AJR4 | Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to create an independent redistricting commission. (BDR C-739) |
SB110 | Revises provisions governing the operation of vehicles on certain highways in the State of Nevada. (BDR 43-593) |
SB113 | Revises provisions relating to groundwater management plans. (BDR 48-595) |
SB134 | Revises provisions relating to vision insurance. (BDR 57-642) |
SB135 | Revises the deadline for returning mail ballots by mail. (BDR 24-529) |
SB138 | Revises provisions relating to sex trafficking. (BDR 15-609) |
SB149 | Revises provisions governing reading and mathematics education. (BDR 34-647) |
SB170 | Revises provisions relating to crimes. (BDR 15-581) |
AB174 | Revises provisions governing the state militia. (BDR 36-734) |
SB181 | Revises provisions relating to economic development. (BDR 18-683) |
SB183 | Establishes provisions relating to the collection and destruction of unused drugs. (BDR 54-576) |
SB188 | Revises provisions governing firearms. (BDR 15-172) |
SB193 | Revises provisions governing the commerce tax. (BDR 32-584) |
SB195 | Revises provisions related to cannabis. (BDR 56-452) |
SB197 | Establishes and revises the penalties for certain offenses involving fentanyl and carfentanil. (BDR 40-579) |
SB201 | Revises provisions governing pharmacists. (BDR 54-582) |
SB202 | Establishes provisions governing institutional pharmacies. (BDR 54-580) |
SB205 | Revises provisions relating to the registration of off-highway vehicles. (BDR 43-546) |
SB208 | Requires counties and cities to enact certain ordinances relating to battery-charged fences. (BDR 20-853) |
SB212 | Authorizes the reimbursement of teachers for certain out-of-pocket expenses. (BDR 34-585) |
SB220 | Revises provisions relating to the Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program. (BDR 34-99) |
SB221 | Revises provisions relating to Medicaid. (BDR S-951) |
SB224 | Revises the membership of the Board of Wildlife Commissioners. (BDR 45-1013) |
SB228 | Revises provisions relating to governmental financial administration. (BDR 23-945) |
SB230 | Requires certain proof of identity to vote in an election. (BDR 24-175) |
SB238 | Makes various changes relating to certain voter registration agencies. (BDR 43-583) |
SB245 | Provides that peace officers are immune from civil liability under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-1023) |
SB267 | Establishes provisions relating to insurance coverage of mental health services. (BDR 57-1020) |
SB284 | Revises provisions relating to driving or operating certain vehicles or vessels while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. (BDR 16-940) |
SB286 | Revises provisions relating to health care. (BDR 40-84) |
SB300 | Makes an appropriation from the State General Fund to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, for a grant program for certain interns. (BDR S-100) |
AB307 | Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-664) |
SB320 | Revises provisions related to the Legislature. (BDR 23-194) |
SB322 | Revises provisions relating to reckless driving. (BDR 43-934) |
SB324 | Revises provisions governing schools of nursing. (BDR 54-918) |
SB325 | Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-105) |
SB334 | Revises provisions relating to energy storage systems that are used to meet certain biennial energy storage targets. (BDR 58-30) |
SB336 | Revises provisions relating to the regulation of certain healing arts. (BDR 54-886) |
SB342 | Enacts provisions relating to veterinary medicine. (BDR 34-1012) |
SB351 | Revises provisions relating to communications with offenders. (BDR 16-659) |
AB358 | Revises provisions governing emergency medical services. (BDR 40-859) |
SB361 | Revises provisions relating to solid waste. (BDR 40-935) |
SB366 | Revises provisions relating to children. (BDR 34-727) |
SB369 | Revises provisions relating to health care. (BDR 32-528) |
SB374 | Revises provisions relating to property taxes. (BDR 32-578) |
AB374 | Revises provisions governing athletics in schools, the Nevada System of Higher Education and organizations for youth sports. (BDR 34-718) |
SB377 | Requires the Legislative Auditor to conduct an audit of certain costs and expenses associated with opioid-related litigation. (BDR S-757) |
SB378 | Revises provisions relating to common-interest communities. (BDR 10-1059) |
SB399 | Revises provisions governing occupational and professional licensing. (BDR 54-577) |
SB420 | Revises provisions relating to the payment of certain fees for legal services. (BDR S-667) |
AB420 | Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-689) |
