The Nevada Legislature provides external links as a service only.
Providing links to other websites does not imply our endorsement of, or responsibility for, those websites,
but is done as a convenience to those who access our website.
Nevada Senate, 2022-Present (first elected November 2022)
2019-2020 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Legislative Commission; Legislative Committee on Public Lands; Sunset Subcommittee of the Legislative Commission
2019 SESSION COMMITTEES: Commerce and Labor; Judiciary; Legislative Operations and Elections
Nevada Assembly, 2011-2014 and 2017-2019 (first elected November 2010; after lapse in service, subsequently elected November 2016)—four regular and two special sessions
2017-2018 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Interim Committee on Cognitive Needs of Older Persons in Nevada; Nevada Veterans' Services Commission
2017 SESSION COMMITTEES: Commerce and Labor; Government Affairs; Legislative Operations and Elections
Other Public Service
Sparks Charter Committee, 2002-2010
Sparks Citizens Advisory Committee, 2002-2010
Washoe County Schools Construction and Revitalization Advisory Committee, 2007-2008
Advisory Group to Conduct Interim Study on Lease-Purchase and Installment-Purchase Agreements by Public Entities, 2005-2006
Northern Nevada Laborers (joint labor and management) pension, health and welfare, vacation plan, and training and apprenticeship trust funds, member of Board of Trustees
Laborers’ International Union of North America, Local 169
United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra, Board Member
Truckee Meadows Community College, Reno, A.A.
Reed High School, Sparks
Occupation: Former Business Manager/Secretary/Treasurer, Laborers’ Union Local 169, Reno - now retired Recreation: Travel, golf, hunting, sports Born: 1959 - Reno, Nevada Spouse: Lisa Children: Sara, Brian
The Nevada Legislature provides external links as a service only. Providing links to other websites does not imply our endorsement of, or responsibility for, those websites, but is done as a convenience to those who access our website.