


      NAC 386.223  Advisory committee required to comply with Open Meeting Law.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.200.]


      NAC 386.225  Department to conduct comprehensive review of sponsors every 3 years; determination to continue or revoke authorization of sponsor based on comprehensive review.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.205.]


Amendment, Revocation and Termination of Charters and Charter Contracts; Closure

      NAC 386.323  Request for change in sponsorship of charter school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.300.]


      NAC 386.325  Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Public meeting; approval of majority of members of governing board required; request; authority for approval by staff of sponsor.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.305.]


      NAC 386.326  Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to expand instruction to grade levels of pupils other than those for which charter school is currently approved.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.310.]


      NAC 386.3265  Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to occupy new or additional facility.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.315.]


      NAC 386.3266  Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to acquire a new or additional facility.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.320.]


      NAC 386.3267  Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to eliminate a grade level or other educational services.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.325.]


      NAC 386.3268  Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Governing body must obtain approval from sponsor for certain amendments.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.330.]


      NAC 386.3269  Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request for amendment not otherwise described in NAC 386.326 to 386.3268, inclusive.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.335.]


      NAC 386.329  Governing body to notify sponsor of certain changes; changes must be approved in public meeting.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.340.]


      NAC 386.330  Procedure for revocation of written charter or termination of charter contract.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.345.]


      NAC 386.332  “Persistently underperformed” interpreted.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.350.]


      NAC 386.335  Closure: Duties of governing body, sponsor and Department; failure of compliance by licensed teacher who is member of governing body.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.355.]


Operation and Finances

      NAC 386.340  Location of facilities.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.500.]


      NAC 386.341  Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Act.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.505.]


      NAC 386.3415  Health and safety inspection of building or facility required for certain programs of distance education.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.510.]


      NAC 386.342  Equipment and supplies: Removal from premises; disposition upon closure.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.515.]


      NAC 386.343  Governing body: Interpretation of “parents” for purpose of membership.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.520.]


      NAC 386.345  Governing body: Restrictions on membership; responsibilities; application for membership; submission of certain information to Department and sponsor; approval of minutes of public meetings.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.525.]


      NAC 386.350  Governing body: Miscellaneous duties.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.530.]


      NAC 386.353  Restrictions on limitation of enrollment of pupils; establishment of waiting list and lottery system for enrollment; application to limit enrollment or for waiver to enroll from waiting list.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.535.]


      NAC 386.357  Apportionment from State Distributive School Account: Submission of enrollment information before payment of first apportionment in first year of operation.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.545.]


      NAC 386.360  Maintenance and forwarding of permanent records of pupils; failure of compliance by licensed teacher who is member of governing body.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.550.]


      NAC 386.365  Reporting of data required for automated system of accountability information for Nevada.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.555.]


      NAC 386.400  Contracts for services: Required provision; submission of copy of signed contract by governing body to sponsor.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.570.]


      NAC 386.402  Requirements for entering into, amending, renewing or terminating a contract with an educational management organization.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.575.]


      NAC 386.405  Contracts with educational management organizations: Initial term; renewal; prohibited provisions; approval of key personnel by governing body; annual performance review by governing body; submission of written report by educational management organization; effect of reference to a particular educational management organization in written charter or charter contract.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.580.]


      NAC 386.407  Limitations on provision of teachers and other personnel by educational management organization.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.585.]


      NAC 386.409  Calculation of ratio for employment of licensed teachers; exception for vocational charter school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.590.]


      NAC 386.410  Performance audits: Report of compliance.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.595.]


      NAC 386.415  Vocational school: Interpretation of term for certain purposes; requirements for course of study in career and technical education.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.600.]


Account for Charter Schools

      NAC 386.420  Definitions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.650.]


      NAC 386.425  “Account” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.655.]


      NAC 386.430  “Operational charter school” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.660.]


      NAC 386.435  Application for loan from Account; annual determination of balance of money in Account.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.665.]


      NAC 386.440  Priority for loans; considerations for approval of loans.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.670.]


      NAC 386.445  Repayment of loans.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.675.]


Charter School Financing Law

      NAC 386.450  Definitions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.700.]


      NAC 386.452  “Bond financing” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.705.]


      NAC 386.454  “Charter school” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.710.]


      NAC 386.460  Request for bond financing: Application.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.720.]


      NAC 386.462  Projects: Compliance with certain statutes and regulations.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.725.]


      NAC 386.464  Financing agreement.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.730.]


      NAC 386.466  Bonds: Adoption of resolution setting forth final terms.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.735.]


