Audit Division
Audit Summary
Risk Management
Report LA98-15

Results in Brief

 The Risk Management Division lacks management controls over the administration of the group insurance program. For instance, the Division has not established written policies and procedures to ensure participant information is processed timely and accurately. In addition, many of its methods and practices contribute to delays and processing errors. As a result, the Division has difficulty generating accurate group insurance billings. Although significant resources are spent attempting to settle billing discrepancies, more than $3 million remained unresolved as of April 1997. In addition, because of inaccurate group insurance information the Division improperly transferred $600,000 to the state's group benefits fund. Furthermore, at least $63,000 was lost because the Division paid premiums for individuals no longer covered under the group insurance program.

The Division has significant internal control weaknesses over cash receipts. These weaknesses include a poor process for recording money received, untimely deposits, inadequate separation of duties, and improper use of cash receipt forms. An effective internal control system is important because more than $37 million in group insurance premiums was paid to the Division by check or cash during fiscal year 1997. Without proper safeguards, fraud and abuse could occur and go undetected.

 Principal Findings

Agency Response
to Audit Recommendations

Number                                                                             Accepted                 Rejected

1     Establish written policies, procedures, regulations
        and performance measures for administering the
        group insurance program.......................................         X

2     Ensure sufficient time to process insurance forms by
        preparing monthly bills after the end of the month
        and notifying pay centers of billing cut-off dates.....          X

3     Process insurance change forms for retirees and
        deceased individuals when the forms are received.          X

4     Establish a file management system ........................         X

5     Reconcile pay center payments to BISON billings on
        a monthly basis......................................................        X

6     Ensure billing discrepancies are resolved timely........        X

7     Develop written procedures to ensure all cash
        receipts are deposited and properly recorded in
        the state's accounting system.................................         X

8     Deposit cash receipts in accordance with statutory
        requirements..........................................................        X

9     Separate key duties over the revenue collection and
        recording process...................................................       X

10   Comply with state requirements for the use of cash
        receipt forms..........................................................       X

TOTALS                                                                             10                                 0