Senator Robin L. Titus

Minority Leader
Party: Republican

District: 17

County: Churchill, Douglas, Esmeralda, Lyon, Mineral, Nye (Part)

district map graphic

Legislative Service

  • Nevada Senate, 2022-Present (first elected November 2022)
  • Nevada Assembly, 2015-2021 (first elected in November 2014)—four regular and five special sessions
  • 2021 SESSION COMMITTEES: Health and Human Services; Natural Resources; Ways and Means
  • 2019 SESSION COMMITTEES: Health and Human Services; Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining; Ways and Means
  • 2017 SESSION COMMITTEES: Health and Human Services; Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining; Ways and Means
  • 2015 SESSION COMMITTEES: Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining (Chair); Health and Human Services (Vice Chair); Ways and Means
  • 2019-2020 INTERIM COMMITTEE: Committee to Conduct an Interim Study Concerning Wildfires; Interim Finance Committee; Legislative Committee on Health Care; Northern Regional Behavioral Health Policy Board
  • 2017-2018 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Interim Finance Committee; Northern Regional Behavioral Health Policy Board
  • 2015-2016 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Interim Finance Committee; Legislative Committee for the Review and Oversight of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Marlette Lake Water System; Legislative Committee on Public Lands

Honors and Awards

  • Topaz Sertoma, Service to Mankind Award, 1991
  • Topaz Seratoma Award for Community Service, 1992
  • Nevada State Medical Society, Community Service Award,1996
  • American Academy of Family Physicians, Nevada Chapter, Family Physician of the Year, 2008
  • University of Nevada School of Medicine, Thomas J. Scully Preceptor Carissimus Award, 2009
  • University of Nevada School of Medicine, Outstanding Alumna, 2010
  • National Rural Health Day Community Star Recipient, 2019
  • National Guard Patrick Henry Citizen Award, 2021

Other Achievements

  • Trek to base camp of Mount Everest 2005
  • Trek to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro 2008
  • Completion of 10 marathons


  • Smith Valley Historical Society, President, current
  • Nevada Academy of Family Physicians, President, 2012-2013
  • Nevada State Medical Association, Rural Member, Executive Board, 2012-present
  • South Lyon Medical Center, Chief of Staff, current
  • Lyon County Health Officer, 1984–present
  • Lyon County Republican Central Committee, Chair, 2010-2012
  • Smith Valley Fire District, EMS Director, 1984-2014
  • University of Nevada School of Medicine, Clinical Assistant Professor, current
  • Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, Member, 1999-2004


  • Smith Valley High School
  • University of Nevada, Reno B.S.
  • University of Nevada School of Medicine, M.D.


Occupation: Family Practice Physician
Recreation: Hunting, fishing, exploring Nevada’s ghost towns, hiking and running.
Born: 1954 - Trenton, New Jersey
Spouse: Allen Veil
Children: Jennifer, Buck; Stepchildren: Veronica, Erica, Clint
Grand Children: Reegan, Riley, Keelan, Sophia, Olivia, Ukaius, Adeleene, Tristan, Colton, Caliber and Lainey

Primary Sponsor

SB1 Makes an appropriation to the Legislative Fund for the costs of the 83rd Legislative Session. (BDR S-523)
SR1 Adopts the Standing Rules of the Senate for the 83rd Session of the Legislature. (BDR R-977)
SR2 Provides allowances to the members of the Senate for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. (BDR R-978)
SJR2 Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to revise provisions relating to elections involving incumbent justices or judges who are unopposed. (BDR C-26)
ACR3 Expresses gratitude to the National Conference of State Legislatures for 50 years of service. (BDR R-986)
SR3 Provides for the appointment of the Senate Session staff. (BDR R-979)
SR4 Provides for the compensation of the clergy in the Senate for the 83rd Session of the Nevada Legislature. (BDR R-1151)
SJR9 Urges the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee and the Postmaster General of the United States Postal Service for the creation of a postage stamp commemorating John “Snowshoe” Thompson. (BDR R-46)
AB92 Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-101)
SB94 Exempts the State of Nevada from provisions of federal law relating to daylight saving time. (BDR 19-25)
SB103 Revises provisions relating to mail ballots. (BDR 24-56)
SB108 Revises provisions governing the Account for the Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program. (BDR 48-88)
SB109 Revises provisions governing legislative measures that are authorized to be requested for a regular legislative session. (BDR 17-27)
SB195 Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-907)
SB205 Revises provisions relating to the statewide voter registration list. (BDR 24-579)
SB206 Revises provisions relating to the efficacy of state programs. (BDR 17-552)
SB215 Revises provisions relating to wildlife. (BDR 45-576)
SB232 Makes an appropriation for the construction of a veterans and community center in Virginia City, Nevada. (BDR S-1055)
SB248 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-638)
SB258 Revises provisions relating to industrial insurance. (BDR 53-594)
SB264 Revises provisions relating to crimes against property. (BDR 15-219)
AB267 Revises provisions relating to the Legislature. (BDR 17-1001)
SB269 Provides a credit against the modified business tax for certain donations to support graduate medical education. (BDR 32-578)
SB271 Makes an appropriation for a nurse apprentice program. (BDR S-1054)
SB280 Makes an appropriation to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, School of Dental Medicine for cleft and craniofacial health care. (BDR S-746)
AB288 Makes an appropriation to the White Pine County School District for the construction of an elementary school. (BDR S-617)
AB300 Makes an appropriation for the construction of a veterans and community center in Virginia City, Nevada. (BDR S-1065)
SB302 Revises provisions relating to law enforcement. (BDR 20-112)
SB304 Revises provisions relating to the crime of vehicular homicide. (BDR 43-370)
SB316 Revises provisions relating to insurance. (BDR 57-777)
SB365 Prohibits an attorney from contracting for or collecting certain fees. (BDR 1-1016)
SB385 Revises provisions relating to certain transferable tax credits and certain tax abatements. (BDR 32-826)
AB415 Revises provisions governing the towing of motor vehicles. (BDR 43-821)


SCR1 Memorializes esteemed native Nevadan and lobbyist Kathleen “Neena” Laxalt. (BDR R-1028)
SJR11 Recognizes the strategic partnership and bond of friendship with, and expresses the Nevada Legislature's support for, the State of Israel. (BDR R-1014)
SB92 Authorizes a proposed increase or decrease in a rate for certain kinds and lines of insurance to be implemented pending approval or disapproval by the Commissioner of Insurance. (BDR 57-93)
SB96 Designates January 27 as “International Holocaust Remembrance Day” in the State of Nevada. (BDR 19-604)
SB237 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-542)
SB399 Revises provisions relating to veterans. (BDR 37-1046)