      NAC 386.468  Bonds: Approval of proposed costs of issuance.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.740.]


      NAC 386.470  Bonds: Generally.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.745.]


      NAC 386.472  Requests for information.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 388A.750.]



     NAC 386.500  Training while bus unoccupied. (NRS 385.080, 386.825)  In the training course required by subsection 2 of NRS 386.825, a new driver must be given at least 10 hours of training in the operation of a school bus or other bus while it is not occupied by pupils.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 1-19-84)—(Substituted in revision for NAC 392.400)

      NAC 386.510  Written test for drivers. (NRS 385.080, 386.825)

     1.  The yearly written test for drivers, required by subsection 3 of NRS 386.825, must be administered by each school district:

     (a) Before the beginning of a school year; and

     (b) For any driver who is employed after that time, before he or she is assigned to driving.

     2.  Each school district shall provide assurances to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that it has taken appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access to the questions to be presented in the test.

     3.  Drivers are limited to three opportunities to achieve a passing score on the test.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 1-19-84)—(Substituted in revision for NAC 392.410)

      NAC 386.520  Records concerning drivers. (NRS 385.080, 386.825)

     1.  Each school district shall maintain records concerning drivers of school buses or buses used for transportation of pupils for extracurricular activities. The records must contain the following information:

     (a) For each driver:

          (1) Written confirmation that the driver has completed the required training course; and

          (2) His or her scores on the yearly written test.

     (b) For each such trip made by the driver:

          (1) The purpose of the trip;

          (2) The destination;

          (3) The date;

          (4) The time of departure and return;

          (5) The total miles driven;

          (6) The total time the driver has operated the vehicle; and

          (7) A report of any violation of subsection 4 of NRS 386.815 and the reason for the violation.

     2.  The records must be retained for at least 1 year.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 1-19-84)—(Substituted in revision for NAC 392.420)

      NAC 386.530  Providers of training in operation of school buses. (NRS 385.080, 386.825)

     1.  A person who wishes to provide training in the operation of a school bus for a school district must:

     (a) Have a high school diploma or general equivalency diploma;

     (b) Have been driving a school bus in this State for at least the immediately preceding 2 years;

     (c) Hold a valid class A or class B commercial driver’s license issued pursuant to the provisions of NRS 483.900 to 483.940, inclusive, which includes a school bus endorsement and a passenger endorsement;

     (d) In the immediately preceding 3 years, not have any:

          (1) Convictions for a moving violation while driving a school bus; or

          (2) Records of involvement in an accident while driving a school bus for which the person is at fault or which could have been prevented;

     (e) Know and understand any applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations and any rules or regulations of the school district related to driving a school bus;

     (f) Receive at least 10 hours of in-service training each year within the school district; and

     (g) Have passed the written test developed by the Department of Education pursuant to subsection 3.

     2.  Each school district shall provide documentation to the Department of Education which verifies that each person who provides training in the operation of a school bus for the school district has satisfied the requirements set forth in subsection 1. The Department of Education shall maintain the documentation provided by each school district.

     3.  The Department of Education shall, in consultation with the school districts, develop a written test that assesses knowledge and understanding of current federal and state laws and regulations related to driving a school bus for administration to persons who wish to provide training in the operation of a school bus.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R074-05, 10-31-2005, eff. 1-1-2006)—(Substituted in revision for NAC 392.430)


      The regulation of the State Board of Education filed with the Secretary of State on October 31, 2005 (LCB File No. R074-05), the source of this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “The requirements for a person who wishes to provide training in the operation of a school bus set forth in subsection 1 of section 1 of this regulation [NAC 386.530] apply only to persons who are initially employed or retained by a school district in this State on or after January 1, 2006, to provide training for the operation of a school bus. The requirements do not apply to persons who are employed or retained by a school district in this State before January 1, 2006.”



      NAC 386.550  Conformity with standards. (NRS 385.080, 386.830, 386.840)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 386.830, a school bus manufactured:

     (a) After February 10, 1972, and before October 22, 2000, may be used for the transportation of pupils only if it conforms to the minimum national standards for school buses established by the Secretary of Transportation pursuant to the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, 49 U.S.C. §§ 30101 et seq., and any more stringent standards adopted by the State Board of Education that were in effect at the time the school bus was manufactured; or

     (b) On or after October 22, 2000, may be used for the transportation of pupils only if it conforms to the national standards for school buses set forth in 49 C.F.R. Part 571 and the standards set forth in the Nevada School Bus Standards adopted pursuant to NAC 386.555.

