Audit Division
Audit Summary
Colorado River Commission
Report LA98-14

Results in Brief

The Colorado River Commission complied with laws and regulations significant to its financial administration, with the following exceptions. CRC did not fully comply with laws and regulations related to the timely deposit of funds, the timely evaluation of employees, the accounting for certain financial transactions, the restrictive endorsement of checks, the proper safekeeping of cash receipts, and the control over credit cards issued to employees. CRC did not obtain the approval of the Board of Examiners when an industrial power customer changed the type of collateral offered to CRC, nor did CRC seek the approval of the Board of Finance when it established a bank escrow account. Also, the duties of CRC staff have not been adequately segregated, leading to management control weaknesses.

In addition, the CRC did not always provide its electric power customers with accurate billings, resulting in overbilling and customer complaints. This situation developed, in part, because of a lack of documentation and written procedures for CRC's power billing process. Further, CRC does not independently verify the amounts of water diverted from the Colorado River by small water users.

Principal Findings

 The following are selected findings from our audit of the Colorado River Commission. We found the Colorado River Commission:

Agency Response
to Audit Recommendations

Number                                                                                     Accepted             Rejected

1     Document the power billing process and develop a
        manual to guide staff responsible for preparing
        power bills............................................................                 X

2     Develop methods or procedures to minimize the
        surplus balance in the power marketing fund........                   X

3     Seek Board of Examiners' approval for new types
        of collateral offered by industrial power
        customers............................................................                  X

4     Segregate key duties...............................................                X

5     Record third-party transactions in compliance with
        SAM 2730............................................................                X

6     Determine the feasibility of independently verifying
        the meter readings for small water users..............                    X

7     Cancel all credit cards that are still active and in the
        name of former CRC employees..........................                  X

8     Develop stronger controls over the issuance and
        monitoring of credit cards.....................................                  X

9     Obtain Board of Finance approval for any new bank
        accounts..............................................................                  X

10    Notify the State Treasurer and State Controller of
         the existence of bank accounts............................                  X

11    Ensure deposits are made timely............................                X

12    Restrictively endorse checks as soon as
         practicable...........................................................                X

13    Ensure that checks and other receipts are kept in
         an adequate safekeeping device..........................                  X

14    Prepare employee evaluations as required by
         statute.................................................................                 X

TOTALS                                                                                     14                               0