Senator Joyce Woodhouse

Chief Majority Whip
Party: Democratic

Legislative Service

  • Chief Majority Whip, 2019
  • Co-Minority Whip, 2017
  • Nevada Senate, 2006-2009 and 2012 -Present (first elected November 2006; and after lapse in service, subsequently elected November 2012)

Other Public Service

  • Board of Directors, Credit Union, 2002-Present
  • Board of Directors - Treasurer, Voices in Voting/ Kids Voting Southern Nevada, 1998-Present
  • Chair, KidsVention
  • Co-Chair, Southern Nevada Science Education Consortium, 1994-Present
  • President, Nevada State Education Association, 1980-1981

Honors and Awards

  • Denise Dunning Award for Excellence in Advocacy, Nevada Cancer Coalition, 2014
  • Safe Communities Leadership Award, Safe Communities Partnership, 2013
  • Lawmaker of the Year, American Cancer Society Cancer Awareness Network, 2013
  • Legacy Award, Hero School Suit-Up Program, 2013
  • Distinguished Woman of the Year, Soroptomists of Nevada
  • Leadership in Education, Phi Delta Kappa
  • "Unsung Hero" Award, Nevada Public Education Foundation


  • Carroll College, Helena, Montana, B.A., Elementary Education
  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Master's Degree, Curriculum and Instruction; Master's Degree, Educational Leadership


Occupation: Teacher, Elementary School Principal, Program Administrator (Retired)
Recreation: Reading, golf, volunteer work
Born: 1944 - Wibaux, Montana
Spouse: Al Wittenberg (Deceased)

Primary Sponsor

SJR3* Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to provide certain rights to voters. (BDR C-55)
SJR5 Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to revise provisions relating to the State Legislature. (BDR C-58)
SJR8 Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to guarantee equal rights. (BDR C-1278)
SB108 Makes various changes relating to the Nevada Youth Legislature. (BDR 17-62)
SB130 Provides for the licensing and regulation of certain persons who administer radiation. (BDR 40-61)
SB131 Revises provisions relating to the resale of tickets to an athletic contest or live entertainment event. (BDR 52-64)
SB134 Makes various changes relating to advanced practice registered nurses. (BDR 43-63)
SB143 Repeals, revises and reenacts provisions relating to background checks for certain sales or transfers of firearms. (BDR 15-755)
SB155 Revises provisions regarding the possession and use of personal identifying information and fictitious personal identifying information. (BDR 15-917)
SB159 Requires each public school and private school to adopt a policy concerning safe exposure to the sun. (BDR 34-583)
SB190 Creates the Nevada 2020 Census Commission. (BDR S-727)
SB191 Requires each public school in a school district to establish and maintain a school library. (BDR 34-562)
SB193 Makes an appropriation for educational programs relating to history, law and civics. (BDR S-368)
SB200 Requires health insurers to provide coverage for certain services and equipment. (BDR 57-43)
SB203 Revises provisions governing programs for children who are blind, visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing. (BDR 38-77)
SB204 Revises provisions relating to the mental health of pupils. (BDR 34-551)
SB206 Revises provisions relating to state financial administration. (BDR 31-806)
SB215 Revises provisions relating to occupational diseases. (BDR 53-317)
SB224 Revises provisions relating to public retirement systems. (BDR 23-598)
SB225 Revises provisions relating to veterans. (BDR 37-552)
SB227 Requires certain information to be reported concerning public school expenditures. (BDR 34-825)
SB249 Requires each public school to establish and maintain a school library. (BDR 34-13)
SB251 Requires an interim study concerning the development of certain golf courses. (BDR S-60)
SB255 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-790)
SB312 Requires an employer in private employment to provide paid leave to employees under certain circumstances. (BDR 53-888)
SB313 Revises provisions relating to computer literacy and computer science education. (BDR 34-731)
SB314 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-730)
SB315 Revises provisions relating to public health. (BDR 40-581)
SB319 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-1063)
SB320 Makes various changes concerning the placement of pupils in certain more rigorous courses. (BDR 34-681)
SB321 Abolishes the Achievement School District. (BDR 34-682)
SB324 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-683)
SB331 Designates the new Interstate Highway No. 11 as the Purple Heart Highway. (BDR S-78)
SB350 Revises provisions relating to Nevada Promise Scholarships. (BDR 34-308)
SB354 Revises provisions relating to the Nevada System of Higher Education. (BDR 34-59)
SB358 Revises provisions relating to the renewable energy portfolio standard. (BDR 58-301)
SB363 Requires the Legislative Committee on Health Care to study matters relating to stem cell centers during the 2019-2021 legislative interim. (BDR S-1017)
SB365 Revises provisions relating to health insurance. (BDR 57-684)
SB376 Revises provisions relating to the Nevada Institute on Teaching and Educator Preparation. (BDR 34-732)
SB392 Revises provisions relating to real property. (BDR 10-1044)
SB392* Revises provisions relating to energy. (BDR 58-663)
SB402 Makes various changes concerning educational programs relating to science, technology, engineering and mathematics and makes an appropriation. (BDR 43-887)
SB408 Revises provisions relating to public safety. (BDR 43-805)
SB416 Revises provisions relating to the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS). (BDR 23-895)
AB499 Provides for a special license plate of limited duration commemorating the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage. (BDR 43-1265)
SB502 Revises certain licensing fees for social workers. (BDR 54-1162)