     2.  This section does not prevent the Federal Government or the government of any state or political subdivision thereof from establishing a safety requirement applicable to motor vehicles or motor vehicle equipment procured for its own use if such requirement imposes a higher standard of performance than that required to comply with the otherwise applicable federal standard.

     [Dep’t of Education, eff. 1-9-77]—(NAC A by Bd. of Education, 10-13-87; R016-98, 4-14-98; R040-99, 11-3-99; R027-01, 11-1-2001)—(Substituted in revision for NAC 392.500)

      NAC 386.555  Adoption of standards by reference. (NRS 385.080, 386.830, 386.840)

     1.  The Nevada School Bus Standards established by the Department of Education are hereby adopted by reference as those standards existed on October 22, 2000.

     2.  A copy of the Nevada School Bus Standards may be obtained free of charge from the Department of Education, 700 East Fifth Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701-5096.

     3.  The Department of Education shall provide a copy of the Nevada School Bus Standards free of charge to each school district in this State.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R027-01, eff. 11-1-2001)—(Substituted in revision for NAC 392.502)


General Provisions

      NAC 386.600  Definitions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.002.]


      NAC 386.601  “Affiliate school” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.004.]


      NAC 386.602  “All-star team” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.006.]


      NAC 386.603  “Association” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.008.]


      NAC 386.604  “Board” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.010.]


      NAC 386.605  “Commissioner” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.014.]


      NAC 386.606  “Complaint” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.016.]


      NAC 386.607  “Executive Director” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.020.]


      NAC 386.608  “Game, contest or meet” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.022.]


      NAC 386.609  “Hardship” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.024.]


      NAC 386.610  “Homeschooled child” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.026.]


      NAC 386.611  “Legislative Commission” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.028.]


      NAC 386.612  “Magnet school” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.030.]


      NAC 386.613  “Member school” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.032.]


      NAC 386.614  “Non-association official” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.034.]


      NAC 386.615  “Participate” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.036.]


      NAC 386.616  “Recruit” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.038.]


      NAC 386.617  “Sanctioned sport” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.040.]


      NAC 386.618  “School” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.042.]


      NAC 386.619  “Season” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.044.]


      NAC 386.6195  “Spirit squad” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.046.]


      NAC 386.620  “Sports official” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.048.]


      NAC 386.6203  “Tournament” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.050.]


      NAC 386.6207  “Transfer” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.052.]


      NAC 386.621  “Unit of credit” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.054.]


      NAC 386.622  “Zone of attendance” defined.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.056.]



      NAC 386.625  Association: Membership in National Federation of State High School Associations.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.100.]


      NAC 386.626  Association: Purchasing of supplies, equipment and services.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.102.]


      NAC 386.627  Association: Establishment of administrative regions; preparation of map of regions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.104.]


      NAC 386.628  Board: Composition; role; nonvoting membership; terms of nonvoting members.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.106.]


      NAC 386.629  Board: Voting membership.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.108.]


      NAC 386.630  Board: Selection of members; vacancies in membership; terms of voting members.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.110.]


      NAC 386.631  Board: President and Vice President.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.112.]


      NAC 386.632  Board: Duties.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.114.]


      NAC 386.633  Board: Regular and special meetings.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.116.]


      NAC 386.634  Meetings of Board: Quorum.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.120.]


      NAC 386.635  Meetings of Board: Procedure.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.122.]


      NAC 386.636  Meetings of Board: Submission by member school of item for inclusion on agenda.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.124.]


      NAC 386.637  Meetings of Board: Submission by member of Board or Legislative Commission of item for inclusion on agenda; consideration of other items.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.126.]


      NAC 386.638  Meetings of Association or Board: Rules of conduct; motions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.128.]


      NAC 386.639  Board: Emergency action by telephone.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.130.]


      NAC 386.640  Board: Selection of members to attend certain national meetings.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.132.]


      NAC 386.641  Legislative Commission: Composition; voting; adoption of policies; meetings.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.140.]


      NAC 386.642  Legislative Commission: Restrictions on authority to amend policies.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.142.]


      NAC 386.643  Compensation of members or employees of Board or Legislative Commission while engaged in business of Association.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.144.]


      NAC 386.644  Executive Director: Employment; duties; bond; annual financial statement.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.150.]


      NAC 386.645  Executive Director: General duties.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.152.]


      NAC 386.646  Executive Director: Interpretation of policies and regulations of Association; attendance of meetings of Legislative Commission; program to educate general public; newsletter.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.154.]


      NAC 386.647  Executive Director: Fiscal duties.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.156.]