SCR1 | Directs the Joint Interim Standing Committee on the Judiciary to conduct an interim study concerning certain policies and procedures applicable to victims of human trafficking. (BDR R-1021) |
AJR1 | Urges the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to study the effectiveness and use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for veterans. (BDR R-838) |
SCR3 | Memorializes esteemed attorney and lobbyist Ben Graham. (BDR R-1095) |
SR4 | Inducts Richard Bryan into the Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1196) |
SR5 | Inducts Joseph Paul Hardy into the Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1195) |
SJR5 | Urges Congress to expand the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children to cover the purchase of menstrual products. (BDR R-980) |
SR6 | Inducts Claire Jesse Clift as an honorary member into the Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1197) |
AJR8 | Urges the Congress of the United States to deschedule marijuana as a schedule I controlled substance. (BDR R-615) |
SB120 | Revises provisions relating to esthetics and advanced esthetics. (BDR 54-23) |
SB121 | Revises provisions relating to offenses against children. (BDR 15-29) |
SB123 | Revises provisions relating to unemployment compensation. (BDR 53-285) |
SB128 | Revises provisions relating to fentanyl and certain related opioids. (BDR 40-544) |
SB129 | Revises provisions relating to certain civil actions involving sexual assault. (BDR 2-573) |
SB130 | Revises provisions relating to the emergency powers of the Governor. (BDR 36-514) |
SB132 | Revises provisions relating to insurance coverage for living organ donors. (BDR 57-551) |
SB136 | Revises provisions relating to states of emergency or declarations of disaster proclaimed by the Governor. (BDR 36-520) |
SB140 | Authorizes certain counties to obtain reimbursement of costs incurred for certain activities that are subject to the excise tax on live entertainment. (BDR 32-166) |
SB141 | Revises provisions related to wildlife. (BDR 45-294) |
SB144 | Establishes a credit against certain taxes for a taxpayer who donates money to a career and technical program tax credit organization that makes grants to programs of career and technical education. (BDR 34-866) |
SB150 | Revises provisions relating to psychological assistants, psychological interns and psychological trainees. (BDR 54-648) |
SB151 | Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-287) |
SB152 | Revises provisions relating to the discipline of pupils. (BDR 34-25) |
SB157 | Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-173) |
SB161 | Makes revisions relating to personal health and wellness. (BDR 38-811) |
AB173 | Revises provisions governing public works. (BDR 28-735) |
SB174 | Revises provisions governing common-interest communities. (BDR 10-610) |
SB194 | Revises provisions relating to step therapy protocols. (BDR 57-885) |
SB204 | Provides for the limited practice of medicine by certain medical school graduates. (BDR 54-49) |
AB234 | Makes revisions relating to health care. (BDR 40-61) |
SB241 | Revises provisions relating to Medicaid. (BDR 38-971) |
SB242 | Requires the Department of Health and Human Services to establish the Psychedelic Medicines Working Group. (BDR S-39) |
SB243 | Revises provisions relating to catalytic converters. (BDR 15-37) |
SB253 | Revises provisions relating to public employment. (BDR 23-919) |
SB273 | Changes the name of the Nevada State College to the Nevada State University. (BDR 34-968) |
AB287 | Provides that peace officers are immune from civil liability under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-1009) |
SB305 | Provides for the establishment of a retirement savings program for private sector employees. (BDR 31-933) |
SB310 | Establishes provisions relating to dentistry. (BDR 54-601) |
AB314 | Revises provisions governing the regulation of home-based businesses by counties, cities and towns. (BDR 20-772) |
AB320 | Establishes provisions relating to Internet privacy. (BDR 52-589) |
SB321 | Revises provisions relating to crimes. (BDR 14-550) |
SB352 | Revises provisions relating to prescription drugs. (BDR 57-134) |
SB381 | Prohibits a landlord from requiring a tenant to pay certain charges. (BDR 10-650) |
SB383 | Revises provisions relating to state governmental administration. (BDR 34-286) |
SB398 | Revises provisions relating to unmanned aerial vehicles. (BDR 44-14) |
SB401 | Revises provisions relating to punitive damages. (BDR 3-686) |
AB410 | Revises provisions relating to industrial insurance. (BDR 53-1030) |
SB451 | Directs the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Growth and Infrastructure to conduct a study concerning certain subjects related to hydrogen. (BDR S-32) |
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