Nevada Senate, 2022-Present (first elected November 2022)
Nevada Assembly, 2015-2021 (first elected in November 2014)—four regular and five special sessions
2021 SESSION COMMITTEES: Government Affairs (Chair); Commerce and Labor; Education
2019-2020 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Committee to Conduct an Interim Study of Issues Relating to Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana; Committee to Conduct an Interim Study of Issues Relating to Pretrial Release of Defendants in Criminal Cases
2019 SESSION COMMITTEES: Government Affairs (Chair); Education (Vice Chair); Taxation
2017-2018 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Committee on High-Level Radioactive Waste (Chair); Committee to Conduct an Interim Study Relating to Affordable Housing; Advisory Task Force on School Leader Management
2017 SESSION COMMITTEES: Government Affairs (Chair); Education; Taxation
2015 SESSION COMMITTEES: Education; Government Affairs; Transportation
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), B.A., English