      NAC 386.648  Executive Director: Duties regarding employees of Association.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.158.]


      NAC 386.649  Executive Director: Legislative and other duties.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.160.]


      NAC 386.650  Executive Director: Duties regarding play-offs and tournaments; program to encourage awareness and attendance; monitoring of travel.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.162.]


      NAC 386.651  Executive Director: Establishment of procedures regarding inventory of tickets for events.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.164.]


      NAC 386.652  Membership in Association: Nevada high school or affiliate school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.200.]


      NAC 386.653  Membership in Association: Private high school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.202.]


      NAC 386.654  Membership in Association: Provisional membership.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.204.]


      NAC 386.6543  Membership in Association: Application for associate membership.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.206.]


      NAC 386.6546  Membership in Association: Associate membership.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.208.]


      NAC 386.6549  Membership in Association: Limited membership.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.210.]


      NAC 386.655  Membership in Association: Amount and payment of annual dues; imposition and amount of special assessment.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.212.]


      NAC 386.656  Membership in Association: Withdrawal and reinstatement.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.214.]


      NAC 386.657  Membership in Association: Revocation of membership of affiliate school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.216.]


      NAC 386.658  Principal of member school: Responsibility to Association; delegation of authority; approval of interscholastic activity.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.220.]


      NAC 386.659  Principal of member school: Registration of participants in sanctioned sports.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.222.]


      NAC 386.660  Principal of member school: Submission of information required to publish directory of schools.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.224.]


      NAC 386.661  Member school: Supervision of team or group.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.226.]


      NAC 386.662  Administrative organization: Appointment of members; election of officers.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.230.]


      NAC 386.663  Administrative organization: Powers and duties.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.232.]


      NAC 386.664  Administrative organization: Regular and special meetings.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.234.]


      NAC 386.665  Private schools: Selection and duties of liaison for Board; annual meetings.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.240.]


      NAC 386.666  Association and member schools: Responsibility for uniformity and coordination of interscholastic activities.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.058.]


      NAC 386.667  Classification and alignment of schools: General requirements; effective period; considerations; request for pupil or team to participate in another classification, league or region.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.250.]


      NAC 386.668  Classification and alignment of schools: Submission by school of recommendation for alignment.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.252.]


      NAC 386.6685  Classification and alignment of schools: Appeal by school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.254.]


      NAC 386.669  Sanctioned sports: Designation; amendment of list; insufficient participation; prohibition.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.390.]


      NAC 386.670  Regulations of Association: Submission and notification of proposed amendment.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.170.]


      NAC 386.671  Regulations of Association: Amendment by Board; submission of amendment to Legislative Counsel.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.172.]


Scheduling and Conducting Activities

      NAC 386.675  Scheduling of events in manner that results in minimum loss of school time.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.300.]


      NAC 386.676  Establishment and submission of schedules of events; penalty.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.302.]


      NAC 386.677  Postponement of game, contest or meet.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.304.]


      NAC 386.678  Cancellation of game, contest or meet; participation in game, contest or meet after withdrawal of school from Association; penalty.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.306.]


      NAC 386.679  Competition with certain out-of-state schools prohibited.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.308.]


      NAC 386.680  Competition with certain schools prohibited without approval of Executive Director.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.310.]


      NAC 386.681  Provision of sufficient physical training and suitable protective clothing to participants.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.312.]


      NAC 386.682  Use of equipment provided by private company that sponsors participant.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.314.]


      NAC 386.683  Security of field of play; encouragement of sportsmanlike behavior.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.316.]


      NAC 386.684  Conduct of participants and spectators: Responsibility of school; authority of sports official.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.318.]


      NAC 386.685  Use of cameras and other recording equipment.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.320.]


      NAC 386.686  Possession, sale or use of alcoholic beverages prohibited; enforcement.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.322.]


All-Star Competition

      NAC 386.690  Participation by team that participates in sanctioned sport prohibited; approval of Board regarding preseason and postseason competition; penalty.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.350.]


      NAC 386.691  Approval by Association of competition; imposition of certain restrictions and requirements; submission of injury report and written summary of competition.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.352.]


      NAC 386.694  Conditions under which pupil may participate in competition.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.354.]


Limitations on Participation

      NAC 386.695  Period of season and first day of practice for sanctioned sport; prohibited and authorized out-of-season activities relating to sanctioned sport.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.370.]


      NAC 386.696  Restrictions on participation in out-of-season activities relating to sanctioned sport.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.372.]


      NAC 386.697  Participation of pupil as amateur in sanctioned sport.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.374.]