SCR1 Directs the Legislative Committee on Energy to conduct an interim study concerning the development of renewable energy and clean energy resources in this State. (BDR R-117)
AJR2* Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to require the recognition of all marriages regardless of gender. (BDR C-690)
ACR3 Memorializes former Assemblyman Bob Price. (BDR R-971)
AJR5* Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to remove the constitutional provisions governing the election and duties of the Board of Regents of the State University and to authorize the Legislature to provide by statute for the governance, control and management of the State University and for the reasonable protection of individual academic freedom. (BDR C-60)
SR5 Inducts Valerie Wiener into the Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1262)
SR6 Inducts Barbara Katherine Cegavske into the Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1261)
AJR6 Urges Congress to prevent the United States Census Bureau from adding a citizenship question to the 2020 decennial census. (BDR R-279)
SCR7 Celebrates the sister state relationship between the State of Nevada and Taiwan. (BDR R-1266)
SCR8 Memorializes former Nevada Attorney General and Nevada Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Springer. (BDR R-1259)
ACR9 Celebrates the Life of Assemblyman Odis “Tyrone” Thompson. (BDR R-1291)
AB147 Authorizes a physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse to perform certain services. (BDR 40-85)
SB151 Revises provisions related to certain proceedings concerning property. (BDR 3-516)
SB158 Revises the definition of the term “supervisory employee” for purposes of provisions relating to collective bargaining. (BDR 23-789)
SB160 Requires the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to adopt certain regulations concerning natural gas infrastructure. (BDR 58-909)
SB165 Makes various changes to provisions governing prescribing, dispensing and administering controlled substances designed to end the life of a patient. (BDR 40-292)
SB166 Revises provisions relating to employment. (BDR 18-5)
SB167 Revises provisions relating to public utilities. (BDR 58-911)
SB168 Revises provisions relating to energy efficiency standards for buildings. (BDR 58-912)
AB169 Establishes the Maternal Mortality Review Committee. (BDR 40-712)
AB170 Revises provisions relating to health insurance coverage. (BDR 57-278)
SB173 Revises provisions relating to criminal convictions of victims of sex trafficking and involuntary servitude. (BDR 14-595)
AB174 Establishes the Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing. (BDR 18-94)
SB175 Revises provisions relating to public works. (BDR 28-618)
SB177 Revises provisions relating to employment practices. (BDR 53-723)
SB178 Creates the Council on Food Security and the Food for People, Not Landfills Program. (BDR 18-57)
SB179 Revises provisions relating to abortions. (BDR 40-567)
AB186 Makes various changes related to elections. (BDR 24-678)
SB192 Revises provisions relating to health care. (BDR 53-781)
SB194 Establishes programs for certain persons of low-income and persons in foster care. (BDR 38-780)
SB196 Revises provisions relating to preferences in bidding for certain contracts for businesses based in this State. (BDR 28-66)
SB202 Revises provisions relating to children with disabilities. (BDR 34-685)
SB205 Requires the Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management of the Department of Administration to create a pilot program to award grants of money to certain governmental and nonprofit organizations. (BDR S-807)
SB207 Revises provisions governing apprentices. (BDR 28-740)
SB210 Revises provisions relating to energy. (BDR 58-307)
SB218 Revises provisions relating to domestic violence. (BDR 3-316)
SB220 Revises provisions relating to Internet privacy. (BDR 52-920)
SB223 Revises provisions relating to persons in need of care or assistance. (BDR 13-67)
SB231 Revises provisions relating to certain construction. (BDR 28-910)
SB245 Revises provisions relating to civil actions. (BDR 3-965)
SB254 Revises provisions relating to carbon reduction. (BDR 40-907)
SB256 Revises various provisions relating to landlords and tenants. (BDR 10-569)
SB261 Revises provisions relating to firearms. (BDR 15-21)
SB262 Makes various changes to provide for tracking and reporting of information concerning the pricing of prescription drugs for treating asthma. (BDR 40-55)
AB282 Revises the Charter of the City of Henderson. (BDR 24-939)
SB284 Creates the Advisory Task Force on HIV Exposure Modernization. (BDR S-742)
SB286 Revises provisions relating to aggregated sentences and eligibility for parole. (BDR 14-293)
SB287 Revises provisions governing public records. (BDR 19-648)
AB289 Revises provisions relating to the subject area of reading. (BDR 34-93)
SB293 Makes various changes relating to children who are victims of commercial sexual exploitation. (BDR 38-517)
SB310 Authorizes the creation of pilot programs for recycling beverage containers. (BDR 40-752)
SB311 Revises provisions prohibiting certain discriminatory practices against a person seeking credit. (BDR 52-1048)
SB340 Revises provisions relating to public works. (BDR 28-808)
SB361 Provides for the dispensing of self-administered hormonal contraceptives to any patient. (BDR 54-921)
AB363 Revises certain provisions relating to homeless youth. (BDR 43-1033)
SB364 Prohibits discrimination against and provides protection for patients or residents of certain facilities. (BDR 40-757)
SB370 Revises the State Plan for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program. (BDR 38-966)
SB386 Revises provisions governing certain tax exemptions for veterans. (BDR 32-737)
SB477 Prohibits the release of a child to a parent or guardian in a child welfare proceeding in certain circumstances. (BDR 38-1005)
SB489 Revises provisions relating to state and local business licenses. (BDR 7-137)
SB490 Requires the Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs to conduct a study related to disparities and unlawful discrimination in the awarding of certain contracts by the State or a local government. (BDR S-586)
SB491 Revises provisions concerning vehicles. (BDR 43-135)
SB493 Revises provisions relating to misclassification of employees. (BDR 53-1087)
SB547 Revises provisions relating to providers of new electric resources. (BDR 58-913)
SB557 Revises provisions relating to campaign practices. (BDR 24-1272)