Audit Division
Audit Summary
Department of Business and Industry
Division of Agriculture
Report LA98-6

Results in Brief

 The Division of Agriculture has not established formal policies regarding program funding. Without funding policies, it is unclear if program fees are recovering appropriate levels of associated costs. In addition, the Division does not always generate reliable or sufficient cost information needed by management to monitor and evaluate program activity. In excess of $1.6 million of costs should have been distributed to specific programs to appropriately reflect actual program expenses. As such, the Division cannot provide management and policy makers with accurate and complete program information.

Principal Findings


Agency Response
to Audit Recommendations

Number                                                                                             Accepted     Rejected

1 Conduct comprehensive planning and develop a
formal funding policy...............................................                              X

2 Review funding levels periodically to ensure they
remain sufficient to achieve funding goals...............                                 X

3 Utilize the state's accounting system to fully identify,
allocate, and accurately record all costs to operate
each state and federal program..............................                                X

4 Allocate all indirect costs on a consistent and logical
basis........................................................................                             X

5 Document the methodologies used to allocate each
indirect cost..............................................................                            X

6 Develop cost reports to help management monitor
program activities and facilitate informed decisions..                               X

TOTALS                                                                                              6                         0