      NAC 386.698  Participation by member of team or spirit squad in certain activities other than as such member; establishment of requirements for eligibility of pupil to participate in postseason competition.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.376.]


      NAC 386.699  Maximum number of games, contests or meets during seasons for sanctioned sports.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.378.]


      NAC 386.700  Forfeiture of game, contest or meet if pupil exceeds maximum allowed for sanctioned sport.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.380.]


      NAC 386.701  Treatment of game not completed because of unforeseeable and unavoidable cause.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.382.]


      NAC 386.702  Tournaments; wrestling; swimming and diving, substitutions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.384.]


      NAC 386.703  Miscellaneous limitations.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.386.]


Rules Regarding Specific Sports

      NAC 386.705  Baseball: Date for beginning practice; end of season.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.400.]


      NAC 386.706  Baseball: Interschool scrimmages.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.402.]


      NAC 386.707  Baseball: Protest of game.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.404.]


      NAC 386.708  Baseball: Replay of suspended game.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.406.]


      NAC 386.709  Baseball: Determination of championship team.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.408.]


      NAC 386.710  Baseball: Determination of home team and choice of dugout for games of tournament.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.410.]


      NAC 386.711  Baseball: Procedure when tournament is cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.412.]


      NAC 386.712  Baseball: Use of coaching boxes and head protection.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.414.]


      NAC 386.713  Baseball: Limitations on participation by pitcher; penalty.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.416.]


      NAC 386.714  Baseball: Rules of conduct; 10-run rule; period for junior varsity games.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.418.]


      NAC 386.715  Basketball: Date for beginning practice; end of season; activities between seasons; interschool scrimmages.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.420.]


      NAC 386.716  Basketball: Manual of alignment of schools; determination of championship team.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.422.]


      NAC 386.717  Basketball: Jerseys.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.424.]


      NAC 386.718  Basketball: Class 1A teams.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.426.]


      NAC 386.719  Cross-country: Generally.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.430.]


      NAC 386.720  Football: Date for beginning practice; end of season; games.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.434.]


      NAC 386.721  Football: Required practice; interschool scrimmages.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.436.]


      NAC 386.722  Football: Noncontact practice.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.438.]


      NAC 386.723  Football: Manual of alignment of schools; determination of championship team; play-offs; 45-point mercy rule.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.440.]


      NAC 386.724  Football: Jerseys.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.442.]


      NAC 386.725  Football: Limitations on participation by pupil.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.444.]


      NAC 386.726  Football: Provision of adequate facilities for participants in play-off.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.446.]


      NAC 386.727  Boys’ golf: Date for beginning practice; end of season; time, date and location of state tournament.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.450.]


      NAC 386.728  Boys’ golf: Tournaments.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.452.]


      NAC 386.729  Girls’ golf: Date for beginning practice; end of season; time, date and location of state tournament.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.454.]


      NAC 386.730  Girls’ golf: Tournaments.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.456.]


      NAC 386.731  Soccer: Date for beginning practice; end of season; games.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.458.]


      NAC 386.732  Soccer: Required practice; interschool scrimmages.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.460.]


      NAC 386.733  Soccer: Manual of alignment of schools; tournaments; determination of championship team.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.462.]


      NAC 386.735  Soccer: Availability of persons to provide soccer balls during game.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.464.]


      NAC 386.736  Softball: Date for beginning practice; end of season.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.470.]


      NAC 386.737  Softball: Interschool scrimmages.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.472.]


      NAC 386.738  Softball: Protest of game.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.474.]


      NAC 386.739  Softball: Replay of suspended game.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.476.]


      NAC 386.740  Softball: Determination of championship team.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.478.]


      NAC 386.741  Softball: Determination of home team and choice of dugout for games of tournament.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.480.]


      NAC 386.742  Softball: Procedure when tournament is cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.482.]


      NAC 386.743  Softball: Minimum length of official game.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.484.]


      NAC 386.744  Softball: Use of coaching boxes.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.486.]


      NAC 386.745  Softball: Rules of conduct; 10-run rule; period for junior varsity games.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.488.]


      NAC 386.746  Swimming: Generally.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.500.]


      NAC 386.747  Tennis: Generally.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.510.]


      NAC 386.748  Track and field: Generally.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.515.]


      NAC 386.749  Volleyball: Date for beginning practice; end of season; activities between seasons; interschool scrimmages; conduct of games and matches.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.520.]


      NAC 386.750  Volleyball: Format of games and matches; winner of match in which junior varsity or freshman team participates.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.522.]


