Assemblymember Hanadi Nadeem

Party: Democratic

Legislative Service

  • Nevada Assembly, 2025 (first elected November 2024)—one regular session
  • 2025 SESSION COMMITTEES: Health and Human Services; Judiciary; Legislative Operations and Elections


  • Masters in English Literature, Advanced Diploma in Linguistics


Recreation: I am passionate about taking care of my fellow Nevadans, reading, writing, traveling, journaling
Born: Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Spouse: Nadeem Tariq

Primary Sponsor

AB123 Revises provisions relating to elections communications. (BDR 24-733)
AB170 Providing for the licensure of associate physicians and associate osteopathic physicians. (BDR 54-840)
AB278 Designates the month of July as Muslim American Heritage Month. (BDR 19-924)
AB289 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-320)
AB290 Revises provisions relating to prior authorization for medical or dental care under health insurance plans. (BDR 57-861)
AB297 Creates a program for the postnatal visitation of certain persons who have recently given birth. (BDR 40-838)
AB374 Establishes a workshop to promote mental health for pupils. (BDR 34-734)
AB393 Revises provisions governing hospitals. (BDR 40-839)
AB406 Makes various changes relating to health. (BDR 34-674)
AB454 Enacts a Smart Heart Law for public and private schools. (BDR 34-1029)


SCR1 Memorializes esteemed native Nevadan and lobbyist Kathleen “Neena” Laxalt. (BDR R-1028)
SB262 Revises provisions relating to graduate medical education. (BDR 18-120)
AB266 Makes revisions relating to breastfeeding. (BDR 40-595)
AB380 Revises provisions relating to mobile crisis teams. (BDR 39-1062)
AB417 Revises provisions relating to public safety. (BDR 43-647)
AB428 Requires certain health plans to include coverage for fertility preservation services. (BDR 57-915)