      NAC 386.751  Volleyball: Class 1A teams with fewer than 15 members.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.524.]


      NAC 386.752  Wrestling: Date for beginning practice; end of season; rules and regulations; headgear.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.530.]


      NAC 386.753  Wrestling: Tournaments.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.532.]


Spirit Squads

      NAC 386.754  Compliance with Spirit Rules Book and applicable regulations; establishment of requirements for eligibility; sanctioning and nature of activities.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.550.]


      NAC 386.7541  Responsibilities of coach; duration of season; tryouts and selection for membership; activities between seasons.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.552.]


      NAC 386.7542  Number and membership of squads: Restrictions; authority of coach and school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.554.]


      NAC 386.7543  Separate tryouts for fall and winter seasons; separate squad to perform stunts.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.556.]


      NAC 386.7544  Members of squads: Participation in sanctioned sports; participation in activities not sponsored by school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.558.]


      NAC 386.7545  Attendance of and participation in certain competitions and events prohibited unless sanctioned by Association.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.560.]


      NAC 386.7546  Conduct of and reference to competitions and events.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.562.]


      NAC 386.7547  Application for sanctioning of competition or event: Requirements for submission; action on application; penalty for late submission.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.564.]


      NAC 386.7548  Attendance of or participation in competition or event: Ascertainment of sanctioning; penalty if not sanctioned; approval required; position of Association; prohibition; duty of coach.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.566.]


Championships and Awards

      NAC 386.755  Determination of championship: Participation by school in only one series of play-off games, tournaments or elimination meets; declaration based on percentage rating for regular season.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.600.]


      NAC 386.756  Tournaments: Determination of events for inclusion; location of events within State.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.610.]


      NAC 386.757  Tournaments: Conduct at location other than school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.612.]


      NAC 386.758  Tournaments: Representation of participating school by band or other group.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.614.]


      NAC 386.759  Tournaments: Manual of formats; establishment and approval of formats.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.616.]


      NAC 386.760  Tournaments: Submission by class or league of proposed change in format.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.618.]


      NAC 386.761  Tournaments: Establishment of price of admission; disposition of proceeds.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.620.]


      NAC 386.762  Tournaments: Retention of proceeds by Association.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.622.]


      NAC 386.763  Solicitation of spectator for purpose other than admission or related services.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.624.]


      NAC 386.764  Director of regional or state tournament: Appointment; compensation.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.626.]


      NAC 386.765  Sports officials for tournaments: Assignment; compensation.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.628.]


      NAC 386.766  Prerequisites to scheduling or conducting state tournament for Class 1A or 2A region or regional tournament for Class 1A or 2A league; number of participants required for certain sanctioned sports.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.630.]


      NAC 386.767  Prerequisites to scheduling or conducting state tournament for Class 3A or 4A region or regional tournament for Class 3A or 4A league; number of participants required for certain sanctioned sports.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.632.]


      NAC 386.768  State tournament: Submission of schedule to member schools.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.602.]


      NAC 386.769  State tournament: Procedure when cancelled or not completed because of unforeseeable and unavoidable cause.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.604.]


      NAC 386.770  State tournament: Replacement of qualifying participant; notice of intention to use alternate member of team.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.606.]


      NAC 386.771  Presumption regarding game, contest or meet for varsity players; determination of standings for play-offs.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.640.]


      NAC 386.772  Play-off games: Determinations by Executive Director.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.642.]


      NAC 386.773  Awards: Determination of number; awarding of league and regional trophies and medals.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.650.]


      NAC 386.774  Awards: Awarding of state trophies and medals; purchase of additional medals.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.652.]


      NAC 386.775  Awards: Limitation on retail value.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.654.]


Eligibility of Pupils and Coaches

      NAC 386.776  Registration of pupils: Applicability of certain provisions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.700.]


      NAC 386.777  Registration of pupils: Duties of school and pupil; rosters; scheduling of first game, contest or meet of season; penalty.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.702.]


      NAC 386.778  Registration of pupils: Adoption by school district of additional requirements for eligibility.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.704.]


      NAC 386.779  General requirements for eligibility of pupil; exception.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.706.]


      NAC 386.780  Maximum allowable participation by pupil.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.708.]


      NAC 386.781  Limitation on and record of age of pupil.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.710.]


      NAC 386.782  Residency of pupil: General requirements.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.712.]


      NAC 386.783  Residency of pupil: Burden of proof; establishment of new residence; reestablishment of former residence.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.714.]


      NAC 386.784  Presumption of ineligibility of pupil who transfers to another school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.716.]


      NAC 386.785  Rebuttal of presumption of ineligibility of pupil who transfers to another school; period of ineligibility of pupil who returns to former residence; deviation from certain provisions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.718.]


      NAC 386.786  Pupil who transfers to another school within same zone of attendance or after change in zone of attendance.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.720.]


      NAC 386.787  Pupil who is approved to attend magnet school or vocational or technical school that offers sanctioned sport.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.722.]


      NAC 386.788  Pupil who attends magnet school or vocational or technical school that does not offer sanctioned sport.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.724.]


      NAC 386.789  Pupil who attends charter school; requirements of charter school relating to eligibility.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.726.]


      NAC 386.790  Pupil assigned to option-zoned school; effect of rezoning of boundaries of certain school districts during school year.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.728.]


      NAC 386.791  Pupil enrolled in high school located within community college; pupil who attends high school pursuant to certain alternative program.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.730.]


      NAC 386.792  Pupil who attends private school that does not offer sanctioned sport.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.732.]


      NAC 386.793  Homeschooled children.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.734.]


      NAC 386.794  Siblings enrolled in high school and assigned to school pursuant to zoning regulations of school district.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.736.]


      NAC 386.795  Foreign exchange students and international students; penalty.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.738.]


      NAC 386.796  Practice or participation by pupil in any sanctioned sport for more than one school during season prohibited; waiver of prohibition.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.740.]


      NAC 386.797  Reestablishment of eligibility of pupil after transfer.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.742.]


      NAC 386.798  Waiver of requirements upon application of pupil transferring to another school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.744.]


      NAC 386.799  Transfer of pupil from school that ceases to offer or does not offer sanctioned sport.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.746.]


      NAC 386.800  Academic eligibility: Requirements for pupils; imposition of stricter requirements by school.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.750.]


      NAC 386.801  Academic eligibility: Enrollment in ninth grade.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.752.]


      NAC 386.802  Academic eligibility: Courses and units of credit.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.754.]


      NAC 386.803  Academic eligibility: Adoption of certain alternative requirements by school district; continual review of academic progress.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.756.]


      NAC 386.804  Academic eligibility: Passing grades during season; periodic reviews of pupil’s progress.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.758.]


      NAC 386.805  Academic eligibility: Minimum grade point average.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.760.]


      NAC 386.806  Academic eligibility: Passing grades during season and minimum grade point average.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.762.]


      NAC 386.808  Academic eligibility: Change in recorded grade for pupil; completion of extra work to improve pupil’s grade.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.764.]


      NAC 386.809  Academic eligibility: Pupil who qualifies for special education services.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.766.]


      NAC 386.810  Academic eligibility: Homeschooled children.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.768.]


      NAC 386.811  Academic eligibility: Incorrect determination of grade of pupil; date of eligibility of ineligible pupil who is allowed to practice with team.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.770.]


      NAC 386.812  Assistance with interpretation of regulations relating to academic eligibility.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.772.]


      NAC 386.813  Minimum amount of practice: Pupil.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.790.]


      NAC 386.814  Minimum amount of practice: Team.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.792.]


      NAC 386.815  Minimum amount of practice: Exceptions to requirements.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.794.]


      NAC 386.816  Prohibition of activities on Sunday; exceptions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.330.]


      NAC 386.817  Limitations on participation of pupil during season and school year; transfer of pupil to another sanctioned sport.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.332.]


      NAC 386.818  Participation by girl on team for boys and by boy on team for girls.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.334.]


      NAC 386.819  Physical examinations: Requirements for pupils; maintenance and review of records; exemption from requirements.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.336.]


      NAC 386.820  Pupil injured in sanctioned sport and treated by provider of health care.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.338.]


      NAC 386.821  Pupil soliciting or seeking enrollment in return for receiving favorable conditions or treatment.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.340.]


      NAC 386.822  Recruiting of pupil to participate in sanctioned sport prohibited; penalties.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.342.]


      NAC 386.823  Restrictions on solicitation or encouragement of prospective pupil to enroll in school; prohibited representation of athletic program; duty of coach upon receiving certain notification regarding prospective pupil.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.344.]


      NAC 386.824  Restriction on offer or provision of compensation or other inducement to pupil.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.346.]


      NAC 386.825  Attempts to circumvent requirements for eligibility of pupil.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.776.]


      NAC 386.826  Ineligible pupil: Scope of ineligibility.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.778.]


      NAC 386.827  Ineligible pupil: Participation in practice; participation in sanctioned sport.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.780.]


      NAC 386.828  Ineligible pupil: Prohibition on participation in game, contest or meet.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.782.]


      NAC 386.829  Penalties for participation of ineligible pupil; appeal of forfeiture or loss of position.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.784.]


      NAC 386.830  Imposition of penalties after participation of disqualified or ineligible team or pupil pursuant to court order; postponement or cancellation of event.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.786.]


      NAC 386.831  Coaches: Accompaniment of team or pupil representing school; effect of ejection from game, contest or meet.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.796.]


      NAC 386.832  Coaches: Required certification and courses.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.798.]


Sportsmanship and Ethics

      NAC 386.835  Standards of conduct: General requirements; penalties for violation.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.800.]


      NAC 386.836  Standards of conduct: Applicability of certain provisions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.802.]


      NAC 386.837  Standards of conduct: Pupils.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.804.]


      NAC 386.838  Standards of conduct: Coaches.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.806.]


      NAC 386.839  Standards of conduct: Sports officials.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.808.]


      NAC 386.840  Standards of conduct: School administrators.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.810.]


      NAC 386.841  Standards of conduct: Period of compliance; penalties for violation.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.812.]


      NAC 386.842  Reports of violations and of violence against sports official; review of reports and imposition of penalties.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.820.]


      NAC 386.843  Ejection of pupil or coach from game, contest or meet. (NRS 386.430)  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.822.]


      NAC 386.844  Prevention and control of bench-clearing incidents and physical altercations; penalties.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.824.]


      NAC 386.845  Defamatory statements to media or through social media prohibited; investigation and imposition of penalty.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.826.]


      NAC 386.846  Imposition of penalties: Authority; report.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.828.]


      NAC 386.847  Coaches, school administrators and faculty members: Prohibited conduct; duties; reports of violations.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.830.]


Appeal of Determinations; Enforcement

      NAC 386.850  Appeal of certain determinations by aggrieved pupil or school; applicability of certain provisions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.900.]


      NAC 386.851  Appeal of certain determinations imposing hardship on pupil.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.902.]


      NAC 386.852  Appeals: Pupil who attends school in district of county whose population is 100,000 or more.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.904.]


      NAC 386.853  Appeals: Pupil enrolled in private school or school in school district of county whose population is less than 100,000.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.906.]


      NAC 386.854  Appeals: Pupil determined to be ineligible to participate in sanctioned sport.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.908.]


      NAC 386.855  Appeals: Pupil adversely affected by determination made on appeal of determination of ineligibility.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.910.]


      NAC 386.856  Complaints: Preparation and submission; response; action by Executive Director or designee; appeal of decision.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.920.]


      NAC 386.857  Investigation of school: Cooperation required; penalty for failure to cooperate.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.922.]


      NAC 386.858  Reporting of violations: Duties of principal of school or designee.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.924.]


      NAC 386.859  Filing of complaint by person having knowledge of violation.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.926.]


      NAC 386.860  Imposition of penalties by Executive Director; certain determinations and penalties not subject to appeal.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.950.]


      NAC 386.861  Imposition of additional penalties by Association or Executive Director or during appeal; approval of suspension by Board.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.960.]


Sports Officials

      NAC 386.865  Effect and protest of decisions.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.850.]


      NAC 386.866  Registration, assignment and use of non-association officials.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.852.]



      NAC 386.870  Issuance by Board of lifetime and courtesy passes.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.860.]


      NAC 386.871  Lifetime pass: Prerequisites to issuance; use.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.862.]


      NAC 386.872  Courtesy pass: Prerequisites to and restriction on issuance; use; duplicate pass; revocation.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.864.]


      NAC 386.873  Courtesy pass: Member of Nevada State Officials’ Association.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.866.]


      NAC 386.874  Issuance of pass by league or region; use of pass.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.868.]


      NAC 386.875  Issuance of passes by director of tournament.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.870.]


Broadcasting of Games, Contests, Meets and Tournaments

      NAC 386.880  Rights reserved by Association; authority of Board.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.874.]


      NAC 386.881  Approval required to broadcast by television or radio or over Internet.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.876.]


      NAC 386.882  Consideration of requests for permission to broadcast.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.878.]


      NAC 386.883  Fees for approving requests to broadcast: Amount; obligations of person paying fee; waiver of fee.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.880.]


      NAC 386.884  Approval required for agreement conferring exclusive right to broadcast.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.882.]


      NAC 386.886  Issuance of passes to stations that broadcast by television.  [Replaced in revision by NAC 385B.884.]